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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Arctic Atmosphere : Interactions between clouds, boundary-layer turbulence and large-scale circulation

Sotiropoulou, Georgia January 2016 (has links)
Arctic climate is changing fast, but weather forecast and climate models have serious deficiencies in representing the Arctic atmosphere, because of the special conditions that occur in this region. The cold ice surface and the advection of warm air aloft from the south result in a semi-continuous presence of a temperature inversion, known as the “Arctic inversion”, which is governed by interacting large-scale and local processes, such as surface fluxes and cloud formation. In this thesis these poorly understood interactions are investigated using observations from field campaigns on the Swedish icebreaker Oden: The Arctic Summer Cloud Ocean Study (ASCOS) in 2008 and the Arctic Clouds in Summer Experiment (ACSE) in 2014. Two numerical models are also used to explore these data: the IFS global weather forecast model from the European Center for Medium-range Weather Forecasts and the MIMICA LES from Stockholm University. Arctic clouds can persist for a long time, days to weeks, and are usually mixed-phase; a difficult to model mixture of super-cooled cloud droplets and ice crystals. Their persistence has been attributed to several mechanisms, such as large-scale advection, surface evaporation and microphysical processes. ASCOS observations indicate that these clouds are most frequently decoupled from the surface; hence, surface evaporation plays a minor role. The determining factor for cloud-surface decoupling is the altitude of the clouds. Turbulent mixing is generated in the cloud layer, forced by cloud-top radiative cooling, but with a high cloud this cannot penetrate down to the surface mixed layer, which is forced primarily by mechanical turbulence. A special category of clouds is also found: optically thin liquid-only clouds with stable stratification, hence insignificant in-cloud mixing, which occur in low-aerosol conditions. IFS model fails to reproduce the cloud-surface decoupling observed during ASCOS. A new prognostic cloud physics scheme in IFS improves simulation of mixed-phase clouds, but does not improve the warm bias in the model, mostly because IFS fails to disperse low surface-warming clouds when observations indicate cloud-free conditions. With increasing summer open-water areas in a warming Arctic, there is a growing interest in processes related to the ice marginal zones and the summer-to-autumn seasonal transition. ACSE included measurements over both open-water and sea-ice surfaces, during melt and early freeze. The seasonal transition was abrupt, not gradual as would have been expected if it was primarily driven by the gradual changes in net solar radiation. After the transition, the ocean surface remained warmer than the atmosphere, enhancing surface cooling and facilitating sea-ice formation. Observations in melt season showed distinct differences in atmospheric structure between the two surface types; during freeze-up these largely disappear. In summer, large-scale advection of warm and moist air over melting sea ice had large impacts on atmospheric stability and the surface. This is explored with an LES; results indicate that while vertical structure of the lowest atmosphere is primarily sensitive to heat advection, cloud formation, which is of great importance to the surface energy budget, is primarily sensitive to moisture advection. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 4: Manuscript.</p>

Advances in Heterogeneous Ice Nucleation Research: Theoretical Modeling and Measurements

Beydoun, Hassan 01 February 2017 (has links)
In the atmosphere, cloud droplets can remain in a supercooled liquid phase at temperatures as low as -40 °C. Above this temperature, cloud droplets freeze via heterogeneous ice nucleation whereby a rare and poorly understood subset of atmospheric particles catalyze the ice phase transition. As the phase state of clouds is critical in determining their radiative properties and lifetime, deficiencies in our understanding of heterogeneous ice nucleation poses a large uncertainty on our efforts to predict human induced global climate change. Experimental challenges in properly simulating particle-induced freezing processes under atmospherically relevant conditions have largely contributed to the absence of a well-established model and parameterizations that accurately predict heterogeneous ice nucleation. Conversely, the sparsity of reliable measurement techniques available struggle to be interpreted by a single consistent theoretical or empirical framework, which results in layers of uncertainty when attempting to extrapolate useful information regarding ice nucleation for use in atmospheric cloud models. In this dissertation a new framework for describing heterogeneous ice nucleation is developed. Starting from classical nucleation theory, the surface of an ice nucleating particle is treated as a continuum of heterogeneous ice nucleating activity and a particle specific distribution of this activity g is derived. It is hypothesized that an individual particle species exhibits a critical surface area. Above this critical area the ice nucleating activity of a particle species can be described by one g distribution, 𝑔, while below it 𝑔 expresses itself expresses externally resulting in particle to particle variability in ice nucleating activity. The framework is supported by cold plate droplet freezing measurements for dust and biological particles in which the total surface area of particle material available is varied. Freezing spectra above a certain surface area are shown to be successfully fitted with 𝑔 while a process of random sampling from 𝑔 can predict the freezing behavior below the identified critical surface area threshold. The framework is then extended to account for droplets composed of multiple particle species and successfully applied to predict the freezing spectra of a mixed proxy for an atmospheric dust-biological particle system. The contact freezing mode of ice nucleation, whereby a particle induces freezing upon collision with a droplet, is thought to be more efficient than particle initiated immersion freezing from within the droplet bulk. However, it has been a decades’ long challenge to accurately measure this ice nucleation mode, since it necessitates reliably measuring the rate at which particles hit a droplet surface combined with direct determination of freezing onset. In an effort to remedy this longstanding deficiency a temperature controlled chilled aerosol optical tweezers capable of stably isolating water droplets in air at subzero temperatures has been designed and implemented. The new temperature controlled system retains the powerful capabilities of traditional aerosol optical tweezers: retrieval of a cavity enhanced Raman spectrum which could be used to accurately determine the size and refractive index of a trapped droplet. With these capabilities, it is estimated that the design can achieve ice supersaturation conditions at the droplet surface. It was also found that a KCl aqueous droplet simultaneously cooling and evaporating exhibited a significantly higher measured refractive index at its surface than when it was held at a steady state temperature. This implies the potential of a “salting out” process. Sensitivity of the cavity enhanced Raman spectrum as well as the visual image of a trapped droplet to dust particle collisions is shown, an important step in measuring collision frequencies of dust particles with a trapped droplet. These results may pave the way for future experiments of the exceptionally poorly understood contact freezing mode of ice nucleation.

X Marks the Spot: Nexus of Filaments, Cores, and Outflows in a Young Star-forming Region

Imara, Nia, Lada, Charles, Lewis, John, Bieging, John H., Kong, Shuo, Lombardi, Marco, Alves, Joao 15 May 2017 (has links)
We present a multiwavelength investigation of a region of a nearby giant molecular cloud that is distinguished by a minimal level of star formation activity. With our new (CO)-C-12(J = 2-1) and (CO)-C-13(J = 2-1) observations of a remote region within the middle of the California molecular cloud, we aim to investigate the relationship between filaments, cores, and a molecular outflow in a relatively pristine environment. An extinction map of the region from Herschel Space Observatory observations reveals the presence of two 2 pc long filaments radiating from a highextinction clump. Using the (CO)-C-13 observations, we show that the filaments have coherent velocity gradients and that their mass-per-unit-lengths may exceed the critical value above which filaments are gravitationally unstable. The region exhibits structure with eight cores, at least one of which is a starless, prestellar core. We identify a low-velocity, low-mass molecular outflow that may be driven by a flat spectrum protostar. The outflow does not appear to be responsible for driving the turbulence in the core with which it is associated, nor does it provide significant support against gravitational collapse.

Nature of the Diffuse Source and Its Central Point-like Source in SNR 0509-67.5

Litke, Katrina C., Chu, You-Hua, Holmes, Abigail, Santucci, Robert, Blindauer, Terrence, Gruendl, Robert A., Li, Chuan-Jui, Pan, Kuo-Chuan, Ricker, Paul M., Weisz, Daniel R. 08 March 2017 (has links)
We examine a diffuse emission region near the center of SNR 0509-67.5 to determine its nature. Within this diffuse region we observe a point-like source that is bright in the near-IR, but is not visible in the B and V bands. We consider an emission line observed at 6766 angstrom and the possibilities that it is Ly alpha, H alpha, and [O II] lambda 3727. We examine the spectral energy distribution (SED) of the source, comprised of Hubble Space Telescope B, V, I, J, and H bands in addition to Spitzer/IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, and 8 mu m bands. The peak of the SED is consistent with a background galaxy at z approximate to 0.8 +/- 0.2 and a possible Balmer jump places the galaxy at z approximate to 0.9 +/- 0.3. These SED considerations support the emission line's identification as [O II] lambda 3727. We conclude that the diffuse source in SNR 0509-67.5 is a background galaxy at z approximate to 0.82. Furthermore, we identify the point-like source superposed near the center of the galaxy as its central bulge. Finally, we find no evidence for a surviving companion star, indicating a double-degenerate origin for SNR 0509-67.5.

On the enhancement or counteraction of the responses to local-scale accumulated land-use changes on the short time-scale

Mölders, Nicole 18 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Simulations assuming open-pit mines and different cessation landscapes of open-pit mines with urbanization were performed with a non-hydrostatic meteorological model. The possible enhancement or counteracting of the atmospheric responses to these simultaneously occurring (= accumulated) land-use changes are examined applying a formula drived from the principle of superposition. Although accumulated land-use changes substantially affect the local water and energy fluxes and significantly influence cloud and precipitation microphysics, they do not necessarily provide more significant changes in these quantities than the change of different land-use types to only one land-use type (=single land-use changes). Where the atmospheric responses to accumulated land-use changes are enhanced or inhibited, depends on the thermal, dynamical and hydrologic characteristics of the undergoing accumulated land-use changes as well as on the land-use adjacent to the land-use conversion. In regions dominated by drier surfaces (e.g., agriculture), no enhancement or counteraction according to the principle of superposition could be detected in this study. / Simulationen mit einer Tagebaulandschaft sowie verschiedenen Tagebaufolgelandschaften inklusive Urbanisierung wurden mit einem nicht-hydrostatischen meteorologischen Modell durchgeführt. Eine mögliche Verstärkung oder Abschwächung der atmosphärischen Reaktion auf gleichzeitig auftretende (akkumulierte) Landnutzungsänderungen wird mittels einer auf dem Prinzip der Superposition erstellten Formel untersucht. Obgleich die akkumulierten Landnutzungsänderungen die lokalen Energie- und Wasserflüsse merklich sowie die Wolken und Niederschlagsmikrophysik signifikant beeinflussen, führen sie nicht notwendigerweise zu stärkeren Änderungen dieser Größen als einfache Landnutzungsänderungen. Wo sich akkumulierte Landnutzungsänderungen in ihrer Wirkung auf die Atmosphäre verstärken oder abschwächen, hängt davon ab, wie stark sich die dynamischen, hydrologischen und energetischen Eigenschaften der veränderten Landnutzung von der vorherigen und denen der Umgebung unterscheiden. In Regionen, die durch trockene Flächen charakterisiert sind (z.B. Ackerland), konnte in dieser Studie kein Verstärken oder Abschwächen im Sinne einer Abweichung vom Prinzip der Superposition festgestellt werden.

Mesoscale simulation of a heavy snowfall event over the Baltic Sea using an improved cloud parameterization scheme

Devantier, René, Raabe, Armin 24 October 2016 (has links) (PDF)
To model clouds in the mesoscale a 3D nonhydrostatic numerical model - GESIMA - was used, with a new cloud scheme which includes a quasispectral treatment of 6 different bulk water species ( water vapor, cloud water, rain, ice, snow, graupel) . lt allows to predict the distribution parameters since the number concentration and the mass mixing ratio were prognosed. So it is possible to vary the average particle masses ( diameters) in time which gives more realistic results. According to measurements two different distribution functions (log-normal for rain and cloud water and Marshall-Palmer for solid water classes) were used to describe the different water species. The cloud model is tested in a simulation of a mesoscale snowfall event over the southern Baltic Sea. / Für die mesoskalige Simulation von Wolken wurde ein nichthydrostatisches numerisches 3D-Modell - GESIMA - benutzt, in dem ein neuer Wolkenmodul mit quasispektraler Behandlung 6 verschiedener Wolkenteilchenklassen (Wasserdampf, Wolkenwasser, Regen, Eis, Schnee, Graupel) implementiert wurde. Es erlaubt die Vorhersage der Verteilungsparameter, da sowohl die Teilchenzahlkonzentration als auch das Massenmischungsverhältnis prognostiziert werden. Damit ist es möglich auch die mittlere Masse (Durchmesser) einer Teilchensorte zeitlich zu variieren, was zu realistischeren Resultaten führt. In Übereinstimmung mit Messungen wurden 2 verschiedene Verteilungsfunktionen zur Beschreibung für die verschiedenen Teilchenklassen (log-normal für Wolkenwasser und Regen und Marshall-Palmer für Schnee und Graupel) benutzt. Das Wolkenmodell wurde in einer Simulation eines mesoskaligen Schneefallereignisses über der südwestlichen Ostsee getestet.

De lents semencements / De Lents Semencements

Nadal, Marie-Luce 09 October 2017 (has links)
De Lents Semencements est une thèse de création en arts visuels. Conformément au principe du doctorat SACRe (Science, Arts, Création, Recherche), la thèse se compose d’œuvres, dont certaines seront présentées en exposition lors de la soutenance, et d’un écrit qui retrace et problématise le parcours.Le mémoire présenté ici se compose de quatre carnets de dimensions différentes, d’une notice d’exposition et d’un support numérique. Numérotés de 1 à 4, les carnets peuvent être lus de manière aléatoire. Les fichiers numériques sont des vidéos auxquelles les carnets renvoient.La recherche porte sur la notion de contrôle : le contrôle, la maîtrise, l’obsession de maîtrise, que les hommes et la science entendent avoir sur les phénomènes naturels, dont la manipulation du monde.Précisément, on s’est attaché à capturer et cultiver les substances qui forment ce qui est défini dans une acception large comme l’atmosphère (ou les atmosphères), que celles-ci soient physiques (l’air qui nous entoure, les nuages) ou, par glissement pour la démarche présentée dans le dernier carnet, psychologiques : on dira par licence artistique, al/chimiques.Les œuvres qu’on découvrira dans ces carnets, et les recherches qui y ont conduit, se sont d’abord inspirées très précisément des processus scientifiques qui ont été observés dans un laboratoire de physique du CNRS , le laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique des Milieux Hétérogènes (UMR 7636, ESPCI Paris). Le questionnement ou l’un des questionnements de la thèse, outre la thématique du contrôle, scientifique comme matériau d’artiste. Cette thèse fait apparaître que la démarche esthétique dévie et éventuellement détourne – voire pervertit - les finalités du laboratoire. Le protocole scientifique a alors été utilisé comme métaphore ou procès poétique, associé à une forme d’enquête épistémologique, notamment sur la réception de la science par le public (attractivité, confiance, et incompréhension – donc foi et crédulité).Les quatre carnets décrivent chronologiquement l’évolution de la recherche doctorale. Le premier prend la mesure d’un travail en laboratoire. Le deuxième rassemble une série de travaux qui concernent tous les efforts de contrôle et de représentations de l’atmosphère au sens physique – en l’occurrence il s’agit de travailler avec les nuages. Le troisième est une installation en forme de volière une performance réalisée avec des mouches, dans le cadre d’une exposition s’articulant autour de l’épigénétique. Le quatrième carnet reflète la tentation d’échapper à la rigueur de la science pour explorer les possibilités de réception confiantes du public, autour d’un protocole consistant à mesurer ou sembler mesurer, les composantes chimiques d’une atmosphère psychologique. / De Lents Semencements (« Slow Seedings ») is a thesis in visual arts creation. In accordance with the principals laid out by the SACRe doctoral programme (Science, Arts, Creation, Research), the thesis is comprised of a number of pieces, some of which will be exhibited during the viva, as well as a written component that retraces and questions the process.The thesis presented here is made up of four notebooks of varying dimensions, an explanatory notice concerning the exhibition and a digital file of work. Numbered 1 to 4, the notebooks can be read in random order. The digital files contain videos to which the notebooks refer.This research is based on the notion of control: control, mastery, the obsession with dominion, for which men and science contend over natural phenomena, including the manipulation of the world.Thus, we have tried to capture and cultivate the substances which make up that which, in its broadest sense, is called the atmosphere (or atmospheres), be they physical (the air which surrounds us, or clouds) or psychological, a shift in the meaning adopted in the approach of the final notebook. By creative licence, the latter substances are referred to as al-chemical.The pieces presented in the notebooks, and the research that led to them, were first of all inspired precisely by scientific methods observed in a physics laboratory of the CNRS, the laboratory of Physics and Mechanics of Heterogeneous Environments (UMR 7636, ESPCI Paris). This thesis reveals that the aesthetic process deviates and sometimes diverts (even perverts) the goals of the laboratory. Scientific protocol was thus used as a metaphor or a poetic process associated with a sort of epistemological survey, especially regarding the public’s reception of science (attractiveness, confidence and incomprehension; in short, faith and gullibility).The four notebooks describe the evolution of the doctoral research in chronological order. The first takes stock of work in the laboratory. The second gathers together a series of projects all relating to efforts to control and represent the atmosphere in a physical way – in this instance the work has to do with clouds. The third is an installation in the form of an aviary, a performance realised with flies, as part of an exhibition surrounding questions of epigenetics. The fourth notebook reflects the temptation to escape scientific rigour in order to explore the possibilities of a confident reception by the public, centred on a protocol that consists in measuring the chemical components of a psychological atmosphere.

Formação estelar no complexo de nuvens moleculares em Monoceros / Star Formation in the Molecular Cloud Complex in Monoceros

Gama, Diana Renata Gonçalves 04 May 2012 (has links)
Comparamos duas nuvens moleculares, Rosette (RMC) e Monoceros R2 (Mon R2), localizadas no Complexo de Monoceros com o objetivo de estudar suas condições físicas relacionadas às primeiras fases da formação estelar. Tratam-se de regiões interessantes por apresentarem características que podem ser confrontadas com a hipótese de formação estelar provocada pela passagem de nuvens de altas velocidades atravessando o plano Galáctico (HVCs). Avaliamos as propriedades dessas nuvens por meio de mapas de vários traçadores da formação estelar com base em diferentes bandas espectrais visando estudar a estrutura de densidade das nuvens, bem como os objetos estelares jovens, em particular as fontes masers de H2O que apresentam características típicas de protoestrelas massivas. Nossa análise permitiu verificar algumas semelhanças entre RMC e Mon R2, mas também nos revelou diferenças interessantes. De uma forma geral há concordância entre AV, CO e emissão de poeira em 100 microns; RMC possui muitos clumps, entretanto poucos aglomerados e nebulosidades exceto uma única região HII principal (NGC2244) enquanto Mon R2 apresenta poucos clumps, vários aglomerados jovens e pequenas nebulosidades; em RMC há mais estrelas massivas, distribuídas uniformemente; Mon R2 tem poucas estrelas B, distribuídas em estruturas filamentárias com maiores índices de AV, do que em RMC; as fontes emissão maser apresentam cores IRAS compatíveis com candidatas a protoestrelas massivas, mas não parecem estar associadas a fontes de raios-X, sugerindo que masers estão relacionados à fase protoestelar, ao passo que fontes-X representam fase Pré-Sequência Principal. Concluímos que a distribuição de objetos e a estrutura das nuvens estão de acordo com as simulações dos modelos de HVCs. Porém, nossos resultados também são compatíveis com modelos alternativos, que simulam a dinâmica da Galáxia, para explicar o cenário de formação estelar no Complexo de Monoceros. / We compare two molecular clouds of the Monoceros Complex in order to study their physical conditions related to the early stages of star formation. The selected clouds, Rosette (RMC) and Monoceros R2 (Mon R2), are interesting regions due to their characteristics that may be confronted with the hypothesis of star formation triggered by high velocity clouds (HVCs) crossing through the Galactic plane. We evaluate the properties of these clouds using maps obtained on the basis of dierent spectral bands to trace the density of the clouds and the young stellar objects, in particular H2O masers that show typical features of massive protostars. This analysis allowed us to verify some similarities between RMC and Mon R2, but also revealed interesting dierences. In a general way there is an agreement between Av, CO and dust emission at 100 microns; RMC has many clumps, a few clusters and a single main nebulosity that is an HII region around NGC2244, while Mon R2 has a few clumps, several young clusters and small nebulosities. In RMC there is a large number of massive stars, uniformly distributed, while Mon R2 has a few B stars, distributed in lamentary structures with levels of Av higher than in RMC; maser sources have IRAS colors compatible with massive protostars candidates, but do not seem to be associated with X-ray sources, suggesting that masers are more related to the protostellar phase, while X-ray sources are related to pre main sequence phase. We conclude that the distribution of objects and the structure of the clouds are in accordance with the simulations of HVC models. However, our results are also compatible with alternative models of the Galaxy dynamics that explain the scenario of star formation in the Monoceros Complex.

Caracterização de nuvens cirrus na região da Amazônia central utilizando um lidar em solo / Characterization of Cirrus Clouds in the Central Amazon Region Using a Ground Based Lidar

Gouveia, Diego Alves 15 April 2014 (has links)
Recentemente, as nuvens cirrus tem sido reconhecidas como importantes agentes do sistema climático global por funcionarem como cobertores térmico e poderem alterar signicativamente o balanço de radiação atmosférico, afetando o sistema climático em escalas de tempo que vão desde condições do tempo até mudanças climáticas. Elas são encontradas perto da tropopausa e são formadas principalmente por cristais de gelo não esféricos, com tempo de vida que pode ir de horas a alguns dias. Apesar de serem relativamente transparentes à radiação solar (profundidade óptica < 3,0), elas são opacas à radiação infravermelha, aprisionado radiação que seria perdida para o espaço, e, assim, podendo ter uma forçante radiativa positiva. Sua importância cresce devido a sua grande área de cobertura. A cobertura global de nuvens cirrus tem sido estimada em cerca de 20-25% e sua ocorrência pode ser mais de 70 % nos trópicos ( LIOU , 2002). No inicio de 2011, uma estação de UV-Raman Lidar se tornou operacional na região central da Amazônia, instalado 30 km a NE de Manaus-AM (2,89 °S 59,97 °W). Usando um laser de 95 mJ Nd-Yag em 355 nm e um telescópio Cassegrain com 400 e 4000 mm de distancia focal, este sistema detecta remotamente a troposfera com 7,5 m e 1-min de resolução espacial e temporal, respectivamente. Para analisar esse grande volume de dados, um algoritmo automatizado para detecção de nuvens cirrus foi desenvolvido com base no método descrito por ( BARJA , 2002), que determina a altitude da base, topo, máximo retro espalhamento e espessura. Os resultados mostram uma boa concordância entre o método visual de costume, não havendo diferença signicativa nas alturas de base. Um método baseado no fator de transmitância da equação do lidar foi utilizado para derivar a profundidade óptica dos cirrus. Pers de temperatura e pressão foram obtidos através de radiosondagens disponíveis duas vezes por dia do aeroporto militar de Ponta Pelada (28 km ao sul do sitio exerimental). Os métodos de Klett e Raman foram utilizados para derivar os coeciente de retroespalhamento e estimar a razão lidar das nuvens cirrus. Como resultados da analise dos dados dos dois primeiros anos de medidas (2011 e 2012), encontramos que a ocorrência de nuvens cirrus foi cerca de 71,0 % do tempo de observação total, sendo cerca de 24,2 % de todos os cirrus foram cirrus subvisuais (<0,03), 40,7 % eram cirrus nos (0,03< <0,3) e 35,1 % eram cirrus stratus ( > 0,3). Encontramos tambem os valores médios de 12,4 ± 2.k km , 14,3 ± 2,2 km para as altitudes de base e topo, respectivamente, residindo entre a temperaturas de até -90 °C e frequentemente encontradas próximas a tropopausa. A razão lidar para estas nuvens cirrus foi estimada em 20,0 ± 6,8 sr. Além disso, estudamos o comportamento destas grandezas com relação a temperatura. Enquanto as nuvens cirrus observadas mostraram uma redução da espessura e da profundidade óptica com a diminuição da temperatura (aumento da altitude), a razão lidar mostrou-se constante, indicando uma composição constante em termos da mistura de cristais de gelo. / Recently, cirrus clouds have been recognized as important agents of global climate system by functioning as a thermal blanket and can signicantly alter the radiation balance of the atmosphere, aecting the climate system from the weather to climate change timescales. They are found near the tropopause and are formed mainly by non spherical ice crystals, with lifetime that can go from hours to a few days. Despite being relatively transparent to solar radiation (optical depth < 3.0), they are opaque to the infrared radiation that would be lost to space, and thus have a positive radiative forcing. Its importance grows due to its large coverage area. The global cirrus cover has been estimated to be about 20-25% and their occurrence can be more than 70% over the tropics ( LIOU , 2002). In mid-2011 a UV Raman Lidar station become operational in the central Amazon region, installed 30 km up-wind from Manaus-AM (2.89 °S 59.97 °W). Using a 95 mJ Nd-Yag laser at 355 nm and a cassegrain telescope with 400 mm and 4000 mm focal length, this system remotely senses the troposphere with 7.5 m and 1-min height and time resolution respectively. To analyze this large amount of data, an automated algorithm for the detection of cirrus clouds was developed based on the method described for( BARJA , 2002), which determine the cloud base, top and maximum light backscattering heights, and cloud thickness. The results show a good agreement between the usual visual method, with no signicant dierence in the base heights. The transmittance factor of the lidar signal was used to derive the optical depth cirrus. Proles of temperature and pressure were obtained by radiosondes available twice daily from the military airport of Ponta Pelada (28 km south from the experimental site). The Klett and Raman methods were used to derive the backscattering coecient and to estimate the lidar ratio of the cirrus clouds. As the results for the analysis of data from the rst two years of measurements (2011 and 2012 ), we found that the occurrence of cirrus clouds was approximately 71.0 % of the total time of observation, being approximately 24.2 % of all cirrus were subvisual ( < 0.03), 40.7 % were thin cirrus (0.03 < < 0.3 ) and 35.1 % were cirrus stratus ( > 0.3). Also found the average values of 12.4 ± 2.4 km 14.3 ± 2.2 km for altitudes of the base and top height, respectively, residing between the temperatures down to -90 °C and frequently found near the tropopause. The lidar-ratio was estimated as 20.0 ± 6.8 sr . Also, the behavior of these quantities with respect to temperature was studied.

Feature extraction from 3D point clouds / Extração de atributos robustos a partir de nuvens de pontos 3D

Przewodowski Filho, Carlos André Braile 13 March 2018 (has links)
Computer vision is a research field in which images are the main object of study. One of its category of problems is shape description. Object classification is one important example of applications using shape descriptors. Usually, these processes were performed on 2D images. With the large-scale development of new technologies and the affordable price of equipment that generates 3D images, computer vision has adapted to this new scenario, expanding the classic 2D methods to 3D. However, it is important to highlight that 2D methods are mostly dependent on the variation of illumination and color, while 3D sensors provide depth, structure/3D shape and topological information beyond color. Thus, different methods of shape descriptors and robust attributes extraction were studied, from which new attribute extraction methods have been proposed and described based on 3D data. The results obtained from well known public datasets have demonstrated their efficiency and that they compete with other state-of-the-art methods in this area: the RPHSD (a method proposed in this dissertation), achieved 85:4% of accuracy on the University of Washington RGB-D dataset, being the second best accuracy on this dataset; the COMSD (another proposed method) has achieved 82:3% of accuracy, standing at the seventh position in the rank; and the CNSD (another proposed method) at the ninth position. Also, the RPHSD and COMSD methods have relatively small processing complexity, so they achieve high accuracy with low computing time. / Visão computacional é uma área de pesquisa em que as imagens são o principal objeto de estudo. Um dos problemas abordados é o da descrição de formatos (em inglês, shapes). Classificação de objetos é um importante exemplo de aplicação que usa descritores de shapes. Classicamente, esses processos eram realizados em imagens 2D. Com o desenvolvimento em larga escala de novas tecnologias e o barateamento dos equipamentos que geram imagens 3D, a visão computacional se adaptou para este novo cenário, expandindo os métodos 2D clássicos para 3D. Entretanto, estes métodos são, majoritariamente, dependentes da variação de iluminação e de cor, enquanto os sensores 3D fornecem informações de profundidade, shape 3D e topologia, além da cor. Assim, foram estudados diferentes métodos de classificação de objetos e extração de atributos robustos, onde a partir destes são propostos e descritos novos métodos de extração de atributos a partir de dados 3D. Os resultados obtidos utilizando bases de dados 3D públicas conhecidas demonstraram a eficiência dos métodos propóstos e que os mesmos competem com outros métodos no estado-da-arte: o RPHSD (um dos métodos propostos) atingiu 85:4% de acurácia, sendo a segunda maior acurácia neste banco de dados; o COMSD (outro método proposto) atingiu 82:3% de acurácia, se posicionando na sétima posição do ranking; e o CNSD (outro método proposto) em nono lugar. Além disso, os métodos RPHSD têm uma complexidade de processamento relativamente baixa. Assim, eles atingem uma alta acurácia com um pequeno tempo de processamento.

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