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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrategias de territorialización campesina : encrucijadas entre el reconocimiento político y la autonomía territorial: constitución y funcionamiento de dos zonas de reserva campesina en Colombia /

Cristancho Garrido, Hellen Charlot January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Bernardo Mançano Fernandes / Resumo: Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo compreender o processo de construção de territórios camponeses nas denominadas Zonas de Reserva Camponesa (ZRC) na Colômbia; e seu potencial para garantir a existência de território camponês nas zonas de colonização, como em zonas em que as comunidades organizadas estão solicitando a aplicação da figura jurídica para seus territórios. Nossa premissa é que as ZRC derivam do problema agrário não resolvido, surgem como resultado da mobilização camponesa pelo acesso à terra e como possibilidade de desencadear processos de desenvolvimento alternativos àqueles impostos pelo modelo de desenvolvimento dominante. A fundamentação teórica teve como centralidade o debate da questão agraria, a categoria de território e o conceito de território camponês. Para a análise empírica foram selecionadas a ZRC de El Pato-Balsillas, município de San Vicente del Caguán, departamento del Caquetá, e a ZRC de Inzá-Tierradentro, município de Inzá, departamento del Cauca. A estratégia metodológica pautou-se na produção de informação a partir de análise documental, a realização de visitas de campo e entrevistas semiestruturadas a uma mostra qualitativamente escolhida de pessoas envolvidas na conformação e funcionamento das ZRC. Ainda que o olhar buscou focar o campesinato como sujeito coletivo, tomou-se a opção de reconstruir e analisar as trajetórias de suas expressões organizadas, nas associações que lideram a luta para manter a ZRC. Como resultado concluímos que é certo... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Resumen: La investigación tuvo como objetivo comprender el proceso de construcción de territorios campesinos en las denominadas zonas de reserva campesina (ZRC) en Colombia; así como su potencial para garantizar la existencia del territorio campesino, tanto en zonas de colonización, como en aquellas zonas en donde comunidades organizadas están solicitando la aplicación de esta figura jurídica para sus territorios. La premisa de partida es que las ZRC derivan del problema agrario no resuelto; surgen como resultado de la movilización campesina por el acceso a la tierra y como posibilidad de desencadenar procesos de desarrollo alternativos a los impuestos por el modelo de desarrollo dominante. La fundamentación teórica se elaboró en torno a la centralidad del debate sobre la cuestión agraria; la categoría de territorio y la conceptualización de territorio campesino. Para el análisis empírico se seleccionaron la ZRC de El Pato-Balsillas, municipio de San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá, y la ZRC de Inzá-Tierradentro, municipio de Inzá, Cauca. La estrategia metodológica se soportó en la producción de información a partir del análisis documental, la realización de visitas a las ZRC y entrevistas semiestructuradas a una muestra cualitativamente escogida de sujetos involucrados en la conformación y funcionamiento de las ZRC. Si bien la mirada se enfocó en el campesinado como sujeto colectivo, se tomó la opción de reconstruir y analizar las trayectorias de sus expresiones organizadas en las asocia... (Resumen completo clicar acceso eletrônico abajo) / Abstract: This research aims to understand the process of the construction of peasant territories in the areas denominated Peasant Reserve Zones (ZRC) in Colombia and examine their potential to ensure the existence of peasant territory, both in settlement areas and areas where organized communities are requesting the application of this legal title for their territories. The starting premise is that ZRCs have emerged as a response to the unresolved agrarian question; they arise as a result of peasant mobilization for access to land and as a possibility of initiating development processes alternative to those imposed by the dominant development model. The theoretical foundation of this research has been developed with a focus on the centrality of the agrarian question debates; the geographic category of territory and the concept of peasant territory. For the empirical analysis of ZRCs, two case studies were chosen: the ZRC El Pato - Balsillas in the municipality of San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá, and the ZRC Inzá - Tierradentro in the municipality of Inzá, department of Cauca. The methodological approach involved the production of information from documentary analysis, conducting visits to the ZRCs and semi-structured interviews of qualitatively chosen subjects involved in the establishment and operation of ZRCs. While the research focuses on the peasantry as a collective subject, it also analyzes and reconstructs the trajectories of peasants who are organized in associations and leadi... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Doutor

Réseaux de villes et recompositions interterritoriales dans l'espace baltique / City-networks and spatial rescaling in the Baltic Sea area

Escach, Nicolas 14 November 2014 (has links)
L'espace baltique est souvent cité comme l’archétype d’un espace transnational construit par des réseaux. Depuis la chute du Rideau de fer, les acteurs locaux et européens ont régulièrement convoqué le passé fantasmé de la Hanse médiévale, une association de marchands créée au XIIe siècle, afin d’établir une prétendue unité de la région. Davantage que la volonté de rapprocher des territoires avant tout concurrents, l'existence d'une multitude de forums baltiques traduit surtout la difficile adaptation des acteurs locaux à de nouvelles dynamiques relevant de la mondialisation économique et de l'européanisation politique. Depuis les années 1980, marquées par une recomposition du rôle des États, les autorités municipales ont la possibilité de mener une politique internationale plus autonome et de porter leurs actions à des niveaux inédits. Encore faut-il que les municipalités concernées disposent d'une masse critique suffisante et d'une localisation avantageuse. Les réseaux de villes forment un espace intermédiaire permettant aux territoires périphériques de l'espace baltique de développer des stratégies dans et avec les niveaux géographiques. Il n'existe pas un seul modèle de recomposition interterritoriale mais une multitude de stratégies et de parcours, dont l'espace baltique, traversé de nombreuses discontinuités, peut témoigner. Au-delà d'une géopolitique classique centrée sur les relations interétatiques, l'étude des municipalités riveraines invite à considérer la diversité des modèles d'inscription dans des dynamiques mondiales et européennes qui ne constituent pas des processus linéaires et monolithiques. / The Baltic Sea area is often quoted as the archetype of a transnational space achieved through networks. Since the fall of the Iron Curtain, local and European stakeholders have frequently relied on the fantasized history of the Hanseatic League, a mediaeval association of merchants created in the 12th century, in order to foster the idea of a unified region. Rather than a desire to bring together territories that are essentially rivals, the existence of numerous Baltic forums suggests the difficulty local stakeholders have in adapting to the new dynamics of economic globalization and political Europeanization. Since the 1980s, a period that was characterized by a change in the role of States, city authorities have been able to launch more autonomous international policies and extend the scope of their actions to unprecedented levels, the condition being that the cities in question have a sufficient critical mass and enjoy an attractive location. City networks make up an intermediary space allowing the territories bordering the Baltic Sea to develop strategies within and together with various geographical levels. With its many disparities, the Baltic Sea area exemplifies not one single model of rescaling, but a vast number of inter-territorial strategies and approaches. Beyond classical geopolitics based on inter-state relations, the study of the cities bordering the Baltic Sea leads to the idea that there is a great variety of ways in which they participate in both global and European dynamics that are not linear or monolithic processes.

Dynamiques funéraires et affirmations identitaires en Crète à l'est du Lassithi (XIVe - Ve siècles av. J-C.) / Funerary dynamics and identity affirmation in the East of Lasithi from the fourteenth to the fifth century B.C.E.

Labrude, Angélique 29 November 2014 (has links)
Nous avons poursuivi plusieurs desseins dans cette étude portant sur les dynamiques funéraires à l’est du Lassithi, du XIVe au Ve siècle av. J.-C. L’identification, au travers des traces matérielles, des pratiques collectives et codifiées que constituent les rituels funéraires, empreints d’une forte dimension identitaire, a constitué un premier objectif. Nous avons également cherché à saisir les stratégies territoriales de mise en place des sites funéraires parallèlement aux changements sociopolitiques majeurs qui affectent la Crète durant la délicate période transitionnelle que constitue le passage de l’âge du Bronze à l’âge du Fer. Dans un premier temps, après une présentation du contexte spatiotemporel et du vocable propre à l’archéologie de la mort, nous avons focalisé notre travail sur la description systématique de chaque sépulture dans son environnement propre. Dans un second temps, nous avons procédé en croisant les données matérielles, à une analyse thématique et comparative des nécropoles. La dimension systémique des dynamiques funéraires à l’est du Lassithi a enfin été envisagée à l’aune du contexte chrono-culturel égéen. / This doctoral thesis examining funerary dynamics in the east of Lassithi from the fourteenth to the fifth century B.C.E. has several aims. In the first instance, I seek to identify through the material vestiges the collective and codified practices that constitute the funerary rituals marked by a strong identitarian dimension. I also endeavour to grasp the territorial strategies used in the organisation of funerary sites in parallel to the major socio-political changes affecting Crete during the delicate transitional period marking the passage from the Bronze Age to the Iron Age. After an initial presentation of the spatio-temporal context and the vocabulary specific to the archaeology of death, the thesis turns towards the systematic description of each sepulchre in its own environment. This material data is subsequently combined with a thematic and comparative analysis of the necropolis. Finally, the systematic dimension of funerary dynamics in the east of Lassithi is considered in light of the Aegean chrono-cultural context.

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