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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An operational model for finite state machine replanning in modsaf

Kolasheski, John S. 01 April 2000 (has links)
No description available.

Drivkraft för stridskraft i den gröna världen : Arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation hos anställda soldater inom Försvarsmakten / Driving force for fighting force in the Swedish military : Job satisfaction and motivation among soldiers employed in The Swedish Armed Forces

Engström, Jennifer, Malm, Elina January 2024 (has links)
I och med det ökade hotet mot Sverige och det försämrade säkerhetsläget har den svenska Försvarsmakten upprustats, vilket medför ökat behov av personal. Svårigheterna med att rekrytera ny personal och få befintlig personal att vilja stanna inom organisationen begränsar Försvarsmaktens utveckling. Inom Försvarsmakten behöver soldater förhålla sig till strikta förhållningsregler och respektera ledningssystemet i form av en hierarkisk organisation, vilket kan göra det svårt att motivera soldater och få dem att trivas på arbetsplatsen.  Syftet med denna studie är att ge djupare förståelse för vilka faktorer som bidrar till ökad arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation hos anställda soldater inom Försvarsmakten. Studien undersöker även om och hur detta överensstämmer med ledningens faktiska arbete med att främja arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation hos soldaterna. Syftet undersöks utifrån frågeställningen: Hur uppnås arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation hos anställda soldater inom Försvarsmakten?  Frågeställningen undersöktes utifrån en fallstudie då elva semistrukturerade intervjuer utfördes. Tio intervjuer utfördes med soldater inom Försvarsmakten, medan en intervju utfördes gemensamt med två personalansvariga inom Försvarsmakten. En egen modell utformades för att belysa att arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation samspelar och påverkas av flera olika faktorer. Faktorerna kan vara olika starka för individer och hur arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation uppnås kan därmed skilja sig mellan individer. Det insamlade empiriska materialet analyserades utifrån en tematisk analysmetod.  I intervjuerna framkommer att kompetens, samhörighet, autonomi, kontroll, prestation och arbetsförhållanden påverkar arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation hos soldater inom Försvarsmakten. Kompetens, samhörighet och arbetsförhållanden anses ha störst påverkan på arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation. Kompetens handlar främst om att soldaterna behöver uppleva utveckling inom arbetet och arbetsuppgifterna, medan samhörighet innebär att de behöver känna tillhörighet och trygghet på arbetsplatsen. Arbetsförhållanden innefattar arbetsuppgifternas utformning, arbetsbelastning, personalhantering, belöningssystem och ledarskap. Soldaternas åsikter upplevs även överensstämma med ledarnas uppfattning om hur arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation uppnås. Det finns även en medvetenhet hos de personalansvariga att flera aspekter kan förbättras för att uppnå ökad arbetstillfredsställelse och motivation hos anställda soldater inom Försvarsmakten. / It is crucial to create and establish a strong, motivated, and safe unit in an organization like the Swedish Armed Forces, where the main purpose is to protect Sweden from being invaded and to protect its inhabitants. To achieve this, soldiers need to feel satisfied and motivated in the workplace, which involves creating a stimulating and positive environment.  The purpose of this study is to examine which factors contribute to increased job satisfaction and motivation among employed soldiers in the Swedish Armed Forces, and whether it is consistent with the management’s actual work to promote job satisfaction and motivation.  A case study was used to investigate the research question, where eleven semi-structured interviews were conducted: ten interviews with soldiers and one interview with two HR-managers. A proprietary model was developed to illustrate that job satisfaction and motivation interact and are affected by several different factors. These factors can vary amongst individuals depending on their own needs. The collected empirical material was analyzed using a thematic analysis method.  The interviews show that competence, affiliation, autonomy, control, performance and working conditions affect job satisfaction and motivation among soldiers in the Armed Forces. Competence, affiliation and working conditions are considered to have the greatest impact on job satisfaction and motivation.

Breaking the barrier? Women’s career in a male dominated profession: A quantitative study of the Swedish Armed Forces

Wennman, Marica January 2024 (has links)
Gender-segregated labor markets remain a barrier to economic equality, significantly con- tributing to the persistent income disparities between men and women. While extensive literature has documented the prevalent wage gaps, it often attributes these disparities to educational attainment, career tenure, and familial obligations. This thesis focuses on the Swedish Armed Forces, a predominantly male-dominated organization, providing unique insights into organizational structures not extensively documented in current lit- erature. Using individual-level data from Statistical Sweden, a linear regression analysis investigates the gender wage gap, followed by a quantile regression to further explore gender variations across the income distribution. The results reveal a significant gender wage gap, although it has decreased over time and can be explained by individual char- acteristics. Persistent wage disparities in the labor market can often be attributed to the ongoing gender segregation in certain professions, where women, as minorities, tend to earn less. This uneven distribution where men predominantly occupy higher-ranked and higher-paid positions, exacerbates the income inequality. This structural imbalance not only reflects existing societal norms but also highlights the economic impact of occupa- tional segregation, which continues to disadvantage women.

The formation of SANDF : integration experiences of former Transkei, Bophuthatswana, Venda and Ciskei defence force members

Matloa, Abbey Oupa 02 1900 (has links)
Before entering into a democratic dispensation, South African military and defence systems were constituted by seven disparate armed forces. The transformation of South Africa from a separatist state introduced renewed efforts and challenges to integrate what was once a divided military corps and society. In 1994, the formation of the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) was born out of the effort to integrate various statutory and non-statutory armed forces in South Africa, including forces from former TBVC states. Through a phenomenological inquiry, integration experiences of former TBVC Armed Force members into the new SANDF structure are investigated. The study aimed to find out from the former TBVC force members how they were affected by the integration process and what their perception with regards to the effectiveness of the integration process on enhancing representation on all rank levels in the new SANDF was. The findings from in-depth semi-structured interviews with 16 such members indicate that transformation of South Africa’s military outfit into an integrated system is not exactly an epitome of a new and different yet cohesive and unified structure. The notion of ‘integration’ is as such cast as essentially a problematic one where inequalities still reflect in how former statutory and non-statutory force members are treated particularly with regards to promotion opportunities. In addition, there are perceived lingering vestiges of a previous separatist system such as the use of Afrikaans language as a medium of instruction and communication, previous SADF policies which helps produce the idea of integration as more a process of absorption instead. Despite this problematisation of integration processes in shaping how the new SANDF outfit is currently experienced by members, there are perceived benefits from the change brought about by ‘integration’ of forces. Some benefits are as tangible as individual career advancement, while others tend to reflect impacts at systemic level of family where members indirectly profit from the reorganisation and call for adjustment to new settings and structures that followed integration / Research / M.A. (Research Consultation)

Black Opposition to Participation in American Military Engagements from the American Revolution to Vietnam

Alexander, Vern L. 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis includes two background chapters based largely on secondary works; Chapters I and II trace the historiography of black participation in American military engagements from the American Revolution through the Korean conflict. Chapter III, based largely on primary sources, places emphasis on black resistance and attitudes toward the Vietnam crisis. Evidence indicates that the Vietnam era of black protest was not unique but was an evolutionary process that had its roots in other periods in American history. Some blacks questioned their involvement in each American military conflict from the American Revolution to Vietnam.

Bortom "att göra pojkar till män" : – En diskursiv studie om jämställdhetsarbetet i Försvarsmakten med fokus på kvinnor i det militära / Beyond ”making boys into men” : – A discursive study of the gender equality work in the Swedish armed forces with a focus on women in the military

Beroun, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem:  Sedan lång tid tillbaka har det ansetts att lumpen är något av det manligaste som kan göras, för det är då ”pojkar blir till män”, och det har funnits en föreställning om att kvinnor inte hör hemma i den militära sfären. Detta med anledning att kvinnor setts som fysiskt svagare och i behov av skydd från män, vilket har medfört ett hinder för kvinnor att positionera sig i det militära. Försvarsmakten är ett av Sveriges sista manliga yrkesmonopol som avsattes först år 1989 och det har ställts många krav på kvinnor för att de skall kunna etablera sig i myndigheten. Historiskt upplevdes Försvarsmakten ha en ”grisig” jargong, kvinnor ansåg sig bli illa behandlade av befäl och sexism var något som tycktes ”sitta i väggarna”. Sverige är ett av de länder i världen som har högst andel kvinnor i arbetslivet. Trots detta har Sverige en av de mest könssegregerade arbetsmarknader i världen. Försvarsmakten arbetar idag med jämställdhet i form av handlingsplaner för jämställdhetsintegrering och mål för att uppnå en jämnare könsfördelning men det är endast 17 procent av de anställda som är kvinnor, vilket gör Försvarsmakten till en av Sveriges mest könssegregerade arbetsplatser. Syfte och metod: Syftet med föreliggande studie var att medvetandegöra samt öka förståelsen för hur socialt konstruerade könsnormer upplevs påverkar kvinnors möjligheter att arbeta i, utveckla sin karriär och stanna kvar i mansdominerade organisationer, i detta fall Försvarsmakten. Nio semistrukturerade djupintervjuer genomfördes på Trängregementet där respondenterna bestod av både kvinnor och män som är officerare. Utöver intervjuerna har även flertalet olika dokument granskats som primärt underlag för den diskursanalys som utfördes i studien samt att dokumentationen och empirin verkade som supplement till varandra. De diskursanalytiska metoderna som använts var delar av diskurspsykologi och Bacchias WPR-ansats. Intervjuerna och de granskade dokumenten utgör även studiens triangulering i syfte att erhålla ett bredare perspektiv och därmed gavs möjligheten till en djupare, mer träffsäker och fullständig bild av Försvarsmaktens jämställdhetsarbete. Resultat och slutsatser: Utifrån den diskursanalys som gjordes gick det att finna att Försvarsmakten ser på individen som problemet snarare än att det är organisationen som behöver åtgärdas samt att det även är individen som skall utgöra eller skapa lösningen. Kvinnor har formellt sett goda möjligheter till att göra karriär i Försvarsmakten. Karriärutveckling upplevs däremot som allt för snabb så att relevanta kunskaper och erfarenheter inte erhålls i den mån som upplevs behövas. Kvinnor har dessutom utmaningar med sin identitetsutveckling där de slits mellan att inte vara för ”kvinnliga” men inte heller för ”manliga”. Därmed upplever kvinnor att de inte når upp till de förväntningar som sätts på dem eller så väljer de att anta en mer ”maskulin” form för att försöka anpassa sig till normen. Stereotyper och jargong påverkar således kvinnor ur en negativ aspekt i deras arbete. / Background and problem: For a long time, it has been considered that the military service is one of the manliest things that can be done, because that is when "boys become men", and there has been a notion that women do not belong in the military sphere. This is because women were physically weaker and in need of protection from men, which has led to a barrier for women from positioning themselves in the military. The Swedish armed forces are one of Sweden's last male occupational monopolies and was first set aside 1989 and many demands have been made for women to be able to establish themselves in the authority. Historically, the armed forces were perceived to have a "grubby" jargon, women felt they were badly treated by command and sexism was something that seemed to be deeply rooted. Sweden is one of the countries in the world with the highest proportion of women in working life. Despite this, Sweden has one of the most gender-based segregation of the labor market in the world. The Swedish armed forces are currently working on gender equality in the form of action plans for gender mainstreaming and targets for achieving a more balanced gender balance. But only 17 percent of their employees are women, which makes the armed forces one of Sweden's most gender segregated workplaces. Purpose and method: The purpose of this study was to raise awareness and increase understanding of how socially constructed gender norms are perceived affecting women's opportunities to work, develop their careers and remain in male-dominated organizations, in this case the Swedish armed forces. Nine semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted at Trängregementet where the respondents consisted of both women and men who are officers. In addition to the interviews, several different documents have been examined as the primary basis for the discourse analysis that was carried out in the study. The reviewed documentation and the interviews also appeared as a supplement to each other. The discourse analytical methods used were parts of discourse psychology and Bacchias WPR approach. The interviews and the reviewed documents also form the triangulation of the study in order to obtain a broader perspective and thus the possibility of a deeper, more accurate and complete picture of the armed forces gender equality work. Results and conclusions: Based on the discourse analysis that was done, it was to be found that the armed forces see the individual as the problem rather than that the organization needs to be addressed. The individual should also form or create the solution. Women have formally good opportunities to make careers in the armed forces. Career development, however, is perceived as too fast so that relevant knowledge and experiences are not obtained to the extent that is felt needed. In addition, women have challenges with their identity development where they are torn between not being too "feminine" but also not to "masculine". Therefore, they feel absence of achieving the expectations that are put on them or they choose to adopt a more "masculine" forms to adapt to the norm. Stereotypes and jargon thus affect women from a negative aspect of their work.

Explaining military, law enforcement and intelligence cooperation between Western states

Lewis, Olivier Rémy Tristan David January 2018 (has links)
This thesis answers the question “Why does security cooperation occur between Western states?”. The basic answer is: “Because most state actors do not want their states to integrate”. In other words, cooperation occurs as a coping mechanism, as an imperfect substitute for integration. But the thesis does not only investigate the reasons for cooperation, what Aristotle called the final cause. The thesis also examines the material, formal and efficient causes of cooperation. Such an unorthodox causal explanation of cooperation is based on a Critical Realist philosophy of social science. The application of this philosophy to the empirical study of International Relation is rare, making this thesis original. Beyond the philosophy of social science, the thesis' research design, many of the cases, and much of the data are also rarely used. The research design is an embedded multiple-case study. The states studied are the United States of America, France and Luxembourg. Within each state, the embedded subcases are three types of state security organisations: the armed forces, law enforcement and intelligence agencies. Rarely have these three types of security organisations been compared. Similarly, Luxembourg is seldom studied. Comparing different types of states and different types of state security organisations has not only allowed the main research question to be answered. It has also allowed temporal, spatial, national, and functional variation in cooperation to be identified and theorised. The empirical evidence studied includes participant observation (at the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation) and documents (e.g. state policy documents, annual reports by organisations, reports by parliaments and non-governmental organisations, autobiographies, books by investigative journalists, articles by newspapers and magazines). The thesis is also based on a score of elite interviews (e.g. with ambassadors, diplomatic liaisons, ministerial advisors, foreign ministry officers, military commanders, etc.), and the careful study of both declassified and classified archival records.

A conceptual methodology for assessing acquisition requirements robustness against technology uncertainties

Chou, Shuo-Ju 07 January 2011 (has links)
The lack of system capability, budget, and schedule robustness against technology performance and development uncertainties has led to major setbacks in recent acquisition programs. This lack of robustness stems from the fact that immature technologies have uncertainties in their expected performance and development times and costs that translate to variations in system effectiveness and program development budget and schedule requirements. As such, the objective of this thesis is to formulate an assessment process that better informs acquisition decision-makers of program requirements robustness against such uncertainties. To meet the stated research objective, a conceptual methodology for assessing acquisition requirements robustness against technology performance and development uncertainties was formulated. This general approach provides a structured process for integrating probabilistic and quantitative forecasting, multi-criteria decision-making, and decision-support techniques to generate the statistical data needed to quantitatively predict requirements robustness. The results of the robustness assessment indicates to the decision-makers whether or not the technology or set of technologies being developed for the program will result in system capabilities and program budget and schedule that meet decision-maker requirements and preferences. This results in a more informed and justifiable selection of program technologies during initial program definition as well as formulation of program development and risk management strategies.

Die impak van die grensoorlog (SWA/Angola) op die lewens van soldate, aan die hand van vertellings uit die oorlog

Boshoff, Alida 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: It is asswned that events during the border war (SWAI Angola) had an influencelimpact on the lives of soldiers who took part in it. Some experiences have become embedded in their memories and are reflected in yams about such episodes and anecdotes that constitute a wealth of oral art. From a cultural history point of view, these therefore deserve to be recorded and conserved. The study interprets the narratives against the background of the border war and determines the relationship between these stories and the influence of the war on the lives of soldiers. Examples of war hwnour are grouped into stories about personal hygiene, misunderstandings, boyish pranks, practical jokes and other humorous incidents. As in any war, soldiers were confronted with unpleasant experiences such as bad news from home, the death of comrades and the enemy, adventures with wild animals and the loss of pets. Tales about soldiers' experiences during contact with the enemy allow one to gain insight into the functioning of the human mind. These stories are grouped into heroic deeds, narrow escapes and feelings experienced in contact with the enemy. As far as is known, no legends had their origin in the border war, but stories about quite a few legendary characters are told. Stories about helicopter pilots and trackers might eventually develop into legends, because of the fearlessness and skill of these people. Myths are stories originating in folkbelief, in which God or the gods play an important role. However, stories from the border war about chaplains and religion are not myths, but tales about personal experience with a religious inclination. It is clear from the narratives that religion played an important role in the lives of soldiers and that they had a child-like trust in a Supreme Being. Leaders, trackers and helicopter pilots were identified as important people in soldiers' battle for survival. They also had a need of female company and the presence of women. Pets played a significant role in allowing them to express their emotions. Each soldier experienced confrontation with death and the enemy in his own unique manner. In spite of hardships, many tales of a humorous nature were told. This can be regarded as a way of dealing and coping with unpleasant experiences. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die veronderstelling is dat gebeure gedurende die grensoorlog (SW AI Angola) In invloed/impak op die soldate wat daaraan deelgeneem het, se lewens gehad het. Sekere ervarings is in hulle geheue vasgele en kom in die vorm van belewenisvertellings en staaltjies na Yore, wat In ryke skat van volkswoordkuns bied. Dit verdien daarom om vanuit In kultuurhistoriese oogpunt opgeteken en bewaar te word. Die studie vertolk die vertellings teen die agtergrond van die grensoorlog en bepaal die verband tussen die vertellings en die invloed van die oorlog op die lewens van soldate. Voorbeelde van oorlogshumor word gegroepeer in verhale wat handel oor persoonlike higiene, misverstande, kwajongstreke, poetse en ander humoristiese insidente. Soos in enige oorlog, is soldate gekonfronteer met onaangename wedervarings soos slegte nuus van die huis af, die dood van makkers en die vyand, wedervarings met wilde diere en die verlies van troeteldiere. Vertellings oor soldate se ervarings tydens kontak met die vyand verleen insig in die werking van die menslike gees en is gegroepeer in heldedade, noue ontkomings en gevoelens wat ervaar is in kontak met die vyand. Sover bekend bestaan daar nie legendes uit die grensoorlog nie, maar daar is van In hele paar legendariese karakters vertel. Vanwee hulle onverskrokkenheid en vemuf kan verhale oor helikoptervlieeniers en spoorsnyers met verloop van tyd legendes word. Mites is verhale wat uit die volksgeloof spruit en waarin God of gode Inbelangrike rol speel. Verhale uit die grensoorlog wat handel oor kapelane en godsdiens, is egter nie mites nie maar belewenisvertellings met In godsdienstige strekking. Uit die vertellings blyk dit dat godsdiens In belangrike rol in die lewens van soldate gespeel het en dat daar In kinderlike vertroue in In Hoer Hand was. Leiersfigure, spoorsnyers en helikoptervlieeniers is geidentifiseer as belangrike persone in soldate se oorlewingstryd. Daar was ook In behoefte aan vroulike geselskap en teenwoordigheid. Troeteldiere het In belangrike rol gespeel om uiting te gee aan emosies. Soldate het konfrontasie met die dood en die vyand elkeen op sy eie unieke manier beleef. Ten spyte van ontberings, is daar heelwat verhale met In humoristiese strekking vertel en dit kan beskou word as In manier om onaangename ervarings te hanteer en te verwerk.

Die Suiderkruisfonds en die mobilisering van die Suid-Afrikaanse blanke burgerlike samelewing tydens die Grensoorlog, 1968-1989

Van Heerden, Anneke 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Southern Cross Fund was established under the leadership of Elizabeth Albrecht in 1968. The organisation was created by white members of the civil society to provide support to the South African armed forces. In cooperation with the South African Defence Force, the Southern Cross Fund served the basic needs of the soldiers. Through its support of the troops the organisation also strived to serve as morale builder. This dissertation discusses the formation of the Southern Cross Fund in relation to South Africa’s political and military position during the Cold War with specific reference to the so-called Border War (1966-1989). The relationship between the Southern Cross Fund and the South African Defence Force as well as the orientation of the organisation as a civiland women’s organisation is analysed. The services endered by the organisation are discussed as well as an analysis of the significance of the Southern Cross Fund in both the military and civil spheres. The organisation is evaluated within the theoretical framework of the mobilisation of civil society in times of war within the timeframe of the existence of the Southern Cross Fund. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 1968 het die Suiderkruisfonds, onder leiding van Elizabeth Albrecht, tot stand gekom. Hierdie organisasie is deur lede van die blanke burgerlike samelewing gestig en het voorsorg vir die welsyn van die Suid-Afrikaanse gewapende magte getref. In samewerking met die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag het die Suiderkruisfonds aan die basiese behoeftes van die soldate voorsien en, deur middel van sy ondersteuning aan die troepe, gepoog om as moraalbouer te dien. Hierdie tesis bespreek die stigting van die Suiderkruisfonds teen die agtergrond van Suid-Afrika se politieke en militêre posisie tydens die Koue Oorlog met spesifieke verwysing na die sogenaamde Grensoorlog (1966-1989). Die Suiderkruisfonds se verhouding met die Suid-Afrikaanse Weermag, asook sy oriëntasie as beide burgerlike- en vroue-organisasie word ondersoek. Die dienste wat die organisasie gelewer het word volledig bespreek en die betekenis van die Suiderkruisfonds in beide die militêre en burgerlike sfere word ondersoek. Die organisasie word ook geevalueer binne die teoretiese raamwerk van die mobilisering van die burgerlike samelewing ten tye van konflik wat tydens die tydperk van die Suiderkruisfonds se bestaan voorgekom het.

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