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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fuel-efficient and safe heavy-duty vehicle platooning through look-ahead control

Turri, Valerio January 2015 (has links)
The operation of groups of heavy-duty vehicles at small inter-vehicular distances, known as platoons, lowers the overall aerodynamic drag and, therefore, reduces fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Experimental tests conducted on a flat road and without traffic have shown that platooning has the potential to reduce the fuel consumption up to 10%. However, platoons are expected to drive on public highways with varying topography and traffic. Due to the large mass and limited engine power of heavy-duty vehicles, road slopes can have a significant impact on feasible and optimal speed profiles. Therefore, maintaining a short inter-vehicular distance without coordination can result in inefficient or even infeasible speed trajectories. Furthermore, external traffic can interfere by affecting fuel-efficiency and threatening the safety of the platooning vehicles. This thesis addresses the problem of safe and fuel-efficient control for heavy-duty vehicle platooning. We propose a hierarchical control architecture that splits this complex control problem into two layers. The layers are responsible for the fuel-optimal control based on look-ahead information on road topography and the real-time vehicle control, respectively. The top layer, denoted the platoon coordinator, relies on a dynamic programming framework that computes the fuel-optimal speed profile for the entire platoon. The bottom layer, denoted the vehicle control layer, uses a distributed model predictive controller to track the optimal speed profile and the desired inter-vehicular spacing policy. Within this layer, constraints on the vehicles' states guarantee the safety of the platoon. The effectiveness of the proposed controller is analyzed by means of simulations of several realistic scenarios. They suggest a possible fuel saving of up to 12% for the follower vehicles compared to the use of existing platoon controllers. Analysis of the simulation results shows how the majority of the fuel saving comes from a reduced usage of vehicles brakes. A second problem addressed in the thesis is model predictive control for obstacle avoidance and lane keeping for a passenger car. We propose a control framework that allows to control the nonlinear vehicle dynamics with linear model predictive control. The controller decouples the longitudinal and lateral vehicle dynamics into two successive stages. First, plausible braking and throttle profiles are generated. Second, for each profile, linear time-varying models of the lateral dynamics are derived and used to formulate a collection of linear model predictive control problems. Their solution provides the optimal control input for the steering and braking actuators. The performance of the proposed controller has been evaluated by means of simulations and real experiments. / <p>QC 20150911</p>


JULIANA NEVES NOGUEIRA 10 November 2015 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar as representações da cidade e do olhar no romance Passageiro do fim do dia, de Rubens Figueiredo, assim como pretende investigar o olhar que o próprio autor apresenta sobre a contemporaneidade em seu livro. Por se tratar de uma obra que representa a cidade contemporânea a partir de características específicas – como a velocidade, a violência, o caos urbano, a decadência, a desigualdade e a exploração no trabalho – foi utilizado um arcabouço teórico que possibilita ler as transformações relativas ao desenvolvimento do meio urbano e as suas consequências. Para a análise das representações do olhar dos personagens, foram utilizados textos que apresentam conceitos relativos aos verbos ver e olhar, assim como teóricos que refletem sobre como cidade contemporânea pode influenciar os olhares dos seus habitantes. Também é objeto de análise o conto Escola da Noite, que faz parte da obra Livro dos Lobos, de Rubens Figueiredo, sob a perspectiva da representação do espaço e do olhar da protagonista. Também procuramos perceber como o autor representa a experiência dos profissionais da educação pública brasileira. / [en] This study aims to analyze the representations of the city and the look at romance Passageiro do fim do dia, of Rubens Figueiredo, and intends to investigate the look that the author himself has on contemporaneity in his work. As this book represents the contemporary city based on specific characteristics - such as speed, violence, urban chaos, decay, inequality and exploitation at work - we used a theoretical framework that enables to read transformations related to the development of large cities and its consequences. For the analysis of the characters look representations, texts have been used that present concepts related to the verbs to see and to look, and theorists reflecting on how contemporary city can influence the looks of its inhabitants. It is also analyzed the Escola da noite tale, which is part of Livro dos lobos, of Rubens Figueiredo, from the perspective of representation of space and the look of the protagonist. We also seek to understand the way that the author represents the experience of professionals in the Brazilian public education in the tale.

A Look Into Alzheimer’s Disease—Interventions at The Molecular Level

Feliciano Nieves, Priscila 01 January 2022 (has links)
There are puzzle pieces to the cure for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD), and such can emerge by inspecting the biomolecular interactions and their effects on neuronal cells. The upcoming presented literature review will cover the molecular changes caused by AD pathological progression, explore the relationship between non-AD molecules and AD molecules in the body, and analyze potential contributing factors in AD. In addition, the information to be provided will highlight medicinal alternatives respective to a particular stage in AD.


BRUNA DE SOUSA MADUREIRA 24 June 2019 (has links)
[pt] A presente pesquisa de doutorado tem como objetivo analisar o uso que algumas mulheres fazem da rede social para emagrecer na contemporaneidade. De maneira mais específica, como o Instagram foi incorporado à rotina de mulheres que buscavam eliminar o excesso de peso, através da abertura de uma conta fitness virtual exclusiva para compartilhar a sua prática diária de exercícios físicos e alimentar. Foram entrevistadas 28 mulheres brasileiras entre 19 e 40 anos que eliminaram de 10 a 80 quilos no período de um ano através do compartilhamento diário de fotos e informações acerca do seu processo de emagrecimento no Instagram. Como resultado da pesquisa, foi constatada a importância do grupo (curtidas, comentários positivos e re-compartilhamentos) para a manutenção da busca pelo objetivo primário que, em muitos casos, expandia o espaço das redes sociais para a vida off-line. Além disso, o registro diário das mudanças corporais no diário de telas virtual possibilitou a crença de que seria possível talhar o corpo para atingir o objetivo almejado: emagrecer. Nesse contexto, a tecnologia se coloca como instrumento fundamental que possibilita a conexão e interação entre pessoas. A rede social se tornou o espaço de sociabilidade na contemporaneidade, podendo conectar pessoas que se assemelham em estilo ou objetivo de vida, como é o caso das #instafitness. A partir do uso comum da rede, mulheres se encontram e formam um grupo cuja finalidade é a mesma: perder peso. A formação grupal se torna um aspecto importante, na medida em que um espaço na virtualidade, que reflete o olhar, se constrói com a finalidade de partilhar sentimentos e emoções dolorosas sobre o corpo acima do peso e a dificuldade de se inserir no universo feminino em virtude da gordura. / [en] The article aims to explore the women s use of social media as a tool for losing weight. Instagram was integrated to the daily routine of women that were seeking to eliminate fat excess by opening an exclusive account to share their regular routine of exercises and diet. Data for this study were based on 38 interviews of Brazilian women aged between 19-40 years old, which reduced up to 80 pounds in one year just by sharing their virtual diary of pictures (contents of exercises and meals) on Instagram. The outcome results remark the importance of the group (likes, positive comments and shares) for the maintenance of the primary objective that, in many cases, expanded to the offline life. Furthermore, the daily record in the virtual screen diary of the body changes increased the belief that it would be possible to tame the body to achieve their main goal: lose weight. In this context, technology becomes an important instrument that enables connection and interaction. The social network has become the space of sociability in the contemporaneity, being able to connect people who in similar style or objective of life, as the case of instafitness. From the common use of the network, women meet and form groups whose have the same purpose. Group formation is an relevant aspect, because it creates a virtual space, that reflects the regard, with the purpose of sharing painful feelings and emotions regarding the overweight body and the difficulty of being seen as part of feminine universe because of the fat.

Bloques de generación de reloj y trasmisión de datos de alta velocidad

Falcón, Alfredo Angel 05 November 2018 (has links)
Desde hace más de una década el Grupo de Investigación en Sistemas Electrónicos y Electromectrónicos (GISEE) de la Universidad Nacional del Sur dise~na y ensaya circuitos integrados en sus distintas líneas de investigación. La fabricación de éstos ha sido posible a través de convenios específicos entre la Universidad y compañías que proveen el acceso a los procesos a escala de prototipado con fines educativos, de investigación o comercialización a baja escala. Durante el desarrollo de la investigación para acceder al título de doctorado se encontró que para realizar el prototipo de prueba de concepto era necesario realizar funciones digitales y trasmitir datos a la máxima frecuencia permitida por la tecnología. Detectada esta necesidad se comenzó con el dise~no de dos bloques, un transmisor de datos digitales y un generador de reloj. Entre las características técnicas más importantes del transmisor de datos se puede destacar la compatibilidad con los dispositivos FPGA disponibles en el laboratorio. Por el lado del generador de reloj, la característica más importante a destacar es la posibilidad de variar la frecuencia de salida mediante la configuración de una palabra digital. A medida que se avanzaba en las tareas de diseño de ambos bloques se propuso la idea de documentar el trabajo con dos fines sumamente importantes. El primero es la disponibilidad de los resultados obtenidos como bloques de propiedad intelectual para cualquier otro miembro del grupo pudiera utilizarlos. El segundo, detallar y documenta el proceso de diseño facilita la migración del dise~no a otro proceso de fabricación en caso de ser necesario. El objetivo de este trabajo es dise~nar y fabricar un sistema de trasmisión de datos digitales y un bloque de generación de reloj reutilizables por otros miembros del grupo de investigación. / Since more than ten years ago the Electronic and Electromechatronics Systems Research Group (GISEE) from Universidad Nacional del Sur design and measure integraded circuits IC in several diferents investigation topics. The fabrication have been posible thougth agreements between the university and different company, who provides acces to severals integration procces for low volume with educational and reserch purposes. A proof of concept prototype, for doctoral thesis, requires a high speed digital data transmitter and a clock generator working at the speed limit the best available tecnology. The transmitter main characteristics is the compatibility with the FPGA available at the lab. The clock generator must be able to change the output frequency using a digital word. This work have two main objetives. First, create common blocks for digital high speed systems and share it with other group membres who needed it. Second, the build an apropiated documentation to migrate the design to other technology if it is needed.

Automated Detection of Arctic Foxes in Camera Trap Images

Zahid, Mian Muhammad Usman January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the application of object detection models for detecting Arctic Foxes in camera trap images, a crucial step towards automating wildlife monitoring and enhancing conservation efforts. The study involved training models on You Only Look Once version 7(YOLOv7) architecture across different locations using k-fold cross-validation technique and evaluating their performance in terms of mean Average Precision (mAP), precision, and recall. The models were tested on both validation and unseen data to assess their accuracy and generalizability. The findings revealed that while certain models performed well on validation data, their effectiveness varied when applied to unseen data, with significant differences in performance across the datasets. While one of the datasets demonstrated the highest precision (88%), and recall (94%) on validation data, another one showed superior generalizability on unseen data (precision 76%, recall 95%). The models developed in this study can aid in the efficient identification of Arctic Foxes in diverse locations. However, the study also identifies limitations related to dataset diversity and environmental variability, suggesting the need for future research to focus on training models during different seasons and having different aged Arctic Foxes. Recommendations include expanding dataset diversity, exploring advanced object detection architectures to go one step further and detect Arctic Foxes with skin diseases, and testing the models in varied field conditions.

Modelling and observation of exhaust gas concentrations for diesel engine control

Blanco Rodríguez, David 07 October 2013 (has links)
La Tesis Doctoral estudia la observaci'on en tiempo real de la concentraci'on en el colector de escape de 'oxidos de nitr'ogeno (NOx) y del dosado en motores diesel sobrealimentados (¿ '1 ). Para ello se combinan dos fuentes de informaci'on diferentes: ¿ Sensores capaces de proporcionar una media de dichas variables, ¿ y modelos orientados a control que estiman estas variables a partir de otras medidas del motor. El trabajo parte de la evaluaci'on de la precisi'on de los sensores, realizada mediante la comparaci'on de su medida con la proporcionada por equipos anal'¿ticos de alta precisi'on, que son usados como est'andares de calibraci'on est'atica. Tambi'en se desarrollan en la Tesis m'etodos para la calibraci'on de la din'amica del sensor; dichos m'etodos permiten identi¿car un modelo de comportamiento del sensor y revelar su velocidad de respuesta. En general, estos sensores demuestran ser precisos pero relativamente lentos. Por otra parte, se proponen modelos r'apidos para la estimaci'on de NOx y ¿ '1 . Estos m'etodos, basados en relaciones f'¿sicas, tablas de par'ametros y una serie de correcciones, emplean las medidas proporcionadas por otros sensores con el ¿n de proporcionar una estimaci'on de las variables de inter'es. Los modelos permiten una estimaci'on muy r'apida, pero resultan afectados por efectos de deriva que comprometen su precisi'on. Con el ¿n de aprovechar las caracter'¿sticas din'amicas del modelo y mantener la precisi'on en estado estacionario del sensor, se proponen t'ecnicas de fusi'on de la informaci'on basadas en la aplicaci'on de ¿ltros de Kalman (KF). En primer lugar, se dise¿na un KF capaz de combinar ambas fuentes de informaci'on y corregir en tiempo real el sesgo entre las dos se¿nales. Posteriormente, se estudia la adaptaci'on en tiempo real de los par'ametros del modelo con el ¿n de corregir de forma autom'atica los problemas de deriva asociados al uso de modelos. Todos los m'etodos y procedimientos desarrollados a lo largo de la presente Tesis Doctoral se han aplicado de forma experimental a la estimaci'on de NOx y ¿ '1 . De forma adicional, la Tesis Doctoral desarrolla aspectos relativos a la transferencia de estos m'etodos a los motores de serie. / The dissertation covers the problem of the online estimation of diesel engine exhaust concentrations of NOx and '1. Two information sources are utilised: ¿ on-board sensors for measuring NOx and '1, and ¿ control oriented models (COM) in order to predict NOx and '1. The evaluation of the static accuracy of these sensors is made by comparing the outputs with a gas analyser, while the dynamics are identified on-board by perform- ing step-like transitions on NOx and '1 after modifying ECU actuation variables. Different methods for identifying the dynamic output of the sensors are developed in this work; these methods allow to identify the time response and delay of the sensors if a sufficient data set is available. In general, these sensors are accurate but present slow responses. Afterwards, control oriented models for estimating NOx and '1 are proposed. Regarding '1 prediction, the computation is based on the relative fuel-to-air ratio, where fuel comes from an ECU model and air mass flow is measured by a sensor. For the case of NOx, a set-point relative model based on look-up tables is fitted for representing nominal engine emissions with an exponential correction based on the intake oxygen variation. Different corrections factor for modeling other effects such as the thermal loading of the engine are also proposed. The model is able to predict NOx fast with a low error and a simple structure. Despite of using models or sensors, model drift and sensor dynamic deficiencies affect the final estimation. In order to solve these problems, data fusion strategies are proposed by combining the steady-state accuracy of the sensor and the fast estimation of the models by means of applying Kalman filters (KF). In a first approach, a drift correction model tracks the bias between the model and the sensor but keeping the fast response of the model. In a second approach, the updating of look-up tables by using observers is coped with different versions based on the extended Kalman filter (EKF). Particularly, a simplified KF allows to observe the parameters with a low computational effort. Finally, the methods and algorithms developed in this work are combined and applied to the estimation of NOx and '1. Additionally, the dissertation covers aspects relative to the implementation of the methods in series engines. / Blanco Rodríguez, D. (2013). Modelling and observation of exhaust gas concentrations for diesel engine control [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/32666 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Développement d'une pédale dynamométrique pour vélo

Barriault, Patrick January 2008 (has links)
Ce mémoire de maîtrise a été effectué à l'Université de Sherbrooke pour VélUS, le groupe de R&D sur le vélo. Il présente en détails le cheminement suivi pour la réalisation d'une pédale dynamométrique interchangeable et compacte pour vélo, de la problématique jusqu'à sa mise en service. La pédale dynamométrique est compatible avec la plupart des pédaliers de vélo et avec les chaussures de pédales de piste Shimano PD-6400 et de route Look CX-7. Elle mesure in situ les forces de locomotion développées par le cycliste sur elle-même et aussi sa propre position angulaire par rapport au pédalier. Le mémoire illustre d'abord le concept mécanique permettant d'effectuer les mesures: un corps d'épreuve instrumenté de jauges extensométriques et d'un encodeur optique. Il s'attarde ensuite à la conception du capteur, qui consiste à dimensionner le corps d'épreuve pour satisfaire toutes les exigences: le positionnement du pied, la résistance mécanique, la sensibilité, la masse et l'encombrement; dans ce chapitre, on développe une méthode de travail pour assurer un bon fonctionnement du capteur et pour maximiser sa sensibilité. Par la suite, le mémoire présente l'instrumentation, l'étalonnage ainsi que des mesures effectuées par la pédale dynamométrique.

Geometric Model for Tracker-Target Look Angles and Line of Sight Distance

Laird, Daniel T. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2015 Conference Proceedings / The Fifty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2015 / Bally's Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV / To determine the tracking abilities of a Telemetry (TM) antenna control unit (ACU) requires 'truth data' to analyze the accuracy of measured, or observed tracking angles. This requires we know the actual angle, i.e., that we know where the target is above the earth. The positional truth is generated from target time-space position information (TSPI), which implicitly places the target's global positioning system (GPS) as the source of observational accuracy. In this paper we present a model to generate local look-angles (LA) and line-of-sight (LoS) distance with respect to (w.r.t.) target global GPS. We ignore inertial navigation system (INS) data in generating relative position at time T; thus we model the target as a global point in time relative to the local tracker's global fixed position in time. This is the first of three companion papers on tracking This is the first of three companion papers on tracking analyses employing Statistically Defensible Test & Evaluation (SDT&E) methods.

Savoir et affect : pour une économie du non-savoir

Marion, Dominic 08 1900 (has links)
Il est peu de notions aussi vastes que celle du non-savoir, mais le flou du caractère nécessairement négatif de sa définition s’accompagne tout de même du sentiment que la source de ce qui ne peut qu’être déterminé négativement par la pensée (non, cela n’est pas le savoir) ne peut qu’être positive. Notion à l’applicabilité infinie, parce qu’en elle vient s’abîmer tout ce qui ne peut tenir dans l’espace de la maîtrise relative à ce dont on peut dire : je sais de quoi il s’agit. Est non-savoir tout ce qui se rapporte au bouillonnement pulsionnel de la vie et à l’échéance fatale de la mort. Ce qui pousse l’homme au meurtre, au génocide, à la guerre et à la violence révolutionnaire se confond avec un contenu affectif et identitaire qui ne peut être ramené au savoir sans laisser de reste. Mais tenter de comprendre ce qui échappe à l’entendement est cela même qui relance sans cesse la réflexion comprise comme cœur du savoir. Le savoir se montre ainsi sous une extrême dépendance face à son Autre. À la lumière de cette hypothèse devant beaucoup aux découvertes de la psychanalyse, le présent mémoire s’est donné pour objectif de jeter un regard frais sur quelques grandes tensions sociopolitiques de l’Histoire; mais il a d’abord fallu évaluer philosophiquement la possibilité d’un concept de non-savoir. Des champs identitaires majeurs — révolutions totalitaires ou démocratiques, bouleversements ou synergies culturelles — sont ainsi analysés sous l’angle d’une économie pulsionnelle qui s’inscrit dans une interaction perpétuelle avec ce qui s’ébauche ici comme une économie du rapport entre non-savoir et savoir. Est ainsi produite une esquisse des rapports possibles entre la vie pulsionnelle de l’homme, le savoir institutionnel et le monde sociopolitique. / Few notions are as vast as that unknowing; but the imprecise nature of its definition is nonetheless accompagnied by the implication that what offers itself only negatively to the mind has a positive source. The applicability of the notion of unknowing is infinite; it swallows up all that resists the mastery indicated by statements about that which is. Unknowing encompasses all that belongs to the boiling drive of life and to the faceless moment of death. What leads human beings to murder, to genocide, to war and to revolutionnary violence is bound up with an affective content of identification that cannot be subsumed by knowledge without leaving a residue. Yet attempting to understand what exceeds the mind’s grasp serves as the motor of mental reflection at the heart of knowledge production itself. In this sense, knowledge is inescapably dependent on its « other ». In light of this hypothesis drawn from the domain of psychoanalysis, this thesis aims to reexamine the conceptual underpinnings of basic sociopolitical tensions in History. The conceptual impetus driving major identity movements — such as totalitarian or democratic revolutions and cultural disruptions or synergies — is analysed in terms of a libidinal or drive-oriented economy which is in perpetual interaction with what this thesis characterizes as an economy of the relation between knowing and unknowing, between knowledge and its negation.

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