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Initial investigation of ice slurry as an alternate chiller medium in poultry processingRowe, Ebony Nicole 27 May 2016 (has links)
Over the last decade, food processing has become one of the greatest energy converting stages of the food production supply chain. The interdependency of food, water, and energy leads to a need for more water efficient and energy effective ways to produce food. These studies focus on poultry chilling, primarily comparing the potential options of media that could be used during the poultry chilling sub-process. The conventional poultry chilling approach typically involves the immersion of chicken within chilled water in order to quickly decrease the chicken temperature, thus hindering the growth of bacteria. This research is an initial investigation of ice slurry as an energy and water efficient, pathogen reducing, and financially feasible chiller medium in poultry processing. The financial feasibility and electrical energy demand of using ice slurry were explored in a techno-economic model in HOMER Energy, which is a micro-grid design and optimization software. The thermal cooling capacity of ice slurry and fluidity of the solution allows for generation and storage to occur during low electricity cost hours and an application during high electricity cost hours, thus creating savings in electricity costs associated with poultry chilling. During the poultry chilling experimentation, chickens were spiked with Salmonella as temperature probes measured their core body temperature throughout their immersion within the different media. Greater pathogen reductions, faster cooling times, and less water consumption compared to chilled water promotes ice slurry as an alternate medium in the poultry processing industry.
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Ice Slurry as Secondary Fluid in Refrigeration Systems : Fundamentals and Applications in SupermarketsHägg, Cecilia January 2005 (has links)
This thesis summarises the work performed within the project known as ICE-COOL at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) on low tem-perature applications of ice slurry. The ICE-COOL project is a Euro-pean Community funded project within the 5th Framework Program. The task given to KTH was to find and characterize the best possible aqueous solution with a freezing point of -25 °C applicable for ice slurry with an operating temperature of -35 °C. The circumstances differ for low temperature ice slurry from medium temperature as a result of for example the change in thermo-physical properties due to increased addi-tive concentration and the lower temperature. Ice slurry is a mixture of fine ice crystals, water and freezing point de-pressant additives. The typical ice crystal size ranges between 0.1 to 1 mm in diameter. The main purpose of using ice slurries is to take advan-tage of the latent heat. More than a few requirements are to be fulfilled by an ideal ice slurry fluid. It should have good thermo-physical proper-ties, high heat transport and transfer abilities, as well as low pressure drop to facilitate small pumping power. The ice content of ice slurry af-fects all the mentioned abilities. Apart from the mentioned factors of the fluid, there are other aspects that have to be taken into consideration such as environmental pollution and toxicity, flammability, material compatibility, corrosion, handling security and cost. This thesis reports on the experiences accomplished and the initial ex-periments performed on low temperature ice slurry. The thesis also gives the background and fundamentals necessary for a discussion and com-parison of different aqueous fluids suitable for ice slurry in general and for low temperature in particular. In addition to the low temperature ap-plication, the thesis also reports on an initial energy consumption com-parison between using ice slurry and single-phase fluid in supermarkets by means of the simulation program CyberMart developed by Jaime Arias at the Department of Energy Technology at KTH. / QC 20101202
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Ice Slurry as Secondary Fluid in Refrigeration Systems : Fundamentals and Applications in SupermarketsHägg, Cecilia January 2005 (has links)
<p>This thesis summarises the work performed within the project known as ICE-COOL at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) on low tem-perature applications of ice slurry. The ICE-COOL project is a Euro-pean Community funded project within the 5th Framework Program. The task given to KTH was to find and characterize the best possible aqueous solution with a freezing point of -25 °C applicable for ice slurry with an operating temperature of -35 °C. The circumstances differ for low temperature ice slurry from medium temperature as a result of for example the change in thermo-physical properties due to increased addi-tive concentration and the lower temperature.</p><p>Ice slurry is a mixture of fine ice crystals, water and freezing point de-pressant additives. The typical ice crystal size ranges between 0.1 to 1 mm in diameter. The main purpose of using ice slurries is to take advan-tage of the latent heat. More than a few requirements are to be fulfilled by an ideal ice slurry fluid. It should have good thermo-physical proper-ties, high heat transport and transfer abilities, as well as low pressure drop to facilitate small pumping power. The ice content of ice slurry af-fects all the mentioned abilities. Apart from the mentioned factors of the fluid, there are other aspects that have to be taken into consideration such as environmental pollution and toxicity, flammability, material compatibility, corrosion, handling security and cost.</p><p>This thesis reports on the experiences accomplished and the initial ex-periments performed on low temperature ice slurry. The thesis also gives the background and fundamentals necessary for a discussion and com-parison of different aqueous fluids suitable for ice slurry in general and for low temperature in particular. In addition to the low temperature ap-plication, the thesis also reports on an initial energy consumption com-parison between using ice slurry and single-phase fluid in supermarkets by means of the simulation program CyberMart developed by Jaime Arias at the Department of Energy Technology at KTH.</p>
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Eisbrei: Erzeugung aus unterkühlten Fluiden - Hemmung der Kristallisationsneigung durch Auswahl geeigneter SubstratoberflächenGund, Sebastian 19 December 2024 (has links)
Energiespeicher und besonders thermische Energiespeicher ermöglichen es, überschüssige Energie aus erneuerbaren Quellen zu speichern und bei Bedarf abzurufen. Ein kostengünstiges und ungiftiges Speichermedium mit Phasenwechsel(eng. phase change material - PCM) ist Eis. Eisspeicher haben jedoch einen entscheidenden Nachteil - eine geringe Entzugsleistung aufgrund des geringen Wärmedurchgangs durch das Eis. Die Wärmeübertrager-Oberfläche, die dem Eis ausgesetzt ist, ist dabei ebenfalls sehr begrenzt. Hier bietet sich Eisbrei als Alternative an. Eisbrei ist eine Mischung aus Eispartikeln mit einem Durchmesser von 0,1 mm bis 1 mm und einem Trägerfluid. Die wirksame Oberfläche ist um ein Vielfaches größer als die von reinem Eis. Ein energetisch effizientes Verfahren, Eisbrei herzustellen, ist die Unterkühlungsmethode. Es wird Wasser, das ggf. mit einem Additiv versetzt ist, unter den Gefrierpunkt abgekühlt und kontrolliert zu einer Kristallisation angeregt. Wie lange die Unterkühlung stabil in einem Unterkühler aufrechterhalten werden kann, ist ein zufälliger Prozess. Je tiefer unterkühlt wird, desto mehr Eis kann aus der unterkühlten Flüssigkeit erzeugt werden. Mit steigender Unterkühlung steigt aber auch die Kristallisationswahrscheinlichkeit. Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Materialien zu untersuchen, mit denen eine Hemmung der Kristallisationsneigung erreicht werden kann. Es werden ganz gezielt keine Beschichtungen untersucht, da diese sich mit der Zeit ablösen können. Der Fokus liegt auf amorphen Metall-Legierungen, die mit den Referenzmaterialien Kupfer und Aluminium verglichen werden. Diese amorphen Legierungen weisen, im Gegensatz zu Eis, keine geordnete Kristallstruktur auf und eignen sich deshalb theoretisch sehr gut als Unterkühler-Materialien. Für die Untersuchungen wird ein Prüfstand entwickelt, mit dem es möglich ist, gleichzeitig Unterkühlungs-Versuche und Kontaktwinkel-Messungen durchzuführen. Es zeigt sich, dass sich amorphe Materialien, im Vergleich mit Kupfer und Aluminium, sehr gut dazu eignen, Flüssigkeiten zu unterkühlen. Gerade die amorphen Materialien, die eine äquivalente Gitterabweichung von 10% zu Eis haben, eignen sich besonders. In den Untersuchungen zeigt sich auch, dass amorphe Materialien eine reifunterdrückende Wirkung haben.:1 Einleitung
2 Grundlagen
2.1 Eisbrei
2.2 Unterkühlbarkeit von Fluiden
2.3 Einflussgrößen auf die Unterkühlung
2.4 Einfluss von Strukturierung und Beschichtung der Oberfläche
auf die Unterkühlung
2.5 Einfluss der Kohärenz der Schnittstelle auf die Unterkühlung
2.6 Amorphe Metalle
3 Methoden und Materialien
3.1 Charakterisierung der nicht-metallischen Proben
3.2 Charakterisierung der amorphen Proben
3.3 Direkte Bestimmung der Spannung im gefrorenen Tropfen mit
3.4 Direkte Bestimmung der Spannung im gefrorenen Tropfen mit
3.5 Kombinierte Kontaktwinkel- und Unterkühlungsmessung
3.6 Untersuchung der freien Oberflächenenergie
4 Versuchsaufbau und Durchführung
4.1 Laborversuch 1: Nicht-metallische Substratoberflächen
4.2 Laborversuch 2: Amorph-metallische Substratoberflächen
4.2.1 Überblick über den Aufbau des Prüfstandes
4.2.2 Details der Verfahr-Einheit und der Probenhalter
4.2.3 Vergleich des Prüfstandes mit einem kommerziellen Kon-
4.3 Versuchsablauf für die Untersuchung der maximalen Unterkühl-
4.4 Versuchsablauf für die Untersuchung der Haltezeit
5 Ergebnisse
5.1 Untersuchung der nicht-metallischen Substrate
5.2 Maximale Unterkühlbarkeit auf amorphen Substraten
5.3 Haltezeit auf amorphen Substraten
5.4 Kontaktwinkelmessung auf amorphen Substraten
5.5 Kontaktwinkelmessung von unterkühlten Tropfen
5.6 Freie Oberflächenenergie auf amorphen Substraten
6 Diskussion
6.1 Diskussion der Hemmung der Kristallisationsneigung
6.2 Vergleich der amorphen Substrate mit der Kristallstruktur von Eis
6.3 Diskussion der Kontaktwinkelmessung von unterkühlten Tropfen
6.4 Reifunterdrückende Wirkung von amorphen Substraten
7 Technische Nutzbarkeit der Unterkühlunsmethode
7.1 Simulation der Partikelgrößenverteilung eines Eisspeichers
7.2 Wasserreinigung durch Kristallisation
8 Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
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Seawater Heat Recovery by the Utilisation of Phase Change Heat of Freezing : Technical feasibility study of a system for District Heating in the city of HelsinkiRamesh, Rakesh January 2022 (has links)
With the Paris agreement calling to limit global warming to 2°C below pre-industrial levels, with further efforts to ensure it stays below 1.5°C, the Finnish government passed the Lakihiilen energiakäytön kieltämisestä (416/2019), i.e., Act of Prohibition of Coal Energy,which stipulates that the use of coal as a fuel for heat/electricity production to be bannedfrom 1 May 2029. This affects Helsinki’s energy industry and a key concern to this work is the Salmisaari Combined Heat and Power plant, which is set to be decommissioned. This plant currently generates heat and electricity by using wood pellets and coal to cater toaround 25-45% of the District Heating consumption of the city of Helsinki. To compensate for this decommissioning, there arises a need for more heat production,around 300-500MW of capacity. One alternative is the heat recovery of seawater by utilising the phase change heat of freezing. The present project investigates a technical feasibility study of a system to generate ice slurry, which is then used to extract heat fromseawater at ~0°C via a heat pump. The competitiveness of an ice-slurry based system to state-of-the-art water or ice-based storage is analysed as well. The proposed system is then modelled in Aspen Plus, and the pressure drop characteristics of the generated ice slurry are studied. Finally, a sensitivity analysis of the pressure ratio of the compressor on the performance of the system is studied. Based on prior works, level of commercialisation and technical feasibility, it was found that a vacuum ice generation method, in combination with heat pumps, is a viable solution to cater to the district heating demand of the city. Further, it is concluded that the pressure drop occurring during transport of the ice slurry is quite minimal – less than 0.5% of the total power consumed whilst producing 300MW of district heat. The COP of the system varies between 2.6-2.8 depending on the pressure ratio of the compressor and thus is energy efficient. Overall, the proposed solution seems to be promising and with further socio-techno-economic analysis, this could be the potential alternative to bridge the deficit. / Med Parisavtalet som kräver att den globala uppvärmningen ska begränsas till 2 °C under förindustriella nivåer, med ytterligare ansträngningar för att säkerställa att den håller sigunder 1,5 °C, antog den finska regeringen Laki hiilen energiakäytön kieltämisestä (416/2019), dvs. Förbud mot kolenergi, som föreskriver att användningen av kol som bränsle för värme-/elproduktion ska förbjudas från och med den 1 maj 2029. Detta påverkar Helsingfors energiindustri och en central fråga för detta arbete är Salmisaarikraftvärmeverk, som är planlagt på att avvecklas. Denna anläggning genererar för närvarande värme och elektricitet genom att använda träpellets och kol för att tillgodosecirka 25–45 % av Helsingfors stads fjärrvärmeförbrukning. För att kompensera för denna avveckling uppstår ett behov av mer värmeproduktion, cirka 300-500MW kapacitet. Ett alternativ är värmeåtervinning från havsvatten genom att utnyttja fasförändringsvärmen från frysning. Detta projekt skall undersöka genom en teknisk förstudie olika system för att generera isslurry (en blandning av is och vatten), som sedan används för att utvinna värme från havsvatten vid ~0°C med hjälp av en värmepump. Konkurrenskraften hos ett isslurrybaserat system jämfört mot toppmoderna vatten- eller isbaserad lagrings system analyseras också. Det föreslagna systemet modelleras sedan i Aspen Plus, och tryckfallsegenskaperna hos den genererade isslurryn studeras. Slutligengörs en känslighetsanalys av kompressorns tryckförhållande och dess påverkan på systemets prestanda. Baserat på tidigare arbeten, kommersialiseringsnivå och teknisk genomförbarhet fann denna rapport att genom en metod för att generera vakuumis, i kombination med värmepumpar att en hållbar lösning för att tillgodose stadens fjärrvärmebehov finns. Vidare dras slutsatsen att tryckfallet som inträffar under transport av isslurryn är minimalt- mindre än 0,5 % av den totala energiförbrukningen samtidigt som den producerar 300MW fjärrvärme. Systemets COP varierar mellan 2,6–2,8 beroende på kompressorns tryckförhållande och är därmed energieffektivt. Sammantaget verkar den föreslagna lösningen vara lovande och med ytterligare socio-teknoekonomisk analys kan detta vara ett potentiellt alternati för att brygga underskottet av fjärrvärme.
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[pt] Um gerador de pasta de gelo foi desenvolvido para o
estudo experimental
de suas características de transferência de calor. Uma
das características
da pasta de gelo é que pode ser bombeada como qualquer
líquido. O
gerador de pasta de gelo é um evaporador, do tipo
trocador de calor de
superfície raspada com intensificação mecânica de
transferência de calor.
Foi estabelecida a influência de vários parâmetros na
transferência de calor
no gerador de pasta de gelo: a vazão mássica, a
velocidade de rotação do
raspador, a temperatura da parede na interface, a
temperatura de operação
da solução aquosa, entre outros. Estudou-se tanto a
transferência de calor
com ou sem mudança de fase. Utilizaram-se soluções
aquosas de etanol com
diferentes concentrações. A pasta de gelo era produzida
continuamente sem
acumulação no evaporador. O gerador era parte de um
sistema integral
contendo os seguintes componentes: o sistema de medição
da fração de gelo
on-line, através da medição da massa específica da pasta
de gelo; uma
bomba helicoidal de cavidade progressiva, que permitia
controlar a vazão,
por meio de um variador de freqüência; um aquecedor
elétrico, atuando
como carga térmica, com a possibilidade de variar a
capacidade desta carga
térmica e, com isto, o controle da temperatura de
operação do sistema; e o
sistema de aquisição de dados. Foi estabelecido um
modelo para determinar,
experimentalmente, o número de Nusselt e, por
conseguinte, o coeficiente
interno de transferência de calor da pasta de gelo.
Utilizou-se uma unidade
condensadora convencional, com R22 como fluido
refrigerante. A pasta
de gelo resultante era bombeada continuamente em um
circuito fechado,
assegurando o estudo de um fluido homogeneamente
distribuído, visto que o
circuito não permitia a acumulação de pasta de gelo. Os
sistemas de geração
de pasta de gelo apresentam potencial para reduzir
significativamente os
custos de capital inicial e operação, quando comparados
com tecnologias de
sistemas de termoacumulação estáticos de gelo ou
dinâmicos, como o ice
harvesting. / [en] An ice slurry generator for was developed for the
experimental study of its
heat transfer characteristics. One of the main
characteristic of ice slurry is
that it can be pumped as any liquid. The ice slurry
generator is an evaporator,
with mechanical heat transfer enhancement, by surface
scraping. The
dependence of several parameters on heat exchanger
performance was established.
They included: mass flow rate, scraped rotational
velocity, surface
temperature, solution operating temperature. Single and
two-phase flow was
studied. Aqueous ethanol solutions, of different
concentrations, were used.
Ice slurry was produced on a continuous basis. The
experimental apparatus
consisted of the heat exchanger itself, an on-line ice
mass fraction measurement
device, a helicoidal positive displacement variable flow
rate pump, an
electrical heater, the data acquisition system and a R22
condensing unit.
The ice slurry was pumped continuously on a closed
circuit, providing a
homogeneous fluid, as no accumulation of ice was possible.
Ice slurry systems
have the potential of significant reduction on capital and
costs, when compared to traditional technologies, static
or dynamic, of ice
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[pt] O uso da pasta de gelo começou recentemente a ser aplicado
em sistemas de refrigeração e condicionamento de ar. Como
principais vantagens deste fluido, podem ser citados: a
possibilidade de armazenar calor latente do gelo e a
possibilidade de ser bombeado como a água fria. Assim, o
pasta de gelo pode ser usado para o armazenamento térmico
no lugar da água fria ou do gelo, desde que, até
determinadas concentrações, possa ser bombeado através dos
trocadores de calor. Para que esta tecnologia seja aceita
extensamente, informações de engenharia são requeridas nas
características de transporte nos equipamentos de troca de
calor. Um dispositivo experimental foi desenvolvido para
estudar os coeficientes de transporte do pasta de gelo em
um trocador de calor de placas, utilizando água como carga
térmica a resfriar. Foram investigadas várias situações para
diferentes frações iniciais e vazões do pasta de gelo. As
condições de entrada da carga térmica, foram mantidas
constantes. São monitoradas a temperatura, a queda de
pressão, a fração do gelo sólido e a vazão do pasta de gelo
no trocador de calor, assim como a vazão e a de temperatura
na parte da carga térmica. Os resultados mostram que o
coeficiente global de troca de calor aumenta com aumento da
fração inicial do gelo. A capacidade do resfriamento do
trocador de calor aumenta consideravelmente, em relação da
água, quando a pasta de gelo, é utilizada como fluido
secundário. Finalmente, a queda de pressão aumenta com o
aumento da fração inicial de gelo. / [en] The use of the ice slurry is recently applied in the
refrigeration and air conditioning systems. Advantages such
as the possibility to store latent heat on ice and the
possibility of being pumped as cold water can be
considered. Ice slurries can be used both for cold storage
in place of chilled water or ice and as a secondary
refrigerant since, up to certain concentrations, they can
be pumped directly through distribution pipeworks and heat
exchangers. For ice slurries to become more widely
accepted, however, more engineering information is
required on fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics.
An experimental device was developed to study the transport
properties of the ice slurry in plate heat exchangers.
Several situations were investigated for different initial
fractions and flows of ice slurry. The conditions of the
thermal load (pure water), had been kept constant. The
temperature field, the pressure loss, the initial fraction
and the flow of ice slurry are monitored in the heat
exchanger, beyond the flow and the temperature field is
monitored in the part of the thermal load. The overall heat
transfer coefficient, increases in function of the initial
ice fraction. The capacity cooling of the heat exchanger
increases with the use of ice slurry when compared to pure
water. Finally can be showed that the loss of pressure
increases for higher initial ice fraction.
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Thermophysical Properties of Aqueous Solutions Used as Secondary Working FluidsMelinder, Åke January 2007 (has links)
Secondary working fluids (secondary refrigerants, heat transfer fluids, antifreezes, brines) have long been used in various indirect re-frigeration and heat pump systems. Aqueous solutions (water solu-tions) have long been used as single phase (liquid only) secondary working fluids for cooling in supermarkets, ice rinks, heat recovery systems, heat pumps and other applications. However, aqueous solutions are increasingly used also for freezers in supermarkets and other applications in low temperature refrigeration. Of importance when comparing different secondary working fluids for indirect systems are the following basic thermophysical properties: freezing point, density, viscosity, specific heat, and thermal conductivity. Reliable data of these properties are needed to choose suitable fluid and to make technical calculations of an indirect refrigeration or heat pump system. The main intention of this work has been to select thermophysical property data with good or acceptable technical accuracy of a number of aqueous solutions that can be used by the refrigeration and heat pump industry, rather than focusing on a limited number of property values or scientifically very accurate measuring techniques. A thorough literature search was in view of this made to find the most reliable property values of aqueous solutions. Detailed literature references are given for thermo-physical properties of the following aqueous solutions, without other additives: Ethylene and propylene glycol, ethyl and methyl alcohol, glycerol, ammonia, potassium carbonate, calcium, lithium, magnesium and sodium chlorides as well as potassium acetate and potassium formate. Some laboratory measurements were made of most of the fluid types when literature values were incomplete or deemed unreliable. Methods used are briefly described and results are given. Much of the work was reported on in the Engineering Licentiate Thesis: Thermophysical properties of liquid secondary refrigerants, A Critical Review on Literature References and Laboratory Measure-ments (Melinder 1998a). That material forms the basis for the charts and tables used in the IIR-publication Thermophysical properties of liquid secondary refrigerants (Melinder, 1997). The present thesis reports on an update made since 1998, including re-view work done on two additional fluids not covered in Melinder (1998a). The thesis describes how the selection of property values results in tables and charts intended for the industry. Coefficients for poly-nomial equations are generated from these property values using a Matlab program and this material is intended as a useful tool for computer treatment. Aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol is used as example to see how this process is made. This choice of fluid can also be seen as a test of this method, as the basic thermophysical properties of aqueous solutions of ethyl alcohol present more chal-lenges than the other fluids examined. A comparison is made of a few types of aqueous solutions used as secondary working fluids for two types of applications. The first example is bedrock heat pumps and the second is cooling cabinets in a supermarket. An effort is made to see how the additive con-centration affects the thermal performance. Most aqueous solutions used as single-phase secondary fluids can also be used as ice slurry, a fluid consisting of liquid and ice where small ice crystals are produced, usually with some type of ice generator. The ice crystals are then transported to the cooling object from which heat is removed when ice crystals melt. This results in less temperature change in the cooling object and makes it also possible to reduce the volume flow rate and to use smaller pipe dimensions in the system. In order to choose a secondary fluid for ice slurry use and to make correct technical calculations of the ice slurry system there is a need to examine and evaluate thermo-physical properties and other aspects of ice and of the aqueous solution used. For dimensioning purposes it is of interest to estimate ice mass fraction and enthalpy values and enthalpy-phase diagrams can serve that purpose. This thesis presents enthalpy-phase diagrams made by author that besides isotherms contain lines with ice fraction and lines connecting enthalpies at freezing point and 1, 2, etc. to 10 K below the freezing point curve. / QC 20100609
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Load Shifting and Storage of Cooling Energy through Ice Bank or Ice Slurry Systems : modelling and experimental analysisGrozdek, Marino January 2009 (has links)
Ice based Cool Thermal Energy Storage (CTES) systems have attracted much attention during last few decades. The reasons are mainly of economical and environmental nature. Compared to conventional refrigeration and air-conditioning systems without cool thermal energy storage, implementation of CTES will increase environmental standards and overall efficiency of the energy systems as it contributes to the phase-out of synthetic refrigerants and reduces peak loads in electricity grids. For the application of a cool thermal energy storages in refrigeration installations and HVAC systems in industry and building sector, it is necessary to have appropriate design tools in order to sufficiently accurate predict their performance. In this thesis theoretical and experimental investigations of two ice based cool thermal energy storage systems, namely static, indirect, external melt, ice-on-coil, i.e. ice bank system and dynamic, ice slurry cool thermal energy storage system are carried out. An ice bank storage technology for cooling purposes is known for a long time. The main drawbacks which are hindering its wider use are the system complexity, high first costs, system efficiency which is highly dependant on design, control and monitoring of the system, etc. On the other hand, ice slurry technology was not well studied until recently, while in the current scientific literature there are still differences between results and conclusions reported by different investigators. The aim of the present thesis is to extend the knowledge in the field of ice based CTES systems, thereby contributing in the development and wider utilization of those systems. In the first part of the thesis a computer application, named “BankaLeda” is presented. It enables simulation of an ice bank system performance. In order to verify developed simulation model an experimental evaluation has been performed. Field measurements have been conducted on a two module silo which was installed as a part of the refrigeration system in dairy and cheese factory “Antun Bohnec” in the city of Ludbreg in Croatia. Experimental findings were compared to the simulation model. The software „BankaLeda“ presents a strong optimization tool for designers and engineers in the field by providing a high degree of freedom in defining particular system design and operating parameters. It offers a basis for assessment and testing of a new energy efficient system arrangements and measures. Besides it will give decisionmakers the ability to test potential solutions in the process of CTES system design. In the second part of the thesis ice slurry pressure drop and heat transfer in horizontal straight tubes have been experimentally investigated. In particular a mixture of 10.3 % of ethanol and water with an initial freezing point of -4.4 °C was considered. It was found that the behaviour of ice slurry flow is changing with time and that ice slurry pressure drop is generally higher than for single phase flow. However for ice concentrations of 15 % and higher, for certain velocities ice slurry pressure drop is found to be of a similar value as for single phase fluid. Moreover, if ice slurry is to be used as a energy transport media it is recommended to keep the ice mass fraction at a level of 20 %. With tube geometry and thermophysical properties of a carrier fluid the heat transfer of ice slurry is generally a function of ice mass fraction and velocity. The imposed heat flux has no or has just minor influence on the heat transfer coefficient. Up to ice mass fraction between 10-15 % the mean heat transfer coefficient shows only slight (laminar flow) or no increase (turbulent flow) in comparison to single phase flow. Beyond that ice mass fraction the heat transfer coefficient is increasing significantly. The test data for pressure drop and heat transfer in laminar and turbulent regime was compared to several correlations from the literature. A new correlations for ice slurry pressure drop and heat transfer in the laminar flow regime, for 10.3 % ethanol and water mixture, were derived based on the present experimental data. The correlation for pressure drop predicts 82 % of the experimental data with ±15 % accuracy, while the correlation for heat transfer predicts 75 % of the data with the same accuracy. In order to investigate advantages and disadvantages of a dynamic, ice slurry system over a static, indirect, external melt, ice-on-coil CTES system and to assess their differences from economical aspects, a theoretical simulation model of an ice slurry CTES have been developed. It was found that the ice slurry based CTES systems posses higher economic and energy saving potential than static type systems. In the best case scenario the total energy consumption of dynamic CTES system was found to be approximately 25 % lower than for a static CTES system. / QC 20100715
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[pt] A pasta de gelo é uma mistura de água e um aditivo, com finas partículas de gelo, apresentando uma alta densidade de energia térmica. O principal motivo de sua utilização deve-se à combinação do aproveitamento do calor latente na mudança de fase com capacidade de ser bombeado. O presente
trabalho trata do estudo experimental sobre a transfe rência de calor e queda de pressão, com mudança de fase, utilizando uma mistura de propileno glicol - água com 13,8% de concentração em peso, num trocador de calor de placas com arranjo em U para 16 placas. Realizaram-se testes de troca de calor com
escoamento em paralelo e contra-corrente, para duas condições de fração mássica de gelo e números de
Reynolds para a pasta de gelo entre 150 e 425, com diferentes condições de carga térmica. Dos testes foram observados aumentos de até 25% no coeficiente global de troca calor, ao se incrementar a vazão e,
conseqüentemente, o número de Reynolds da pasta de gelo. Com o aumento da fração de gelo melhora-se a capacidade de resfriamento, diminuindo o número de Nusselt da pasta de gelo. O coeficiente global de troca, porém, começa a diminuir. Na literatura esta relação ainda não está bem definida. Alguns autores relatam ganhos, perdas ou indiferença no coeficiente global. Resultados do coeficiente global e do número
de Nusselt, nos modos paralelo e contra-corrente, não apresentaram grande diferença. A capacidade de resfriamento em contra-corrente foi maior, apresentando valores de efetividade cerca 10% acima dos
resultados observados no modo paralelo. Os fatores de atrito encontrados variaram entre 0,030 a 0,085, o
que concorda com os resultados apresentados por outros pesquisadores. Como era de se esperar, o fator de atrito diminui com o aumento da vazão mássica e de maneira inversa com o aumento da fração de gelo. / [en] Ice slurry is an aqueous solution from which ice crystals are formed. These crystals possess high energy density, in the form of latent heat. Furthermore, the fact of being a slurry makes it an excellent energy
carrier, for it can be easily pumped. The present work presents an experimental procedure to assess the heat transfer and the pressure loss, with phase change, using a mixture of propyleneglycol and water, 13.8% weight, in a U-plate heat exchanger with 16 plates. Tests were carried out for both parallel and counter-flow configurations of the heat exchanger, for two different mass fractions of ice and with
Reynolds numbers between 150 and 425 for the slurry. Different thermal loads were considered. The
experiments showed increases of up to 25% in the overall heat transfer coeficiente when the slurry flow is increased, with consequent increase in the Reynolds number. By increasing the ice fraction the cooling capacity is improved, reducing the Nusselt number. In the literature, this relationship is not clearly defined, as some authors show gains in the heat exchange coefficient, losses, and some others did not observe any influence on this parameter. Regarding the heat Exchange configuration, i.e., parallel or counter-flow, neither the heat exchange coefficient, nor the Nusselt number suffered major influence. The
effectiveness is up to 10% higher for the counter-flow configuration in comparison with the parallel
configuration. The figures found for the friction coefficient, between 0,030 and 0,085, are in good agreement with the literature. As expected, the friction coefficient decreases when the mass flow is increased, and increases when the ice fraction is increased.
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