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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Multi-zone modeling of Thermal Comfort and Energy Consumption of a hospital ward : a summer case study

Xie, Tian January 2010 (has links)
Hospital is of interest when consider its especial function. Because of the obviously different between the normal residential buildings, the requirement of hospitals’ indoor climate strictly differs from other buildings. The author starts this report by briefly stating the building construction currently. Surrounded the topic of thermal comfort and energy consumption, many suggestion and options came out in this report to develop a better condition. Firstly, the introduction of the hospital buildings requires the background of the hospital object and the purpose to this report will be stated. Secondly, the simulation tool and how to use this tool simulate our real case are introduced. Then, the summer case is investigated by this tool after the model is proved to be validated. Finally, the improvement of establishing a better indoor environment is raised and the results of improvement and conclusion can be found. The final result will show the optimal solution that discovered by this study after compared different alternatives carefully.

Samkörning mellan värmepumpar och fjärrvärme : Bostadsrättsföreningen Bogården

Sadik, Zidar January 2008 (has links)
This diploma work covers an investigation over the heat - and hot water systems of the tenant-owner's association, Bogården. The heat - and hot water needs of Bogården are satisfied by both district heating as well as three heat pumps. Implemented investigation shows that the heat pumps are not used in a profitable way. Apart from that, the reserve possibilities are small. There is also a risk of the growth of Legionella bacterium in the hot water system. Since the heat pumps are already installed, HSB-Gävleborg (responsible for Bogården) has a wish to investigate possible proposed actions for optimization of existing plant. After completed investigation, a new proposed action is presented. The new proposed action goes on intercepting the hot water production and using the heat pumps to only heat production during the heating season. Why the hot water production should be intercepted, is just in order to eliminate the risk of Legionella. Besides, the new proposal is going to bring about a reserve of 1,534,000 SEK during a twenty-year period. This is approximately twice as much as what the existing plant may bring during the same period. During the work's review, it also has been established that heat - and hot water systems are error regulated. Since the diploma work does not cover that piece it is instead informed as proposals subject to further investigation.

Modellering av Panna 5 Mälarenergi AB : utveckling av en beräkningsmodell med simuleringsverktyget IPSEpro

Öberg, Filip January 2009 (has links)
Heat and power stations are often in need of optimizations. A simulation model is a tool for findingways to optimize the plant. The scope of this diploma work is to develop a simulation model ofBoiler 5 at Mälarenergi AB. Boiler 5 is a circulated fluidized bed boiler that was taken into service inyear 2001. Among the included parts in the boiler are cyclone, convection part andINTREX-chambers. The software that was used for the simulation was SimTech’s IPSEpro. IPSEprois a heat and mass balance software for steady state calculations. The program comes with a set ofmodules in a library called APP_lib which contains modules such as preaheaters, pump, boiler andturbine stages. The user can however design own modules in the Model Development Kit, since thelibrary code is open source. The development of the simulation model started with an updating of anold model from year 2003. Values provided from Foster Wheeler where then used to make the modelcalculate in a right way. Thereafter some calculations of the super heaters’ heat transfer coefficientswere made. The coefficients were then translated into IPSEpro’s own programming language ModelDescription Language, and were put into the model’s modules. The results were compared with realvalues from the plant’s system. It showed that the calculated values needed more investigations to bemore accurate. The conclusion was that the final model needs more equations to describe the plant in amore realistic way.

Inverkan av värme på lagerlägets cylindricitet i ett lagerhus

de Vries, Frank January 2010 (has links)
Det här examensarbetet har utförts hos och med stöd av SKF Mekan i Katrineholm. Grundfrågeställningen som innebar upphovet till examensarbetet är om värme påverkar lagerlägets cylindricitet hos ett lagerhus. Detta avgränsas senare till att gälla enbart värmepåverkan under produktion för en typ av lagerhus i en storlek men tre olika materialval. Därmed koncentreras arbetet på gjuterilinan för de mindre lagerhusen samt den bearbetningslina som kallas ”Robot line”. Inledningsvis ges en presentation vad lager och lagerhus är samt vilken funktion de fyller. Därefter ges en överblick av gjuteriet samt bearbetningen. Berörda linor betraktas mer ingående men även övriga linor ges en övergripande bild av. Övriga resurser såsom mätrum samt testlabb presenteras också. De tre olika materialen granskas för att se vilka avgörande skillnader som finns dem emellan. Detta med hjälp av litteratur samt intervjuer med medarbetare hos SKF Mekan, personal vid Linköpings universitet samt SWEREA. Två test som genomförts under arbetets gång beskrivs, varav det ena lyckat men det andra misslyckat. Dock fick det andra testet ett överraskande resultat. Befintliga kontroller längs med produktionskedjan omtalas. Slutligen sammanfattas vilka moment inom gjuteri- samt bearbetningsprocessen där toleransen för cylindriciteten hos lagerläget riskerar att under-/överskridas samt vad som då är orsaken.

Ice Slurry as Secondary Fluid in Refrigeration Systems : Fundamentals and Applications in Supermarkets

Hägg, Cecilia January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis summarises the work performed within the project known as ICE-COOL at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) on low tem-perature applications of ice slurry. The ICE-COOL project is a Euro-pean Community funded project within the 5th Framework Program. The task given to KTH was to find and characterize the best possible aqueous solution with a freezing point of -25 °C applicable for ice slurry with an operating temperature of -35 °C. The circumstances differ for low temperature ice slurry from medium temperature as a result of for example the change in thermo-physical properties due to increased addi-tive concentration and the lower temperature.</p><p>Ice slurry is a mixture of fine ice crystals, water and freezing point de-pressant additives. The typical ice crystal size ranges between 0.1 to 1 mm in diameter. The main purpose of using ice slurries is to take advan-tage of the latent heat. More than a few requirements are to be fulfilled by an ideal ice slurry fluid. It should have good thermo-physical proper-ties, high heat transport and transfer abilities, as well as low pressure drop to facilitate small pumping power. The ice content of ice slurry af-fects all the mentioned abilities. Apart from the mentioned factors of the fluid, there are other aspects that have to be taken into consideration such as environmental pollution and toxicity, flammability, material compatibility, corrosion, handling security and cost.</p><p>This thesis reports on the experiences accomplished and the initial ex-periments performed on low temperature ice slurry. The thesis also gives the background and fundamentals necessary for a discussion and com-parison of different aqueous fluids suitable for ice slurry in general and for low temperature in particular. In addition to the low temperature ap-plication, the thesis also reports on an initial energy consumption com-parison between using ice slurry and single-phase fluid in supermarkets by means of the simulation program CyberMart developed by Jaime Arias at the Department of Energy Technology at KTH.</p>

Simulering av luftströmningen och temperaturfördelningen i ett kondensorskåp / Simulation of airflow patterns and temperature distribution in a condensation cabinet dryer

Rezk, Kamal January 2007 (has links)
Drying laundry has become a huge consuming factor of energy in residential areas through drying machines as tumble dryers and cabinet dryers. In USA the increasing use of drying machines in households increased from 40% during the 1970 to 80% in the 1990, which correspond to a usage of approximately 76 million drying machines. The European market for drying cabinets is not huge. It is mainly Scandinavia that is using cabinet dryers for drying laundry these days. Nowadays cabinet dryers that use hoses to evacuate humid air out the building are developed in the market. Asko Cylinda AB has developed a new condenser cabinet dryer out of a regular cabinet dryer. With the new condenser cabinet dryer no hoses are required because the drying process take place in a closed recirculation system. Several openings at the back of the condenser cabinet dryer make it possible to dry laundry horizontal in different sections. In this thesis the condenser cabinet dryer has been studied in a simulation program that is called Comsol MultiPhysics. A 2-dimensonal model was created where the airflow patterns and temperature distribution in the dryer was simulated. On the basis from the basic model of the dryer several modifications was created to attain knowledge of which modifications contributes to an improved airflow pattern. The temperature distribution in the condenser cabinet dryer is uneven in the sections according to the simulations the air distribution is good in section 2 and 3 in the basic model. The factor that has the largest impact on the air distribution is the air stream that flows up at the back inside the cabinet, the air stream restrains a part of the hot air jet from the openings at the back. Case 1.1 is the modification that created the best airflow profile, which contributed to an even temperature distribution. In the modification the textiles were used to cover up the space at the back of the cabinet to eliminate the air stream to flow up between the textile and the openings. The effect transport between the textile and the air increased with 50 % at several sections when the modification was carried out according to case 1.1. This study is a good basis for further studies in simulation of airflow and temperature distribution in the condenser cabinet dryer. The next step in the study is to create a 3-dimensional model of the cabinet. With this study the 3-D model could be accomplished easier by using parameters from the 2-D model as data on the boundaries. By doing so the system could be delimited, this would reduce the use of computer capacity. / Torkning av kläder har med tiden utvecklats till att bli en stor faktor av energiförbrukning i bostadsområden genom maskiner som bl. a. torktumlare och torkskåp. I USA ökade användningen av torkmaskiner i hushåll från 40% under 1970 till 80% i 1990, vilket motsvarar en användning av ca 76 miljoner torkmaskiner. Marknaden för torkskåp är inte stor i Europa. Det är främst Norden som använder torkskåp för torkning av kläder. I dagsläget tillverkas s.k. avluftarskåp, d.v.s. det krävs en slang ut ur huset för att evakuera den fuktiga luften. Asko Cylinda AB har på senare tid utvecklat ett nytt kondensorskåp av ett sådant avluftarskåp. Med det nya kondensorskåpet behövs det inte någon evakueringsslang ut ur huset eftersom torkningen sker i ett recirkulerande system. Gälarna i bakkanten av torkskåpet möjliggör plantorkning eftersom luften skickas in i flera sektioner. I uppsatsen har kondensorskåpet studerats i ett simuleringsprogram som kallas Comsol MultiPhysics. En 2-dimensionell modell skapades där bl.a. luftströmningsbilden och temperaturfördelningen i skåpet simulerades. Utifrån grundmodellen skapades ett antal modifieringar på kondensorskåpet för att erhålla kunskap om vilka modifieringar som ger bättre luftflödesbilder. Temperaturfördelningen i kondensorskåpet är ojämn enligt simuleringarna då luftdistributionen är bäst i sektion 2 och 3 i grundmodellen. Faktorn som har störst påverkan på luftströmningsprofilen är den uppströmmande luften vid baksidan av skåpet, luften bromsar upp den varma luftstrålen ut från gälarna. Fall 1.1 är modifieringen som skapa den bästa luftströmningsprofilen vilket bidrog med en jämnare temperatur-fördelning. I modifieringen användes textilerna för att täppa igen ytorna vid baksidan av kondensorskåpet för att eliminera uppströmmande luft framför gälarna. Effekttransporten mellan textilen och luften ökade med upp till 50 % på flera sektioner då grunduppställningen modifierades enligt fall 1.1. Studien i denna rapport är ett bra underlag för fortsatta studier inom simulering av luftströmningen och temperaturfördelningen i kondensorskåpet. Nästa steg i studien är att konstruera en 3-dimensionell modell av skåpet. Med hjälp av den här studien kan en 3-D modell underlättas genom att använda parametrar från 2-D modellen som indata på randvillkor. Genom det kan systemet avgränsas för att minimera 3-D modellens konsumtion av dataminne.

Fouling in biomass fired boilers

Sandberg, Jan January 2007 (has links)
In order to reduce the discharge of the greenhouse gas CO2, the use of biomass is nowadays promoted as fuel in boilers. Compared to boilers fired with coal and oil the biomass-fired boilers have more complications related to both fouling and corrosion on the heat transfer surfaces. After the combustion, unburned inorganic matter in state of vapour, melts and solid particles are transported in the flue gas and may form deposits on heat transfer surfaces. Deposits on the heat transfer surfaces may result in both increasing corrosion and decreasing boiler efficiency as the heat transfer rate to the superheaters and reheaters decrease by deposits. In order to understand the process of deposit build-up, the whole combustion and transport process had to be analysed including aspects such as, boiler design, fuel properties and combustion environment, followed by particle transport phenomena and the probability for particles to get stuck on the heat transfer tubes. In this thesis numerical simulation of particle trajectories has been conducted as well as measurements of deposits on a special designed deposit probe followed by investigation of on-site measurements of deposit depth on the super-heater tubes in a circulating fluidised bed in Västerås, Sweden. Numerical simulations of particle trajectories in the vicinity of two super-heater tubes were conducted in an Eulerian-Lagrangian mode considering the flue gas and ash particles phase. Particle impingements on the tubes were investigated for different particle sizes. The results from the particle trajectory simulations show that particle larger than 10 µm will mainly impinge on the windward side of the first tube but, however also on the sides of the second tube in the flue gas flow direction. In theory as well as from observations and measurements two tubes can merge together by the deposit build-up. Smaller particles are usually more dispersed due to turbulence and thermophorectic forces, resulting in a more even impingement distribution on the whole surface of the tubes. Probe measurements reveal that the deposit layer growth rate have a significant temperature and time dependence. After the initial deposit build-up a sintering process occurs and sintering is also proven to be dependent on temperature and exposure time. Soot-blowing is the most common method to reduce the effect of deposits on the heat transfer tubes. In the present thesis the soot boiling efficiency is therefore also investigated. The soot-blowing show a strong positive effect on the heat transfer rate in a short time (hours) perspective after a soot-blowing cycle is completed. This positive effect is much weaker when considering a time period of three years. This is an effect of fact that soot-blowing mostly remove the loose part of the deposit material leaving the hard sintered part unaffected. The subject of deposit build up on superheater tubes in large scale boilers involves multi-discipline knowledge and historically, the related research is mostly conducted as measurements and experiments on operating plants. Possibly in the future, theoretical simulations will have a bigger part of research on deposit build-up where the calculations are to be calibrated through measurements on real sites plants.

Phase Change Phenomena During Fluid Flow in Microchannels

Ali, Rashid January 2010 (has links)
Phase change phenomena of a fluid flowing in a micro channel may be exploited to make the heat exchangers more compact and energy efficient. Compact heat exchangers offer several advantages such as light weight, low cost, energy efficiency, capability of removing high heat fluxes and charge reduction are a few to mention. Phase change phenomena in macro or conventional channels have been investigated since long but in case of micro channels, fewer studies of phase change have been conducted and underlying phenomena during two-phase flow in micro channels are not yet fully understood. It is clear from the literature that the two-phase flow models developed for conventional channels do not perform well when extrapolated to micro scale. In the current thesis, the experimental flow boiling results for micro channels are reported. Experiments were conducted in circular, stainless steel and quartz tubes in both horizontal and vertical orientations. The internal diameters of steel tubes tested were 1.70 mm, 1.224 mm and the diameter of quartz tube tested was 0.781 mm. The quartz tube was coated with a thin, electrically conductive, transparent layer of Indium-Tin-Oxide (ITO) making simultaneous heating and visualization possible. Test tubes were heated electrically using DC power supply. Two refrigerants R134a and R245fa were used as working fluids during the tests. Experiments were conducted at a wide variety of operating conditions. Flow visualization results obtained with quartz tube clearly showed the presence of confinement effects and consequently an early transition to annular flow for micro channels. Several flow pattern images were captured during flow boiling of R134a in quartz tube. Flow patterns recorded during the experiments were presented in the form of Reynolds number versus vapour quality and superficial liquid velocity versus superficial gas velocity plots. Experimental flow pattern maps so obtained were also compared with the other flow pattern maps available in the literature showing a poor agreement. Flow boiling heat transfer results for quartz and steel tubes indicate that the heat transfer coefficient increases with heat flux and system pressure but is independent on mass flux and vapour quality. Experimental flow boiling heat transfer coefficient results were compared with those obtained using different correlations from the literature. Heat transfer experiments with steel tubes were continued up to dryout condition and it was observed that dryout conditions always started close to the exit of the tube. The dryout heat flux increased with mass flux and decreased with exit vapour quality. The dryout data were compared with some well known CHF correlations available in the literature. Two-phase frictional pressure drop for the quartz tube was also obtained under different operating conditions. As expected, two-phase frictional pressure drop increased with mass flux and exit vapour quality. / QC 20101206

CFD Measurements of the Cooling Air in a DC-Motor

Amanatidou, Rebeka January 2008 (has links)
<p> </p><p>The cooling system of a DC-motor is examined in this thesis. A change of direction of the cooling air is desired to prevent the generated coal dust from entering into the windings of the machine. Ultimately this will have a negative effect on the cooling in the machine and the loss of cooling needs to be compensated through other ways. The purpose of this thesis is to work for an improved operational safety and performance of the DC-motor and to make it more competitive in the market. By modelling the interior geometry of the machine and defining the boundaries in the software programs Gambit and FLUENT respectively, the motion and the heat transfer of the airflow could be simulated. The simulation results would give us an understanding of the flow pattern which later could be used to develop design modifications on the cooling system of a DC-motor. In this thesis the main focus lies on creating a simulation model with a sufficiently fine mesh size.</p>

Metod för analys av elförbrukning i hushåll

Walde, Fredrik January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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