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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Occupant Detection using Computer Vision

Klomark, Marcus January 2000 (has links)
The purpose of this master’s thesis was to study the possibility to use computer vision methods to detect and classify objects in the front passenger seat in a car. This work presents different approaches to solve this problem and evaluates the usefulness of each technique. The classification information should later be used to modulate the speed and the force of the airbag, to be able to provide each occupant with optimal protection and safety. This work shows that computer vision has a great potential in order to provide data, which may be used to perform reliable occupant classification. Future choice of method to use depends on many factors, for example costs and requirements on the system from laws and car manufacturers. Further, evaluation and tests of the methods in this thesis, other methods, the ABE approach and post-processing of the results should also be made before a reliable classification algorithm may be written.

Passagerarnas attityder till säkerhet och risker på en finlandsfärja : -en fortsättningsstudie över attityder om säkerhet när turisten färdas på världens vackraste motorväg, utan att ens hålla i ratten

Magnusson, Helena January 2011 (has links)
Det finns vissa risker förenat med att vara resenär ombord på en färja. Att resa med ett passagerarfartyg har mer och mer utvecklats till en fritidsaktivitet där själva resandet ofta är av underordnad betydelse. Tidigare forskning visar att cirka 13 procent av passagerarna inte tar till sig den allra viktigaste säkerhetsinformationen. Attityden bland passagerare verkar vara en något likgiltig inställning till säkerhetsinformation, trots tidigare olyckor. Syftet är att studera passagerarnas attityder till säkerhetsinformation ombord på en nattfärja som trafikerar Sverige-Finland. Fokus ligger på attityder till de risker man kan utsättas för på grund av att man är i en okänd miljö när man reser med en färja. Föreliggande studie är en uppföljning av magisteruppsatsen ”Operatörernas attityder till säkerhet på finlandsfärjorna” (Magnusson, 2010). Följande frågeställningar valdes för att kunna uppnå uppsatsens syfte: -          Tar passagerare del av den säkerhetsinformation som tillhandahålls av rederiet? -          Anges något skäl till varför man inte tagit del av säkerhetsinformationen? -          Förstår passagerare vad olika symboler och larm betyder?   I denna uppsats användes intervjuer som metod, eftersom intresset är riktat mot passagerarens ståndpunkt och attityder angående säkerhetsinformation ombord på ett passagerarfartyg. Vidare var avsikten att fånga upp vad passageraren upplever som relevant och viktigt. Intervjuer skedde bland svensktalade passagerare ombord på en finlandsfärja. Resultat av studien visar att passagerarna ansåg att säkerhetsinformation är mycket viktigt, men ändå fanns det uppenbara brister i deras inhämtande av den säkerhetsrelaterade information som faktiskt tillhandahölls av rederiet. Flera passagerare läste av olika anledningar inte den information som presenteras. Som skäl till varför de inte hade tagit del av befintlig information angavs att de inte hade hunnit, att det vid tillfället var bra väder, att de litade på besättningen och att fartyget ansågs vara säkert. De allra flesta passagerare i undersökningen var nöjesresenärer och de flesta av dem hade rest med det aktuella fartyget tidigare. Av de 48 intervjuade passagerarna visste de flesta var man kan få tag på säkerhetsinformation ombord, men de hade inte tagit del av den. Passagerarna svarade att det går att få information i hytten, på skyltar, samt att det vid behov går att fråga i fartygets Information. Flera passagerare hade inte hört säkerhetsutropet via fartygets PA-system i samband med avgång och det tycks till största delen ha berott på att de inte hade lyssnat ordentligt och att det var för mycket bakgrundssorl. Flera passagerare visste inte vad de skulle göra vid ett eventuellt utrymningslarm (sju korta och en lång signal) och flertalet av passagerarna visste inte heller vilken samlingsstation de tillhörde och vilket däck den låg på. Tre skyltar förevisades för passagerarna (pil för utrymningsväg, samlingsstation och barnlivbälte) och även om inte alla passagerare visste vad de betydde, så kunde de räkna ut de två första genom slutledningsförmåga, men symbolen för barnlivbälte begreps bara av hälften av de tillfrågade. / There are some risks involved when travelling onboard a ferry. Travelling with passenger ferries has increasingly evolved into a recreational activity and the journey itself is often of secondary importance. Previous research has shown that approximately 13 percent of the passengers do not receive the most important safety information. The attitude among several passengers seems to be a somewhat indifferent approach toward safety, despite previous accidents. The purpose was to study the passengers’ attitudes to safety information onboard a night ferry in traffic between Sweden-Finland. The focus is on attitudes to the risks you may face because of being in an unfamiliar environment when you travel by ferry. This study is a follow up to the D-level master thesis “The operators’ attitudes towards safety on the ferries Sweden-Finland” (Magnusson, 2010). The following questions were selected to achieve the purpose for this thesis: -          Do passengers take part of the safety information provided by the shipping company? -          Is there any reason given why the information was not absorbed? -          Do passengers understand the different symbols and alarms?   In this thesis interviews were used as method. The main interest was focused on the passenger's outlook and attitudes on safety on board a passenger ferry. Furthermore, the intention was to catch the passengers believes in what is relevant and important. The interviews were done with Swedish speaking passengers. The result of the study showed that passengers believed that safety is very important; yet there were obvious deficiencies in their gathering of the safety-related information that actually was provided by the Company. Several passengers did not, for various reasons, read the information presented. As reasons for why they had not taken note of the available information, they said they had not had time, it was good weather during the voyage, they trusted the crew and the ship was considered to be safe. The vast majority of the passengers in the survey were leisure travellers, and most of them had travelled with the ship earlier. Among the 48 interviewed passengers, the majority knew where to find safety information on board, but they did not take it in. The passengers said that it is possible to get information in the cabin, on signs, and if necessary go to the ship’s reception. Several passengers had not heard the safety announcement by the ship's PA system at the departure and it seems it was because they had not listened properly and that there was too much murmur. Many passengers did not know what to do in case of an evacuation alarm (seven short and one prolonged blast) and most of the passengers did not know which assembly station they belonged and which deck it was located on. Three symbols were shown to the passengers (evacuation route arrow, assembly station and children’s life jacket) and although not all the passengers knew what they imply, they could figure out the first two symbols by reasoning, but the symbol of children’s life jacket was understood only by half of the respondents.

Impacts of the Introduction of an Express Transit Service in Waterloo Region

Farahani, Samira January 2007 (has links)
For more than a century, public transportation has played a significant role in society. Transit agencies, like other service industries, are intent on improving their quality of service so as to increase transit ridership and attract passengers from other modes. In recent years transportation technologies have been improved which increase safety, mobility for people and goods, and reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions. An evaluation of the impacts of these operational and technological advancements is required for transit agencies to capture the potential benefits for their systems. The Region Municipality of Waterloo (RMOW), a mid-size region in Ontario has implemented an express transit service (iXpress) in Sept, 2005. The service has longer distances between stops and incorporates advanced technologies. The goal is to increase transit ridership and, as a result, to reduce GHG emissions. This research has been conducted to study the iXpress service and to develop several methods to determine the impacts of high speed transit service on passenger attraction, operational efficiency, and regional air quality. In this research, the change in total cost of travel between origin destination pairs is correlated to changes in observed ridership. Further, several surveys were conducted in the RMOW to evaluate the travel pattern changes of residents who switched from other modes to iXpress. Based on fuel consumption data, a model of GHG emissions as a function of route and vehicle characteristics has been developed to capture the operational impacts of a new iXpress service. The iXpress service of Grand River Transit (GRT) has been successful in attracting riders despite delays in technology implementation. The cost analysis presented in this research shows that the introduction of iXpress resulted in approximately 30% reduction in overall cost of travel by transit. As a result, ridership (boardings) has increased by 11% and 46% in the northern and southern sections of the iXpress service area respectively, while accounting for overall growth in the system. An analysis of travel patterns and mode shifts suggest that travelers switching from auto mode to iXpress have resulted in annualized reduction of approximately 530 tonnes of GHG. A fuel consumption analysis indicates that buses on the iXpress route have an average fuel consumption rate of 0.54 L/km while, buses serving local route consumes fuel of a rate of 0.62 L/km.

The Creative Technological Management and Global Logistics Management added Selling to The Top in TAIWAN´s elevator property .

Huang, Chi-Wen 05 July 2005 (has links)
Abstract In every prosperous city of the world , we could see the elevators in the huge buildings and great mansions , the escalators in the department stores and the passenger conveyers in the shopping mall or in the airport. People were dependent on the products of the elevator properties in deep. In this research , we used the analysis of the Delphi to inquire into the elevator property to find out the factors that made this property to be successful. The most important characterists are¡Gthe Global Logistics Management, the Creative Technlogical Management and Selling to the Top. The distinguishing features of the products of the elevator¡¦s property were such as¡G 1. In TAIWAN, the top 8 of the elevator¡¦s factory owners manufactured the elevators and also the related products together with the Global Logistics Management. 2. They paid more attentions to the studying ability and the tempo of the Creative Technlogical Management in order to change with each passing day and to keep improving. 3. The expenses of every project were enormous and the competed tactics were nimble. 4. Except for the top director , no one could make the decision. 5. It was not easy to handle the extensively selling market. 6. The educational background and the professional career of every regional director of the competed factory were all superior. In this study, I sincerely hope that I could do whatever is best for the elevator¡¦s property.

Dynamic Investigation And Rehabilitation Of Existing Railway Truss Bridge Under High Speed Train Loadings For Passenger Comfort

Mutlu, Gunduz 01 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In Turkey, big investments are made to improve the existing train lines for use of new high speed trains. Most of the bridges on the existing train lines are typical and in this thesis one of the standard types, the classic steel truss bridge is investigated. This thesis presents the dynamic investigation of standard type existing truss bridge for passenger comfort criteria under the high speed train loadings. Two different computational analysis models have been developed to idealize the vehicle-bridge modeling to evaluate the passenger comfort that were influenced by dynamic vibrations on bridges induced by trains. Field tests of this bridge have been conducted by two separate institutes, Middle East Technical University and Turkish State Railways, to determine the state of the bridge under existing low-speed train loadings. Eigenvalue and Time history analysis of the LARSA 4D structural analysis program has been used to investigate the vehicle bridge interactions. The solutions obtained from the analysis have been evaluated with the experimental results. Different rehabilitation options are analytically studied to improve the serviceability of standard steel truss bridges per Eurocode 1990:2002, Eurocode 1991-2:2003, UIC 774-3 and UIC 776-1. The focus of this research is to define a relationship between span weight per meter and passenger comfort as well as the stiffness of this type of bridge.

Airports' connective role in megaregions

Katz, Donald Samuel 18 November 2010 (has links)
The megaregion spatial form has grown in prominence in recent years in planning thought, but the relationship between megaregions and the aviation sector is rather untouched in research. The purpose of this study is to examine the role airports play as transportation hubs for megaregions, and how the megaregions are connected through air traffic. Comparing the megaregions involved an empirical study using attribute data about the megaregions and the flows between them. The infrastructure in the megaregions was compared by density and type of airports, including an examination into airline hubs. The connectivity between megaregions, non-megaregion areas, and the international market was analyzed employing T-100 data, separating the analysis for the passenger and freight sectors. The top flows in the country were examined, along with the relationships each megaregion has individually, and particularly their internal flows. Megaregions are much more active in air travel than non-megaregion areas due to a larger presence of airline hubs and greater infrastructure. The international component of the passenger and freight sectors is growing the fastest in relation to megaregions, but only for the freight sector is this the largest component. The largest component of the passenger sector is the flows between megaregions. Flows within megaregions for the passenger sector are growing slowly and are declining in the freight sector, but short-haul air traffic continues to be the cause of congestion. The megaregion is a suitable level to manage infrastructure investment to better prepare the regions for the coming growth. A megaregion-level institution is best suited to managing the issues which must be faced by the numerous jurisdictions.

The relevant market : From an air passenger perspective

Sioulas, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
<p>This thesis intends to analyze and clarify the relevant market within air passenger transport. Further the thesis intends to investigate if there is any difference in air passenger transport in accordance to more general business. The definition of the relevant market is an essential step in order to establish a breach under European competition law. The relevant market includes the relevant product market and the relevant geographic market. The fundamental issue in the relevant product market is whether products are considered to be substitutable and can constitute the same market. The Commission has set a notice which includes methods and criterias and serves as guidelines to courts and companies to define the relevant market. The notice is however not binding for courts. The CJ have developed implementation of the criterias which it tends to refer to even if it is a different branch, however a case-by-case based definition is needed. The definition of the relevant market is based on three main criterias: demand substitutability, supply substitutability and potential competition. Even though the supply substitutability seems not be implemented in a further extension in more general branches, it seems to be of greater importance when defining the relevant market within air passenger transport. The air passenger transport has also established a test called base of origin and base of destination which includes an analysis of price, travel frequencies, comfort of the journey, transfer time to terminals and differences in the qualities and quantities in airports.  However according to air passenger transport, travel sequences seems to be the criteria that courts focus most on.</p>

Modularised Passenger Seats

Andersson, Anna, Wallin, Åsa January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose with this master’s thesis, with Scania CV AB in Södertälje as job initiator, has been to develop three different passenger seat concepts with focus on modularisation, functionality and production. The different concepts are: a foldable passenger seat, which is possible to fold away completely, a bench for two passengers, and a resting seat for resting during breaks when the vehicle is parked.</p><p>The main tools used during the search for concept solutions have been brainstorming, morphological analyses, and evaluation matrixes. Prototypes have been made in order to visualise the ideas but also for the possibility to test them in a real truck cabin and by that find advantages but also flaws. Final product specifications has been made and with that guidelines for a continued development work.</p><p>Experiences gained during this thesis work has been that by using ergonomic data and theories, well thought through designs, and standardised interfaces a good result can be achieved, which fulfils the demands and wishes placed on the future product.</p>

輸入二手汽車至非洲之商業企劃書 / Business plan: Used cars exportation to Africa

戴瑞飛, Raphaël Delattre Unknown Date (has links)
此商業企劃書是為了探討從歐洲出口二手車到非洲的可行性。 / The purpose of this business plan is to determine the feasibility of a used cars business exportation from Europe to Africa for Roufai who is a friend of my half-brother Florent. In many countries, the economic development is linked to the rise of the automotive industry, which has already started in Nigeria and still be pursued under the Nigerian Industrial Revolution Plan. This plan aims at increasing the implication of the manufacturing industry into the Nigerian Gross Domestic Product. However, the increase in the automotive market is mostly due to cars importations (around 100,000 new and 300,000 used from the public figures, and according the official Nigerian state, it is 50,000 new and 200,000 used). And the current production is around 100,000 units of mainly buses and trucks. Therefore there is room to fill in by providing used cars in good condition at a competitive price. The aim would be to answer the growing demand of the Nigerian market first, and then expand the operation to Nigeria’s neighbours like Cameroon. The company would be in charge of the following operations: collecting used cars, checkout and eventual repairs, exporting vehicles to Africa and importing them in the giant parking of Cotonou (and eventually Lomé) before selling the vehicles to intermediary agent for the traditional channel, and exporting the cars until the final customer for the online channel. We strongly believe we can achieve our objectives by providing the whole supply chain with very few intermediaries for the online channel and offering a global solution integrating all the services to bring the cars to the giant parking resellers, with competitive prices, good vehicles quality due to excellent supply and reliable repairs, and with a great understanding and responsiveness to the demand using the web. The aim is to gain 0.3% of the Nigerian market share by 2020 and to grow thanks to both investors and banks to reach a net income of 3%.

Impacts of new large aircraft on passenger flows at international airport terminals

Chiu, Chiung-yu 16 May 2011 (has links)
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