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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La franc-maçonnerie et la notion de secret dans l'Angleterre du XXe siècle : de la Seconde Guerre mondiale aux années 2000 / Freemasonry and the notion of secrecy in 20th century England

Brown-Peroy, Amanda 21 October 2016 (has links)
Les motivations de cette organisation ont toujours intrigué, voire dérangé, de nombreux observateurs extérieurs, pour des raisons qui allaient de pair avec l’époque : les questions religieuses ont toujours occupé une place prépondérante, au XVIIIe siècle comme de nos jours, bien que le débat se soit déplacé quelque peu. Une certaine incompréhension demeure toujours, alimentée par les francs-maçons eux-mêmes et la nature même de la fraternité, à savoir son aspect secret, ou du moins discret. Une constante qui est partagée à travers les siècles et les pays, et que les francs-maçons de toutes les grandes loges tentent de contrer, niant l’accusation selon laquelle la Franc-maçonnerie serait une « société secrète », admettant seulement le fait qu’elle est une société « avec des secrets ». La distinction étant ténue, elle est souvent perdue aux yeux des « profanes », c'est-à-dire des non-initiés, qui bien souvent portent un regard si ce n’est négatif, du moins prudent, sur cette association qui tait volontairement une partie de ses rites au public. On ne peut discuter de la nature secrète de la Franc-maçonnerie sans évoquer la contrepartie négative qu’elle soulève, à savoir « l’anti-maçonnisme » et la théorie du complot, apparu dès la fin du XVIIIe siècle, et régulièrement « ressuscité ». Nous étudierons plusieurs affaires soulignant ces accusations conspirationnistes, dont les médias, notamment durant la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle, se sont fait le relai. Cette étude abordera plusieurs grandes thématiques liées au secret : la place des femmes, la religion, la presse et les médias, la police et la justice, les enjeux de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale etc. / The goals of this fraternity have always intrigued, nay disturbed, many outsiders, for reasons which were linked to the historical context of the time : religious questions have always been in the forefront of the debate on freemasonry, from the XVIIIth century until the present day, although the debate has somehow slightly shifted. However, a feeling of uncertainty remains, fuelled by the masons themselves and the very nature of the fraternity, that is to say its secret aspect, or if not secret, at least very discreet. This trend is shared between all countries and across the centuries, but is a notion the masons of every Grand Lodge try to refute, arguing that, contrary to common belief, freemasonry is not a “secret society” but a “society with secrets”. The distinction is quite slim and is often lost on the profanes, those who are not initiated, who therefore often have a negative view, or are, to say the least, wary of this organization which keeps its secrets well hidden. One cannot discuss the secret nature of freemasonry without broaching on the corollary aspect it inevitably raises, that is to say anti-masonry and conspiracy theory, which appeared as early as the XVIIIth century, and regularly rise up to the surface. We shall study different cases underlining this conspiracy theory, related by the media, especially in the second half of the XXth century. This thesis will broach several themes related to the notion of secrecy : the position of women, religion, the press and the media in general, the stakes of World War II etc.

À espreita de \'súditos do eixo\' - para a história social dos imigrantes japoneses e a situação do português paulista do século XX / On the lookout for \'súditos do eixo\' - to the social history of japanese immigrants and the situation of the portuguese from São Paulo in the twentieth century

Komatsu, Patricia Elisa Kuniko Kondo 25 October 2010 (has links)
Este trabalho, que se vincula ao Projeto Temático História do Português Paulista (USP/FAPESP), tem o objetivo de apresentar os resultados da pesquisa sobre a história social dos imigrantes japoneses em São Paulo e aspectos do português paulista da primeira metade do século XX. Durante a pesquisa, realizou-se à constituição do corpus, ao estudo da história social que seria de fundo para a produção escrita que se refere à proibição de estrangerismo em território nacional e à identificação dos gêneros textuais que integram os dossiês. O pano de fundo desta dissertação começa com a adesão do Brasil à Segunda Guerra Mundial, pois a preocupação com os estrangeiros, principalmente com alemães, italianos e japoneses, aumentou. Neste sentido, em primeiro de outubro de 1942, foi decretada a lei federal que definia os crimes contra a segurança do Estado para os tempos de guerra (Decreto nº 4.766), o que deu início a investigações sobre imigrantes. A partir dos dossiês derivados dessas investigações, constituí um corpus de 394 dossiês gerados pelo DEOPS e DOPS/SP selecionados pelo critério da nacionalidade do investigado, qual seja, japonesa. Os súditos do eixo, forma pejorativa pelo qual os policiais tratavam os cidadãos japoneses, passaram a ser investigados com muito mais rigor. Durante essa época, os japoneses eram detidos pelos policias pelo simples fato de se comunicarem japonês. Além disso, as investigações mencionadas nos documentos são relativas à proibição do ensino da língua japonesa, pois todas as escolas estrangeiras foram fechadas e também as associações onde esses estrangeiros se reuniam para lazer e atividades festivas. O fato mais triste será verificado com os conflitos entre os próprios japoneses na colônia paulista. Surgiu uma facção chamada Shindô-renmei, cujos membros foram indiciados como sabotadores de plantações de menta e do cultivo do bicho da seda, que contribuíam com a grandeza da economia brasileira. Esse é o recorte expositivo deste trabalho: apresentar a história social que fundou a necessidade de se organizarem dossiês a respeito de japoneses e, a reboque disso, identificar o material de pesquisa para o estudo do português culto paulista organizado por gêneros textuais. No aspecto linguístico, recolhem-se qualificadores relativos a japoneses como forma de reconhecer algum tipo de preconceito sobre esses imigrantes. Ainda, nesse quesito linguístico, abordam-se questões relativas à ortografia, que se mostrava, então, muito instável, já que uma última mudança ortográfica fora imposta em 1943, período de produção dos documentos analisados. / This work, which is linked to the Thematic Project History of the Portuguese Language from São Paulo (USP/FAPESP), aims to present the results of research about the social history of Japanese immigrants in São Paulo and Portuguese Language aspects on the first half-century XX. During the research, there was the formation of the corpus, the study of social history which would be responsible for producing writing that refers to the prohibition of foreigness and the identification of genres that make up the dossiers. The background of this thesis begins with the adhesion of Brazil on the Second World War, since a concern with the foreigners, mainly German, Italian and Japanese people, has increased. In this sense, the first of October 1942, was enacted federal law defining crimes against state security on the times of war (Law Decree No. 4766), which initiated investigations on immigrants. The files derived from such research constitutes a corpus of 394 files generated by DEOPS and DOPS / SP selected by the criterion of nationality of the investigated people, namely, Japanese. The súditos do eixo, a pejorative way by which the police treated the Japanese citizens, began to be investigated more thoroughly. During this time, the Japanese were detained by police for the simple fact of communicating Japanese. In addition, investigations are mentioned in documents relating to the prohibition of teaching the Japanese language, so all foreign schools were also closed and associations where these foreigners gathered for leisure and festive activities. The saddest fact is verified with the conflicts between the Japanese themselves in the \'colony\' of São Paulo. The Shindo-Renmei had appeared and its members were called saboteurs because they were exterminating plantations and cultivation of the silkworm, products which contributed to the greatness of the Brazilian economy. This is the objective of this dissertation: to present the social history from documents about Japanese people and also identify the informations about the Standard Portuguese language of São Paulo. In the linguistic aspect, the qualifiers and the ortographic used in the documents, since a recent change of correct writting was imposed on 1943, during the production of documents reviewed.

A Configuration User Interface for Multi-Cloud Storage Based on Secret Sharing : An Exploratory Design Study

Framner, Erik January 2019 (has links)
Storing personal information in a secure and reliable manner may be crucial for organizational as well as private users. Encryption protects the confidentiality of data against adversaries but if the cryptographic key is lost, the information will not be obtainable for authorized individuals either. Redundancy may protect information against availability issues or data loss, but also comes with greater storage overhead and cost. Cloud storage serves as an attractive alternative to traditional storage as one is released from maintenance responsibilities and does not have to invest in in-house IT-resources. However, cloud adoption is commonly hindered due to privacy concerns. Instead of relying on the security of a single cloud, this study aims to investigate the applicability of a multi-cloud solution based on Secret Sharing, and to identify suitable options and guidelines in a configuration user interface (UI). Interviews were conducted with technically skilled people representing prospective users, followed by walkthroughs of a UI prototype. Although the solution would (theoretically) allow for employment of less “trustworthy” clouds without compromising the data confidentiality, the research results indicate that trust factors such as compliance with EU laws may still be a crucial prerequisite in order for users to utilize cloud services. Users may worry about cloud storage providers colluding, and the solution may not be perceived as adequately secure without the use of encryption. The configuration of the Secret Sharing parameters are difficult to comprehend even for technically skilled individuals and default values could/should be recommended to the user. / PRISMACLOUD

Transparent and Mutual Restraining Electronic Voting

Huian Li (6012225) 17 January 2019 (has links)
Many e-voting techniques have been proposed but not widely used in reality. One of the problems associated with most of existing e-voting techniques is the lack of transparency, leading to a failure to deliver voter assurance. In this work, we propose a transparent, auditable, end-to-end verifiable, and mutual restraining e-voting protocol that exploits the existing multi-party political dynamics such as in the US. The new e-voting protocol consists of three original technical contributions -- universal verifiable voting vector, forward and backward mutual lock voting, and in-process check and enforcement -- that, along with a public real time bulletin board, resolves the apparent conflicts in voting such as anonymity vs. accountability and privacy vs. verifiability. Especially, the trust is split equally among tallying authorities who have conflicting interests and will technically restrain each other. The voting and tallying processes are transparent to voters and any third party, which allow any voter to verify that his vote is indeed counted and also allow any third party to audit the tally. For the environment requiring receipt-freeness and coercion-resistance, we introduce additional approaches to counter vote-selling and voter-coercion issues. Our interactive voting protocol is suitable for small number of voters like boardroom voting where interaction between voters is encouraged and self-tallying is necessary; while our non-interactive protocol is for the scenario of large number of voters where interaction is prohibitively expensive. Equipped with a hierarchical voting structure, our protocols can enable open and fair elections at any scale.

Les micro-Etats européens / The european micro-states

Blevin, Pierre-Alexis 26 November 2015 (has links)
« Si les Vallées d’Andorre jouissent de certains privilèges et franchises et ont une organisation judiciaire distincte de celle de la France, elles ne constituent ni un État, ni une personne de droit international ». La lecture de cet arrêt rendu par la Cour de Cassation le 6 janvier 1971 laisse entrevoir les nombreuses difficultés rencontrées par les micro-États dans l’affirmation de leur souveraineté. L’Europe est le théâtre à la fin du XIXe d’une véritable refonte des États. Nombreux furent les vestiges de l’époque féodale qui disparurent absorbés dans de grands ensembles à caractère étatique à l’origine des grand États européens. L'État en droit international est une personne souveraine, c’est ce qui le singularise par rapport aux autres sujets de droit international. Il bénéficie d’une souveraineté interne qui fait de lui l’autorité suprême sur son territoire et d’une souveraineté internationale qui ne le subordonne à aucune autre autorité. Cette souveraineté lui confère une personnalité juridique et une capacité juridique qui lui permettent d’être reconnu comme un sujet de droit, distinct des habitants qui le composent. De facto, un micro-État dispose des mêmes caractéristiques qu’un État mais s’identifie comme tel par l’exiguïté de son territoire et la faiblesse de sa population. Nombreux furent les auteurs qui s’essayèrent dans l’élaboration d’une définition précise et qui échouèrent tant les critères démographiques et de superficies peuvent s’apprécier différemment. Pour cette présente étude seront pris comme critères, les États européens de moins de 500 km2 avec une population de moins de 100.000 habitants. La question qui se pose dès lors, laquelle n'a jamais fait l'objet d'une thèse de doctorat sur ce sujet, est celle de savoir : dans quelle mesure les micro-États européens sont ils arrivés à résister à une évolution historique européenne qui a amené de grosses entités étatiques à disparaître ? / « If the Valleys of Andorre enjoy certain privileges, franchises and a judicial system different from that of France, they are neither a state nor a person of international law ». The reading of this decision by Cour de Cassation, January 6th, 1971, shows the many challenges faced by micro-states in claiming their sovereignty and their legal status. Europe is considered to be the oldest continent in the world because of its history. Designed over the centuries, after wars and monarchical alliances, it gathers many people who have both a common heritage and many cultural differences. Fragmented during many centuries into various estates and other entities with official status. At the end of the nineteenth century, Europe was modified. The estates of feudal period disappered and gave birth to large groups which became the states today. The State in international law has a sovereign status, that makes it different from the other public international entities. Moreover, the states has an internal sovereignty that makes it be the autority over its territory and an international soverignty that subordinates any authority from other states. The sovereignty confers legal personality that allows it to be recognized as a matter of right in itself, separate from the people who compose it and benefiting from international legal capacity and heritage. The micro-state has the same characteristics as a state but it has a small territory and low population. There were many writers who tried to give a precise definition of micro-states but they failed because of the different number of the populations and the different areas. For this research work, we will take into account the European states which have less than 500 km2 with a population under 100.000. The question which has never been the matter of doctoral thesis is that : « micro-states, micro-sovereign states ? Are constitutional and institutional garantees developed on national and international stages by micro-states sufficient to ensure their sovereignty, independence and integrity ? How do the european micro-states resist to the european historical developement which led the large states entities to disappear ? » If the protection of large states was necessary for their construction, micro-states had to defend their full sovereignty. In order to assert their existence in a world of globalization, they are guaranteed a sovereignty reinforced by the constitutionalism which is not recognized by the other states. But this was compensated by international agreements and international organisations.

A proteção internacional do segredo industrial / The international protection of trade secret

Barone, Daniela Marcos 26 May 2009 (has links)
A importância da proteção à propriedade industrial foi deflagrada com o advento da Revolução Industrial e, posteriormente, com a Revolução Francesa. A proteção internacional à propriedade industrial teve origem na França, em 1883, com a Convenção da União de Paris para a Proteção da Propriedade Industrial (CUP), na qual foi estabelecido o tratamento jurídico para as patentes, marcas, bem como a obrigatoriedade aos países da União de assegurar proteção efetiva contra a concorrência desleal, nos termos de seu artigo 10 bis, parágrafo 1º. Todavia, somente no bojo do Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - TRIPS, o segredo industrial encontrou proteção internacional efetiva, por meio das normas de repressão à concorrência desleal, conforme dispõe o artigo 39 do referido Acordo. Assim, cumpre analisar, a partir do respectivo regime de proteção internacional, qual o conceito, a natureza jurídica, o regime jurídico e a finalidade de proteção do segredo industrial. Para tanto, é preciso ter em mente a natureza imaterial do segredo industrial, os requisitos exigidos para que seja protegido, o regime jurídico e estrutura do TRIPS e o fundamento constitucional de proteção à propriedade industrial, ao qual vincula-se o interesse social e o desenvolvimento tecnológico e econômico do Brasil. / The relevance of industrial property protection was carried out by the Industrial Revolution and, lately, by the French Revolution. The international protection to the industrial property had been originated in France, in 1883, with the adoption of the Union of Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, in which the legal treatment to patents and trademarks was set forth, as well as the obligation to the countries of the Union to make the protection against the unfair competition effective, pursuant to the article 10 bis, paragraph 1st of such Convention. However, only in the Agreement ontTrade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights - TRIPS, the trade secret has found effective international legal protection through the rules agaisnt unfair competition, in accordance with the article 39 of the referred Agreement. Thus, it is necessary to analize the definition, the legal nature, the legal regime and the aim of protection of trade secret from the respective regime of international protection. In this connection, it is important to emphasize the innmaterial nature of the trade secret and the requirements for its legal protection, the legal regime and the structure of the TRIPS and the industrial property constitutional fundament for its protection, which is connected to the social interest and the Brazilian technological and economic developement.

How the Pathet Lao seized power in Laos in 1975

Desley Goldston Unknown Date (has links)
Victors do not always write history. To date our knowledge of how the Pathet Lao seized power in Laos in 1975 has been based on accounts from those who witnessed events but who were not privy to the thinking and planning behind them. After the violent fall of Cambodia and Vietnam, the slow, relatively peaceful and seemingly dilatory takeover of power they observed did not equate with the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party’s assertion that its seizure of power was due to the “creative application of Marxism-Leninism to Lao conditions”. This work attempts to determine the accuracy of the Lao Party’s claim by using LPRP documents and written and verbal accounts, which reveal the strategic thinking and tactics behind the Lao Revolution. The piecing together of information drawn from many and varied sources that were directly involved, at last sheds some light on how a small, weak movement overthrew a government almost without violence. It also reveals that the LPRP carefully and deliberately planned and executed the peaceful formation of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic in December 1975 in a revolution that was unprecedented in the history of Marxist-Leninist revolutions.

Sécurité des protocoles cryptographiques : décidabilité et résultats de transfert

Zalinescu, Eugen 17 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse se situe dans le cadre de l'analyse symbolique des protocoles Les contributions sont représentées par l'obtention de résultats de décidabilité et de transfert dans les directions suivantes qui sont des thèmes majeurs en vérification des protocoles :<ul><li>traitement des primitives cryptographiques : chiffrement CBC, signatures en aveugle;</li><li>propriétés de sécurité : secret fort, existence de cycles de clefs;</li><li>approches pour la sécurité : construction de protocoles sûrs.</li></ul>Ainsi, nous avons montré la décidabilité (d'une part) de l'existence de cycles de clefs et (d'autre part) du secret pour des protocoles utilisant le mode de chiffrement CBC ou des signatures en aveugle. Nous avons aussi transféré la sécurité des protocoles d'un cadre faible vers un cadre plus fort dans les sens suivants. D'une part, nous avons montré qu'une propriété de secret faible implique sous certaines hypothèses une propriété de secret plus forte. D'une autre part, nous avons construit des protocoles sûrs à partir de protocoles ayant des propriétés plus faibles.

Confidentialité, bases de données et réseaux d'ordinateurs

Richy, Hélène 06 February 1978 (has links) (PDF)

L'enfant gardien du secret. Vivre et grandir avec le sida et ses traitements à Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)

Hejoaka, Fabienne 16 May 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse offre une analyse socio-anthropologique de l'expérience du sida vécue par les enfants au Burkina Faso, dans le contexte historique de l'accès national aux traitements antirétroviraux, au milieu des années 2000. Elle s'inscrit à la croisée de l'anthropologie politique de la santé et de l'anthropologie de l'enfance, considérant les enfants en tant qu'acteurs sociaux dont il s'agit de prendre en compte le point de vue. Fondée sur une enquête ethnographique de vingt mois conduite à Bobo-Dioulasso auprès de trente-sept enfants, de leurs parents et de soignants, elle apporte une contribution originale à l'épistémologique et à la méthodologique de l'enquête ethnographique avec les enfants. L'analyse socio-anthropologique de l'expérience de la maladie et des traitements se structure autour de trois thématiques principales. La première aborde la façon dont les enfants ont été pris en compte dans les politiques internationales de lutte contre le sida. Retraçant le processus socio-historique par lequel la catégorie des " orphelins et enfants vulnérables " a émergé et s'est institutionnalisée à partir de la fin des années 1990, l'analyse décrit le " traitement politique à la marge " dont les enfants ont fait l'objet dans les réponses apportées à l'épidémie. La deuxième thématique traite de l'annonce de la maladie aux enfants, dans un contexte institutionnel de " double standard " où l'information ne fait pas l'objet de procédures standardisées. À partir d'une ethnographie des dits et non-dits de la maladie aux enfants, l'analyse éclaire la violence des conditions dans lesquelles ces derniers découvrent leur maladie ou sont amenés à la suspecter. Appartenant à une " génération sida " pour laquelle la maladie est signifiante d'un point de vue biologique, social et moral, les enfants gardent le secret afin de ne pas être stigmatisés. Par ailleurs, alors que les adultes sont réticents à informer les enfants - pensant qu'ils vont dévoiler leur statut ou celui de leurs parents - les enfants se révèlent être les gardiens scrupuleux du secret. Enfin, la troisième thématique traite du vécu de la maladie par les enfants qui est façonnée par l'incertitude associée à la mort, à l'observance des traitements ainsi qu'au secret qui entoure la maladie. En filigrane de l'expérience de la maladie vécue par les enfants, se dessine le rôle proactif que jouent ceux-ci dans le " travail " quotidien qu'implique la gestion de la maladie et de ses traitements. Ils participent au rappel des heures de prise, prennent leurs médicaments de façon autonome, mais surtout contribuent à taire et à cacher la maladie. Ainsi, alors que le secret peine à être perçu comme une réalité enfantine, les enfants se révèlent être les gardiens du secret de leur maladie et de celle de leurs parents.

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