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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sailors' wives and husband absence

Chandler, Joan January 1987 (has links)
This thesis reports on a study of women married to Royal Navy personnel and resident in the West of England and Wales. The analyses are based on data derived from secondary sources, a questionnaire survey and in-depth interviews, the field-work having been conducted between January 1985 and April 1986. Past research has concentrated on the emotional reaction of wives to husband absence, its relationship to anxiety and depression. This thesis is, however, concerned with the social situation of wives intermittently without husbands. It is an exploration of the marital and domestic consequences of husband absence and the implications it has for the wider relationships of wives periodically without husbands. A distinction is drawn between long-term absences of weeks and often months and short-term, weekday absences. - Here the evidence suggests that short but frequent absences are the most disruptive and "weekend marriages" the least satisfactory. Husband absence is seen to impact deeply into the life course experiences of wives; it increases their domestic powers and responsibilities, especially if they are resident in private housing; it alters relationships with children and the contexts of child-rearing; it effect the employment opportunities and experiences of wives; it transforms domestic routines and household timetables; and it influences the social contacts and neighbouring relations of wives, leaving wives without husbands relatively isolated members of the community. The thesis also suggests that although separation and absence have been the foci of past concern, reunion and reintegration are equally problematic. The findings provide case study information on a particular set of marital experiences and relate to wider perspectives on the construction of marriage and wifehood.

Serio-Comic Journal of a Cruize, 1847-1848: annotated edition with introduction and commentary on sea journals

Atabay, Turhan Alp 07 November 2018 (has links)
When he began his journal seaman Hugh Calhoun had high hopes for the outward-bound voyage ahead of him. Ship-of-the-Line Ohio was back from the Siege of Veracruz, being prepared for her next mission, and the War was at its height. The cruize, as he called it, did not turn out as eventful as he expected it to be and yet he was nevertheless able to produce a book which bountifully embodies a short but fruitful chapter of maritime literary history. Serio-Comic Journal of a Cruize, On Board of the U. S. Ship Ohio, Commencing from New York June 23d 1847, with its full name, is a shipboard diary kept by an ordinary seaman during the Mexican-American War. The 148-page manuscript volume, located at the archives of the Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston, is a product of the maturity phase of American sea writing as Calhoun, self-consciously a Jack Tar and an American, was representing a trained, well-read and well-influenced generation of sailor-authors who lived and recorded the final years of America under sail. The past three decades have seen a progressive conceptual expansion of the themes involving the ways in which literate sailors viewed the world they lived in. Scholars of early American literature, maritime history and culture have explored the meanings and information provided in the textual products of seamen. Upon comparison with similar material found at the archives of maritime museums and historical societies, and discussions with leading maritime historians, Serio-Comic Journal proved to be a meaningful source text which, through scholarly treatment, can benefit research in multiple disciplines due to the significance of its production date and the diversity of the topics and literary forms found in it. This edition aims to provide related fields of study with a historically contextualized shipboard document in the light of these latest findings. The transcription of the complete text is presented with glossarial, historiographical and geographical notes, whereas the introductory chapters discuss several key subjects to form a framework for the better evaluation of not only the source text of the edition but the sea journal genre as a whole.

The Powerpuff Girls vs. Sailor Moon : En jämförelse av två animerade barnprograms underliggande diskurser / The Powerpuff Girls vs. Sailor Moon

Lörtscher, Yasmin January 2014 (has links)
This study is about underlying discourses of two tv-series for children from opposite parts of the globe. Focus lays on which morals and values adults choose to teach children through popular culture, even on an unaware basis and how does differ, or not, between different societies. The theoretical framework chosen for this study are semiotics in combination with the concept of the gaze by Laura Mulvey. Semiotics is the study of signs and their underlying meanings constructed by society. By studying popular culture with the tools provided by semiotic analysis it is possible to discouver underlying myths, social constructions of society, that are reproduced over and over again to remain alive. Mulveys theory of the gaze is helpfull in the process of decoding those constructions to discover the dominant partys and norms represented. In this particular study underlying structures such as patriarcal power relations, unequality between the representation of different ethnicities and the consistent presents of the male gaze where discovered. The conclusions made are that some social constructions are more global then others and that popular culture in a high degree mirrors societies norms, preferences and values.

Stress till sjöss : En kvalitativ undersökning om hur nautiska befäl ombord på svenskflaggade ro-pax fartyg upplever och hanterar stress.

Johansson, Martin, Jildermark, Christian January 2016 (has links)
Stress är något som finns ibland oss oavsett om vi blir påverkade eller inte, det finns både i vårt vardagliga liv och på arbetsplatser. Vissa människor påverkas mer än andra och hanterar stressen som finns runt omkring på olika sätt. Syftet med denna undersökning var att ta reda på hur nautiska befäl ombord på svenskflaggade ro-pax fartyg hanterar stress och om den upplevda stressen påverkar arbetet. Undersökningen genomfördes ombord på fartyg där intervjupersonerna tjänstgjorde. Studien utfördes med hjälp av kvalitativmetod och semi-strukturerad intervjumetod. Studiens resultat är från sju intervjuer med sjöbefäl och visade att det finns en hög stressnivå ombord som påverkar personalen och deras arbeten negativt, speciellt vid lastning och lossning. Studien visade också att sjöbefälen är beroende av det sociala stödet och tar hjälp av koffein för att hantera den upplevda stressen ombord. / Stress is something that exists among us whether we are affected or not, it is both in our everyday life and in the workplace. Some people are affected more than others and handle the stress that are available around in different ways. The purpose of this study was to find out how the nautical officers on board the Swedish flagged ro-pax ships handle stress and if the perceived stress affect the work. The survey was carried out on board ships where the respondents are served. The study was carried out with the help of qualitative method and semi-structured interview methods. The results of the study from the seven interviews with the ship's officers and showed that there is a high level of stress on board that affect staff and their work negatively, especially when loading and unloading. The study also showed that marine officer is dependent on the social support and take the help of caffeine to deal with the perceived stress on board.

Jaunųjų Nidos buriuotojų fizinis išsivystymas ir bendras fizinis parengtumas / Anthropometrical and general physical fitness data among Nidas sailors girls

Raudys, Zigmantas 10 September 2013 (has links)
Sportinis rengimas – įvairiapusis sudėtingas edukacinis vyksmas, apimantis sportininko mokymą ir auklėjimą, jo gebėjimų, fizinių ir psichinių ypatybių tobulinimą, harmoningą asmenybės ugdymą, sveikatos stiprinimą, gerų sportinių rezultatų siekimą. Šiuolaikiniam buriavimui būdinga didelė treniruotės krūvio apimtis ir intensyvumas. Tai reikalauja ypač gero buriuotojų fizinio parengtumo. Tyrimo tikslas ir uždaviniai Mūsų tyrimo tikslas – ištirti Nidos buriuotojų merginų fizinio parengtumo kaitą. Savo darbe mes iškėlėme tokius uždavinius: 1. Ištirti 10-14 m. Nidos buriuotojų fizinio išsivystymo kaitą; 2. Ištirti 10-14 m. Nidos buriuotojų fizinio parengtumo kaitą; 3. Palyginti tirtų sportininkių fizinį parengtumą bei fizinį išsivystymą su literatūros duomenimis; Tiriamieji ir organizavimas: Jaunųjų buriuotojų tyrimai buvo atlikti 2011, 2012 metais Nidos sporto mokykloje. Tyrimuose dalyvavo Nidos mergaitės buriuotojos (n=40), tiriamųjų amžius 10-14 m. Buriuotojų fizinį parengtumą ir išsivystymą sąlyginai charakterizavo 6 rodikliai. Fizinį išsivystymą vertinome pagal ūgio ir kūno masės rodiklius. Bendrą fizinį parengtumą charakterizavo šuolis į tolį iš vietos; dešinės ir kairės rankos plaštakos jėga; atsilenkimų skaičius per 30 s, kimšto kamuolio (2 kg) metimas Tyrimo rezultatai: Nustatyta, kad Nidos buriuotojos beveik visais amžiaus tarpsniais buvo aukštesnės lyginant su literatūroje pateiktais duomenimis. Nustatyta, kad pas mergaites buriuotojas kūno masė ir ūgis intensyviausiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Sports development - diverse educational complex process involving athletic training and education, his skills, physical and mental characteristics of the development, harmonious personality development, health promotion, good sports achievement of results. Modern boating characterized by a high volume of training load and intensity. This in particular implies sailors physical fitness. The aim and objectives Our aim of the study - to investigate Nida sailors girls physical fitness. In our work, we have set the following objectives: 1. Investigate 10-14. Nida sailors physical development change; 2. Investigate 10-14. Nida sailors physical fitness; 3. Compared tested athletes in physical fitness and physical development of the literature; Research and organization: Young sailors studies were carried out in 2011, 2012, Nida sports school. The studies involved Nida sailor girls (n = 40) of subjects aged 10-14. Sailors' physical fitness and the development of a relatively characterized the six indicators. Physical development was evaluated based on height and weight indicators. The overall physical fitness characterized the long jump out of place, the right and left hand grip strength; Lifting per 30 seconds, stuffed ball (2 kg) throw Results: It was found that Nida sailor in almost all age groups were higher compared with the literature data. It was found that girls with sailor body weight and height intensively increases from 12 years of age. It was found that in many cases the... [to full text]

Vie et métier des pêcheurs de Ροrt-en-Βessin : une communauté de marins en mutation, 1792-1945. / Port en Bessin fishermen's life and work : a changing maritime community, 1792-1945

Labonne, Marie-Pierre 21 October 2017 (has links)
Moins étudiés que les grandes pêches maritimes françaises, les petits métiers côtiers ne sontencore que peu abordés à l’échelle d’une thèse. Cette recherche à propos de la vie et desactivités halieutiques de la petite communauté des pêcheurs de Port-en-Bessin, s’inscrit doncdans une historiographie encore modeste à propos des pêches fraîches artisanales dans lespetits ports. Or parallèlement au développement des pêches industrielles dans les grands ports,la pêche artisanale portaise s’affirme dès le deuxième XIXe siècle et évolue d’une activité desubsistance vers une activité mercantile.Les recherches et les analyses menées dans cette thèse permettent de comprendre comment lepetit havre normand doté de quelques barques en 1792, devient à l’orée de la Seconde Guerremondiale le premier port du quartier de Caen. En effet, la communauté des gens de mer a su,contrairement aux stations de pêche voisines, malgré les aléas économiques, écologiques etpolitiques, s’adapter en adoptant les mutations techniques et sociales nécessaires à lapérennisation de son métier. Plus encore, à travers l’étude se dessine une catégorie de gens demer, les patrons-pêcheurs armateurs, qui tout en conservant les us traditionnels de l’activitécomme la rémunération à la part, semblent particulièrement enclins à une certaine innovation,emmenant avec eux l’ensemble de la communauté vers la réussite de l’économie halieutiquedu petit port. Enfin, quelle que soit l’époque, loin du misérabilisme souvent dépeint, lespêcheurs de Port-en-Bessin ont su tirer parti des situations les plus difficiles afin de conserverleur « aisance » voire même une certaine prospérité. / In a dissertation level, inshore occupations have been often given little attention compared to the French deep-sea fishing. Therefore, this halieutic life and activities research of littlefishermen community in Port-en-Bessin, could be inscribed in a air short historiography ofoutports wet fishery craft. Nevertheless, traditional port fishing, asserts itself during thesecond part of 19th century simultaneously to the great ports industrial fisheries. This up untilthen subsistence activity moves to a commercial level.The research and analysis leaded to this dissertation, enable to understand, how this littleNormand haven provided only with some small boats in 1792, becomes on the cusp of WW2the major port of Caen. Actually in order to keep their occupation longevity and despite thefinancial, environmental and political hazards, the seafarer community has managed to getused to them by taking on technical and social changes, unlike nearby fishing stations.Moreover, this study outlines a seafarers category, the skipper ship-owners. They seemparticularly prone to accept innovation leading the whole of the community to the halieuticfinancial success of small ports, whilst keeping the activity’s essentials such as the “sharedwage”system. Lastly, regardless of the era and long way from the miserabilism often evoked,Port-en-Bessin fishermen made good use of the most difficult circumstances in order to keeptheir “material comfort” and get even some affluence.

Československá námořní plavba očima československých námořníků (1959 -1989) / Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping in memory of Czechoslovak sailors (1959-1989)

Krátká, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The main target of the work is to extend our current knowledge concerning history of the Czechoslovak Ocean Shipping company during the period from the company's founding in 1959 until year 1989. The main basis for this task fulfillment there are interviews with former Czechoslovak sailors realized with help of the oral history method. Beside this, the paper is supported also by archive materials. The text reflects certain specificity of the topic (maritime business running in the inland country, in addition country ruled by non-democratic regime) and it aims to the company's history; but its main part is concentrated on the sailors' living conditions. It processes direct testimonies about sailors' life and work on Czechoslovak ships; there are included topics as travelling, emigration, direct experience with communist regime on ships, private life of sailors, and their father and husband role. The author does not propose definite conclusions; her effort is aimed to see the topic from various points of view. Sailors are not portrayed as exceptional people but as men whose meaning of life was work on the sea. And this fact principally influenced their lives as well as lives of their families.

Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) manpower requirements analysis

Douangaphaivong, Thaveephone NMN. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / The Littoral Combat Ship's (LCS) minimally manned core crew goal is 15 to 50 manpower requirements and the threshold, for both core and mission-package crews, is 75 to 110. This dramatically smaller crew size will require more than current technologies and past lessons learned from reduced manning initiatives. Its feasibility depends upon changes in policy and operations, leveraging of future technologies and increased Workload Transfer from sea to shore along with an increased acceptance of risk. A manpower requirements analysis yielded a large baseline (200) requirement to support a notional LCS configuration. Combining the common systems from the General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin designs with other assumed equipments (i.e. the combined diesel and gas turbine (CODAG) engineering plant) produce the notional LCS configuration used as the manpower requirements basis. The baseline requirement was reduced through the compounded effect of manpower savings from Smart Ship and OME and suggested paradigm shifts. A Battle Bill was then created to support the notional LCS during Conditions of Readiness I and III. An efficient force deployment regime was adopted to reduce the overall LCS class manpower requirement. The efficiency gained enables the LCS force to "flex" and satisfy deployment requirements with 25% to 30% fewer manpower requirements over the "one-forone" crewing concept. costs $60K. / Lieutenant, United States Navy

The motif of the water journey as a metaphor for philosophical enquiry in selected novels of Herman Melville and Joseph Conrad

Rossouw, Leon Armand 01 March 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 7639580 - MA research report - Faculty of Humanities / This research report explores the motif of the water journey as a metaphor for philosophical enquiry in Melville and Conrad by comparing Moby-Dick with Heart of Darkness, and Billy Budd, Sailor with Lord Jim. It takes as its starting-point M.H. Abrams’s essay, “Spiritual Travelers in Western Literature”, and adapts the typology which he introduces by identifying four different kinds of fictional journey, namely, the physical, the experiential, the narrative and the hermeneutic. By concentrating on a broadly-based semiotic approach to interpretation (while also allowing for other critical possibilities), it examines Melville and Conrad’s treatment of certain pivotal issues in metaphysics, epistemology and ethics. It compares the narrative strategies of the two authors and, by offering close readings of the four texts under discussion, it highlights the similarities and differences in the authors’ responses to a universe of teasing complexity, as well as exploring the reader’s engagement with such texts.

Revisiting the gentleman : a study of hegemonic masculinity in the works of Jane Austen

Olguin, Suyin 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

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