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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ett möte i tiden : Sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta asylsökande personer / A contemporary meeting : Nurses’ experiences of meeting asylum seekers

Florå, Christina, Ljunggren, Jenny January 2015 (has links)
Miljontals människor i världen har tvingats fly från sina hemländer undan krig, förföljelser och förtryck för att söka skydd i andra länder. Dessa människor blir asylsökande i mottagarlandet och som asylsökande är tillgången till sjukvård begränsad av lagstiftning. Asylsökande personer har dock ett komplext vårdbehov och många av dem kommer i kontakt med sjukvården. Syftet med studien var att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av att möta asylsökande personer. Studien genomfördes som en litteraturstudie där nio vetenskapliga artiklar grundlade resultatet. Efter analys av artiklarna kunde två kategorier urskiljas: Organisationens påverkan i mötet med asylsökande och Samspelet mellan sjuksköterskor och asylsökande. Resultatet visade att sjuksköterskor upplevde att asylsökande personer hade svårt att förstå mottagarlandets hälso- och sjukvårdssystem och att det var viktigt att förklara hälso- och sjukvårdssystemet. Sjuksköterskor upplevde sig sakna tillräcklig kunskap om asylsökande personers vårdbehov och om olika kulturer. Sjuksköterskor upplevde kommunikationsproblem och svårigheter med att skapa en god vårdrelation med asylsökande personer. Ytterligare forskning behövs för att bättre kunna möta asylsökande personers vårdbehov och kunna överbrygga de svårigheter sjuksköterskor upplevde i mötet med asylsökande personer. / Millions of people have been forced to flee their native countries in order to seek protection from war, persecution and oppression. These people become asylum seekers in the host country and as asylum seekers they are only entitled to limited healthcare that is regulated by law. In fact, asylum seekers have a complex need of healthcare and many of them get in contact with the healthcare. The aim of this study was to describe nurses’ experiences of meeting asylum seekers. A literature review was conducted and nine scientific research articles were included in the study. After analyzing the articles two categories emerged: Organizational influence in the meeting with asylum seekers and Interaction between nurses and asylum seekers. The result showed that nurses experienced asylum seekers having a hard time understanding the healthcare system in the host country and that it was important to explain it to them. Nurses reported a lack of knowledge concerning the need of healthcare regarding asylum seekers and concerning different cultures. Nurses experienced difficulties in communicating and in building a good relationship with asylum seekers. The field is in need of further research in order to better meet the need of healthcare regarding asylum seekers and to overcome the difficulties experienced by nurses.

Ny i Landet? : Ett mångfasetterat perspektiv på asylprocessen / Just Arrived? : A multi-faceted perspective on the asylum process

Holmström, Svante, Eric, Dahlqvvist January 2015 (has links)
Invandring eller migration är ett hett politiskt ämne som ofta belyses i media, då det ofta målas upp som något negativt och fullt av problem. Studien syftar till att undersöka hur en del av asylprocessen kan se ut i Sverige. Till hjälp för detta har data insamlats med utgångspunkt från tre övergripande begrepp: åldersbedömning, sjukdomsdiagnostik och uppföljning. Datainsamlingen genomfördes med hjälp av en systematisk litteraturstudie. Resultatet tyder på att asylprocessen är en ytterst komplicerad process. Det är dock ett faktum att det finns problemområden exempelvis tillförlitligheten till radiologiska åldersbedömningar, men även konkreta exempel på förslag till förändringar.

Att ha lämnat allt : En litteraturstudie om ensamkommande barns erfarenheter av att vara asylsökande / Having Left Everything : – The Experiences of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children Seeking Asylum – A Literature Review

Ahlstrand, Katarina, Nordlander, Isabel January 2018 (has links)
Background: During the recent years a great amount of unaccompanied children have arrived to Sweden. They constitute a vulnerable group since they lack the protection of an adult. Previous research shows that they often have traumatic experiences and suffer from mental health problems. Nurses need to be aware of these issues to be able to provide good care for the asylum seeking children. Aim: The aim of this study was to describe the experiences of unaccompanied children seeking asylum. Method: A literature review based on the content of six qualitative studies, four quantitative studies and two studies of mixed method. Results: The findings revealed four main themes; Being a survivor, Almost in safety, Mental vulnerability and Creating a new life. The results show that the children have survived war and persecution and have had to leave their families to search for safety. They have a great fear of being sent back and express a need for support and encouragement. It also appears that many of the children feel lonely and isolated and that a significant part suffer from mental health problems such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, depression and anxiety. The children strive to create a new network and to succeed. Conclusion: To be able to help unaccompanied children with traumatic experiences and consequences thereof, it is important for the nurse to build a relation based on trust. It is useful for nurses to engage a life-world perspective, since it includes a holistic view of the children and their lived reality.

Violence on the Periphery: Gender, Migration, and Violence Against Women in the US Context

Miller, Kathryn 18 August 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines the role of US legal and administrative institutions in intimate partner violence (IPV) against immigrant women in two instances treated as separate in policy and scholarship: 1) women seeking asylum in the US on account of IPV and 2) immigrant women facing IPV in the US. Through an analysis of congressional hearings, relevant policies and administration, court cases, and interviews with employees at non-governmental organizations that serve immigrant women, this dissertation analyzes the ways in which immigration law intersects with ameliorative policy intended to address IPV in these contexts. In so doing, I develop a broader understanding of how state institutions, policy frameworks, and policy implementation shape the lives of vulnerable immigrant women. Contrary to scholarship that views relevant policies and institutions in the US as well-meaning though inadequate, this dissertation examines the extent to which the state may be directly implicated in IPV against immigrant women and in fostering institutional conditions under which this violence continues to thrive.

O hospício como morada: capturas e resistências nas práticas de cuidado em saúde mental / The asylum as residence: captures and resistances in mental health care practice

Lívia Cretton Pereira 19 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta pesquisa é disparada a partir do encontro da pesquisadora com as chamadas moradias dentro de hospitais psiquiátricos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. No seio da reforma psiquiátrica e da instalação de uma rede de assistência substitutiva ao hospício, ocorrem transformações também no interior deste último: humanizam-se as práticas, retirando de cena o eletrochoque, a lobotomia, a camisa-de-força, fazendo documentos como CPF, RG e etc. Contudo, a edificação manicomial permanece de pé com os seus grandes pavilhões, alguns agora travestidos em moradias, que tanto podem operacionalizar uma passagem de dentro para fora dos muros como perpetuar o hospício. O texto indaga por que motivo, a partir de um certo momento, inaugura-se um novo modo de organização em saúde mental, em que a antiga centralidade hospitalar se fragmenta em moradias internas e se difundem os novos serviços, ditos abertos, para em seguida afirmar que a construção de uma rede substitutiva não assegura, definitivamente, o fim da relação manicomial. Com o suporte teórico de Foucault e Deleuze, propõe uma discussão acerca da biopolítica da espécie humana, da coexistência de tecnologias disciplinares e regulamentadoras e da inauguração, na sociedade de controle, de um exercício de poder difuso, a céu-aberto, dispensando a coação física e a instituição da reclusão. O texto, entretanto, não se deixa abater por essas análises, mantendo suas apostas numa Reforma Psiquiátrica que propõe como um campo de disputas, de embates cotidianos. É então que a temática do cuidado entra em cena. Para tanto, faz-se uma releitura do período helenístico-romano através dos olhos de Foucault. O Cuidado de Si é apresentado ao leitor para, em seguida, ser estabelecido um contraponto entre o mesmo e o modo de ser sujeito moderno e cristão, com exercícios de renúncia a si e práticas de sacrifício, que em muito se assemelham à maneira como os trabalhadores vêm atuando, hoje, no campo da saúde mental. O texto procura dar pistas e visibilizar as resistências presentes em meio às tantas capturas postas em análise. Trata-se de uma experimentação de práticas de liberdade que se atualizem na operação de cuidado. / This research comes by the encounter with the researcher calls dwellings within Psychiatric Hospital in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Within the psychiatric reform and the establishment of a network of substitutive of hospice care, changes also occur in the interior of the latter: humanize yourself practices, removing scene electroshock, lobotomy, straitjacket, making documents, etc. However, the asylum building still stands with its large pavilions, some masquerading as houses, that can either operate a passage from inside to outside the walls as perpetuating hospice. The text asks why, from a certain point, opens up a new way of organization in mental health, where the old hospital centrality fragments into domestic dwellings and diffuse new services, said open, then to say that the construction of a replacement network ensures not definitely the end of the asylum relationship. With the technical support of Foucault and Deleuze, proposes a discussion on biopolitics of a human species, the coexistence of disciplinary and regulatory Technologies and the inauguration, in control society, a pervasive exercise of power, visible, eliminating the coercion physical and the institution of imprisonment. The text, however, does not leave surrender through these analyzes, keeping its bets in a psychiatric reform proposes that as a battleground, with daily clashes. It is then that the theme of care comes into play. To do so, it is a retelling of the hellenistic roman period through the eyes of Foucault. Care of itself is presented to the reader,then a contrast between himself and the way of being christian and modern subject with exercises and practical renunciation of self-sacrifice that much resemble the way to be established as workers are acting today in the field of mental health. The text seeks to give clues and visualize the resistances present in the midst of so many catches put into analysis. This is a trial of practices of freedom that the update care.

O hospício como morada: capturas e resistências nas práticas de cuidado em saúde mental / The asylum as residence: captures and resistances in mental health care practice

Lívia Cretton Pereira 19 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta pesquisa é disparada a partir do encontro da pesquisadora com as chamadas moradias dentro de hospitais psiquiátricos no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. No seio da reforma psiquiátrica e da instalação de uma rede de assistência substitutiva ao hospício, ocorrem transformações também no interior deste último: humanizam-se as práticas, retirando de cena o eletrochoque, a lobotomia, a camisa-de-força, fazendo documentos como CPF, RG e etc. Contudo, a edificação manicomial permanece de pé com os seus grandes pavilhões, alguns agora travestidos em moradias, que tanto podem operacionalizar uma passagem de dentro para fora dos muros como perpetuar o hospício. O texto indaga por que motivo, a partir de um certo momento, inaugura-se um novo modo de organização em saúde mental, em que a antiga centralidade hospitalar se fragmenta em moradias internas e se difundem os novos serviços, ditos abertos, para em seguida afirmar que a construção de uma rede substitutiva não assegura, definitivamente, o fim da relação manicomial. Com o suporte teórico de Foucault e Deleuze, propõe uma discussão acerca da biopolítica da espécie humana, da coexistência de tecnologias disciplinares e regulamentadoras e da inauguração, na sociedade de controle, de um exercício de poder difuso, a céu-aberto, dispensando a coação física e a instituição da reclusão. O texto, entretanto, não se deixa abater por essas análises, mantendo suas apostas numa Reforma Psiquiátrica que propõe como um campo de disputas, de embates cotidianos. É então que a temática do cuidado entra em cena. Para tanto, faz-se uma releitura do período helenístico-romano através dos olhos de Foucault. O Cuidado de Si é apresentado ao leitor para, em seguida, ser estabelecido um contraponto entre o mesmo e o modo de ser sujeito moderno e cristão, com exercícios de renúncia a si e práticas de sacrifício, que em muito se assemelham à maneira como os trabalhadores vêm atuando, hoje, no campo da saúde mental. O texto procura dar pistas e visibilizar as resistências presentes em meio às tantas capturas postas em análise. Trata-se de uma experimentação de práticas de liberdade que se atualizem na operação de cuidado. / This research comes by the encounter with the researcher calls dwellings within Psychiatric Hospital in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Within the psychiatric reform and the establishment of a network of substitutive of hospice care, changes also occur in the interior of the latter: humanize yourself practices, removing scene electroshock, lobotomy, straitjacket, making documents, etc. However, the asylum building still stands with its large pavilions, some masquerading as houses, that can either operate a passage from inside to outside the walls as perpetuating hospice. The text asks why, from a certain point, opens up a new way of organization in mental health, where the old hospital centrality fragments into domestic dwellings and diffuse new services, said open, then to say that the construction of a replacement network ensures not definitely the end of the asylum relationship. With the technical support of Foucault and Deleuze, proposes a discussion on biopolitics of a human species, the coexistence of disciplinary and regulatory Technologies and the inauguration, in control society, a pervasive exercise of power, visible, eliminating the coercion physical and the institution of imprisonment. The text, however, does not leave surrender through these analyzes, keeping its bets in a psychiatric reform proposes that as a battleground, with daily clashes. It is then that the theme of care comes into play. To do so, it is a retelling of the hellenistic roman period through the eyes of Foucault. Care of itself is presented to the reader,then a contrast between himself and the way of being christian and modern subject with exercises and practical renunciation of self-sacrifice that much resemble the way to be established as workers are acting today in the field of mental health. The text seeks to give clues and visualize the resistances present in the midst of so many catches put into analysis. This is a trial of practices of freedom that the update care.

Integrace dětí imigrantů a azylantů / Integration of Immigrant and Recognized Refugee Children

PETRŮ, Eva January 2007 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is {\clqq}Integration of Children of Immigrants and of Asylum Seekers``. I have chosen this topic because migration problems have become one of the actual topics in public life in the present Europe and its importance increases because the number of migrants constantly increases. The Czech Republic encountered the problems of fugitives and immigration shortly after the fall of communism in 1989. To this time it had been isolated from the other world for a long time and therefore it may seem it is unprepared for these problems. This can be seen on imperfect integration policy, but also on attitude of public towards the newcomers. Considering the fact that the number of immigrants and fugitives coming to the Czech Republic as a destination country has increased, it is necessary for us to learn to co-live with the foreigners. I have aimed the thesis at problems of integration of immigrants, asylum seekers and their children because I think that the question of integration of foreigners into the Czech society is one of the most important for the trouble free co-existence. I divided the work into theoretical and practical parts. In the theoretical part of the thesis I am researching the development of migration in the world and development of migration in the Czech Republic, history of fugitives in the Czech Republic, problems of underage aliens without close escort, psychosocial situation of immigrants and asylum seekers, their integration, education of children of aliens, multicultural education and social work with immigrants, asylum seekers and their children. In the practical part I used the method of a quantitative research. Goal of this thesis was to uncover the insufficiencies in integration of children of the immigrants and asylum seekers living in the Czech society. Questioning was the method for gathering data for research, data collection technique was the questionnaire. I created three types of the questionnaires. One of them was designated for children of immigrants and asylum seekers attending basic school. I handed out 60 questionnaires, returnability was 86.6%. Second questionnaire was designated for social workers from various organizations engaged in problems of integration of aliens. Here only 6 from the 20 sent out questionnaires returned to me. Returnability was 30%. The third questionnaire was designated for basic school and high school teachers. 25 questionnaires were handed out. Returnability of these questionnaires was 64%. In hypothesis 1 I assumed that there are no special methods designated for integration of children of immigrants and asylum seekers in the Czech Republic. In hypothesis 2 I assumed that the longer is the residence of children of immigrants and asylum seekers in the area of the Czech Republic the less they meet with racism and xenophobia. Both hypotheses were confirmed on the basis of conducted research. Findings from the theoretical and practical part are summarized at the end of the thesis.

Idosos institucionalizados no "Asilo de Pobres" do Rio Grande: relações socioafetivas e a Educação Ambiental

Porciuncula, Anacirema da Silva January 2011 (has links)
Dissertação(mestrado)- Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Pós-Graduação em Educação Ambiental- Instituto de Educação, 2011. / Submitted by eloisa silva (eloisa1_silva@yahoo.com.br) on 2012-07-08T18:43:07Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertao anacirema.pdf: 1877396 bytes, checksum: c3fd20e769fe11da13ec08531af60132 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Bruna Vieira(bruninha_vieira@ibest.com.br) on 2012-07-09T19:43:59Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertao anacirema.pdf: 1877396 bytes, checksum: c3fd20e769fe11da13ec08531af60132 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-07-09T19:43:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertao anacirema.pdf: 1877396 bytes, checksum: c3fd20e769fe11da13ec08531af60132 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / A presente pesquisa propõe um estudo acerca das relações sócioafetivas dos idosos institucionalizados no Asilo de Pobres do Rio Grande, com enfoque na educação ambiental, convidando à reflexão sobre os problemas sócioambientais dessa população, na busca pela superação dos mesmos. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é analisar se relações sociais e afetivas de idosos asilados permite um desenvolvimento qualitativo na velhice. A pesquisa é de cunho qualitativo, na linha de pesquisa da Educação Ambiental não formal. Teve como base a Inserção Ecológica, metodologia que requer a imersão do pesquisador no ambiente investigado e está referendada na teoria bioecológica de desenvolvimento humano. Os participantes foram escolhidos por conveniência para atender aos objetivos da pesquisa. Efetuou-se uma consistente revisão bibliográfica na busca de maiores conhecimentos sobre o tema, utilizando como instrumentos para coleta de dados, entrevistas semi-estruturadas, diário de campo, que levantou dados sobre os entrevistados. A metodologia utilizada foi a História de Vida que permitiu estabelecer uma relação mais próxima com a população pesquisada e assim responder aos objetivos propostos. Concluí que para a melhoria na qualidade de vida desses idosos, a criação de espaços educativos dentro da instituição permitiria recuperar a visão integral do ser humano, não só limitando-se aos cuidados básicos de saúde e higiene, mas também favorecer qualidade nas suas interações sociais e afetivas. O tema escolhido para esta pesquisa é considerado relevante cientificamente, devido ao aumento da expectativa de vida da população idosa e consequentemente, seus impactos ambientais. As relações sociais e afetivas que os idosos asilados vivenciam, apresentam-se nesta pesquisa como uma possibilidade de rever o olhar estigmatizado que a sociedade tem sobre o idoso institucionalizado e consequentemente reverter o olhar que esse mesmo idoso sente por si, tornando mais humanas essas relações. / The present research proposes a study concerning the socio-affective relations of the elderly institutionalized in the poor asylum of Rio Grande, focused in the environmental education, inviting to a reflection about social and environmental problems of this population, in search of their overcoming. The main goal of this study is to analyse if social and affective relationships of sheltered elderly people permit a qualitative development in the old age. This is a qualitative study, in the research line of non-formal Environmental Education. This study was based on the Ecological Insertion, methodology that requires the immersion of the researcher in the investigated environment and is proposed by the bioecological systems theory. The participants were chosen by convenience in order to reach the research goals. A consistent bibliographical review was done to pursuit better knowledge about the theme, using as instruments for data collection, semi-structured interviews, field diary, that gathered data about the interviewees. The methodology used was the life history which allowed to be established a closer relationship with the researched population in order to reach the proposed goals. It was concluded that to improve the quality of life of these elderly people, the creation of educative spaces inside the institution would permit to recover the holistic approach of the human being, not only confined to basic procedures of health and personal care, but also favor quality in their social and affective interactions. The chosen theme for this research is considered scientifically relevant, due to the increase in the elderly population life expectancy and consequently, its environmental impacts. The social and affective relationships that the elderly people live, are shown in this research as a possibility of review the stigmatized look that the society has about the institutionalized elderly and consequently revert the look that this elderly feels about himself, turning these relationships more human.


MARIANA PATRÍCIO FERNANDES 09 October 2008 (has links)
[pt] O objetivo da dissertação é, a partir da obra de Maura Lopes Cançado, entender de que forma a escrita pode engendrar modos de fuga em uma situação aparentemente sem saída - como por exemplo, a internação em um hospital psiquiátrico, onde a escritora passou boa parte de sua vida. Hospício-deus é como Maura denomina esta sensação de clausura, que não se resume ao fato de estar internada, mas à outras experiências subjetivas, mais sutis e, por isso mesmo, mais difíceis de escapar. No entanto, é necessário fugir, pois é o próprio desespero de fuga e o desejo de evasão, que compõem a força motriz da sua escrita. Fez-se necessário neste trabalho, portanto, mapear a geografia do hospício-deus, em suas diferentes imagens, para elaborar através do diálogo entre o diário, a obra ficcional, e a leitura crítica, a melhor maneira de escapar a ele. / [en] The purpose of this work is, trough de writings of Maura Lopes Cançado, understand how literature is able to create ways of escape in situations where there are not, at least apparently, any exits, such as the confinement in a psychiatric hospital, where the writer spent most of her life. Asylum- god is how Maura called this sensation of enclosure, related also to other subjective experiences, more subtle and therefore more difficult to escape. However, it is necessary to flee, as it is the very despair of escape and the desire of evasion, the driving force of her writing. It was necessary in this work, therefore, to map the geography of this asylum-god to develop through the dialogue between the diary, the fictional work, and the literary criticism, the best way to evade.

Asylum seeker dispersal : public attitudes and press portrayals around the UK

Finney, Nissa Ruth January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

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