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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh zařízení pro zatěžování hřídele čerpadla systému Common Rail radiálními silami / Design of Common Rail Pump Shaft Radial Force Device

Chromý, Martin January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is a preliminary draft of test equipment for testing fuel injectors Common Rail system with the drive shaft radial loading. The work presents a brief overview of the contemporary designs of the pump system, which then leads on equipment design.

Analýza funkčnosti společných zařízení v KPÚ / Common equipment function analysis in land adjustment.

ŠVÁBOVÁ, Kristýna January 2010 (has links)
The practical part of the thesis is dealing with the evaluation of the common equipment functionality in the cadastral territories, where the complex land consolidation was implemented. In the chosen complex land consolidations was realized terrain exploration, which was based on a characteristic of the territory and on the findings of the existing common equipment objects. In the given areas the common equipment was judged, the judgement was concretely concentrated on the valuation of roads. On the basis of these facts the common equipment functionality was found out, the acquired results were interpreted and the new equipments or the changes of the existing functionless objects had been suggested. Information which results from the analysis were processed by the programme GIS (Geographical Information System) and the output was a map in which the present state and the proposed changes had been represented.

Analýza vyprojektovaných a realizovaných společných zařízení v pozemkových úpravách / Analysis of designed and implemented common facilities in land consolidation

SOCHOR, Ladislav January 2011 (has links)
The target of this thesis was to analyze the differences between the designs and implementation of the common facilities within the already finished comprehensive land consolidation in the district of České Budějovice. As model representative of the tested complex, KPÚ Bohunice nad Vltavou was selected where the detailed analysis of the design of individual common facilities was compared with the state found out by the terrain reconnaissance. Based on these observations also the principal differences of the implementation and the project were found out, especially in non-respecting the suggested anti-erosion measures.The results of the following analysis of data from the whole district show that the main problem of the implementation is neglecting the shaping and protection of landscape due to the insufficient support in legislation. In the end, measures were suggested which could help to implement also other common facilities than the field paths. In the end, measures were suggested which could help to implement also other common facilities that the field ways.

Rozšíření a struktura populací střevle potoční (Phoxinus phoxinus) v povodí Malše / The distribution and structure of Common Minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) populations in the Malše river basin

LUKEŠ, Václav January 2010 (has links)
This thesis was elaborated within the MSM 6007665801 research intention. The objective of the thesis was to create an overview of the distribution of Common Minnow in the basin of upper and middle reaches of the Malše River. Selected stretches of the Malše River, Černá River and Pohořský, Huťský, Tisový and Žďárský Brooks were monitored. These streams correspond to trout waters in their character. The field research was conducted in the years 2005?2008. Estimates of quantity and indexes of diversity and eguitability in the fish communities were calculated. Estimates of biomass in the population of Common Minnow were calculated and the length frequency distributions were determinated. Common Minnow was found in seven out of twenty examined stretches.

Možnosti ovlivňování textury masa kapra obecného (Cyprinus carpio) / Posibilities affecting of texture of common carp(Cyprinus carpio)

JOHÁNEK, Martin January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with statistical comparison of the textural properties of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) ? (hardness, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness) were kept during the experiment at store?ponds in Trebon. Carps in each pond were fed with triticale or modified form of triticale (not processed, pressed, crushed, not processed cooked at 120 °C and 100 °C and pressed at 120 °C) and one control pond with fish. After the experiment the fish were killed, and the recovery factor was esteblished. The fillets were obtained from samples of muscle precisely in a defined way, and property values texture by TPA (Texture profile analyst) was found. The results show that all four monitored mechanical properties of textures, reach the highest values of control (hardness: 4,756 kg, springiness: 0.689, cohesiveness: 0.788 and chewiness: 2,585 kg), and the lowest textural properties were observed in triticale, not processed, heat- prepared at 120 °C: hardness: 3,259 kg, springiness: 0.646 and chewiness: 1,579 kg, and cohesiveness was lowest in triticale not processed cooked at 120°C: 0.733. Only samples pressed at 120 °C and not processed triticale were statistically significanty different from the others in parameter of hardness. Triticale pressed at 120 °C were statisticanty different from not processed, pressed triticale and control in parameter of cohesiveness. Triticale samples pressed at 120 °C and not processed at 120 °C significantly were different from the others and triticale pressed from controlwere diferrent too. In springiness parameter, there was no statistically significant difference. Was used significancy level p=0.01.

Perda dental e sua associação com a obesidade em uma população adulta do Brasil

Pilotto, Luciane Maria January 2011 (has links)
A obesidade e a perda dental são importantes problemas de saúde pública mundial e ambas as condições ocasionam desfechos adversos à saúde. Em estudos prévios, a existência de associação entre essas condições tem sido observada; no entanto, evidências ainda são inconclusivas, embora muitos estudos indicam que fatores de risco comuns estão relacionados com ambos os problemas. O objetivo principal foi avaliar a associação entre o índice de massa corporal e a perda dental em uma população adulta. O método utilizado baseou-se em dados transversais que foram coletados através de questionários autopreenchíveis e medidas antropométricas foram aferidas em 3.930 funcionários tecnicoadministrativos de uma universidade no Rio de Janeiro, participantes da Fase 1 (1999) do Estudo Pró-Saúde. Perda dental autorreferida (4 categorias) foi o desfecho de interesse e obesidade foi a variável de exposição principal. Os dados sobre os aspectos da dieta, acesso e utilização dos serviços de saúde, fatores socioeconômicos, hábitos e comportamentos de saúde e dados demográficos foram utilizados como covariáveis. Em comparação com aqueles com IMC< 25 kg/m², as pessoas com sobrepeso (IMC≥ 25 e <30 Kg/m²) e obesidade (IMC≥ 30 Kg/m²) apresentaram uma maior chance de perda dental, OR = 1,6 (IC 95% 1,4-1,9) e OR = 2,1 (IC 95% 1,8-2,5), respectivamente. Ajustando por potenciais fatores de confusão, os indivíduos com sobrepeso e obesidade tiveram um OR estatisticamente não significativo para perda dental, respectivamente OR=0,8 e OR=0,9. Os resultados são consistentes com a hipótese de que a associação entre obesidade e perda dental resulte de fatores de risco comuns. / Obesity and tooth loss are important public health problems worldwide, and both conditions cause adverse health outcomes. In previous studies, an association between these conditions has been observed; however, evidence is still inconclusive, although many studies indicate that common risk factors are related to both problems. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the association between overweight/obesity and tooth loss in adults. Cross-sectional data was collected through and self-administered questionnaires and anthropometric measurements in 3,930 civil servants at a university in Rio de Janeiro, participants in Phase 1 (1999) of the Pró-Saúde Study. Self-reported tooth loss (4 categories) was the outcome of interest, and obesity was the main independent variable. Data on aspects of diet, access and utilization of health services, socioeconomic factors, health habits and behaviors as well as demographic data were used as covariates. Compared with those with BMI< 25 kg/m², overweight people (BMI≥ 25 and <30 kg/m²) and obesity (BMI≥ 30 kg/m²) had a greater chance of tooth loss, OR=1.6 (95% CI 1.4-1.9) and OR=2.1 (95% CI 1.8-2.5), respectively. Adjusting for potential confounding factors, overweight and obese participants showed no statistically significant higher odds for tooth loss, respectively, OR=0.8 and OR=0.9.The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the association between obesity and tooth loss is the result of common risk factors.

Coerência e comunidade em Espinosa / Coherence and community in Spinoza

Fernando Bonadia de Oliveira 18 September 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho desenvolve uma investigação sobre as noções de coerência e comunidade nas obras de Bento de Espinosa (1632-1677), em especial na Ética demonstrada em ordem geométrica. A noção de coerência, entendida como modo pelo qual as partes da natureza se relacionam para compor o todo do universo, é um problema central em toda a história da filosofia. Espinosa também se posicionou em relação a essa questão, formulando uma teoria que procura explicar a relação entre as partes do universo sem recorrer a nenhuma causa exterior a ele, configurando assim uma filosofia da imanência. Nessa perspectiva, o objetivo da pesquisa consiste em mostrar como o problema da coerência apareceu em diferentes campos da obra espinosana, sendo sempre solucionado através de uma mesma explicação imanente da natureza, que se estabeleceu definitivamente com a introdução da noção de comum na cadeia dedutiva da Ética. Para isso, partimos de uma perspectiva histórica e examinamos inicialmente algumas cartas de Espinosa, verificando como a pergunta sobre a coerência da natureza foi ali respondida. Posteriormente, ao analisar a Ética, apresentamos como, em cada de uma de suas cinco partes, a ideia de comunidade se faz presente, emergindo tanto no campo especulativo quanto no campo prático. / This work develops and investigation about the notions of coherence and community in Baruch Spinozas (1632-1677) works, especially in the Ethics Demonstrated in Geometrical Order. The notion of coherence, understood as mode through which the parts of nature relate to each other to compose the whole of the universe, is a central problem to the whole history of philosophy. Spinoza also took a stand on this issue, formulating a theory that tries to explain the relation among the parts of the universe without resorting to any cause external to it, thus configuring a philosophy of immanence. In this perspective, the aim of the thesis consists in showing how the problem of coherence appeared in different fields of Spinozas works, always being solved by the same immanent explanation of nature, which was definitely established by the introduction of the notion of common into the deductive chain of the Ethics. For this purpose, we start from a historical perspective and initially examine some of Spinozas letters, verifying how the question concerning the coherence of nature was answered. Afterwards, analyzing the Ethics, we show how the idea of community is present in each of its five parts, emerging both in the speculative field and in the field of practice.

Bem comum ambiental e direito ambiental : uma proposta de fundamentação

Rodrigues, Adroaldo Júnior Vidal January 2008 (has links)
A dissertação é uma pesquisa dos fundamentos filosóficos para o Direito Ambiental. Propondo-se, no primeiro capítulo, a nomear o bem comum ambiental como o fundamento e seus pressupostos antropológicos, políticos e jurídicos, a saber, o antropocentrismo harmônico, o cosmopolitismo e a teoria da justiça realista como instâncias complementares. Por contraste, dialogaremos com os pressupostos rivais: o antropocentrismo individualista, a soberania e o normativismo. O segundo capítulo tratará da aplicabilidade dos conceitos trabalhados anteriormente segundo três casos globais: o Protocolo de Quioto, a distribuição de água e os créditos de carbono. A metodologia aplicada é a análise conceitual dialética. / The dissertation is a research of the philosophical foundations for the Environmental Law. Intending, in this first chapter, to nominate the environmental well being as a fundament and its anthropological presuppositions, political and juridical to know, the harmonic anthropocentrism, the cosmopolitism and the theory of the realistic justice as complemented instances. In contrast, we will dialogue with the presupposed rival: the individualistic anthropocentrism, the sovereignty and the normativism. The second chapter will treat of the applicability of the concepts worked previously according with the three global cases: the Protocol of Kyoto, the distribution of water and Coal credits. The applied methodology is the conceptual dialectics analysis.

Perda dental e sua associação com a obesidade em uma população adulta do Brasil

Pilotto, Luciane Maria January 2011 (has links)
A obesidade e a perda dental são importantes problemas de saúde pública mundial e ambas as condições ocasionam desfechos adversos à saúde. Em estudos prévios, a existência de associação entre essas condições tem sido observada; no entanto, evidências ainda são inconclusivas, embora muitos estudos indicam que fatores de risco comuns estão relacionados com ambos os problemas. O objetivo principal foi avaliar a associação entre o índice de massa corporal e a perda dental em uma população adulta. O método utilizado baseou-se em dados transversais que foram coletados através de questionários autopreenchíveis e medidas antropométricas foram aferidas em 3.930 funcionários tecnicoadministrativos de uma universidade no Rio de Janeiro, participantes da Fase 1 (1999) do Estudo Pró-Saúde. Perda dental autorreferida (4 categorias) foi o desfecho de interesse e obesidade foi a variável de exposição principal. Os dados sobre os aspectos da dieta, acesso e utilização dos serviços de saúde, fatores socioeconômicos, hábitos e comportamentos de saúde e dados demográficos foram utilizados como covariáveis. Em comparação com aqueles com IMC< 25 kg/m², as pessoas com sobrepeso (IMC≥ 25 e <30 Kg/m²) e obesidade (IMC≥ 30 Kg/m²) apresentaram uma maior chance de perda dental, OR = 1,6 (IC 95% 1,4-1,9) e OR = 2,1 (IC 95% 1,8-2,5), respectivamente. Ajustando por potenciais fatores de confusão, os indivíduos com sobrepeso e obesidade tiveram um OR estatisticamente não significativo para perda dental, respectivamente OR=0,8 e OR=0,9. Os resultados são consistentes com a hipótese de que a associação entre obesidade e perda dental resulte de fatores de risco comuns. / Obesity and tooth loss are important public health problems worldwide, and both conditions cause adverse health outcomes. In previous studies, an association between these conditions has been observed; however, evidence is still inconclusive, although many studies indicate that common risk factors are related to both problems. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the association between overweight/obesity and tooth loss in adults. Cross-sectional data was collected through and self-administered questionnaires and anthropometric measurements in 3,930 civil servants at a university in Rio de Janeiro, participants in Phase 1 (1999) of the Pró-Saúde Study. Self-reported tooth loss (4 categories) was the outcome of interest, and obesity was the main independent variable. Data on aspects of diet, access and utilization of health services, socioeconomic factors, health habits and behaviors as well as demographic data were used as covariates. Compared with those with BMI< 25 kg/m², overweight people (BMI≥ 25 and <30 kg/m²) and obesity (BMI≥ 30 kg/m²) had a greater chance of tooth loss, OR=1.6 (95% CI 1.4-1.9) and OR=2.1 (95% CI 1.8-2.5), respectively. Adjusting for potential confounding factors, overweight and obese participants showed no statistically significant higher odds for tooth loss, respectively, OR=0.8 and OR=0.9.The results are consistent with the hypothesis that the association between obesity and tooth loss is the result of common risk factors.

Obtenção de gelatina utilizando cabeças de carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio): avaliação das etapas de pré-tratamento e extração

Silva, Roberto de Souza Gomes da January 2010 (has links)
Dissertação(mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Rio Grande, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia e Ciência de Alimentos, Escola de Química e Alimentos, 2010. / Submitted by Caroline Silva (krol_bilhar@hotmail.com) on 2012-08-19T20:28:05Z No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertao final - roberto.pdf: 715516 bytes, checksum: d89b1ff4b6ead9c473bb17918962a715 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Bruna Vieira(bruninha_vieira@ibest.com.br) on 2012-09-22T18:30:58Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertao final - roberto.pdf: 715516 bytes, checksum: d89b1ff4b6ead9c473bb17918962a715 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-09-22T18:30:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 dissertao final - roberto.pdf: 715516 bytes, checksum: d89b1ff4b6ead9c473bb17918962a715 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / A carpa comum (Cyprinus carpio) é conhecida por ser geradora de quantidade considerável de rejeitos mal aproveitados por indústrias pesqueiras. Estes rejeitos são constituídos por vísceras, peles, ossos e cabeças. Diversos fatores têm contribuído para a utilização de cabeças de carpa provenientes da industrialização, dentre estes a quantidade de cabeças desperdiçadas, que pode atingir 22% do volume da matériaprima, e é uma fonte de nutrientes de baixo custo e rica em colágeno. A maioria das gelatinas comerciais é derivada de mamíferos, sendo peles e ossos de bovinos e suínos as principais matérias-primas do produto. A gelatina é de uma proteína pura, digestível, que se obtém a partir da hidrólise à quente do colágeno, e por este motivo, o pescado torna-se uma potencial fonte de matéria-prima. A aplicação da gelatina é diversificada, podendo ser utilizada na indústria cosmética, farmacêutica,fotográfica e alimentícia. O presente estudo foi dividido em dois objetivos. Primeiramente foram avaliados os efeitos da concentração alcalina, tempo de pré-tratamento e prétratamentos com ou sem troca de solução alcalina do material para a obtenção de gelatina das peles das cabeças de carpa. Foi utilizado um planejamento fatorial 23 completo, e os fatores de estudo foram concentração de NaOH (3-4 M), tempo de prétratamento(45-105 min), e troca de solução de NaOH no pré-tratamento, tendo como respostas rendimento em gelatina, força do gel e ponto de fusão. Na segunda etapa, os ossos remanescentes deste processo foram utilizados para o estudo da influência da granulometria (1-2 mm) nas respostas consideradas das gelatinas extraídas da fração óssea, através da comparação das médias pela aplicação do teste de Tukey, com intervalo de 95% de confiança. Foram realizadas quatro extrações com pH e temperaturas de cada extração de 5,3-60°C, 4,4-70°C, 3,8-80°C e 3,6-85°C. Para as gelatinas extraídas das peles, o maior rendimento (2,27%) foi obtido com solução de NaOH 3 M, 45 min e sem troca de solução no pré-tratamento. Os maiores valores de força do gel (298,7 g) e ponto de fusão (29°C) foram obtidos a concentração de solução NaOH 3 M, 45 min e sem troca de solução alcalina. Para as gelatinas extraídas dos ossos, o maior rendimento (4,86%) foi obtido na granulometria de 1 mm. Os maiores valores de força do gel (128,2 e 131,5 g) não apresentaram diferença significativa (p≤0,05) e foram encontrados na primeira extração das granulometrias de 1 e 2 mm, respectivamente. Na fração óssea a 2 mm, se obteve o maior ponto de fusão, sendo 28,5°C na a primeira extração. O rendimento total da gelatina obtida a partir das cabeças de carpa foi de 7,13%. / Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) is known to produce large amount of byproduct does not made use for fisheries industries. These byproduct can be viscera, skin, bone and head, all riches in collagen. Several factors have been contributing to the use of the carp head coming from industrialization, among which the amount of carp head wasted, with which it can reach around 22% of the volume of the raw material, and it is a source of low costs nutrients. Most of commercial gelatin is derived from mammalian, being skins and bones of bovine and porcine the main raw material of this foodstuff. Gelatin is a pure and digestible protein, which is obtained from hydrolysis of the collagen, and for this reason, the fish become a potential source from raw material. Its application is branched out, being able to used in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical, photographic and food industries. The present study was divided into two parts. At first, it was valued the effect of alkaline concentration, pre-treatment time of the raw material, and treatment with and without change of alkaline solution, in the process of extraction of skin/muscles fraction gelatin of carp head coming from manufacturing processing of this fish. It was used 23 complete experimental design. Pre-treatment time (45-105 min), concentration of alkaline solution (3-4 M) and pre-treatment with change of alkaline solution were chosen as independent variable. Gelatin yield, gel strength and melting point were the response variable. At the second part, was valued of the influence of the bones granulometry (1-2 mm), remaining of the skin extraction of common carp head, in the gelatin yield, gel strength and melting point through the average results comparison by the Tukey test, where differences were considered significant at p≤0.05. It was used four extraction with pH and temperature of each extraction 5.3-60°C, 4.4-70°C, 3.8-80°C and 3.6-85°C. To the skin gelatin the higher gelatin yield (2.27%) was obtained with NaOH solution 3 M, 45 min and pre-treatment without change of alkaline solution. The higher gel strength (298.7 g) was achieved using NaOH solution 3 M, 105 min and pre-treatment without change of the alkaline solution. As for the melting point, the higher value (29.1°C) was obtained with NaOH solution 4 M, 45 min, and pre-treatment with change of NaOH solution. To the bones extraction, the higher gelatin yield was reached with size 1 mm (4.86%). The higher gel strength (128.2 and 131.5 g) were not significantly difference, and they were found in the first extraction with bones size 1 and 2 mm, respectively. Using 2 mm of granulometry, it was possible to obtain the higher melting point values, being 28.5°C to the first extraction.

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