Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe ded cross"" "subject:"ehe ded gross""
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O modelo militar no ensino de Enfermagem: um olhar histórico sob a perspectiva foucaultiana / The Military Model in Nursing Education: A Historical Look under the Foucaultian perspectiveMárcia Cristina da Cruz Mecone 15 October 2014 (has links)
Introdução: O presente estudo resgatou a reconfiguração da Escola de Enfermagem da Cruz Vermelha Filial Estado de São Paulo (EECVB-FESP) nos anos de 1940-1945, cuja instituição foi propagadora do modelo militar de ensino na enfermagem, caracterizado por relações disciplinadas e hierarquizadas dos saberes e das práticas da enfermagem. Objetivos: Esse estudo teve como objetivos: discutir elementos que configuraram os jogos de poder, saber e verdade na formação da EECVB FESP; analisar o dispositivo pedagógico que fomentava o ensino de enfermagem e seus efeitos na constituição dos modos de subjetivação nas mulheres-alunas; analisar as relações de saber/poder e a produção dos modos de subjetivação dos sujeitos no âmbito do ensino oferecido pela EECVB-FESP e discutir aspectos da legislação vigente à época, bem como seus desdobramentos sobre o ensino da enfermagem e o modelo militar de ensino dessa escola. Método: Optou-se pelo referencial proposto por Michel Foucault, tendo como base os enunciados discursivos das fontes midiáticas e documentais, que dão sustentação ao estudo, pois possibilitaram a problematização e a análise dos achados e trouxeram à tona as relações de saber-poder no campo da formação da enfermeira na EECVB-FESP. Segundo esse referencial, o pesquisador da história busca desvelar o que está posto, lança outras indagações sobre o óbvio que, por vezes, passam despercebidas no cotidiano. As fontes utilizadas foram constituídas de matérias e propagandas jornalísticas veiculadas no jornal A Gazeta, matérias publicadas nas revistas da Cruz Vermelha Brasileira e documentos da própria EECVB-FESP. Ao tomar como objeto de estudo os discursos que emergem destas fontes sobre a formação em enfermagem, a análise centrou-se na articulação e circulação das relações de saber-poder no contexto pedagógico contemporâneo. Resultados e discussão: A década de 1940 foi um período marcante na historiografia brasileira, sobretudo os primeiros anos pelas mobilizações ensejadas pela Segunda Guerra Mundial (1939-1945) e sua imersão numa política ditatorial denominada Estado Novo (1937-1945). Entre outras profissões, a enfermagem encontrava-se presente na maquinaria de poder imbricadas do governo vigente à época, alavancando estratégias que, realocavam e reafirmavam o papel da mulher na sociedade, seja como a mãe, a esposa e a filha, ou seja, a cuidadora. O rol de documentos examinados à luz do referencial proposto perfaz uma teia discursiva que, por um lado, justifica e atualiza a importância da formação em enfermagem no período e nas possibilidades de emancipação da mulher para o espaço público. Os dados revelaram, ainda, que atrelada à falta de autonomia, havia representações da enfermeira formada pela EECVB-FESP perpassadas pelos ideais do altruísmo e da abnegação, os quais requeriam baixa complexidade de conhecimento científico para práticas das ações no contexto do cuidado enfrentadas pelos profissionais nos tempos e espaços em que tradicionalmente atuavam. No contexto legal da época, observou-se que as legislações sobre o ensino de enfermagem reforçavam o modelo militar da formação dos profissionais de enfermagem e, portanto, davam ênfase à disciplina e à hierarquização. Conclusão: As fontes analisadas, sobretudo na perspectiva midiática da época não veiculavam apenas informações, opiniões e comentários sobre as alunas/mulheres/enfermeiras, mas compunham enunciados que podem ser problematizados, pois prescreviam as formas de fazer, aprender, de ensinar e, sobretudo, de ser e de compreender o mundo, arregimentando assim uma eficaz maquinaria de governabilidade pedagógica do ensino de enfermagem do período, com forte ênfase na conduta e na disciplinarização do corpus da enfermagem. O modelo militar de formação da enfermeira a EECVB-FESP é um retrato do interesse do Estado Novo de transformar a mulher-enfermeira em mãe cuidadosa, zelosa, dócil, mas servil pois orquestrada pela dominação masculina / Introduction: This study rescued the reconfiguration of the School of Nursing, Red Cross Branch State of São Paulo (EECVB-HSPA) in the years 1940-1945, of which was a propagator of the military model of education in nursing, characterized by disciplined and hierarchical relationships the knowledge and practice of nursing. Objectives: This study aimed to: discuss elements that configure the games of power, knowledge and truth in the formation of EECVB - FESP; analyze pedagogic device that fostered nursing education and its effects on the constitution of the modes of subjectivity in women pupils; analyze the relations of power / knowledge and the production of modes of subjectivity of the subjects in teaching offered by EECVB-HSPA and discuss aspects of current legislation at the time, as well as their impacts on nursing education and the military model of education that school. Method: We chose the framework proposed by Michel Foucault, based on the discursive statements of media and documentary sources, that support the study, enabling us to questioning and analyzing the findings and brought to light the relations of power-knowledge in field training of nurses in EECVB-HSPA. According to this framework, the researcher of history seeks to unveil what is laid, launches other questions about the obvious that sometimes go unnoticed in everyday life. The sources used were composed of matter and conveyed newspaper advertisements in the newspaper A Gazeta, published articles in the journals of the Brazilian Red Cross and documents own EECVB-HSPA. Taking as an object of study the discourses that emerge from these sources on nursing education, the analysis focused on the articulation and circulation of knowledge-power relations in contemporary pedagogical context. Results and discussion: The 1940s was a watershed period in Brazilian history, especially the early years by movements ensejadas the Second World War (1939-1945) and his immersion in a dictatorial policy named Novo (1937-1945) State. Among other professions, nursing was present in the machinery of intertwined power of government force at the time, leveraging strategies that realocavam and reaffirmed the role of women in society, either as a mother, wife and daughter, ie the caregiver. The list of documents examined in the light of the proposed reference amounts to a discursive web that on the one hand, and updates justifies the importance of nursing education in the period and the possibilities of emancipation of women into public space. The data also revealed that linked to a lack of autonomy, there were representations made by the nurse-EECVB FESP pervaded by the ideals of altruism and selflessness, which required low complexity of scientific knowledge for practical actions in the context of care faced by professionals the times and spaces in which traditionally worked. In the legal context of the time, it was observed that the laws on nursing education reinforced the military model of training of nursing and therefore gave emphasis on discipline and hierarchy. Conclusion: The sources analyzed, especially in the media perspective of the time not only veiculavam information, opinions and comments about the girls / women / nurses, but made up statements that can be problematized, as prescribed forms to do, learn, teach and above, of being and understanding the world, so mustering an effective pedagogical machinery of governance of education of nursing, with strong emphasis on conduct and disciplining of the corpus of nursing. The military model of training of nurses EECVB-HSPA is a picture of the interest of the State of New transforming the woman-nurse in careful, dutiful, docile mother, but servile as orchestrated by male domination.
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L'engagement des femmes dans les sociétés françaises de la Croix-Rouge 1864-1940 / Commitment of women in french companies of the red cross. 1864-1940Roudière, Patrick 01 December 2017 (has links)
A la fin du XIXe siècle, trois sociétés françaises de la Croix-Rouge apparaissent. Ces associations humanitaires sont auxiliaires du Service de Santé des armées. Les hommes et les femmes bénévoles soignent les soldats français blessés. Les femmes bénévoles sont infirmières, conductrices automobiles, etc. Peu à peu, elles s'imposent et deviennent essentielle dans le fonctionnement général des Croix-Rouges. Aux yeux des hauts gradés militaires, des médecins et des hommes des Croix-Rouges, elles se rendent indispensables par leurs zèles, leurs dévouements, leurs sacrifices notamment lors de la guerre entre la France de Napoléon III et la Prusse (1870-1871), pour la première fois véritablement pendant la Grande Guerre (1914-1918) et la Seconde Guerre mondiale (1939-1945). En temps de paix, les femmes sont polyvalentes. Elles collectent des fonds, tissent des réseaux avec les populations locales, les milieux économiques et politiques. Elles recrutent de nouvelles bénévoles pour les former ensuite au métier d'infirmière. Ces femmes appartiennent aux milieux aisés de la noblesse et de la bourgeoisie. Elles remplacent leurs homologues masculins quand ils sont en sous-effectifs à certaines fonctions et selon les périodes. Elles permettent aux Croix-Rouges de continuer à assurer leurs missions en faveur des combattants blessés, des victimes d'épidémies et catastrophes naturelles. Les femmes engagées dans les Croix-Rouges ont un destin extraordinaire. / At the end of the nineteenth century, three French companies of the Red Cross appear. These humanitarian organizations are auxiliaries of the Health Service of the Armed. Men and women volunteers care for the wounded French soldiers. Volunteers are women nurses, auto conductive, etc. Gradually they become necessary and essential in the overall functioning of the Red Cross. In the eyes of senior military officers, doctors and men of the Red Cross, they make themselves indispensable by their zeals, their devotion, their sacrifices particularly during the war between France and Napoleon III of Prussia (1870-1871), for the first time really in the Great War (1914-1918) and World War II (1939-1945). In peacetime, women are versatile. They raise funds, weave networks with local populations, economic and political circles. They recruit new volunteers for the next train as a nurse. These women belong to the upper classes of the nobility and bourgeoisie. They replace their male counterparts when they are understaffed in certain functions and over time. They allow the Red Cross to continue to assurer their missions for the wounded fighters, victims of natural disasters and epidemics. Women involved in the Red Cross have an extraordinary destiny.
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Debt management and revenue–enhancing strategies : a case study of the Hospital Fees Department at the Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital for the period 2008 – 2012Poggenpoel, Deon Conway January 2015 (has links)
Masters in Public Administration - MPA / Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital (RCWMCH), located in Cape Town,
South Africa, is the only hospital in sub-Saharan Africa dedicated to children. It renders world–class public health-care services to sick children; 95% of which come from the poor, local and distant communities and require specialised treatment to recover. This case study aims to explore the factors associated with debt management and revenue-enhancing strategies in the Hospital Fees Department (HFD). The primary objective of the study is to examine the way in which the hospital manages outstanding debt and identify different empirical methods to improve revenue collection. In order to ensure the cost recovery of services, members of the public are billed and the expectation is, of course, for the bills to be paid. The hospital has a Hospital Information System (HIS) in place that consists of Clinicom and the Accounts Receivable System (ARS). The business design of Clinicom ensures that patient information is recorded and billed correctly. The ARS, on the other hand, ensures the collection of debt and reconciliation of state funds. The reason for choosing the HFD is that this component influences service delivery and funding. The importance of cost recovery to improve service delivery coincides with the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa and it is for this reason that people have the right to basic services. By making for sure revenues are collected, it ensures that the improved health-care services, to which they are entitled, are delivered to members of the public at the RCWMCH. The primary approach employed to collect information is made using structured questions and interviews with the members of the public and the RCWMCH management. The secondary approach is through the use of books in the field of finance, the HFD annual reports and policies. The study concludes with findings and makes recommendations to the RCWMCH management, the South African government and the academic arena at large. The researched information can be used as a tool to manage outstanding debt and improve revenue collection for the RCWMCH and other hospitals that face similar circumstances.
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Work identity and motivations among female volunteers as a function of attitudes toward women and gender role.Mella, Sandra Smith 01 January 1991 (has links)
No description available.
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'On the Run' - How does a role-play develop empathy for refugees?Larsson, Olivia January 2020 (has links)
The thesis investigates the relation between empathy for refugees and the experience of participation in a role-play as an educational tool, by focusing on the role-play “On the Run” by the Swedish Red Cross Youth Association. This role-play starts with an introduction, includes a one-hour long play where the participants take roles of family members who have to flee their country, and ends with a debriefing that is argued to be important for the emotional understanding of the participation in the role-play. The thesis explores how this role-play develops empathy for refugees, and how it affects the learning process. The result of the study is presented, which employed an online questionnaire with open-ended questions concerning how the former participants experienced and reflected on the role-play. The analysis of the answers shows that the participants generally appreciated the role-play, that empathy can be identified in their answers as a result of the participation, and that both affective empathy and perspective-taking empathy can be identified as outcomes of that role-play.
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Design záchranářské helikoptéry / Design of Rescue HelicopterBlatoň, Jan January 2013 (has links)
This thesis solves design of rescue helicopters. It is a machine designed especially for rescuing injured people. It does not exclude the possibility of other uses. The aim is to design an extraordinary and timeless construction machine compliance with all technical and technological requirements. Emphasis is placed on innovative design and functionality. Design is designed after a detailed analysis and using the experience and information gained during their studies at the college.
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Factors Involved in the Retention of American Red Cross Disaster and Emergency Services VolunteersMoravick, Suzanne Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
According to the Corporation for National and Community Service (2007), 33% of workers who volunteer in one year do not volunteer the next year. Retention of disaster and emergency services volunteers is a problem because permanent disaster volunteers save governments and society millions of dollars each year. The purpose of this quantitative, cross-sectional study was to address the problem of retention of American Red Cross disaster and emergency services volunteers. The primary research question for this study examined the predictive strength of positive emotions, resiliency, coping, and post-traumatic growth, in the retention of disaster and emergency services volunteers. The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions combined with the organismic valuing theory of growth through adversity created the optimal research foundation for driving the hypotheses for the research question. This study used a self-report survey to collect data from a nonprobability convenience sample of 120 American Red Cross Disaster and Emergency Services volunteers. Standard multiple linear regression analyses revealed that none of the independent variables statistically predicted retention. Independent-groups t-tests revealed that, a debriefing at the disaster location showed significant mean differences when examining retention. The American Red Cross and other disaster relief organizations can use the results of this study to develop strategies to address organizational factors that enhance the experiences of their disaster and emergency services volunteers and thus strive to improve retention.
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Implementation of coping and adaptive measures by non-governmental organisations during drought : A case-study of the international federation of the red cross and crescent societies in Sub-Saharan AfricaKarlsson, Oskar January 2021 (has links)
This thesis focuses on cases of drought since it is one of the most common and disastrous natural hazards that we experience on earth. Non-governmental organisations have traditionally offered humanitarian aid directed to response and relief measures. However, research shows that more long-term adaptive measures are more effective in reducing vulnerability and decreasing disaster risk. This thesis investigates how the International federation of the red cross and crescent society (IFRC) engage in vulnerability reducing measures through short-term coping and long-term adaptive measures and if it is in line with what the research presented in the theory section of this thesis has shown is the most effective way. Through the use of qualitative content analysis and a case-study design, four reports from two cases of drought in Sub-Saharan Africa have been analysed. The results indicate that the IFRC are still more prone to implement coping measures, but that adaptive measures are visible throughout the entirety of their projects. This thesis will have nuanced the work of Non-governmental organisations in disaster-struck areas and to contribute to future studies by its generalisability.
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Science, Nurses, Physicians and Disease: The Role of Medicine in the Construction of a Modern Japanese IdentityPadilla, Roberto Ramon, II 25 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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An historical study of adult education in the American Red Cross from 1940 to 1947Hankin, Mary Ann January 1987 (has links)
The purpose of this inquiry is to investigate the depth and breadth of involvement of the American Red Cross as an adult education agent from 1940 to 1947. Adult education was broadly defined as any process to improve adults' skill, knowledge, or sensitivity by formal or informal means in a variety of settings and using various materials to enhance learning. The terms training and education were used synonymously.
Two major research questions focused the study: (1) What is the historical background of the Red Cross and its relationship to adult education? Supporting questions addressed the Red Cross response to government requests and to national crises, and initiation by the Red Cross of adult education programs and activities. (2) How did the American Red Cross act as an adult education agent from 1940 to 1947? Supporting questions focused on the sanction for adult education; administrative structures; the development, delivery, and unique characteristics of Red Cross programs and activities; and volunteer recruitment.
Results indicated that the American Red Cross, early in its history, fostered adult education and promoted programs and activities that filled a gap or addressed a specific need. This effort continued during and after World War II, with services to the Armed Forces and in response to needs of civilians.
Programs and activities were developed or modified to prepare citizens for civilian defense, to help women who were left as heads of households, and to assist millions of volunteers helping in the war effort. Members of the Armed Forces were taught survival skills in combat in and around water, convalescent swimming, and first aid. Staff learned to help members of the Armed Forces maintain morale through recreation and recuperation activities and to provide social services to the Armed Forces, veterans, and their families. Over 14 million people received certificates for specific courses taken under the auspices of the Red Cross during the period between fiscal years 1940 and 1947. During fiscal years 1941 to 1945, over 687 million man-hours of service were donated by volunteers.
The professions of medical and psychiatric social work grew from job functions established by the Red Cross in military hospitals, and the Red Cross was responsible for giving the recreation profession a major boost. Other programs such as the nurse's aide, water safety, and the Town and Country Nursing program, the latter the forerunner of public health nursing, were established by the American Red Cross. The Red Cross was reported to be the first organization to teach first aid. Overall, the American Red Cross touched the lives of millions of U.S. citizens and people around the world with its adult education programs, which stemmed from its mission to help others in need. / Ed. D.
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