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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urbanisme durable et potentialités de transferts d’expériences interculturelles entre Régions européennes : comparaison des démarches en Bretagne (France) et en Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Allemagne) au croisement de la qualité urbaine durable et de la prospective paysagère / Sustainable urban planning and potential transfers of intercultural experiences between European regions : comparison of Brittany (France) and in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (Germany) approaches to the crossing of the sustainable urban quality and the prospective landscape / Nachhaltiger Städtebau und Möglichkeiten des interkulturellen Erfahrungstransfers zwischen europäischen Regionen : vergleich der Herangehensweisen der Bretagne und Mecklenburg-Vorpommerns in Projekten der nachhaltigen Landschafts-und Stadtentwicklungsplanung

Baldermann-Cornec, Ute 07 November 2011 (has links)
Ma double culture d’aménagement (franco-allemande) et le travail pour la mise en place d’un dispositif encourageant l’urbanisme durable, l’innovation et l’excellence environnementale pour les élus bretons, avaient fait de mon questionnement personnel de longue date un sujet d’actualité: Peut-on transposer des méthodes et des expériences extraterritoriales d’une culture à une autre pour dynamiser et faire évoluer la qualité des projets et les approches des acteurs locaux ? La réponse à ce questionnement, déterminant pour ma propre pratique professionnelle, n’existe pasdans la littérature en 2005. Partant de la Région Bretagne, à première vue, le choix du Land de la Saxe s’imposait pour la comparaison à cause d’un jumelage datant de 1995. Après enquête, il s’avère que peu d’actions et projets concrets se sont développés. Cela n’est peut-être pas étonnant compte tenu des caractéristiques territoriales très différentes de la Bretagne et la Saxe (passé très industriel, peu d’agriculture, pas de littoral, de nombreuses grandes villes). En conséquence, le Land du Mecklenburg-Vorpommern avec son littoral étendu, ses nombreuses îles, son économie qui separtage entre l’agriculture et le tourisme, semblait plus intéressant pour la comparaison (et pour un partenariat futur, si mes recherches montreraient l’intérêt réel d’une collaboration autour de l’urbanisme durable). Je suis convaincue de la pertinence de l’échelon régional européen (la « Région » en France et le « Land » en Allemagne) pour initier des politiques publiques et stratégies d’aménagement cohérentes sans perdre le lien avec l’identité territoriale mobilisateur. Un état des lieux des potentialités et freins aux transferts d’expériences introduit ma thèse. Un zoom sur les politiques régionales encadrant les dispositifs novateurs dédiés spécifiquement à l’urbanisme durable et la prospective paysagère (Eco-FAUR et Städtebau- und Dorferneuerungsprogramm) permet de situer ces derniers dans leur contexte. La comparaison de 16 projets exemplaires et récents en Bretagne et en Mecklenburg-Vorpommern m’a permis d’analyser en détail les approches, les méthodes, l’intervention des acteurs, les points forts et faibles des projets. Le face-à-face de ces exemples locaux se structure autour de 8 sujets, actuellement dans les discussions des experts européens de l’urbanisme durable et de la prospective paysagère : la revitalisation des coeurs de villes, le renouvellement urbain, les paysages urbains, le grand paysage et la ville, la nouvelle dynamique rurale, l’urbanisme littoral, le tourisme vert et les extensions urbaines sous forme d’éco-lotissements. Mon analyse et les échanges avec plus de 250 acteurs m’ont amenée d’émettre des conclusions positives (sous conditions) concernant les potentialités d’une coopération renforcée dans les domaines analysés entre deux régions européennes non voisines. Ma thèse de doctorat conclut avec des recommandations pour l’amélioration d’efficience des échanges, car l’intérêt pour des projets innovants, concrets et autour d’un groupe d’acteurs restreint et motivé, s’annonce prometteur / My urban planning dual culture (German and French), the works to implement of a device for encouraging the sustainable urban design, the innovation and the environmental excellence for the Brittany elected representatives, had been my personal questioning a long standing concern: Can we transpose extraterritorial experiences from one culture to another and methods to boost and develop the quality of the projects and the approaches of local actors? The answer to this question, determinant for my own professional practice and my standing concern, does not exist in the literature in 2005. Starting from the Brittany region, at first glance, the choice of the Saxony Land was required for comparison resulting of a twinning since 1995. After investigation, it turns out that only few concrete projects and actions were developed. This is, perhaps, not surprising given the very different territorial characteristics from Britain and Saxony (very industrial past, little agriculture, no coastline, many large cities).. Accordingly, the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Land with its extensive coastline, its many islands, its economy which is shared between agriculture and tourism, seemed more interesting to compare (and for a future partnership, if my research would showed the real interest of collaboration on sustainable urban design). I am convinced of the relevance of the European regional level (the "region" in France and the "Land" in Germany) to introduce public policies and consistent urban planning strategies without losing the link with the mobilizing territorial identity.A State of art of the potential and limits of the transfer experiences introduced my thesis. A focus on the regional policies give a framework for the innovative devices specifically dedicated to the sustainable urban design and the prospective landscape (Eco-FAUR and Städtebau-und Dorferneuerungsprogramm) to place them in context. Comparison of 16 best and recent projects in Brittany and in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern allowed me to analyze in detail the approaches, methods, the intervention of the actors, the best and weak points of the projects. The face to face of these local examples give a framework on 8 topics currently in the discussions of the prospective and sustainable urban landscape Europeanexperts: the revitalization of the cities centers, the urban renewal, the urban landscapes, the great landscape and the city, the new rural dynamic, urban coastal planning, green tourism and urban eco-subdivisions as extensions. My analysis and exchanges with more than 250 actors led me some positive issues (under conditions) concerning the potential of enhanced cooperation between two non-adjacent European areas. My PhD thesis concludes with recommendations for the improvement of trade efficiency, because the interest for the innovative and concrete projects, and around a limited motivated actors group looks promising / Meine doppelte deutsch-französische Raumplanungskultur und meine Arbeit für Politiker der Bretagne (Aufbau eines Förderprogrammes für nachhaltigen Städtebau, Innovation und hohe Umweltverträglichkeit) machen aus meiner langjährigen persönlichen Fragestellung ein Thema der Aktualität: Kann man Erfahrungen, die auf einer anderen, außerterritorialen Planungskultur aufbauen transferieren, um die Qualität der Projekte und die Herangehensweise der Akteure vor Ort zu „dynamisieren“, zu verbessern ? Die Antwort auf diese Frage existierte im Jahr 2005 nicht in der wissenschaftlichen Literatur. Von der Bretagne ausgehend bot sich eigentlich Sachsen zum Vergleich an, da eine offizielleRegionalpartnerschaft seit 1995 besteht. Bei den Voruntersuchungen stellte sich aber heraus, dass sich sehr wenige Aktionen und konkrete Projekte entwickelt haben. Das ist vielleicht nicht verwunderlich wenn man sich die sehr unterschiedlichen territorialen Charakteristiken der Bretagne und Sachsens (Industriestandort, wenig Landwirtschaft, keine Küste und viele große Städte) vor Augen führt. So schien mir der Vergleich mit Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (ausgedehnte Küste mit Inseln, eine auf Landwirtschaft und Tourismus basierende Wirtschaftsstrukture) viel versprechender, vor allem wenn meine Forschungen ein reelles Interesse für eine Zusammenarbeit im Gebiet des Nachhaltigen Stadtbaus und der Landschaftsentwicklungsplanung aufzeigen sollten. Ich bin überzeugt, dass es der regionale Ansatz (die Region in Frankreich und das Land in Deutschland) ist, der im europäischen Rahmen kohärente Lösungen für lokale Entwicklungsstrategien hervorbringt, weil ein genügend großes Territorium mit der mobilisierenden Identität der Akteure verbunden werden kann. Eine Bestandsanalyse der positiven und negativen Faktoren für einen Erfahrungstransfer führtmeine Dissertation ein. Eine Fokussierung auf die Rahmenbedingungen (globale Regionalpolitik) ermöglicht, die beiden auf nachhaltigen Städtebau- und Landschaftsentwicklungsplanung spezialisierten Programme (Eco-FAUR und Städtebau- und Dorferneuerungsprogramm) einzuordnen. Der Vergleich von 16 innovativen und aktuellen Projekten der Bretagne und Mecklenburg- Vorpommerns gab mir die Möglichkeit, im Detail die Herangehensweisen, Methoden, Beteiligung derAkteure sowie die Stärken und Schwachpunkte der Projekte aufzuzeigen. Die Gegenüberstellung bedient sich 8, die aktuelle Fachdebatte der europäischen Experten in Städtebau und ländlicher Entwicklung anregende, Themen: Innenstadtrevitalisierung, Stadtumbau, Stadtlandschaft, Landschaftsplanung und Stadt, Dynamik des ländlichen Raumes, Küstenbebauung, Ökotourismus, Ökoquartiere. Meine Analyse und der Austausch mit über 250 Akteuren erlauben mir einen optimistische Einschätzung (unter entsprechenden Rahmenbedingungen) der Möglichkeiten der Intensivierungder Zusammenarbeit in den analysierten Gebieten und zwischen nichtbenachbarten europäischen Regionen. Meine Dissertation schließt mit Vorschlägen zur Verbesserung des Erfahrungsaustausches ab, da die Zusammenarbeit von motivierten, kleinen Gruppen von Akteuren mit konkreten, innovativen Projekten, vielversprechend erscheint

Paralelismo de alimentadores através de seccionadoras de vis-à-vis na rede aérea primária de distribuição. / Feeders parallelism through vis-a-vis disconnecting switches in aerial primary distribution network.

Marcos Rosa dos Santos 15 May 2008 (has links)
Um aspecto importante relacionado à operação de sistemas de distribuição é o referente à segurança nas ações de restabelecimento pós-perturbações, em manobras emergenciais e programadas, onde necessite de transferência de cargas entre alimentadores aéreos primários de uma mesma subestação ou para uma subestação adjacente, de forma segura e confiável. Devem-se observar os requisitos de carregamento, tensão a nível sistêmico, proteção, entre outros. Atualmente as decisões e tomadas de ações referentes às manobras necessárias para os remanejamentos de cargas são de competência dos operadores que atuam nas salas de controle de operações e, em muitos casos, respaldadas somente na experiência de cada operador, acumulada ao longo do tempo. Este trabalho visa o estudo dos fenômenos físicos envolvidos em situações que coloquem alimentadores aéreos primários de distribuição em paralelo ou mesmo quando se forme uma configuração em anel fechado. Estas manobras podem ser executadas através de alimentadores e transformadores distintos, de mesma potência ou de potências diferentes, estabelecendo diretrizes e respaldando os operadores das salas de controle em situações de emergência, urgência ou programadas no sistema aéreo de distribuição. O objetivo principal é oferecer informações técnicas, possibilitando as tomadas de decisões mais adequadas na coordenação de manobras no sistema aéreo de distribuição, em tempo real. Cada uma delas tem condições que se pode considerar como a mais adequada para a execução dos procedimentos estabelecidos, porém sem os principais subsídios técnicos. Desta forma, algumas variáveis como tensão mínima, limites de carregamento de equipamentos, ângulo de fase dos transformadores, restrições operativas do sistema e de consumidores, devem ser aplicadas em tempo real para a tomada de decisão por parte dos operadores do sistema elétrico. / An important aspect related to the distribution systems operation concerns the safety required in the post-disturbances restorement actions or in the emergency and scheduled maneuvers, which involve the need for load transfer between primary overhead feeders of a same sub-station or for an adjacent sub-station, in a safe and reliable way, complying with the loading requirements, voltage at systemic level and protection, among others. Currently the decisions and taking actions related to the necessary maneuvers to carry out the load transfers are responsibility of the operators who work in the operations control rooms, and in many cases, only endorsed by each operator´s own experience, gathered along the time. This paper aims at the study of the involved physical phenomena in situations that place distribution primary overhead feeders in parallel or even when a configuration in closed ring is formed, via distinct transformers and feeders of same or different powers, establishing guidelines and endorsing the control rooms operators in emergency, urgency or scheduled situations in the distribution overhead system. The main objective is to provide technical information, enabling more adequate taking decisions in the distribution overhead system maneuvers coordination, in real time. Each of them has conditions that can be considered the most adequate to carry out the established procedures, however without the main technical information. Thus, some variables such as minimum voltage, equipment loading limits, transformers´ phase angle, the operational restrictions of the system and customers must be applied in real time for the taking decision by the electrical system operators.

Diagnóstico do arranjo produtivo local das indústrias têxteis do município de Imperatriz-MA

Erica Ribeiro de Sousa Simonetti 07 June 2013 (has links)
Este estudo apresenta o diagnóstico do Arranjo Produtivo Local das indústrias têxteis do município de Imperatriz (MA), descreve o processo de evolução do Arranjo Produtivo, identifica os apoios recebidos para o seu crescimento e analisa a situação atual. A pesquisa quanto à abordagem é qualitativa e quantitativa, e com relação ao nível é descritiva exploratória, com delineamento bibliográfico, documental e de campo. Especificamente, busca-se tecer as características do Arranjo Produtivo, verificando as principais modificações ocorridas desde a sua criação e apresentando-o como importante instrumental analítico de ação política de desenvolvimento local. Para referenciar teoricamente os objetivos propostos, a literatura aborda o conceito de região, as principais diferenças entre crescimento e desenvolvimento, desenvolvimento regional, tipologia de aglomerações, e vantagens da concentração geográfica. O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas; primeiramente ocorreu uma investigação documental em que se analisaram documentos da Fundação do Desenvolvimento Comunitário (FUNDECO), quando foi possível perceber as origens do projeto que culminou no Arranjo Produtivo Local; posteriormente aconteceram as entrevistas aplicadas aos empresários e à entidade representante do Arranjo Produtivo Local. A amostra contou com a participação de 37 gestores das indústrias têxteis que responderam a um questionário, analisado com técnica quantitativa pelo z Excel. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam a inexistência de alianças ou parcerias entre as empresas do setor de indústrias têxteis no município de Imperatriz (MA). Conclui-se que o arranjo produtivo é de baixo conteúdo tecnológico e não promove a interação interfirmas, embora promova empregos diretos e indiretos. Esse diagnóstico foi de grande valia, pois servirá de base para as futuras pesquisas, talvez para a promoção de políticas de crescimento e desenvolvimento da Região. / This study presents the diagnosis of Local Productive Arrangement of the textile industries of the city of Imperatriz (MA), describes the evolution process of Productive Arrangement identifies the support received for their growth and analyzes the current situation regarding the research approach is qualitative and quantitative , and the level is descriptive exploratory design with bibliographic, documental and field. Specifically we seek to weave the characteristics of Productive Arrangement, checking the main changes that have occurred since its inception and presenting it as an important analytical tool for political action and local development. To cite theoretically the proposed objectives, the literature discusses the concept of region, the main differences between growth and development, regional development, typology of settlements, and advantages of geographical concentration. The study was conducted in three stages: first there was a desk research where analyzed documents FUNDECO (Community Development Foundation), where it was possible to understand the origins of the project that culminated in Local Productive Arrangement; happened later interviews applied to business and entity representative of Local Productive Arrangement. The sample with the participation of 37 managers of textile industries who responded to a questionnaire, analyzed with quantitative and qualitative techniques, and Excel software. The results of the research show that there is no alliances or partnerships between companies in the textile industries in the city of Imperatriz-MA. We conclude that the productive arrangement is low technological content and does not promote inter-firm interaction, despite promotes direct and indirect jobs, this diagnosis was of great value, since as the basis for future research, perhaps to promote policies for growth and development of the region.

Associationsintraininglocal production: furniture poloRio Verde (GO) / Associativismo na formação de arranjos produtivos locais:polo moveleiro de Rio Verde (GO)

Valéria Faria Oliveira 12 November 2015 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the current condition of the Local Productive Arrangement of the furniture sector in the city of Rio Verde (GO). The methodology used in this research is bibliographical, documentary and field, with a qualitative approach. The study was conducted in two stages; primarily a document search which analyzed documents of the Associação dos Fabricantes de Móveis de Rio Verde (AFAMORV), when it was revealed the origin of the project which resulted in APL, and then came the field research as a tool which had a semi structured interview script.The data collected in documentary research were presented in order to show the current condition of the Local Productive Arrangement, and the interviews were analyzed through categorization by content analysis. The president and the fifteen members of the furniture center of the Associação dos Fabricantes de Móveis de Rio Verde (AFAMORV) were interviewed. The study is justified by checking the variables that guide, through literature, the composition of the APL and the union of the companies, which will realize the form of associations, and competitive advantages. The study also highlights the potential of the city of Rio Verde (GO) in the furniture sector, and encourages future studies to promote growth and development of the Region. The results show that daily practice of business owners do not follow the history of APL, because the lack of support from the State and the City makes the development of the Local Productive Arrangement harder. For there to be integration between theory and practice it is possible that with a larger time-management dialogue with more excellence among management and business occurs. / Este estudo tem por objetivo analisar a atual condição do Arranjo Produtivo Local do setor moveleiro da cidade de Rio Verde (GO). A metodologia empregada nesta pesquisa é bibliográfica, documental e de campo,com abordagem qualitativa. O estudo foi realizado em duas etapas; primeiramente ocorreu uma investigação documental em que se analisaram documentos da Associação dos Fabricantes de Móveis (AFAMORV), identificando a origem do projeto que resultou em APL, e na segunda etapa, foi realizada à pesquisa de campo que teve como instrumento um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturado. Os dados coletados na pesquisa documental foram aprestados de forma a evidenciar a atual condição do Arranjo Produtivo Local, e as entrevistas foram analisadas por meio de categorização, por análise de conteúdo. Foram entrevistados o presidente e os 15associados do polo moveleiro da Associação dos Fabricantes de Móveis de Rio Verde (AFAMORV).O estudo se justifica por verificar, por meio da literatura, as variáveis que norteiam a composição do APL e a união das empresas, que passam a perceber a forma do associativismo, e as vantagens competitivas. O estudo destaca, também, potencialidades da cidade de Rio Verde (GO) no setor moveleiro, e incentiva estudos futuros para promoção de políticas de crescimento e desenvolvimento da Região. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que a prática cotidiana dos empresários não segue o histórico do APL, visto que a falta de apoio por parte do Estado e do Município dificulta o desenvolvimento do Arranjo Produtivo Local. Para que haja a integração entre teoria e prática é possível que com um tempo maior de gestão ocorra um diálogo com mais excelência entre gestão e empresários.

Paul Robert Fauchet's Symphony in B-flat: A Performance Edition for Modern Wind Band Instrumentation

Kitelinger, Shannon 05 1900 (has links)
Paul Robert Fauchet's Symphonie pour Musique d'Harmonie, known in the United States as Symphony in B-flat, is a four-movement composition spanning nearly thirty minutes in length and written in the style of the late romantic composers. Despite its place as one of the first symphonies for wind band, a performance of the piece that represents the composer's 1926 orchestration is difficult due to the inclusion of instruments that are no longer in common practice, including bugles, alto horns, and saxhorns. Later American editions of the work by James Robert Gillette (1933) and Frank Campbell-Watson (1948/1949) replaced these instruments, but also took several other liberties with orchestration and voicing. The primary purpose of this study was the creation of a performance edition of the Symphony for modern wind band that is accessible to a larger audience of performers and listeners. The method involved in creating the modern edition eliminates errors of extant editions and clarifies a number of the discrepancies surrounding the symphony's multiple publications. This edition attempts to retain the composer's voicing and orchestration choices. To accomplish this, the present project considered where modern instrumentation differed from the original sources and attempted to balance timbral similarities between those instruments, while also considering ease of comprehension for a modern ensemble to perform the work. Sources used to create this edition included all published editions of scores and parts, as well as a newly created full score of the 1926 printed parts. The study concludes with the inclusion of the full score of the new performance edition.

Technologický projekt pracoviště u dané strojírenské firmy / Technological project at the engineering company

Smrkal, David January 2018 (has links)
The Master Thesis deals with technological project in the engineering company, that is named MAXAREN Ltd. The Thesis includes theoretical part about technological designing, analysis of the current status of the company, capacity calculations, layout and technical and economic assessment. The calculations are calculated based on the typical product of the company. The layout, that is designed in a technological arrangement, was made using capacity calculations and optimizations given by the company. It is clear from the technical a economic assessement that the investment is appropriate.

Zjednodušené modelování distribuce toku / Simplified flow distribution modelling

Rebej, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zaměřuje na modelování proudění tekutiny v paralelních distribučních systémech, kde hraje důležitou roli rovnoměrnost distribuce tekutin. Pro tento účel je vytvořen vlastní CFD kód. Kód je napsán v programovacím jazyce Java a používá ke zlepšení výkonu knihovny třetích stran, které se vyznačují přímým přístupem ke hardwarovým a systémovým prostředkům. Kód se také vyznačuje určitými zjednodušeními, u nichž se očekává, že sníží výpočetní časy. Vliv použitých zjednodušujících opatření je vyhodnocen porovnáním výsledků simulací proudění na několika geometriích s údaji získanými z podrobných modelů CFD. Geometrie použitých svazků trubek se odlišují různými uspořádáními toku a trubek a také různým počtem trubek.

Řešení odpadového hospodářství se zaměřením na recyklovatelný odpad / The Solution of Waste Management with a Wiew to Recyclable Waste

Vilímek, Pavel January 2009 (has links)
Work with behind-go recycling waste with project on foundation firm applied in this branch. Next then by suggesting arrangement on recycling electric cable, development prises and processing price list.

Variantní řešení silnice I/57 v úseku Semetín-Bystřička / Variant solution I/57 in section Semetín-Bystřička

Kovářová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
The subject of my thesis is a variant I/57 in the section Semetín-Bystřička. The proposed route of communication, was part of an existing communications maintained for its full utilization. Were drawn four proposed variants of the solution, 3 variants are trying their best to use existing communication Jablůnka the village, one suggested option B that leads outside the existing road.

Technologická studie nasazení laserového paprsku v podmínkách malé strojírenské firmy / Technological study setting laser jet in conditions small engineering firms

Cvingráf, Zdeněk January 2008 (has links)
Analysis of a laser beam possibilities. Technology of components‘ structure. Design of disposition of a laser’s workplace. Design of a folding brake workplace. Concept of stock holding. Operating expenses of a laser technology. The technical – economic summary.

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