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TOWARDS A NEW TRACKING ARCHITECTUREBusson, Francois, Pierozak, Jean-Guy, Richard, Hugues, Kipfer, Gerard 11 1900 (has links)
A telemetry facility may connect numerous telemetry receivers to a single tracking antenna
depending on the number of TM channels involved in the test and on the required redundancy.
The tracking data, i.e. AM normalized analog signals extracted by the receivers from the TM
signal and the AGC analog signals, are sent to the Antenna Control Unit (ACU) for tracking
error calculation.
The number of cables between receivers and ACU becomes important in some telemetry
facilities and the tracking signals being analog, the distance must be limited.
This paper proposes a new tracking architecture that moves from analog to digital links between
receivers and ACU with the following main benefits:
Keeping the capability to acquire tracking data (AM&AGC) from several telemetry
Having more flexibility for integration,
Improving interoperability,
Providing availability of simultaneous tracking errors for enhanced tracking algorithms,
for C-band tracking improvement for example.
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[pt] A presente pesquisa doutoral se propõe a desenvolver um quadro
interpretativo para grandes projetos de infraestrutura logística internacional que não
se subscreva aos roteiros analíticos conhecidos e extensamente explorados, sob
rubrica do desenvolvimento, da modernização e tampouco se circunscreva aos
limites conceituais e analíticos de abordagens derivadas de paradigmas da inclusãoexclusão ou, ainda, da expulsão que, a seu turno, seguem informando métodos e
óticas dos estudos sociológicos e políticos voltados às políticas internacionais de
infraestrutura portuária industrial. Em obras recentes voltadas ao estudo crítico dos
processos do fenômeno designado como globalização a alguns fóruns de economia
política internacional no Brasil, há uma ampla percepção de inadequação dos
repertórios e léxicos críticos há muito estabelecidos para responder ao quadro
político. Nesse cenário, esta tese se articula sobre as linhas do que designamos como
uma (leitura) política subterrânea, que, efetivamente visa à elaboração da equação
política que subjaz a processos históricos de desumanização, deslocamento e
desapropriação dos mesmos grupos racializados, de modo a minar suas
infraestruturas culturais, sociais, política. Em vias subterrâneas, o trabalho objetiva
refazer os termos segundo os quais fazemos sentidos de dinâmicas que se
concretizam, no terreno, como guerras comerciais e territoriais, conforme
empreendidas no quadro desses projetos. Conceitos centrais a esses dinâmicas,
como terra, infraestrutura e logística são, assim, retrabalhados à luz da produção
dos estudos africano-diaspóricos, especialmente os de linhagem fanoniana,
conforme mapeamento conceitual realizado na tese. A perspectiva de base que
anima todo o esforço analítico é a de que a tão almejada renovação do repertório
analítico, repetidamente expressa em estudos internacionais e fóruns locais
recentes, seja em política internacional, sociologia política, seja em geografia
humana e em economia política internacional, especialmente aqueles que focalizem
os projetos de infraestrutura logística desta monta, depende de um engajamento
efetivo com as redes dos estudos africano-diaspóricos, bem como com leituras (pós-
)coloniais históricas, constituídas em modo dialógico no eixo transatlântico. Nesse
espírito, a pesquisa desenvolve uma analítica da qual se propõe o conceito de
desterro. É, precisamente, a partir desse conceito que o trabalho se volta ao exame
da literatura crítica sobre logística e projetos de infraestrutura, com o objetivo de
desvelar as relações entre as dinâmicas passadas e presentes do desterro em relação
com as práticas logísticas contemporâneas. Em seguida, o estudo dirige esse
enfoque e léxico crítico, historicamente informado, ao caso do Complexo Logístico
Industrial de Porto do Açu, com especial atenção para constituição do Distrito
Industrial do Porto do Açu, momento da pesquisa em que o conceito é posto em
operação. O trabalho pretende contribuir para os estudos em política internacional
por meio da aposta no potencial dos estudos africano-diaspórica em interpretar e
abrir caminhos de disputa política sobre essas complexas dinâmicas políticoeconômicas transnacionais contemporâneas. / [en] This doctoral research aims to develop an interpretive framework with
which to examine large international logistics infrastructure projects in ways that
do not reiterate the already-known and extensively explored analytical scripts
advanced under the banner of development, modernization, a framework which
does not remain circumscribed to the conceptual and analytical limits of approaches
structured by the paradigm of inclusion-exclusion or inclusion-expulsion. This
paradigm continues to inform methods and approaches in political sociology and
international politics applied to the investigation of the international politics of
industrial port infrastructure. Nevertheless, from recent critical work delving into
processes of so-called globalization to international political economy forums in
Brazil, there is a perceived sense of inadequacy of long-established critical
repertoires and lexicons in responding to the political scenario. In this context, the
dissertation is articulated along the lines of what we designate as politics of the
underground, which effectively seeks to elaborate the political equation that allows
for the continued processes of dehumanization, displacement and dispossession of
the same racialized groups, and for their permanently undermined cultural, social,
political infrastructure. Moving underneath the soil, the research aims to remake
the terms according to which we make sense of dynamics that materialize as
commercial and territorial wars within the context of these industrial port
infrastructure projects. Concepts central to these dynamics, such as land,
infrastructure and logistics, are thus rearticulated in the light of the Africandiasporic studies, especially those sharing a common Fanonian lineage, according
to the conceptual and genealogical mapping carried out in the research. The
fundamental perspective that animates the entire analytical endeavor is that the
long-awaited renewal of the analytical repertoire, as expressed in various studies in
international politics, political sociology, as well as in human geography and in
international political economy, which critically assess these sorts of infrastructure
projects, hinges on, as its condition of possibility, an effective engagement with the
networks of African-diasporic studies, as well as with (post)colonial historical
approaches, forged in dialogical fashion along the trans-Atlantic axis. In this spirit,
the research puts forth an analytics from which the concept of desterro emerges. It
is precisely by mobilizing the concept of desterro that the work undertakes a critical
examination of the most recent critical literature on logistics and infrastructure
projects, while seeking to unveil the relationships between dynamics of desterro,
past and present, in connection with contemporary logistic practices. The study then
directs its critical, historically-informed lenses to the case of the Port of Açu
Industrial Logistic Complex, particularly focusing on the constitution of the Port of
Açu Industrial District, a moment in which the concept is put into operation. This
dissertation intends to contribute to the studies in international politics by shedding
light on the critical potential of African-diaspora studies namely in interpreting and
opening paths for political disputes over complex transnational political-economic
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International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 25-28, 1999 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / Due to Cost and Safety considerations the Range Division of the 412th Test Wing is
upgrading remote telemetry (TM) antenna sites to be operated and monitored remotely.
This is possible, in part, due to the installation of fiber optic cable, and the use of ATM
communications protocol. Both of these applications significantly reduce signal latency
from the remote control station located at Ridley Mission Control Center (RMCC) and the
Antenna site. This paper discusses the challenges associated with controlling these
sophisticated systems remotely. We will also describe the decisions and how they were
made, the concerns over system performance, and the impact to other systems. This paper
also addresses the technologies chosen to support the requirements and overcome the
challenges. The benefits of remote range sensors are also discussed. We will provide top-level
block diagrams of the system architecture.
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Avaliação da estrutura do sistema de informações gerenciais nas empresas da indústria da pesca da foz do Rio Itajaí-AçúMoreira, Vilson José January 2003 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-21T04:27:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 / Uma empresa de sucesso está envolvida em uma série de inter-relacionamentos com sistemas maiores, abrangendo seu ambiente tecnológico, econômico, ecológico, social e político. Se a mudança ambiental está destruindo e criando oportunidades de negócios na indústria da pesca, é relevante e essencial para uma empresa em particular desenvolver um planejamento inteligente para adequar-se ao novo ambiente e/ou mudá-lo. O sucesso dessas empresas passa a depender fundamentalmente, da capacidade da organização em termos de administração de sua base informacional, e de aproveitar as oportunidades de diferenciação que as novas tecnologias de informação oferece. Sistema de Informação Gerencial é um instrumento administrativo que pode aperfeiçoar as comunicações e o processo decisório nas empresas de pesca. Foi efetuada uma pesquisa aplicada de avaliação com levantamento de dados junto algumas empresas de médio e grande porte do setor, situadas na foz do rio ltajaí-Açu, objetivando caracterizar seus sistemas de informações gerenciais. Os dados coletados foram devidamente analisados, que indicaram pouca adaptação das empresas ao novo cenário, pois seus sistemas de informação são desestruturados no que tange a capacidade de fornecimento de informações para decisões estratégicas, com exceção de duas das sete empresas pesquisadas. Estas estão direcionando investimento no aumento da capacidade de administrar as informações, para que seus gestores possam usá-las nas decisões estratégicas. Este trabalho abre oportunidades de auto-avaliação dos gestores destas empresas quanto ao tipo de administração exercida, e abre também, oportunidades de novas pesquisas no segmento industrial da pesca, referente ao gerenciamento da informação no setor.
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A paisagem de rios urbanosPorath, Soraia Loechelt January 2004 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-22T05:43:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
201715.pdf: 10941945 bytes, checksum: df26ca5d089290baa18520b44370adab (MD5) / Os rios têm sido uma presença constante na formação e crescimento das cidades. Desde os primórdios das civilizações, por uma questão de sobrevivência e utilidade, servem como fonte de recursos e meio de circulação. Porém, os rios urbanos são mal compreendidos. São entendidos como um limite ao crescimento das cidades, um obstáculo a ser transposto, e desta forma, não recebem tratamento adequado. Vistos como um problema de drenagem urbana, localizados em fundos de lote e tratados como local de despejos, os rios não vêm sendo considerados como elementos enriquecedores na construção da paisagem urbana. Sob o aspecto físico e da forma urbana, os rios são fortes elementos da paisagem. Eles estruturam o tecido urbano que lhes é próximo, tornando-se muitas vezes eixos de desenvolvimento do desenho da cidade. Eles delimitam a configuração urbana e, em alguns casos, servem como divisa de municípios. O desenho urbano ocasiona as transformações na paisagem, na morfologia urbana e nas áreas adjacentes aos rios. Para compreendermos a dinâmica urbana e ambiental através do tempo, mostrando como os diferentes elementos se alteram ou persistem, analisamos através de um estudo de caso, as transformações que ocorreram no Rio Itajaí-Açu, na cidade de Blumenau/SC, desde a fundação até os dias atuais.
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Geometric Model for Tracker-Target Look Angles and Line of Sight DistanceLaird, Daniel T. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2015 Conference Proceedings / The Fifty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2015 / Bally's Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV / To determine the tracking abilities of a Telemetry (TM) antenna control unit (ACU) requires 'truth data' to analyze the accuracy of measured, or observed tracking angles. This requires we know the actual angle, i.e., that we know where the target is above the earth. The positional truth is generated from target time-space position information (TSPI), which implicitly places the target's global positioning system (GPS) as the source of observational accuracy. In this paper we present a model to generate local look-angles (LA) and line-of-sight (LoS) distance with respect to (w.r.t.) target global GPS. We ignore inertial navigation system (INS) data in generating relative position at time T; thus we model the target as a global point in time relative to the local tracker's global fixed position in time. This is the first of three companion papers on tracking This is the first of three companion papers on tracking analyses employing Statistically Defensible Test & Evaluation (SDT&E) methods.
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Raabes Antworten auf Darwin / Beobachtungen an der Schnittstelle von DiskursenBrundiek, Katharina 11 July 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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AIRBORNE DATA ACQUISITION SYSTEM FOR THE RAH-66 COMANCHE AIRCRAFTCebik, James A., Connor, William J. 10 1900 (has links)
International Telemetering Conference Proceedings / October 27-30, 1997 / Riviera Hotel and Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada / The RAH-66 Comanche flight test program required a state of the art Airborne Data Acquisition System consisting of: 1) A modular distributed system that uses a series of software programmable building blocks capable of signal conditioning all types of sensors. 2) A digital multiplexing system capable of combining various types of digital streams at high rates including Synchronous and Asynchronous PCM, MIL-STD-1553B, and RS-422 data streams. 3) A Data Combiner Unit that accepts synchronous PCM data streams from one to eight sources at 4 MBPS or less and a frame size of up to 8128 words each that outputs four independent PCM streams at 8 MBPS or less and a frame size of up to 16384 words. 4) A Data System Control Unit that controls the tape recorder, serves as the interface to the Pilot’s Control Unit and monitors/reports status of the data acquisition system to the Pilots Control Unit. 5) An Airborne Computer that provides the control and interface to the pilot & copilot instrumentation displays. 6) A Cockpit Instrumentation Pilot Display System consisting of a Main Unit Multi- Function Display, a Load Factor/Hub Moment Display and a Right Wing Flight Control Position Display. The Main Unit Multi-Function Display has the capability to display multiple graphic pages generated by the Airborne Computer. 7) The ability to record high speed avionics buses from the (Mission Equipment Package) MEP such as MIL-STD-1553B, (High Speed Data Bus) HSDB, (Processor Interconnect) PI Bus, (Data Flow Network) DFN and PCM utilizing the Ampex DCRsi-107 Tape Recorder.
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Analysis of Covariance with Linear Regression Error Model on Antenna Control Unit TrackingLaird, Daniel T. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2015 Conference Proceedings / The Fifty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2015 / Bally's Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV / Over the past several years DoD imposed constraints on test deliverables, requiring objective measures of test results, i.e., statistically defensible test and evaluation (SDT&E) methods and results. These constraints force the tester to employ statistical hypotheses, analyses and perhaps modeling to assess test results objectively, i.e., based on statistical metrics, probability of confidence and logical inference to supplement rather than rely solely on expertise, which is too subjective. Experts often disagree on interpretation. Numbers, although interpretable, are less variable than opinion. Logic, statistical inference and belief are the bases of testable, repeatable and refutable hypothesis and analyses. In this paper we apply linear regression modeling and analysis of variance (ANOVA) to time-space position information (TSPI) to determine if a telemetry (TM) antenna control unit (ACU) under test (AUT) tracks statistically, thus as efficiently, in C-band while receiving both C- and S-band signals. Together, regression and ANOVA compose a method known as analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). In this, the second of three papers, we use data from a range test, but make no reference to the systems under test, nor to causes of error. The intent is to present examples of tools and techniques useful for SDT&E methodologies in testing.
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Logistics Regression Model on Antenna Control Unit Autotracking ModeLaird, Daniel T. 10 1900 (has links)
ITC/USA 2015 Conference Proceedings / The Fifty-First Annual International Telemetering Conference and Technical Exhibition / October 26-29, 2015 / Bally's Hotel & Convention Center, Las Vegas, NV / Over the past several years DoD imposed constraints on test deliverables, requiring objective measures of test results, i.e., statistically defensible test and evaluation (SDT&E) methods and results. These constraints force testers to employ statistical hypotheses, analyses and modeling to assess test results objectively, i.e., based on statistical metrics, analytical methods, probability of confidence complemented by, rather than solely on expertise, which is too subjective. In this and companion papers we discuss methods of objectifying testing. We employ an earth coordinate model and statistical modeling of telemetry (TM) tracking antenna employing time-space position information (TSPI) and derived statistical measures for tracking-error and auto-tracking mode. Test data were statistically analyzed via analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) which revealed that the antenna control unit (ACU) under test (AUT) does not track statistically identically, nor as practically or efficiently in C-band while receiving data carriers in both S- and C-bands. The conclusions of this paper add support to that hypothesis. In this third of three papers we use data from a range test, but make no reference to the systems under test as the purpose of this paper is to present an example of tools useful for employing a SDT&E methodology.
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