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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Servant Leadership and Collective Teacher Efficacy: Do higher levels of servant leadership behaviors in elementary principals lead to increased collective teacher efficacy?

Imhoff, Paul W. 17 July 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Servants and their masters in the novels of Charles Dickens/

Belcher, Diane Dewhurst, January 1984 (has links)
No description available.

Servant leadership : Vetenskap eller ideal?

Eklund, Klas January 2012 (has links)
Servant leadership är ett begrepp som visar potential inom ledarskapsforskningen, framförallt för att förklara meningsskapande ledarskap, hur ledaren leder sig själv samt hur ledarskap kan accepteras utan auktoritet. Problemet är att forskningen hittills varit alltför okritisk. Begreppets validitet har bevisats i kvantitativa mått, men dess implikationer för själva ledarskapsutövandet eller ledaren är oklara. Syftet med uppsatsen är att testa begreppet servant leadership som verktyg för ledarskapsstudier. Kan begreppet konkretiseras och mätas? Kan man vara säker på vad man mäter? För att besvara dessa frågor omfattar uppsatsen en granskande litteraturstudie och en tillämpande fallstudie i tre delar. Resultaten antyder att begreppet servant leadership kan brista i precision och tillförlitlighet. Vissa viktiga faktorer avspeglas inte i enkätresultat, medan andra okända eller irrelevanta påverkar desto mer. Enkätstudier av servant leadership kan, i sin nuvarande utformning, inte bidra med någon förståelse för vad man faktiskt har mätt. Servant leadership kan dock vara värdefullt genom att lyfta intressanta frågor om ledarskap, oaktat mätbarhet. Fallstudien har genomförts i tre delar: En liten replikerande enkätundersökning bland soldaterna i en spaningsgrupp, en omfattande deltagande observation vid en av gruppens övningar, samt en intervju med gruppens chef. Uppsatsen behandlar huvudsakligen teorier om servant leadership (Robert Greenleaf, Larry Spears, Page och Wong) utifrån teorier om meningsskapande ledarskap (Lars Svedberg) samt self leadership (Crossan och Mazutis). / Servant leadership is a concept that shows potential in leadership research, in particular to explain management of meaning, self leadership and acceptance of leadership without authority. The problem is that research this far lacks a critical perspective. Validity of servant leadership measurements has been proven statistically, but its implications for the leadership or the leader remain unclear. The purpose of this paper is to test the concept of servant leadership as a tool for leadership studies. Can it be concretized and measured? Can one be certain as to what is measured? To answer these questions, this paper includes an auditing study of literature and a practical, utilizing case study in three parts. The results indicate that the concept of servant leadership might be lacking in precision and reliability. Some important factors are not reflected in survey results, while other unknown or irrelevant ones have too great of an impact. Survey studies of servant leadership, in their current form don’t seem provide any understanding as to what is actually being measured. This being said, servant leadership can be valuable through raising interesting questions about leadership, regardless of measurability.

Servant leadership in Philippians 2:5-11: Concept and application

Kgatle, Mookgo Solomon January 2012 (has links)
The subject of leadership has been explored from different fields by different scholars. The leadership debates and discussion have dominated academia across the globe for decades. The contribution of this thesis to the subject of leadership is threefold. Firstly, it demonstrates a different style of leadership, that is, servant leadership. Secondly, it studies servant leadership from a biblical perspective in general and Philippians 2:5-11 in particular. Thirdly, it applies biblical servant leadership principles to an African context. The historical background of Philippians is studied to understand the world of the text. The different leadership styles are explored and compared with servant leadership. Servant leadership principles are studied in Philippians 2:5-11 and applied in an African context. The thesis concludes with the servant leadership models in South Africa like Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu and Frank Chikane. The purpose here is to demonstrate that servant leadership as a New Testament concept is applicable to a contemporary South African context. Consequently, the thesis makes New Testament research available to an African audience. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / New Testament Studies / MA / Unrestricted


McClellan, Patrice Akilah 27 March 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Professional accountants' perceptions of servant-leadership : contexts, roles and cultures

Gande, Tapiwa January 2014 (has links)
The study takes servant-leadership and attempts to find if there is an equivalent concept in management. Leadership and management have been extensively compared and contrasted in research and theory and while there are divergent views of exactly what each entails, others hold the view that they might be equal and complementary. The research design follows a positivist philosophy. An instrument that measures distinct leader, manager and professional role preferences is used to check the discrete operation of three contexts among a sample of members of the accountancy profession. The instrument is derived from contextualising pre-developed and pre-tested servant-leadership measuring instruments. Items from the role preference map instrument are added together with demographic details to come up with a meta-instrument adapted for the study. After validating it through pilot-testing, the instrument is applied in real-world research. The research was conducted among a sample of professional accountants working in 28 countries across four continents in organisations with over 82,000 employees. Statistical analysis, employing; analysis of variance, correlations, frequencies, significances, means, variances and tests of scale reliability was performed on both the data and the instruments. The research found clear and reliable servant-leadership-type behaviours exhibited across the three discreet roles and contexts of leader, manager and professional. Some professional accountancy courses are delivered across many countries in the world. The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is one such professional accountancy body that offers qualifications on a global scale. However, as accountants originate from, and practice in diverse cultures and economies around the world they are trained by institutes like ACCA from a common syllabus that has elements of management as a subject. Servant-leadership is a type of leadership that is theorised to be humanistic and spiritual rather than rational and mechanistic. Management practice on the other hand needs rationality and contains some mechanistic elements in typical management functions like coordinating and controlling. The implication is whether servant-leadership attributes can be exhibited if professional accountants contextualise themselves as leaders, managers or professionals. The study focuses on the profession of accountants and tests the operation of servant-leadership behaviours from the manager, leader and professional contexts using pre-tested servant-leadership scales and applying them in specific leader and manager contexts. This approach is new in its treatment of servant-leadership in this fashion. A further original approach is the use of the accountancy profession. This treatment of instruments from other fields like psychology and sociology is new.

Female leadership in the New Testament : a socio-historical study / Laura Maleya Mautsa

Maleya Mautsa, Laura Endegule January 2007 (has links)
This study explores the meaning of female leadership in the New Testament by examining a random selection of women in the New Testament. In Chapter 2 a sociohistorical approach is utilised to examine women leaders in the in the ancient Greco- Roman world of the New Testament. The study reveals that though these societies were predominantly patriarchal, there were women leaders leading in various ways in different spheres of life (religious, political, intellectual, and in the home). Chapter 3 looks in more detail at a definition of 'leadership". The Kouzes & Posner’s (1995) model of leadership practices, based on research of how successful leaders operate, is used. The example of Jesus as the Master leader is explored against the six leadership practices, adapted for this study. It is clear that Jesus does reflect the five leadership practices proposed by Kouzes & Posner (1995). A sixth practice is added to the list as the study shows that a leader needs a leader - good followers make good leaders! Chapters 4-10 focus on the leadership practices of Mary the mother of Jesus, the Samaritan woman, Tabitha. Lydia, Priscilla and the four daughters of Philip. An examination of the socio-historical context and an analysis of key concepts in each pericope in which these women are mentioned, have been done. From the analysis it is clear that the leadership p r a c t i i of women, called "female leadership" in this study, point out leadership as 'influence" that is achieved in different practices. These leadership practices define female leadership in the New Testament The women are leaders, in some cases within the recognised positions and in other cases without the positions. / Thesis (Ph.D. (New Testament))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Servant Leadership Measures in PK-12 Schools

Renfro, Elizabeth 01 August 2019 (has links)
Servant leaders work for the betterment of their followers while also seeking to achieve goals for the organization. Servant leaders, in particular, are among those who strive to work for the greater good of those they serve. Servant leaders possess ethical and moral traits that allow them to serve as an example for followers within an organization, including the public school system. Permission to use the Servant Leadership Measures Survey was given by the lead author of the survey. The survey measured the degree that leaders exhibit leadership characteristics that are most associated with the servant leadership dimensions of Emotional Healing, Creating Value for the Community, Conceptual Skills, Empowerment, Helping Subordinates Grow and Succeed, Putting Subordinates First, and Ethical Behavior. A 28-item survey was distributed to the 4 Directors of Schools that self-identified as servant leaders. The same 28-item survey from the employee perspective was distributed to teachers within the participating school districts. The purpose of this study was to compare the self-reported servant leadership scores of Directors of Schools to their faculty members’ scores. Participants included Directors of Schools and teachers from 4 public school districts from the First Region of Tennessee. A non experimental, quantitative approach was used to determine whether Directors of Schools shared the same perception of their leadership style as the teachers who work within their school district. According to the findings Directors primarily scored themselves within the high range for showing servant leadership traits, and teachers in all districts scored their Director from the moderate to high range for demonstrating servant leadership characteristics. However, despite scores typically falling within the same range, there were overall significant differences between scores as teachers’ scores were significantly lower than their Director’s scores for several of the dimensions.

School and District Leadership and the Job Satisfaction of Novice Teachers: The Influence of Servant Leadership

McManmon, Mark F. January 2016 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Lauri Johnson / This qualitative case study examined the perceived influence of servant leadership on the job satisfaction of novice teachers in one Massachusetts school district. Servant leadership was defined as “an understanding and practice of leadership that places the good of those led over the self-interest of the leader” (Laub, 1999, p. 81). Data were gathered from interviews with school and district leaders and novice teachers as well as through the analysis of school and district documents. The results of the study found the job satisfaction of novice teachers was positively influenced by servant leadership. In particular, both school leaders and novice teachers perceived leaders who valued novice teachers, behaved ethically, and empowered others to have a positive influence on the job satisfaction of novice teachers. While the research literature also highlights humility as an important element of servant leadership, the majority of novice teachers did not perceive it to have a positive influence on their job satisfaction. The results of this study substantiate prior research suggesting servant leadership plays a positive role in the job satisfaction of teachers. Recommendations include additional psychological empowerment of novice teachers and a continued emphasis on the practice of behaving ethically and valuing others. / Thesis (EdD) — Boston College, 2016. / Submitted to: Boston College. Lynch School of Education. / Discipline: Educational Leadership and Higher Education.

Relações de trabalho e poder em universidades públicas: uma análise crítica / Labor relations and power in public universities: a critical analysis

Pires, Victor Paulo Kloeckner 07 October 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo está centrado na análise das relações de trabalho que se estabelecem em uma universidade pública em processo de implantação no que diz respeito a regras jurídicas e tácitas que impõem deveres e proibições ao comportamento das pessoas enquanto servidores públicos. Está alicerçado na premissa de que as pessoas, ao prestarem concurso público, estão mais propensas a satisfazer objetivos individuais de acomodação econômica e social, supostamente conferidos pela estabilidade, do que a atender a finalidade pública e coletiva da atividade estatal. O tema é abordado qualitativamente, e os dados coletados são provenientes de entrevistas semiestruturadas e dos diversos documentos legais envolvidos, que foram decodificados e descritos por meio da análise de conteúdo e de categorias. A hipótese deste estudo é que o ingresso no serviço público, mediante concurso, pressupõe a observação de uma série de regras que delimitam ações e comportamentos e que ao titular do cargo não é conferida a perenidade decorrente da vitaliciedade; logo, a ideia e perspectiva de acomodação no cargo público inexistem. A fim de testar essa hipótese, este estudo se baseia nos pressupostos da teoria burocrática, das relações de trabalho, da cultura, do poder e da administração pública de pessoal. Verificou-se, assim, que a permanência no cargo público decorre da continua submissão às regras de conduta, excluindo-se decisões baseadas em senso pessoal do que é ético e moral: como corolário à infração, a punição é imperativa. Os dados coletados permitem inferir, também, que a estabilidade, enquanto instituto jurídico vigente na relação de trabalho público, é confundida com prêmio ao esforço despendido para o ingresso na carreira pública e correlata permissividade aí vigente. Ao sobrevirem os resultados a partir dos dados coletados em Portugal, que experimenta nova modalidade de regulação da relação de trabalho, remetendo-a ao âmbito privatístico como forma de cortarem-se custos da Administração Pública e elevar-se a eficiência, confrontou-se a realidade lá vigente com a situação local: o advento da Emenda Constitucional n. 19/98 abre caminho para que modificações profundas sejam introduzidas em um sistema que já apresenta sintomas de desgaste e ineficiência, permitindo a transposição de algumas atividades até então exclusivas do Estado à esfera privada das relações e que, neste caso em específico, permitem interferir diretamente na forma como, equivocadamente, a estabilidade é percebida. Os mecanismos legais, como aqui são desvelados, conduzem, de forma lógica e sequencial, à possibilidade de que se implementem modificações, aos moldes daquelas experimentadas por Portugal, que poderão resultar em maior efetividade e eficiência na prestação dos serviços públicos, modificando os comportamentos e as percepções acerca desta modalidade de trabalho e, em especial, daquelas relativas à estabilidade, ao mesmo tempo em que deverão ser hábeis a favorecer a melhor compreensão por parte do indivíduo da sua condição de ser servidor público, sublimando-a em face de qualquer outro interesse. / This study aims to analyze labor relations that are established in a public university during the process of implementation in relation to legal and tacit rules that impose duties and prohibitions to the behavior of people as public servants. This study is founded on the premise that people, when applying to a civil service exam, are more likely to meet individual goals of economic and social accommodation supposedly conferred by stability, than serve the public and collective purpose of the labor activity. The subject is discussed qualitatively, and the data are collected from semi-structured interviews and many legal documents involved, which were decoded and described by content analysis and categories. The hypothesis of this study is that entering the public service, by civil exam, must observe a number of rules that define actions and behaviors, besides there is no perennial guarantees arising from tenure to the worker; so, the idea and prospect of accommodation in public office are nonexistent. To verify this hypothesis, this study is based on the assumptions of bureaucratic theory, labor relations, culture, power and public personnel administration. It was verified that remaining in a public office arises from the continued submission to the rules of conduct, excluding decisions based on personal sense of what is ethical and moral: as a corollary to the offense, the punishment is imperative. The collected data allow inferring also that stability, as juridical rule in force in the relation of public office, is confused as a prize for the effort expended to get a job in the public career and its supposed permittivity. The results from the data collected in Portugal, country that experiences a new modality of regulation of labor relationship, referring it to the private framework as a way to cut costs in Public Administration and to raise the efficiency, confronted the current reality with our local situation: the advent of the Constitutional Amendment n. 19/98 opens the way for profound changes be introduced into a system that is already showing signs of wear and inefficiency, allowing the transposition of some activities until this moment exclusive of the State to the private sphere of relations and which, in this case in particular, could directly interfere in how mistakenly stability is perceived. Legal mechanisms, as revealed here, lead logically and sequentially to the possibility to implement modifications, as well as the molds experienced by Portugal, which may result in greater effectiveness and efficiency in the execution of public services, modifying the behaviors and perceptions about this modality of work and, in particular, those related to stability, at the same time to be able to promote a better understanding by the individuals of their condition of being a public servant, sublimating it in face of any other interest.

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