Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tendinopathy"" "subject:"tedinopathy""
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Effekten av excentrisk träning vid epikondyalgi-en systematisk litteraturstudie / The effect of eccentric training for patients with epicondylalgia-a systematic reviewNiemelä, Jonna January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Tendinopati är en vanlig diagnos hos patienter inom primärvården, en av de vanligare formerna av tendinopati är epikondyalgi. Det är oklart vad som är den mest effektiva behandlingen för epikondyalgi. Studier har visat lovande resultat av enbart excentrisk träning (ET) samt som del av kombinationsbehandling. Det var därför relevant att kartlägga vilken effekt excentrisk träning har vid epikondyalgi. Syfte: Kartlägga och sammanställa aktuell forskning gällande evidensen för effekten av ET på smärta och funktion vid epikondyalgi. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie. Litteratursökning genomfördes i databaserna PubMed, Cinahl, Web of Science samt Scopus. Åtta artiklar inkluderades. Dessa kvalitétsgranskades enligt PEDro, varefter den sammanvägda evidensen bedömdes enligt GRADE. Resultat: De inkluderade studiernas kvalité enligt PEDro varierade från medelhög till hög. Begränsat vetenskapligt underlag för att ET inte minskar smärta vid lateral epikondyalgi (LE). Otillräckligt vetenskapligt underlag för att ET ökar funktion vid LE. Otillräckligt vetenskapligt underlag för en jämförelse av ET i olika former eller som del av kombinationsbehandling. Inga resultat för medial epikondyalgi framkom. Slutsats: ET har inte någon effekt på smärta vid LE. Det finns otillräcklig vetenskaplig grund för effekten på funktion vid LE. Interventionerna, i studierna som jämförde ET i olika former eller utvärderade kombinationsbehandlingar, skilde sig åt vilket gjorde att sammanvägningen av dessa resultat inte var möjlig. Vidare forskning behövs för att kunna fastställa effekterna av excentrisk träning vid epikondyalgi. / Background: Tendinopathy is a common diagnosis in primary care, a common form of tendinopathy is epicondylalgia. However, the most effective treatment for epicondylalgia is undetermined. Studies have shown promising results in regard to eccentric training (ET) as a stand-alone treatment as well as adjunct to other treatments. It is therefore relevant to map the effect of ET for patients with epicondylalgia. Objective: Map and compile current evidence on the effect of ET on pain and function for patients with epicondylalgia. Methods: A systematic review. A search was conducted in the PubMed, Cinahl, Web of Science and Scopus database. Eight articles were included. These were assessed for quality according to the PEDro scale and the evidence was assessed according to GRADE. Results: The quality of the included studies ranged from medium to high. Limited evidence showed that ET does not reduce pain for patients with lateral epicondylalgia, LE. Insufficient evidence showed that ET improves function. The evidence on the comparison of ET in different forms or in combination with other treatments was insufficient. No results emerged for medial epicondylalgia. Conclusion: ET does not reduce pain for patients with LE. There is insufficient evidence on the effect of ET on function for patients with LE. Studies comparing different forms of ET alone or in combination with other treatments have used different interventions, preventing the aggregation of results. Further research is needed to determine the effects of ET for patient with epicondylalgia.
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Är excentrisk träning den bästa behandlingen för akillestendinopati? : En systematisk litteraturstudie / Is eccentric exercise the best treatment for achilles tendinopathy? : A systematic reviewTrogen, Josefin, Ringmar, Clara January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Besvär från akillessenan är ett vanligt problem hos såväl motionärer som elitidrottare och kan leda till båda smärta och funktionsförlust. Excentrisk träning är en vanlig behandlingsmetod i klinik, trots att evidensen är begränsad och motstridig. Syfte: Att kartlägga vilken evidens som finns för excentrisk träning som behandling av akillestendinopati. Metod: Systematisk litteraturstudie. Sökningen genomfördes i databasen PubMed. Studierna granskades med PEDro-skalan och den sammanlagda evidensen graderades enligt GRADEstud. Resultat: Litteratursökningen resulterade i att 7 studier med totalt 448 deltagare inkluderades. Studierna fick medelhög-hög kvalitet enligt PEDro. Evidensen för excentrisk träning vid 8-16 veckor var måttligt hög (+++) och vid 52 veckor mycket låg (+). Excentrisk träning hade en lägre effekt än hälinlägg och akupunktur mätt med VISA-A vid 8-16 veckor. Effekten av excentrisk träning mätt med VISA-A hade en likvärdig effekt som passiv stretch och tung långsam styrketräning vid 8-16 veckor. Vid 52 veckor var effekten mätt med VISA-A densamma av excentrisk träning som proloterapiinjektioner och tung långsam styrketräning. Konklusion: Excentrisk träning kan ha en effekt vid achillestendinopati. Effekten är densamma som eller lägre sett till poäng på VISA-A än andra behandlingsmetoder och skulle kunna bero på naturlig läkning över tid eller deltagandet i en studie. Evidensen för excentrisk träning graderades vid 8-16 respektive 52 veckor till måttligt hög (+++) och mycket låg (+). Detta grundar sig på studier av medelgod till hög kvalitet. / Background: Achilles tendon issues is a common problem among athletes on all levels. The problem can cause pain and loss of function. Eccentric exercise is a somewhat gold standard and often used in the clinical setting although the level of evidence is limited and conflicting. Objective: Map the evidence of eccentric exercise as a treatment for achilles tendinopathy. Method: A systematic review. The search was conducted in the Pubmed database. The included studies were analyzed using the PEDro scale and the evidence was graded using the GRADEstud. Results: The literature search identified 7 studies that were included with a total of 448 participants. The studies received a moderate-high quality on PEDro. The level of evidence at 8-16 weeks was moderate (+++) and at 52 weeks very low (+). Eccentric exercise had a lower effect than heel lifts and acupuncture measured with VISA-A. Eccentric exercise had a similar effect on VISA-A as passive stretch and heavy slow resistance. At 52 weeks the effect of eccentric exercise was the same as prolotherapy injections and heavy slow resistance. Conclusion: Eccentric exercise might have an effect as treatment for achilles tendinopathy, but the effect is the same or lower than other treatment options measured with VISA-A and might depend on the natural healing process or the participation in a study. The level of evidence for eccentric exercise was graded at 8-16 and 52 weeks respectively, as moderate (+++) and very low (+). This is based on studies of moderate to high quality.
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Muscle Loading Treatments for Achilles TendinopathyEasley, Dylan Cole 07 February 2025 (has links)
Tendinopathies are common, painful, and debilitating injuries that can be challenging to treat. Current treatment methods are limited to surgery, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, dry needling, and injectable therapeutics, platelet rich plasma and corticosteroids. Unfortunately, these existing treatments display poor long-term outcomes and have an increased risk of reinjury. Additionally, the healing mechanism for injured tendons forms scar tissue which is characterized by disrupted extracellular matrix rather than complete injury resolution. These structural changes impact the mechanical properties of tendon, reducing their capacity to transfer and store energy, making them inferior to uninjured tendons. The reduced mechanical properties increase the risk of rupture, exacerbating this debilitating disease and decreasing quality of life. Physical therapy (eccentric loading) decreases the symptoms of tendinopathy and restores Achilles tendon functionality. However, the mechanism by which these mechanical stimulations induce healing is poorly understood. There is a clinically relevant motivation to better understand the healing cascade in response to eccentric exercises. We aim to identify and characterize the effects of eccentric rehabilitative muscle loading on the Achilles tendon and gastrocnemius muscle complex using our preclinical TGF-ß1-induced murine model of Achilles tendinopathy. To accomplish our objective, we tested three muscle loading magnitudes (50%, 75%, and 100% body weight), over three treatment durations (1, 2, and 4 weeks) to determine their effects on tendon healing. Age-matched injured/untreated and naïve groups accompanied each loading magnitude and duration period. The functional biomechanical properties, morphological adaptations, transcriptomic response, and muscle strength of the Achilles tendon were assessed.
Injured/untreated tendons had a significantly increased cross-sectional area compared to naïve and all loading groups at 2 and 4 weeks. Maximum stress and elastic modulus of injured/untreated tendons were significantly lower compared to naïve and all loading groups after 4 weeks. Gastrocnemius muscle strength was maintained over time as loading magnitude increased. Force output was lower after 2 weeks at 100% body weight loading compared to the naïve group, then recovered to naïve levels after 4 weeks. Histological findings included increased cross-sectional area, matrix disorganization, and increased cellular density of injured/untreated tendons. The transcriptomic evaluation revealed several patterns of expression among exercised groups. Biological processes associated with exercised groups revealed genes responsible for inflammation, extracellular matrix organization, and cell to cell signaling. Overall, eccentric muscle loading improved tendon geometry and material properties compared to naïve levels and improved muscle strength over time. Morphological evaluation also showed improvements in cross-sectional area, and collagen orientation, and cell appearance after 2 and 4 weeks of eccentric loading. Similarly, the transcriptomic changes showed an effect from exercise and upregulation of genes essential for extracellular matrix organization, inflammatory regulation, and cell to cell signaling. / Doctor of Philosophy / Tendons are connective tissues that join muscle to bone to facilitate movement. Tendons are prone to injury because of their consistent use for daily activities. The Achilles tendon is particularly at risk for injury since it is responsible for walking, running, and jumping, making it susceptible to overuse. Current treatment methods such as surgery and pain relief medication can provide immediate symptomatic relief, but have limited long-term success. Physical therapy provides relief of symptoms of chronic Achilles tendinopathy and improves the tendon healing response. Eccentric-based exercises (lengthening of the muscle while it contracts) are known as 'heel drops' and have been the most successful physical therapy technique to improve Achilles tendon healing. However, the way these rehabilitative exercises facilitate healing is poorly understood. It is difficult to determine the exact methods of healing because the required frequency and amount of exercise varies between patients, and recovery times can take weeks or months. In this research, we aim to better characterize how different 'heel drop' routines improve tendon healing, providing a foundation for determining the intensity and duration of rehabilitative exercises that can be applied for better clinical outcomes.
To examine the effects of different eccentric-based loading profiles, we used a previously developed mouse model of chronic Achilles tendinopathy and customizable muscle stimulation device to simulate human physical therapy exercises at different intensity levels: full body weight (100%), assisted body weight (75%), and half body weight (50%). Prior to beginning treatments, we induced a tendon injury that mimics human injury and measured muscle strength before any exercise was performed. Mice were then introduced to muscle loading treatments that mimic clinical exercise routines: 3 sets of 10 heel drops, performed twice a week for 1-, 2- or 4-weeks. After the final day of exercise, muscle strength was measured again to see how the heel drop exercises impacted the muscle tissue. Tendons were collected and the mechanical properties, histologic changes, and transcriptomic adaptations were evaluated. Eccentric-based exercises improved the mechanical properties injured tendons and improved the architecture compared to injured/untreated controls. Injured tendons without treatment had inferior tendon mechanical properties and inferior structural changes. We also saw improved tissue changes and upregulation of genes responsible for tendon healing after exercise compared to naïve or injured/untreated mice. Our research demonstrates that performing consistent eccentric-based exercises for 2 or more weeks positively impacts tendon healing.
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Estudo histológico e biomecânico da tendinopatia induzida por injeções seriadas de colagenase: novo modelo experimental no tendão do calcâneo de coelho / Histological and biomechanical study of tendinopathy induced by serial injections of collagenase: a new experimental model in the Achilles tendon of rabbitsCesar Netto, Cesar de 16 May 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar os achados biomecânicos e anatomopatológicos de um modelo animal inédito de tendinopatia do tendão do calcâneo, induzido por injeções seriadas de baixa dose da enzima colagenase bacteriana, com o modelo mais comumente utilizado na literatura, induzido por injeção única de maior dose da enzima, e com os controles. A hipótese é que a utilização de injeções seriadas resultaria em alterações tendíneas mais progressivas e duradouras, similar à doença nos humanos. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e cinco (N=45) coelhos foram randomizados em três diferentes grupos de estudo (A, B e Controles). Animais do Grupo A (n=18) foram submetidos a três injeções seriadas de baixa dose de colagenase (0,1mg), em ambos os tendões do calcâneo, separadas por intervalo de duas semanas. Animais do Grupo B (n=18) foram injetados com dose única de maior dose (0,3mg). Já no Grupo Controle, animais (n=9) foram injetados bilateralmente com três doses seriadas de solução fisiológica 0,9%. Após a última injeção, foi realizada eutanásia do mesmo número de animais dos Grupos A e B (n=6), com 10 semanas (Subgrupos A1 e B1), 12 semanas (Subgrupos A2 e B2) e 16 semanas (Subgrupos A3 e B3). Todos os animais do Grupo controle foram eutanasiados após 16 semanas. Alterações anatomopatológicas, pelo escore de Bonar, e biomecânicas foram comparadas entre os grupos e dentro de cada grupo, para os diferentes momentos de eutanásia. Valores de p < 0,05 foram considerados estatisticamente significativos. RESULTADOS: Após 16 semanas, o escore anatomopatológico de Bonar foi significativamente maior para ambos os Grupos A (11,8±2,28) e B (5,6±2,51), quando comparados aos controles (2±0,76). Os valores para o grupo A também diferiram do Grupo B (p < 0,001). Para os desfechos biomecânicos, os grupos diferiram quanto à área de secção transversa do tendão (p=0,003), módulo de elasticidade (p=0,024), e tensões no limite da elasticidade (p=0,020) e na resistência máxima (p=0,022), com piores resultados encontrados nos animais do Grupo A. Na semana 12, também houve diferença entre os Grupos A e B para o escore anatomopatológico de Bonar (p=0,028) e para a tensão no limite da elasticidade(p=0,013), novamente com piores resultados no Grupo A. Já na 10a semana, foram os coelhos do Grupo B que demonstraram alterações mais pronunciadas quando comparados aos do Grupo A, com diferença significativa no Escore de Bonar (p=0,033), área de secção transversa do tendão (p=0,038), rigidez (p=0,048), módulo de elasticidade (p=0,024), força, tensão, energia e densidade de energia no limite da elasticidade (p=0,008, p=0,020, p=0,047 e p=0,0015, respectivamente) além de força e tensão no limite da resistência máxima (p=0,004 e p=0,008, respectivamente). A comparação dos desfechos dentro de cada grupo, entre os diferentes subgrupos, apresentou diferenças significativas no escore de Bonar em ambos os grupos A (p=0,012) e B (p < 0,001). Parâmetros biomecânicos não diferiram entre os subgrupos do Grupo A. Já os subgrupos do grupo B apresentaram diferenças na área de secção transversa do tendão (p=0,011), módulo de elasticidade (p=0,024), tensão no limite da elasticidade (p=0,023) e da resistência máxima (p=0,031), assim como na a densidade de energia no limite da elasticidade (p=0,017), com resultados mais pronunciados no subgrupo B1. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo animal de tendinopatia do tendão calcâneo induzida por injeções seriadas de colagenase apresentou alterações anatomopatológicas e biomecânicas mais avançadas na 16a semana, de caráter progressivo e duradouro, similar à doença dos humanos. Tal modelo experimental pode representar uma melhor opção na indução da tendinopatia do tendão do calcâneo, possibilitando a realização de estudos promissores no futuro / INTRODUCTION: This study aims to compare the biomechanical and histological findings of a new animal model of Achilles tendinopathy induced by serial low-dose injections of bacterial collagenase with the most commonly used high-dose single injection and to controls. The hypothesis of the study is that consecutive low-dose injections of collagenase would result in more progressive and long-lasting tendinopathic findings, reproducing better the disease in humans. METHODS: Forty-five (N=45) rabbits were randomly divided into three groups (A, B and Control). Animals in Group A (n=18) underwent three serial low-dose (0,1mg) injections of bacterial type I collagenase in both Achilles tendons, separated by a two-week interval. Animals in Group B (n=18) underwent bilateral single high dose injection (0,3mg) of the same enzyme. In the Control Group, animals (n=9) were injected bilaterally with three consecutive doses of saline solution, separated by a two-week interval. Following the last injection, the same number of rabbits from Groups A and B (n=6) were euthanized after 10 weeks (Subgroups A1 and B1), 12 weeks (Subgroups A2 and B2), and 16 weeks (Subgroups A3 and B3). Animals in the Control Group were all euthanized after 16 weeks. Histological findings, using the Bonar tendinopathy score, and biomechanical properties of the Achilles tendons were compared between the groups and inside each the group, in the different time-points of euthanasia. Findings at 16 weeks were considered primary outcomes. P-values < 0,05 were considered significant. RESULTS: After 16 weeks, the Bonar score was significantly increased for both Groups A (11,8±2,28) and B (5,6±2,51), when compared to controls (2±0,76). Group A has also differed from Group B (p < 0,001). Regarding biomechanical findings, groups differed in cross-sectional area of the Achilles tendon (p=0,003), Young\'s modulus (p=0,024), Yield stress (p=0,020) and ultimate tensile strength (p=0,022), with the worst results in animals from Group A. At 12 weeks, comparison between Groups A and B have shown significant differences for Bonar score (p=0,028) and Yield stress (p=0,013), again with worse results in Group A. Conversely, at 10 weeks, rabbits in Group B showed worse results when compared to Group A, with significant differences in the Bonar score (p=0,033), cross sectional area of the tendon (p=0,038), stiffness (p=0,048), Young\'s modulus (p=0,024), Yield tension (0,008), Yield stress (p=0,020), energy Yield (p=0,047), ultimate tension (p=0,004), ultimate stress (p=0,008) and yield strain energy density (p=0,015). The comparison of outcomes inside each group, in the different time-points of follow-up, demonstrated significant differences in the Bonar score for Group A (p=0,012) and Group B (p < 0,001). Regarding biomechanical properties, Group A showed no differences between the subgroups for any of the parameters evaluated. Subgroups in Group B differed for cross-sectional area of the tendon (p=0,011), Young\'s modulus (p=0,024), Yield stress (p=0,023), ultimate stress (p=0,031) and yield strain energy density (p=0,017), with worst results in the earliest follow-up (Subgroup B1). CONCLUSIONS: The animal model of Achilles tendinopathy induced by consecutive injections of collagenase showed worse histological and biomechanical properties after 16 weeks, demonstrating more progressive and long lasting tendinopathic findings, reproducing better the disease in humans. This novel experimental model can represent a better option to induce Achilles tendinopathy, allowing promising future research on the subject
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Estudo histológico e biomecânico da tendinopatia induzida por injeções seriadas de colagenase: novo modelo experimental no tendão do calcâneo de coelho / Histological and biomechanical study of tendinopathy induced by serial injections of collagenase: a new experimental model in the Achilles tendon of rabbitsCesar de Cesar Netto 16 May 2017 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: Este estudo tem como objetivo comparar os achados biomecânicos e anatomopatológicos de um modelo animal inédito de tendinopatia do tendão do calcâneo, induzido por injeções seriadas de baixa dose da enzima colagenase bacteriana, com o modelo mais comumente utilizado na literatura, induzido por injeção única de maior dose da enzima, e com os controles. A hipótese é que a utilização de injeções seriadas resultaria em alterações tendíneas mais progressivas e duradouras, similar à doença nos humanos. MÉTODOS: Quarenta e cinco (N=45) coelhos foram randomizados em três diferentes grupos de estudo (A, B e Controles). Animais do Grupo A (n=18) foram submetidos a três injeções seriadas de baixa dose de colagenase (0,1mg), em ambos os tendões do calcâneo, separadas por intervalo de duas semanas. Animais do Grupo B (n=18) foram injetados com dose única de maior dose (0,3mg). Já no Grupo Controle, animais (n=9) foram injetados bilateralmente com três doses seriadas de solução fisiológica 0,9%. Após a última injeção, foi realizada eutanásia do mesmo número de animais dos Grupos A e B (n=6), com 10 semanas (Subgrupos A1 e B1), 12 semanas (Subgrupos A2 e B2) e 16 semanas (Subgrupos A3 e B3). Todos os animais do Grupo controle foram eutanasiados após 16 semanas. Alterações anatomopatológicas, pelo escore de Bonar, e biomecânicas foram comparadas entre os grupos e dentro de cada grupo, para os diferentes momentos de eutanásia. Valores de p < 0,05 foram considerados estatisticamente significativos. RESULTADOS: Após 16 semanas, o escore anatomopatológico de Bonar foi significativamente maior para ambos os Grupos A (11,8±2,28) e B (5,6±2,51), quando comparados aos controles (2±0,76). Os valores para o grupo A também diferiram do Grupo B (p < 0,001). Para os desfechos biomecânicos, os grupos diferiram quanto à área de secção transversa do tendão (p=0,003), módulo de elasticidade (p=0,024), e tensões no limite da elasticidade (p=0,020) e na resistência máxima (p=0,022), com piores resultados encontrados nos animais do Grupo A. Na semana 12, também houve diferença entre os Grupos A e B para o escore anatomopatológico de Bonar (p=0,028) e para a tensão no limite da elasticidade(p=0,013), novamente com piores resultados no Grupo A. Já na 10a semana, foram os coelhos do Grupo B que demonstraram alterações mais pronunciadas quando comparados aos do Grupo A, com diferença significativa no Escore de Bonar (p=0,033), área de secção transversa do tendão (p=0,038), rigidez (p=0,048), módulo de elasticidade (p=0,024), força, tensão, energia e densidade de energia no limite da elasticidade (p=0,008, p=0,020, p=0,047 e p=0,0015, respectivamente) além de força e tensão no limite da resistência máxima (p=0,004 e p=0,008, respectivamente). A comparação dos desfechos dentro de cada grupo, entre os diferentes subgrupos, apresentou diferenças significativas no escore de Bonar em ambos os grupos A (p=0,012) e B (p < 0,001). Parâmetros biomecânicos não diferiram entre os subgrupos do Grupo A. Já os subgrupos do grupo B apresentaram diferenças na área de secção transversa do tendão (p=0,011), módulo de elasticidade (p=0,024), tensão no limite da elasticidade (p=0,023) e da resistência máxima (p=0,031), assim como na a densidade de energia no limite da elasticidade (p=0,017), com resultados mais pronunciados no subgrupo B1. CONCLUSÃO: O modelo animal de tendinopatia do tendão calcâneo induzida por injeções seriadas de colagenase apresentou alterações anatomopatológicas e biomecânicas mais avançadas na 16a semana, de caráter progressivo e duradouro, similar à doença dos humanos. Tal modelo experimental pode representar uma melhor opção na indução da tendinopatia do tendão do calcâneo, possibilitando a realização de estudos promissores no futuro / INTRODUCTION: This study aims to compare the biomechanical and histological findings of a new animal model of Achilles tendinopathy induced by serial low-dose injections of bacterial collagenase with the most commonly used high-dose single injection and to controls. The hypothesis of the study is that consecutive low-dose injections of collagenase would result in more progressive and long-lasting tendinopathic findings, reproducing better the disease in humans. METHODS: Forty-five (N=45) rabbits were randomly divided into three groups (A, B and Control). Animals in Group A (n=18) underwent three serial low-dose (0,1mg) injections of bacterial type I collagenase in both Achilles tendons, separated by a two-week interval. Animals in Group B (n=18) underwent bilateral single high dose injection (0,3mg) of the same enzyme. In the Control Group, animals (n=9) were injected bilaterally with three consecutive doses of saline solution, separated by a two-week interval. Following the last injection, the same number of rabbits from Groups A and B (n=6) were euthanized after 10 weeks (Subgroups A1 and B1), 12 weeks (Subgroups A2 and B2), and 16 weeks (Subgroups A3 and B3). Animals in the Control Group were all euthanized after 16 weeks. Histological findings, using the Bonar tendinopathy score, and biomechanical properties of the Achilles tendons were compared between the groups and inside each the group, in the different time-points of euthanasia. Findings at 16 weeks were considered primary outcomes. P-values < 0,05 were considered significant. RESULTS: After 16 weeks, the Bonar score was significantly increased for both Groups A (11,8±2,28) and B (5,6±2,51), when compared to controls (2±0,76). Group A has also differed from Group B (p < 0,001). Regarding biomechanical findings, groups differed in cross-sectional area of the Achilles tendon (p=0,003), Young\'s modulus (p=0,024), Yield stress (p=0,020) and ultimate tensile strength (p=0,022), with the worst results in animals from Group A. At 12 weeks, comparison between Groups A and B have shown significant differences for Bonar score (p=0,028) and Yield stress (p=0,013), again with worse results in Group A. Conversely, at 10 weeks, rabbits in Group B showed worse results when compared to Group A, with significant differences in the Bonar score (p=0,033), cross sectional area of the tendon (p=0,038), stiffness (p=0,048), Young\'s modulus (p=0,024), Yield tension (0,008), Yield stress (p=0,020), energy Yield (p=0,047), ultimate tension (p=0,004), ultimate stress (p=0,008) and yield strain energy density (p=0,015). The comparison of outcomes inside each group, in the different time-points of follow-up, demonstrated significant differences in the Bonar score for Group A (p=0,012) and Group B (p < 0,001). Regarding biomechanical properties, Group A showed no differences between the subgroups for any of the parameters evaluated. Subgroups in Group B differed for cross-sectional area of the tendon (p=0,011), Young\'s modulus (p=0,024), Yield stress (p=0,023), ultimate stress (p=0,031) and yield strain energy density (p=0,017), with worst results in the earliest follow-up (Subgroup B1). CONCLUSIONS: The animal model of Achilles tendinopathy induced by consecutive injections of collagenase showed worse histological and biomechanical properties after 16 weeks, demonstrating more progressive and long lasting tendinopathic findings, reproducing better the disease in humans. This novel experimental model can represent a better option to induce Achilles tendinopathy, allowing promising future research on the subject
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En kamp om identitet, tilltro och kontroll - En deskriptiv intervjustudie om erfarenheter av att leva med och rehabilitera patellatendinopati / A struggle of identity, trust and control - A descriptive interview study about the experience of living with and rehabilitating patellar tendinopathyLindén, Erwin, Arnmark, Joakim January 2021 (has links)
BakgrundPatellatendinopati (PT) är förekommande hos personer som tränar rekreativt och bland elitidrottare men förekomsten bland inaktiva är okänd. Forskningen på PT har huvudsakligen varit fokuserad på de fysiska begränsningarna av tillståndet med viss framgång på utfall som smärta och funktion genom olika träningsprotokoll. Men PT tenderar att bli långvarigt och långt ifrån alla blir bra. Internationellt vetenskapligt konsensus inom tendinopati menar att det saknas kunskap om tillstånden ur ett bredare biopsykosocialt hänseende. Hittills har såvitt studieförfattarna vet, inga studier utforskat vilka erfarenheter personer med PT har av att leva med och rehabilitera besväret.SyfteAtt utforska erfarenheterna av att leva med och rehabilitera PT hos personer som rekreativt tränar/idrottar.MetodDetta är en deskriptiv intervjustudie med semi-strukturerade intervjuer där en kvalitativ induktiv ansats användes. En tematisk analys utfördes med en semantisk och induktiv inriktning. Totalt rekryterades tio deltagare.ResultatFem huvudteman identifierades ur datan: (1) Hot mot identiteten, (2) Att inte kunna leva sitt liv fullt ut, (3) En ogynnsam relation till smärta, (4) Att känna makt över sin situation återgav kontroll (5) Avgörande för rehab var att se helheten och inte bara ett knä.SlutsatsPT visar sig kunna vara ett tillstånd som innehåller ett större lidande utöver de uppenbara fysiska begränsningarna. Bland personerna som deltog framkom flertalet negativa kognitiva och emotionella erfarenheter och maladaptiva beteenden i relation till smärtan. Resultaten kan argumenteras ha en viktig klinisk innebörd. Omhändertagandet av PT bör ske personcentrerat med ett förhållningssätt förankrat i att smärta har en biopsykosocial inverkan. Av metodologiska skäl ska överförbarheten till en bredare population dock tolkas med viss försiktighet. / BackgroundPatellar tendinopathy (PT) is common within an active population, especially elite athletes, but less is known about the presence among sedentary people. Previous research has focused on the physical impairments with modest effect on outcomes like pain and function through different training protocols. Nonetheless, PT tends to be persistent and many fail to recover. Current international consensus highlights the lack of knowledge of tendinopathy through a biopsychosocial perspective. No studies have explored people with PT and their experiences with living and rehabilitating the condition.PurposeTo explore the experiences of living with and rehabilitating PT among people who exercise or do sports recreationally.MethodA descriptive interview study with semi-structured online interviews was performed. A total of 10 participants participated. A thematic analysis was performed with a semantic and inductive procedure.ResultsFive main-themes were identified from the data: (1) Threatened identity, (2) Not being able to live your life to the fullest, (3) A adverse relationship with pain, (4) To feel in charge over ones situation brought back control (5) To be seen as a whole and not just a knee was crucial to rehab.ConclusionPT has a larger impact beyond the physical impairments. Negative cognitions and emotions coupled with maladaptive behaviours in relation to the pain emerged to a considerable degree. These results could have an important clinical message, that the management of PT would benefit from being person-centred where the biopsychosocial impact of pain is acknowledged. Caution should be taken in regards to this study's transferability to a wider population due to methodological aspects.
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The role of glutamate in rotator cuff tendinopathy : glutamate in rotator cuff tendinopathyDean, Benjamin J. F. January 2015 (has links)
Thesis questions: • Is the glutaminergic system altered in rotator cuff tendinopathy? • Is the glutaminergic system altered by common treatments? • Are glutaminergic changes related to pain symptoms? • What are the effects of glutamate and glutamate receptor modulation on tendon derived cells? Summary answers: • The glutaminergic system is altered in rotator cuff tendinopathy • Changes within this system are seen after common treatments • Specific glutaminergic changes are associated with the resolution of pain following shoulder surgery but do not predict the severity of pain symptoms • Glutamate has significant effects on tendon derived cells. What is known: It is known that extracellular glutamate concentrations are increased in both Achilles and patellar tendinopathy. It has also been previously shown that the glutamate receptors NMDAR1 and mGluR5 are upregulated in patellar tendinopathy. What this thesis adds: This thesis has shown for the first time that glutamate and NMDAR1 are increased in rotator cuff tendinopathy. Increases in cell proliferation, vascularity and HIF1α are seen after surgical rotator cuff repair and these features are not seen after glucocorticoid injection. There are significant differences between painful and pain-free rotator cuff tendons in terms of glutamate receptor expression (KA1, mGluR7 and mGluR2) and inflammatory cell numbers (CD45 and CD206). Exposure to 1.875mM glutamate for 72 hours results in reduced cell viability, decreased collagen (COL1A1 and COL3A1) and increased aggrecan gene expression; NMDAR antagonism with MK-801 attenuates the deleterious effect on cell viability but had no effect on the changes in matrix gene expression. Bias, confounding and other reasons for caution: The observational histological work was limited by the control tissue. Some control tissue was not age matched, while some of the pain-free control tendons were post-surgical intervention. Confounding factors include tendon structure, length of symptoms and previous treatments. Caution must be applied when discussing the in vivo implications of the in vitro work.
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L'effet de la réadaptation physique post-opératoire sur la guérison tendineuse : étude chez le lapin en tant que modèle animalLecavalier, Julie January 2009 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.
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Tendinopatie achillovy šlachy jako důsledek funkčních poruch pohybového aparátu / Tendinopathy of the Achilles' heel as effect of functional disorder of thelocomotive systemMostecká, Dagmar January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the Achilles tendinopathy, and particularly with its etiopatogenetics. The theoretical part includes information about the Achilles tendon, tendinopathy of Achilles tendon and a summary of dysfunctions of the locomotor system. We assumed that the dysfunction of the locomotor system is the main etiopatogenetic factor of the Achilles tendinopathy, and that it results in changes of its position and loading. In the practical part we tried to reveal these dysfunctions by examination of seven patients, and to prove its main etiopatogenetic influence by a successfull therapy. The aim of the thesis was to point out the importance of the examination as well as the therapy of the locomotor systems function. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Mise en place d'un modèle animal de tendinopathie précoce de la coiffe des rotateurs de l'épaule en vue de développer et valider des outils technologiques préventifs et thérapeutiques / Establishment of an animal model of early tendinopathy of the shoulder rotator cuff in order to develop and validate technological preventive and therapeutic toolsAttia, Mohamed 12 June 2012 (has links)
Les tendinopathies sont la première cause de maladie professionnelle en France. Elles sont devenues une préoccupation majeure de santé publique. Cependant, leurs mécanismes physiopathologiques restent encore mal définis. Au cours de cette thèse, nous nous sommes intéressés aux phases précoces de la tendinopathie engendrées par une sur-utilisation du tendon supra-épineux (tSE) de la coiffe de rotateurs de l’épaule chez le rat. Nous avons tenté de comprendre les mécanismes à l’origine de cette pathologie afin de pouvoir agir et la traiter en amont de l’apparition des symptômes.Nous montrons que le profil d’évolution moléculaire des collagènes, des protéoglycanes et des glycosaminoglycanes (GAGs) associé aux phases précoces de la sur-utilisation, témoigne d’un profond remaniement matriciel et d’une différenciation chondroïde des fibroblastes tendineux. Nous avons identifié les métalloprotéinases (MMPs) majeures et leurs inhibiteurs (TIMPs) susceptibles d’être impliqués dans ce remaniement. Nos résultats suggèrent que le mécanisme lésionnel initial et les changements matriciels observés sont dus à un processus induit par des médiateurs locaux libérés par les ténocytes et non à une réaction inflammatoire. Enfin, nous avons cherché à établir une corrélation entre les changements moléculaires observés et le degré de sévérité d’une tendinopathie diagnostiquée chez l’Homme. Nous avons montré, sur des échantillons de tendon patellaire humain une relation entre la quantité des GAGs et le score (VISA score) reflétant le degré pathologique du tendon.Cette étude nous a donc permis d’améliorer nos connaissances des phases précoces du processus d’altération du tSE. Cependant, d’importants efforts restent néanmoins à accomplir dans la caractérisation de la pathogenèse précoce notamment pour préciser le contexte biomécanique qui la génère. / Tendinopathies are the first cause of professional diseases in France. They are a major public health concern. However, their physiopathological mechanisms remain poorly understood. This project aimed at investigating the early stages of supraspinatus tendinopathy caused by overuse. Using a rat animal model, we attempted to understand the mechanisms behind this disease in order to act and treat the symptoms upstream of their onset.We have shown that the molecular changes of collagens, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) associated with the early events of overuse attest a major matrix remodeling and chondrogenic differentiation of tendon cells. We identified the main metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors (TIMPs) that may be involved in this remodeling. Our results further suggest that the initial mechanisms linked to the observed matrix changes are due to local mediators release by tenocytes rather than an inflammatory process. Finally, we attempted to correlate molecular changes observed during overuse with the severity of the tendinopathy diagnosed in humans. We have shown a relationship between the amount of GAGs and the pathological score (VISA score) on human patellar tendons.This study improved our knowledge of the early pathological events of the supraspinatus tendon. However, more remains to be done for characterizing the early stages of tendinopathy especially to clarify the biomechanical context up-stream.
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