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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Řešení sporů v rámci WTO s přihlédnutím k výkonu rozhodnutí / Dispute resolution within WTO with regard to the enforcement of decisions

Machátová, Mariana January 2015 (has links)
Resume This thesis aims to evaluate the WTO dispute settlement system that deals with disputes arising between WTO members. It focuses on the final stage of this process, i.e. the compliance process and the judgement enforcement process. The main objective is to answer the question whether the methods of judgement enforcement are effective and successful and assess any shortcomings and offer possible solutions to overcome these shortcomings. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. In the opening passage the role of World Trade Organization is introduced as well as the need for a dispute resolution system and the main principles governing the system. Various WTO bodies involved in the decision-making process are also described in detail. The following three chapters deal with the dispute resolution process and procedure rules provided under the Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU). The thesis explores all of the procedural stages of the dispute settlement and also all relevant procedural steps undertaken by the participants. These are not limited to the complainant and to the respondent but also encompass third parties and WTO bodies. The fourth and the fifth chapter of this thesis are dedicated to the compliance process and the judgement enforcement process either by means of compensation or suspension...

Prodej podniku jako způsob výkonu rozhodnutí (exekuce ) na peněžité plnění / The sale of an enterprise as the mode of enforcement (execution) of monetary judgment

Kupka, Miroslav January 2014 (has links)
This essay was drafted on the topic of "The sale of an enterprise as the mode of enforcement (execution) of monetary judgment". The topic of this essay was chosen by me as I have been working with the execution law and, furthermore, this is very the dynamically expanded legal area in the frame of the civil procedural law. The enforcement (execution) is the legal area which is been experiencing by permanent changes, which main aims are both more effective enforcement of the pecuniary fulfilment on one side and the protection and minimisation of enforcement in reasonable and indispensable cases on the second side. The aim of this essay is to introduce this legal area of the sale of an enterprise as the mode of enforcement (execution) arranged by the judges during enforcement and executions arranged by the executors. Furthermore, I try to compare the current legal status of the enforcement by the sale of an enterprise to the current legal status of enforcement by the sale of a real estate property and also to compare the current legal status of the enforcement by the sale of the enterprise to the legal status effective before the amending the current legal status effective from 1st January 2013. This essay is segmented into the three individual parts. The first part is an introduction of the essay....

The motif of the water journey as a metaphor for philosophical enquiry in selected novels of Herman Melville and Joseph Conrad

Rossouw, Leon Armand 01 March 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 7639580 - MA research report - Faculty of Humanities / This research report explores the motif of the water journey as a metaphor for philosophical enquiry in Melville and Conrad by comparing Moby-Dick with Heart of Darkness, and Billy Budd, Sailor with Lord Jim. It takes as its starting-point M.H. Abrams’s essay, “Spiritual Travelers in Western Literature”, and adapts the typology which he introduces by identifying four different kinds of fictional journey, namely, the physical, the experiential, the narrative and the hermeneutic. By concentrating on a broadly-based semiotic approach to interpretation (while also allowing for other critical possibilities), it examines Melville and Conrad’s treatment of certain pivotal issues in metaphysics, epistemology and ethics. It compares the narrative strategies of the two authors and, by offering close readings of the four texts under discussion, it highlights the similarities and differences in the authors’ responses to a universe of teasing complexity, as well as exploring the reader’s engagement with such texts.

Evropský soud pro lidská práva - výkon rozhodnutí a jeho komparace s postupem Soudního dvora Evropské unie / The European Court of Human Rights - Enforcement of Judgement and ist Comparison with the Procedure of the European Court of Justice of the European Union

Hilšerová, Iveta January 2018 (has links)
The European Court of Human Rights - Enforcement of Judgement and its Comparison with the Procedure of the European Court of Justice of the European Union Abstract This thesis aims to provide an overview of the enforcement of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights, following the proceedings held before that court, without which enforcement proceedings cannot be opened. The thesis is focused both on the bodies of the Council of Europe, which play a key role in this process, as well as the national bodies and the measures adopted by them in accordance with the judgments of the European Court of Human Rights. The author also focuses on the mechanisms applied both for the implementation of the measures, and during the supervisory activities of the bodies of the Council of Europe. Within a comprehensive perspective, the author focuses on the execution of judgments of the European Court of Human Rights in three Central European countries, in order to compare both the anchoring of international human rights protection in the legal systems of these countries, and the systematics of the bodies involved in the judgment enforcement, demonstrating, on concrete cases, the practical steps during the enforcement of the ECHR judgments in the Czech Republic, Slovak Republic and Austria. Considering the fact that...

La philosophie stoïcienne des passions : une analyse de l'amour-érôs

Therrien-Binette, Anne-Sophie 01 1900 (has links)
No description available.

War Georg Bendemanns Vater dement? : Die Vaterfigur in Franz Kafkas ›Das Urteil‹ im medizinischen Diskurs / Did Georg Bendemann's father suffer from dementia? : The father figure in Franz Kafka's The Judgment in medical discourse.

Ferch, Kirsti January 2019 (has links)
In Franz Kafka's The Judgement many things remain unsaid. Most of all it is the unpredictable behaviour of the father figure which is difficult to understand. That has caused a large number of interpretations and the critical reception continues. At the beginning of the story, the fictional father appears weak and ill, evoking memories of disease. Therefore, the following essay explores whether the behaviour of the father figure corresponds to the symptoms of dementia. For this purpose, the diagnostic criteria for neurocognitive disorders according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders were compared to the text. The analysis shows that many passages in the text reflect symptoms of dementia. However, it also shows that other interpretations are possible, which is not surprising given the indeterminacy of Kafka's work. As has already been established in earlier investigations, the fictional father stands as a symbol for authority. Assuming the father has dementia means that this authority is incurably ill. Therefore, the fictional father would symbolize an almighty institution in decline whose authority cannot be questioned by the individual. This way of interpretation emphasizes the unjust distribution of power. The acting figures represent unequal relations of any kind, in which the inferior has to obey the obviously ill but overpowering authority.

A Mixed-Method Study of Mobile Devices and Student Self-Directed Learning and Achievement During a Middle School STEM Activity

Bartholomew, Scott 01 May 2016 (has links)
The increasingly ubiquitous nature of mobile devices among K-12 students has led many to argue for and against the inclusion of mobile devices in K-12 classrooms. Some have conjectured that access to mobile devices may enable student self-directed learning. This research used a mixed-method approach to explore the relationships between mobile devices and student achievement and self-directed learning during a Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics (STEM) activity in a middle school Technology and Engineering Education classroom. In this study, 706 students from 18 classes worked in groups of 2-3 to complete an open-ended engineering design challenge. Students completed design portfolios and constructed prototypes. Classes were randomly divided with some receiving access to mobile devices during the study while others did not. Additionally, randomly assigned classes completed the design portfolio electronically while others completed the portfolio on paper. Final student portfolios and products were assessed using adaptive comparative judgment (ACJ). In ACJ, judges view two artifacts (portfolios or products) electronically and choose the better of the two. Repeating this process, a number of times produced a rank-order for the artifacts. The rank order for student portfolios and products represented student achievement. Statistical analyses of student access, portfolio type, student self-directed learning, and student achievement were conducted. Thirty student interviews and five teacher interviews were conducted and interviewees were asked questions regarding mobile devices, self-directed learning, and their experience during the study. Responses from the interviews were transcribed and coded using causation and thematic coding techniques. The resulting themes from the interviews helped clarify the quantitative findings. Findings from both the quantitative and qualitative analyses showed that student access to mobile devices was significantly correlated with higher scores on student design portfolios while student achievement on design products was independent of mobile device access. This suggests that mobile devices may improve student achievement in certain types of scenarios but not in others. Student self-directed learning was independent of mobile device access. Students and teachers both commented that mobile devices may be effective at increasing student self-directed learning or achievement but only through proper instruction and demonstration.

Den nya svenska koden för bolagsstyrning och dess funktion i förhållande till culpabedömningen av bolagsledningens skadeståndsansvar

Lundqvist, André January 2005 (has links)
<p>From July 2005 on, the new Swedish Corporate Governance Code will be applied gradually by companies listed on the stock exchange or any authorized financial market in Sweden. The Code has been drawn up in order to clarify and to improve the self-regulation in Swedish companies. The need for codified self-regulation standards has been considered as urgent due to negative trends on the market such as the last few years’ corporate scandals in domestic and international trade and industry. The sought-after consequence is to clarify the mission framework for corporate directors.</p><p>Ch. 15, section 1 of the Swedish Corporate Act (Aktiebolagslagen) regulates the internal and external damages liability of corporate directors. In order to decide whether or not they have broken a rule or neglected to follow their responsibilities, and thereby contracted damages liability, a so-called culpa judgement is to be made. Virtue of the culpa judgement is foremost found in Ch. 8 of the Swedish Corporate Act, regulating the tasks of the corporate directors.</p><p>The Stockholm Stock Exchange has decided to incorporate the Code in their quotation prerequisites. This means that all quoted companies have to comply to the Code or, when compliance is not possible, explain the cause of divergence.</p><p>My purpose with this master thesis is to investigate in what way the new Corporate Governance Code affects the culpa judgement, as well as to discuss in what conditions the Stockholm Stock Exchange can handle the code as a disciplinary instrument towards the quoted companies.</p> / <p>Från juli 2005 skall den nya svenska koden för bolagsstyrning successivt börja tillämpas av bolag vars aktier kan handlas på börs eller annan auktoriserad marknadsplats i Sverige. Koden har utformats i syfte att förtydliga och förbättra självregleringen i svenska bolag. Behovet av kodifierade självregleringsnormer har ansetts stort inte minst med tanke på de senaste årens bolagsskandaler i svenskt och internationellt näringsliv. Följden blir, hoppas man, bland annat att bolagens styrelser och verkställande direktörer skall kunna arbeta efter tydligare ramar i sina uppdrag.</p><p>Genom ABL 15:1 regleras styrelseledamots och vd:s interna och externa skadeståndsansvar. För att kunna avgöra huruvida de brutit mot eller underlåtit att genomföra sina förpliktelser, och därigenom ådragit sig ett skadeståndsansvar, görs en s k culpabedömning. Ledning för culpabedömningen hämtas främst från bolagsledningens arbetsuppgifter såsom de är formulerade i ABL 8 kap.</p><p>Stockholmsbörsen har beslutat att införliva koden i sina noteringskrav. Detta innebär att samtliga noterade bolag måste följa kodens regler eller, när så inte är möjligt, avge en förklaring till varför så inte skett.</p><p>Föremålet för min uppsats är att utreda på vilket sätt den nya koden för bolagsstyrning påverkar culpabedömningen, samt diskutera Stockholmsbörsens förutsättningar att hantera koden som ett disciplinärt instrument gentemot de noterade bolagen.</p>

Riskbedömning och beslutsfattande vid bränder : En utvärdering av verkliga scenarion utifrån ett heuristiskt perspektiv / Risk assessment and decision making in fire situations : A scenario based evaluation from a heuristic point of view

Johnsson, Pontus January 2010 (has links)
<p>I syfte att förbättra kunskapsläget kring människors beteenden vid bränder och utrymningar studerades fyra brandsituationer hämtade från ett flertal verkliga händelser ur ett beslutsfattande- och riskbedömningsperspektiv. Det teoretiska underlaget hämtades ur Kahnemans och Tverskys forskning kring heuristiker (Kahneman och Tversky, 1974; Kahneman, Slovic & Tversky, 1982; Gilovich, Griffin & Kahneman, 2002). För ändamålet användes tre heuristiska regler: tillgänglighet, representativitet och affekt. Dessa tre heuristiker möjliggör ögonblickssnabba riskbedömningar genom att allt utom en särskild variabel bortses från i beslutsprocessen. När människor blir stressade tenderar de att förlita sig mer på heuristiker i sina bedömningar. Analysen visar att det är rimligt att anta att de beteenden som observerats i samband med bränder i de fyra fallen beror på beslut huvudsakligen fattade med hjälp av någon av de tre heuristikerna. Denna kunskap kan öppna upp nya möjligheter för att förebygga dödsfall på grund av felaktiga beteenden i samband med bränder och utrymningar.</p>

Den nya svenska koden för bolagsstyrning och dess funktion i förhållande till culpabedömningen av bolagsledningens skadeståndsansvar

Lundqvist, André January 2005 (has links)
From July 2005 on, the new Swedish Corporate Governance Code will be applied gradually by companies listed on the stock exchange or any authorized financial market in Sweden. The Code has been drawn up in order to clarify and to improve the self-regulation in Swedish companies. The need for codified self-regulation standards has been considered as urgent due to negative trends on the market such as the last few years’ corporate scandals in domestic and international trade and industry. The sought-after consequence is to clarify the mission framework for corporate directors. Ch. 15, section 1 of the Swedish Corporate Act (Aktiebolagslagen) regulates the internal and external damages liability of corporate directors. In order to decide whether or not they have broken a rule or neglected to follow their responsibilities, and thereby contracted damages liability, a so-called culpa judgement is to be made. Virtue of the culpa judgement is foremost found in Ch. 8 of the Swedish Corporate Act, regulating the tasks of the corporate directors. The Stockholm Stock Exchange has decided to incorporate the Code in their quotation prerequisites. This means that all quoted companies have to comply to the Code or, when compliance is not possible, explain the cause of divergence. My purpose with this master thesis is to investigate in what way the new Corporate Governance Code affects the culpa judgement, as well as to discuss in what conditions the Stockholm Stock Exchange can handle the code as a disciplinary instrument towards the quoted companies. / Från juli 2005 skall den nya svenska koden för bolagsstyrning successivt börja tillämpas av bolag vars aktier kan handlas på börs eller annan auktoriserad marknadsplats i Sverige. Koden har utformats i syfte att förtydliga och förbättra självregleringen i svenska bolag. Behovet av kodifierade självregleringsnormer har ansetts stort inte minst med tanke på de senaste årens bolagsskandaler i svenskt och internationellt näringsliv. Följden blir, hoppas man, bland annat att bolagens styrelser och verkställande direktörer skall kunna arbeta efter tydligare ramar i sina uppdrag. Genom ABL 15:1 regleras styrelseledamots och vd:s interna och externa skadeståndsansvar. För att kunna avgöra huruvida de brutit mot eller underlåtit att genomföra sina förpliktelser, och därigenom ådragit sig ett skadeståndsansvar, görs en s k culpabedömning. Ledning för culpabedömningen hämtas främst från bolagsledningens arbetsuppgifter såsom de är formulerade i ABL 8 kap. Stockholmsbörsen har beslutat att införliva koden i sina noteringskrav. Detta innebär att samtliga noterade bolag måste följa kodens regler eller, när så inte är möjligt, avge en förklaring till varför så inte skett. Föremålet för min uppsats är att utreda på vilket sätt den nya koden för bolagsstyrning påverkar culpabedömningen, samt diskutera Stockholmsbörsens förutsättningar att hantera koden som ett disciplinärt instrument gentemot de noterade bolagen.

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