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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gestão da qualidade em projeto e desenvolvimento do produto: contribuição para a avaliação da eficácia. / Quality management in product design and development: a contribution to effectiveness evaluation.

Adherbal Caminada Netto 23 May 2006 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda a avaliação do processo de projeto e desenvolvimento do produto do ponto de vista do projetista de nível superior. Ao fazê-lo, o autor espera estar pavimentando um caminho, que eventualmente, conduza a um método mais amigável de avaliar a qualidade do processo de projeto do produto e que possa vir a ser realmente considerado útil por divisões e/ou organizações de projeto. As razões para a seleção desta abordagem são explicadas. Ressalta-se também, que o trabalho envolve duas fases: a pesquisa preliminar e a pesquisa propriamente dita. Apresenta-se em seguida uma discussão que conduz à seleção de uma metodologia que combina a utilização da abordagem SERVQUAL e do método do incidente crítico (CIT) na primeira fase. Introduz-se o conceito central de fator de eficácia, bem como se estabelece suas relações com os itens de satisfação e as dimensões SERVQUAL. Com base nos resultados da fase preliminar, elabora-se um questionário de pesquisa abrangente, que é submetido a um grupo de projetistas de nível superior do setor automotivo, compreendendo as operações brasileiras de duas grandes montadoras internacionais, de dois fornecedores diretos (Tier 1) das montadoras e de uma grande montadora internacional de caminhões e ônibus. Os dados obtidos através das respostas ao questionário são compilados, apresentados e discutidos dentro de cada ambiente organizacional. Faz-se então uma análise conjunta, a fim de identificar aquelas ações gerenciais consideradas pelo setor automotivo como sendo mais importantes, tanto para garantir, quanto para avaliar a eficácia do processo de projeto e desenvolvimento do produto. Classifica-se essas ações em ações gerenciais de garantia e de avaliação de acordo com critérios fornecidos pelas normas ISO da qualidade. Finalmente, com base nas ações gerenciais de avaliação, define-se indicadores e se propõe um índice de eficácia único e flexível, que pode ser calculado utilizando-se, tanto dados organizacionais, quanto setoriais para fins de avaliação e benchmark. / This work approaches the subject of product design process evaluation from the designer?s point of view. In so doing, the author hopes to be paving the way that may eventually lead to a more ?friendly? method of evaluating the quality of the product design process and which may actually be found useful by design divisions and/or organizations. The reasons for selecting such an approach are explained. It is also pointed out that the work involves two phases: Preliminary research and research proper. Then, a discussion is made leading to the selection of a methodology combining SERVQUAL and the critical incident technique (CIT) for the first phase. The central concept of effectiveness factor is introduced and its relationship with satisfaction items and SERVQUAL dimensions is established. Based on the results of the preliminary phase a comprehensive questionnaire is drawn up, and submitted to a selected group of designers in the automotive industry, comprising Brazilian plants of two major car manufacturers, two tier 1 suppliers and one major truck (lorry) and bus manufacturer. Data provided by the answers to said questionnaire are compiled, presented and discussed within each organizational environment. A joint analysis is then carried out in order to identify those management actions that are considered by the automotive industry as being more important for both assuring and evaluating the effectiveness of the product design and development process. Assurance and evaluation management actions are classified according to criteria supplied by the ISO quality management standards. Finally, based on the evaluation management actions indicators are defined and a single and flexible effectiveness index is proposed, which can be calculated using both company and industry data for evaluation and benchmark purposes.

The Collaborative Challenge of Product Development : Exploring Sustainable Work Systems Through Critical Incidents in R&D Alliances

Uppvall, Lars January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to empirically study challenges and opportunities in the operational work in contract-based R&amp;D alliances in order to increase the understanding of this type of work system and explore how these work systems could be sustainable. Based on the concept of sustainable work systems, this thesis addresses issues of how work in R&amp;D alliance should support both the competitiveness of the firm as well as regeneration of human resources. In the area of product development, the main drivers for creating alliances are often strategic and concern the globalization of today’s business environment. Issues such as increased cost-based competition, shorter product life cycles, and a greater need for flexibility to tackle technological or strategic shifts have all been argued to motivate companies to form R&amp;D alliances. No doubt adopting the firm’s development of new products to an R&amp;D alliance strategy has a substantial impact on the operational work. However, despite the vast research on why companies engage in R&amp;D alliances, the knowledge of operational work and how they are operationally managed is still limited. Several scholars have recently reported that failed operations may be one of the most important reasons for situations where R&amp;D alliances do not reach their goals. An empirical investigation covering 14 R&amp;D alliances has been conducted based on the Critical Incident Technique. The findings – supported by 158 critical incidents, which have been identified by operational leaders – reveal new knowledge about the R&amp;D alliance operational work with implications for both competitiveness and regeneration of human resources. A central contribution stems from the specific insights given to challenges and opportunities that operational leaders face in the R&amp;D alliance work, in five perspectives on the R&amp;D alliance process: Formation, Formal R&amp;D process, Informal relationships, Embeddedness, and Exit. Further examination of the critical incident data showed several implications for operational leaders with direct contributions to both product development and alliance theory. First, four critical roles for operational leaders in R&amp;D alliances have been suggested: Facilitating, Finishing, Ambassadoring, and Trustkeeping. Secondly, a framework of trust formation mechanisms has been applied and tested. This concluded that process-based, characteristic-based, and institutional-based mechanisms represent important aspects in alliance operation; the relevance of these trust formation mechanisms contributes both to the knowledge of micro-processes of trust formation and specific managerial abilities in R&amp;D alliances. Third, we examine the influence of two types of contextual risks that have been addressed in previous alliance research: relational and performance risks. The comparative analysis of a sub-sample of alliances shows that these risks influence the operational work in R&amp;D alliances for which operational leaders could be specifically trained and prepared. Lastly, a framework that addresses support from HRM in inter-organizational context has been developed and analyzed. This has indicated that HRM represents an important, although unexploited, resource when engaging in R&amp;D alliances. Furthermore, we have suggested a tentative framework for the R&amp;D alliance as a sustainable work system. The overall findings from this study have been synthesized from a sustainable work systems perspective, based on three organizational principles that have been drawn from practice-centered product innovation: broadened roles and responsibilities, work as a collaborative process, and decentralization of strategic information. A fourth principle has been incorporated as well: support systems for sustainable work. This concluded that, in order to be sustainable, companies that engage in R&amp;D alliances should carefully manage and reassess the consequences of these organizational principles in order to simultaneously support the goals that are involved in this type of work system: to simultaneously support innovation, inter-organizational relationships, and the regeneration of human resources. / <p>QC 20100813</p>

Assist Principals' Perspectives on Professional Learning Conversations for Teacher Professional Growth

Kolosey, Connie 01 January 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to discover, document, and describe the salient actions, events, beliefs, attitudes, social structures and processes related to professional learning conversations from the perspective of nine assistant principals (APs). The participants were elementary, middle and high school APs, three at each level. Using a modified critical incident technique through participant written response and two in depth interviews with each respondent, this study investigated the lived experiences of these APs related to the practice of professional learning conversations in their schools. The research questions focused on: (1) the participants' beliefs and attitudes about professional learning conversations, (2) their roles in facilitating these conversations, (3) their ability to identify elements of trust within the groups of teachers with whom they work and (4) their roles in building trust. The research literature is clear that teacher collaboration is a key factor in professional growth and self-efficacy, yet often the structure of the school day, a negative emotional environment, and a culture of teacher isolation prohibit meaningful teacher collaboration. Although faced with many obligations and directives, school administrators have considerable influence over the organizational structure within their individual schools. Furthermore, assistant principals often become the face of administration within their schools as they directly supervise teachers and APs are less studied than students, teacher or principals. How these individuals perceive and value professional learning conversations will likely impact the level of collaboration at their individual schools. The findings of this study indicate that professional learning conversations for teacher growth were more prevalent at the elementary school level, that trust may be more difficult to cultivate at the middle and high schools, and that protocols as structures for facilitating conversations and building trust were not widely in use. A better understanding of the opportunities and barriers schools face related to professional learning conversations as well as a better understanding of the dynamics of trust will assist district and school administrators to engage in a problem solving process for better collaboration. Ultimately, administrators have an opportunity and a responsibility to touch the hearts and minds of the individuals on the front line of the work - the teachers in the classrooms working with students. Without teacher confidence, hope, optimism, resilience and self-efficacy, no amount of financial incentive, cajoling, or sanction will improve student learning.

Hospital social workers’ appraisal of, reaction to, and coping with a critical incident in their work environment: a descriptive study

Plante, Rodney S. 05 1900 (has links)
The intensity and emotional demands of the health care environment place exceptionally high performance expectations and stress on hospital social workers. Critical Incident Stress (CIS), a specific type of stress associated with dramatic, emotionally overwhelming situations, known as Critical Incidents (CIs), produce several emotional and physical reactions that can threaten the well-being of the hospital social worker. CIS, as experienced by hospital social workers, is absent from the literature and not well understood. The purpose of this study was to describe how hospital social workers appraised, reacted to, and coped with CIs in their work environment. Lazarus and Folkman's (1984) theoretical framework of stress appraisal and coping was used to guide this descriptive study. A sample of 30 hospital social workers was recruited from two Vancouver tertiary care hospitals. Four instruments (Participant Information Sheet, Critical Incident Information Form, Emotional Appraisal Scale, and Ways of Coping Scale) were used to gain knowledge on how hospital social workers appraised, reacted to, and coped with CIs in their work environment. Quantitative data were coded, qualitative data were subjected to content analysis, and descriptive statistics calculated. Data revealed that hospital social workers encountered CIs in their work environment and that the majority of CIs centred on death-related events. The primary traits of events appraised as CIs were novelty, suddenness, and uncertainty. Respondents reacted to the CI with a variety of emotional (anxiety, fear, frustration, worry, anger) and physical reactions (feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, withdrawn, anxious, difficulty with sleeping), and although they experienced some discomfort, these reactions were not debilitating. Most hospital social workers indicated that their personal beliefs had been challenged by the CI and revealed that they were unsure as to what their social work role or function should have been during the event. However, despite this, respondents remained confident and comfortable with the decisions they made. Hospital social workers appeared to cope well with CIs, used a variety of emotion- and problem-focused coping strategies, and reported few negative effects on their professional and/or personal lives. The top four coping strategies utilized by respondents were seeking social support, planful problemsolving, positive reappraisal, and self-control. The implications of the findings for hospital social work administration, social work training and education, hospital social work practice, and future research are discussed.

Vaccination av förskolebarn som inte vill medverka : En kritisk incident studie / Vaccination of preschoolers who resist vaccination : A Critical Incident study

Bjerkander, Matteus, Emanuelsson, Rebecca January 2013 (has links)
Vaccination är en av de mest kostnadseffektiva åtgärderna inom sjukvården. Sveriges vaccinationsprogram innefattar tio sjukdomar och barnets femte dos ges vid fem års ålder. Barn i förskoleåldern befinner sig i ett utvecklingsstadium vilket kan försvåra vaccination. Tidigare studier beskriver svårigheter och den stress sjuksköterskor upplever i samband med vaccination av barn, kunskapsbrist finns däremot kring hur barnen bör hanteras. Syftet med studien var att utifrån betydelsefulla händelser beskriva barnhälsovårdssköterskans (BHVsköterskans) erfarenheter och agerande vid vaccination av förskolebarn som inte vill medverka. Studien utgick från kritisk incident teknik (CIT). Datainsamlingen utfördes i ett landsting i södra Sverige där elva BHV-sköterskor intervjuades. Intervjuerna transkriberades och analyserades. Etiska överväganden gjordes utifrån gällande riktlinjer. I resultatet framkom ett huvudområde avseende BHV-sköterskans erfarenheter, BHV-sköterskans observationer vid vaccination. Två huvudområden framkom angående BHV-sköterskans agerande: BHVsköterskan främjar vaccination och BHV-sköterskan beslutar kring genomförande av vaccination. Slutsatser och implikationer visar att interaktion mellan förskolebarn, föräldrar och BHV-sköterskan är viktigt och leder till en delaktighet och positiva erfarenheter av vaccination. Förslag på praktiskt agerande framkommer vilket kan främja och underlätta vaccination av förskolebarn. / Vaccination is one of the most cost-effective actions in health care. The program for vaccination in Sweden includes ten diseases and the fifth dose is given when children are five years old. Preschoolers are in a development stage that makes vaccination more difficult. Studies describe the difficulties nurses experience in relation to vaccination of children; lack of knowledge is experienced about procedures to handle the situations. The aim of the study was to describe critical incidents by the Primary Child Health Care (PCHC) nurse’s descriptions and actions during vaccination of preschoolers who resist vaccination. Critical Incident Technique was used during the study. Data collection was made in a county council in the south of Sweden. Eleven PCHC nurses were interviewed. The interviews were transcribed and analysed. Ethical considerations based on current guidelines were made. Results revealed one main area about PCHC nurse’s descriptions: The PCHC nurses observations at vaccination. Two main areas were revealed about PCHC nurse’s actions: The PCHC nurse promotes vaccinations and the PCHC nurse makes a decision about implementation of the vaccinations. Conclusions clarify the importance of interaction between preschoolers, parents and the PCHC nurses leading to participation and positive experiences of vaccination. Suggestions for practical action reveal to promote and facilitate vaccination of preschooler.

Comportamento informacional cotidiano de adolescentes / Everyday life information behaviour of adolescents / Comportamiento informacional cotidiano de adolescentes

Silva-Jerez, Nelson Sebastian [UNESP] 06 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by NELSON SEBASTIAN SILVA JEREZ null (sebastiancso@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-03T15:45:03Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Diss. 1.0250 q1.1 d1.1.pdf: 1053953 bytes, checksum: dabbaf4b25b2995244595fff57e611b1 (MD5) / Rejected by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br), reason: Solicitamos que realize uma nova submissão seguindo a orientação abaixo: O arquivo submetido está sem a ficha catalográfica e sem folha da comissão examinadora. A versão submetida por você é considerada a versão final da dissertação/tese, portanto não poderá ocorrer qualquer alteração em seu conteúdo após a aprovação. Corrija esta informação e realize uma nova submissão contendo o arquivo correto. Agradecemos a compreensão. on 2016-06-03T19:43:44Z (GMT) / Submitted by NELSON SEBASTIAN SILVA JEREZ null (sebastiancso@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-06-04T16:26:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Diss. 1.0253 q1.1 d1.1 PB.pdf: 1580963 bytes, checksum: 63e1b7ed787d321740c8976c47ebe8d1 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ana Paula Grisoto (grisotoana@reitoria.unesp.br) on 2016-06-06T16:40:21Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 silvajerez_ns_me_mar.pdf: 1580963 bytes, checksum: 63e1b7ed787d321740c8976c47ebe8d1 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-06T16:40:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 silvajerez_ns_me_mar.pdf: 1580963 bytes, checksum: 63e1b7ed787d321740c8976c47ebe8d1 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-05-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / Estuda o comportamento informacional de adolescentes em seu cotidiano e identifica como eles buscam, acessam, usam e compartilham informação, proveniente ou não da Internet. Analisa a veracidade da hipótese de que esta geração é dependente da conectividade providenciada pela Internet tem fundamento. Utiliza como ferramenta metodológica survey online, com amostragem por snowball sampling para recrutamento de participantes, e uso da técnica do incidente crítico. Os resultados demonstram que os adolescentes preferem buscar informação na Internet, e que a maioria deles tem conhecimento de técnicas apropriadas para recuperar informação, sendo que a forma mais utilizada de acesso à Internet foi o computador, com o telefone celular em seguida. Entende que os adolescentes usam informação em seu cotidiano para resolver lacunas pontuais em seu conhecimento, mas não como parte de um processo contínuo de aperfeiçoamento deste, ou para tomada de decisões. O tema da maior parte das buscas se refere ao consumo cultural. Não confirma a hipótese de que os adolescentes utilizam significativamente outras pessoas como fonte de informação. Encontra que adolescentes têm em sua maioria opiniões bastante positivas sobre bibliotecas, apesar de muitos as considerarem obsoletas ou ultrapassadas perante a existência da Internet e dos meios de acesso digitais à informação. Confirma que os adolescentes não utilizam suficientemente a Internet como fonte de informação em Educação Sexual, possivelmente prejudicando esforços neste sentido. / The everyday life information behaviour of teenagers is studied, and it is identified how they seek, access, use and share information, either from the Internet or not. The idea that this generation relies on the connectivity provided by the Internet to seek information is tested to assess to what extent this is well-founded. The methodological approach combines the use of an online survey, using snowball sampling for participant recruitment and the critical incident technique. The study finds that teenagers do, indeed, prefer to seek information on the Internet, and that most of them have knowledge of appropriate information retrieval techniques, with computers being the most commonly used mode of access to the Internet, followed by smartphones. The study understands that teenagers use information in their everyday lives to address specific gaps in their knowledge, but not as part of a continuous process of building knowledge, or for decision making. It finds that the majority of searches regards cultural consumption. The hypothesis that teenagers significantly use other people as information sources was not confirmed. It was found that teenagers have mostly very positive opinions about libraries, although many think of them as obsolete or outdated given the existence of the Internet and the digital means of access to information. The study confirms that teenagers do not use the Internet enough as a Sexual Education information source, possibly hindering efforts in this direction.

Hospital social workers’ appraisal of, reaction to, and coping with a critical incident in their work environment: a descriptive study

Plante, Rodney S. 05 1900 (has links)
The intensity and emotional demands of the health care environment place exceptionally high performance expectations and stress on hospital social workers. Critical Incident Stress (CIS), a specific type of stress associated with dramatic, emotionally overwhelming situations, known as Critical Incidents (CIs), produce several emotional and physical reactions that can threaten the well-being of the hospital social worker. CIS, as experienced by hospital social workers, is absent from the literature and not well understood. The purpose of this study was to describe how hospital social workers appraised, reacted to, and coped with CIs in their work environment. Lazarus and Folkman's (1984) theoretical framework of stress appraisal and coping was used to guide this descriptive study. A sample of 30 hospital social workers was recruited from two Vancouver tertiary care hospitals. Four instruments (Participant Information Sheet, Critical Incident Information Form, Emotional Appraisal Scale, and Ways of Coping Scale) were used to gain knowledge on how hospital social workers appraised, reacted to, and coped with CIs in their work environment. Quantitative data were coded, qualitative data were subjected to content analysis, and descriptive statistics calculated. Data revealed that hospital social workers encountered CIs in their work environment and that the majority of CIs centred on death-related events. The primary traits of events appraised as CIs were novelty, suddenness, and uncertainty. Respondents reacted to the CI with a variety of emotional (anxiety, fear, frustration, worry, anger) and physical reactions (feeling overwhelmed, fatigued, withdrawn, anxious, difficulty with sleeping), and although they experienced some discomfort, these reactions were not debilitating. Most hospital social workers indicated that their personal beliefs had been challenged by the CI and revealed that they were unsure as to what their social work role or function should have been during the event. However, despite this, respondents remained confident and comfortable with the decisions they made. Hospital social workers appeared to cope well with CIs, used a variety of emotion- and problem-focused coping strategies, and reported few negative effects on their professional and/or personal lives. The top four coping strategies utilized by respondents were seeking social support, planful problemsolving, positive reappraisal, and self-control. The implications of the findings for hospital social work administration, social work training and education, hospital social work practice, and future research are discussed. / Arts, Faculty of / Social Work, School of / Graduate

Usability Evaluation of Notebook Computers and Cellular Telephones Among Users with Visual and Upper Extremity Disabilities

Mooney, Aaron Michael 26 July 2002 (has links)
Information appliances such as notebook computers and cellular telephones are becoming integral to the lives of many. These devices facilitate a variety of communication tasks, and are used for employment, education, and entertainment. Those with disabilities, however, have limited access to these devices, due in part to product designs that do not consider their special needs. A usability evaluation can help identify the needs and difficulties those with disabilities have when using a product and universal design principles can then be applied to enhance accessibility and usability. This study addresses the usability of two of the most common information appliances - notebook computers and cellular telephones. The usability of notebook computers was evaluated using a remote ethnographic method where participants recorded usability-related critical incidents. Participants included those with a wide range of abilities, such as legal blindness, total blindness, and upper extremity physical disabilities. Objective and subjective measures were used to determine the effects of several specific design parameters for cellular telephones. The notebook computer study revealed that participants have difficulty with non-standard keyboard layouts, the use of isometric pointing devices, case latches, and inadequate system feedback. User performance and ratings in the cellular telephone study were the best with the 12 mm lateral pitch and 0.7 mm key height, while the fewest task failures were committed using the 0.5 mm keystroke. Participants also preferred telephone models with large <Power>, <Send> and <End> keys located in prominent locations, and 22-point and 36-point display fonts. These results were used to generate product-specific design guidelines that can be used to design notebook computers and cellular telephones that are more usable and accessible for users with visual and upper extremity physical disabilities. Universal design implications are also discussed. / Master of Science


張敬岳, Chang, Jing Yue Unknown Date (has links)
線上學習(又稱「遠距教學」)在各領域的應用近年來不斷成長,學校教育當中也有越來越多的課程使用線上學習來實施教學工作。因為線上學習有別於一般傳統教學,具有資訊科技的介入,因此線上學習能帶來那些有別於傳統面授的效益是研究者所關心的,希望能經由滿意因素比較研究,了解線上學習的效益。 本研究是採用關鍵事例法(CIT)所做的質性研究,研究對象是國立政治大學線上學習的使用者(包含學生、助教和老師),用電話訪談或面談的方式來蒐集使用滿意╱不滿意的事件。研究將線上學習課程分成「同步」、「面授錄影」、「面授與非同步」及「線上非同步」四種類型,並配合課程結構問卷,對學生學習滿意進行分析,接著再比較助教、老師的滿意因素,找出三者個別的滿意原因,再經由整合比較找出整體的滿意╱不滿意因素。研究發現: (一)影響學生線上學習滿意╱不滿意的因素,共有「教學熱誠和技巧」、「情感互動」、「回饋互動」、「知識互動」、「資訊傳輸」、「教學系統軟硬體使用」、「課程設計」與「非電腦類教室設備」八類。 (二)影響助教線上學習滿意╱不滿意的因素,共有「動機需求」和「資訊科技介入對工作績效影響」二大原因。其中,動機需求含有「工作報酬」、「成就」、「社會需求(對老師)」、「社會需求(對學生)」四類;資訊科技介入有「系統使用流暢性」、「系統功能對教學效果影響」與「教學支援」三類。 (三)影響老師線上學習滿意╱不滿意的因素,共有「正面效益」和「負面效益」二大原因。正面效益的方面有「科技效益認知(樂觀)」、「創新求變」二類,負面效益則有「功能存疑」、「適應不良」與「技術和人力支援」三類。 (四)科技介入對於學生助教和老師的滿意都會有影響,但影響不同。 關鍵詞:線上學習、關鍵事例法、學習滿意 / Distance- Learning (also called “E- Learning”) keeps in growing as it applies to each field in recent years, as well as more and more courses uses Distance- learning for teaching in school education. Distance- Learning differs toward Traditional Learning because of the infusion from information technology; therefore the efficiency that Distance- Learning brings which differentiates from Traditional Learning is concerned by researcher through comparing satisfaction factors in this study to understand the benefit of Distance- Learning. This study adapt Critical Incident Technique (CIT) as qualitative research, research subject is Distance- Learning users (contains student, teaching assistant and lecturer) from National Chengchi University, which uses telephone surveys or face- to- face interview to collect usage satisfaction/dissatisfaction incident. This study categories Distance- Learning into “Synchronous”、“Personal Instruction and Video Recording”、 “Personal Instruction and Asynchronous” and “Distance Asynchronous” by incorporating course structure questionnaire to proceed student satisfaction analysis, followed by comparing satisfaction factors from teaching assistant and lecturer to find out individual satisfaction factors. Through integration and comparison of overall satisfaction/dissatisfaction factors, study result shows: (1) Factors influence Distance- Learning students’ satisfaction/dissatisfactions are “Teaching Enthusiasm and Skill”、“Emotional Interaction”、“Feedback Interaction”、“Knowledge Interaction”、“Information Transmission”、“Distance- Learning System Hardware/Software Usage”、“Curriculum Design” and “Non- computerized class facility”. (2) Factors influence Distance- Learning teaching assistants’ satisfaction /dissatisfactions are “Motivational Needs” and “Influences of Information Technology infusion toward Work Performance”. There are “Working Salary”、“Achievement”、“Social Needs (to lecturer)”、“Social Needs (to student)” within “Motivational Needs”; while “Information Technology Infusion” has “Fluent usage of System”、“Influences of System Function toward Teaching Effect” and “Teaching Support”. (3) Factors influence Distance- Learning lecturers’ satisfaction/dissatisfactions are “Positive Efficiency” and “Negative Efficiency”. “Positive Efficiency” has “Recognition of Technology Efficiency (optimism)” and “Innovativeness”, while “Negative Efficiency” has “Insecurity”、“Discomfort”、“Technical and Human Support”. (4)Technology infusion influences students’、teaching assistants’ and lecturers’ satisfaction, but with different influence. Keywords: Distance- Learning, Critical Incident Technique (CIT), Learning Satisfaction

Terénní sociální práce s migranty / Street work with migrants

Vojtová, Eva January 2019 (has links)
9 The main focus of the thesis is on the street work with migrants and the dilemma of help and control that arises in it. An integral part of this was the presentation of available literature dealing with this topic and its analysis. The theoretical part defines the target group, migrants in the Czech Republic and integration and migration policy in the Czech Republic. It also deals with street work, the legislative framework of street work, the personality of the street worker and the specifics of street work with migrants and also social work with migrants is described. Attention is paid to the dilemmas in social work, their origin with an emphasis on the help and control dilemma and ways of coping. The research part is devoted to the description of own qualitative research, which was carried out by the method of semi-structured interviews with street workers focusing on working with migrants by using the technique of critical incident. The main aim of the research was to find out in which cases the street workers encounter the dilemma of help and control and how to deal with it. Data were analyzed by using a portion of grounded theory. The presented research results point to situations in which street workers who work with migrants experience a dilemma of help and control. For example, there are...

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