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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experiencing Workplace Inclusion: Critical Incidents that Create a Sense of Inclusion for Professional Staff in Higher Education

Lampley, Katherine Penn 25 March 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring the Career Advancement Experience of Black Women on Their Journey to Executive Levels in Large American Corporations

Viscione, Pamela J. 01 November 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Anestesisjuksköterskans strategier vid hantering av en svår luftväg i en prehospital förstärkningsenhet / The nurse anesthetists strategies for dealing with a difficult airway in a pre-hospital critical care unit

Lennholm, Thomas January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Specialistsjuksköterskan i en prehospital miljö ställs inför utmaningar när en svår luftväg inte längre kan hanteras genom basal luftvägshantering. Denna situation kräver spetskompetens inom avancerad luftvägshantering och anestesi, samt särskilda hjälpmedel. Inom vissa regioner finns en prehospital förstärkningsenhet som har som uppgift att komplettera ordinarie verksamhet med spetskompetens när det finns behov av avancerad luftvägshantering. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att studera anestesisjuksköterskors strategier vid hantering av svår luftväg i en prehospital förstärkningsenhet. Metod: En kvalitativ studie med datainsamling via enkät tillämpades och analyserades med kritisk incident teknik (CIT). Sexton anestesisjuksköterskor i en prehospital förstärkningsenhet i Sverige besvarade enkäten. Resultat: Analysen ledde fram till fyra betydelsefulla strategier för att hantera en svår luftvägprehospitalt. Förberedelse i att ställas inför en svår luftväg, mental förberedelse på väg ut på larm, möjligheten att lägga upp en primär samt en sekundär plan tillsammans med kollegan och att våga agera direkt var strategier som identifierades för att hantera en svår luftvägprehospitalt. Detsamma gällde att ta beslut i tid, att flytta patienten så att omhändertagandet inte behövde anpassas i onödan av omständigheter som kanske gick att undvika, att skapa åtkomst och insyn till patientens luftväg och ha närhet till egen utrustning vid hantering av en svår luftväg. Kollegan, teamkänsla, kommunikation, igenkännande, förståelse för varandras uppdrag och kännedom om varandras arbetssätt och utrustning var framgångsfaktorer för att få ett bra och effektivt teamarbete runt den svårt sjuka patienten. Utrustning som normalt inte fanns i en akutambulans som videolaryngoskop, endotrakealtub förberedd med ledare, kapnograf och en bra sug var framgångsfaktorer för att hantera en svår luftväg prehospitalt. Slutsats: Resultatet kan komplettera specialistutbildningar och introduktionsutbildningar för att göra specialistsjuksköterskan bättre förberedd på luftvägshantering i en prehospital miljö. Kunskapen kan bidra till en större förståelse för hur den svåra luftvägen på olika sätt kan undvikas eller hanteras. Basal luftvägshantering skall ambulanssjuksköterskan behärska i sin akutambulans men för hantering av den svåra luftvägen behövs särskild spetskompetens, hjälpmedel och förmåga.

Nyckelfaktorer till ett välfungerande teamarbete i traumarummet / Key factors for well-functioning teamwork in the trauma room

Westman, Joakim, Lampinen, Carolina January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Trauma orsakar livshotande skador och mortalitet världen över och är förenat med stort lidande för den drabbade och dennes närstående. Ett välfungerande multidisciplinärt team är betydelsefullt för att åstadkomma bästa möjliga omhändertagande av patienten och minskar risken för komplikationer och dödlighet. Ett välfungerande teamarbete i det multidisciplinära teamet med olika kompetenser är en komplex uppgift som ställer höga krav på medlemmarna i teamet. Specialistsjuksköterskor i traumateamet har en betydande roll för teamarbetet vid omhändertagandet av traumapatienten. Syfte: Syftet var att studera specialistsjuksköterskors erfarenheter av nyckelfaktorer till ett välfungerande teamarbete vid traumalarm nivå 1.Metod: Kvalitativ studie med induktiv ansats. Åtta specialistsjuksköterskor inom anestesi- och intensivvård intervjuades med individuella semistrukturerade intervjuer. Data analyserades med användning av kritisk incident teknik. Resultat: Analysen av data resulterade i sex kategorier: Att ha en tydlig och riktad kommunikation i traumateamet, Att ha ett strukturerat och professionellt traumaomhändertagande, Att träna inför och reflektera efter traumalarm, Att förbereda traumarummet och traumateamet, Att ha tydlig rollfördelning och tydligt ledarskap i traumateamet samt Att ha en god stämning och ett lugnt klimat. Slutsats: Teamarbete vid traumalarm nivå 1 är en komplex uppgift där det inte finns enavgörande faktor, utan en rad olika faktorer som är beroende av varandra för ett välfungerande multidisciplinärt teamarbete. Studien ger en djupare förståelse för vilka nyckelfaktorer som är viktiga för ett välfungerande teamarbete. Vikten av att få öva motiverar till att mer resurser behövs för att kunna genomföra fler simuleringsövningar

“JUST” Business and Often Personal: An Exploration Into the Incidents Social Entrepreneurs Identify as Critical to Leading Their Enterprises

Kalakay, Jerrid P. 14 October 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Paving the Way Toward Faculty Careers in Higher Education: Student Mentoring Relationship Experiences While Completing Online Doctoral Degrees

Columbaro, Norina L. 22 December 2015 (has links)
No description available.

A aplicabilidade do gás natural do ponto de vista mercadológico, econômico e ambiental: um estudo para os Estados do Amazonas e de São Paulo / The applicability of natural gas from a marketing, economic and environmental point of view: a study of the Amazon and São Paulo States

Lima, Mariana Sarmanho de Oliveira 08 June 2011 (has links)
A atividade industrial é um dos principais causadores dos impactos negativos ao meio ambiente, pois, para operar um processo produtivo, é indispensável o uso de insumos oriundos de recursos naturais. Para amenizar esse problema, é importante ampliar a participação de insumos energéticos mais limpos na matriz energética da indústria brasileira, a fim de promover um crescimento calcado nas propostas do desenvolvimento sustentável. Uma alternativa energética, que passou a ter importância diante da crise energética de 2000/2001, foi o gás natural (GN). O GN traz grandes expectativas ao consumidor do setor industrial, quando comparado com alguns dos seus energéticos substitutos, pois é capaz de contribuir com a redução de custos, mitigar a poluição e garantir o nível de produção sem riscos de interrupção em períodos de estiagem dos reservatórios nas hidroelétricas. Com base nisso, o presente trabalho analisa a aplicabilidade do gás natural do ponto de vista mercadológico, econômico e ambiental, por meio da identificação dos atributos que interferem na adoção do GN como energético alternativo nos principais setores industriais dos Estados de São Paulo (SP) e do Amazonas (AM) e da análise da eficiência produtiva relativa de um conjunto de equipamentos (caldeiras e aquecedores) do setor industrial, a fim de comparar o desempenho dos equipamentos que utilizam o gás natural com os que utilizam os demais energéticos. Como forma de atingir os objetivos expostos, o método compreendeu uma combinação da utilização da técnica do incidente crítico (TIC) e da análise conjunta (AC). A aplicação da técnica do incidente crítico forneceu os atributos considerados importantes para a adoção desse energético no setor industrial, e a análise conjunta serviu para determinar a utilidade e importância relativa dos atributos relevantes na escolha do consumidor. Além disso, foi utilizada a análise por envoltória de dados (DEA) como forma de analisar a eficiência produtiva relativa dos equipamentos estudados. Vale ressaltar que a análise por meio da DEA foi baseada na relação custo/benefício dos equipamentos. Os benefícios considerados eram de natureza econômica e ambiental. Com o presente trabalho, foram obtidos resultados importantes que podem ajudar as empresas usuárias e não usuárias do GN a mensurar, de forma mais objetiva, os benefícios oriundos da utilização deste energético nos processos produtivos e, também permitir ao governo estabelecer estratégias adequadas para incentivar o uso do gás depois da prevista ampliação da sua oferta devido às descobertas recentes de reservas na camada pré-sal e do funcionamento do novo gasoduto Urucu-Coari-Manaus. / Industrial activity is one of the main originators of negative impacts to the environment, given that the use of raw materials from natural resources is indispensable when operating a production process. To mitigate this problem, it is important to broaden the participation of cleaner energy inputs in the Brazilian energy sector in order to promote growth based on the proposals of sustainable development. An alternative energy is natural gas (NG), which became important after the energy crisis of 2000/2001. When compared with some of its energy substitutes, NG brings great expectations to the consumer industry since it is able to reduce costs, mitigate pollution and ensure the level of production without the risk of supply interruption from the hydroelectric plants during the dry periods. Based on this context, this paper analyzes the applicability of natural gas from a marketing, economic and environmental point of view, by identifying the attributes that influence the adoption of natural gas as alternative energy in the major industrial sectors of the states of São Paulo (SP) and Amazonas (AM), and examines the relative productive efficiency of a set of equipments (boilers and heaters) in the industrial sector, in order to compare the performance of equipments that use natural gas with those using other energy sources. To achieve the stated objectives, the method used included a combination of the critical incident technique (CIT) and conjoint analysis (CA). The application of the critical incident technique provided the attributes considered important for the adoption of this energy source in the industrial sector, and the conjoint analysis determined the usefulness and relative importance of the pertinent attributes in the consumers choice. Additionally, the data envelopment analysis (DEA) was used as a way to analyze the relative productive efficiency of the equipments that were studied. It should be noted that the DEA analysis was based on the equipments cost-effective ratio. The benefits considered were essentially economic and environmental. This study obtained important results that can help NG user and nonuser companies to more objectively measure the benefits of applying this energy source in production processes, as well as enable the government to establish appropriate strategies to encourage gas use after its foreseen production expansion, on account of recent discoveries of reserves in the pre-salt layers and the operation of the new Urucu-Coari-Manaus gas pipeline.

An investigation of emotion experiences at work : a critical incident technique approach / Natalie Booth

Booth, Natalie January 2013 (has links)
Orientation: Emotions at work have been considered as an important facet of employees’ work life. However, research regarding the investigation of the emotion experiences at work per se has been lacking. Research Purpose: The general objective of this study is to critically investigate what emotion events are experienced and how these events are appraised for them to result in specific emotions. Motivation for the study: Currently a lack of research regarding emotion experiences as a process exists. Research design, approach and method: To investigate emotion experiences as a process a Qualitative study was conducted among one hundred (n=100) professional mining employees using The Critical Incident Technique Approach. Main findings: 84% of the participants experienced negative emotion events and a mere 14% of participants experienced positive emotion events at work. Negative emotion events were appraised as negative and participants indicated not having control or power over the events, yet adaption was possible. Negative emotions included: anger, disgust and sadness. Positive emotion events were appraised as positive even though the participants reported not having control or power over the situation. Participant did report being able to live with the consequences. Positive emotions provoked included joy, pleasure and pride. Practical/managerial implications: When the emotion experiences of employees are investigated as a process, better understanding of emotions will be gained which will enable the implementation of the most appropriate interventions to fulfil individual needs and reaching organisational goals. Contribution/value-adding: Existing research on the emotion experience as a process has been lacking especially in the South African context. This study will thus contribute to research regarding the investigation of the emotion experience as a process and not mere independent components. / MA (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013

An investigation of emotion experiences at work : a critical incident technique approach / Natalie Booth

Booth, Natalie January 2013 (has links)
Orientation: Emotions at work have been considered as an important facet of employees’ work life. However, research regarding the investigation of the emotion experiences at work per se has been lacking. Research Purpose: The general objective of this study is to critically investigate what emotion events are experienced and how these events are appraised for them to result in specific emotions. Motivation for the study: Currently a lack of research regarding emotion experiences as a process exists. Research design, approach and method: To investigate emotion experiences as a process a Qualitative study was conducted among one hundred (n=100) professional mining employees using The Critical Incident Technique Approach. Main findings: 84% of the participants experienced negative emotion events and a mere 14% of participants experienced positive emotion events at work. Negative emotion events were appraised as negative and participants indicated not having control or power over the events, yet adaption was possible. Negative emotions included: anger, disgust and sadness. Positive emotion events were appraised as positive even though the participants reported not having control or power over the situation. Participant did report being able to live with the consequences. Positive emotions provoked included joy, pleasure and pride. Practical/managerial implications: When the emotion experiences of employees are investigated as a process, better understanding of emotions will be gained which will enable the implementation of the most appropriate interventions to fulfil individual needs and reaching organisational goals. Contribution/value-adding: Existing research on the emotion experience as a process has been lacking especially in the South African context. This study will thus contribute to research regarding the investigation of the emotion experience as a process and not mere independent components. / MA (Industrial Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013


于昌民 Unknown Date (has links)
國人自我贈禮的風氣方興未艾,但在資源的束縛與傳統價值觀的影響下,使得消費者不免陷於困窘之境,而本研究即欲探討消費者自我贈禮與消費罪惡感之間的關係。本研究目的有四:其一,瞭解國人引發自我贈禮的主要背景情境與動機,並試圖對自我贈禮加以分類,以求得主要的背景情境與動機所對應之自我贈禮類型;其二,發展消費罪惡感之構面與發生時機;其三,瞭解不同自我贈禮類型與消費罪惡感的對應關係;其四,探討在不同產品類型的影響之下,自我贈禮與消費罪惡感的對應關係是否有所不同。 本研究以關鍵事件法設計問卷,透過三次前測得到正式問卷,針對60位消費者進行訪談及問卷施測,共收集了60個自我贈禮事件。經資料分析過後,得到研究結果可歸納成四大方向: 首先在自我贈禮方面,背景情境按發生頻次多寡依序為:發生重大事件、有成就感、工作辛苦、壓力負荷、心情低落、有額外資源、週期性自我回饋;背景情境與動機之間呈現一對一的關係,分別是為了留下紀念、犒賞自己、慰勞自己、抒解壓力、愉悅自己、維持好心情、對自己好一點。另外,若依照產品導向程度的強弱以及資訊準備程度的高低針對自我贈禮進行分類,國人進行最不常發生的自我贈禮類型為「高度產品導向—低度資訊準備」—驚鴻一瞥型。 其次在消費罪惡感方面,其構面為猶豫感、金錢疼惜感、愧疚感,時機為購買之前的預期性罪惡感,購買當下的進行性罪惡感,以及購買之後的反應性罪惡感,而雖然各時機都會有各構面的成分,但預期性罪惡感最主要的構面為猶豫感,進行性罪惡感最主要的構面為疼惜感,反應性罪惡感最主要的構面為愧疚感。 接著在自我贈禮與消費罪惡感之關係方面,當消費者進行週期性自我回饋時,會感受到程度最高的預期性罪惡感;而當消費者因有成就感或心情低落時所進行之自我贈禮,其感受到的是程度最低的預期性罪惡感。至於,若是屬於高度產品導向類型者,其表現在消費罪惡感上的類型最主要為財務類罪惡感;若是屬於低度產品導向類型者,比較有可能不會產生消費罪惡感。 最後,若是受到不同產品類型影響的情況下,由於自我贈禮之禮物類型皆為奢侈品,因此以功能型與享樂型產品做為產品分類的標準。對於購買功能型奢侈品做為自我贈禮禮物的消費者而言,無論是高度產品導向或是低度產品導向類型者,其表現在消費罪惡感上,最主要的類型為財務類罪惡感;對於購買享樂型奢侈品做為自我贈禮禮物的消費者而言,若是高度產品導向類型者,其表現在消費罪惡感上,最主要的類型為財務類罪惡感;若是低度產品導向者,則傾向完全沒有罪惡感。 整體而言,本研究不僅為國人自我贈禮的背景情境與動機之先導研究,亦開啟了消費罪惡感研究之先河,並建立消費罪惡感的構面與時機,著實為後續研究奠定了相當的基礎。 / People in Taiwan have tended to buy themselves gifts recently. However, under the constraints of resources and the influence of traditional values, they would hesitate to buy or not to buy. This study focuses on this interesting theme-the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt. The objectives of this study are to explore consumers’ motivations of self-gifts, the dimensions and evolution of consumer guilt, and the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt. Product categories are also under the consideration of this study to examine the effects of different products on the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt. This research employed the critical incident techniques. A questionnaire was first designed and pre-tested three times before the main field work. Through collecting, sorting and analyzing 60 self-gift giving events, the results pointed out four main parts as followed. To begin with, the results indicated that consumers will buy gifts for themselves when the important events happened, something achieved, some hard work finished, feeling stressed, being depressed, gaining some extra resources, and purchasing periodically. These situations were one-to-one corresponding to some motivations, respectively to remember, to reward, to compensate, to relieve, to revive, to keep in a good mood, and to be nice to oneself. In addition, self-gift giving behavior might be divided into four types by the degree of product-oriented (high vs. low) and the degree of information-prepared (high vs. low). However, few Taiwanese were classified by “high product-oriented and low information-prepared”, called “Glance”. Secondly, the consumer guilt had three dimensions-hesitation, anguish, and remorse. Also, it had three moments of occurrence. The anticipatory guilt occurred before purchasing; the proceeding guilt occurred when purchasing; and the reactive guilt occurred after purchasing. Although each moment of consumer guilt included three dimensions meanwhile, what’s more important, the major dimension of anticipatory guilt was hesitation, the major dimension of proceeding guilt was anguish, and the major dimension of reactive guilt was remorse. As for the relationship between consumers’ self-gift giving and consumer guilt, consumers had the highest degree of anticipatory guilt when they bought gifts for themselves under periodical purchase. However, consumers had the lowest degree of anticipatory guilt if they bought self-gifts under achievements or depression. Besides, if self-gift giving behavior was highly product-oriented, consumers would have financial consumer guilt. Moreover, if self-gift giving behavior was lowly product-oriented, consumers would have no consumer guilt. Finally, this study concerned the functional/hedonic products moderating the relation between self-gift giving and consumer guilt. For those who bought themselves functional gifts, no matter this self-gift giving behavior belonged to highly or lowly product-oriented, consumers would have financial consumer guilt. For those who bought themselves hedonic gifts, if this self-gift giving behavior was highly product-oriented, consumers would have financial consumer guilt; however, if this self-gift giving behavior was lowly product-oriented, consumers would have no consumer guilt.

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