Spelling suggestions: "subject:"emporal love epilepsy"" "subject:"emporal lose epilepsy""
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Localisation et caractérisation du déroulement de la crise d'épilepsie temporale / Localization and characterization of the seizure development of temporal lobe epilepsyVélez-Pérez, Hugo Abraham 21 October 2010 (has links)
L’électroencéphalogramme (EEG) est un examen incontournable pour le diagnostic, la définition des structures cérébrales responsables de l’origine de crises et la classification des épilepsies. Cependant les enregistrements recueillis à la surface du scalp sont très perturbés par des artefacts et du bruit, ce qui complique considérablement l’interprétation clinique ou l’analyse automatique.Ce travail a pour objectif d’extraire des descripteurs des signaux d’EEG de surface qui peuvent conduire à la caractérisation de la dynamique spatio-temporelle des crises partielles du lobe temporal. Les estimateurs de relations inter-voies appliqués sont les méthodes linéaires paramétriques symétriques et non symétriques telles que l’inter-spectre (S), la cohérence (C), la Directed Transfert Function (DTF) ou la Partial Directed Coherence (PDC). Les relations sont estimées sur des EEG réels contenant une crise. La détection de fortes relations inter-voies est exploitée pour latéraliser puis caractériser la crise. Toutes les méthodes sont appliquées sur des signaux EEG bruts et prétraités. Une étape de prétraitement basée sur la séparation et classification de sources et le débruitage est mise en œuvre afin d’éliminer les artefacts et le bruit avec une perte minimale d’information en diminuant le risque de fausses détections de relations de connectivité inter-signaux. Les résultats obtenus sur 51 crises montrent que le prétraitement améliore la détection et le taux de bonnes latéralisations. Une méthode de couplage entre l’IS et les méthodes paramétriques directives (PDC et DTF) permet d’améliorer la caractérisation des crises / The electroencephalogram (EEG) is the essential clinical examination for the diagnosis, the definition of brain structures responsible of seizures and epilepsy classification. However, the signals collected on the surface of the scalp are very disturbed by artifacts and noise, which complicates the clinical interpretation or the automatic analysis. This work aims to extract descriptors of surface EEG signals that can lead to the spatio-temporal characterization of the temporal lobe seizures. The inter-channel relationship estimators applied are parametric linear methods, such as cross-spectrum (S), coherence (C), Directed Transfer Function (DTF) or Partial Directed Coherence (PDC). Relations are estimated on real EEG recordings containing a crisis. The detection of strong inter-channel relationships is exploited in order to lateralize and to characterize seizures. All methods are applied to raw and preprocessed EEG signals. A preprocessing step, based on the separation and classification of sources and denoising is implemented to remove artifacts and noise with a minimal loss of information by reducing the risk of false detections of inter-signal connectivity relationships. The results on 51 crises show that a signal preprocessing improves the detection and the rate of correct lateralization. A coupling method between S and directivity parametric methods (PDC and DTF) improves the characterization of crises
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Elektrophysiologische Untersuchungen zur physiologischen und pathologischen neuronalen Plastizität im SubikulumWozny, Christian 18 January 2005 (has links)
Im Subikulum der Ratte finden sich zwei unterschiedliche Typen von Pyramidalzellen, die sich auf Grund ihres intrinsischen Entladungsverhaltens unterscheiden. Die Funktion dieser beiden Zelltypen hinsichtlich der synaptischer Neurotransmission ist unklar. Bursterzellen und regulär feuernde Zellen zeigten nach tetanischer Reizung ein unterschiedliches Ausmaß der LTP. Neben der zellspezifischen Ausprägung der LTP fanden sich mehrere Hinweise auf eine zielspezifische Projektion der Efferenzen der vorgeschalteten Area CA1. Die durchgeführten Experimente legen den Schluss nahe, dass Axone von Pyramidalzellen der Area CA1 selektiv auf subikuläre Pyramidenzellen projizieren und so den hippokampalen Informationsfluss steuern und regulieren können. NMDA-Rezeptoren auf beiden Seiten des synaptischen Spaltes spielen hier eine besondere Rolle. Präsynaptische NMDAR der Untereinheit NR2B scheinen an der LTP in Bursterzellen beteiligt zu sein und über einen vermehrten Kalziumeinstrom in die Präsynapse eine langanhaltende Erhöhung der Transmitterausschüttung herbeizuführen. Ebenso zeigten sich abhängig von der Zielzelle Hinweise auf eine unterschiedliche Aktivierung der präsynaptischen Adenylylcyclase-cAMP Kaskade. In Pilokarpin-behandelten Tieren ließ sich nach hochfrequenter Reizung keine langanhaltende Potenzierung der synaptischen Antworten nachweisen. Stattdessen scheinen polysynaptisch latente Verbindungen mittels tetanischer Stimulation aktivierbar zu sein. In einigen Fällen waren diese polysynaptisch latenten Verbindungen per se, in anderen Fällen nach Blockade der GABAergen Neurotransmission aktiv. In Hirnschnittpräparaten von Patienten mit pharmakoresistenter Temporallappenepilepsie konnte im Subikulum spontane rhythmische Aktivität mit einer Frequenz von 0,75 bis 3 Hz aufgezeichnet werden. Diese Aktivität, bestehend aus EPSP/IPSP Sequenzen, wurde sowohl in sklerotischem als auch in nicht sklerotischem Gewebe gefunden. In beiden Gruppen korrelierte die in vitro Aktivität sehr gut mit dem präoperativen Auftreten elektroenzephalografisch detektierter interiktaler Aktivität. Die Blockade GABAerger oder glutamaterger Neurotransmission hob die inhibitorische bzw. exzitatorische Aktivität auf. Dies legt den Schluss nahe, dass sowohl Interneurone wie Pyramidalzellen an der spontanen rhythmischen Aktivität beteiligt sind. / The subiculum plays a key role in processing memory information from the hippocampus to different cortical and subcortical brain regions. Subicular pyramidal cells are classified as regular firing or bursting cells according to their responses to supra-threshold depolarizing current pulses. Synaptic terminals arising from CA1 pyramidal cells do not function as a single compartment but show a specialized synaptic plasticity onto subicular pyramidal cells depending on the discharge properties of the synaptic target. Tetanic stimulation of CA1 axons caused a significantly stronger long-term potentiation (LTP) in bursting cells than in regular firing cells. Postsynaptic bursting was not necessary for the enhanced synaptic potentiation in bursting cells. The LTP in bursting neurons was independent of postsynaptic calcium, induced by presynaptic NR2B-containing autoreceptors and mediated via a adenylyl cylcase-cAMP-dependent signaling cascade. In pilocarpine-treated animals subicular LTP was impaired. A long-lasting increase in synaptic transmission could not be observed after titanic stimulation neither in regular firing cells nor in bursting cells. In human brain slices resected from patients from with drug-resistant temporal lobe epilepsy the subiculum displayed spontaneous rhythmic activity. In sclerotic but also in non-sclerotic hippocampal tissue the subiculum showed cellular and synaptic changes which suffice to generate spontaneous rhythmic activity that is correlated with the occurrence and frequency of interictal discharges recorded in the electroencephalograms of the corresponding patients.
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Avaliação da expressão dos microRNAs-184, -190a-5p e -493-3p e sua correlação com o controle das crises epilépticas em pacientes operados por Epilepsia do Lobo Temporal Mesial / Evaluation of the microRNAs 184, -190a-5p and -493-3p expression and its correlation with epileptic crises control in Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy operated patientsRenata Nacasaki Silvestre 23 May 2016 (has links)
Introdução: A epilepsia pode ser considerada uma desordem neurológica causada pela anormalidade da transmissão de impulsos nervosos, devido ao aumento da excitação nervosa e/ou diminuição da sua inibição. Dentre as síndromes epilépticas, destaca-se a Epilepsia do Lobo Temporal Mesial (ELTM) devido a sua alta prevalência e refratariedade ao tratamento medicamentoso. Com intuito de implementar novas possibilidades de tratamento torna-se necessário uma maior compreensão das bases moleculares da ELTM. Dentro desta perspectiva, destacam-se os microRNAs, que possuem papel regulatório nas células, inclusive as do Sistema Nervoso Central. Com base em dados da literatura e num experimento de microarray, realizado no laboratório de Biologia Molecular do Departamento de Cirurgia e Anatomia da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto, foram escolhidos 3 dos 10 microRNAs, cujos alvos preditos estão relacionados à epileptogênese e que se apresentam diferencialmente expressos em hipocampos de pacientes com ELTM. Objetivos: avaliar a expressão diferencial de três microRNAs de interesse em hipocampos de pacientes operados por ELTM refratária ao tratamento clínico a fim de correlacionar os resultados em relação aos controles das crises epilépticas após a cirurgia. Metodologia: Foram utilizadas 15 amostras de hipocampo de pacientes com ELTM classificados como Engel I (boa evolução - nenhuma ou poucas crises convulsivas após lobectomia temporal parcial) e 15 amostras de hipocampos de pacientes classificados como Engel III/IV (má evolução - sem melhora evidente após tratamento cirúrgico). Como controles, foram utilizadas 10 amostras de hipocampo de pacientes sem doenças neurológicas, obtidas de necropsias do Serviço de Patologia do Hospital das Clínicas de Ribeirão Preto (HCFMRP). Por meio de técnica de PCR quantitativo em tempo real (RT-qPCR) foram realizadas as avaliações das expressões diferenciais dos seguintes microRNAs: miR-184, miR-190a-5p e miR-493-3p. Resultados: Em relação aos controles, o miR-184 e o miR190a-5p apresentaram-se, respectivamente, com redução significativa (p = 0,001) e com tendência a baixa expressão (p = 0,24) nos hipocampos de pacientes com ELTM. No que se refere ao controle das crises, o miR-184 apresentou-se significativamente mais expresso nos hipocampos de pacientes com pior evolução (Engel III/IV vs Engel I, p = 0,003). A expressão do miR-493-3p não se correlacionou com o controle de crises com significância estatística. Conclusão: Dentro os microRNAs avaliados, a expressão do miR-184, que possui importante papel na regulação de componentes celulares relacionados a apoptose e morte celular, correlacionou-se inversamente com o controle das crises após cirurgia (mais expresso em pacientes com má evolução) tornando-se potencial biomarcador e com valor preditivo / Introduction: Epilepsy is a neurological disorder caused by nerve impulse transmission abnormalities, by increasing nerve excitation and/or decreasing nerve inhibition. Among the epileptic syndromes, one of the most important ones is Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (MTLE) due to its high prevalence and resistance to drug treatment. A greater understanding of the epilepsy molecular basis is necessary aiming to implement new treatments possibilities. Within this field of study, it is possible to highlight the microRNA molecules, which have a regulatory role in cell regulation including in the Central Nervous System (CNS). Based on literature data and in an microarray experiment, performed in the Anatomy and Surgery Departament Molecular Biology laboratory of the Ribeirao Preto Medical School, we have chosen three out of ten microRNAs, with predicted targets related to epileptogenesis and that presented themselves differencially expressed in patients hippocampus with MTLE. Objective: To evaluate three microRNAs of interest which were differentially expressed in the hippocampus of MTLE drug-resistant operated patients in order to correlate the results with the clinical evolution based on the seizures control after surgery. Methodology: Fifteen hippocampus samples from patients with MTLE classified as Engel I (good evolution - without seizures or few seizures after surgical resection) and 15 samples from patients classified as Engel III/IV (bad evolution - no evident improvement after surgery) were used in this study. In the control group, we used ten samples of hippocampus fragments from patients without neurological diseases, that were obtained from the Ribeirao Preto Clinical Hospital Pathology and Legal Medicine Service. The differential expression validation from microRNAs-184, -190a-5p and -493-3p were performed by quantitative real time PCR (RT-qPCR) technique. Results: Regarding the controls, miR-184 and miR- 190a-5p showed, respectively, a significant expression reduction (p=0,001) and a decreased expression tendency (p=0,24) in MTLE patients. If we consider seizure control, miR-184 presented itself significantly upregulated in bad evolution hippocampus patients (Engel III/IV vs Engel I, p=0,003). miR-493-3p did not show expression differences with statistical significance. Conclusions: After evaluating the expression of these microRNAs, it was possible to conclude that microRNA-184, which regulates cellular death and apoptosis related components, was the best molecule that could differentiate the patients regarding seizure control after surgery, and that fact makes this microRNA a potential biomarker with predictive value
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Effets métaboliques et comportementaux à long terme de l'administration précoce de carisbamate dans le modèle d'épilepsie "lithium-pilocarpine" chez le rat / Long term metabolic and behavioral effects of early carisbamate administration in the rat lithium-pilocarpine model of epilepsyFaure, Jean-Baptiste 17 January 2014 (has links)
L’épilepsie du lobe temporal (ELT) est une pathologie neurologique sévère dont le fort taux de pharmacorésistance nécessite de nouveaux traitements. Le modèle lithium-pilocarpine modélise les caractéristiques et le développement de l’ELT. L’administration du carisbamate au début de l’épileptogenèse empêche l’apparition de l’ELT dans une sous-population de rats et la remplace par une épilepsie de type absence (ETA). L’évaluation cognitive effectuée durant la phase chronique a permis de distinguer les deux sous-populations : le groupe épilepsie de type absence ne développe pas le déficit cognitif sévère observé dans le modèle lithium pilocarpine. La spectroscopie du 13C n’a pas révélé de différence métabolique majeure entre les deux sous populations traitées, qu’elles développent une ELT ou une ETA. Ce travail souligne que l’administration précoce de carisbamate peut transformer l’ELT en une épilepsie moins sévère et fortement améliorer les comorbidités cognitives qui accompagnent l’ELT. / Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is a severe neurological disease with a high refractory rate, which requires new treatments. The lithium-pilocarpine model allows reproducing human TLE features and development. Carisbamate administration at epileptogenesis onset prevents TLE incidence in a rats’ subpopulation, which is substituted by absence-like epilepsy (ALE). Behavioral and cognitive assessment performed during chronic period allowed differentiating the two subpopulations: ALE group did not develop the severe cognitive impairment shown in the lithium-pilocarpine model. 13C spectroscopy did not show major metabolism difference between the two treated subpopulations, whatever they develop TLE or ALE. This work demonstrates that early carisbamate administration can induce a shift from TLE in a less severe epilepsy form, and can strikingly improve TLE-related cognitive comorbidities.
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Déficits cognitifs et altération de l'activité de réseau au cours de l'épileptogenèse dans un modèle expérimental d'épilepsie du lobe temporal / Cognitive deficits and network alterations during epileptogenesis in an experimental model of temporal lobe epilepsyChauviere, Laëtitia 02 April 2010 (has links)
L’épilepsie du lobe temporal (ELT) est la forme d’épilepsie partielle la plus fréquente chez l’adulte. Elle se caractérise par une période de latence pendant laquelle l’ELT se met en place. Cette période est appelée épileptogenèse. L’épileptogenèse reste une période inaccessible chez l’Homme. Cependant, les modèles animaux présentent l’avantage de pouvoir l’étudier, dans le but de prévenir l’ELT. Ainsi, mon travail de thèse a consisté à mettre en évidence des marqueurs prédictifs de l’épileptogenèse, sur le plan cognitif et électrophysiologique in vivo, à partir du modèle pilocarpine. Les résultats ont montré que dès le stade précoce de l’épileptogenèse, des déficits de mémoire spatiale corrélaient avec une diminution de la puissance des oscillations thêta chez les animaux pilocarpine, sans modification jusqu’au stade chronique. Au même stade, une diminution de la puissance et de la fréquence des oscillations thêta lors du comportement d’exploration a été observée. L’activité interictale, activité paroxystique présente chez les patients entre leurs crises et caractéristique du stade épileptogène dans les modèles animaux, ne corrèle pas directement avec les déficits cognitifs mais diminue la puissance des oscillations thêta dans l’onde après la pointe au cours de l’épileptogenèse mais plus au stade chronique, ce qui suggère une importante modification du réseau avant le stade chronique. On a également décrit deux types d’activité interictale dont les propriétés (amplitude, nombre) et la dynamique au cours du temps sont modifiées juste avant la première crise spontanée, ce qui pourrait constituer, comme les déficits spatiaux et l’altération du rythme thêta, un marqueur prédictif de l’épileptogenèse. De plus, une augmentation du couplage entre l’hippocampe et le CE est observée au cours de l’épileptogenèse mais plus au stade chronique, alors qu’une modification du flux de l’information entre ces deux structures au stade épileptogène précoce persiste jusqu’au stade chronique, indépendamment de la présence ou non d’activité interictale. Ces résultats mettent en évidence la construction d’un réseau épileptogène, un changement majeur du réseau avant la première crise spontanée, et des marqueurs qui pourraient être prédictifs de l’épileptogenèse. L’ELT, les oscillations et les fonctions cognitives faisant intervenir des propriétés de réseau, tels les processus de synchronisation, l’enregistrement de 15 structures au sein du lobe temporal a montré, à partir du modèle pilocarpine, un réseau doté de caractéristiques plus « small-world » (SW) qui tendrait à se synchroniser plus localement, avec une perte des connexions longue distance. Ces résultats pourraient expliquer les altérations de réseau observées précédemment au cours de l’épileptogenèse. L’analyse SW et de cohérence, à l’échelle de ce réseau de structures, lors de différents états (comportementaux, processus cognitifs), mettent en évidence des changements de la dynamique lors de ces états, en conditions normales et pathologiques. Toutes ces modifications de réseau doivent être sûrement recrutées dans la mise en place d’un cerveau épileptique et des altérations cognitives associées. / Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of partial epilepsy in adults. TLE is characterized by a latent period during which TLE takes place. This period is called epileptogenesis. In TLE patients, epileptogenesis is unexplored. However, the use of animal models, like pilocarpine model, allows the study of epileptogenic processes, in order to try to prevent TLE. Thus, my PhD work tries to yield some predictive markers of epileptogenesis, in the pilocarpine model. We studied cognitive and electrophysiological in vivo alterations in this model. We showed that there are early and persistent spatial deficits that correlate with a decrease of the power of theta oscillations, i.e. during the early stage of epileptogenesis and the chronic stage. At the same time, there is also a decrease of power and frequency of theta rhythm during exploratory behaviors. Interictal-like activity (ILA) is a pathological activity present during epileptogenesis in experimental models. ILA does not correlate with cognitive deficits, but decreases theta power after the spike, i.e. in its wave, during epileptogenesis but not during the chronic stage anymore. This suggests an important network alteration before the chronic stage. Indeed, we described two types of ILA, whose properties (number, amplitude) and dynamics evolved during epileptogenesis with a major switch just before the first spontaneous seizure. All together, these results may constitute, with spatial deficits and theta rhythm alterations, predictive markers of epileptogenesis. Moreover, we showed an increase in the coupling, ILA-dependent, between the hippocampus and the entorhinal cortex, during epileptogenesis but not during the chronic stage, whereas a reversal of the information flow between these two structures occurs at the early stage of epileptogenesis and persists without any modification till the chronic stage. These results suggest the build-up of an epileptogenic network, a major switch of network properties just before the first spontaneous seizure, and some markers that could be predictive of epileptogenesis. TLE, oscillations and cognition involved processes at the network level, in particular synchronization processes. These processes could be possible via oscillations, which allow information transfer between structures of the network, in order to provide behavioral and cognitive processing. Recordings performed in 15 different structures of the temporal lobe showed, in pilocarpine animals, a network with more “small-world” (SW) features, with a higher local clustering and a loss of long-range connections. These results could explain cognitive and oscillatory alterations observed previously during epileptogenesis. SW and coherence analysis, at the network level, between signals during different brain-states (behaviors and cognitive processes) showed changes in dynamics occurring during these states, in normal and epileptogenic conditions. All these modifications in network activities may be involved in the construction of an epileptic brain and in associated cognitive deficits.
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Sprachlateralisierung bei Epilepsiepatienten: Ein Vergleich der Ergebnisse funktioneller Magnetresonanztomografie (BOLD MRT) mit denen der Diffusionstensorbildgebung (DTI) / Speech lateralisation in epilepsy patients and healthy controls: comparing the results of functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imagingBonnkirch, Dorothee 28 January 2014 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde durch die Kombination zweier nichtinvasiver MR-Methoden in vivo untersucht, ob sich die funktionelle Sprachlateralisierung in einer strukturellen Asymmetrie der weißen Substanz widerspiegelt. Dafür wurden die Ergebnisse einer Patientengruppe mit Temporallappenepilepsie mit den Ergebnissen einer gesunden Kontrollgruppe verglichen. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass mittels BOLD MRT eine Sprachlateralisierung in der grauen Substanz nachgewiesen werden kann, die mit einem strukturellen Korrelat in der weißen Substanz der sprachdominanten Hemisphäre einhergeht. Dieses Korrelat konnte als Asymmetrie der Mikrostruktur der weißen Substanz in DTI-Messungen belegt werden.
Darüber hinaus konnte bewiesen werden, dass Patienten mit einer Temporallappenepilepsie im Vergleich zu gesunden Probanden eine atypische Lateralisierung der Sprachaktivierung im Broca-Areal aufweisen, die von einer gleichsinnig atypischen strukturelle Asymmetrie der weißen Substanz im Broca-Areal begleitet wird.
Die These, dass eine funktionelle Sprachlateralisierung mit einer mikrostrukturellen Veränderung der weißen Substanz assoziiert ist, wird durch die vorliegende Arbeit sowohl für die gesunden Kontrollprobanden als auch für die Patienten mit einer fokalen Epilepsie bestätigt.
Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zeigen, dass DTI-Messungen eine sinnvolle Ergänzung zu BOLD MRT-Messungen in der Bestimmung der sprachrelevanten Areale darstellen können. Sprachlateralisierung könnte mit ihrer Hilfe in Zukunft exakt und nichtinvasiv bestimmt werden. Es stellte sich jedoch auch heraus, dass das in der vorliegenden Arbeit angewendete Verfahren in der Praxis sehr aufwendig ist, ohne eine entschieden höhere Aussagekraft über die Sprachlateralisierung zu erbringen. In dieser Form wird die nichtinvasive Bildgebung den Wada-Test als Goldstandard für den klinischen Alltag noch nicht ersetzen können.
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Rôle des récepteurs glutamatergiques dans l'activité épileptiforme des interneurones inhibiteurs de l'hippocampeSanon, Nathalie T. 12 1900 (has links)
Les patients atteints d'épilepsie du lobe temporal (TLE) ainsi que les rats injectés à l'acide kaïnique (KA) exhibent des patrons pathophysiologiques similaires de crises, de sclérose de l'hippocampe et de perte de certains types neuronaux. Parmi les cellules atteintes dans le modèle KA du TLE on retrouve certains interneurones inhibiteurs du CA1. En effet, certains interneurones des couches oriens et alveus (O/A-IN) meurent suite à une injection de KA chez le rat, contrairement aux interneurones à la bordure des couches radiatum et lacunosum/moleculare (R/LM-IN) de la même région. Bien que cette perte soit empêchée par des antagonistes des récepteurs glutamatergiques métabotropes de groupe I (mGluR1/5), la cause de cette perte sélective des O/A-INs reste à être précisée. Au cours des travaux de cette thèse, nous avons effectué des enregistrements de patch-clamp en configuration cellule-entière en modes courant- et voltage-imposé couplés à l'imagerie calcique pour étudier les causes de la vulnérabilité sélective des O/A-INs dans ce modèle. Dans un premier temps, nous avons évalué les effets d'une application aiguë de KA sur les propriétés membranaires et calciques pour voir s'il y avait des différences entre les O/A-INs et R/LM-INs qui pourraient expliquer la vulnérabilité. Nos résultats montrent que les dépolarisations et variations de résistance d'entrée ainsi que les augmentations de calcium intracellulaire, dépendantes principalement des récepteurs -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxasole propionic acid (AMPA), sont similaires entre les deux types d'interneurones suite à des applications aigües de KA. Ceci indique que l'effet aigu du KA sur les interneurones ne serait pas la cause de la vulnérabilité des O/A-INs. Dans un second temps nous avons comparé l'implication des sous-types de récepteurs mGluR1 et 5 dans l'activité épileptiforme des deux types d'interneurones évoquée dans un modèle de tranche désinhibée. Dans ce cas, nos données montrent un rôle important des mGluR1 et 5 activés synaptiquement lors des décharges épileptiformes et ce, de manière spécifique aux O/A-INs. Les courants synaptiques sous-tendant ces décharges impliquent des récepteurs ionotropes et métabotropes du glutamate. En présence d'antagonistes des récepteurs ionotropes glutamatergiques, les courants synaptiques sont biphasiques et formés de composantes rapide et lente. Les récepteurs mGluR1 et 5 sont différemment impliqués dans ces composantes: les mGluR5 étant impliqués dans les composantes rapide et lente, et les mGluR1 que dans la composante lente. Ces résultats indiquent que les mGluR1 et 5 contribuent différemment à l'activité épileptiforme, et spécifiquement dans les O/A-INs, et pourraient donc être impliqués dans la vulnérabilité sélective de ces interneurones dans le modèle KA. / Temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients, as well as kainic acid (KA)-treated rodents, display similar pathophysiological patterns of behavioural seizures, hippocampal sclerosis and loss of certain neuronal types in the hippocampus. Among the cell types selectively vulnerable in the experimental KA model of TLE are certain inhibitory interneurons of the CA1 hippocampal region. Specifically, interneurons located in the oriens and alveus layers (O/A-IN) are lost following KA injections, whereas interneurons found in the radiatum/lacunosum-moleculare layers (R/LM-IN) are resistant. Although it has been shown that the group I metabotropic glutamate receptor (mGluR1/5) inhibitors can block this cell loss seen in the KA model, the precise cause of the selective O/A-IN vulnerability remains to be clarified. In this thesis, we have performed whole-cell patch-clamp recordings with simultaneous calcium imaging in an effort to elucidate the cause of the selective vulnerability of O/A-INs. We first determined the effects of acute KA applications on membrane properties and intracellular calcium rises in hippocampal slices to see if they might be different between O/A-INs and R/LM-INs. Our results reveal similar -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxasole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor dependent membrane depolarizations, input resistance variations and calcium reponses in these cells following KA applications, suggesting that acute KA actions may not cause the selective vulnerability of O/A-INs. Furthermore, we evaluated the contribution of mGluR1/5 to epileptiform discharges evoked in a disinhibited slice model, comparing responses between O/A-INs and R/LM-INs. Our data show an important role of synaptically activated mGluR1/5 during epileptiform discharges specifically in O/A-INs. In addition we show that the synaptic currents underlying these discharges involve ionotropic and metabotropic glutamate receptors. In the presence of antagonists of ionotropic glutamate receptors, synaptic currents are biphasic and composed of fast and slow components. mGluR1 and mGluR5 are involved differently in these components with mGluR5 implicated in fast and slow components and mGluR1 in the slow component only. Our findings therefore suggest that mGluR1 and 5 contribute differently to epileptiform discharges, and do so specifically in O/A-INs, suggesting that their activation may contribute to the selective vulnerability of these interneurons in the KA model of TLE.
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Caractérisation physiologique et génétique des épilepsies d'origine focale chez l'humain et dans les modèles animauxMartin, Caroline 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Avaliação por imagem por tensor de difusão do corpo caloso em pacientes com epilepsia mesial temporal e esclerose hipocampal / Diffusion tensor imaging of the CC of patients with mesial temporal epilepsy and hippocampal sclerosisKatarina Paz de Lyra 23 June 2015 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Epilepsia do lobo temporal mesial (ELTM) por esclerose hipocampal (EH) é a forma de epilepsia focal mais comum na idade adulta e a causa mais frequente de refratariedade ao tratamento clínico. Apesar de se tratar de uma patologia da substância cinzenta, alguns estudos, por meio da imagem por tensor de difusão (diffusion tensor imaging-DTI), têm demonstrado alteração da substância branca temporal e extratemporal nestes pacientes. O corpo caloso (CC) é a maior comissura cerebral conectando áreas corticais homólogas de ambos os hemisférios cerebrais e tem sido implicado na propagação da atividade epiléptica. O objetivo principal do presente estudo foi avaliar possíveis alterações no CC de pacientes com ELTM-EH pela técnica de DTI e verificar se essas dependem da lateralidade da EH e da concordância entre os exames de ressonância magnética (RM) e os exames de vídeo-eletroencefalograma (EEG). Como objetivo secundário, também avaliou-se se estas alterações se correlacionavam com alguma variável clínica ou com as medidas volumétricas do CC. MÉTODOS: 42 pacientes com ELTM-EH (idades: 20-54 anos) e 30 voluntários saudáveis como grupo controle (idades: 18-53 anos) realizaram exame de RM de crânio, sendo obtidas sequências de DTI com 32 direções de gradiente e imagens volumétricas ponderadas em T1. Os pacientes foram também divididos em subgrupos: EH à direita e EH à esquerda, e em pacientes concordantes e discordantes. Os valores de anisotropia fracionada (AF), difusividade média (DM), difusividade axial (DA), difusividade radial (DR) e os dados volumétricos foram extraídos a partir de cinco segmentos obtidos automaticamente na secção sagital do CC. Foram realizadas comparações dos parâmetros de DTI no CC entre os grupos de pacientes e controles, e entre os subgrupos de pacientes. Foram investigadas correlações entre os parâmetros do tensor de difusão e as variáveis clínicas. As alterações volumétricas no CC dos pacientes com ELTM-EH bem como a correlação dessas alterações com as anormalidades de difusão também foram avaliadas. Considerou-se um valor de p < 0,05 como estatisticamente significativo. RESULTADOS: Nas regiões anterior, médio-posterior e posterior do CC dos pacientes, observaram-se redução da AF e aumento da DM e da DR, em relação aos controles. A DA manteve-se inalterada. Não foram demonstradas diferenças nos padrões de alteração de difusão entre os pacientes com EH à direita e com EH à esquerda, nem entre pacientes concordantes e discordantes. Não foram observadas correlações significativas entre os parâmetros do tensor de difusão com a idade ao evento inicial, idade de início da epilepsia, tempo de doença, tempo de epilepsia, período de latência e frequência de crises. No entanto, pacientes que apresentaram crise febril como evento precipitante inicial exibiram maior intensidade e extensão das alterações de difusão. Observou-se redução volumétrica difusa do CC, sendo demonstrada correlação negativa significativa entre DM e DR, e o volume nos segmentos central, médio-posterior e posterior, e, ainda, entre DA e volume do segmento posterior. Nós observamos, ainda, correlação negativa significativa entre o volume e o tempo de epilepsia, e o tempo de doença. CONCLUSÕES: Houve alteração dos parâmetros de DTI em áreas específicas do CC e redução volumétrica difusa desta estrutura. Tais anormalidades parecem ser secundárias à propagação das crises epilépticas ao longo de vias específicas anatômica ou funcionalmente relacionadas aos lobos temporais promovendo alterações secundárias na substância branca cerebral. O histórico de crise febril está relacionado a maior intensidade e extensão de acometimento do CC / INTRODUCTION: Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) with hippocampal sclerosis (HS) is the most common form of focal epilepsy in adults and it is frequently associated with refractoriness to medical treatment. Although epilepsy is considered a grey-matter disease, abnormalities in the temporal and extra-temporal white matter have been identified in these patients with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). The corpus callosum (CC) is the major white matter tract connecting both cerebral hemispheres and has been implicated as an important route of spread of epileptic activity. The first goal of this study was to detect DTI abnormalities in specific areas of the CC in patients with MTLE-HS and to verify if these abnormalities depend on the laterality of the HS and on the concordance between the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and video-electroencephalogram (EEG). As a second goal we assessed if DTI results were correlated with any clinical variable or volumetric changes of the CC. METHODS: 42 patients (age: 20-54 years) and 30 healthy controls (age:18-53 years) were submitted to brain MRI. DTI sequences with 32 gradient encoding directions and volumetric T1-weighted images were obtained. Additionally, we grouped the patients in left sided and right sided HS and in concordant and discordant HS. Mean values of fractional anisotropy (FA), mean diffusivity (MD), axial diffusivity (AD), radial diffusivity (RD) and volumetric results were extracted from five segments at the midsagittal section of the CC obtained through automatic segmentation. Comparisons of DTI parameters of the CC were performed between patients and controls and between subgroups of patients. Correlations between DTI parameters and clinical findings were calculated. We also evaluated volume abnormalities of the CC in MTLE-HS patients and the correlations between these abnormalities and DTI changes. We considered a value of p <0.05 statistically significant. RESULTS: Our study showed that, when HS patients was compared to controls, the FA was lowest in the anterior, mid-posterior and posterior subregions of the CC. MD and RD were higher in these same segments. No changes were observed in AD. No differences in the CC DTI parameters were detected between right-sided HS and left-sided HS or between concordant and discordant HS patients. Age at initial event, age at epilepsy onset, duration of disease, duration of epilepsy, latency period and seizure frequency were not significantly correlated with the DTI parameters. However, patients who had febrile seizures as initial event exhibited greater intensity and extent of DTI changes. All segments demonstrated volume reduction compared to controls. Significant negative correlation was demonstrated between MD and RD and the volume in the central, midposterior and posterior segments of the CC, and between AD and volume of the posterior segment. We also demonstrated negative correlation between volume and duration of disease and duration of epilepsy. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed diffusion abnormalities in specific areas of the CC and diffuse atrophy in patients with unilateral HS, which may be secondary to seizures propagation along specific pathways leading to secondary changes in brain white matter. The history of febrile seizure is related to greater involvement of the CC
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Interferindo com oscila??es de alta frequ?ncia no hipocampo epil?ptico: consequ?ncias para as crises espont?neasFarias, Kelly Soares 21 September 2012 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2012-09-21 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / Crises epil?pticas s?o eventos parox?sticos do sistema nervoso central (SNC) caracterizadas por uma descarga el?trica neuronal anormal, com ou sem perda de consci?ncia e com sintomas cl?nicos variados. Nas epilepsias do lobo temporal as crises tem in?cio focal, em estruturas do sistema l?mbico. Dados cl?nicos e experimentais mostram que essas regi?es apresentam morte neuronal (esclerose hipocampal), reorganiza??o sin?ptica (brotamento aberrante das fibras musgosas) e gliose reativa, sendo esses marcadores biol?gicos da zona epileptog?nica. Registros extracelulares mostram que al?m das altera??es anat?micas mencionadas acima, a zona epileptog?nica tamb?m apresenta oscila??es de alta frequ?ncia patol?gicas (pOAF). As pOAF s?o oscila??es transientes (50 100 ms de dura??o), de baixa amplitude (200 μV - 1.5 mV) e de frequ?ncias vari?veis (80 800 Hz). A rela??o entre essas oscila??es e a g?nese das crises espont?neas ainda ? desconhecida. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da estimula??o el?trica intracerebral (EIC) nas pOAF e frequ?ncia de crises espont?neas de animais cronicamente epil?pticos (modelo da epilepsia do lobo temporal). Atualmente, a EIC ? utilizada no tratamento de dist?rbios do movimento (e.g., doen?a de Parkinson) e em alguns casos de dor cr?nica, e experimentalmente, no tratamento das epilepsias de dif?cil controle. A hip?tese de trabalho dessa disserta??o ? de que a indu??o de depress?o de longa dura??o por EIC, ao reduzir a excitabilidade neuronal local, modular? as pOAF, bem como a frequ?ncia de crises espont?neas. Para isso, comparamos as caracter?sticas espectrais das pOAF e a frequ?ncia de crises espont?neas antes e depois de um protocolo de 12 horas de estimula??o el?trica de baixa frequ?ncia (0,2 Hz) aplicado na via perforante. De fato, esse protocolo reduziu a amplitude do potencial de a??o coletivo registrado no giro denteado (GD) do hipocampo dorsal em 45% (amplitude m?dia da primeira e da ?ltima hora de estimula??o: 7,3 ? 3,0 mV e 4,1 ? 1,5 mV, respectivamente; p<0,05; teste t). O monitoramento cont?nuo do potencial de campo local, realizado no GD e em CA3 simultaneamente, mostrou que o protocolo de estimula??o empregado foi eficaz em (i) aumentar a dura??o (64,6 ? 9,3 ms vs. 70,5 ? 11,5 ms) e reduzir (ii) a entropia (3,72 ? 0,28 vs. 3,58 ? 0,30), (iii) o ?ndice pOAF (0,20 ? 0,08 vs. 0,15 ? 0,07) e (iv) o modo espectral (237,5 ? 15,8 Hz vs. 228,7 ? 15,2 Hz) das pOAF (valores do GD, expressos como m?dia ? desvio-padr?o, para os per?odos pr? e p?s estimula??o respectivamente; p<0,05; teste t). Ainda, este protocolo reduziu significativamente a frequ?ncia de crises espont?neas (1,8 ? 0,4 vs. 1,0 ? 0,3 crises/hora; pr? e p?s estimula??o, respectivamente; p<0,05; teste t). Curiosamente, observamos um aumento na dura??o m?dia das crises espont?neas ap?s o t?rmino do protocolo (39,7 ? 6,0 vs. 51,6 ? 12,5 s; pr? e p?s estimula??o respectivamente; p<0,05; teste t). Estes resultados sugerem que a redu??o da excitabilidade neuronal, por meio de protocolos de estimula??o el?trica, altera o perfil espectral das pOAF. Esse efeito foi acompanhado de redu??o na frequ?ncia de crises espont?neas. Apesar de preliminar, o presente trabalho contribui para o refinamento de terapias baseadas em EIC para indiv?duos com epilepsia
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