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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

En historia för alla? - En läroboksanalys kopplad till demokratibegreppet

Gountas, Konstantinos, Johannesson, Andreas January 2008 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka om läroböckernas berättelser levde upp till den normativa demokratisyn som formuleras i LPO 94 och om berättelsen om det moderna Sveriges framväxt kan tillskrivas ett värde för alla elever. Undersökningen bygger på en kvalitativ läromedelsanalys av tre vanligt förekommande läroböcker i historia för grundskolans senare del. Vi har i läroböckerna fokuserat på berättelser om det moderna Sveriges framväxt som kan kopplas till begrepp som demokrati, rättigheter, solidaritet och jämställdhet. Utifrån läroböckerna, LPO 94 och aktuell forskning har vi diskuterat huruvida den historiska framställningen av det moderna Sveriges framväxt kan tillskrivas ett allmängiltigt värde. Undersökningens resultat visade att läroböckerna förmedlade en historia som tydligt gick att härleda till läroplanen. Aktuell forskning visade samtidigt att begreppet demokrati är åsidosatt inom skolan och att det på sin höjd sammankopplas med en instrumentell förståelse av begreppet. Vi menar att en grundläggande historisk förståelse av närkontexten är nödvändig för att kunna utveckla och fördjupa ett historiemedvetande. / The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how textbook narratives were compatible to the normative view formulated in the curriculum of 1994 and if narratives concerning Sweden’s modernization ascribe a value to all pupils. The investigation is based on a qualitative textbook analysis of three commonly used history textbooks within upper level compulsory school. In the textbooks we have focused on narratives concerning Sweden’s modern development connected to notions as democracy, civil rights, solidarity and equality. On the basis of textbooks, curriculum and current research we discuss whether the historical account of Sweden’s development ascribe a value that is generally applicable. The result of the investigation showed that the textbooks mediated a history with close connection to the aim of the curriculum. Simultaneously current research points out how the notion of democracy is neglected within the educational system and at its best is connected with a one dimensional understanding of the idea. We conclude that pupils need a basic understanding of the nearby historical context to be able to develop their historical awareness.

The View of Culture in Two Textbooks for English

Pervan, Adnan January 2011 (has links)
The syllabuses for English describe culture vaguely and give room for a discussion about what culture is. Consequently, it becomes important to study the cultural view of textbooks because textbooks are one of the main teaching aids in Swedish schools. The purpose of this degree project is to analyse two English textbooks used at upper-secondary level in Sweden and their implied view of culture. In addition to this I want to find out how Tornberg’s three perspectives on culture are represented in the analysed textbooks. The method used is textual analysis in the form of ideational structure analysis focusing on the contents of text and exercises in the textbooks. My results show that Blueprint A, one of the analysed textbooks, is characterized by the cultural perspective that Tornberg refers to a meeting in the third place. In the other analysed book, Core 1, a majority of the texts may be connected to the same perspective but there is also a significant amount of texts connected to the other two perspectives identified by Tornberg, an accomplished fact and a future competence.

Is the Echo English series relevant for advanced learners? : -A study on lexical character and recycling in two Swedish EFL textbooks for upper secondary school

Ejnarsson, Magnus January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to provide additional research into how Swedish EFL textbooks support incidental vocabulary learning through reading texts, specifically for textbooks aimed at upper secondary school, expecting a greater emphasis on recycling mid- and low-frequency words. The study has investigated the lexical character of two textbooks, Echo English 5 and Echo English 7, as well as how they recycle lemmas and how well they recycle lemmas from the mid- and low-frequency bands. Incidental vocabulary learning is the process in which words are learned as a secondary objective when the focus of the learning task lies elsewhere. An important component of incidental learning is the frequency at which unknown words are encountered, with 10 encounters being a good benchmark for learning. As these textbooks are aimed at upper secondary school, it can be expected that most of the areas where learning can still be achieved lie within the mid- and low-frequency bands, that being everything below the 3000 most common word families. The study is corpus-inspired, and an online vocabulary profiler was used to compare the texts present in the textbooks to the BNC-COCA corpus to examine the lexical profile of the texts at large. The same was then done with a lemma tagged version of each text, and the level of recycling, as well as its character, was analysed. Similar to what previous research in this field has shown, no evidence has been found that the textbooks properly support incidental learning in the relevant frequency bands, even though the texts included are of an appropriate lexical difficulty level for students of upper secondary school.

An Analysis of the Order of Limit-Related Topics as Presented in Six Elementary Calculus Textbooks

Antonides, Joseph 11 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.

”Den ultimata boken finns inte, jag har letat i 30 år” : En studie om hur gymnasielärare i svenska arbetar med kvinnliga författare verksamma 1900−1940. / “The ultimate book does not exist, I’ve been searching for thirty years” : A study of how upper secondary school teachers of Swedish work with female authors writing in the period 1900−1940.

Thorsell, Malin January 2016 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how upper secondary school teachers of Swedish work with female authors writing in the period 1900–1940. The research questions concern how upper secondary school teachers work with the female authors, how their work interacts with steering documents and textbooks, whether the teachers show any similarities and differences in their work, and how female authors are treated in the textbooks and steering documents that are used. Semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with three upper secondary school teachers and one textbook per teacher was analysed together with the steering documents. The study reveals clear similarities and differences in the teachers’ work. The teachers work chronologically, period by period, and they deal with female authors in terms of a societal context, but they do not think that the work with women has any intrinsic value. Textbooks and steering documents have a central role to play in the teaching and are used together with other teaching material. The textbooks have an over-representation of male authors and the female authors are treated on their own, separated from the rest of the text and viewed in relation to male authors. The textbooks maintain a gender system where the man is the norm and the sexes are kept apart. The steering documents explicitly deal with female authors to a small extent and are shown to dictate of fundamental principles for what is considered valuable to consider in school work.

Models of chemical bonding : Representations Used in School Textbooks and by Teachers and their Relation to Students´Difficulties in Understanding.

Bergqvist, Anna January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on how school textbooks and teachers present models of chemical bonding in upper secondary schools in Sweden. In science, as well as in science education, models play a central role, but research has shown that they often are difficult for students to understand. In science education, models are presented to students mainly through textbooks and teachers, and textbooks influence teachers’ teaching. The aim of this thesis was to investigate how textbooks and teachers present models of chemical bonding with respect to students’ difficulties in understanding. To analyze representations of models, an analytical framework based on research reports of students’ difficulties in understanding related to models in general and chemical bonding in particular was developed. The chapters of chemical bonding in five chemistry textbooks were analyzed. Further, ten Chemistry teachers’ lesson plans about chemical bonding and semi-structured interviews with the teachers concerning their teaching were analyzed. This analysis concerned teachers pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) of teaching chemical bonding, with focus on knowledge of students’ difficulties in understanding and teaching strategies that take these difficulties into account. The results show that the teachers could specify examples of students’ learning difficulties, but the teaching strategies to promote the students’ understanding were limited. This indicates a deficient interaction between knowledge of difficulties in understanding and teaching strategies, two essential components of teachers’ PCK. Further, the models of chemical bonding represented in the textbooks and by the teachers might cause students’ difficulties in understanding. This indicates a gap between research of students’ difficulties in understanding and teaching practices as well as textbooks’ development. Further, the teachers’ representations of models were strongly influenced by the textbooks. Implications for textbooks’ authors, pre-service as well as in-service teachers are addressed. / <p>Papper 2 "Upper secondary teachers knowledge..." ingick i lic.uppsatsen som manuskript med titeln: "Swedish upper secondary teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge to teach chemical bonding". Nu publicerad. </p>

Vägen till att bli algebraisk : En läromedelanalys för årskurs 1-3 om hur läromedel framställer prealgebra. / The way to become algebraic : This is a study with an material analysis for class 1-3. It is about how teaching materials present prealgebra

Lyberg, Nathalie January 2016 (has links)
Undersökningar visar att svenska elevers resultat sjunker inom algebran och så har det varit i flera år. Inget ämne är så beroende av sitt läromedel som i ämnet matematik. Därför är syftet med denna uppsats att undersöka prealgebran i matematikböcker för årskurs 1-3 där grunden ska läggas inför algebran. Vad visar forskningen och är läromedlen utifrån forskningens resultat? Har läromedlen det som behövs för att eleverna ska kunna bli algebraiska? Är frågor som jag kommer att besvara. De grundlärobokserier som analyseras är vanligt förkommande i Sverige och är: Favorit matematik, Mästerkatten, Prima matematik, Eldorado och Mattedetektiverna. Resultatet visar dock att inget av läromedlen har alla delar som styrker eleverna till att bli algebraiska. / Studies show that Swedish pupils' performance falls within the algebra and it have been that way for years. No subject is so dependent of their teaching materials as in mathematics. Therefore, the purpose of this essay is to examine prealgebran in math books for grades 1-3 where the basis must be laid before algebra. What does the research show? Are the teaching materials based on the research results? Do the teaching materials have what it takes for students to be algebraic? These questions are going to be answered in this essay. The books that are analyzed are common in Sweden and are: Favorite mathematics, Prima mathematics, Eldorado and the Math detectives. The result of this essay shows that none of the teaching materials have all the elements that the research show is important so the pupils can be algebraic.

Den allsidiga läroboken : -En ideologianalys av fyra svenska läroböcker i samhällskunskap

Nyman Gunnarsson, Fredrik January 2016 (has links)
Previous research has shown that teaching material reproduces ideology; and according to the professor in History of Ideas, Sven-Eric Lied man, ideology can be read out in all sorts of texts. This is in contrast with the Swedish curriculum, which claims that the teaching should be objective and comprehensive. The aim with this study is to investigate if there is any reproduction of ideology in social science textbooks. With this background I have examined four social science textbooks, by using qualitative research methodology and ideology analysis.  Results showed that all four textbooks are reproducing ideology. In the analysis I have been using the methodological framework, ideal types and for this purpose three ideologies; Liberalism, Revisionism and Conservatism were defined. The interpretation of the results was that the dominating reproductions in the textbooks exhibited liberalism and revisionism, but some conservative reproductions could be found in the schoolbooks as well. Many of the reproductions were read out latent in the books. The authors were also using evaluative written language and a lot of watchwords.  The results correspond with the majority of previous research. / <p>2017-01-20</p>

Etik i religionskunskap : En studie om etikens utrymme och framställning i tre läroböcker för mellanstadiet / Ethics in religious education : A study about the space and representation of ethics in three middle school textbooks

Kalantzidou, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Ethics is overall an important subject in school education but distinguishes in religious education compared to other school subjects. I have chosen this subject in the light of the fact that there’s not been done much research about the didactics of ethics. The aim of this study is to analyze three textbooks on religious education to see what didactic choices are made within the subject of ethics. The purpose is to investigate the space ethics is given in the books, what topics are discussed and how the content is described. The purpose of this study will be answered by the following questions: How much space is given to the subject of ethics in the textbooks? What topics from the curriculum are concerned and which ones are excluded? In what context is the subject of ethics attended and how is the content described?  The study was approached through a quantitative and qualitative text analysis. The theoretical framework is based on the term selective tradition by Raymond Williams and Basil Bernstein’s concept of classification. Selective traditions refer to patterns within different subjects and thus helps me analyze the patterns I encounter in the textbooks. Classification refers to the relation between subjects which helps me analyze the relation between ethics and religion. Results show like previous research that ethics is not prioritized in none of the textbooks as it is given very little space. Furthermore it turns out that only one out of the three books concerns most of the topics from the curriculum. The results also show that two out of the three books describes ethics in a religious context thus emphasizing the importance people’s beliefs have on their morality.

Žákovské obtíže a chyby při úpravách algebraických výrazů / Pupils' Problems and Mistakes when Manipulating Algebraic Expressions

Bílek, Vladimír January 2015 (has links)
The thesis focuses on mistakes and problems in manipulations with the algebraic expressions occurring to pupils at the second level of Elementary school. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and experimental part. The theoretical part contains description of manipulations with algebraic expressions, selected results of international comparative surveys, and an analysis of related foreign research. Analysis of three series of textbooks, according to which pupils involved in the experimental project are taught, is essential for understanding of possible origins of their mistakes. The classification of mistakes in manipulations with algebraic expressions is included. At the core of the work is the experimental part aiming to identify problems and mistakes of pupils when manipulating and working with algebraic expressions. The participants of the research consisted of six third-grade pupils of an eight-year Grammar school (13-14 years old) and eight ninth-grade pupils of an Elementary school (14-15 years old). Test used for my experiment came from the GA ČR project Critical parts of mathematics in primary school. The investigation was carried out individually with each pupil by the method of monitoring clinical interviews over the solution of the test tasks. The obtained data was qualitatively...

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