Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe holocene"" "subject:"ehe olocene""
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Late Holocene Environmental Variability as Recorded in the Sediment of a Northeastern Ohio Kettle LakeGrochocki, Julian Lucian 27 June 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Quantitative Ecological and Taphonomic Patterns in Late Cenozoic Mollusk-Dominated Marine Fossil AssemblagesBarbour Wood, Susan L. 27 June 2006 (has links)
Applications in paleontological research are far from being limited to taxonomic collection and identification. Nor is such research limited to working solely on fossil data. Actualistic paleontology is the study of modern or recent organisms and processes to better understand those of the past. The bulk of this body of research falls under the category of actualistic paleontology, and examines geochronological methods and error biases in dating biological specimens ranging in age from modern to thousands of years old. Although such methods are arguably not perfect, error rates of ± a few hundred to few thousand years can be extremely important when considering ecological relationships among both Holocene taxa and time-averaged paleocommunities, but quite diminished when considering implications on more traditional dating techniques for ancient strata. Regardless, understanding implications of time resolution is important in analyses of and comparisons between any biological dataset. The following chapters are united by quantitative and statistical management of data with varying levels of temporal resolution, and represent four manuscripts that either are in press or soon to be submitted for publication. / Ph. D.
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Variabilités climatiques, régimes de feux et dynamiques de la végétation le long d’un gradient longitudinal est-ouest en forêt boréale du Québec au cours des 8500 dernières annéesFeussom Tcheumeleu, Augustin 09 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle entre l'Université de Montréal et l'Université Bourgogne Franche-Comté / Les feux, le climat et leurs interactions sont des facteurs clés de la dynamique des forêts boréales. Dans un contexte où les changements climatiques en cours augmentent les risques d’incendies, une hausse de la fréquence des feux constitue une menace pour les populations locales (qualité de l’air, risques sanitaires, décès, etc.), les ressources forestières (déforestation, baisse de volume bois, etc.) et l’environnement (perte d’habitats naturels, hausse des émissions de CO2, pollution diverse, etc.). Comprendre les dynamiques passées aidera à gérer durablement les forêts boréales et à anticiper les effets des changements climatiques futurs.
A l'aide d’analyses paléoécologiques multiproxies (chironomes, charbon de bois, pollen) de trois carottes sédimentaires (lacs Mista et Adèle (est du Québec), Aurélie (Ouest du Québec)), nous avons documenté les interactions à long terme entre le climat, le feu et la végétation le long d’un gradient longitudinal est-ouest du Québec au cours des 8500 dernières années.
Nos résultats suggèrent l'existence d'un fort contraste de températures estivales entre l'est et l'ouest du Québec avant 7000 ans AA (avant l’actuel). Dans l'est, durant cette période, l'influence indirecte des vestiges de l'Inlandsis Laurentidien et les conditions de surface de l'océan contrebalancent l'insolation maximale pour induire des conditions estivales plus fraîches. La température estivale maximale n'est atteinte qu'entre 6000 et 5000 ans AA. L'ouest du Québec est peu ou pas affecté par ces influences et l'évolution des températures semble parallèle à la diminution de l'insolation pendant l'été, avec un maximum de températures autour de 7500 ans AA.
Les changements de températures estivales ne semblent pas jouer un rôle prépondérant sur la dynamique de la végétation et des feux à l’est du Québec. La dynamique à long terme de la pessière à mousses de l’est est contrôlée, entre autres, par la taille et la fréquence des feux. Au lac Adèle, la pessière à mousses s'est ouverte vers 3000 ans AA. Mais le seuil de résilience de Picea mariana a probablement été dépassé vers 1500 ans AA, conduisant à la transformation de la pessière à mousses en pessière à lichens. Des incendies récurrents à intervalles rapprochés semblent être le principal mécanisme de déclenchement. Au lac Mista, la pessière à mousses s'est ouverte vers 2000 ans AA, mais elle s’est probablement redensifiée au cours des 300 dernières années. Bien que la pessière à mousses semble résiliente, elle reste dans un état d'équilibre précaire car la fréquence des incendies pourrait augmenter dans le contexte du changement climatique et déclencher la transformation de la pessière à mousses en pessière à lichens.
A l’opposé des sites à l’est du Québec, à Aurélie (ouest du Québec), les feux semblent moins récurrents avec le refroidissement de la température estivale. Il existe une relation entre les variations de température estivale et la végétation. Il y a donc un contraste entre l’est et l’ouest sur les processus de contrôle de la dynamique de la végétation. / Fire, climate and their interactions are key factors in the dynamics of boreal forests. In a context where the ongoing climate change is increasing fire risk, a rise in fire frequency poses a threat to local populations (air quality, health risks, deaths, etc.), forest resources (deforestation, drop in timber volume, etc.) and the environment (loss of natural habitats, rise in CO2 emissions, various types of pollution, etc.). Understanding past dynamics will help to manage boreal forests sustainably and anticipate the effects of future climate change.
Using multiproxy paleoecological analyses (chironomids, charcoal, pollen) of three sediment cores (lakes Mista and Adèle (eastern Quebec), Aurélie (western Quebec)), we have documented the long-term interactions between climate, fire and vegetation along a longitudinal east-west gradient in Quebec over the past 8500 years.
Our results suggest the existence of a strong contrast in summer temperature between eastern and western Quebec prior to 7000 years BP (before present). In the east, during this period, the indirect influence of the remnants of the Laurentide Ice Sheet and ocean surface conditions offset maximum insolation to induce cooler summer conditions. Maximum summer temperatures were only reached between 6000 and 5000 cal yr BP. Western Quebec is little or unaffected by these influences, and the evolution of temperatures parallels the decrease in insolation during summer, with a temperature maximum around 7500 cal yr BP.
Changes in summer temperatures are probably not the main factor controlling fire and vegetation dynamics in eastern Quebec. The long-term dynamic of the eastern spruce-moss forest is controlled, among other things, by the size and frequency of fires. At Lake Adèle, the spruce-moss forest opened around 3000 cal yr BP. But the resilience threshold of Picea mariana was probably exceeded around 1500 cal yr BP, leading to the transformation of the spruce-moss forest into a lichen woodland. Recurrent fires at short intervals seem to be the main triggering mechanism. At Lake Mista, the moss forest opened around 2000 cal yr BP, but has probably redensified over the last 300 years. Although the spruce-moss forest seems resilient, it remains in a precarious state of equilibrium, as the frequency of fires could increase in the context of climate change, triggering the transformation of the spruce-moss forest into a lichen woodland.
In contrast to the sites in eastern Quebec, in Aurélie (western Quebec), fires seem to recur less frequently as summer temperatures cool. There is a relationship between summer temperature variations and vegetation. There is therefore a contrast between east and west in terms of the processes controlling vegetation dynamics.
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Discussing the Relationship Between Organic Carbon and Cryostructures in Permafrost in a High Arctic Setting, Adventdalen Svalbard / En diskussion om sambandet mellan organiskt kol och kryostrukturer i permafrost i Arktis, Adventdalen SvalbardMalmström Holmgren, Ellen January 2024 (has links)
The urgent ongoing contemporary climate change is drastically changing the Earth as we know it. In the Arctic, the climate is changing more drastically than the global average, and temperatures are rising significantly more. The phenomenon, known as Arctic amplification, is believed to happen by a combination of albedo reduction, cloud-feedback, and temperature inversion. Another important, but often overlooked, factor in Arctic climate change is dust. Dust does not only cause albedo reduction but has also been found to host syngenetic permafrost in Adventdalen, Svalbard. As permafrost is both a sensitive and important carbon reserve, holding twice as much carbon as currently available in the atmosphere, it is of great importance to understand the carbon storage mechanism of it. This study shows not only a correlation between cryostructures and organic carbon content but presents aeolian sedimentation rate as a possible cause of it. The results show that for syngenetic permafrost in Adventdalen, a high sedimentation rate yields structureless permafrost with low organic content. Inversely, a low sedimentation rate yields well defined cryostructures with high organic content. This shows that aeolian dust activity and loess deposits are vital to understand, in order to properly assess the cryostratigraphy and carbon content. / Den brådskande samtida klimatförändringen omarbetar dramatiskt vår värld. Arktis klimat förändras mer drastiskt än på resten av jorden och temperaturen stiger avsevärt snabbare. Fenomenet kallas förArktis förstärkning, eller Arctic Amplification, och antas ske på grund av synergier mellan minskning av albedo, molnfeedback och temperaturinversion. Damm är en annan viktig, men ofta underskattad faktor i klimatförändrarna i Arktis. Damm bidrar inte bara till en ökad reduktion av albedo utan dammavlagringar i Adventdalen Svalbard fungerar som en viktig grogrund för syngenetisk permafrost. Kolsänkan i permafrost är lika skör som den är viktig, då permafrost förvarar dubbelt så mycket kol som för nuvarande finns i atmosfären, men samtidigt stadigt tinar. Därför är det ytterst viktigt att förstå hur permafrost fungerar, själva mekanismerna bakom förvarandet av organisk kol. Detta arbete visar inte bara ett samband mellan kryostrukturer och organiskt kol i permafrost, utan föreslår att sedimentationshastighet är orsaken till det. Resultaten av LOI (loss on ignition) och kryostratigrafi tyder på att en hög sedimentationshastighet skapar en strukturlös permafrost som endast har låga halter av organisk materia. I det omvända fallet ger en låg sedimentationshastighet välformade kryostrukturer, och en permafrost med hög andel organisk materia. Detta visar på att sedimentationshastighet i loess är en viktig aspekt för att bedöma lagring av kol i permafrost, vilket är en avsevärd kolsänka att förstå i dagens klimatförändringar.
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Ecological stability of Indo-Pacific coral reefs during Quaternary climatic fluctuations / case studies from Vanuatu and EgyptMewis, Heike 15 March 2016 (has links)
Rezente Korallenriffe sind einer ganzen Reihe von Bedrohungen ausgesetzt. Das Pleistozän bietet die Gelegenheit Veränderungen an Korallenriffgemeinschaften durch Klimaschwankungen hinweg zu studieren und mit heutigen Riffen zu vergleichen. Am besten sind pleistozäne Riffe in der Karibik untersucht, während aus dem Indo-Pazifik, der über eine deutlich höhere Biodiversität verfügt, bisher nur wenige quantitative Studien vorliegen. Frühere Studien zeigen eine erstaunliche Stabilität und Langlebigkeit der Korallengemeinschaften hinsichtlich Diversität und taxonomischer Zusammensetzung trotz extremer Meeresspiegelschwankungen und starker klimatischer Veränderungen im Quartär. Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt zwei Regionen, aus der quantitative Daten auf Artniveau über die Zusammensetzung der fossilen Korallengemeinschaften bisher weitestgehend fehlten: das tropische Vanuatu (Südpazifik) und der subtropische Sinai, Ägypten (nördliches Rotes Meer). In Vanuatu sind mindestens 5 fossile Riffterrassen mit einem Alter von etwa 5000 - 400.000 Jahren überliefert, von denen 4 detailliert untersucht werden konnten. Veränderungen in der Diversität wurden sowohl lateral als auch vertikal nur mit unterschiedlichen Riffhabitaten in Verbindung gebracht. Die Riffe waren insgesamt über die Interglaziale bin ins mittlere Holozän hinweg stabil. Nur die Gattung Acropora scheint erst in den letzten 96.000 Jahren häufiger zu werden. In Ägypten wurden Daten aus der jüngsten interglazialen Terrasse (MIS 5e, ~125.000 Jahre) mit rezenten Daten aus dem Roten Meer verglichen und eine Migration von Arten nach Norden während des letzten Interglazials belegt. Diese Beobachtung unterstützt frühere Arbeiten, die eine Verschiebung der Riffdiversität in höhere Breiten verbunden mit einer Abnahme der Diversität in niederen Breiten aufzeigten, sowie Studien, die das nördliche Rote Meer als mögliches Refugium für Korallen im Zuge der weiteren Klimaerwärmung sehen. / The Pleistocene provides the opportunity to study changes of coral reef communities through times of climate change, and to compare fossil to recent reefs. Whereas Pleistocene reefs from the Caribbean are well studied and understood, the much larger Indo-Pacific region with a greater coral diversity is represented by only a few quantitative studies on community ecology. Previous studies observed an astonishing persistence and stability in community composition and diversity throughout several interglacial episodes until today, which is contradictory to the claim that recent coral reefs are especially sensitive to climate change. The present study deals with two Indo-Pacific regions that so far lacked quantitative data of fossil reef communities: tropical Vanuatu (Coral Sea) and subtropical Sinai, Egypt (northern Red Sea). In Vanuatu at least seven fossil reef terraces with ages between 5,000 and 400,000 years are preserved, of which four could be studied in more detail. A great variability was observed among terraces and especially among sub-environments within terraces. Reefs remained stable in terms of diversity throughout the Pleistocene and Holocene but it seems that the dominance of the coral genus Acropora is a fairly recent phenomenon in Vanuatu, because this genus does not play a large role in terraces older than 96,000 years (MIS 5c). In Egypt quantitative and binary data from the last interglacial episode (MIS 5e) were compared with data from the recent Red Sea and adjacent regions. These show a northward migration of coral taxa during the last MIS5e. This observation confirms earlier studies that demonstrated a range expansion of tropical reef communities towards higher latitudes, and supports studies that suggest the northern Red Sea and especially the Gulf of Aqaba as future refuge for corals during climate warming. These results indicate that coral reefs were able to cope with dramatic environmental changes in the absence of anthropogenic impact.
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Calibration and Interpretation of Holocene Paleoecological Records of Diversity from Lake Tanganyika, East AfricaAlin, Simone Rebecca January 2001 (has links)
Lake Tanganyika is a complex, tropical ecosystem in East Africa, harboring an estimated 2,100 species. Extensive watershed deforestation threatens the biodiversity and ecological integrity of the lake. In this dissertation, ecological and paleoecological methods were employed to study the distribution of invertebrate biodiversity through space and time, with particular emphasis on linkages between biodiversity and land –use patterns. Ecological surveys of fish, mollusc, and ostracod crustacean diversity at sites in northern Lake Tanganyika representing different levels of watershed disturbance revealed a negative correlation between biodiversity and intensity of watershed disturbance. To elucidate the long -term relationship between disturbance and biodiversity, paleoecological records of invertebrates offshore from watersheds experiencing different degrees of anthropogenic disturbance were examined. Life, death, and fossil assemblages of ostracod valves were compared to assess the reliability and natural variability inherent to the paleoecological record. These comparisons indicated that paleoecological (i.e. death and fossil) assemblages reliably preserve information on species richness, abundance, and occurrence frequency at comparable -to- annual resolution. Unlike life assemblages, species composition of paleoecological assemblages reflects input of species from multiple habitat types. Ostracod paleoecological assemblages are characterized by spatiotemporal averaging that renders them representative of larger areas and longer time spans than life assemblages. Thus, paleoecological assemblages provide an efficient means of characterizing longer -term, site -average conditions. Natural variability in ostracod fossil assemblages from a sediment core representing the Late Glacial to the present indicates that abundance of individual ostracod species is highly variable. Ostracod assemblages were preserved in only the most recent 2,500 years of sediment. Species composition of ostracod assemblages reflects lake water depth. Core geochemical data indicate that the coring site may have been below the oxycline for ~2,000 years, inhibiting ostracod survival and preservation. Paleoecological, sedimentological, and stable isotope data revealed differences in biodiversity and watershed disturbance through time offshore from a pair of sites. The protected site is offshore from Gombe Stream National Park (Tanzania), the other offshore from a deforested watershed outside the park. Offshore from the deforested watershed, sedimentation rates increased, and turnover in ostracod species composition occurred during the past 50 years. Comparable changes were not observed offshore from the park.
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The Climatic Response in the Partitioning of the Stable Isotopes of Carbon in Juniper Trees from ArizonaArnold, Larry David January 1979 (has links)
Juniper trees (Juniperus osteosperma, J. monosperma, J. deppeana and J. scopulorum) grow under widely varying climatic and edaphic conditions throughout the American southwest. This study is chiefly concerned with a test of the climatic response in the partitioning of the stable isotopes of carbon in such trees. The relationships developed here, for example, might be used to extract paleoclimatic information from ancient juniper samples preserved in cave middens. In order to test for a climatic response in the leaf cellulose δ¹³C values, leaves from a total of 29 trees were sampled in the immediate vicinity of 9 meteorological stations across the state of Arizona. Care was taken to insure that 22 of the trees experienced only the temperature and precipitation values reflected by their site meteorological stations. As a cross-check, 7 trees exposed to temperature and/or precipitation levels clearly deviant from their site averages were also sampled. In general, each tree was sampled at four places, approximately 2 m above the ground. All leaf samples were reduced to cellulose (holocellulose) before combustion and analysis for their δ¹³C value. The δ¹³C value for each site was derived from an average of 2 to 4 trees per site, the value of each tree being the average of its individual samples. The one sigma 13C variation found between trees at any given site is ±0.38‰; within a single tree, ±0.36‰; and for repeat combustions, ±0.20‰. The δ¹³C values of the juniper sites were regressed against the temperature and precipitation of the individual months and running averages of months across the year using polynomial, multiple regression analysis. Temperature and precipitation were entered as separate variables in a general multiple regression model and also as a combined, single variable (T /P) in a more specific approach. The pattern formed by the multiple correlation coefficients, when plotted by months across the year, closely follows the seasonal variations in photosynthetic activity. Cellulose δ¹³C values have minimum correlation with temperature and precipitation (considered jointly) during summer months and maximum correlation during spring months. For an individual month, the temperature and precipitation (jointly) of April correlated at the highest level with a multiple adj. R = 0.994 and an F = 166; for a maximum seasonal response, March-May reached a multiple adj. R = 0.985, F = 66. The results using the combined, single variable (T /P) were nearly equivalent for the same months: April's adj. R = 0.957, F = 45; March-May's adj. R = 0.985 with an F = 132. The ability of T and P as independent predictors is considerably less than their ability in combination; e.g., 13C g(T) for March-May has an adj. R = 0.80 and 6 13C = h(P) has an adj. R = -0.67 compared to their in- concert adj. R value of 0.985. The results of this study, therefore, strongly support a high degree of climatic sensitivity in the partitioning of the stable isotopes of carbon in juniper leaf cellulose: the correlation coefficients and their F statistics are sufficiently high to consider temperature and precipitation (acting jointly) as accurate predictors of cellulose δ¹³C values in the system studied.
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Fire Frequency, Nutrient Concentrations and Distributions, and δ13C of Soil Organic Matter and Plants in Southeastern Arizona GrasslandBiggs, Thomas January 1997 (has links)
Over the past century, woody plants and shrubs have increased in abundance at the expense of grasslands in many semiarid regions. The availability and concentrations of nutrients influence the relative success of plants, but the effects of fire frequency on soil nutrients is unknown for semiarid grasslands. On the gunnery ranges of Fort Huachuca in southeastern Arizona, study sites were established to examine the effects of fire frequency on soil biogeochemistry, plant biochemistry, and δ¹³C values in soil organic matter (SOM). The sites were on homogeneous granitic alluvium where wildfire frequency history is known from 1973 to present and no cattle grazing has occurred in recent decades. Subplots represent fire frequencies of no burns, 3 fires per decade, and 5 fires per decade. The "no burn" plot has abundant C₃ Prosopis veleruina (mesquite) trees, whereas the burned plots are open C₄-dominated grasslands with scattered mesquite trees. Prosopis trees have altered SOM pools by the concentration of plant nutrients and the addition of isotopically light shrub litter. Frequent fires have altered the basic geochemistry and nutrient availabilities of the soil, and the changes appear to be significant enough to affect plant growth. Soil pH increases with burning frequency, and TOC, total nitrogen, and plant -available phosphorus show significant increases on the infrequently burned plot. Burning is advantageous for preservation or restoration of grasslands, as total living grass biomass is greater on the two burned plots. Root biomass is significantly lower on the "frequently burned" plot. Concentrations of the key nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus are reduced in plants on the burned sites compared to plants on the unburned site. Fires help re-distribute nutrients but evidence of nutrient concentrations and δ¹³C values are retained in SOM for many decades. Estimates of bulk carbon turnover rates range from 112 to 504 years. Evidence for modern C₃ shrub expansion is found in the shift of SOM δ¹³C values from values characteristic of C₄ grasses to C₃ shrubs in surface soil layers. δ¹³C(SOM) values indicate that the Holocene and Late Pleistocene were dominated by C₄ grasslands, and the pre-Late Pleistocene vegetation was a C₄-grass savanna with abundant C₃ plants.
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New insights into the current- and past hydrology of the north-western subtropical Pacific Ocean over the past 25 kyr, based on investigations of the Nd isotopic composition of seawater and deep-sea sediments from the northern South China Sea / Etude de l'hydrologie de la Mer de Chine du Sud depuis la dernière période glaciaire à partir de la composition isotopique du Nd analysé dans les foraminifèresWu, Qiong 08 September 2014 (has links)
Le but de cette étude est de retracer l’évolution de l’hydrologie dans la partie occidentale de l’Océan Pacifique subtropical en utilisant le proxy εNd analysé sur les foraminifères et sur les oxydes de ferromanganèse authigéniques dans les sédiments. Ceux-ci proviennent de carottes sédimentaires prélevées au nord de la Mer de Chine du Sud (MCS). Avant d’utiliser l’εNd dans les sédiments profonds de la MCS, 16 profils d’eau de mer, collectés au nord de la MCS et dans le Mer des Philippines, ont été analysés afin d’établir la distribution d’εNd des masses d’eau dans l’ouest du Pacifique tropical et dans la MCS, qui jusqu’à aujourd’hui n’était pas documentée. Les valeurs d’εNd des masses d’eau profondes et intermédiaires varient de -2,7 à -4,4 et augmentent légèrement avec la profondeur. Dans la mer des Philippines, les valeurs d’εNd de l’eau intermédiaire du Pacifique Nord (North Pacific Intermediate Water, NPIW) atteint -2.7±0.4 à moyenne profondeur (500 à 1400m). En-dessous de de 1800m, l’eau profonde Pacifique (Pacific Deep Water, PDW) est caractérisée par du Nd moins radiogénique (-4.1±0.5), indiquant l’intrusion de masses d’eau australes. Pour la plupart des stations du nord de la MCS, les masses d’eau en-dessous de 1500m (PDW) affichent des valeurs d’εNd homogènes (~ -4.1), similaires à celles de la PDW dans la Mer des Philippines. Les valeurs d'εNd pour l'eau intermédiaire de la mer de Chine du Sud (South China Sea Intermediate Water, SCSIW, 500-1500m) varient entre -3.0 et -3.9 dû au mélange vertical de la NPIW avec la PDW. Les valeurs d'εNd de l'eau de mer dans la MCS (-5.3 à -7.0) affichent des modifications locales dans des zones où l'eau s'écoule au-dessus de systèmes de dépôt sédimentaire. Ceci implique que "l'échange à la marge" avec des sédiments non radiogéniques (autour de -11) peut se produire dans le temps et dans l'espace sans modifier la composition isotopique du Nd de la PDW dans le Nord de la MCS. Dans un second temps, l’εNd extrait des foraminifères planctoniques G. ruber a été étudié sur la carotte MD05-2904, collectée à 2000m de profondeur sur la marge nord-ouest de la MCS. Cette étude a été conduite dans le but de retracer les variations hydrologiques depuis le Dernier Maximum Glaciaire (DMG) dans la partie occidentale du Pacifique Nord subtropical. Les enregistrements d'εNd ainsi obtenus couvrent les derniers 25 000 ans. Ils affichent une large gamme de valeurs de -4±0.2 à -6.7±0.3, suggérant d'importants changements dans la contribution de la NPDW (εNd=-4) et de la UCDW (Upper circumpolar Deep Water, εNd -6 to -8) dans la zone étudiée. Durant la déglaciation, les enregistrements d'εNd indiquent une diminution des excursions négatives de l'εNd impliquant une plus forte proportion de SSW (Southern-sourced Water) entre 17 et 15 ka BP ainsi qu'entre 10 et 8 ka BP. Ces intervalles de temps sont contemporains de l’évènement Heinrich 1 (HS1) et de l’Holocène inférieur. Les shifts négatifs centrés sur le HS1 coïncident avec un phénomène d'upwelling renforcé dans l'océan austral, associé à un déplacement vers le pôle des vents d'ouest. Ceci implique une augmentation de la formation de la SSW qui se propage dans l'Ouest du Pacifique subtropical. L'excursion négative de l'εNd durant l’Holocène inferieur (~10-8 cal ka BP) indique une plus grande proportion de SSW qui pourrait être associée avec une plus forte production de SSW, comme observé récemment dans l'atlantique Sud, et/ou avec une possible réduction de la NPIW. Nos données suggèrent que le schéma de circulation actuel dans la partie occidental du Pacifique subtropical s'est mis en place il y a 4600 ans. / The aim of this study is to reconstruct the evolution of the hydrology of the western subtropical North Pacific Ocean by using εNd proxy analysed on foraminifera and dispersed authigenic ferromanganese oxide precipitates in sediments from deep-sea cores collected in the northern SCS. Before using the εNd proxy on deep sea sediments of the SCS, Nd of 16 seawater profiles collected in the northern South China Sea (SCS) and the Philippine Sea were investigated to establish the εNd distribution of water masses along the tropical western Pacific and the SCS that, until now have not been documented. εNd values for mid- and deep-water masses of the Philippine Sea and the SCS range from -2.7 to -4.4 and generally increase slightly with water depth. In the Philippine Sea, εNd values for the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW) reach- 2.7±0.4 at mid-depths (500 to 1400 m). Below ~1800 m, the Pacific Deep Water (PDW) is characterized by less radiogenic Nd (-4.1±0.5) indicating the instrusion of southern sourced water masses. For most of the stations in the Northern SCS, water masses below 1500m (PDW) display homogenous εNd values (~ -4.1) similar to those of the PDW in the Philippine Sea. εNd values for the South China Sea Intermediate Water (SCSIW, 500-1500m) vary from -3.0 to -3.9 as a result of the vertical mixing of the NPIW with the PDW in the SCS. Seawater εNd values for the SCS (~5.3 to -7.0) display local modification in areas where the water lies above sediment drift deposit systems. This implies that “boundary exchange” with unradiogenic sediments (around~11) may occur temporally and spatially and does not modify he Nd isotopic composition of the PDW in the Northern SCS. In a second step, seawater εNd extracted from cleaned planktonic foraminifera G. ruber has been investigated on core MD05-2904, collected at a deph of 2000m on the north-western margin of the SCS. This study was undertaken in order to reconstruct hydrological variations since the LGM in the western subtropical North Pacific. The εNd records obtained from foraminifera spanning the past 25kyr. Display a wide range of values, ranging from -4±0.2 to -6.7±0.3, suggesting important changes in the contribution of the NPDW (εNd=-4) and the UCDW (εNd -6 to -8) in the subtropical western Pacific. During the period of deglaciation, εNd records indicate a relative decrease in the negative excursions of the εNd implying a higher proportion of SSW during the time intervals 17-15 cal kyr BP and 10-8 cal kyr BP; these intervals are coeval with the HS1 and early Holocene. The negative shifts centered on the HS1coincide with an enhanced upwelling in the Southern Ocean, associated with a polewards shift of the southern westerlies, inducing an enhanced formation of the SSW that propagates to the subtropical western Pacific. The negative excursion of the εNd during the Early Holocene (~10-8 cal kyr BP) indicates a higher relative proportion of SSW that could be associate with higher production of the SSW, as has been recently observed in the South Atlantic, and/or with a possible reduction of the NPIW. Our data suggest that the present modern circulation pattern in the western subtropical Pacific Ocean was fully established after 4.6 cal kyr BP.
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Avaliação da aplicação associada dos dados de δ18O e da razão Mg/Ca de foraminíferos como uma ferramenta paleoceanográfica / Evalution of the associated applicability of ?18O and Mg/Ca ratio data in foraminifera as a paleoceanographic toolPerretti, Adriana Rodrigues 01 April 2011 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar o uso associado dos proxies ?18O e Mg/Ca obtidos em testas de foraminíferos. Para alcançar tal objetivo foram realizadas análises de ?18O e Elemento/Ca em amostras de foraminíferos planctônicos (G. ruber e G. sacculifer) e bentônicos (Cibicidoides spp., C. corpulentus, Uvigerina spp. e H. elegans) de dois testemunhos do Atlântico Sul. Os resultados demonstraram que apesar dos proxies ?18O e Mg/Ca apresentarem perfis distintos em relação às espécies os mesmos se correlacionam de forma apropriada, sendo possível estimar a temperatura e os sinais de ?18OSW e ?18OLocal a partir dos mesmos. A partir dos dados de temperatura estimados com base em Mg/Ca foi possível identificar uma anomalia negativa das águas superficias entre o LGM e o HL de -1,5 ± 0,2 °C, enquanto que nas águas profundas observou-se uma anomali positiva de 1,7 ± 0,4 °C para o mesmo período. Os dados de ?18OSW estimados com base nos dados de temperatura e ?18O indicaram uma oscilação de 1,0 ± 0,1 ? e 2,0 ± 0,2 ? para as espécies planctônicas e bentônicas durante o LGM e o HL. Segundo o valor esperado para a variação do volume de gelo (~1,2 ?) há uma oscilação muito baixa da salinidade nas águas superficias da região de estudo, em contraste com uma oscilação bem marcada da salinidade nas águas de fundo. As estimativas de ?18OLocal indicaram uma oscilação entre o LGM e o HL muito pequena da salinidade (~0,1 ?) nas águas superficiais, com uma oscilação maior nas águas de fundo (1,0 ± 0,3 ?). O aumento da salinidade das águas de fundo durante o LGM corrobora a anomalia positiva da temperatura observada neste estudo, visto que, para a ocorrência da mesma, é necessário que a densidade das águas de fundo seja suficiente para manter a estratificação da coluna de água. / The goal of this study is to evaluate the associated use of the proxies ?18O and Mg/Ca, both analyzed in foraminifera tests. ?18O and trace metals analyses were performed in order to achieve this purpose on samples of planktonic (G. ruber and G. sacculifer) and benthic (Cibicidoides spp., C. corpulentus, Uvigerina spp. and H. elegans) species of foraminifera from two cores from South Atlantic. Despite of the fact that the proxies used on this study present distinct fits within the species they correlate very well, being possible to estimate the values of temperature, ?18OSW and ?18OLocal. Based on the temperature estimated by Mg/Ca it was possible to identify a negative anomaly of -1,5 ± 0,2 °C between the LGM and HL, meanwhile a positive anomaly of 1,7 ± 0,4 °C was observed in the deep waters for the same period. The ?18OSW data estimated by temperature and ?18O indicate an oscilation of 1,0 ± 0,1 ? and 2,0 ± 0,2 ? for planktonic and benthic species between the LGM and the HL. Based on the literature value for the ice volume signal (~1,2 ?) the superficial waters of the study area indicated a very low salinity oscilation, opposite to the high salinity oscillation in the deep waters. The ?18OLocal estimatives exhibited a very weak salinity oscillation between LGM and HL in the superficial waters (~0,1 ?), providing a much more strong oscilation in the deep waters (1,0 ± 0,3 ?). The salinity increase during the LGM in the deep waters establish the validity of the positive temperature anomaly observed in this study, since the density of the deep water needs to be adequate to maintain the water column stratification.
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