Spelling suggestions: "subject:"termisk"" "subject:"termiska""
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Biogasprocessen : Bestämning av verkningsgradThomassen, Martin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Biogas is increasingly used for fuel in for example vehicles and it´s produced in a biogas processconsisting of the steps of pretreatment, digestion and gas cleaning. The pretreatment is a method usedto increase the gas production and / or destroy pathogens. The digestion is the stage when anaerobicmicroorganisms convert bio-mass of a substrate to a raw gas containing about 65% of methane. Thegas cleaning is used to increase the methane content to about 97% so the gas can be used for motors invehicles. The biogas part of the Ekeby sewage plant in Eskilstuna is using multiple substrates. Sewagesludge is mostly used but also other substrates, like food waste. The time for processing is in average25 days before the content is taken out for drying and finally for use as cover material. The producedgas will be cleaned in a water scrubber before pressurization and after that used as fuel for vehicles.The usage of support energy in the biogas process is essentially district heating, electricity and oil. Theoverall efficiency term is the energy produced in the gas minus the supporting energy divided with theenergy from possible biogas production of the substrates. For calculation of a continuous process thefact that there is always a part of the substrates which not will be digested has to be considered.Another thing to think about is that the inserted energy as material will not be converted to gasimmediately, several days is needed. In 2009 the overall efficiency in Ekeby biogas plant was inaverage 70.5%, and the value was higher during the summer than the winter. Calculation of overallefficiency of a biogas plant will always involve some uncertainties because differences of thecomposition of the substrates, the condition of the micro-organisms, digestion of many substrates atthe same time etc.</p>
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Absorptionskyla i Linköpings energisystem : kompressorkyla vs absorptionskyla / Absorption Cooling in the Energy System of LinköpingPauline, Ekoff, Johanna, Lund January 2006 (has links)
<p>Huvudsyftet med arbetet har varit att undersöka potentialen för värmedriven kylproduktion, dvs. absorptionskyla, i Linköpings energisystem. Bakgrunden är att många energibolag söker efter nya avsättningsområden för fjärrvärme pga. det överskott på värme som finns sommartid i energisystem med kraftvärme. Dessutom förväntas elpriserna fortsätta stiga då Sverige med stor sannolikhet kommer att följa resten av Europa och gå från ett energidimensionerat system till ett effektdimensionerat system. Till följd av detta blir energieffektiviserande åtgärder allt viktigare och absorptionskyla innebär att mer el kan produceras i ett system med kraftvärme, istället för att konsumeras.</p><p>Det finns två typer av absorptionskylmaskiner (ABS) tillgängliga på marknaden, antingen har de fjärrvärme eller ånga som drivmedel. Den typ av ABS som drivs av fjärrvärme lämpar sig för produktion av komfortkyla, dvs. kyla som inte behöver komma ned till så låga temperaturer. Ångdriven ABS kan däremot komma ned till lägre temperaturer, något som kan passa vid processkyla. En förutsättning för absorptionskyla är tillgång till billig värme/ånga. Tekniska Verken har tack vare avfallsförbränning tillgång till billig värme. Ångan i systemet produceras däremot idag med olja och el, något som gör det dyrare att generera absorptionskyla med hjälp av ånga.</p><p>En fallstudie utfördes på de två industrierna Linköpingsmejeriet och Swedish Meats där anslutningsmöjligheterna för absorptionskyla undersöktes. Främst behovet av processkyla har undersökts då det var betydligt större än behovet av komfortkyla. Ett antal fall med olika förutsättningar för att tillgodose dessa kylbehov till de båda industrierna har simulerats i MODEST. Utifrån de resultat som erhållits har följande slutsatser dragits.</p><p>• I dagsläget finns inte tillräckligt med ångproduktion i systemet för att tillgodose både det befintliga ångbehovet samt den mängd ånga som behövs för att framställa kylan.</p><p>• En investering i nya biopannor till ett kraftvärmeverk kan ge tillräcklig mängd billig ånga och värme för att ge lönsamhet i värmedriven kylproduktion.</p><p>• Koldioxidutsläppen, lokala såväl som globala, minskar som en följd av övergång från el-kompressorer till absorptionskylmaskiner. En investering i nya biopannor skulle minska utsläppen ytterligare, då fossilt bränsle ersätts.</p><p>• En investering i en litiumbromid absorptionskylmaskin är inte lönsam vid en så pass liten efterfråga som har varit aktuellt i de undersökta fallen.</p> / <p>The main purpose of this thesis has been to look in to the potential of a production of district cooling using heat as the source of power, i.e. absorptions cooling, in the energy system of Linköping. In the light of the fact that many energy companies are looking for new markets for district heating due to the surplus of heat in the summertime in an energy system with CHP (Combined Heat and Power). Furthermore, the price on electricity is expected to continue to rise since Sweden is most likely to follow Europe’s lead and embrace a power dimensioned energy system. As a result of that transition, energy efficient measures will be more important and absorption cooling implies that more electricity can be produced, instead of consumed, in a CHP system.</p><p>There are two different types of absorption cooling machines available in the market, with either district heating or steam as the source of power. A machine using district heating as the source of power is most suitable to produce comfort cooling i.e. the cold does not need to attain such low temperatures. A steam driven absorption cooling machine is able to attain the very low temperatures needed for cooling used in the processing industry. A condition for absorption cooling is the access to low-cost heat/steam. Tekniska Verken (an energy company) has due to waste incineration access to low-cost heat. The steam in the energy system is produced with oil and electricity, which makes it more expensive to generate absorption cooling with steam as the power source.</p><p>A casestudy was preformed at two industries in Linköping, Linköpingsmejeriet and Swedish Meats, where the possibility for connection of district cooling was examined. Mainly the cooling needed in the processing industry has been examined as this is need is considerably larger than the need for comfort cooling. A number of cases with different conditions for producing district cooling have been simulated in MODEST. The following conclusions have been drawn based on the results of the simulations.</p><p>• In the energy system of today there is not enough steam production to fulfil both the current need for steam and the amount of steam needed for cooling production.</p><p>• An investment in new CHP-plants using biomass fuels will generate enough heat and steam to be profitable for cooling production using heat as a source of power.</p><p>• The emission of carbon dioxide will decrease as a result of the transmission from compression cooling to absorption cooling. The emission will decrease further if an investment in new CHP plants with biomass fuels is carried out. This will then replace the use of fossil fuels.</p><p>• An investment in lithium bromide absorptions cooler will not be profitable with such a small demand as the one in question.</p>
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Simulation and Evaluation of Two Different Skin Thermocouples : A Comparison made with Respect to Measured TemperatureLundh, Joel January 2007 (has links)
<p>The demand for more accurate measurements is increasing in today’s industry. One reason for this is to optimize production and thus maximize profits. Another reason is that in some cases government regulations dictate that supervision of certain parameters must be followed. At Preemraff Lysekil there are basically four reasons for measuring skin temperatures inside fired process heaters, namely; because of government regulations, in order to estimate the load of the fired process heater, to estimate the lifetime of the tubes inside the fired process heater and finally, to determine the need of decoking. However, only the first three of these reasons are applied to H2301/2/3. The current skin thermocouple design has been in use for many years and now the question of how well it measures surface temperature has risen. Furthermore a new weld-free design is under consideration to replace the old skin thermocouple design. Another question is therefore how well the new design can measure the surface temperature under the same operating conditions as the old one. In order to evaluate this, three–dimensional computer simulations were made of the different designs. As this thesis will show, the differences in calculated skin thermocouple temperature and calculated surface temperature is about the same for the two designs. However, the current design will show a lower temperature than the surface temperature, while the new design will show a higher temperature. Regarding the core of the skin thermocouple designs, namely the thermocouple, no hard conclusions can be drawn, although the industry appears to favor type ’N’ over type ’K’.</p>
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Skingrad dimma : energikartläggning på Högskolan i Halmstad / The fog is cleared : energy survey at Halmstad UniversityRydström, Petter, Eriksson, Anders January 2010 (has links)
<p>Samhällets normer och riktlinjer är att dagens byggnader ska minska sinenergianvändning för att erhålla en bättre energiprestanda. För att möjliggöra detta harnya lagar tagits fram för att säkerställa att så är fallet. Högskolan i Halmstad (HH) beståridag av 18 byggnadskroppar, var och en med sin egna unika energianvändning. För att fåen helhetsblick över HHs energisituation har mätvärden för fjärrvärme, kyla samt el tagitsfram. Uppgiften att få fram dessa mätvärden har varit mödosam då flera instanser frånbåde HH, leverantören samt fastighetsförvaltaren har behövt rådfrågas. Dessa mätvärdenhar behandlats utefter riktlinjer från Boverket angående hur energideklarationer skautfärdas. Där har dock funnits mätvärden som ej har kunnat erhållas, detta beroende av attflera byggnader delade på samma anslutningspunkt, detta har gjort att en uppdelning påhur mycket energi varje byggnad använder sig av har varit omöjlig att svara på. Vid dessasituationer har de byggnadernas energianvändning samt ytor slagits samman för att sedanbli behandlade som en byggnad. Ytterliggare förenklingar har förekommit frånleverantören då flera kunder har delat på samma anslutningspunkt där separata mätareinte har existerat. Vid dessa tillfällen har leverantören fördelat energianvändningenprocentuellt mellan kunderna, en fördelning som uppfattas som hämmande förenergieffektiviserings åtgärder. Fördelning av denna typ påvisar inte den verkligaenergianvändningen i en specifik byggnad. Vid jämförelse av de mätvärden sominhämtats från leverantören och de utförda energideklarationerna har flera felaktigheterpåträffats. I energideklarationerna har förväxling av ytor förekommit. Även renaförsummande av kyla har förekommit. Det slutgiltiga resultatet visar på att HHsbyggnader har högre energianvändning än vad de dokument som enligt samhället skasäkerställa den energiprestanda varje byggnad innehar.</p> / <p>Society's standards and guidelines say that today's buildings shall reduce their energyconsumption to obtain a better energy performance. To make this possible new laws havebeen formulated to ensure that this is the case. Halmstad University (HH) consists of 18building cells, each with has its own unique energy usage. To get an overall image overHH’s energy situation, the values for heating, cooling and electricity have been collected.The task of obtaining these values has been difficult were multiple instances in HH, theenergy provider and the property manager has been consulted. These values have beentreated along the guidelines of the National Housing Board on how the energyconsumption documents should be created. There have been some values that areunobtainable, the reason for this is because several buildings shared the same connectionpoint for heating, cooling and energy, because of this a breakdown of how much energyeach building uses have been impossible to answer. In these situations all of the buildingsenergy consumptions and surfaces have been pooled and then been treated as onebuilding. Further simplification has been made. In some instances many differentcustomers have shared the same connection point even though separate meters for eachcustomer have not existed. On these occasions the energy provider has divided the energyconsumption between the energy customers only with the means of a fixed percentage, adistribution that is perceived as a disincentive to energy efficiency measures.Distributions of this type do not show the actual energy usage in a specific building.When comparing the values obtained from the energy provider and the energyconsumption documents, several errors were found. Some of the building surfaces havebeen switched. Even pure neglections have occurred. The final result shows that HH’sbuildings have higher energy consumption than the documents that society refers to tooensure that the energy performance of each building is known.</p>
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Energy flow survey of Ljusdals municipalityFredlund, Thomas, Shoshtari, Salahedin January 2008 (has links)
<p>The aim of this project is to make an energy flow survey of Ljusdal’s municipality. The reason for the energy flow survey is to discover possibilities to utilize and refine the energy resources locally, and use the information from this survey as a base for further discussions about the energy situation in Ljusdal’s municipality. As it is today the raw material is transported to other municipalities for processing and then bought back, e.g. biomass is transported to other municipalities where they make pellets which are sold back to consumers in Ljusdal’s municipality. A local upgrading of the raw material will probably create more job opportunities in the municipality and it will probably also lead to a higher profit than just selling the raw material. The target groups for this study are the local (and regional) politicians and entrepreneurs, primarily in Ljusdal but also in other similar municipalities. Mainly bioenergy is handled in this thesis. Other energy sources e.g. hydroelectricity is handled just briefly, flows and use of electricity are described briefly for different parts of the municipality and types of consumers. To perform the energy flow survey, information about now used, and possible future, energy resources was collected in order to find out the energy quantities used per year, for different users, and the energy flows. Unexploited energy sources, and energy sources that have the potential to be increased, like forest and arable land was also included. Investigations about the wind potential are also carried out. The energy use of the consumers, divided into energy carriers, is mapped. Larger companies and institutions, particularly those with energy related business are asked about their future plans. Energy suppliers are also asked where they buy and sell energy in order to make an energy flow survey. The energy needs for different types of buildings were also considered in this energy flow survey. In order to do that, information about the numbers of buildings in the municipality and also the average energy usage, for different types of buildings e.g. apartments and single family houses, are collected from different sources. The flows of bioenergy across the municipality border are also investigated in order to be able to see where it comes from and where it goes. Nearby municipalities, projects nearby Ljusdal’s municipality, that may have an impact in the field of energy in Ljusdal’s municipality are also briefly handled. The energy flows, in and out of the municipality, were put into maps from the municipality’s Geographic Information System (GIS) in order to get a good overview of the energy flow, supply and use. Based on the gathered information, project ideas are suggested, and calculations are done to determine if biogas production, from household waste and sludge, could be a better option than today’s waste management where the waste is being transported to a nearby municipality for incineration, a service that Ljusdal’s municipality also have to pay for. The results from the calculations show that the total amount of energy that could be extracted from the annual produced biogas would reach about 1.9 GWh. The biogas could e.g.be used as a fuel in the district heating plants in the municipality. By using locally produced products a decreased import of energy carriers, e.g. light fuel oil, would be expected.</p><p>The conclusions that could be drawn from this study are that a lot of biomass is produced in Ljusdal’s municipality, which is mainly exported in the form as raw material. Large amounts of hydroelectricity is produced in Ljusdal’s municipality, about 60% of the electricity is being exported. Wind mappings show that there are some areas of national interest for electricity production through wind power in the municipality. A deregulated European electricity market will probably lead to an increased electricity price, this in combination with the green certificate would lead to a more profitable electricity</p><p>production through wind power and areas that are not of national interest at present could probably be of national interest in the future. There are also a large potential to increase the amount of biomass from the forestry remainings. Another potential energy source is the arable land where it probably would be possible to grow e.g. hemp for an energy conversion purpose. In Ljusdal’s municipality, there are possibilities in the field of energy which no one takes advantage of at present.</p> / <p>Syftet med detta projektarbete är att kartlägga energiflödet inom-, samt till och från Ljusdals kommun, i första hand bioenergi men även andra energiformer som t.ex. elektricitet behandlas översiktligt. Anledningen till denna energiflödesanalys är att upptäcka möjligheter att bearbeta och förädla biomassan lokalt. I dagens läge lämnar stora mängder av råmaterial kommunen för förädling utanför kommunens gränser, detta leder till förlorade arbetstillfällen i kommunen. Ett exempel på detta är att råmaterial i form av sågspån transporteras från Ljusdals kommun till en annan kommun där sågspånen förädlas till pellets som i sin tur säljs tillbaka till konsumenter i Ljusdals kommun. En lokal förädling av biomassan skulle förmodligen kunna leda till nya arbetstillfällen inom kommunens gränser samt en högre avkastning än att bara sälja råmaterialet obearbetat. Målgruppen för denna studie är lokala och regionala politiker och entreprenörer, i första hand i Ljusdals kommun, men också i liknande glesbygdskommuner med stora arealer skog och andra former av biobränslen. För att genomföra denna energiflödesanalys samlades information, angående i nuläget använda samt framtida energikällor, in med avsikt att uppskatta de kvantiteter, och olika typer av energi som omvandlas och används årligen av olika typer av konsumenter. Denna information tillhandahölls av bl.a. statistiska central byrån – SCB, kommunens energirådgivare, energibolag, större energikrävande företag samt bostads företag. Antalet enfamiljshus och flerfamiljs hus i kommunen samt antalet boende i kommunen kartlades för att kunna beräkna, enligt schabloner, de energimängder som förbrukades årligen i bostadssektorn. Även transport- och industrisektorn undersöktes med avseende på dess energianvändning.</p><p>Flödet av biomassa i kommunen samt över dess gränser analyserades med avsikt på att klargöra vilka mängder som lämnar, respektive stannar kvar inom kommunen. Även projekt i närliggande kommuner analyserades översiktligt för att se om de hade någon nämnbar inverkan på Ljusdals kommuns energiproduktion1 och energianvändning. Slutsatserna som kan dras från denna analys är i korthet att stora mängder av biomassa produceras inom Ljusdals kommuns gränser och transporteras bort i form av råmaterial, som förädlas utanför kommunens gränser. Ett sätt att eventuellt skapa fler jobbtillfällen samt se till att en större del av vinsten från biomassan stannar kvar inom kommunens gränser är att lokalt bearbeta biomassan. Inom kommunen produceras också en stor del vattenkraft där ungefär 60 % exporteras och resterande används inom kommunen, möjlighet till utökad elproduktion bör vara möjlig genom byggnation av vindkraftsparker eftersom det finns områden som är av nationellt intresse för vindkraftsproduktion. Något mer som talar för en ökad lönsamhet inom elproduktion via vindkraft är den avreglerade Europeiska elmarknaden som förmodligen kommer att leda till ökade elpriser, en annan faktor är elcertifikaten, som erhålls för varje MWh producerad med förnyelsebara källor t.ex. vindkraft eller biomassa eldat kraftvärmeverk. Biogas motsvarande ungefär 2 GWh årligen bör också kunna utvinnas ur sopor, gödsel från bondgårdar och energigrödor. Detta kräver dock investeringar i rötningsanläggningar och ytterligare utredningar angående detta föreslås göras. En markant ökad produktion av biobränsle från skogsbruket bör också vara möjlig.</p><p>Den globala ökningen av invånare i kombination med en strävan efter minskad produktion av fossila bränslen resulterar i en ökad efterfrågan av förnyelsebara bränslen, denna ökade efterfrågan leder i sin tur till ett ökat pris för dessa bränslen. Dessutom har ett antal länder skrivit på Kyoto avtalet, vilket innebär i korthet att dessa länder måste minska sina koldioxidutsläpp. Dessa faktorer kan tolkas som indikationer på att det kommer att bli en ökad användning av biobränslen. Problemet med detta scenario är att, aven i ett nationellt perspektiv, mängden av tillgänglig biomassa är begränsad om den skulle utgöra baslasten för energiproduktionen. Detta faktum öppnar nya möjligheter för kommuner med en låg befolkningstäthet i kombination med stora skogsarealer. Ljusdals kommun är en glest befolkad kommun med ungefärligen 19 400 invånare, det finns 10 100 bostäder i kommunen varav 3 700 är lägenheter och resterande är enfamiljshus. Den totala arealen av kommunen uppgår till 5 640 km2, befolkningstätheten uppgår till fyra invånare per kvadrat kilometer. Arealen per capita i kommunen är väldigt hög, vilket innebär att det finns stora mängder biomassa tillgänglig då stordelen av kommunen består av skog. Syftet med denna analys är att få en bättre översikt över dagens situation inom detta område. En bättre översikt skulle kunna hjälpa politiker och entreprenörer att se nya möjligheter inom detta område, vilket skulle kunna innebära fler arbetstillfällen inom kommunen.</p>
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Real-time supervision of building HVAC system performanceDjuric, Natasa January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents techniques for improving building HVAC system performance in existing buildings generated using simulation-based tools and real data. Therefore, one of the aims has been to research the needs and possibilities to assess and improve building HVAC system performance. In addition, this thesis aims at an advanced utilization of building energy management system (BEMS) and the provision of useful information to building operators using simulation tools.</p><p>Buildings are becoming more complex systems with many elements, while BEMS provide many data about the building systems. There are, however, many faults and issues in building performance, but there are legislative and cost-benefit forces induced by energy savings. Therefore, both BEMS and the computer-based tools have to be utilized more efficiently to improve building performance.</p><p>The thesis consists of four main parts that can be read separately. The first part explains the term commissioning and the commissioning tool work principal based on literature reviews. The second part presents practical experiences and issues introduced through the work on this study. The third part deals with the computer-based tools application in design and operation. This part is divided into two chapters. The first deals with improvement in the design, and the second deals with the improvement in the control strategies. The last part of the thesis gives several rules for fault diagnosis developed using simulation tools. In addition, this part aims at the practical explanation of the faults in the building HVAC systems.</p><p>The practical background for the thesis was obtained though two surveys. The first survey was carried out with the aim to find the commissioning targets in Norwegian building facilities. In that way, an overview of the most typical buildings, HVAC equipment, and their related problems was obtained. An on-site survey was carried out on an example building, which was beneficial for introducing the building maintenance structure and the real hydronic heating system faults.</p><p>Coupled simulation and optimization programs (EnergyPlus and GenOpt) were utilized for improving the building performances. These tools were used for improving the design and the control strategies in the HVAC systems. Buildings with a hydronic heating system were analyzed for the purpose of improving the design. Since there are issues in using the optimization tool, GenOpt, a few procedures for different practical problems have been suggested. The optimization results show that the choice of the optimization functions influences significantly the design parameters for the hydronic heating system.</p><p>Since building construction and equipment characteristics are changing over time, there is a need to find new control strategies which can meet the actual building demand. This problem has been also elaborated on by using EnergyPlus and GenOpt. The control strategies in two different HVAC systems were analyzed, including the hydronic heating system and the ventilation system with the recovery wheel. The developed approach for the strategy optimization includes: involving the optimization variables and the objective function and developing information flow for handling the optimization process.</p><p>The real data obtained from BEMS and the additional measurements have been utilized to explain faults in the hydronic heating system. To couple real data and the simple heat balance model, the procedure for the model calibration by use of an optimization algorithm has been developed. Using this model, three operating faults in the hydronic heating system have been elaborated.</p><p>Using the simulation tools EnergyPlus and TRNSYS, several fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) rules have been generated. The FDD rules were established in three steps: testing different faults, calculating the performance indices (PI), and classifying the observed PIs. These rules have been established for the air cooling system and the hydronic heating system. The rules can diagnose the control and the component faults. Finally, analyzing the causes and the effects of the tested faults, useful information for the building maintenance has been descriptively explained.</p><p>The most important conclusions are related to a practical connection of the real data and simulation-based tools. For a complete understanding of system faults, it is necessary to provide real-life information. Even though BEMS provides many building data, it was proven that BEMS is not completely utilized. Therefore, the control strategies can always be improved and tuned to the actual building demands using the simulation and optimization tools. It was proven that many different FDD rules for HVAC systems can be generated using the simulation tools. Therefore, these FDD rules can be used as manual instructions for the building operators or as a framework for the automated FDD algorithms.</p> / <p>Denne avhandlingen presenterer noen fremgangsmåter for forbedring av ytelser for VVS-tekniske anlegg i eksisterende bygninger basert på bruk av simuleringsverktøy og virkelige måledata. Ett av målene har vært å undersøke behov og muligheter for vurdering og forbedring av ytelser for VVS-anlegg i bygninger. I tillegg har denne avhandlingen hatt som mål å fremme bruk av SD-anlegg samt å fremskaffe nyttig informasjon til driftspersonalet.</p><p>Bygninger blir stadig mer kompliserte systemer som inneholder flere og flere komponenter mens SD-anlegg håndterer en stadig større mengde data fra bygningsinstallasjoner. På den ene siden registreres det ofte feil og problemer med hensyn til ytelsene til de VVS-tekniske installasjonene. På den andre siden innføres det stadig strengere lovmessige pålegg og kost-nyttekrav motivert i energieffektiviseringen. SD-anlegg og databaserte verktøy bør derfor brukes mer effektivt for forbedring av ytelsene.</p><p>Avhandlingen består av fire hoveddeler hvor hver del kan leses separat. Den første delen, som er basert på literatturstudie, forklarer funksjonskontroll som begrep og prinsipper for oppbygging av verktøy for funksjonskontroll. Den andre delen presenterer praktisk erfaring og problemstillinger utviklet og behandlet i løpet av arbeidet med avhandlingen. Den tredje delen handler om anvendelse av databaserte verktøy for forbedring av ytelsen for VVS-tekniske installasjoner. Den tredje delen er delt opp i to kapitler, hvorav et handler om forbedring av systemløsninger og et om forbedring av styringsstrategier. Den siste delen presenterer flere regler for feilsøking og diagnostisering utviklet gjennom bruk av simuleringsverktøy. I tillegg gir denne delen en praktisk forklaring av feilene i de VVS-anleggene som er behandlet i undersøkelsen.</p><p>Det praktiske grunnlaget for avhandlingen er etablert gjennom to undersøkelser. Den første var en spørreundersøkelse som hadde til hensikt å kartlegge målsetninger for funksjonskontroll i norske bygninger. Gjennom dette ble det etablert en oversikt over de mest typiske bygninger med tilhørende VVS-anlegg og de mest forekommende problemene. En dypere undersøkelse ble utført på ett casebygg. Denne undersøkelsen viste seg å være nyttig både for kartlegging av betydningen av organisering av driften av bygningen og for avdekking av de virkelige feilene i det vannbårne oppvarmingssystemet.</p><p>En kobling mellom et simulerings- og et optimaliseringsprogram (EnergyPlus og GenOpt) har vært benyttet for forbedring av ytelsene for de VVS-tekniske installasjonene. Disse verktøyene har vært brukt for forbedring av både systemløsningene og styringsstrategiene for VVS-anlegg. Bygninger med vannbåren oppvarmingssystem har vært analysert for å forbedre systemløsningen. På grunn av begrensninger i bruken av optimaliseringsverktøyet GenOpt, har det blitt utviklet egne prosedyrer for håndtering av visse typer problemstillinger hvor denne begrensningen opptrer. Resultatene for optimaliseringen viser at valg av objektfunksjoner påvirker betydelig parametrene i det vannbårne oppvarmingssystemet.</p><p>Endringer i egenskapene til både bygningskonstruksjoner og utstyr som skjer på grunn av aldring over tiden, gjør det nødvendig med tilpassning av styringsstrategier slik at det virkelige behovet kan bli dekket. Denne problemstillingen har vært analysert ved bruk av EnergyPlus og GenOpt. Styringsstrategiene for to forskjellige VVS-anlegg, et vannbåret oppvarmingssystem og et ventilasjonsanlegg med varmegjenvinner har blitt behandlet. Den utviklete prosedyren for optimalisering av styringsstrategien består av følgende steg: innføring av optimaliseringsvariabler og objektfunksjon, samt utvikling av informasjonsflyt for behandling av optimaliseringsprosessen.</p><p>De virkelige data, både fra SD-anlegg og tilleggsmålinger, har vært benyttet for praktisk forklaring av feilene i oppvarmingssystemet. En prosedyre for modellkalibrering basert på bruk av en optimaliseringsalgoritme som kobler sammen de virkelige data og en enkel varmebalansemodell har blitt foreslått. Tre konkrete driftsfeil i oppvarmingssystemet har blitt belyst gjennom bruk av denne varmebalansemodellen.</p><p>Flere regler for feilsøking og diagnostisering har blitt utviklet ved hjelp av simuleringsverktøyene EnergyPlus and TRNSYS. Denne utviklingen har bestått av tre ulike steg: testing av bestemte feil, beregning av ytelsesindikatorer og til slutt klassifisering av de observerte ytelsesindikatorer. Reglene har blitt utviklet for et system av aggregater for luftkjøling og for et vannbåret oppvarmingssystem. Reglene kan diagnostisere både styringsfeil og komponentfeil. Til slutt presenteres informasjon som er nyttig for drift av VVS-tekniske installasjoner i bygninger basert på en analyse av årsakene for og virkningene av de feil som er behandlet.</p><p>De viktigste konklusjonene er knyttet til praktisk kombinasjon av virkelige måleverdier og simuleringsverktøy. Informasjon fra det virkelig liv er helt nødvendig for å få en god forståelse av feil som oppstår i anlegg. Det er også vist at potensialet som ligger i alle de data som er tilgjengelige gjennom SD-anlegg, ikke er fullt utnyttet. Gjennom bruk av simuleringsverktøy kan styringsstrategiene alltid bli bedre tilpasset og innjustert til de virkelige behov i bygningen. Simuleringsverktøy kan også brukes for utvikling av prosedyrer for feilsøking og diagnostisering i VVS-tekniske anlegg. Disse prosedyrene kan brukes enten som en veileder for manuell feilsøking og detektering eller som grunnlag for utvikling av automatiserte algoritmer.</p> / Paper II, VI and VII are reprinted with kind permission from Elsevier, sciencedirect.com
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Shock Tube Experiments on Nitromethane and Promotion of Chemical Reactions by Non-Thermal PlasmaSeljeskog, Morten January 2002 (has links)
<p>This dissertation was undertaken to study two different subjects both related to molecular decomposition by applying a shock tube and non-thermal plasma to decompose selected hydrocarbons. The first approach to molecular decomposition concerned thermal decomposition and oxidation of highly diluted nitromethane (NM) in a shock tube. Reflected shock tube experiments on NM decomposition, using mixtures of 0.2 to 1.5 vol% NM in nitrogen or argon were performed over the temperature range 850-1550 K and pressure range 190-900 kPa, with 46 experiments diluted in nitrogen and 44 diluted in argon. By residual error analysis of the measured decomposition profiles it was found that NM decomposition (CH<sub>3</sub>NO<sub>2</sub> + M -> CH<sub>3</sub> + NO<sub>2</sub> + M, where M = N<sub>2</sub> /Ar) corresponds well to a law of first order. Arrhenius expressions corresponding to NM diluted either in N<sub>2</sub> or in Ar were found as k<sub>N2</sub> = 1017.011×exp(-182.6 kJ/mole / R×T <cm<sup>3</sup>/mole×s> and k<sub>Ar</sub> = 1017.574×exp(-207 kJ/mole / R×T )<cm3<sup>/</sup>mole×s>, respectively. A new reaction mechanism was then proposed, based on new experimental data for NM decomposition both in Ar and N<sub>2</sub> and on three previously developed mechanisms. The new mechanism predicts well the decomposition of NM diluted in both N<sub>2</sub> and Ar within the pressure and temperature range covered by the experiments.</p><p>In parallel to, and following the decomposition experiments, oxidative experiments on the ignition delay times of NM/O<sub>2</sub>/Ar mixtures were investigated over high temperature and low to high pressure ranges. These experiments were carried out with eight different mixtures of gaseous NM and oxygen diluted in argon, with pressures ranging between 44.3-600 kPa, and temperatures ranging between 842-1378 K.</p><p>The oxidation experiments were divided into different categories according to the type of decomposition signals achieved. For signals with and without emission, the apparent quasi-constant activation energy was found from the correlations, to be 64.574 kJ/mol and 113.544 kJ/mol, respectively. The correlations for the ignition delay for time signals with and without emission were deduced as τemission = 0.3669×10<sup>-2</sup>×[NM]<sup>-1.02</sup>[O<sub>2</sub>]<sup>-1.08</sup>×[Ar]<sup>1.42</sup>×exp(7767/T) and τno emission = 0.3005×10<sup>-2</sup>×[NM]<sup>-0.28</sup>[O<sub>2</sub>]<sup>0.12</sup>×[Ar]<sup>-0.59</sup>×exp(13657/T), respectively.</p><p>The second approach to molecular decomposition concerned the application of non-thermal plasma to initiate reactions and decompose/oxidize selected hydrocarbons, methane and propane, in air. Experiments with a gliding arc discharge device were performed at the university of Orléans on the decomposition/reforming of low-to stoichiometric concentration air/CH<sub>4</sub> mixtures. The presented results show that complete reduction of methane could be obtained if the residence time in the reactor was sufficiently long. The products of the methane decomposition were mainly CO<sub>2</sub>, CO and H<sub>2</sub>O. The CH<sub>4</sub> conversion rate showed to increase with increasing residence time, temperature of the operating gas, and initial concentration of methane. To achieve complete decomposition of CH<sub>4 </sub>in 1 m<sup>3</sup> of a 2 vol% mixture, the energy cost was about 1.5 kWh. However, the formation of both CO and NOx in the present gliding discharge system was found to be significant. The produced amount of both CO (0.4-1 vol%) and NO<sub>x</sub> (2000-3500 ppm) were in such high quantities that they would constitute an important pollution threat if this process as of today was to be used in large scale CH<sub>4</sub> decomposition. Further experimental investigations were performed on self-built laboratory scale, single- and double dielectric-barrier discharge devices as a means of removing CH<sub>4</sub> and C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>8 f</sub>rom simulated reactive inlet mixtures. The different discharge reactors were all powered by an arrangement of commercially available Tesla coil units capable of high-voltage high-frequency output. The results from each of the different experiments are limited and sometimes only qualitative, but show a tendency that the both CH<sub>4</sub> and C<sub>3</sub>H<sub>8 </sub>are reduced in a matter of a 3-6 min. retention time. The most plausible mechanism for explaining the current achievements is the decomposition by direct electron impact.</p>
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Design och dimensionering av internt kabelnät för havsbaserad vindkraftparkTorkildsson, Erik January 2007 (has links)
<p>För att kunna upphandla ett elsystem med erforderlig prestanda till en havsbaserad vindkraftpark krävs att köparen ställer krav på säljaren. För att kunna göra detta krävs att ett antal utredningar görs. För detta behöver bl.a. ett internt kabelnät designas. En kabels växelströmsresistans består av en likströmskomponent och en tillsatskomponent. Tillsatskomponenten beror på strömförträngning och"proximity"-effekt. Växelströmsresistansen ger upphov till värmeförluster när kabeln belastas. Ytterligare förluster finns i materialet omkring ledarna, såsom skärm och armering. Dessa totala förluster kan beskrivas med en ekvivalent resistans, plusföljdresistansen. Dielektriska förluster är ytterligare förluster, dessa är spänningsberoende. Hur kablarnas strömvärde kan beräknas för olika förläggningssätt beskrivs. Att ta fram strömvärdet för t.ex. kabel i rör utsatt för solstrålning är komplicerat eftersom många parametrar måste tas hänsyn till. Kablar för vindkraftlast bör kunna väljas med lägre strömvärde än belastningsströmmen eftersom de ej är kontinuerligt belastade. Olika kabelnätslayouter skapas för den planerade havsbaserade vindkraftparken Kriegers flak. Dessa utvärderas med avseende på tekniska och ekonomiska aspekter. Kablar med strömvärden nära eller under belastningsströmmen bör väljas eftersom kabelkostnaden har större inverkan än förlustkostnaden. Dock inverkar det framtida elpriset, om detta stiger ökar förlustkostnadens inverkan.</p>
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Uppgradering av robotsystem på Termisk sprutning, Volvo AeroJohansson, Charlotta January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis work resulted in a template for how the thermal spray process can be controlled through robot programs. The robots today and their programs need to be replaced, therefore a new structure which can be matched with the new robot systems is needed. The work is limited to only concern structured programming on the new robots on Thermal Spray Centre (TC) with the programming language Rapid. The basic data for the program was retrieved from interviews with concerned personnel at TC, from studies on process parameters for thermal spray and from existing specifications at Volvo Aero Corporation (VAC). The thesis work briefly describes the process thermal spray and the four methods used at VAC. A literature survey on Jackson Structured Programming, Human Machine Interface and structured programming was made and used to compare, evaluate and suggest improvements for the thermal spray work cell. A functional suggestion for a menu system in a robot program for the thermal spray robot was presented. This will be in the robot permanently for uploading of detail programs from a network connected computer. An example of such a detail program was made but without robot movement and communication with the process computer. Testing of the programs has therefore only been made on a robot not suited for thermal spraying. The new detail program shows its parameters directly on the screen so they can be controlled against the operation papers. A programmer\2019s guide to the detail program has been made which is presented in the report.</p>
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Småskalig elproduktion i ArvikaPettersson, Niklas, Eriksson, Nils January 2006 (has links)
<p>Arvika Fjärrvärme AB, a district heating company from Arvika, today cover 74 % of their total energy production with biofuel wich runs a 16 MW bioler giving process water at saturated liquid state.</p><p>In recent years Vaporel AB has introduced a new tecnique that gives an external generation of steam after boilers. The concept is built on an adiabatic pressure drop of the saturated liquid in a so called Flashbox which makes a small part of the liquid to evaporate. The generated steam is lead into a turbine where electricity is in a conventional manner.</p><p>The purpose with this rapport was to do a basic study for the specific system at Arvika where it’s possible to see the potential production of electricity that follows an installation of a flasbox.</p><p>The final goal was to introduce an economic analysis of a flashox installation at given conditions.</p><p>To reach our goals we have created a model in Excel where we used the given conditions at Arvika Fjärrvärme to do our calculations. The model has been tested at three different states, of process water returning to potboiler, to be able to decide the optimal operation for the system at present.</p><p>The studies have resulted in a pressure of the processwater at 14,5 bar (at) and a pressuredrop to 9,5 bar (at) in the flashbox. The condenser pressure is set to 0,5 bar (at) what is equal to 81 ˚C. Energy to the district heating net is produced in the condenser and heat exchanger.</p><p>The result of our calculations clearly shows that to reach the highest turbine-efficiency as possible and gain the largest profit the highest process-waterflow possible should be used.</p><p>That means 70 kg/s after present conditions.</p><p>At the highest boiler efficiency the turbine will produce 694 kW. At this state the water that returns to the boiler will be at temperature 148 ˚C (14, 5 bar).</p><p>Totally during a year the production of electric energy could reach 2, 47 GWh/year. The energy used by the pumps will increase with 0,21 GWh over the year at that state.</p><p>Included all economic factors this will generate a profit of 0, 97 million (SEK)/year.</p><p>To make an installation of a flashbox system more profitable an increased generation of electricity have to be made. This could be done by an installation of new pumps to be able to run the process-water at a larger flow to increase the amount of steam made in the flashbox.</p> / <p>Arvika fjärrvärme producerar idag 74% av sitt värmeunderlag via en hetvattenpanna som drivs med biobränsle och har en maxeffekt på 16 MW.</p><p>På senare år har företaget Vaporel AB introducerat en ny teknik på marknaden som ger en extern ångproduktion efter hetvattenpannor.</p><p>Konceptet är byggt på en trycksänkning som medför att delar av det mättade vattnet förångas efter att ha letts in i en så kallad flashbox. Efter flashboxen äntrar ångan en turbin där el produceras på konventionellt vis.</p><p>Syftet med denna rapport har varit att ta fram en grundläggande studie för Arvikas specifika system där det är möjligt att se den potentiella elproduktionen vid en flashboxinstallation.</p><p>Det slutgiltiga målet med rapporten har varit att kunna presentera en lönsamhetsbedömning för en flashboxinstallation vid givna driftfall.</p><p>För att kunna uppfylla uppsatta mål har en Excelmodell konstruerats där beräkningar utförts efter givna förutsättningar, detta utefter tre olika driftfall för att kunna fastställa den mest optimala driften för systemet i dagsläget.</p><p>Studierna har lett fram till att vi har kunnat fastställa ett maximalt tryck efter pannan på 14,5 bar (at) samt en trycksänkning över flashboxen till 9,5 bar. Kondensortryck efter turbinen har satts till 0,5 bar(a) vilket ger en kondensations temperatur motsvarande 81 ˚C. Energi till att värma fjärrvärmevattnet tas via kondensorn samt en värmeväxlare.</p><p>Resultatet av våra beräkningar visar tydligt att vi för att nå en så hög turbineffekt som möjligt och därmed en större lönsamhet skall ha ett så högt processvattenflöde som tillåts, enligt dagens förutsättningar 70 l/s.</p><p>Vid högsta panneffekten kommer turbinen att ge 694 kW, enligt Excelmodellen, vid en returtemperatur till pannan satt till 148 ˚C.</p><p>Sammanlagt under året, med Arvikas varaktighetsdiagram som grund, kommer vi att kunna producera 2,47 GWh el/år varav pumparna kommer att kräva 0,21 GWh el extra per år.</p><p>Med alla ekonomiska faktorer inräknade så kommer detta att ge en vinstkalkyl på 0,97 miljoner /år.</p><p>För att kunna göra dessa installationer lönsamma krävs att vi ökar elproduktionen och därmed den årliga vinsten, detta skulle kunna göras i och med installation av nya pumpar för att uppnå ett större flöde i pannkretsen.</p><p>Vidare bör en studie göras för att bedöma lönsamheten gällande en ombyggnad av rökgaskondenseringen för att kunna klara en större effekt och därmed kunna använda högre returtemperaturer till biopannan. Detta skulle generera ett högre genomsnittligt flöde över året.</p>
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