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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interactions of tetracycline antibiotics with dissolved metal ions and metal oxides

Chen, Wan-Ru 19 May 2008 (has links)
Recent studies have demonstrated the omnipresence of antibacterial agents in the aquatic environment due to high usage and widespread applications of these compounds in medicine and agriculture, raising concerns over proliferation of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and other adverse health effects. Tetracyclines (TCs) are among the most widely used antibiotics and their fate and transformation in the soil-water environment are not yet well understood. Based on TCs' strong tendency to interact with metals, their environmental fate and transport are expected to be greatly influenced by metal species commonly present in waters and soils and thus the focus of this study. The study results show that TCs are highly susceptible to oxidative transformation mediated by dissolved Mn(II) and Cu(II) ions and manganese dioxide under environmentally relevant conditions. The oxidative transformation can occur via different TC structural moieties and reaction pathways when different metal species are involved, leading to complicated product formation patterns. It was also found that Al oxide surfaces can promote the acid-catalyzed isomeration and dehydration of TCs. To better evaluate the surface reactions of Mn oxide with TCs and other compounds, a new kinetic model was successfully developed to describe the complex reaction kinetics based on the experimental results with TCs and three other classes of antibacterial agents. Overall, this work significantly advances the fundamental understanding of the reaction mechanisms of TC compounds and provides the knowledge basis for better risk assessment of these compounds in the environment.

Estudo comparativo, atraves de microscopia eletronica de varredura, da acao de diferentes substancias quimicas e do laser de Er:YAG, na remocao de smear layer, em superficies radiculares submetidas a raspagem e aplainamento

THEODORO, LETICIA H. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:44:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:59:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 07160.pdf: 4424646 bytes, checksum: 4938889fd9a885e62dfeaafc99b1274d (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado Profissionalizante em Lasers em Odontologia) / IPEN/D-MPLO / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, IPEN/CNEN-SP; Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo

Estudo comparativo, atraves de microscopia eletronica de varredura, da acao de diferentes substancias quimicas e do laser de Er:YAG, na remocao de smear layer, em superficies radiculares submetidas a raspagem e aplainamento

THEODORO, LETICIA H. 09 October 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T12:44:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Made available in DSpace on 2014-10-09T13:59:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 07160.pdf: 4424646 bytes, checksum: 4938889fd9a885e62dfeaafc99b1274d (MD5) / Dissertacao (Mestrado Profissionalizante em Lasers em Odontologia) / IPEN/D-MPLO / Instituto de Pesquisas Energeticas e Nucleares, IPEN/CNEN-SP; Faculdade de Odontologia, Universidade de Sao Paulo

Résistance aux antibiotiques chez Mycoplasma bovis : mécanismes moléculaires et évolution en France / Antimicrobial resistance in Mycoplasma bovis : molecular mechanisms and evolution in France

Khalil, Dima 06 December 2016 (has links)
Mycoplasma (M.) bovis est une bactérie pathogène des bovins, à l'origine de signes cliniques divers, comme des mammites, des arthrites, des otites et des bronchopneumonies, ces dernières étant majoritaires en France. Les mycoplasmoses à M. bovis ont un fort coût économique et leur contrôle impose une importante mobilisation sanitaire et un recours très fréquent à l'antibiothérapie. Peu de données étaient disponibles jusque récemment concernant le typage moléculaire et l'antibiosensibilité des souches françaises de M. bovis. Deux études antérieures à ce travail et réalisées au sein de l'UMR « Mycoplasmoses des ruminants » ont montré que les isolats cliniques de M. bovis collectés en France après 2000 appartiennent à un sous-type moléculaire majoritaire (ST2), très homogène et sont par ailleurs multirésistants à la plupart des familles antibiotiques à l'exception des fluoroquinolones. Ces résultats suggèrent la diffusion sur le territoire national d'un clone unique multirésistant. Le premier objectif de cette étude était de déterminer les mécanismes à la base de la perte de sensibilité aux antibiotiques des isolats français. Dans un deuxième temps, les liens entre les différents sous-types moléculaires, les profils d'antibiosensibilité, les maladies associées et le polymorphisme des gènes cibles des antibiotiques ont été investigués. Cette approche a été déployée pour trois familles d'antibiotiques utilisées en pratique vétérinaire: les macrolides, les tétracyclines et également les fluoroquinolones, quoique récemment classées comme molécules critiques. De façon générale, les mutations identifiées dans les cibles des antibiotiques expliquent à elles seules les phénotypes de résistance observés. Des mutations dans les ARNs ribosomaux, cibles des macrolides et des tétracyclines, ont été observées sur des isolats cliniques dès 1978 et sont devenues systématiques sur tous les isolats collectés après 2000 et appartenant au sous-type ST2 majoritaire. En ce qui concerne les fluoroquinolones, la faible augmentation des CMI (concentrations minimales inhibitrices) mesurée chez la plupart des isolats cliniques récents n'a pas été associée à des mutations des QRDR (« Quinolones Resistance-Determining Regions »). Par contre, des altérations cumulées de façon séquentielle dans ces QRDR, associées à une hausse des CMI, ont été mises en évidence lors d'expériences de sélection in vitro et majoritairement pour des souches appartenant à un sous-type récent minoritaire, ST3, apparemment plus variable et plus apte à fixer les mutations. En 2013, le premier isolat clinique présentant une CMI augmentée aux fluoroquinolones a été isolé: il appartient à ce sous-type ST3. L'ensemble des résultats obtenus montrent que les différents sous-types de M. bovis n'évoluent pas de la même façon vers la résistance. Ce constat ajouté à celui de la multirésistance des isolats récents (ST2 ou ST3) met en exergue l'intérêt de la surveillance (sous-typage et antibiosensibilité) et le suivi de l'évolution des isolats de M. bovis circulant en France. Ce suivi permettrait notamment d'anticiper une éventuelle émergence de la résistance aux fluoroquinolones / Mycoplasma (M.) bovis is a bacterial pathogen for cattle, responsible for various clinical signs, like mastitis, arthritis, otitis and respiratory diseases, the latter being the main syndrome present in France. Mycoplasmoses have a great economic impact and their control entails drastic sanitary measures and a frequent use of antibiotherapy. Few data was available until recently on the molecular subtyping and the antimicrobial susceptibility of the French strains of M. bovis. Two previous studies done in the UMR « Mycoplasmoses des ruminants » proved that clinical isolates collected in France after the year 2000 belonged to one major subtype (ST2), which is very homogeneous, and that they were multiresistant to the main antimicrobial families except fluoroquinolones. These results suggested the diffusion of one unique multiresistant clone on the national territory. The first aim of the present study was to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying the loss of susceptibility to antimicrobials of the French strains. Secondly the links between the molecular subtypes, the antibiotics susceptibility profiles, the clinical origins and the polymorphisms of the target genes were assessed. This approach was used for 3 antimicrobial families currently used in veterinary medicine: macrolides, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones, although recently classified as critical. Actually, the point mutations observed in the target genes of the antimicrobials accounted for the observed resistance phenotypes. Some mutations in the ribosomal RNAs, targets of the macrolides and the tetracyclines, were observed in clinical isolates as soon as 1978 and they were generalized in all isolates collected after 2000 and belonging to the major subtype ST2. Concerning the fluoroquinolones, the slight increase in MIC (Minimum Inhibitory Concentration) observed in most of the recent isolates was not associated with mutations in the QRDR (Quinolone Resistance-Determining Regions). However alterations that were associated with increased MICs were highlighted and proved to be sequentially cumulated during experiments of in vitro selection under antimicrobials pressure. This was mainly true for strains belonging to a recent and uncommon subtype, ST3, which is apparently more variable and more able to fix the mutations. In 2013 the first clinical strain showing an increased MIC to fluoroquinolones was isolated and proved to belong to ST3. The whole results of this study showed that the different subtypes did not evolve with the same speed towards resistance. This fact, associated with the multiresistant phenotype of the recent isolates (ST2 or ST3), highlights the urge to monitor (subtyping and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles) and to follow-up the evolution of the isolates of M. bovis circulating in France in order to anticipate a potential emergence of the resistance to fluoroquinolones

Identification et validation de marqueurs moléculaires de la résistance de Plasmodium falciparum à la doxycycline / Identification and validation of molecular markers of resistance of plasmodium falciparum to doxycycline

Gaillard, Tiphaine 04 November 2015 (has links)
La doxycycline est l’une des molécules recommandées par l’OMS en prophylaxie pour les voyageurs dans les zones d’endémie palustre, en particulier dans les zones de multirésistance. Une étude récente avait suggéré que les isolats de P. falciparum présentaient différents niveaux de sensibilité à la doxycycline et que l’augmentation du nombre de copies de deux gènes, pfmdt ou pftetQ, pouvait être associée à une baisse de sensibilité.Le premier objectif de ce travail a consisté à valider ce modèle à partir d’un nouvel échantillonnage d’isolats africains. Le second objectif était d’évaluer le nombre de copies de ces deux gènes sur des isolats originaires de Thaïlande. Le troisième objectif a consisté à rechercher d’autres sources de résistance en investiguant le polymorphisme des gènes codant l’ARN ribosomal plasmodial potentiellement impliqués dans la résistance in vitro à la doxycycline.Les résultats nous ont permis de confirmer que le nombre de copies des gènes pfmdt ou pftetQ pouvait être impliqué dans la résistance in vitro à la doxycycline en Afrique. Les résultats concernant les isolats Thaï n’ont pas permis de corréler le nombre de copies des gènes pfmdt et pftetQ au phénotype CI50. Ces éléments montrent que ce mécanisme de résistance seul est insuffisant pour expliquer la résistance à la doxycycline ; les résultats sont en faveur d’une résistance médiée par plusieurs gènes.La recherche de points de mutation sur le gène pfssrRNA codant pour la petite sous-unité ribosomale de l’ADN plasmodial n’a pas abouti. D’autres cibles moléculaires sont en cours d’étude pour expliquer les mécanismes de résistance de P. falciparum à la doxycycline. / Doxycycline is currently one of the recommended chemoprophylactic regimens for travellers visiting malaria-endemic, particularly in countries with a high prevalence of resistance to chloroquine and multiresistance. A previous study suggested that increased pfmdt or pftetQ copy number could be associated with a lower susceptibility to doxycycline.The first aim of this study was to validate the pre-established model involving these two molecular markers with other African isolates. The second was to evaluate these markers in P. falciparum isolates coming from a multiresistance area in Thaïland. The third was to investigate the eventual association between the polymorphism in genes encoding ribosomal rRNA and in vitro resistance to doxycycline.The results confirm that pfmdt or pftetQ copy numbers should be involved in in vitro susceptibility to doxycycline in African P. falciparum isolates. The results concerning the Thai isolates indicate that there is no correlation between the pfmdt and pftetQ genes copy numbers and the belonging to the high doxycycline IC50 phenotype; this implies that this mechanism of resistance is not enough by itself to explain resistance to doxycycline; it augurs that the resistance to doxycycline should be controlled by multiple genes, and that these genetic markers could be continent-dependent. The search for points of mutation in isolates from the different doxycycline IC50 phenotypic groups has not resulted with pfssrRNA. Other therapeutic targets are being considered to explain P. falciparum resistance to doxycycline.

Suivi physique et densitométrique aux rayons X des effets sur l'os de la chlortétracycline chez le porc

Guillot, Martin January 2008 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal.

Resistência a tetraciclinas em isolados clínicos e ambientais de Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Aeromonas spp.: identificação e mapeamento do ambiente genético de genes tet / Tetracycline resistance in clinical and environmental isolates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Aeromonas spp.: identification and mapping of tet genes genetic context

Balsalobre, Livia Carminato 30 September 2014 (has links)
Introdução. A resistência bacteriana a antibióticos é aceita como um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública. As tetraciclinas são antibióticos de amplo espectro, e após seu uso indiscriminado observou-se o surgimento de bactérias resistentes, levando médicos e veterinários a diminuírem seu uso. Objetivos. Verificar o perfil de sensibilidade a tetraciclinas em isolados clínicos e ambientais de Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Aeromonas spp., bem como pesquisar os principais genes tet associados à resistência a esta classe de antibióticos e determinar a potencial forma de disseminação destes genes através da caracterização de seu ambiente genético. Material e Métodos. Os perfis de sensibilidade à tetraciclina (TET), doxiciclina (DOX), minociclina (MIN) e tigeciclina (TGC) de 572 isolados foram obtidos através das técnicas de Disco-Difusão e Concentração Inibitória Mínima. Os isolados não-sensíveis à tetraciclina foram submetidos a reações de PCR para pesquisa de grupos Inc, genes tet e para a caracterização de seu ambiente genético pela pesquisa das integrases de classes 1, 2, 3 e 4, e dos elementos genéticos móveis Tn1721, IS26, Tn10 e ISAS5. Perfis de similaridade genética dos isolados foram obtidos através das técnicas de ERIC-PCR e PFGE. Após análise destes resultados 33 cepas foram selecionadas para as técnicas de S1-PFGE e transformação. Resultados. A partir dos 572 isolados 18,5 por cento foram resistentes à TET, 13,5 por cento à DOX, 8 por cento à MIN e nenhum à TGC. Vinte e dois por cento dos isolados clínicos e 16,3 por cento ambientais foram resistentes à TET. Os genes codificadores de bomba de efluxo tet(A), tet(B), tet(C), tet(D) e tet(E), foram observados em 25,5 por cento , 33 por cento , 6,5 por cento , 18,9 por cento e 23,5 por cento dos isolados, respectivamente. Noventa e cinco por cento, 100 por cento , 100 por cento e 4,5 por cento das cepas carreando o gene tet(A), tet(B), tet(D) e tet(E), foram não-sensíveis à DOX, nesta ordem. Resistência à MIN foi observada em 4,2 por cento , 78,8 por cento e 100 por cento dos isolados carreando tet(A), tet(B) e tet(D), respectivamente. O gene tet(A) estava associado a Tn1721, tet(B) à Tn10 e tet(C) e tet(D) à IS26. Nenhuma das integrases pesquisadas estavam associadas aos genes tet detectados. Os grupos IncF, IncFIB e IncA/C foram observados em 54,8 por cento , 41,1 por cento e 28,7 por cento dos isolados, respectivamente. Uma cepa de Aeromonas spp. carreava um plasmídio do grupo IncP. Através dos perfis de similaridade genética foi observado que dentre os isolados hospitalares de K. pneumoniae houve a ocorrência de perfis genéticos idênticos, no entanto nos demais isolados do estudo os perfis genéticos observados eram distintos. Das 33 cepas selecionadas para os experimentos de linearização plasmidial e de transformação, 8 foram transformadas com sucesso, nas quais foi observada a presença dos genes tet em plasmídios. Conclusões. Uma baixa porcentagem de resistência à TET foi detectada. Verificou-se que a TGC foi a tetraciclina mais ativa, seguida da MIN. Os genes tet(A) e tet(B) foram os mais prevalentes. Todas as cepas carreando tet(B) e tet(D) foram não-sensíveis a DOX e MIN. Plasmídios dos grupos IncF, FIB e A/C foram os mais detectados neste estudo. Os resultados sugerem que os genes tet(A), (B), (C) e (D) são disseminados por meio de plasmídios e estão associados aos transposons Tn1721, IS10 e IS26. Estudos adicionais com isolados mais recentes e outros gêneros bacterianos são necessários, para contribuir com informações da resistência bacteriana a tetraciclinas. / Introduction. The antibiotic resistance is accepted as one of the major problems for public health. Tetracyclines are broad spectrum antibiotics, and its indiscriminate use promoted the emergence of resistant bacteria, leading physicians and veterinarians to decrease its use. Objectives. Verify the susceptibility of clinical and environmental isolates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Aeromonas spp. to tetracyclines, and also search for the main tet genes associated with resistance to these antibiotics and determine the potential mechanism of tet genes dissemination by characterizing their genetic context. Material and Methods. Disk-Diffusion and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration tests were carried out in 572 isolates using tetracycline (TET), doxycycline (DOX), minocycline (MIN) and tigecycline (TGC). PCR was carried out in TET non-susceptible isolates for the detection of Inc groups, tet genes and its genetic context determination through the search of classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 integrases, and Tn1721, Tn10, IS26 and ISAS5 mobile genetic elements. Genetic similarities patterns were determined by ERIC-PCR and PFGE techniques. After analyzing the results 33 strains were selected for the S1-PFGE and transformation experiments. Results. From 572 isolates, 18.5 per cent were TET-resistant, 13.5 per cent DOX-resistant, 8 per cent MIN-resistant and none resistant to TGC. Twenty-two per cent and 16.3 per cent of clinical and environmental isolates were TET-resistant, in that order. Genes tet(A), tet(B), tet(C), tet(D) and tet(E), coding for efflux pump mechanism, were found in 25.5 per cent , 33 per cent , 6.5 per cent , 18.9 per cent and 23.5 per cent of the isolates, respectively. Ninety-five per cent, 100 per cent , 100 per cent and 4.5 per cent of the isolates carrying tet(A), tet(B), tet(D) and tet(E) were non-susceptible to DOX, respectively. Resistance to MIN was observed in 4.2 per cent , 78.8 per cent and 100 per cent of isolates carrying tet(A), tet(B) and tet(D), in that order. The gene tet(A) was associated with Tn1721, tet(B) with Tn10, and tet(C) and (D) with IS26. None of the searched integrases were associated with the tet genes detected. Groups IncF, IncFIB and IncA/C were respectively observed in 54.8 per cent , 41.1 per cent and 28.7 per cent of the isolates. One Aeromonas spp. was carrying an IncP plasmid. The genetic similarities patterns demonstrated that there were identical genetic patterns among the hospital K. pneumoniae isolates, however all the remaining isolates possessed distinct genetic patterns. Of the 33 strains selected for plasmid linearization and transformation experiments, 8 were successfully transformed, in which the presence of tet genes in plasmids were observed. Conclusions. A low level of tetracycline resistance was detected. TGC was the most active tested antibiotic, followed by MIN. Genes tet(A) and tet(B) were the most prevalent among the isolates. All strains carrying tet(B) and tet(D) were non-susceptible to DOX and MIN. Groups IncF, IncFIB and IncA/C were the most detected in this study. The results suggest that tet(A), (B), (C) and (D) are disseminated by plasmids and are associated with Tn1721, Tn10 and IS26. Additional studies assembling recent isolates and other genera are necessary in order to contribute with information about the bacteria resistance to tetracyclines.

Devenir des antibiotiques lors du traitement aérobie et anaérobie des boues de STEPs pour une valorisation agronomique / The fate of antibiotics during aerobic and anaerobic treatment of sludges from WWTPs for an agronomic valorisation

Ezzariai, Amine 15 September 2018 (has links)
L’utilisation massive des antibiotiques contribue à leur accumulation dans les boues des stations d’épurations. L’application directe des boues est parmi les sources de dissémination des antibiotiques et des gènes de résistance aux antibiotiques. Le compostage et la méthanisation sont parmi les bioprocédés de traitement des boues qui permettent d’éliminer ou réduire les teneurs de certains antibiotiques. Dans ce travail, une boue primaire de la STEP de Marrakech a été contaminée par trois familles d’antibiotiques (macrolides, tétracyclines, fluoroquinolones) pour conduire 4 essais de compostage à différentes doses (dont un essai témoin) et un essai deméthanisation en mode semi-continu. Les résultats du compostage ont montré que l’augmentation des concentrations d’antibiotiques retarde la dégradation de la matière organique et affecte le ratioC/N. De même, la phase thermophile est perturbée, retardée et réduite dans le temps. Pour la méthanisation, une concentration unique et réaliste a été testée. Dans ces conditions, aucun effet sur la production du biogaz ou sur la dégradation de la matière organique n’a été observé. Afin de suivre la dissipation des trois familles d’antibiotiques utilisées au cours du compostage et de la méthanisation, une approche analytique basée sur l’extraction accélérée par solvant (ASE) suivie par l’application d’une méthode des ajouts dosés avant quantification par chromatographie liquide couplée à de la spectrométrie de masse en tandem (UPLC-MS/MS) a du être mise en point. Le compostage et la méthanisation permettent de réduire significativement les concentrations des molécules parents appartenant à la famille des macrolides et des tétracyclines. Par contre,l’élimination des fluoroquinolones est non-significative et ne dépasse pas 30%. Au cours du compostage, la dissipation des macrolides se fait en phase de stabilisation tandis que la phase de maturation est impliquée dans la dissipation des tétracyclines. Les concentrations encirprofloxacine (fluoroquinolone) semblent légèrement évoluer au cours du procédé probablement en raison d’une adsorption/désorption sur le co-substrat lignocellulosique utilisé. Concernant la méthanisation, l’élimination des macrolides et des tétracyclines est significative durant la stabilisation du procédé mais n’atteinds pas les rendements observés lors du compostage. Ladiminution des concentrations des molécules parents est probablement accompagnée par une biotransformation des antibiotiques sous forme de métabolites qui à ce stade ne sont pas connus.La question de la rémanence de certaines molécules comme les fluoroquinolones, interpelle quand au risque d’antibiorésistance. Ainsi, la valorisation des composts/digestats comme amendements organiques des sols dois à terme conduire à une réflexion concernant la réglementation qui inclus la présence de molécule de la classe des antibiotiques. / The intensive use of antibiotics for human purposes leads to their presence and accumulation inthe sludge produced from wastewater treatment plants. The direct application of sludge is amongthe sources of dissemination of antibiotics and antibiotics resistance genes. Composting andanaerobic digestion are some of the most used bioprocess for sludge treatment, and which allowthe removal/decrease of some antibiotics families. In this work, a primary sludge from thewastewater treatment plant of Marrakesh was spiked using 3 families of antibiotics (macrolides,tetracyclines, fluoroquinolones) to conduct (1) 4 composting experiments with variousconcentrations levels, and (2) an anaerobic digestion experiment in a semi-continuous mode.Composting results showed that the organic matter degradation was delayed and the C/N ratiowas affected by an increase of antibiotics concentrations. Likewise, the thermophilic stage wasdisturbed, the heat release was affected and the coming of the temperature maxima was delayed.In the other hand, one realistic concentration was used during the anaerobic digestion. In thiscondition, no effect was observed especially on the biogas production as well as the organicmatter degradation. To assess the fate of antibiotics during composting and anaerobic digestion,an analytical approach based on the accelerated solvent extraction followed by the standardaddition method and the UPLC-MS/MS was developed. Composting and anaerobic digestion leadto a significant removal of parent compounds belonging to the family of macrolides andtetracyclines. In contrast, the fluoroquinolones removal is not-significant and has not exceeded30%. During composting, the thermophilic stage was responsible on macrolides elimination. Incontrast, the maturation stage was more implicated on the removal of tetracyclines. Ciprofloxacin(fluoroquinolone) showed some fluctuations in concentrations. The sorption/desorption on palmrachis could probably explain the observed behavior of this molecule during composting. Duringthe anaerobic digestion, the removal of macrolides and tetracyclines was significant, within thestabilization, but still lower than the observed ones during composting. The decrease of parentcompounds of antibiotics is probably accompanied by a biotransformation of these compounds inunknown metabolites. The presence of recalcitrant compounds after the bioprocess could promotethe development of resistant bacteria including pathogens. In the future regulations, thevalorization of compost/digestate as an amendment of agricultural soil requires taking into accountthe presence of antibiotics.

Resistência a tetraciclinas em isolados clínicos e ambientais de Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Aeromonas spp.: identificação e mapeamento do ambiente genético de genes tet / Tetracycline resistance in clinical and environmental isolates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Aeromonas spp.: identification and mapping of tet genes genetic context

Livia Carminato Balsalobre 30 September 2014 (has links)
Introdução. A resistência bacteriana a antibióticos é aceita como um dos maiores problemas de saúde pública. As tetraciclinas são antibióticos de amplo espectro, e após seu uso indiscriminado observou-se o surgimento de bactérias resistentes, levando médicos e veterinários a diminuírem seu uso. Objetivos. Verificar o perfil de sensibilidade a tetraciclinas em isolados clínicos e ambientais de Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae e Aeromonas spp., bem como pesquisar os principais genes tet associados à resistência a esta classe de antibióticos e determinar a potencial forma de disseminação destes genes através da caracterização de seu ambiente genético. Material e Métodos. Os perfis de sensibilidade à tetraciclina (TET), doxiciclina (DOX), minociclina (MIN) e tigeciclina (TGC) de 572 isolados foram obtidos através das técnicas de Disco-Difusão e Concentração Inibitória Mínima. Os isolados não-sensíveis à tetraciclina foram submetidos a reações de PCR para pesquisa de grupos Inc, genes tet e para a caracterização de seu ambiente genético pela pesquisa das integrases de classes 1, 2, 3 e 4, e dos elementos genéticos móveis Tn1721, IS26, Tn10 e ISAS5. Perfis de similaridade genética dos isolados foram obtidos através das técnicas de ERIC-PCR e PFGE. Após análise destes resultados 33 cepas foram selecionadas para as técnicas de S1-PFGE e transformação. Resultados. A partir dos 572 isolados 18,5 por cento foram resistentes à TET, 13,5 por cento à DOX, 8 por cento à MIN e nenhum à TGC. Vinte e dois por cento dos isolados clínicos e 16,3 por cento ambientais foram resistentes à TET. Os genes codificadores de bomba de efluxo tet(A), tet(B), tet(C), tet(D) e tet(E), foram observados em 25,5 por cento , 33 por cento , 6,5 por cento , 18,9 por cento e 23,5 por cento dos isolados, respectivamente. Noventa e cinco por cento, 100 por cento , 100 por cento e 4,5 por cento das cepas carreando o gene tet(A), tet(B), tet(D) e tet(E), foram não-sensíveis à DOX, nesta ordem. Resistência à MIN foi observada em 4,2 por cento , 78,8 por cento e 100 por cento dos isolados carreando tet(A), tet(B) e tet(D), respectivamente. O gene tet(A) estava associado a Tn1721, tet(B) à Tn10 e tet(C) e tet(D) à IS26. Nenhuma das integrases pesquisadas estavam associadas aos genes tet detectados. Os grupos IncF, IncFIB e IncA/C foram observados em 54,8 por cento , 41,1 por cento e 28,7 por cento dos isolados, respectivamente. Uma cepa de Aeromonas spp. carreava um plasmídio do grupo IncP. Através dos perfis de similaridade genética foi observado que dentre os isolados hospitalares de K. pneumoniae houve a ocorrência de perfis genéticos idênticos, no entanto nos demais isolados do estudo os perfis genéticos observados eram distintos. Das 33 cepas selecionadas para os experimentos de linearização plasmidial e de transformação, 8 foram transformadas com sucesso, nas quais foi observada a presença dos genes tet em plasmídios. Conclusões. Uma baixa porcentagem de resistência à TET foi detectada. Verificou-se que a TGC foi a tetraciclina mais ativa, seguida da MIN. Os genes tet(A) e tet(B) foram os mais prevalentes. Todas as cepas carreando tet(B) e tet(D) foram não-sensíveis a DOX e MIN. Plasmídios dos grupos IncF, FIB e A/C foram os mais detectados neste estudo. Os resultados sugerem que os genes tet(A), (B), (C) e (D) são disseminados por meio de plasmídios e estão associados aos transposons Tn1721, IS10 e IS26. Estudos adicionais com isolados mais recentes e outros gêneros bacterianos são necessários, para contribuir com informações da resistência bacteriana a tetraciclinas. / Introduction. The antibiotic resistance is accepted as one of the major problems for public health. Tetracyclines are broad spectrum antibiotics, and its indiscriminate use promoted the emergence of resistant bacteria, leading physicians and veterinarians to decrease its use. Objectives. Verify the susceptibility of clinical and environmental isolates of Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Aeromonas spp. to tetracyclines, and also search for the main tet genes associated with resistance to these antibiotics and determine the potential mechanism of tet genes dissemination by characterizing their genetic context. Material and Methods. Disk-Diffusion and Minimum Inhibitory Concentration tests were carried out in 572 isolates using tetracycline (TET), doxycycline (DOX), minocycline (MIN) and tigecycline (TGC). PCR was carried out in TET non-susceptible isolates for the detection of Inc groups, tet genes and its genetic context determination through the search of classes 1, 2, 3, and 4 integrases, and Tn1721, Tn10, IS26 and ISAS5 mobile genetic elements. Genetic similarities patterns were determined by ERIC-PCR and PFGE techniques. After analyzing the results 33 strains were selected for the S1-PFGE and transformation experiments. Results. From 572 isolates, 18.5 per cent were TET-resistant, 13.5 per cent DOX-resistant, 8 per cent MIN-resistant and none resistant to TGC. Twenty-two per cent and 16.3 per cent of clinical and environmental isolates were TET-resistant, in that order. Genes tet(A), tet(B), tet(C), tet(D) and tet(E), coding for efflux pump mechanism, were found in 25.5 per cent , 33 per cent , 6.5 per cent , 18.9 per cent and 23.5 per cent of the isolates, respectively. Ninety-five per cent, 100 per cent , 100 per cent and 4.5 per cent of the isolates carrying tet(A), tet(B), tet(D) and tet(E) were non-susceptible to DOX, respectively. Resistance to MIN was observed in 4.2 per cent , 78.8 per cent and 100 per cent of isolates carrying tet(A), tet(B) and tet(D), in that order. The gene tet(A) was associated with Tn1721, tet(B) with Tn10, and tet(C) and (D) with IS26. None of the searched integrases were associated with the tet genes detected. Groups IncF, IncFIB and IncA/C were respectively observed in 54.8 per cent , 41.1 per cent and 28.7 per cent of the isolates. One Aeromonas spp. was carrying an IncP plasmid. The genetic similarities patterns demonstrated that there were identical genetic patterns among the hospital K. pneumoniae isolates, however all the remaining isolates possessed distinct genetic patterns. Of the 33 strains selected for plasmid linearization and transformation experiments, 8 were successfully transformed, in which the presence of tet genes in plasmids were observed. Conclusions. A low level of tetracycline resistance was detected. TGC was the most active tested antibiotic, followed by MIN. Genes tet(A) and tet(B) were the most prevalent among the isolates. All strains carrying tet(B) and tet(D) were non-susceptible to DOX and MIN. Groups IncF, IncFIB and IncA/C were the most detected in this study. The results suggest that tet(A), (B), (C) and (D) are disseminated by plasmids and are associated with Tn1721, Tn10 and IS26. Additional studies assembling recent isolates and other genera are necessary in order to contribute with information about the bacteria resistance to tetracyclines.

Towards surgical use of matrix metalloproteinase biology

Pasternak, Björn January 2008 (has links)
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs), such as collagenases, are a family of enzymes capable of degrading most constituents of the extracellular matrix. MMPs are thought to be involved in the aetiopathogenesis of tendon rupture. Additionally, failure of healing has in some instances been associated with elevated levels of MMPs. We have studied (a) the effects of the MMP-inhibitor doxycycline on healing of tendons and intestines in experimental models and (b) systemic levels of MMPs and their endogenous inhibitors (TIMPs) in patients with tendon rupture. In the first study, systemic doxycycline treatment lead to weakened rat Achilles tendons during healing after injury. Subsequently, systemic doxycycline was shown to improve biomechanical properties of tendon suture fixation in the rat Achilles tendon. Sutures were also coated with doxycycline, leading to similar improvement in mechanical strength of the suture construct during healing. In the third study, doxycycline-coated sutures improved the strength of healing intestinal anastomoses in an experimental model. Finally, we showed that patients with a history of Achilles tendon rupture had elevated levels of MMP-2, MMP-7 and TIMP-2 in serum. In addition, MMP-7 correlated inversely to mechanical strength of the tendon during healing. In conclusion, MMP-inhibitors can be administered systemically and locally to manipulate healing of tendons and intestines. Generalised alterations in the MMP-TIMP system may be involved in the pathogenesis of Achilles tendon rupture and associated with differences in outcome of healing.

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