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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Renda da terra e desenvolvimento econômico : uma crítica smithiana à teoria dos rendimentos decrescentes ricardiana

Celi, Guilherme Cezere January 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho tem por objetivo confrontar a teoria da renda da terra de David Ricardo com a análise de Adam Smith sobre este mesmo assunto. Isto significa que este trabalho irá encontrar na obra “A Riqueza das Nações” uma suposta teoria da renda da terra e mostrar que Adam Smith possui uma teoria tão rica quanto à análise de David Ricardo sobre a renda da terra. Será abordada a análise da renda da terra sob o enfoque do desenvolvimento econômico, ou seja, será verificada qual das teorias têm melhores condições de explicar a temática do desenvolvimento econômico sob a ótica da fertilidade da terra e seus rendimentos. Os objetivos específicos serão comprovar a importância do progresso técnico e dos rendimentos crescentes da terra como enfoque de confrontação da teoria da renda da terra de David Ricardo e também verificar a importância da produtividade da terra, inserida na análise de ambos os autores, para o progresso contínuo do desenvolvimento econômico. Para tanto, foram buscadas referências nas próprias obras de Adam Smith e David Ricardo, textos que abordassem o pensamento destes autores e trabalhos que relacionassem o tema progresso técnico e fertilidade da terra. / The aim of this dissertation is to confront the theory of land rent of David Ricardo with the theory of Adam Smith. It means that this dissertation will try to find in the “Wealth of Nation” a theory of land rent and show that Adam Smith have a theory as better as the analyze of land rent by David Ricardo. The dissertation will analyze the land rent by the conception of economic development. It means verify what theory has more condition to explain the economic development by optic of the land fertility. The specific aim will be prove that technical progress and increase fertility, inside analyze of Smith, can confront Ricardo’ theory and verify that land productive, inside analyze of both authors, is important to keep economic development and progress of nations. To build this work, it will be find references own by Adam Smith and David Ricardo, papers by others authors that study the theory of this two authors and books that make connection between technical progress and land fertility.

The last Beethoven / Le dernier Beethoven

Simonis, Lavinia-Nadiana 11 December 2015 (has links)
L'étude présente est avant tout le résultat d'une préoccupation personnelle de longue durée, qui commence avec mes premières leçons de piano et mes tentatives de jouer la musique de Beethoven. Le désir de savoir autant que possible sur la personnalité, la vie, les événements et les situations qui ont conduit à la naissance d'une œuvre est apparu très tôt. Il est évident et simple à démontrer, par ses propres notes et les témoignages de ceux qui ont écrit sur lui depuis presque deux cents ans, que Beethoven a eu des circonstances extérieures, des événements et des occurrences sociales, même historiques, qui ont déclenché certains thèmes musicaux, auxquels son propre génie et sa sensibilité ont trouvé la forme d'expression qui nous est connue aujourd'hui. Ensuite, deuxièmement, il s'agit dans cette étude d'un engagement strictement théorique. Je souhaite exposer les liens formés le long des presque trois décennies de maladie, entre la déficience auditive et la création musicale de Beethoven. Au-delà de la situation de nature médicale qu'il a accueillie avec une explicable panique, avec un mélange d'impuissance et de dépression, qui l'ont mené au seuil du suicide, presque, environ l'année 1803, la perte de l'ouïe a ouvert un horizon agonique dans l'existence du compositeur, un horizon qui a marqué sa lutte avec le destin. Celui-ci est le thème, sa perception, qui le déterminera à assumer l'image et le rôle du Héros, du Titan tendu sous les épreuves sombres des machinations divines qu'il accueille avec courage et, des fois, même avec défi. C'est de ces tensions que jaillissent quelques-unes de ses œuvres les plus complexes, puissantes, expressives et novatrices, depuis la Symphonie no.3 et jusqu'à la 9ème, les sonates pour piano et certaines de ses compositions pour cordes. Le modèle héroïque a été sans doute salvateur, une circonstance d'émulation titanique qui a aidé Beethoven à mener si loin, dans le sens créatif, sa lourde et, en quelque sorte, ironique déficience. Il faut admettre, d'autre part, que, en dehors de ce modèle romantique de se rapporter au destin par le recours au Héros et au Titan - figures de la grandiose culture grecque classique - on a du mal à déceler la relation du compositeur avec Dieu dans le sens chrétien, sa manière d'intégrer une vision, un sens de la vie fondé sur celui-ci. Certes, Missa Solemnis en Ré majeur op.123, la Symphonie no.9 et quelques autres ouvrages ou parties d'ouvrages, entretiennent l'avis que Beethoven a composé, tout comme Bach, son modèle et maître favori, de la musique de glorification de Dieu. Et si cela est tout à fait vrai, alors notre mission de comprendre son passage par des modèles culturels et religieux si différents devient encore plus difficile. / This study is, above all, the outcome of a long-lasting personal concern that goes back to the period of my first music lessons and my attempts to play Beethoven's music on the piano. My passion for certain musical compositions, the care to interpret them in the way, with the sensitivity and in keeping with their creator's intentions might be translated as follows: 1 wish to perform as if he could hear me and could recognize himself in the music I performed. I was fi lied, at a very early age, with the desire to know as much as possible about his personality, his life, the events and the circumstances that led to the birth of his work. It is obvious and easy to prove, based on Beethoven's own notes and the testimonies of those who have written about him for nearly two hundred years, that there were external triggers, such as social and even historical events or happenings, which activated certain musical themes that his genius and sensitivity gave expression in the form known to us today. In this study, I will speak, at the appropriate time, about situations, contexts and events of this kind: family problems, like the affair involving his nephew Karl, or sentimental issues, like the "lmmortal Beloved" (Der Unsterbliche Geliebte), the drama entailed by hearing Joss, the evolution of event on the European stage during the Napoleonic and post­ Napoleonic periods, etc. Second, this study represents a strictly theoretical undertaking. I wish to present, according to my own understanding, the connections formed throughout the nearly three decades of disease between Beethoven's hearing impairment and his musical creation. Beyond the medical situation that he responded to with understandable panic, with a mixture of helplessness, tremor and depression, which brought him close to the brink of suicide in around the year 1803, the Joss of hearing opened an agonizing horizon in the composer's existence, a horizon against which he waged his battle with destiny. This is the theme, his perception, which led him to take on the image and role of a Hero, of a Titan, strained under the bleak attempts of the divine machinations that he met with courage and, sometimes, even with defiance. It was from these strains that some of his most complex, powerful, expressive and innovative works gushed forth, from his Third and Ninth Symphonies to the piano sonatas and several other compositions for strings. Beethoven was, according to Wagner's very suggestive comparison, the equivalent of Tiresias. Thus, shifting between levels of expression, he could hear pure music with an ear that was no longer disturbed or corrupted by outside sounds. The music he heard and transmitted gushed out of himself, from the depths of his being, which was marked by dignity and prophetic drama in equal measure. His internal hearing was already sensitive to the sounds of the World, to the rhythms of Phenomena, to the turmoil and syncopes of Life. Like Tiresias, Beethoven was a prophet who could hear, understand and transmit the mysterious music of the world to the future centuries. He could hear the music of paradise and convey it in the Pastoral Symphony, he could hear the sublime joy of human brotherhood and convey it at the end of the Ninth Symphony, he could hear the sounds of death and hell and convey them in the serious, funeral passages of the Eroica Symphony of the Hammerklavier Sonata. He could hear the ceaseless melody of life's flow through time, he could understand the sonata of nature, the dance of light, the verve of joy, but also the twilight, pain and night, the end. He could hear the music from which this universe of illusory, transient and capricious forms was made, this universe which we call reality. This, I believe, is the "Last" Beethoven.

Effet thermoélectrique dans les métaux liquides sous champ magnétique. / Thermoelectric current and magnetic field interaction Influence on the structure of binary metallic alloys

Kaldre, Imants 12 July 2013 (has links)
Lorsqu'un champ magnétique est appliqué au cours de la solidification directionnelle, une convection dans la phase liquide peut être induite par l'effet thermoélectrique. En effet la présence d'un gradient de température le long du front de solidification peut provoquer la circulation du courant thermoélectrique, qui interagit avec le champ magnétique appliqué pour créer un écoulement (convection thermo électromagnétique-TEMC). Les conditions de transport de soluté et de l'énergie sont affectées par cette convection, donc il y a influence sur l'espacement des dendrites et la macro-ségrégation des composants de l'alliage. Dans ce travail, l'influence du champ magnétique sur la solidification directionnelle d'alliages métalliques est étudiée. Des travaux expérimentaux de la solidification directionnelle de Sn-Pb et Sn-Bi alliages sont réalisés. La solidification directionnelle dans la configuration Bridgman est effectuée avec ou sans champ magnétique appliqué. L'influence, sur la solidification, du champ magnétique et d'un courant électrique (AC et DC) appliqués est étudiée. Les mouvements du liquide provoquent de fortes macro-ségrégations ainsi qu'un modification des espacements interdendritiques. Les résultats expérimentaux sont interprétés à la lumière d'une modélisation heuristique. Le cas d'un champ magnétique tournant a été aussi étudié. Ainsi, la valeur de la rotation du champ est choisie pour ralentir assez brassage électromagnétique sans pour autant supprimer les effets de TEMC. À faible vitesse de tirage et faible vitesse de rotation faible champ une macro-ségrégation en forme de spirale a pu être obtenue. / If magnetic field is applied during directional solidification, liquid phase convection can be induced by means of thermoelectromagnetic effect. Temperature gradient at the solidification front can cause thermoelectric current circulation, which then interacts with field and creates convection (Thermoelectromagnetic convection-TEMC). Solute and energy transport conditions are affected by this convection, thus it influences dendrite spacing and macrosegregation of the alloys. In this work magnetic field influence on the directional solidification of metallic alloys is studied. Experimental work of directional solidification of Sn-Pb and Sn-Bi alloys is done. Alloys are directionally solidified in Bridgman setup without or with applied magnetic field. Influence on the structure by magnetic field and applied electric current (AC and DC) is studied in this work. Analytical and experimental results are compared and interpreted. Bridgman solidification under rotating transverse magnetic field is studied as well, field rotation value is chosen to be slow enough that electromagnetic stirring does not fully suppress effects of TEMC. At low pulling velocity and low field rotation velocity spiral shaped component macrosegregation can be achieved.

Obligations et responsabilités de l'avocat / Obligations and responsabilities of the lawyer

Naoui, Said 25 November 2014 (has links)
L'histoire des avocats est une histoire jalonnée de mutations et de rénovations. Elle s'attache à la métamorphose de la société. La profession de l'avocat reflète ainsi la réalité de la société. C'est l'image d'une société moderne et aussi celle d'une société archaïque où l'avocat défend l'honneur, la dignité et la vie humaine. Au début, l'avocat était tenu d'une obligation de moyens, de déployer les moyens appropriés pour défendre les intérêts de ses clients, et avec le progrès scientifique et à l'instar des autres professions, comme la médecine par exemple, l'avocat est appelé à assumer des tâches plus déterminées surtout pour la rédaction des actes où il doit apporter une sécurité juridique à l'acte rédigé par ses soins, sinon il engage sa responsabilité envers son client. Force est de constater que l'avocat est tenu, aujourd'hui, d'une double obligation, celle de moyens pour défendre les intérêts de ses clients auprès de différentes juridictions, en respectant les délais en vigueurs et la procédure, en plus d'une obligation de résultat pour les activités juridiques qui sont dépourvues de tout aléa. La nature de ces obligations a un infléchissement sur la responsabilité de l'avocat dans ces triples aspects : civil, disciplinaire et pénal. L'étude analytique de la nature des obligations de l'avocat, obligations de moyens ou obligations de résultat et leur incidence sur la responsabilité de l'avocat civil, disciplinaire et pénale nous a conduit à plusieurs conclusions particulières. La responsabilité de l'avocat tenu d'une obligation de moyens, incombe sur le client de démontrer le manquement de son avocat. En revanche, s'il est tenu d'une obligation de résultat, sa responsabilité est présumée. En effet, il y a une incidence directe de la nature des obligations, de moyens ou de résultat, sur le fardeau de la preuve. Subséquemment, la théorie des obligations de moyens et des obligations de résultat est normale dans le domaine contractuel, mais il serait anormal dans le domaine délictuel. Si l'unité de la responsabilité prend forme dans l'idée de violation d'une obligation, il existe des particularités techniques propres à la responsabilité délictuelle dont le juge doit tenir compte. Il n'est pas indifférent que l'obligation soit voulue ou créée par les parties en vue d'obtenir telle ou telle satisfaction, ou qu'elle préexiste à tout rapport juridique, obligeant directement l'individu envers l'ensemble des hommes composant la société ou une partie seulement d'entre eux. Le terme obligation, selon qu'il signifie « engagement consenti » ou « contrainte directe », paraît avoir un contenu variable. Certes, aucun raisonnement juridique précis ne permet d'exclure la responsabilité délictuelle du champ d'application de la théorie des obligations de moyens et des obligations de résultat ; mais, du fait que depuis des siècles on oppose les deux responsabilités, est né le sentiment que le contenu de l'obligation extra-contractuelle ne pouvait être analysé comme les devoirs conventionnels. Toutefois, on ne peut pas rapprocher la théorie des obligations de moyens et des obligations de résultat de la responsabilité extra-contractuelle. Parce que cette théorie ne peut être figurée qu'en matière contractuelle. En conséquence, introduire cette théorie dans le champ de la responsabilité extra-contractuelle procède d'une confusion entre les ordres de responsabilités, leurs logiques propres et leurs régimes juridiques. Aussi, l'avocat peut commettre des infractions pénales ou manquer à ses obligations déontologiques lors de l'exercice de la profession. Ces infractions ou les manquements ont une répercussion sur sa responsabilité et qui peuvent avoir une répercussion sur son parcours et avenir professionnels. / The history of lawyers is a history marked by changes and renovations. It focuses on the transformation of society. The profession of lawyer reflects the reality of society. It is the image of a modern society and in the same time of an archaic society in which the lawyer defends the honor, dignity and human life. Initially, the lawyer was bound by an obligation of means, to deploy appropriate means to defend the interests of clients. But henceforth with the scientific progress and like other professions, such as medicine, the lawyer has to upon to assume more tasks specified particularly for the preparation of acts which must provide legal certainty to the document he writes, otherwise he shall be liable to the client. Obviously, the lawyer held today, a double duty, it means to defend the interests of its clients from various jurisdictions on time in force and the procedure, in addition to that of result for legal activities that are devoid of any hazard. The nature of these obligations has a shift of responsibility of the lawyer in the triple aspects: civil, criminal and disciplinary. The analytical study of the nature of the obligations of the lawyer, obligations of means and obligations of result and impact on the responsibility of the civil, disciplinary and criminal lawyer has led us to several specific conclusions. The responsibility of the lawyer under an obligation of means rests on the client to demonstrate the failure of his attorney. However, it is bound by an obligation of result, its liability is assumed. Indeed, there is a direct impact on the nature of bonds the burden of proof. Subsequently, the theory of obligations of means and obligations of result is normal to a contract, but it would be anomalous in the criminal field. If the unit of responsibility takes shape in the idea of breach of an obligation, there are special techniques that the judge should take into consideration. It is not irrelevant that the obligation is intended or created by the parties to obtain a particular satisfaction, or it predates all legal relationships, forcing the individual to direct all men composing the company or only part of them. The term obligation, as does "commitment made" or "direct coercion" appears to have a variable content. While no specific legal reasoning allows excluding tort the scope of the theory of obligations of means and obligations of result, but the fact that for centuries the two responsibilities are opposed, was born on feeling the content of the non-contractual obligation could not be analyzed as conventional duties. However, we cannot reconcile the theory of obligations of means and obligations of result of extra-contractual liability. Because this theory cannot be figured in contractual matters. As a result, introducing the theory in the field of non-contractual liability arises from confusion between levels of responsibility, their own logic and their legal systems. Also, the lawyer may commit offences or fail to meet its ethical obligations in the exercise of the profession. These offenses or violations have an impact on his responsibility and that can have an impact on his career and professional future.

Sambandet mellan individers självskattade hälsa, socioekonomiska status och sociala kontext : En studie över individer med definierad ryggsjukdom / The connection between self-rated health, socioeconomic status and social context : A study over individuals with a defined vertebral column disorder

Gruneau, Lina, Sjödin, Mathilda January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie har vi med ett kvantitativt tillvägagångsätt analyserat hur den självskattade hälsan hos en sjukdomspopulation förhåller sig till socioekonomiska faktorer, social kontext och de tre inkomsthypoteserna. De tre inkomsthypoteserna avser absolutinkomsthypotesen, relativinkomsthypotesen och inkomstskillnadshypotesen. Datamaterialet som ligger till grund för denna studie baseras på registerdata över cirka 7700 patienter över 18 år från Stockholms län som genomgått ryggkirurgi under åren 2006–2016. Den självskattade hälsan analyserades både vid inskrivningstillfället i samband med ryggkirurgi samt som förändringen i den självskattade hälsan från inskrivningstillfället till ett år efter operationen. Till vår vetskap har tidigare forskning inte i någon större utsträckning analyserat sambandet mellan socioekonomiska faktorer och förändringen i självskattad hälsa i samband med vårdinsats, vilket är en del av vårt forskningsbidrag. Resultaten indikerar att social kontext inte har ett statistiskt signifikant samband med förändringen i självskattad hälsa. Vid analys av den initiala hälsonivån finner vi dock tvetydiga resultat för inkomstskillnadshypotesen och relativinkomsthypotesen. Vi finner att absolutinkomsten har en positiv korrelation med den självskattade hälsan både vid inskrivningstillfället och vid förändringen. Vi finner även att universitetsutbildning har ett statiskt signifikant och positivt samband med förändringen i självskattad hälsa dock gäller inte detta för den självskattade hälsan vid inskrivningstillfället. Våra resultat indikerar även att vara född utanför Europa har en statistiskt signifikant negativ korrelation med den självskattade hälsan vid inskrivningstillfället samt vid förändringen i självskattad hälsa. Våra resultat ger en djupare förståelse för vilka faktorer som kan ligga till grund för skillnader i självskattad hälsa hos en sjukdomspopulation. Vidare ger studien underlag för utformning av policyrekommendationer som riktar sig mot en jämnare fördelning av hälsa i samhället genom implementering av tolk och individuellt anpassad information / In this study, we analyzed the correlation between differences in self-reported health, socioeconomic status, social context and the three income hypotheses. The three income hypotheses refer to the absolute income hypothesis, the relative income hypothesis and the income inequality hypothesis. The sample of our study consists of about 7700 individuals age 18 and above from Stockholm county who have gone through surgery due to back pain in the years 2006-2016. With a quantitative approach, we analyzed the correlations between socioeconomic status, social context and health at two times in conjunction to a health care input. To our knowledge has previous research not to a greater extent analyzed the connection between socioeconomic status and the change in health in connection to a health care input, which is part of the contribution of this study. The results indicate that social context does not have a statistically significant correlation with the change in health after a health care input, although we find ambiguous results for the income inequality hypothesis and the relative income hypothesis when analyzing the initial health status. We find that absolute income has a statistically significant and positive correlation with both the initial self-rated health and the change in self rated health over time. An education at university has a statistically significant and positive correlation with the change in self-rated health between the two-time periods, however we do not find this result for the initial health status. Our results indicate that to be born outside of Europe correlates negatively and statistically significant with the change in selfreported health and the initial health status. Our results give a deeper understanding and knowledge to which factors that could explain differences in health for a population with a defined disease. Furthermore, based on our results we give policy recommendations targeted at a more even distribution of health in Sweden through implementing the use of translators and individually customized information.

Enumeração celular pela quantificação absoluta por PCR em tempo real de culturas de bradirrizóbios

Stropa, Karla Cristina [UNESP] 28 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-11T19:27:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009-07-28Bitstream added on 2014-06-13T19:55:57Z : No. of bitstreams: 1 stropa_kc_me_jabo.pdf: 1481358 bytes, checksum: c093689dc1f549339c3a1e758d9ae052 (MD5) / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq) / O teor protéico da semente de soja pode chegar a 42%, o que demanda uma alta quantidade de nitrogênio. Bradyrhizobium elkanii e Bradyrhizobium japonicum são bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio que estabelecem uma simbiose com a soja convertendo o nitrogênio atmosférico em amônia, que é o composto assimilável pela planta. A maximização desta simbiose em termos de produtividade são alcançados por meio da inoculação com estirpes de bradirrizóbios, através de inoculantes comerciais. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em enumerar células bacterianas de inoculantes de 1, 2 e 4 anos a partir da data de fabricação e avaliar a sobrevivência das células em sementes de soja em 4, 24 e 48 h após inoculação. Os resultados de contagem das unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) foram confrontados com a técnica de quantificação absoluta por PCR (reação em cadeia da polimerase) em tempo real (qaPCR). Os números foram coerentes em ambas as técnicas em relação à proporção nos tempos de inoculação e nos inoculantes em análise, porém a qaPCR apresentou melhor acurária e rapidez nos resultados, detectando as células incultiváveis. As células resistiram sob dessecação até t=24 h, com queda considerável em todos os inoculantes após 48 h sob dessecação. Provavelmente esta queda é resultado de alteração bioquímica e fisiológica de seu metabolismo, dispondo de mecanismos defensivos às condições adversas para sua sobrevivência. A enumeração por qaPCR pode ser usada como prova, em casos de variação encontrada na quantificação por diferentes laboratórios, considerando que o método por UFC apresenta muitas variáveis e não incluem células viáveis não cultiváveis (VBNC). O fato do estado fisiológico dos rizóbios em inoculantes ser bastante variável ao longo do período de armazenamento, a enumeração celular seja pelo método de plaqueamento... / Soybean grains contain up 42% of protein, so this crop requires high amounts of nitrogen for plant development. Bradyrhizobium elkanii and Bradyrhizobium japonicum are nitrogen fixing bacteria that establish symbiosis with soybean, converting the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia that is the assimilable inorganic nitrogen compound for the plant. The optimization of this symbiosis and the success of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) are reached by inoculating the seeds with strains of bradyrhizobia, using commercial inoculants. The aim of this work consisted in the enumeration of bacterial cells of inoculants 1, 2, and 4 years old counting from the date of manufacture and in the evaluation of surviving cells under desiccation in soybean seeds after 4h, 24h, and 48 h. The results of counting of the colony forming colonies (CFU) were correlated with those of obtained using absolute quantification by PCR (realtime PCR qaPCR). The values were coherent in both the techniques in relation to the ratio in times of inoculation and the inoculants properly. However, qaPCR was quicker and more occurat; and also allowed detection of the non-culturable cells. The cells resisted under desiccation until t=24 h, with considerable fall in all the inoculants after 48h under desiccation. This was probably due to by biochemical and physiological changes in its metabolism, making use of defensive mechanisms to the adverse conditions for its survival. qaPCR enumeration could be used as a proof when variation in cell counting by different laboratories occurs. Considering that CFU based method present a lot of variables and do not account live cells in viable but non culturable (VBNC). The fact of the physiological state in rhizobia inoculants be sufficiently changeable throughout the storage period, the cellular enumeration for both methods do not reveal real state of the biological system in question... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)

Enumeração celular pela quantificação absoluta por PCR em tempo real de culturas de bradirrizóbios /

Stropa, Karla Cristina. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: O teor protéico da semente de soja pode chegar a 42%, o que demanda uma alta quantidade de nitrogênio. Bradyrhizobium elkanii e Bradyrhizobium japonicum são bactérias fixadoras de nitrogênio que estabelecem uma simbiose com a soja convertendo o nitrogênio atmosférico em amônia, que é o composto assimilável pela planta. A maximização desta simbiose em termos de produtividade são alcançados por meio da inoculação com estirpes de bradirrizóbios, através de inoculantes comerciais. O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em enumerar células bacterianas de inoculantes de 1, 2 e 4 anos a partir da data de fabricação e avaliar a sobrevivência das células em sementes de soja em 4, 24 e 48 h após inoculação. Os resultados de contagem das unidades formadoras de colônias (UFC) foram confrontados com a técnica de quantificação absoluta por PCR (reação em cadeia da polimerase) em tempo real (qaPCR). Os números foram coerentes em ambas as técnicas em relação à proporção nos tempos de inoculação e nos inoculantes em análise, porém a qaPCR apresentou melhor acurária e rapidez nos resultados, detectando as células incultiváveis. As células resistiram sob dessecação até t=24 h, com queda considerável em todos os inoculantes após 48 h sob dessecação. Provavelmente esta queda é resultado de alteração bioquímica e fisiológica de seu metabolismo, dispondo de mecanismos defensivos às condições adversas para sua sobrevivência. A enumeração por qaPCR pode ser usada como prova, em casos de variação encontrada na quantificação por diferentes laboratórios, considerando que o método por UFC apresenta muitas variáveis e não incluem células viáveis não cultiváveis (VBNC). O fato do estado fisiológico dos rizóbios em inoculantes ser bastante variável ao longo do período de armazenamento, a enumeração celular seja pelo método de plaqueamento... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Soybean grains contain up 42% of protein, so this crop requires high amounts of nitrogen for plant development. Bradyrhizobium elkanii and Bradyrhizobium japonicum are nitrogen fixing bacteria that establish symbiosis with soybean, converting the atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia that is the assimilable inorganic nitrogen compound for the plant. The optimization of this symbiosis and the success of biological nitrogen fixation (BNF) are reached by inoculating the seeds with strains of bradyrhizobia, using commercial inoculants. The aim of this work consisted in the enumeration of bacterial cells of inoculants 1, 2, and 4 years old counting from the date of manufacture and in the evaluation of surviving cells under desiccation in soybean seeds after 4h, 24h, and 48 h. The results of counting of the colony forming colonies (CFU) were correlated with those of obtained using absolute quantification by PCR (realtime PCR qaPCR). The values were coherent in both the techniques in relation to the ratio in times of inoculation and the inoculants properly. However, qaPCR was quicker and more occurat; and also allowed detection of the non-culturable cells. The cells resisted under desiccation until t=24 h, with considerable fall in all the inoculants after 48h under desiccation. This was probably due to by biochemical and physiological changes in its metabolism, making use of defensive mechanisms to the adverse conditions for its survival. qaPCR enumeration could be used as a proof when variation in cell counting by different laboratories occurs. Considering that CFU based method present a lot of variables and do not account live cells in viable but non culturable (VBNC). The fact of the physiological state in rhizobia inoculants be sufficiently changeable throughout the storage period, the cellular enumeration for both methods do not reveal real state of the biological system in question... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Jackson Antônio Marcondes de Souza / Coorientadora: Eliana Gertrudes Macedo Lemos / Banca: Manoel Victor Franco Lemos / Banca: Emanuel Maltempi de Souza / Mestre

Umělý a poloumělý výtěr candáta obecného (Stizostedion lucioperca) / Artificiale and semiartificiale propagation of zander (Stizostedion lucioperca)

KŘIŠŤAN, Jiří January 2009 (has links)
The study summarizes methods of artificiale and semiartificiale reproduction of pikeperch. The aim of the present study is to study ovulation rate by injection of different hormones: carp pituitary, analogs of GnRH Supergestran, Ovopel (containing dopamine inhibitor), Dagin (containing too dopamine inhibitor) in zander (Sander lucioperca) and determination of stripped eggs to broodstock weight, relative and absolute fertility and period of latency. On the basis of results, zander can be considered to be usefull species for semiartificiale and artificiale propagation.

AMPER-Argentina: pretonemas en oraciones interrogativas absolutas

Gurlekian, Jorge, Toledo, Guillermo 25 September 2017 (has links)
Este trabajo es parte del Proyecto AMPER (Atlas Multimedia de la Prosodia del Espacio Románico). El área dialectal de estudio es el español de Buenos Aires. En el artículo se analizan las oraciones interrogativas absolutas SVO: un SN (núcleos sintácticos paroxítonos, proparoxítonos, oxítonos), un SV (núcleo paroxítono), un SPrep (núcleos paroxítonos, proparoxítonos, oxítonos). También se examinan los pretonemas según el modelo de entonación métrico y autosegmental (AM), y se observa la influencia de la frase fonológica (φ) en la representación fonológica de los acentos tonales. Los resultados de los pretonemas indican diferencias y no un único fraseo prosódico que caracterice a esta modalidad. Los primeros picos (P1) de la primera φ no muestran tonos más altos si se los compara con los P1 de oraciones declarativas. Se descarta un tono de frontera H% inicial. Estos hallazgos confirman otro estudio previo: la información sobre la modalidad interrogativa absoluta se encuentra fuera del pretonema, en el tonema final. / The present work belongs to project AMPER (Multimedia Atlas of Prosody of the Romanic Space). The dialectal area of study is the Spanish from Buenos Aires. This work analyses absolute interrogative sentences of the SVO-type: a NP (oxytone, paroxytone and proparoxytone heads), a VP (paroxytone head), a Prep. phrase (oxytone, paroxytone and proparoxytone heads). In addition, pretonemes are examined according to the intonation Autosegmental-metrical (AM) framework and the phonological phrase (f) influence is observed on the phonological representation of pitch accents. The pretoneme results indicate differences and not only one prosodic phrasing which may characterize this modality. The first peaks (P1) which belong to the first f do not show higher tones if compared to the P1 of declarative sentences. An initial frontier tone H% is discarded. These findings confirm a previous study: information regarding the absolute interrogative modality is out of the pretoneme, in the final toneme.

Crónica constitucional del proceso venezolano de transición gubernamental, ocasionado por la enfermedad y muerte del presidente Hugo Chávez, y de la instauración por el juez constitucional de un gobierno sin legitimidad democrática (diciembre 2012/abril 2013)

Brewer-Carías, Allan R. 25 September 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this article is to analyze the constitutional situation that developed in Venezuela between December 2012 and April 2013, resulting from the deterioration of the health and the death of President Hugo Chávez, and that is linked to the following events. First, on December 10, 2012 he left the country to be treated in La Habana Cuba, since then he was not seen in public anymore; second, he did not show up at his Inauguration and Oath Ceremony on January 10, 2013, to begin his new presidential term 2013-2019 for which he was elected in October 2012. Third, the Constitutional Jurisdiction ordered, without any logic, that the absent President nonetheless continued to be «in full charge of his office» along with his Ministers, imposing a non-elected official to be the Executive Vice-president and to exercise the Executive Power. Fourth, the same Constitutional Jurisdiction imposed, when the Vice-president announced the death of Chávez on March 5th, 2013, the same non elected Vice-president to be President in charge, without any democratic legitimacy, which gave him the opportunity to participate in the April 2013 presidential elections without having to leave the office. / El presente estudio analiza la situación constitucional que se produjo en Venezuela entre diciembre de 2012 y abril de 2013, con motivo del agravamiento de la salud y el fallecimiento del presidente Hugo Chávez, y que se vincula con los siguientes acontecimientos. Primero, se ausentó de Venezuela el 10 de diciembre de 2012 para operarse en La Habana, Cuba no volviéndoselo a ver más en público; segundo, no compareció el 10 de enero de 2013 ante la Asamblea nacional a tomar posesión del cargo de presidente (2013-2019) para el cual había sido reelecto en octubre de 2012. Tercero, el juez constitucional decretó, sin lógica alguna, que el presidente ausente, sin embargo, continuaba «en ejercicio pleno de su cargo», junto con sus ministros, imponiendo a un funcionario no electo como el vicepresidente ejecutivo para ejercer el Poder Ejecutivo. Cuarto, el mismo juez constitucional impuso al mismo vicepresidente Ejecutivo, sin legitimidad democrática, cuando él mismo anunció la muerte de Chávez el 5 de marzo de 2013, para que asumiera como presidente encargado y, sin separarse de su cargo, pudiera participar en las elecciones presidenciales de abril de 2013.

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