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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Методические рекомендации по расстановке вертикальных несущих конструкций и размещению инженерных отверстий : магистерская диссертация / Guidelines for placement vertical load-bearing structures and placement of utility holes

Колеватов, И. В., Kolevatov, I. V. January 2024 (has links)
This article examines the influence of the pitch of vertical load-bearing structures on the thickness of floors and their reinforcement. The article selected the optimal pitches of vertical structures and found a rational thickness of the floor slab taking into account the economic benefit, and also formed a rational arrangement of engineering openings. As a result of the work, methodological recommendations were developed for the arrangement of vertical load-bearing structures and the placement of engineering openings. / В данной статье рассматривается влияние шага вертикальных несущих конструкций на толщину перекрытий и их армирование. В статье были подобраны оптимальные шаги вертикальных конструкций и найдена рациональная толщина плиты перекрытия с учетом экономической выгоды, а так же сформировано рациональное расположение инженерных отверстий. По итогу работы разработано методические рекомендации по расстановке вертикальных несущих конструкций и размещению инженерных отверстий.

Musique pour luth jouée à la guitare (Transcription de sonates de maturité de Sylvius Léopold Weiss pour la guitare) / Transcription de sonates de maturité de Sylvius Léopold Weiss pour la guitare

Khaefi, Shahab 17 July 2024 (has links)
Note sur les annexes : 8 fichiers en format m4a présentant l'interprétation de pièces de luth à la guitare / Cette recherche se concentre sur la transcription des sonates de la période de maturité de Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750), écrites originellement pour le luth baroque à 13 chœurs, afin de les adapter à la guitare moderne à 6 cordes. L'objectif principal est d'analyser comment intégrer et interpréter cette musique sur un instrument contemporain. Deux caractéristiques majeures se dégagent de ces œuvres : le niveau technique requis et la structure des mouvements, annonçant des éléments du classicisme à venir. Ces éléments évoluent à partir d'un contexte baroque vers des traits caractéristiques du classicisme naissant. Le projet de recherche vise spécifiquement la transcription d'œuvres de la maturité de Weiss, en mettant l'accent sur des aspects tels que le style du compositeur, les ornementations et d'autres éléments distinctifs. Son but principal est de trouver des solutions pour transcrire avec succès les œuvres du compositeur pour la guitare, un instrument qui diffère considérablement de celui utilisé dans la culture musicale de ce compositeur allemand. / This research focuses on transcribing the sonatas from the mature period of Sylvius Leopold Weiss (1687-1750), originally written for the 13-course baroque lute, to adapt them for the modern 6-string guitar. The primary objective is to analyze how to integrate and interpret this music on a contemporary instrument. Two major characteristics emerge from these works: the required technical level and the structure of the movements, foreshadowing elements of the forthcoming classicism. These elements evolve from a Baroque context towards characteristics of emerging classicism. This research project specifically aims at transcribing Weiss's mature works, focusing on aspects such as the composer's style, ornamentation, and other distinctive elements. Its main goal is to find successful solutions for transcribing the composer's works to the guitar, an instrument that differs considerably from that used in the musical culture of this German composer.

流行音樂組曲之電腦音樂編曲 / Computer Music Arrangement for Popular Music Medley

董信宗, Tung,Hsing-Tsung Unknown Date (has links)
在音樂中,組曲是一種特別的創作形式。組曲將多首音樂段落組合排列,並且在音樂段落之間加入間奏,形成一首音樂組曲。組曲的編曲重點在於音樂段落的編排順序及段落之間的連結。平時在宴會、舞會、餐廳、賣場等場合中,往往都會連續播放多首流行音樂。利用電腦編曲自動產生流行音樂組曲,將可提升播放音樂的銜接與流暢感。 因此,本研究利用資料探勘技術及音樂編曲理論,將多首音樂重新改編成一首組曲。系統首先將每首音樂分段並找出每首音樂的代表段落。接著,系統根據代表段落間的相似度編排順序。最後,為了達到組曲中音樂段落連接的流暢性,我們以模型訓練的方式在段落連結間加入間奏。系統從訓練資料學習產生旋律發展、和弦進程與節奏的模型,接著分析代表段落的動機、旋律、和弦及節奏,使得組曲編曲後的段落連結更為流暢且完整。本研究以流行音樂鋼琴伴奏曲為測試資料,我們分別邀請三十四位受過音樂訓練與未受音樂訓練的測試者,針對本研究所提出的鋼琴伴奏節奏辨識、代表段落萃取、段落順序編排及間奏產生,評估其效果。實驗結果顯示,本研究所提出的順序編排與間奏產生技術,對於組曲的流暢感,有著相當大的幫助。 / In music, a medley is an organized piece composed from segments of existing pieces. Ordering and bridge for connection between segments are the important elements for medley arrangement. Automatic medley arrangement is helpful for playing a set of music continuously which is common in banquet, party, restaurant, shopping mall, etc.. This thesis aims to develop the automatic medley arrangement method by using data mining techniques and music arrangement theory. The proposed method first segments each music and discovers the significant segment from each music. Then, the linear arrangement based on the similarities between significant segments is generated. Finally, in order to connect segments smoothly in the medley, the bridge between two segments is generated and inserted by using model training. Three models, melody progression, chord progression and rhythm models are learned from training data. For the experiments, testing data is collected from popular piano music and thirty-four people are invited to evaluate the effectiveness of the rhythm recognition of accompaniment, the extraction of significant segment, the linear arrangement of segments, and the creation of bridge. Experimental results show that the proposed medley arrangement method performs well.

La politique mandataire britannique en Irak : à la recherche d'un « principe d'accord » : le traitement du mouvement nationalitaire kurde dans la wilaya de Mossoul, 1918-1926 / British policies in Iraq : in the search of a « principle of agreement » : the treatment of the kurdish nationalist movement in the Mosul vilayat, 1918-1926

Arikanli, Zeynep 25 January 2016 (has links)
Ce travail se concentre sur comment un acteur justifierait ses actions dans des 'environnements hétérogènes et fragmentés. Le but est de démontrer qu’en l’absence d’un principe d’accord contraignant les actions des acteurs, les relations entre les partenaires d’action égaux basculeraient dans la polyarchie et celles entre les partenaires d’action inégaux basculeraient respectivement dans l’arrangement, la discorde et finalement, la violence. A cette fin, cette recherche se concentre sur les politiques mandataires britanniques en Irak à travers une étude de traitement du mouvement nationalitaire kurde dans la wilaya de Mossoul dans une période s’étendant du 30 octobre 1918 au 5 juin 1926. Le 30 octobre 1918 est la date à laquelle l’Armistice de Moudros a été signée entre les Alliés et l’Empire ottoman (à la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale) suite à laquelle les Britanniques occupèrent Mossoul. Le 5 juin 1926 correspond à la date de la signature du Traité d’Angora qui devait régler la question de la frontière turco-irakienne, connue aussi comme la Question de Mossoul / This study focuses on how an actor justifies its actions in heterogenous and fragmented environments. It aims at proving that in the absence of a principle of agreement constraning the actors’ actions, the relations between equal partners of action turn into polyarchy whilst those between inequal ones end in arrangement, contention and finally, violence. To this end, this research concentrates on the British mandatory policies in Iraq through the management of Kurdish nationalist movement in the wilaya of Mosul from 30rd October 1918 to 5th 1926. The 30rd October 1918 is the date of the signature of Armistice of Mudros between the Allies and the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War. It is in the aftermath of this armistice that the British occupied Mosul. In 5th 1926, Turkey and Great Britain signed the Treaty of Angora which settled the question of frontier between Turkey and Irak, a question which is also known as Question of Mosul

老人居住安排-居住安排轉換、年歲增長與居住安排、居住安排滿意改變之探討 / The Living Arrangements of the Elderly: An Analysis of Living Arrangement Transitions, Aging and Living Arrangement, and Changes in Satisfaction with Living Arrangements

張桂霖, Chang, Guey Lin Unknown Date (has links)
本論文首先介紹臺灣老人的居住安排基本概況。接著,以交換理論與家庭價值觀,分析居住安排的轉換。同時,從經濟因素與需要因素的推拉作用以及家庭價值觀與交換理論,分析老人「移與子女居」和「子女回居」。再接著,應用相同樣本探討年歲增長與居住安排的關係,分析一群老人從初老經過中老到老老三個階段的居住安排。最後,以人與環境一致模式、基本生活需求滿足假說,分析老人居住安排滿意與否的改變。 以往討論老人居住安排的轉換,大多以家庭價值觀解釋,強調感情因素,當老人有最大需要時,例如,健康惡化或從有偶變成無偶,更可能發生轉換為與子女同住。但現代化社會,經濟因素轉趨重要,可能需要以交換理論補強。因此,本論文使用我國行政院衛生署與密西根大學合作之「臺灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤調查」縱斷面調查資料,進行老人居住安排轉換的分析研究,觀察居住安排轉換行為,以檢視這兩種觀點對於居住安排轉換的解釋力。又,以往的相關研究大多以靜態變數為解釋變數,本論文貢獻主要在於以動態的變數-相關變數前後期的變化-為解釋變數,檢視其對老人居住安排轉換的影響。結果發現:以家庭價值觀或以交換理論解釋老人居住安排的轉換,都獲得部分支持;但沒有足夠的證據支持健康惡化或從有偶變無偶是影響老人轉換為與子女同住的關鍵因素;相反地,與交換理論相關的重大經濟決策權的改變變得比較重要,造成更可能發生轉換為不與子女同住或與子女同住。隱含著家庭價值觀對老人居住安排轉換的影響逐漸式微,而交換理論的影響力則越來越強,可彌補以家庭價值觀解釋之不足。 本論文亦使用縱斷面調查資料,以相關變數前後期的變化為解釋變數,檢視臺灣老人從不與子女同住變成「移與子女居」及「子女回居」的影響因素。結果隱含老人正向經濟因素的轉變更可能發生「子女回居」,需要因素及負向經濟因素的轉變則更可能發生「移與子女居」,而且沒有證據足認健康狀況轉差是影響轉換為與子女同住的關鍵因素。 有別於以往許多老人居住安排的文獻常將65歲以上的人當作一個群體,或有的橫斷面研究使用不同樣本,抑或即使以縱斷面研究亦使用不同樣本,進行老化研究,本論文利用相同樣本縱斷面研究分析老年人在初老、中老、老老階段的居住安排,回答「隨著年齡的增長,老人與子女共住的比例是呈U型或直線下降的關係?」、「老化對居住安排有何影響?」的問題。研究結果顯示隨著年齡的增長,老人與子女共住的比例呈直線下降。本論文發現一些因素在某階段有顯著影響,而在其他階段未發現有顯著影響,此即與老化有關;除此,對三個階段的居住安排均發生顯著影響的因素,其影響程度亦隨著年齡的增長而有不同,均為預測老人各階段居住安排決定的良好指標。 本論文為檢視究竟何因素影響老人居住安排滿意與否之改變,使用縱斷面調查資料,應用人與環境一致和基本生活需求滿足之理論基礎,以動態的變數-相關變數前後期的改變-為解釋變數,檢視其影響。結果發現:以人與環境一致或基本生活需求滿足,解釋居住安排滿意與否之改變,都獲得部分支持,同時,「愛屋及烏」假說亦獲得支持。顯示居住安排滿意與否之改變,主要歸因於環境與個體間之一致及合適與否。 總結而言,老人隨著年歲增長,居住安排從滿意變為不滿意者的比例增加,健康狀況亦呈直線下降,但不與子女同住的比例遞增,與子女同住的居住安排則呈直線下降,許多影響因素已顯示老人由家庭照護的傳統價值日漸式微。無論老人採行何種居住安排,理應以提高居住安排滿意度,提昇老人福祉為依歸。此際,除了由政府提出有效對策以為改善之外,老人宜自求多福,例如,改善居住環境、移居良好醫療環境,家庭重大決策放手由子女承擔,多多參與社交性或拜訪親友、鄰居的活動,快樂邁向成功老化。 / This dissertation, firstly, introduces the basic overview of living arrangements of the elderly in Taiwan. Then, it analyzes the transitions in living arrangements among elderly of family values and exchange theory, meanwhile, it also analyzes “moving to be with children” and “returning to the nest” from needs factors and economic factors as well as family values and exchange theory. Then, it uses a panel study to examine the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Finally, it applies a theoretical basis of person-environment congruence and basic-needs content to analyze the changes in satisfaction with living arrangements of the elderly. The value placed on family was often used to explain the influence on living arrangements transitions in previous literature. Yet economic factors have become important in modern society, therefore we need to use exchange theory to strengthen the explanation on transitions. This dissertation, therefore, attempts to compare these two explanations through analyzing transitions, and to examine the effects of these two viewpoints on transitions. Using a longitudinal data source, the Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan, produced by the Department of Health (Taiwan) and the University of Michigan, a binomial logit model is used to observe the behavior of transitions. The contribution of this dissertation mainly lies in taking the dynamic variables, the changes of related variables between baseline and follow-up, as independent variables to examine the influence on the transitions. Empirical results show that both family value and exchange theory cause the living arrangements transitions, but lack evidence to prove that a senior’s health deterioration or the loss of a spouse was the major determinant of the transition to live with children. Contrarily, transitions of living arrangements are more likely to occur when a senior changes her/his role as the economic decision-maker into the non economic decision-maker of the household or vice versa. That implies the influence of family values on transitions is decreasing, and the influence of exchange theory is increasing. This dissertation also uses a longitudinal data source and takes the changes of related variables between baseline and follow-up as independent variables to examine what factors are associated with “moving to be with children” and “returning to the nest” among those living apart from children at baseline of Taiwanese seniors. Empirical results imply that “returning to the nest” is more likely to occur when a senior’s positive economic factors are changed; while “moving to be with children” is more likely to occur when a senior’s needs factors and negative economic factors are changed, and lacking evidence to prove that health deterioration was the major determinant of the transition to live with children. Most previous research on elderly living arrangements examined all people aged 65 and over as a whole. Some cross-sectional studies on aging employed different samples, as did some longitudinal studies. This dissertation examines the living arrangements of young-old, old-old, and oldest-old in Taiwan. A panel study was used to answer the following questions: Is the proportion of coresidence with increased age U-shaped or decreased linearly? What influence does aging have on living arrangements? Analytical results show that the proportion of coresidence decreased linearly among the same samples for the young-old, old-old, and oldest-old. Empirical results show that some factors were significant at some stages, while not significant at other stages, that is, they were affected by aging. Additionally, some factors related to living arrangements for all three age groups, and their effects differed with increased age. All of them are good indicators in predicting the determinants of elderly living arrangements for the three groups. This dissertation also uses a longitudinal data source, applies a theoretical basis of person-environment congruence and basic-needs content, and takes the dynamic variables, the changes in related variables between the baseline and follow-up, as independent variables to examine the determinants of changes in satisfaction with living arrangements of the elderly. Empirical results indicate that both person-environment congruence and basic-needs content partially cause changes in satisfaction with living arrangements, and the “love me, love my dog” hypothesis is also fulfilled. This dissertation suggests that changes in satisfaction with living arrangements are mainly attributed to the congruence or fit between the environment and the individual. Summarily, the proportion of dissatisfaction with living arrangements increases as age increases, the condition of health worsened linearly and the proportion of living with children is decreased with increased age, many factors have been implied the influence of traditional values on family care is decreasing. No matter what kind of living arrangement the elderly adopted, they should improve the living arrangement satisfaction, and enhance the welfare. At this time, beyond the improvements through effective measures of the government, the elderly should fend for themselves by improving the living environment, moving to a good medical environment, transferring the power of decision-making to children, and more involving in sociability or visiting relatives, friends and neighbors. And then they achieve successful aging happily.

Crystal structure, martensitic transformation crystallography, mechanical and magnetocaloric performance of Ni(Co)MnIn multifunctional alloys / Structure cristalline, cristallographie de transformation martensitique, performances mécaniques et magnétocaloriques de l'alliage multifonctionnel Ni(Co)MnIn

Yan, Haile 29 July 2016 (has links)
Les alliages à base de Ni-Mn-In ont attiré une attention considérable en raison de leurs propriétés multifonctionnelles depuis leur découverte en 2004, telles que l’effet de mémoire de forme métamagnétique (Metamagnetic shape memory effect MMSME), l'effet magnétocalorique (MCE) et l'effet de magnétorésistance (MR). Cependant, certaines connaissances fondamentales sur ces alliages manquent toujours jusqu'à présent, telles que la structure cristalline de la martensite, les caractéristiques cristallographiques de microstructure et de transition magnétostructurale. Dans cette thèse, les caractéristiques cristallographiques, les comportements mécaniques et les propriétés magnétiques des alliages Ni-Mn-In base ont été étudiés théoriquement et expérimentalement. Tout d'abord, les structures cristallines des alliages Ni-Mn-In ont été déterminées avec précision par la méthode de Rietveld dans le cadre de la théorie du superespace. Ensuite, la microstructure de la martensite, notamment l'organisation et l'interface des variantes, ainsi que les caractéristiques cristallographiques de la transformation martensitique, telles que les relations d'orientation (OR), le chemin de déformation de la transformation et la compatibilité géométrique entre l'austénite et la martensite, ont été systématiquement étudiés. Enfin, avec cette connaissance fondamentale sur les alliages Ni-Mn-In, les comportements et les mécanismes de sélection /réarrangement des variantes de martensite sous deux types de stratégies de chargement mécanique, à savoir le chargement à l'état martensitique et le chargement durant la transition structurelle, et les effets du recuit sur l'effet MCE et les pertes d'hystérésis associées ont été explorées. Les principaux résultats sont les suivants. La martensite modulé a une structure cristalline incommensurable avec la structure cristalline 6M et le groupe de superespace I2/m(α0γ)00 qui peut être approximée par un modèle de superstructure de multiplicité 3 dans l'espace à tridimensionnel. La microstructure de martensite est en forme de plaques et auto-organisée en colonies. Chaque colonie a quatre variantes d'orientations distinctes. Le maximum de 6 colonies distinctes et 24 variantes peut être généré à l'intérieur d'un grain austénitique. Bien que jusqu'à 14 types de relations de maclage sont proposées dans le cadre des théories cristallographiques de transformation martensitique, seuls trois types de relations de maclage sont généralement observés, à savoir des macles de type I, type II et composées. Les interfaces des variantes sont définies à l'échelle mésoscopique par leur plan de maclage K1 correspondant. Cependant, à l'échelle atomique, la macle de type I a une interface cohérente, alors que celles de type-II et les macles composées ont des interfaces étagées. Les deux relations d'orientations K-S et Pitsch sont appropriés pour décrire la correspondance de réseau entre austénite et martensite dans les alliages Ni-Mn-In. Cependant, le chemin de déformation lié à la relation de Pitsch est mis en évidence pour être efficace pour la déformation de la structure. Avec le chemin de transformation déterminé, le mécanisme sous-jacent de l'organisation des variantes est révélé. À travers la transformation martensitique, en dépit de l'existence d'une relativement large couche contrainte (de l'ordre de 20 nm), le plan d'habitat est bordé par une variante de martensite simple avec l'austénite plutôt que la structure généralement observée "en sandwich", ce qui suggère une relativement bonne compatibilité géométrique entre les phases correspondantes. Pour le chargement en compression à l'état martensitique, l'arrangement des variantes est réalisé par des processus de démaclage. Il est démontré que l'état de variante unique dans certaines colonies pourrait être obtenu lorsque l'orientation de chargement est située dans la zone de Facteur de Schmid (SF) positif commune pour les trois systèmes de démaclage. [...] / Ni-Mn-In based alloys have attracted considerable attention due to their multifunctional properties since its discovery in 2004, such as metamagnetic shape memory effect (MMSME), magnetocaloric effect (MCE) and magnetoresistance (MR) effect. However, some fundenmental knowledge on these alloys is still missing until now, such as crystal structure of martensite, crystallographic features of microstructure and magnetostructural transition. In this dissertation, the crystallographic features, mechanical behaviors and magnetic properties of Ni-Mn-In based alloys were studied theoretically and experimentally. First, the crystal structures of Ni-Mn-In alloys were accurately determined by Rietveld method in the frame of superspace theory (Chapter 3). Then, the microstructure of martensite (Chapter 4), such as variant organization and interface structure, and the crystallographic features of martensitic transformation, such as orientation relationship (OR), transformation strain path and geometrical compatibility between austenite and martensite, were systematically studied (Chapter 5). Finally, with this fundamental knowledge on Ni-Mn-In alloys, the behaviors and mechanisms of martensite variant rearrangement/ selection under two kinds of mechanical loading strategies, i.e. loading at martensite state and loading across the structural transition, and the effects of annealing on MCE and its related hysteresis loss were explored (Chapter 6). The main results are as follows. The modulated martensite has an incommensurate 6M crystal structure with superspace group I2/m(α0γ)00 that can be approximated by a three-fold superstructure model in the three-dimensional space. The microstructure of martensite is in plate shape and self-organized in colonies. Each colony has four distinct orientation variants. The maximum of 6 distinct colonies and 24 variants can be generated within one austenite grain. Although as many as 14 kinds of twin relations are suggested in the frame of crystallographic theories of martensitic transformation, only three types of twin relations are generally detected, i.e. type-I, type-II and compound twin. Variant interfaces are defined by their corresponding twinning plane K1 at mesoscopic scale. However, at atomic scale, the type-I twin has a coherent interface, whereas type-II and compound twins have “stepped” interfaces. Both the K-S and Pitsch ORs are appropriate to describe the lattice correspondence between austenite and martensite in Ni-Mn-In alloys. However, the strain path related to the Pitsch relation is evidenced to be the effective for the structural distortion. With the determined transformation path, the underlying mechanism of variant organization is revealed. Across the martensitic transformation, despite the existence of a relative wide stressed layer (around 20 nm), the habit plane is bordered by single martensite variant with austenite rather than the generally observed “sandwich-like” structure, implying a relative good geometrical compatibility between the corresponding phases. For compressive loading at martensite, variant arrangement is realized by the detwinning process. It is evidenced that a single variant state in some colonies can be obtained when the loading orientation is located in the common positive Schmid factor (SF) zone of the three detwinning systems. For loading across the structural transition, the prestrain is obtained by variant selection in which the number of colonies is significantly reduced and the variant organization within colony is greatly changed. The SF for transformation strain path is introduced to evaluate the possible selection of variants. Heat treatment can significantly enhance the magnetic entropy change ΔSM but simultaneously increase the magnetic hysteresis loss. For ΔSM, the chemical ordered degree should play a prominent role [...]

La transcription en France dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle : l'exemple d'Alexandre Guilmant / Transcription in the second half on the Nineteenth-Century France : the example of Alexandre Guilmant

Tchorek, Denis 10 May 2012 (has links)
Le XIXe siècle français a été marqué par une pratique extrêmement répandue de la transcription musicale. Cette thèse veut s'attacher à ses usages comme moyen d'accès à l'œuvre, à travers l'apport exceptionnel en ce domaine du compositeur et organiste Alexandre Guilmant, des années 1850 – époque de ses premières activités professionnelles – à 1910, veille de sa mort. Si transcrire n'est pas spécifique au XIXe siècle, cet acte irrigue la création musicale, se place au cœur de la conception esthétique de l'œuvre, au point de concentrer en lui de nombreuses questions liées à l'écoute, à la pratique amateur et professionnelle, à l'émergence d'une littérature spécifique et adaptée, à la propriété intellectuelle, entre autres. Le cas Guilmant, étudié dans son contexte socio-artistique, éclaire l'image du transcripteur qui se nourrit de l'extrême mobilité de la musique, s'imprègne des styles classiques et anciens, actualise des œuvres choisies et contribue ainsi à la construction d'un répertoire exemplaire. La transcription apparaît alors comme médiatrice d'une culture, capable d'accompagner le développement de la conscience historique. / Musical transcription was an extremely widespread practice in 19th-Century France. This thesis will focus on its use as a mean of accessing the original artwork, through the outstanding contribution in this field of composer and organist Alexandre Guilmant, between the years of his early professional activities in the 1850s until the eve of his death in 1910. Although transcription is by no means confined to the 19th-Century, it flows through all of musical creation and lies at the heart of the aesthetic design of the artwork – to the point of bringing into focus many issues related, among others, to listening, to amateur and professional practice, to the emergence of a literature both specific and adapted to intellectual property. Guilmant’s case, studied against his socio-artistic background, illuminates the transcriber who, feeding on the extreme mobility of music, is impregnated by classical and antique styles, updates selected works, and so contributes to the development of an exemplary repertoire. Transcription appears as the mediator of a culture and capable of supporting the development of historical consciousness.

Développement et gouvernance des territoires ruraux : une analyse des dynamiques d’interactions dans deux dispositifs institutionnels en Amazonie brésilienne / Development and governance of rural territories : analysis of interaction dynamics within two institutional arrangements in Brazilian Amazon

Polge, Etienne 18 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose un cadre d’analyse renouvelé de la gouvernance des territoires ruraux, telle qu’elle est mise en oeuvre dans des dispositifs institutionnels dédiés. Dans un monde globalisé, dans lequel la focalisation sur les processus de croissance des régions entraîne des mutations rapides et parfois peu maitrisées, le développement territorial joue un rôle majeur. Mobiliser les acteurs et valoriser les ressources locales favorise la différenciation des territoires et contribue à la durabilité des actions. Des politiques publiques peuvent soutenir cette démarche en proposant des dispositifs institutionnels de gouvernance, comme les « Collèges de développement territorial » mis en place par le programme du gouvernement brésilien « Territoires de la citoyenneté ». Mais la faible densité démographique de certains territoires, l’existence de projets sociétaux fortement différenciés et les compétences limitées en matière de gouvernance constituent autant d’obstacles. Le travail présenté ici vise à enrichir la réflexion à partir d’investigations réalisées dans deux territoires contrastés de l’État du Pará, situés en Amazonie brésilienne : le Baixo Amazonas et le Nordeste Paraense. Nous avons mené des enquêtes sur les dynamiques territoriales et les dynamiques d’interaction auprès des acteurs impliqués dans les collèges et, à un autre niveau, dans des « Arrangements Productifs Locaux ». Les zonages à dires d’acteurs ont mis en évidence l’influence déterminante des dynamiques entrepreneuriales, des cadres normatifs, de l’urbanisation et des infrastructures sur l’évolution des territoires. Il apparait que les initiatives des acteurs locaux et des institutions publiques sont insuffisamment coordonnées pour favoriser le développement rural. Les analyses des réseaux et des proximités, réalisées à partir d’entretiens ethnographiques et sociométriques, montrent que les dispositifs institutionnels facilitent les collaborations entre les acteurs distants géographiquement ou initialement peu enclins au dialogue, tout en limitant le repli sur des logiques de similitude ou des logiques locales. Il en ressort qu’un accompagnement soutenu doit être apporté tout particulièrement aux membres des dispositifs inscrits dans les réseaux à différents niveaux pour qu’ils adoptent une posture de médiateurs de la gouvernance territoriale et acquièrent les savoir-faire nécessaires. / This thesis proposes a renewed analytic framework of the governance of rural territories, implemented within institutional arrangements. In a globalized world, where focus on growth processes leads to fast and frequently poorly controlled mutations, territorial development plays a fundamental role. Mobilizing actors and developing local resources supports the differentiation of territories and contributes to the sustainability of actions. Public policies can support this approach by proposing institutional arrangements such as the “Territorial Development Collegiate Body” set up by the Brazilian government's “Territories of citizenship” program. Nevertheless, the low demographic density of many rural territories, the existence of societal projects strongly differentiated and the limited competences on governance constitute many other obstacles. This work aims to enrich the reflection, starting from investigations carried out in two contrasted territories in the State of Pará, located in Brazilian Amazon : Baixo Amazonas and Nordeste Paraense. Surveys on territorial dynamics and interaction dynamics were carried out with actors participating within collegiate bodies and with those at the level of “Local Productive Arrangements”. Zoning based on stakeholders' mental representations highlighted the determining influence of entrepreneurial dynamics, normative frameworks, urbanization and infrastructures on the evolution of the territories. It seems that initiatives of local actors and public institutions are insufficiently coordinated to support rural development. Social networks and proximity analysis carried out starting from ethnographic and sociometric interviews show that institutional arrangements facilitate collaborations between actors who are geographically distant or initially not very inclined to communicate, while limiting closure on logics of similarity or local logics. This reveals that a constant assistance must be brought particularly to the members of the arrangements who are embedded in networks at various levels so that they adopt a posture of mediators of the territorial governance and acquire the necessary know-how.

Franz Liszt as Transcriber and Editor: A Historical Overview and Analytical Study of His Three Versions of Franz Schubert's "Wanderer Fantasy," D.760

Kwon, Jin Ah 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation is divided into six chapters. The first chapter explains the purpose and significance of the study. The second chapter presents an analysis about Wanderer Fantasy, D.760 composed by Schubert, employing Schenker analysis to elucidate important motives. Chapter 3 provides an analysis of Schubert-Liszt, Wanderer Fantasy for Piano and Orchestra, S. 366 and shows how Liszt transcribed the original to emphasize certain motives, and further, describes the development of the piano history. Chapter 4 delves into an analysis of Schubert-Liszt, Wanderer Fantasy for Two Pianos, S. 653a transcribed by Franz Liszt and further explains the historic development of piano, in particular Érard's grand piano. Chapter 5 explains the analysis of Schubert-Liszt, Wanderer Fantasy for Piano Solo, S.565a and expands upon Érard's grand piano. Finally, Chapter 6 leads to this paper's summary and conclusion.

Gabriel Pierné's Sonata in D Minor, op. 36: A Study of the Work's Compositional Language and Context, Focusing on the Composer's Transcription for Flute

Le, Huong Thu 05 1900 (has links)
There are very few significant sonatas for flute and piano written between 1880 and 1918, a period of unusually rich stylistic diversity. Gabriel Pierné composed his Sonata in D Minor, Op. 36 for piano and violin in 1900, and later transcribed it for flute and piano. Unfortunately, the work has not been embraced to a significant extent by either violinists or flutists. The wealth of violin sonatas from this period might explain it not becoming part of the canon for violinists, but this is not the case for the flute repertoire, where it seems that it should hold a place of genuine importance. Since little has been written about Pierné as a composer or about this piece in either of its versions, this project is intended to promote an understanding of the work in its historical and theoretical context and to advocate for more frequent performances. This document also suggests an alternate version of several particular passages so it can better represent the characteristics of today's flute and its modern techniques. This research will help other flutists and flute professors to introduce and spread an awareness of its existence and ideally helping to establish its place in the flute repertoire. From a historical standpoint, this dissertation also offers a case study of Gabriel Pierné's place, both stylistically and institutionally, in the history of French music in fin-de-siècle. Both of these goals fill important gaps in the existing research literature.

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