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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Reviewing Code Review : Defining and developing High-level ConceptualCode Review at a financial technology company / Granskning av kodgranskning

Olausson, Andreas, Louca, Stefanus January 2020 (has links)
Code review is a recurring activity at software companies where the source code, orparts of it, undergoes an inspection where the aim is to detect possible errors beforethe code is released for production. A variation of code review that is common today iscalled modern code review and is more lightweight practise than formal code review. Inmodern code review, the developers participate and continuously revise their colleagues’code.At a financial technology company in Stockholm, modern code review is applied. Thecompany has expressed a need to implement a tool that can facilitate the code reviewprocess. One suggestion from the company was to implement high-level conceptual codereview (HCCR), an idea of a tool where code changes are sorted automatically intodifferent commits with a specific message.In order to implement the tool, HCCR needs to be defined and concretised since it haspreviously existed solely as an idea. As a first step of the project, developers’ view ofwhat information is desirable in a commit needed to be examined. The project addressedthe following research questions: What information is desirable and needed by the developers of a medium-sizedcompany, to help them do code reviews in a pull-based environment?– What should the information consist of?– How should the information be presented?To answer these questions, interviews were conducted with software developers at thecompany, together with observations where the developers had to try out a first iterationof HCCR. The first iteration was developed using the company’s guidelines on howdevelopers contribute to code changes together with our company supervisor’s viewson how the tool can work. The interviews were recorded and transcribed, whereafteriia thematic analysis was applied. From the analysis, 13 concepts emerged, which weredivided into five categories. The developers wanted the commits to be atomic, compilableand testable in order to facilitate debugging. The developers also expressed a need toget clear information about both pull-requests (PRs) and commit messages. In theinterviews, a theme emerged that the messages should consist of: what has changed andwhy it has changed. Differences were also observed in the code review process as differentdevelopers use different strategies when reviewing code.Based on the information that emerged from the interviews and observations along withprevious research, a second iteration of HCCR was prepared. The report concludes bydiscussing possible implementations of the tool. / Kodgranskning är en vanligt förekommande aktivitet hos mjukvaruföretag där källkoden,eller delar av den, genomgår en granskning för att upptäcka möjliga fel innan kodensläpps till produktion. En variation av kodgranskning som är vanlig idag kallas modernkodgranskning och är en mindre formell kodgranskning där utvecklarna själva är medoch kontinuerligt reviderar sina kollegors kod.Ett finansiellt teknikbolag i Stockholm tillämpar modern kodgranskning. Företagethar uttryckt ett behov av att implementera ett verktyg som kan underlättakodgranskningsprocessen. Ett förslag från företaget var att implementera HCCR, enidé om ett verktyg där kodändringar automatiskt sorteras till olika, så kallade, commits1med ett specifikt meddelande.För att implementera verktyget behöver HCCR definieras och konkretiseras. Som ettförsta steg i projektet behövde vi undersöka utvecklarnas önskvärda information av huren commit bör utformas. Projektet behandlar följande forskningsfrågor: Vilken information är önskvärd och behövs av utvecklarna på ett medelstort företag,för att hjälpa dem att göra kodgranskningar i en pull-based miljö?– Vad ska informationen bestå av?– Hur skall informationen presenteras?För att svara på frågorna gjordes intervjuer med mjukvaruutvecklarna på företagettillsammans med observationer där utvecklarna fick prova på en första iteration avHCCR. Den första iterationen togs fram genom att använda företagets riktlinjer gällandehur utvecklare bidrar med kodändringar tillsammans med åsikter från handledaren påföretaget om hur verktyget kan fungera. Intervjuerna spelades in och transkriberades1När det kommer till ord och uttryck inom Git, (exempelvis commits, pull-request, push, pull) finnsdet ingen standardiserad översättning till svenska. Därför kommer dessa ord skrivas på engelska isammanfattningen.ivvarpå en tematisk analys genomfördes. Från analysen framträdde 13 koncept kringkodgranskning vilka delades in i fem kategorier. Utvecklarna önskade att varje commitskulle vara atomisk, kompilerbar samt testbar för att underlätta felsökning av buggar.Utvecklarna uttryckte också ett behov av att få tydlig information om både PR ochcommit-meddelanden. I intervjuerna framkom det att meddelandena borde bestå av:vad som har ändrats och varför det har ändrats. Det observerades även skillnader ikodgranskningsprocessen då olika utvecklare använder olika strategier när de granskarkod.Baserat på den information som framträdde från intervjuerna och observationernatillsammans med tidigare forskning utarbetades en andra iteration av HCCR. Rapportenavslutas med att diskutera möjliga implementationer av verktyget.


Dahlgren, Lars Axel, Anton, Höök January 2023 (has links)
Enterprise low-code plattformar är något som stora organisationer och företag använder för att möjliggöra organisationsförändringar, orkestrera affärsprocesser och utvinna potential med citizen development. Forskningen runt low-code plattformar ligger dock efter, vilket gör att organisationer blir beroende av marknadsanalytiker och konsulter i den utforskande fasen i deras implementation. För att möta den brist på tidigare forskning inom enterprise low-code plattformar så har vi designat och utfört en fallstudie där vi studerat Arbetsförmedlingens implementation och användning av PegaSystems low-code plattform. Baserat på resultatet från denna studie så har vi tagit fram rekommendationer för framtida implementationer av enterprise low-code plattformar. Vi fann att Pegakompetens, mognad och struktur är viktiga och avgörande faktorer i ett Pegaprojekt. Vi fann också att tidig satsning och prioritering av Pegas Situational Layer Cake är nyckeln för att kunna utnyttja och skapa återanvändning, öka effektivitet, bygga en generisk grund och kunna använda citizen development. Våra rekommendationer till framtida implementationer är därför att (1) prioritera utveckling av Situational Layer Cake (2) Ta fram en projekttidslinje och strategi som är medveten om organisationens egen nivå av Pegakompetens, mognad och struktur.

Assessing the Repercussions of a Mass Departure of Building Inspectors from the Code Professional Industry in Utah

Williams, George Reese 01 June 2015 (has links) (PDF)
National studies suggest that eighty percent of existing code professionals are expected to retire within the next fifteen years. As part of this research, it was determined that approximately half of all licensed building inspectors in the State of Utah will reach retirement age within the next ten years. As building inspectors make up a large part of the Code Professional Industry this demographic was selected as the focus of this research. The purpose of this research project was to assess the urgent need for new entrants into the Code Professional Industry in Utah. As part of this research, trends within the local industry over a 20 year period were evaluated. A statewide survey of over 300 licensed building inspectors was conducted to investigate the demographics of the industry, and gain first-hand insight from individual code professionals. This research was successful in quantifying the size of the Code Professional Industry in Utah, and numbering the populations of certified professionals in each individual code discipline. In addition, projected losses were established within each code discipline, discovering many disciplines in which over 50% of current professionals would be lost within a ten year period. In addition projections were made contrasting the number of code professionals leaving the industry versus the small anticipated number of individuals entering the industry. This research conclusively predicts a steady and dramatic decline in the number of licensed code professionals, unless the industry actively works toward addressing the issue. The group of aging code professionals possess a level of knowledge and experience not easily replaced. This study was based on an extensive statewide survey of licensed building inspectors in Utah, and collected opinions, concerns and insights directly from the Code Professional Industry. The findings of this study provide a unique look at this specialized industry within a single state. The lessons learned likely apply to populations of code professionals in other locations. This study concluded that a combination of phased retirement, modified work duties and mentoring programs would be of great benefit to the Code Professional Industry, by allowing the transfer of knowledge between the outgoing generation and the future generation of code professionals.

Konzeption, Implementation und quantitative Evaluation einer statischen Clean-Code-Bewertungsapplikation

Eichenseer, Maurice 14 March 2024 (has links)
Refactoring wird angewandt, wenn eine Software-Inspektion Defekte im Programmcode feststellt. Code-Smells sind Beispiele solcher Defekte im Programmcode. Clean-Code ist ein neuerer Ansatz, der genauso wie das Code-Smell-Konzept festlegt, wann Defekte im Programmcode vorliegen. Für Code-Smells gibt es bereits zahlreiche Code-Analyse-Tools, die die automatische Erkennung solcher Defekte ermöglicht. Die vorliegende Arbeit implementiert ein Clean-Code-Analyse-Tool für Programmcode mithilfe von statischer Code-Analyse, das Refactoring-Hinweise ausgibt. Für diesen Zweck werden ein Lexer und ein Parser zur syntaktischen Analyse eines Subsets der Programmiersprache C++ implementiert. Die Evaluation durch quantitative Datenanalyse zeigt, wie nützlich die automatische Erkennung von Clean-Code mithilfe eines statischen Code-Analyse-Tools bei der Erstellung von Programmcode mit höherer Lesbarkeit für Entwicklerinnen und Entwickler ist.:Inhaltsverzeichnis 6 Abbildungsverzeichnis 9 Tabellenverzeichnis 10 Akronyme 13 1. Einleitung 14 2. Theoretische Grundlagen 17 2.1. Wichtige Begriffe und Definitionen 17 2.1.1. Software-Inspektion 17 2.1.2. Fagan-Inspektion 18 2.1.3. Checklistenbasiertes Code-Review 19 2.1.4. Statische vs. dynamische Code-Analyse-Tools 21 2.1.5. Refactoring 24 2.1.6. Code-Smells 24 2.1.7. Clean-Code 25 2.2. Code-Smell-Heuristiken im Detail 27 2.3. Einführung in den Compilerbau 32 2.3.1. Kurze Einführung in die Sprachtheorie 32 2.3.2. Die lexikalische Analyse 34 2.3.3. Die syntaktische Analyse 35 3. Forschungsstand 38 3.1. Code-Smell-Analyse-Tools auf Grundlage von Strukturinformationen 42 3.2. Code-Smell-Analyse durch maschinelles Lernen 50 3.3. Code-Smell-Suche mithilfe von Änderungsdaten 52 3.4. Code-Smell-Erkennung durch Textanalyse 54 4. Forschungsfragen und Konzeptentwicklung 56 4.1. Clean-Code: Welche Teile sind messbar? - Die Konzeptionalisierung hin zu einem maschinenlesbaren Ansatz 56 4.1.1. Größe von Entitäten im Clean-Code 57 4.1.2. Clean-Code und Zugriffsmodifikatoren 59 4.1.3. Bezeichner von Entitäten im Clean-Code 60 4.1.4. Formatierungskonventionen des Clean-Codes 62 4.1.5. Funktionsparameterübergabe im Clean-Code-Konzept 63 4.1.6. Clean-Code-Kommentare 65 4.1.7. Clean-Code — Was nicht geht 66 4.1.8. Platzierung von Entitäten im Clean-Code 67 4.2. Forschungsfragen und Hypothesen 69 5. Methodik 71 5.1. Implementierung des statischen Clean-Code-Analyse-Tools 71 5.1.1. Abhängigkeiten 72 5.1.2. Umsetzung des statischen Clean-Code-Analyse-Tools 72 5.1.3. Abhängige Variablen 78 5.2. Checklistenbasiertes Code-Review 80 5.2.1. Begründung der Methodenauswahl 80 5.2.2. Fragebogen 81 5.2.3. Unabhängige Variablen 85 5.2.4. Ablauf der Studie 86 6. Ergebnisse 87 6.1. Populationsbeschreibung 88 6.2. Deskriptive Werte der Evaluationsitems aus der Lesbarkeitsstudie 88 6.3. Deskriptive Werte der Evaluation des statischen Clean-Code-Analyse-Tools 90 6.4. Inferenzstatistik 91 7. Diskussion 96 7.1. Beantwortung der Forschungsfrage 96 7.2. Bedrohungen der Validität 97 7.3. Ausblick und Vergleich mit ähnlichen Code-Analyse-Tools 98 8. Fazit 100 Literaturverzeichnis 102 A. Anhang 112 A.1. Tabellen 112 A.2. Clean-Code Analyse-Tool Ein- und Ausgabe 124 A.3. Lesbarkeitsstudie 135 A.4. Regressionsergebnisse 144 B. CD 148 C. Selbstständigkeitserklärung 148


Stankiewicz, Kathleen Lynn 10 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Classification of certain genera of codes, lattices and vertex operator algebras

Junla, Nakorn January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Mathematics / Gerald H. Höhn / We classify the genera of doubly even binary codes, the genera of even lattices, and the genera of rational vertex operator algebras (VOAs) arising from the modular tensor categories (MTCs) of rank up to 4 and central charges up to 16. For the genera of even lattices, there are two types of the genera: code type genera and non code type genera. The number of the code type genera is finite. The genera of the lattices of rank larger than or equal to 17 are non code type. We apply the idea of a vector valued modular form and the representation of the modular group SL[subscript]2(Z) in [Bantay2007] to classify the genera of the VOAs arising from the MTCs of ranks up to 4 and central charges up to 16.


Manditereza, B January 2014 (has links)
Published Article / The issue of language of learning and instruction in communities with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds, globally and in South Africa, is always shaped by socio-economical, political, ideological and hegemonic factors. The language of instruction and learning in South Africa is politically charged, not only because of colonial legacy, but more profoundly because of the apartheid legacy. This article reports on the results of the pedagogies of teachers teaching in English. The researcher found that most non-native English teachers use their native language pronunciation when teaching English, which results in mother tongue interference. On-native speakers end up transferring articulation habits of first language to second language. There is thus a need to improve quality in pedagogical practices in this diverse South African background since the language of instruction is different from the learners' first language for the majority of the population. The research in this article aims to investigate current pedagogic practices engaged by teachers from different cultural backgrounds when teaching English as a medium of instruction and how their practices affect learners in acquiring knowledge of the English language. The study uses an interpretive paradigm and in particular, adopts social constructivism to embed discussions. The study mainly implements a qualitative approach although the quantitative approach is used to quantify biographical data. The researcher found that two educational systems seem to exist in South African schools: some educators use English as a medium of instruction only, whereas others allow code switching. Education thus becomes a reproductive mechanism of social class differences.


Borgen, Gary 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2005 Conference Proceedings / The Forty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 24-27, 2005 / Riviera Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Pulse Code Modulation (PCM) Encoders used in Telemetry Instrumentation systems have traditionally been implemented using sequencer or state-machine based micro-architectures with distributed control and signal acquisition components. This architecture requires the use of many discrete electronic components and custom micro-code programming or state machine development for the control of the systems. The advent of relatively high-speed microcontrollers with embedded signal acquisition subsystems has brought about the ability to implement highly integrated PCM Encoder systems using fewer components and standardized programming methods. This paper will discuss sequencer based PCM encoders for background and then introduce the concept of Microcontroller Based PCM Encoders for Telemetry Instrumentation. Specific design examples will be introduced. Advantages and disadvantages of the two techniques will be discussed.

The influence of the native territories penal code on South African criminal law

Koyana, Digby Sqhelo 18 February 2015 (has links)
The Native Territories Penal Code (NTPC) was passed by the Parliament of the Cape of Good Hope in 1886. It was part of the administrative machinery of the Cape colonial authorities for the Xhosa speaking people who occupied the area between the Great Kei and the Mtamvuna Rivers. However, it became the criminal code applicable to all people living in the Transkeian Territories regardless of race or colour. The Code was enacted ■following the recommendations of the Cape Government Commission on Native Laws and Customs (1883). Quite unexpectedly this Code exerted a great deal of influence on South African criminal law especially after union was formed in 1910. This was because the code was a document readily available to judges and magistrates in South Africa, and when a difficult question of law arose it was all very easy to say that the South Africa law on the point was as laid down in a particular section of the Code. In this way the Code also assisted in the importation of English law into South African lav;. Text book writers like Gardiner and Lansdown also contributed to the influence of the NTPC on South African criminal law. As time went on, however, South African jurists saw the mistake of the NTPC being recorded as a correct reflection of South African law in particular areas and set out to correct the position. Prominent among these are De Wet & Swanepoel and P.M.A. Hunt. They achieved a great measure of success in watering down the influence of NTPC on South Africa law , although it cannot be said that they eradicated it. So strong was Che influence of this Code that it was felt even as far away as Rhodesia and Bechuanaland (as they then w e r e ). / Criminology and Security Science / D.LI. (Criminology)

The ICD-10 coding system in chiropractic practice and the factors influencing compliancy

Pieterse, Riaan January 2009 (has links)
A dissertation presented to the Faculty of Health, Durban University of Technology, for the Masters Degree in Technology: Chiropractic, 2009. / Background: The International Classification of Diseases (ICD) provides codes to classify diseases in such a manner, that every health condition is assigned to a unique category. Some of the most common diagnoses made by chiropractors are not included in the ICD-10 coding system, as it is mainly medically orientated and does not accommodate these diagnoses. This can potentially lead to reimbursement problems for chiropractors in future and create confusion for medical aid schemes as to what conditions chiropractors actually diagnose and treat. Aim: To determine the level of compliancy of chiropractors, in South Africa, to the ICD-10 coding procedure and the factors that may influence the use of correct ICD-10 codes. As well as to determine whether the ICD-10 diagnoses chiropractors commonly submit to the medical aid schemes, reflect the actual diagnoses made in practice. Method: The study was a retrospective survey of a quantitative nature. A self-administered questionnaire was e-mailed and posted to 380 chiropractors, practicing in South Africa. The electronic questionnaires were sent out four times at two week intervals for the duration of eight weeks; and the postal questionnaires sent once. A response rate of 16.5% (n = 63) was achieved. Raw data was received from the divisional manager of the coding unit of Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd. in the form of an excel spreadsheet containing the most common ICD-10 diagnoses made by chiropractors in South Africa, for the period June 2006 to July 2007, who had submitted claims to the Medical Scheme. The spreadsheet also contained depersonalised compliance statistics of chiropractors to the ICD-10 system from July 2006 to October 2008. SPSS version 15 was used for descriptive statistical data analysis (SPSS Inc., Chicago, Ill, USA). Results: The age range of the 63 participants who responded to the questionnaire was 26 to 79 years, with an average of 41 years. The majority of the participants were male (74.6%, n = 47). KwaZulu-Natal had 25 participants (39.6%), Gauteng 17 (26.9%), Western Cape 12 (19%), Eastern Cape four (6.3%), Free State and Mpumalanga two (3.1%) each and North West one (1.5%). The mean knowledge score for ICD-10 coding was 43.5%, suggesting a relatively low level of knowledge. The total percentage of mistakes for electronic claims was higher for both the primary and unlisted claims (3.93% and 2.18%), than for manual claims iv (1.57% and 1.59%). The total percentage of mistakes was low but increased marginally each year for both primary claims (1.43% in 2006; 1.99% in 2007; 2.33% in 2008) and unlisted claims (0% in 2006; 2.61% in 2007; 3.07% in 2008). CASA members were more likely to be aware of assistance offered, in terms of ICD-10 coding through the medical schemes and the association (p = 0.131), than non-members. There was a non-significant trend towards participants who had been on an ICD-10 coding course (47.6%; n = 30), having a greater knowledge of the ICD-10 coding procedures (p = 0.147). Their knowledge was almost 10% higher than those who had not been on a course (52.4%; n = 33). Most participants (38.1%; n = 24) did not use additional cause codes when treating cases of musculoskeletal trauma, nor did they use multiple codes (38.7%; n = 24) when treating more than one condition in the same patient. Nearly 70% of participants (n = 44) used the M99 code in order to code for vertebral subluxation and the majority (79.4%; n = 50) believed the definition of subluxation used in ICD-10 coding to be the same as that which chiropractors use to define subluxation. According to the medical aid data, the top five diagnoses made by chiropractors from 2006 to 2007 were: Low back pain, lumbar region, M54.56 (8996 claims); Cervicalgia, M54.22 (6390 claims); Subluxation complex, cervical region, M99.11 (2895 claims); Other dorsalgia, multiple sites in spine, M54.80 (1524 claims) and Subluxation complex, sacral region, M99.14 (1293 claims). According to the questionnaire data, the top five diagnoses (Table 4.24) were: Lumbar facet syndrome, M54.56 (25%); Lumbar facet syndrome, M99.13 (23.3%); Cervical facet syndrome, M99.11 (21.7%); Cervicogenic headache, G44.2 (20%) and Cervicalgia, M54.22 (20%). Conclusion: The sample of South African chiropractors were fairly compliant to the ICD-10 coding system. Although the two sets of data (i.e. from the medical aid scheme and the questionnaire) regarding the diagnoses that chiropractors make on a daily basis correlate well with each other, there is no consensus in the profession as to which codes to use for chiropractic specific diagnoses. These chiropractic specific diagnoses (e.g. facet syndrome) are however, the most common diagnoses made by chiropractors in private practice. Many respondents indicated that because of this they sometimes use codes that they know will not be rejected, even if it is the incorrect code. For more complicated codes, the majority of respondents indicated that they did not know how to or were not interested in submitting the correct codes to comply with the level of specificity required by the medical aid schemes. The challenge is to make practitioners aware of the advantages of correct coding for the profession.

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