Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe ethical"" "subject:"hhe ethical""
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The spaces within : a Foucaudian analysis of organ donation discourses / Gay Greenwood.Greenwood, Gay (Barbara Gay) January 1999 (has links)
Bibliography : leaves 273-293. / iv, 293 leaves ; 30 cm. / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / A study, from a Foucauldian perspective, of the discourses that surround organ donation and transplantation. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Adelaide, Dept. of Clinical Nursing, 2000?
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Values, values congruence and organisational commitmentO'Connell, Alec John January 2009 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between personal values, perceived organisational values and organisational commiunent. The study builds on the work of Finegan (2000). It is argued that the greater the congruence between a person's personal values and the perceived organisational values of the employing organisation, the greater would be their commitment to that organization. This study examines this issue in a school context, examining the teachers' values and their perceptions of their schools' values. As part of the study a survey was administered to a sample of teachers at eight schools that represented the three main streams within the Australian education system; namely Government schools, independent Christian schools and Catholic schools. In this case, personal values and perceived organisational values were measured using Schwartz's (1991) Values Scale and their congruence was calculated using Savery's (Savery, 1993. 1983, 1981) approach. Commitment was measured using Meyer and Allen's (1990) Organisational Commitment Scale. Perceived organisational support and professional commitment were also measured through Eisenberg's (1986) and Blau's (1985b) scales. The study suggests that teachers' backgrounds have little impact on commitment. It further suggests that personal values have only a minimal effect on continuance conunitrnent, although they have a stronger relationship with affective commitment. While congruence between the two types of values do impact on affective commitment, teachers' perceptions of their organisations' values (irrespective of their own values) are stronger predictors of commitment. Personal values are also shown to affect professional commitment. Although the major focus of the study is to explore the relationship between values congruence and organisational commitment, the results suggest that the most significant predictors of affective organisational commitment are perceived organisational support and teachers' perceptions of organisational values. Read more
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Beslutsfattande och Interpersonell påverkan : En studie om etiskt klimat och etiskt beslutsfattande inom fastighetsmäklarbranschenKlaesson, Frida, Nilsson, Amanda January 2015 (has links)
Titel: Beslutsfattande och Interpersonell påverkan Nivå: Examensarbete företagsekonomi, 15 hp Syfte: Vårt intresse för etiskt beslutsfattande väcktes ur uppfattningen om att fastighetsmäklare generellt sett har lågt förtroende bland allmänheten samt att försäljares etiska snedsteg ofta täcker tidningars förstasidor. Syftet med studien är att skapa ökad förståelse för hur den interpersonella dimensionen påverkar det etiska beslutsfattandet hos medarbetare inom säljorganisationer. Studiens forskningsfrågor har varit följande: 1. Kan oetiskt beteende påverka de andra medarbetarna? 2. Vilken av de etiska teorierna egoism, utilitarism eller dentologi/pliktetik är den mest centrala när det kommer till beslutsfattande för individer? 3. På vilket sätt påverkar en rättvis arbetsmiljö medarbetarnas beslutsfattning vid etiska dilemman? Metod: Vår Studie baseras på en deduktiv forskningsansats och en kvalitativ forskningsmetod. Vi har utfört semistrukturerade intervjuer med tio fastighetsmäklare från fyra olika svenska städer där vi använt oss av en operationaliserad intervjuguide. Vårt empiriska material har sedan analyserats med en analysmetod av Sarah Philipson, ”A well grounded theory”. Resultat & slutsats: Studien visar att den interpersonella dimensionen på ett fastighetsmäklarkontor har en stark påverkan på beslutsfattningen vid ett etiskt dilemma. Detta då merparten av de tillfrågade mäklarna främst bollade frågor med varandra, stämde av med sina kollegor, värderade och uppskattade kollegornas åsikter samt drog lärdom av varandra vid en uppkommen situation. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Eftersom vår studie visat att medarbetarnas beteende, ”peer behavior”, varit av vikt vid den enskildes beslutsfattande så vore det intressesant att studera denna faktor allt närmre genom att förslagsvis studera chefers medvetenhet om betydelsen av medarbetarnas beteende på arbetsplatsen. Möjligtvis för att utveckla rekryteringsåtgärder/program för att säkerställa etiskt beteende inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen genom att belysa vilka medarbetaregenskaper som är betydelsefulla för att höja kvalitén på den etiska beslutsfattningen på ett kontor. Avslutningsvis vill vi uppmuntra till vidare forskning inom både den strukturella dimensionen och den interpersonella dimensionen och en jämförelse mellan dessa för att öka förståelsen kring etisk beslutsfattning. Uppsatsens bidrag: Vår studie bidrar med ökad förståelse för hur den interpersonella dimensionen påverkar det etiska beslutsfattandet hos medarbetare inom fastighetsmäklarföretag. Vi har skapat en modell som beskriver sambandet mellan interpersonellt etiskt klimat och etiskt beslutsfattande inom fastighetsmäklarbranschen. Nyckelord: Etik, Etiskt klimat, Etiskt beslutsfattande, interpersonella dimensionen, fastighetsmäklare. Read more
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Etická dilemata v hospicovém zařízení / Ethical dilemmas in hospiceKRATOCHVÍLOVÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The work is written in order to create an ethical justification for each of the considered solutions to the ethical dilemmas with which hospice workers can meet. The thesis is divided into three blocks. The first block is focused on the palliative, hospice care, on the issue of dying and death. Second block deals with general ethical issues, explaining the basic ethical concepts needed for my thesis and also contains my selected ethical theories that are relevant to meet the objectives of my thesis. The last block contains specific ethical dilemmas I have observed and experienced during my training in the Hospice of St. John N. Neumann based in Prachatice. First in this block are shown the values, which in my opinion, affect the decisions of workers. Subsequently is taken in account each identified ethical dilemma and is determined by its possible solution. Each option of the solution is justified by the argument supported by ethical theories, principles and values.
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Etické aspekty sociální práce s rizikovou mládeží / Ethical aspects of social work with youth at risk.JURÁŠ, František January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with concrete ethical aspects, which a social worker can encounter when working in a low-threshold facility for children and youth. The following basic objectives are defined in this thesis: To find out what ethical issues are encountered in dealing with risky youth. To find out how to deal with these problematic phenomena in practice. The thesis is divided into 4 chapters and each chapter is divided into several subchapters. The first chapter deals with social work with risky youth. The second chapter deals with the ethical aspects of social work from a general point of view. In the third chapter, respondents' testimonies are used to identify more specific ethical aspects of their practice. In the last chapter, individual ethical aspects are subjected to the view of ethical theories.
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Etik inom klädindustrin : En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters åsikter om etisk information på klädesplagg / Ethics in the clothing industryLundgren, Malin, Milocco, Mimmi January 2018 (has links)
En kvalitativ studie om konsumenters åsikter om etisk information på klädesplagg Det har identifierats att konsumenter saknar kunskap och information för att göra etiska köpbeslut. En följd av detta är att konsumenters bristande kunskap om etiskt mode hindrar dem från att förändra deras oro till faktiska köp. Syftet är att undersöka hur konsumenters kunskap, oro och åsikter kring etiskt mode reflekteras i deras syn på vilken etisk information de vill ha på klädprodukter. Förhoppningen är att studiens resultat ska bidra till mer kunskap till modebranschen om konsumenters behov av information vid köp av etiska och hållbara produkter. De forskningsfrågor som studien syftar att besvara är följande; hur resonerar konsumenter kring etisk information som sätts på klädesplagg, vilken etisk information vill konsumenter ha på klädesplagg; hur vill konsumenter att etisk information ska presenteras på klädesplagg för att de enklare ska kunna välja etiska klädprodukter. Vi har utgått från en teoretisk referensram som belyser konsumenters köpbeteende av etiskt mode vilken inkluderar en modell baserad på sex teser. Från dessa har endast tre teser använts och utifrån dessa har en egen analysmodell presenterats som användes för att analysera vår tempiriska material. Analysmodellen inkluderar konsumenters kunskap och oro om etiskt mode; konsumenters åsikter och övertygelser om företags etiska handlingar; vilken etisk information vill konsumenter ha på klädesplagg; hur konsumenter vill att etisk information ska presenteras på klädesplagg för att de enklare ska kunna välja etiska klädprodukter. För att samla in empiriskt material har metoden fokusgrupp valts där vi har gjort två grupper. Resultatet av denna studie blev att konsumenter anser att dagens information inte är tillräckligt synlig och de känner att de inte har kunskapen att bedöma vilka produkter som är etiska eller oetiska. Konsumenter anser att klädindustrin är en smutsig industri som behöver förändring. Det har även visat sig att konsumenter känner sig tveksamma till företags verkliga syfte bakom deras etiska arbete samt har lågt förtroende för dem. Den etiska information som konsumenter vill ha är bland annat märkningar som land, närproducerat, egen producerat och symboler för etik och barnarbete. Konsumenter vill att detta ska presenteras tydligt och synlig på främst etiketter. / It has been identified that consumers don’t have the information or knowledge they need to make ethical purchasing decisions. A consequence of this is that consumers lack the knowledge of ethical fashion which prevents them from changing their concerns to actual purchases. The purpose of this study is to investigate how consumers’ knowledge, concern and opinions about ethical fashion reason in which information they want on clothing products. The hope is that the result of this study can contribute to more knowledge for the fashion industry about consumers’ need for information when purchasing ethical and sustainable products. This study aims to answer the following research questions; how do consumers deliberate about ethical information on garments; which ethical information do consumers want on clothes; and how would consumers prefer ethical information to be presented in order to being able to make better choices when purchasing garments. We have proceeded from a theoretical framework which illustrates consumers’ buying behavior of ethical fashion which includes a model based on six hypothesis. From these only three hypothesis have been used and form the basis for our own analytical model that was used to analyse the empirical data. The analytical model includes consumers’ knowledge and concerns about ethical fashion; consumers’ beliefs about companies ethical actions; which ethical information do consumers want on clothes; and how consumers want ethical information to be presented in order to being able to make better choices when purchasing garments. As a research method we have used interviews with two focus groups. The result of this study showed that consumers believe that the current ethical information is not easily available and they feel that they don’t have the knowledge to decide which products that are ethical or not. Consumers feel that the clothing industry is a dirty one which needs to substantially change. The result also shows that consumers feel quite doubtful as to fashion companies real purposes behind their ethical messages and that consumers have low faith in them. The ethical information that consumers want are labels that contain information such as country of origin, whether locally produced or not, own produced as well as recognized symbols regarding ethics and child labor. Consumers want this information to be clearly presented and visible on tags. The language of the study is Swedish. Read more
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Etická dilemata sociální práce s klientem se sociální patologií / Ethical dilemma of social work with client suffering from social pathology.POKORNÁ, Eva January 2009 (has links)
My diploma work deals with the ethical approach of workers who come into contact with the clients committed criminal offences. The work focus on ethical issues of the social workers who are in contact with the clients with social pathology, perpetrators, involuntary clients and with persons suffering from asocial behaviour. The ethical approaches are connected with various ethical paradoxes, problems and they are a part of ethical dilemma. These facts arise in ethical attitudes in connection with client and simultaneously in situation of burn-out syndrome. The target of this work is to focus on ethical issues and on the problems which are connected with the duties of the social workers. The main target of my diploma work was to find out ethical errors of workers in social services in access to the client and find out the range of burn-out syndrome by social workers. The aim of my research has been achieved. The method of quantitative analytic research was applied. The questionnaire survey and its assessment was used. It is the quantitative research. As respondents were chosen members of the Prison Service of the Czech Republic and workers of the Educational institution for Children and Youth and the Educational Centre for Children and Youth in Šindlovy Dvory. The second file of respondents was comprised by members of the Probation and Mediation Service of the Czech Republic. Read more
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The Role of Ethics on Tourist Destination Image Formation : An Analysis of the French Student Travel Market / Le rôle de l’éthique sur les processus de formation de l’image d’une destination touristique : Une analyse d’un public étudiant voyageur françaisMcDonald, Jeanette 10 December 2015 (has links)
L’industrie du tourisme est reconnue comme partie intégrante de l’économie dans un environnement mondial soumis à des influences macro difficiles à gérer et à maîtriser. Le tourisme alternatif tel que le tourisme éthique, est considéré comme une solution durable pour une industrie d’une grande importance dans le monde et qui représente une possibilité de survie économique pour certains pays. L’objectif de cette recherche était d’évaluer la perception du rôle de l’éthique sur la formation de l’image d’une destination touristique par un public étudiant voyageur français, et son influence sur ses choix. La méthode choisie a été principalement une approche constructiviste et qualitative permettant de transférer la contribution des connaissances à plusieurs disciplines, et a engendré des implications managériales dans l’industrie du tourisme. Les résultats démontrent que, bien que l’image éthique d’une destination touristique est principalement influencée par les aspects sociaux et environnementaux, pèsent également des considérations de gestion qui découlent des implications économiques et politiques du tourisme et des activités touristiques. Ces considérations seront essentielles lors de l’élaboration de futurs produits touristiques pour le marché cible que sont les futurs visiteurs dans un environnement mondial de plus en plus accessible. / The tourism industry has proven to be an economic reliance in a global environment that is subject to macro influences that are difficult to manage and sustain. Alternative tourism, such as Ethical tourism, is seen to be a sustainable solution for an industry that holds much importance worldwide and for some countries, presents economic survival. The aim of this research was to evaluate how the French student travel market perceive the role of ethics on tourist destination image formation and its influence on holiday choice. This was primarily achieved by adopting a constructivist and qualitative approach that allowed for rich knowledge of contribution to be transferred to several academic disciplines and provided managerial implications for the tourism industry. Findings show that although an ethical tourist destination image is principally influenced by social and environmental impacts, there are also managerial considerations that derive from the economic and political implications that come from tourism and tourist activity. These considerations will be key when developing future tourism products for a target market who are the future visitors of an ever increasing accessible global environment. Read more
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Exploring discretion and ethical agency of BC professional foresters : the space between ought and canBaumber, Stephen William 05 1900 (has links)
In British Columbia (BC) foresters registered with the Association of BC Forest Professionals (ABCFP) have been given the exclusive right to practise professional forestry. As with all professions there is an expectation that Registered Professional Foresters (RPFs) conduct their activities in an ethical manner and are therefore obligated to act as an ethical agent on behalf of society regarding forest resources. If a certain level of ethical agency is desired of professionals we need to understand whether or not an RPF possesses the ability (defined as their discretion) to sufficiently fulfil this responsibility. Rule-based and principle-based standards of forest management, an RPF’s scope of practice, and the socio-political framework of public forest management in BC all come together to define an RPF’s discretionary context, which sets the limits to an RPF’s discretion. This context is highly idiosyncratic to a specific situation or decision and this makes the RPF’s discretion similarly idiosyncratic. This suggests that an RPF should not be accountable for a standard of ethical agency that does not reflect the context-dependent level of discretion they possess. Fifteen interviews of RPFs were conducted for this study to discuss their approach to ethical decision making. The analysis of the interviews revealed 12 major themes, several of which appear to be highly idiosyncratic to the situations described by the participants. The way these themes were perceived by the participants revealed the differences in the discretionary context of their situations. Several aspects of ethical deliberation emerged from the data that appear to be particular to broad employer categories, including delegated decision-making (government), economic and forest health considerations (industry), and the tension between personal and professional values (consultants). / Forestry, Faculty of / Graduate Read more
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Consumers’ perception of generic drugs in South AfricaBoltman, Tamarah January 2017 (has links)
Medicines play a pivotal role in the process of human development as their rational utilization can decrease morbidity and mortality as well as improve quality of life (Jamshed, Hassali, Ibrahim, Shafie, & Babar, 2010). Access to therapeutic drugs form an integral part of any successful healthcare system. The high cost of medicines, is a barrier to accessibility and improved health to the majority of the South African population (Bangalee, 2015). In developing countries with limited healthcare budgets, such as South Africa, generic drugs (medicines) can be a cost-saving treatment alternative, resulting in medical expenditure being reduced and access to scarce resources increased (Van der Westhuizen, Burger, Lubbe, Serfontein, 2010). There is very little knowledge on perception and attitude of South African citizens with regard to use of generic drugs (Bangalee, 2015). Consumer perception can have a large impact on the choice of medicines or drugs chosen. The study intended to find out what the current consumer beliefs, attitudes, behaviours and knowledge of generic drugs are. There was also intent to establish if lack of awareness or misconception about generic drugs influence consumer choice. The study consists of a literature review of the definition of generic drugs and original or branded drugs, their influence in the public and private health sector, factors that influence consumer behaviour, brand effect, brand trust, brand loyalty, and most importantly the South Africa acceptance of generic drugs. Primary data was collected, reported and analysed through the use of a questionnaire to determine the current consumers’ belief, attitude, behaviour and knowledge of generic drugs. The study results reveal that scepticism does exists, yet there was clear acceptance, but still lack of confidence in generic drugs. Consumer education and information is the key to increased generic drug acceptance. Read more
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