Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe third"" "subject:"ehe nhird""
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The Mormons in Nazi Germany: History and MemoryNelson, David Conley 1953- 14 March 2013 (has links)
This dissertation studies a small American religious group that survived unscathed during the Third Reich. Some fifteen thousand members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Mormons, lived under National Socialism. Unlike persecuted Jews and Jehovah's Witnesses, and other small American-based sects that suffered severe restrictions, the Mormons worshiped freely under Hitler's regime. They survived by stressing congruence between church doctrine and Nazi dogma. Mormons emphasized their interest in genealogical research and sports, sent their husbands into the Wehrmacht and their sons into the Hitler Youth, and prayed for a Nazi victory in wartime. Mormon leaders purged all Jewish references from hymnals, lesson plans and liturgical practices, and shunned their few Jewish converts. They resurrected a doctrinal edict that required deference to civil authority, which the Mormons had not always obeyed. Some Mormons imagined fanciful connections with Nazism, to the point that a few believed Hitler admired their church, copied its welfare program, and organized the Nazi party along Mormon lines.
This dissertation builds upon Christine Elizabeth King's theory of a common Weltanschauung between Mormons and Nazis, and Steven Carter's description of the Mormons' "accommodation" with National Socialism. Instead of a passive approach, however, the Mormons pursued aggressive and shameless "ingratiation" with the Nazi state.
This work also examines memory. Mormons later tried to forget their pandering to the Nazis, especially when large numbers of Germans immigrated to Utah in the post-war period. When the story of a martyred Mormon resister, Helmuth Hubener, emerged in the 1970s, church officials interfered with the research of scholars at Brigham Young University. They feared that Hubener's example would incite Mormon youth to rebel against dictators abroad, hurt the church's relations with communist East Germany, and would offend recent German Mormon immigrants in Utah. A few Mormons shunned and harassed Hubener's surviving coconspirators. In recent years, Hubener?excommunicated for rebellion against the Nazis but later restored to full church membership?has been rehabilitated as a recognized hero of Mormonism. A new collective memory has been forged, one of wartime courage and suffering, while the inconvenient past is being conveniently discarded.
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Strategies and tactics to stimulate Social enterprise business expansion-Swedish experienceGU, YANHAO January 2014 (has links)
Abstract Title: Strategies and tactics to stimulate Social enterprise business expansion-Swedish experience Level: Final assignment for Master’s Degree in Business Administration Author: GU Yanhao Supervisor: Maria Fregidou-Malama Examiner: Lars Ekstrand Date: 2013-10-17 Aim: This study aims to identify elements which can affect social enterprise business expansion. Based on study, suggestions for social enterprises to achieve long term development are exhibited. Method: This research is a qualitative research based on case study. Relay on previous knowledge about social enterprises, I formulate questions which serve my study’s aim. There are three companies be selected in my case company list. Those three companies are divided in two categories: one type is social enterprise consultant company whose mission is to aid regional social enterprise to make health business operation; another type is social enterprise. There are four interview used in the research to ensure that the research result contains different perspectives and opinions. Result & Conclusions: This study depicts an overall view about social enterprise business expansion. Certain suggestions have been listed relay on the combination of previous literature result with case studies. In the study, various elements have been determined which have significant impacts on social enterprise business expansion operation. They are divided in two segments, internal and external. Internal aspects include human resource and social entrepreneur. External factors include third Part Company, non-profit charity groups and authority. Social enterprise who wants business expansion needs to integrate different resources from various social institutions. Meanwhile to enhance internal product capability as well as competitive advantage social enterprise needs to more emphasize on social entrepreneurs’ characteristics. Suggestion for further research: Further study should emphasize on various sizes of social enterprises in multi-stakeholders co-operation model. This study mainly focuses on SMEs type of SE, but with the time passing by, due to SE can offer solutions to social crisis and economic crisis, SE will be popular, and this idea will spread quickly. Therefore, more and more large size SE will emerge which needs guide and help with business maintaining and expansion plans. Contribution of the thesis: This study contributes to three aspects. First, this study analyses the present situation of social enterprise, exhibit internal and external factors which affect social enterprise to make business expansion. It offers social enterprise a path to implement business expansion, and help social enterprise to identify its potential capabilities which could help them achieve long term development. Secondly, during this work, author explains the ideology of social enterprise, what are its contributions to society as well as the reason why it exists. Since the results offer an explicitly structured conclusion, they are valuable information to society as well as local municipality to re-considerate the important role social enterprise can play. Last not the least, this research presents a new model of key elements for social enterprise business expansion. It is critical and crucial for further research in academic study.
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Sutartis trečiojo asmens naudai / Contract for a benefit of a third partyBorevičienė, Edita 24 January 2014 (has links)
Disertacijos tyrimo objektas yra sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai institutas, užsienio valstybėse susiformavusi šio instituto doktrina, apimanti jo kūrimosi, raidos tendencijas bei teisinio tapatumo apibrėžties ypatumus kitose šalyse, jų raiškos santykį su Lietuvoje įtvirtinta sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai sąvoka bei jos taikymo praktika. Tyrimu siekta išsamiai ir sistemiškai, remiantis užsienio šalių patirtimi, išanalizuoti Lietuvoje įtvirtintą sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai koncepciją, atskleidžiant teorines bei praktines sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai instituto reguliavimo Lietuvoje problemas ir trūkumus, sukurti bendrą metodologinę instituto sampratos platformą kaip pagrindą nuosekliai instituto raidai bei pasiūlyti egzistuojančio teisinio reguliavimo spragų užpildymo būdus. Šis tyrimas atskleidžia sutarties trečiojo asmens naudai instituto teisinę prigimtį bei nubrėžia šio instituto nuostatų taikymo gaires. / The subject of the research of the thesis is the institute of a contract for a benefit of a third party and the doctrine of this institute of foreign countries, covering the trends of its creation and development as well as the peculiarities of the definition of legal identity in other countries, the relationship of their expression with the concept of a third party beneficiary contract established in Lithuania and the practice of its application. The study is aimed to comprehensively and systematically, basing on the experience of foreign countries, analyze the concept of a contract for a benefit of a third party established in Lithuania revealing theoretical and practical problems and shortcomings of the regulation of the institute of a third party beneficiary contract in Lithuania, to develop a common methodological platform of the concept of the institute as the basis for the coherent development of the institute and to suggest the ways to fill the existing legal regulatory gaps. This study reveals the legal nature of the institute of a contract for a benefit of a third party and outlines the guidelines of the application of this institute’s provisions.
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Musikteori i praktiken : En kvantitativ studie om i vilken utsträckning elever i åk 3 på estetiska programmet integrerar sina teoretiska kunskaper i sitt praktiska musicerande / Music Theory in Practice : A quantitative study of the extent in which students in Year 3 of the Arts Programme integrate theory in their practical musicianshipLagerwall, Gustaf January 2011 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning är att ta reda på om och i vilken grad elever, och lärare i ensemble och musikteori, upplever att eleverna integrerar musikteori och ensemble samt ifall bakgrund i musik- eller kulturskola påverkade integrationen. Jag använde mig av en kvantitativ undersökningsmetod, det vill säga enkätundersökning i mitt datainsamlande. Fyra skolor i olika storlek och olika delar av Sverige deltog i undersökning som genomfördes med ett ”emic” insider- och ”epic” outsiderperspektiv, det vill säga elev- och lärarperspektiv.I min bakgrund visar jag att musiklära kurs A enligt kursplanen ska ligga till grund för det egna musicerandet. Ensemblekursen har främst för avsikt att ge grundläggande färdigheter relaterade till sång eller instrument, men påvisar koppling i B-kursen. Rostvall & West skriver om kognitiva scheman för att lära in nya saker, och beskriver hur man kan gå igenom dem på olika sätt för att få djupare kunskap. Flera av examensarbetena jag läst visar att vikten av integration mellan teori och praktik skiljer beroende på vilken genre man spelar.Resultatet visar att elever i storstadsområden i högre grad än de i glesbygden gått i musik- eller kulturskola innan gymnasiet, samt att elever med förutbildning håller teoriintegration i det praktiska musicerandet högre än de andra. De flesta eleverna upplever sig göra kopplingen mellan teori och praktik i relativt stor utsträckning, medan lärarna upplever att de gör detta ganska lite. De flesta lärarna upplever även att kunskapsnivån på eleverna sjunker varje år. Teorilärarna hoppas på mer koppling till praktiken i framtiden och eleverna efterfrågar mer koppling till sina egna instrument i teoriundervisningen. Ensemblelärarna tror att undervisningen i framtiden mer kommer att utgå ifrån elevernas musik och bli mer gehörsbaserad. / The purpose of this study was to discern the extent of how students and teachers of ensemble and music theory, regard the integration of the students’ knowledge of music theory and ensemble, and if a background in music school affected the integration. I used a quantitative survey method. Four schools of different sizes and different parts of Sweden participated in the survey conducted by a "emic" inside and "epic" outsider perspective, that is, student and teacher perspectives.In my background, I show that music theory A according to curriculum will form the basis for their musicianship. The ensemble course is primarily intended to provide basic skills related to their vocals or instruments, but showing a link to theory the B-course. Rostvall & West write about cognitive schedules, and describe how to teach something in different ways for a deeper learning. Several of the works I have read show that integration is greatly affected by each individual genre.The results show that students in metropolitan areas to a greater extent than those in rural areas have attended music schools before high school, and students who already possess a basic understanding of theory place a greater value of its inclusion in their playing. Most students feel they make the connection between theory and practice in a relatively large scale, while teachers feel the extent is rather small. Most teachers also feel that the knowledge level of students drops each year. Music theory teachers would prefer a greater connection between theory and performance in the future, and students would like more access to their own instruments in the music theory classroom. Ensemble teachers are of the opinion that teaching in the future will be based more on the students’ repertoire, with added emphasis on aural skills.
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James Joyce's Dubliners as Migrant Writing: A Vision of Ireland from ExileSöderkvist, Pamela January 2013 (has links)
This essay focuses on the concepts of relationship to local culture, identity and third space writing found in migrant literature and explores their relevance to James Joyce’s Dubliners in order to support a migrant reading of the collection. James Joyce has already been read as a migrant writer; however, Dubliners has not been considered as being an important contribution to this mode of writing. In this essay, the postcolonial theories of identity, third space writing and relationship to local culture are used in an in-depth reading of seven of the stories in the collection which I argue are written in the migrant mode of writing. With an introduction given on migrant writing and the concepts used, the platform is thus laid out for a thorough reading of the stories. What these stories depict is that of Ireland’s perpetual state of underdevelopment, due to its colonial past under British rule. In reading the stories in theoretical terms of migrant writing, one uncovers the way they construct Ireland as a colonized space, reiterating Joyce’s version of home and its decaying, cultural potential. What one finds is not only the ironic voice of Joyce’s narrative describing the repetitive outplaying of British stereotypes of Irishness but also of a quieter tone tinged with hope and longing for a true, cultural change. This essay shifts the interpretative focus to specific issues that would otherwise not be visible if one were to read it as merely being modernist. It establishes the migrant quality of the collection and solidifies the standing of Joyce as a migrant writer.
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Metropolitan growth and migration in PeruMalmberg, Gunnar January 1988 (has links)
Abstract: The study deals with the interplay between migration and metropolitan growth in Peru during the last decades. The key question is to what extent Peru's rural-urban migration and rapid urban growth is triggered by opportunities within the formal and informal sectors in the growing metropolis of Lima. Aggregated data about migration have been related to information of socioeconomic and geographical conditions in rural and urban areas. Multivariate models of interregional migration are constructed and tested. A study of the life paths of a limited group of migrants has generated hypotheses about causes of migration and the assimilation of migrants in the city. Migration is related to historical changes in Peruvian society and to structural and individual conditions affecting migrants. The historical transformation of the rural and urban sectors is one important precondition for the increasing rural-urban migration in 20th century Peru, including the declining importance of the traditional socio-economic structure (the hacienda system and the peasant communities), population growth, and the increasing importance of capitalistic forms of exchange and production as well as of interregional interaction and non-agrarian sectors. Regional disparities appear to be the most important structural condition affecting migration in Peru, in accordance with the so-called gap-theories, which indicate that changes and conditions in urban areas are more important for temporal and spatial variations in the migration pattern, than corresponding changes in rural areas. Furthermore, young and better educated individuals are overrepresented in the migrant groups and outinigration seems to be highest from rural areas with well-established urban contacts. Urban pull is more important than rural push. The study reveals that personal contacts are essential as a generator of migration, for information flows and for the migrants' adaptation to the urban society. In general, the rural-urban migration can be regarded as a rational adaptation to living conditions in rural and urban areas, since most migrants seem to have a higher living standard in the cities in comparison with their former situation in rural areas. A significant conclusion is that informal solutions are important for solving migrants' housing and subsistence problems. The informal sector is interpreted as an integrated and often dynamic element in the urban economy, rather than as an indicator of over-urbanization. The study provides empirical support for a conjecture termed metropolitan informal sector pull, in which the informal sector of Lima is a major part of the magnet that pulls people from the rural areas and generates metropolitan growth and migration in Peru. / <p>Diss. Umeå : Umeå universitet, 1988 ;</p><p></p><p></p><p></p> / digitalisering@umu
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Indian Diasporic Films as Quantum (Third) Spaces: A Curriculum of Cultural TranslationAusman, Tasha 27 June 2012 (has links)
This thesis examines narrative articulations in the films Bend It Like Beckham, Bhaji on the Beach, and American Chai as a complicated conversation in relation to bicultural-identity construction in the Indian diaspora. Unpacking the way desi identities are managed in/as a quantum (third) space – one that is continuously shifting and deferred – the films exemplify how "desi" is a heterogeneous cultural "group" without a homeland from which to speak or to return. The narratives of these films are considered cultural translations that expose inter-generational culture-clashes in the spaces between Indian and Western cultures. Screenplay pedagogy was used as a methodology to (re)read analysis of the films, revealing the ways that different movies employ and reinscribe themes of the multicultural pastoral, the carnivalesque, and melodrama, respectively. This thesis concludes by opening up some of the places from which individuals enunciate their desi identities, including the possibilities for (self)reflection.
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Northern Youth Abroad: Exploring the Effects of a Cross-cultural Exchange Program from the Perspectives of Nunavut Inuit YouthsAylward, Erin 13 September 2012 (has links)
Nunavut Inuit youths exhibit cultural resilience and leadership. However, researchers frequently neglect such assets and instead emphasize these youths’ challenges or perceived inadequacies. I conducted an intrinsic case study regarding Nunavut Inuit youths’ experiences with an experiential learning program, Northern Youth Abroad (NYA), in order to investigate participants’ growth in cross-cultural awareness, individual career goals, leadership, and global citizenship. Drawing on post-colonial theory, semi-structured interviews, archival research, and participant observation, I argue that NYA’s Nunavut Inuit participants reported significant personal growth in these four objectives. I also provide an in-depth analysis of how NYA’s Nunavut Inuit participants described and developed distinct and rich leadership styles that draw on Inuit and Euro-Canadian influences.
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Bitch : a case studyKimrey, Shelley M. 12 August 2011 (has links)
This thesis explores how the term bitch functions as an ideograph in a heavily mediated, third wave moment. Bitch is important to study due to its potentially negative implications for women and feminism. The study attempts to expand rhetorical scholarship’s current understanding of not only the ideograph, but third wave feminism and the current mediated moment. This thesis uses Oprah Winfrey’s announcement to ban the word bitch from her network, OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network), as a case study. I argue that the media that responded to Winfrey’s announcement contributed to a single, overarching narrative that reinforced that the word bitch is harmful to women.
This thesis begins with Chapter One, which is an introduction and rationale that explains why the prevalence of bitch in a mediated society is worthy of study. Chapter Two is a review of the literature that explores the history of the word bitch and a consideration of third wave feminism. In Chapter Three, I review the methodology that guides this study by discussing feminist rhetorical criticism, how previous scholarship has treated mediated texts, and consideration of the ideograph. In Chapter Four, I analyze Oprah Winfrey’s ban of the word bitch from OWN. In Chapter Five, I articulate how bitch functioned as an ideograph, the role the media played in the case study, and a consideration of implications for rhetorical scholarship and directions of future research. / Literature -- Critical orientation -- Analysis -- Bitch and empowerment / Access to thesis permanently restricted to Ball State community only / Department of Communication Studies
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How effective are 3PL & 4PL partnerships in the South African logistics supply chain / David Robert McGarrieMcGarrie, David Robert January 2003 (has links)
Outsourcing of logistical operations is becoming more and more frequent in order to address the needs of a company's supply chain as well as improving customer service and reducing operating costs. The main objective of this study was to provide a guideline to Logistics and Supply Chain Managers on how to successfully implement an outsourcing (3PL/4PL) partnership, as well as identify the pitfalls that should be avoided during the implementation process. To realise this objective an extensive review of the current literature was undertaken on the concept of logistics and the supply chain and how the concept of outsourcing has influenced this concept. The literature presented the following results:
~ Logistics is often perceived as non-core business function to a company and hence suitable as an outsourcing option.
~ Outsourcing of the logistics function should be a strategic decision that offers both a reduction in costs as well as improvements in sales revenue and customer service.
~ Outsourcing is able to contribute value for a company through reduced cost and increased revenue as well as improved service levels due to the specialist nature of the outsourcing partner.
~ Some competitive advantage is possible when choosing a 3PLl4PL to operate your logistics function.
~ The 3PL industry is currently in a state of transition, with many smaller 3PL's consolidating their business efforts to form Lead Logistics Provider companies.
An empirical research on the South African perception of the 3PLl4PL industry was then conducted using a structured questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire providing an answer on the state of the 3PLl4PL industry in South Africa along with comments on how successful implementation differed from the failures. From the literature review and the empirical research it was possible to establish recommendation on how to establish a successful outsourcing partnership with a 3PLl4PL, as well as a tool was developed to aid those companies that currently experience problems with their outsourcing partnership. While the outsourcing process is unique to every situation the guidelines offer a generic approach that prevents the prospective outsourcing company from falling into common pitfalls that often lead to failure of the partnership. / Outsourcing of logistical operations is becoming more and more frequent in order to address the needs of a company's supply chain as well as improving customer service and reducing operating costs. The main objective of this study was to provide a guideline to Logistics and Supply Chain Managers on how to successfully implement an outsourcing (3PL/4PL) partnership, as well as identify the pitfalls that should be avoided during the implementation process.
To realise this objective an extensive review of the current literature was undertaken on the concept of logistics and the supply chain and how the concept of outsourcing has influenced this concept. The literature presented the following results:
~ Logistics is often perceived as non-core business function to a company and hence suitable as an outsourcing option.
~ Outsourcing of the logistics function should be a strategic decision that offers both a reduction in costs as well as improvements in sales revenue and customer service.
~ Outsourcing is able to contribute value for a company through reduced cost and increased revenues as well as improved service levels due to the specialist nature of the outsourcing partner. ~ Some competitive advantage is possible when choosing a 3PLl4PL to operate your logistics function.
~ The 3PL industry is currently in a state of transition, with many small
3PL's consolidating their business efforts to form Lead Logistics Provider companies. An empirical research on the South African perception of the 3PLl4PL industry was then conducted using a structured questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire providing an answer on the state of the 3PLl4PL industry in South Africa along with comments on how successful implementation differed from the failures. From the literature review and the empirical research it was possible to establish recommendation on how to establish a successful outsourcing partnership with a 3PLl4PL, as well as a tool was developed to aid those companies that currently experience problems with their outsourcing partnership. While the outsourcing process is unique to every situation the guidelines offer a generic approach that prevents the prospective outsourcing company from falling into common pitfalls that often lead to failure of the partnership. / Thesis (M.B.A.)--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2004.
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