Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe milk load"" "subject:"ehe milk road""
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Representations of the Parinirvāṇa Story Cycle in KuchaZin, Monika 14 February 2024 (has links)
The book a comprehensive study concerning the narrative paintings in Kucha on the Northern Silk Road (today’s Province Xinjiang, an autonomous region of the Peoples Republic of China) featuring episodes surrounding the Buddha’s death. The murals, dating from approximately the 5th to the 10th century, represent entire cycles of pictures which illustrate the events starting three months before the parinirvāṇa and ending with the first council. All together, 39 “occurrences” from the parinirvāṇa cycles have been represented in Kucha. Most of these were depicted repeatedly; only a few of them, however, were shown in separate scenes, while others were shown “within” bigger pictorial units. Relying on literary sources and comparative pictorial material, the book provides descriptions and analysis of the paintings, including both those in situ in the caves and the paintings which were removed from the walls and are presently located in the Museum für Indische Kunst in Berlin and in other collections around the world. The book is illustrated with 87 figures and 81 line drawings (mostly by the author) which make the often poorly-preserved murals comprehensible.:Acknowledgements
List of Illustrations
I. Representations of the Parinirvāṇa Story Cycle in South Asia: An Overview
II. Representations of the Parinirvāṇa Story Cycle in Kucha
1. Architectural Settings for Ritual and Religious Experience
2. The Parinirvāṇa Topics Depicted in Kucha and Their Literary Sources
3. Components of the Parinirvāṇa Cycle in Kucha Paintings
The Buddha’s last journey
Occurrence 1: Māra, demanding that the Buddha pass into parinirvāṇa
Occurrence 2: Ānanda’s grief (in connection with Occurrence 1)
Occurrence 3: The Buddha, departing from Vaiśālī
Occurrence 4: The episode featuring the river / the donation of the bowl to the people of Vaiśālī
Occurrence 5: The episode featuring the stone of the Mallas
Occurrence 6: The Buddha accompanied by Indra and Brahma
At the Buddha’s deathbed
Occurrence 7: Ānanda, talking to the Mallas (1st Indo-Iranian Style)
Occurrence 8: The parinirvāṇa (core elements)
Occurrence 9: The approach of Indra and Brahma
Occurrence 10: The conversion of Subhadra
Occurrence 11: The enlightenment of a monk
Occurrence 12: Ānanda’s conversation with Aniruddha
Occurrence 13: Ānanda’s grief (within the parinirvāṇa representation)
Occurrence 14: The worship of the tree deity
Occurrence 15: The worship by the gods from heaven (ceilings and lunettes)
Occurrence 16: Vajrapāṇi dropping the vajra
Occurrence 17: The goddess (Māyā) among the attending gods
Occurrence 18: Mahākāśyapa at the Buddha’s corpse
After the Buddha’s death: The corpse and the relics
Occurrence 19: The earthquake
Occurrence 20: Ajātaśatru learning of the Buddha’s death
Occurrence 21: The transportation of the coffin (1st Indo-Iranian Style)
Occurrence 22: Mahākāśyapa meeting Ājīvika
Occurrence 23: The opening (or closing) of the coffin before the cremation (1st Indo-Iranian Style)
Occurrence 24: The cremation
Occurrence 25: Nuns at the cremation
Occurrence 26: Mahākāśyapa at the cremation
Occurrence 27: Ānanda at the cremation
Occurrence 28: Monks bringing wood
Occurrence 29: Desperate gods and humans on a balcony above the cremation
Occurrence 30: The extinguishing of the fire
Occurrence 31: The advance of warriors demanding their share of relics
Occurrence 32: The distribution of the relics
Occurrence 33: Gods and demons carrying relics
Occurrence 34: The relics: rows of stūpas (replacing narrative representations)
The continuity of the dharma: Monks and the first council
Occurrence 35: The gods asking Mahākāśyapa to convoke the first council
Occurrence 36: Mahākāśyapa beating the gaṇḍī to call the monks to assembly
Occurrence 37: The selection of 500 arhats for the council / accusations against Ānanda
Occurrence 38: Ānanda or Upāli preaching at the first council
Occurrence 39: Scenes with monks in the parinirvāṇa cycle / the veneration of Mahā-kāśyapa?
III. Descriptions of the Representations of the Parinirvāṇa Story Cycle in Kucha
1. Kizil
Cave 4 (Kaminhöhle A [Chimney Cave A])
Cave 7 (Höhle mit dem Fresco-Fußboden [Cave with the Fresco Floor])
Cave 8 (Sechzehn-Schwertträger-Höhle [Cave of Sixteen Swordbearers])
Cave 13 (Fünfte Höhle neben der Sechzehn-Schwertträger-Höhle [Fifth Cave next to the Cave of Sixteen Swordbearers])
Cave 13? (= Höhle oberhalb der Größten Höhle [Cave above the Biggest Cave])
Cave 17 (Bodhisattvagewölbe-Höhle [Cave with Bodhisattvas in the Vault])
Cave 27 (Nischen-Höhle [Cave with Niches])
Cave 34 (Höhle mit dem meditierenden Sonnengott [Cave with the Meditating Sun God])
Cave 38 (Höhle mit dem Musikerchor [Cave with Choir of Musicians])
Cave 43
Cave 47 (Höhle mit dem Kolossalbuddha [Cave with the Colossal Buddha])
Cave 48 (Höhle neben dem Kolossalbuddha (östlich) [Cave to the Side of the Colossal Buddha (to the east)])
Cave 58 (Höhle der Behelmten [Cave of the Helmeted])
New Cave 1 (Xin 1)
Cave 69
Cave 76 (Pfauenhöhle [Peacocks Cave])
Cave 77 (Statuenhöhle [Statues Cave])
Cave 80 (Höllentopfhöhle [Hell Pot Cave])
Cave 97
Cave 98
Cave 99
Cave 101
Cave 104
Cave 107 A
Cave 110 (Treppenhöhle [Stair Cave])
Cave 114 (Gebetmühlenhöhle [Prayer Wheel Cave])
Cave 148
Cave 155
Cave 159
Cave 161
Cave 163
Cave 171 (Höhle oberhalb der Kasettenhöhle [Cave above the Coffered Ceiling Cave])
Cave 172
Cave 175 (Versuchungshöhle [Temptation Cave])
Cave 178 (Schluchthöhle [Ravine Cave])
Cave 179 (Höhle mit den Japanern [Cave with the Japanese])
Cave 186 (Mittlere Höhle, zweite Schlucht [Middle Cave of the Second Ravine])
Cave 189 (Zweite Höhle von vorn [Second Cave from the Front])
Cave 192
Cave 193 (Nāgarājahöhle [Nāgarāja Cave])
Cave 195
Cave 196
Cave 197
Cave 198 (Teufelshöhle C [Devil’s Cave C])
Cave 205 (Māyāhöhle, 2. Anlage [Māyā Cave of the 2nd Group])
Cave 206 (Fußwaschungshöhle [Feet- washing Cave])
Cave 207 (Malerhöhle [Painters’ Cave])
Cave 219 (Ajātaśatruhöhle [Ajātaśatru Cave])
Cave 224 (Māyāhöhle, 3. Anlage [Māyā Cave of the 3rd Group])
Cave 227 (Pretahöhle [Preta’s Cave])
Kizil, cave number unknown (Cave 215 A?)
Kizil, cave number unknown
Kizil or Kumtura, cave number unknown
2. Kumtura
Cave GK 24
Cave 7
Cave 10
Cave 12 (Nirvāṇa-Höhle [Nirvāṇa Cave], Höhle 33 [Cave 33])
Cave 16 (Kinnarī-Höhle [Kinnarī Cave], Höhle 14 [Cave 14])
Cave 23 (Höhle 19 [Cave 19])
Cave 30
Cave 31
Cave 34
Cave 38
Cave 42
Cave 46 (Höhle mit der Inschrift [Cave with Inscription], Höhle in der nördlichen Schlucht [Cave in the Northern Ravine])
Cave 53
Cave 58 (Nāgarājahöhle [Nāgarāja Cave], Höhle 42 [Cave 42])
Cave 61
Cave 63
Cave 65
Cave 68
Cave 71
3. Simsim
Cave 1 (Höhle mit den Kinnarīs [Cave with Kinnarīs])
Cave 5
Cave 11 (Größte Höhle [Biggest Cave])
Cave 19
Cave 20
Cave 27
Cave 30
Cave 31
Cave 32
Cave 36
Cave 40 (Ritterhöhle [Knights’ Cave])
Cave 41 (Höhle mit zwei Vajrapāṇis [Cave with Two Vajrapāṇis], Brāhmaṇahöhle [Brāhmaṇa Cave])
Cave 42 (Halle mit dem Tierfries [Hall with the Animal Frieze])
Cave 43
Cave 44 (Höhle mit den kranztragenden Tauben [Cave of the Wreath-Carrying Doves])
Cave 45
Cave 48
4. Kizilgaha
Cave 11
Cave 12
Cave 13
Cave 14
Cave 16
Cave 23
Cave 30
Cave 46
Kizilgaha, cave number unknown
5. Tograk-eken (Tuohulake’aiken)
Cave 15
6. Taitai’er
Cave 14
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Antikes Griechenland und Altes ChinaWalter, Justine 22 September 2016 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Han Dynasty (206BC-AD220) stone carved tombs in Central and Eastern ChinaLi, Chen January 2015 (has links)
This thesis studies Han Dynasty stone carved tombs in Central and Eastern China. These multi-chambered tombs were constructed from carved stone slabs, and were very popular among the Han people. However, such horizontal stone structures were entirely new, and were a result of outside stimuli rather than an independent development within China. The stone carved tombs were a result of imitating royal rock-cut tombs, while the rock-cut tombs were stimulated by foreign examples. Moreover, many details of stone carved tombs also had Western features. These exotic elements were incorporated to satisfy specific requirements of the Han people, and reflected the desire to assimilate exotica within Chinese traditions. Some details within stone carved tombs showed high level of stone working technologies with Western influences. But in general the level of stone construction of the Han period was relatively low. The methods of construction showed how unfamiliar the Western system was to the Han artisans. Han Dynasty stone carved tombs were hybrids of different techniques, including timber, brick and stone works. From these variations, Han people could choose certain types of tombs to satisfy their specific ritual and economic needs. Not only structures, but also pictorial decorations of stone carved tombs were innovations. The range of image motifs is quite limited. Similar motifs can be found in almost every tomb. Such similarities were partly due to the artisans, who worked in workshops and used repertoires for the carving of images. But these also suggest that the tombs were decorated for certain purposes with a given functional template. Together with different patterns of burial objects and their settings, such images formed a way through which the Han people gave meaning to the afterworld. After their heyday, stone carved tombs ceased being constructed in the Central Plains as the Han Empire collapsed. However, they set a model for later tombs. The idea of building horizontal stone chamber tombs spread to Han borderlands, and gradually went further east to the Korean Peninsula. The legacy and spread of the Chinese masonry tradition was closely related to the political circumstances of late Han and post-Han period. The spread of stone chamber tombs in Northeast Asia is presented as a part of a long history of interactions between different parts of Eurasia.
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[pt] O vertiginoso crescimento econômico da China das últimas décadas
estabeleceu o país como uma das grandes potências de primeira grandeza do sistema
internacional. Mesmo com a redução do ritmo do crescimento, estima-se que a
China em breve se tornará a maior economia do mundo. O registro histórico indica
que a ascensão econômica da China será acompanhada por sua ascensão política e
militar. Conforme a teoria do realismo ofensivo, a China buscará ampliar sua esfera
de influência sobre seu entorno geográfico com o intuito de estabelecer uma
hegemonia regional. Essa dissertação irá argumentar que a iniciativa One Belt, One
Road (OBOR) é a principal ferramenta das autoridades em Pequim para estabelecer
uma hegemonia chinesa sobre a Eurásia. Por meio do investimento em
infraestrutura no grande continente, a China irá criar uma rede de transporte
terrestre e marítima que garantirá ao país acesso às principais rotas comerciais e
energéticas da Eurásia, reduzindo sua vulnerabilidade no que diz respeito ao
escoamento de suas exportações e ao acesso às importações de matérias primas.
Argumenta-se que a OBOR é uma estratégia de duas frentes, simultaneamente
baseada nas teorias de poder terrestre e poder naval, conforme os ensinamentos de
Halford J. Mackinder e Alfred T. Mahan, respectivamente. Por fim, a posição dos
Estados Unidos - os principais defensores da manutenção da atual distribuição de
poder -, e das grandes potências vizinhas à China serão analisadas, pois a contínua
expansão dos interesses internacionais da China está criando atritos ainda longe de
serem resolvidos, particularmente na Ásia Central, no mar da China Meridional e
no mar da China Oriental. / [en] China s breakneck economic growth in the last decades has established the
country as a great power of the first rank in the international system. Even with a
slowdown in the rate of growth, it is widely believed that China will soon become
the largest economy in the world. History suggests that China s economic rise will
be followed by its political and military rise as well. According to the theory of
offensive realism, China will seek to broaden its sphere of influence as it tries to
establish a regional hegemony. This dissertation will defend that the One Belt, One
Road initiative (OBOR) is the main tool at Beijing s disposal for the establishment
of Chinese hegemony over Eurasia. By investing in infrastructure throughout the
great landmass, China will create a land and sea transport network that will
guarantee the country access to Eurasia s main trade and energy routes, reducing
China s vulnerability with regards to the outflow of its exports and to the inflow of
raw materials. The argument here presented is that the OBOR is a two-pronged
strategy, simultaneously based on the theories of land power and sea power,
according to the teachings of Halford J. Mackinder and Alfred T. Mahan,
respectively. Lastly, the position of the United States, the main defenders of the
present-day distribution of power, and those of the great powers that neighbor China
will be analyzed, given that the continued expansion of China s international
interests is creating tensions still far from being resolved, particularly in Central
Asia, the South China Sea and the East China Sea.
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Potenciál kontinentální přepravy na relaci Čínská lidová republika – Česká republika / Potential of Continental Transport between People’s Republic of China and the Czech RepublicSojková, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The European Union (EU) is a key trading partner for the People's Republic of China (PRC). Nearly one third of PRC's production is send to the EU and half of EU exports is directed to the PRC. Such huge trade volumes require an appropriate logistical connection, which is currently dominated by maritime transport. However, since 2007 railway transport has also been available. The aim of this dissertation is to evaluate the position of the railway transport of the PRC European route (with focus on the position of the Czech Republic) with regard to its development, obstacles and potential for the future. Firstly, the paper describes the background and reasons for the establishment of the New Silk Road (One Belt One Road initiative), followed by the trade and economic cooperation between the PRC and the Czech Republic. The practical part deals with individual aspects of railway connection. Neither in terms of trade volumes nor price can railway compete with the maritime solution, nevertheless it slowly but surely acquires its first regular customers.
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Železnice jako alternativa námořní přepravy na relaci Asie-Evropa / Railway as an alternative to maritime transport between Asia and EuropeLaunerová, Martina January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is the comparison of maritime and rail freight transport between Asia and Europe. The thesis focuses on characteristic of rail transport as an alternative mode of transport and identification of possibilities, how to increase its competitiveness towards to maritime transport. First part of the thesis analyses current situation in maritime and rail transport and focuses on their specifics and future potential. The practical part deals with the change of fictitious company´s logistics system. Maritime and rail transport are compared in terms of risks, costs and shipping time. The last part of thesis deals with possibilities of increasing competitiveness of rail transport in the future.
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Antikes Griechenland und Altes ChinaWalter, Justine 22 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Chinese Investments and Conflict Resolution—A Case Study of Tasang (Mong Ton/Mai Dong) Dam, MyanmarKu, Yongli January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this research is to bridge the correlation of peace and foreign investments through the lens of North et al.’s (2013) Limited Access Orders (LAOs). The research seeks to engage in the discussion of LAOs by providing a perspective from analyzing Chinese investments under the context of New Silk Road policy with the case of Tasang Dam. Current discussion of LAOs does not involve how foreign investments affect institutional transition in LAOs. Therefore this research is a humble attempt to engage in the existing literature from a different perspective. Tasang Dam is designed to be built in southern Shan State, Myanmar, an area that has encountered continuous armed conflicts. The conflicts between the local armed group SSA-S/RCSS and the Tatmadaw continue even after a ceasefire agreement was signed in 2011. Chinese investors acting under the context of New Silk Road project have tried to involve in creating stability in the area to reduce costs. According to the LAOs logic, if the access to rents is open to armed organizations, there will be motivations for rival parties to avoid violence. In order to redistribute the resources, there should be an institutional transition. In Tasang Dam’s case, the rents created by Chinese investments are not available to SSA-S/RCSS, but with the Chinese investments as the democratization of Myanmar goes on, there are opportunities to alter the story of repeated violence.
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Konformní pás a cesta: měnící se postoje Ruska k čínské přítomnosti ve Střední Asii / Bandwagoning with the Belt and Road: Russia's changing attitude towards the Chinese presence in Central Asia post-CrimeaBill, Simon January 2019 (has links)
BILL, Simon. Bandwagoning with the Belt and Road: Russia's changing attitude towards the Chinese presence in Central Asia post-Crimea. Praha, 2019. 78 pages. Master's thesis (Mgr.). Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of International Studies. Department of Russian and East European Studies. Supervisor Prof. Jan Šír, Ph.D. Abstract Since the fall of the Soviet Union, Russia has considered the Central Asian states to be a part of its exclusive sphere of influence. In recent years, however, China has also increased its presence in the region, investing heavily in the energy and transportation sectors. This is exemplified by its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), specifically its Silk Road Economic Belt (SREB) component, which was launched in September 2013. As China increased its presence in the region, and Russia launched its own initiative, the Eurasian Economic Union (EaEU), the two powers seemed to be on a collision course. However, relations between the two never deteriorated as predicted. Instead, the opposite has happened. In 2015, Russia found itself internationally isolated due to its controversial actions in Ukraine and embraced China's initiative. This dissertation will seek to explain Russia's increasingly accommodating attitude towards China's growing investment and influence...
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The Silk Road Heritage Enhancement for Local Sustainable Tourism Development in Bukhara (Uzbekistan). Analysis and Diagnosis about the Current SituationKilichov, Mukhriddin 05 January 2024 (has links)
[ES] Esta tesis lleva a cabo una investigación exhaustiva e interdisciplinaria sobre la compleja interrelación entre el turismo patrimonial y el desarrollo sostenible, centrada en el estudio del patrimonio de la Ruta de la Seda en Bujará, Uzbekistán. Utilizando métodos de investigación cualitativos y cuantitativos, incluyendo el análisis de estudios empíricos, entrevistas con interesados, encuestas y estudios de campo en sitios patrimoniales, la investigación proporciona una comprensión enriquecida de los problemas y oportunidades asociados con el aprovechamiento del patrimonio histórico para iniciativas de turismo sostenible.
Este trabajo, centrado en cinco preguntas de investigación esenciales, examina los desafíos existentes en el camino del turismo sostenible de Bujará, tales como la insuficiencia de infraestructura, la falta de colaboración efectiva entre proveedores de turismo y el gobierno, y las perspectivas futuras de los interesados. Además, se presta especial atención a los principales agentes involucrados, incluyendo a los gerentes de instalaciones de alojamiento, operadores turísticos y dueños de restaurantes, el papel que desempeñan las asociaciones público-privadas a nivel de gobernanza regional, y su entendimiento conceptual de "Ruta de la Seda" y "Turismo sostenible".
Uno de los componentes significativos de esta investigación es el diagnóstico y evaluación del patrimonio cultural de la ciudad de Bujará asi como de los proveedores e infraestructuras vinculadas con el destino turístico. Este diagnóstico y evaluaciónó concluye con la aplicación de un Índice de Aptitud Turística, un Índice de Potencial Turístico para Bujará y, basado en estos, un Modelo de Turismo. Este modelo está diseñado no solo para mejorar la confianza del cliente y el flujo de turistas, sino también para integrarse de manera fluida con las estructuras económicas y sociales del destino. Asimismo, se proponen estrategias prácticas para la conservación del patrimonio, vías para mejorar y promover la colaboración de interesados y facilitar el crecimiento económico sostenible. Se reconoce como un modelo que puede servir como base para otros sitios patrimoniales similares en Asia Central.
La investigación ofrece reflexiones críticas sobre los resultados de sus hallazgos y aboga por una mayor colaboración entre el sector público y privado y la participación comunitaria, enfatizando la necesidad de un enfoque multidimensional en la implementación de la gobernanza. Asimismo, este estudio reitera la importancia de programas de educación y fortalecimiento de capacidades destinados a mejorar la comprensión de prácticas de turismo sostenible entre proveedores de servicios.
En definitiva, esta investigación sirve como una contribución significativa a los campos del turismo patrimonial y el desarrollo sostenible aplicado al caso de estudio del sitio patrimonial de la ciudad de Bujará. El estudio demuestra que si el patrimonio histórico de la Ruta de la Seda en Bujará es gestionado aplicando prácticas estables e inclusivas contribuirá significativamente a la prosperidad económica y social del destino. Además, este modelo puede servir para ser extrapolado a otros sitios patrimoniales similares. / [CA] Aquesta tesi duu a terme una investigació exhaustiva i interdisciplinària sobre la complexa interrelació entre el turisme patrimonial i el desenvolupament sostenible, centrada en l'estudi del patrimoni de la Ruta de la Seda en Bujará, Uzbekistan. Utilitzant mètodes d'investigació qualitatius i quantitatius, incloent-hi l'anàlisi d'estudis empírics, entrevistes amb interessats, enquestes i estudis de camp en llocs patrimonials, la investigació proporciona una comprensió enriquida dels problemes i oportunitats associats amb l'aprofitament del patrimoni històric per a iniciatives de turisme sostenible.
Aquest treball, centrat en cinc preguntes d'investigació essencials, examina els desafiaments existents en el camí del turisme sostenible de Bujará, com ara la insuficiència d'infraestructura, la falta de col·laboració efectiva entre proveïdors de turisme i el govern, i les perspectives futures dels interessats. A més, es presta especial atenció als principals agents involucrats, incloent-hi els gerents d'instal·lacions d'allotjament, operadors turístics i restaurants, el paper que exerceixen les associacions públic-privades a nivell de governança regional, i el seu enteniment conceptual de la "Ruta de la Seda" i el "Turisme sostenible".
Un dels components significatius d'aquesta investigació és el diagnòstic i avaluació del patrimoni cultural de la ciutat de Bujará asi com dels proveïdors i infraestructures vinculades al desti turístic. Aquest diagnòstic i la evaluacion conclou amb l'aplicació d'un Índex d'Aptitud Turística, un Índex de Potencial Turístic per a Bujará i, basat en aquests, un Model de Turisme. Aquest model està dissenyat no sols per a millorar la confiança del client i el flux de turistes, sinó també per a integrar-se de manera fluida amb les estructures econòmiques i socials del destí. Així mateix, es proposen estratègies pràctiques per a la conservació del patrimoni, vies per a millorar i promoure la col·laboració d'interessats i facilitar el creixement econòmic sostenible. Es reconeix com un model que pot servir com a base per a altres llocs patrimonials similars a Àsia Central.
La investigació ofereix reflexions crítiques sobre els resultats obtinguts i advoca per una major col·laboració entre el sector públic i privat i la participació comunitària, emfatitzant la necessitat d'un enfocament multidimensional en la implementació de la governança. Així mateix, aquest estudi reitera la importància de programes d'educació i enfortiment de capacitats destinats a millorar la comprensió de pràctiques de turisme sostenible entre proveïdors de serveis.
En definitiva, aquesta investigació serveix com una contribució significativa als camps del turisme patrimonial i el desenvolupament sostenible aplicat al cas d'estudi del lloc patrimonial de la ciutat de Bujará. L'estudi demostra que si el patrimoni històric de la Ruta de la Seda en Bujará és gestionat aplicant pràctiques estables i inclusives contribuirà significativament a la prosperitat econòmica i social del destí. A més, aquest model pot servir per a ser extrapolat a altres llocs patrimonials similars. / [EN] This thesis conducts a comprehensive, interdisciplinary investigation into the complex interrelationship between heritage tourism and sustainable development, with a focus on the Silk Road heritage in Bukhara, Uzbekistan. Employing qualitative and quantitative research methods, including the analysis of empirical studies, interviews with stakeholders, surveys, and field studies at heritage sites, the research provides an enriched understanding of the issues and opportunities associated with leveraging historical heritage for sustainable tourism initiatives.
Centered around five core research questions, the study scrutinizes existing challenges in Bukhara's sustainable tourism pathway, such as the inadequacy of infrastructure, lack of effective collaboration between tourism providers and the government, and future prospects of stakeholders. Furthermore, particular attention is paid to the key stakeholders involved, including managers of accommodation facilities, tour operators, and restaurant owners, their role in public-private partnerships at the regional governance level, and their conceptual understanding of "Silk Road" and "Sustainable Tourism".
One of the significant components of the research the diagnosis and evaluation of the cultural heritage of the city of Bukhara as well as of the suppliers and infrastructure linked to the tourist destination. This diagnosis and evaluation conclude with the application of a Tourism Aptitude of the Heritages, a Tourism Potential Index for Bukhara and, based on these, a Tourism Model. This model is designed not only to enhance customer trust and the flow of tourists but also to integrate seamlessly with Bukhara's economic and social structures. It proposes practical strategies for heritage conservation, stakeholder collaboration, and sustainable economic growth, serving as a blueprint for similar heritage sites across Central Asia.
The research offers critical reflections on the results of its findings and advocates for greater public-private sector collaboration and community participation, emphasizing the need for a multidimensional approach to governance implementation. Furthermore, this study reiterates the importance of education and capacity building programs aimed at improving understanding of sustainable tourism practices among service providers.
Ultimately, this research serves as a significant contribution to the fields of heritage tourism and sustainable development applied to the case study of the Bukhara city heritage site. The study demonstrates that if the historical heritage of the Silk Road in Bukhara is managed by applying stable and inclusive practices it will contribute significantly to the economic and social prosperity of the destination. Furthermore, this model can be extrapolated to other similar heritage sites. / Kilichov, M. (2023). The Silk Road Heritage Enhancement for Local Sustainable Tourism Development in Bukhara (Uzbekistan). Analysis and Diagnosis about the Current Situation [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/201551
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