Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ehe main"" "subject:"ehe many""
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WHITE CUBE2 / WHITE CUBE2Korbeličová, Klaudia Unknown Date (has links)
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Application of SWAT for Impact Analysis of Subsurface Drainage on Streamflows in a Snow Dominated WatershedRahman, Mohammed Mizanur January 2011 (has links)
The wet weather pattern since the early 1990's has created two problems for the people living in the Red River Valley (RRV): (1) wet field conditions for farmers and (2) more frequent major spring floods in the Red River system. Farmers in the region are increasingly adopting subsurface drainage practice to remove excess water from their fields to mitigate the first problem. However, it is not clear whether subsurface drainage will deteriorate or mitigate the spring flood situation, the second problem. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model was applied to evaluate the impacts of tile drainage on the Red River's streamflows. The model was calibrated and validated against monthly streamflows at the watershed scale and against daily tile flows at the field scale. The locations and areas of the existing and potential tile drained (PTD) areas were identified using a GIS based decision tree classification method. The existing and maximum PTD areas were found to be about 0.75 and 17.40% of the basin area, respectively. At the field scale, the range of Nash-Sutcliffe efficiency (NSE) for model calibration and validation was 0.34-0.63. At the watershed scale, the model showed satisfactory performance in simulating monthly streamflows with NSE ranging from 0.69 to 0.99, except that the model under-predicted the highest spring flood peak flows in three years. The results of modeling a 100% tiled experimental field showed that about 30-40% of water yield was produced as tile flow. Surface runoff and soil water content decreased about 34% and 19%, respectively, due to tile drainage. However, the impact of subsurface drainage on evapotranspiration (ET) and water yield was mixed. ET slightly decreased in a wet year and slightly increased in a dry year, while the pattern for water yield was opposite to that of ET. The watershed-scaled modeling results showed that a tiling rate of 0.75-5.70% would not have significant effects on the monthly average streamflows in the Red River at Fargo. For the 17.40% tiling rate, the streamflow in the Red River at Fargo might increase up to 1% in April and about 2% in Fall (September to November), while decreasing up to 5% in the remaining months. This SWAT modeling study helped to better understand the impact of subsurface drainage on the water balance and streamflows in the Red River of the North basin. The findings will also help watershed managers in making decisions for the purpose of managing agricultural drainage development in the RRV and other snow dominated watersheds around the world.
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Mannen - maktutövare eller offer? : En komparativ studie av hur två olika teateruppsättningar kommunicerar med sin ungdomspublik på temat maskulinitetsnormerUhlan Bourdiol, Sophie January 2018 (has links)
Abstract Uppsatsens syfte är att genomföra en komparativ studie av hur de två teateruppsättningarna Bonsai och Som man sår kommunicerar med sin ungdomspublik kring temat maskulinitetsnormer. I studien ingår även publikens reaktioner under och resonemang efter framförandena. De metoder som setts som lämpliga för studien är uppsättningsanalyser, deltagande publikobservationer, enkätundersökningar och intervjuer. Som teoretisk ram används tillämpliga delar av R W Connells maskulinitetsteori och G L Mosses idéer om ideala manlighetstyper och dess mottyper i kombination med ett intersektionelltoch queerinriktat perspektiv. Medan Bonsai är en turnerande klassrumsföreställning som spelats i skolor i Stockholm med omnejd, är Som man sår en uppsättning som framförts i Unga Klaras egna lokaler. Rummets storlek, skådespelarantal, teknik, dramaturgi och tilltal är exempel på faktorer som skiljer de båda uppsättningarna åt. Resultaten visar även på många likheter. I båda föreställningarna gestaltas maskulinitet som något män gör. Stereotypa framställningar av män för att synliggöra maskulinitetsnormer är ett tillvägagångssätt som används i båda uppsättningarna, men framför allt är detta något som gäller Som man sår. Gemensamt för dem båda är vidare att maskulinitetsnormer ses som en maktfaktor, men också som destruktiva och begränsande för männen själva. I de två uppsättningarna framkommer ideala maskulinitetsegenskaper som själv- och känslokontroll, disciplin, prestation och styrka liksom dess paradoxer som yttrar sig i form av aggressivitet, våld och våldtäkter. Stereotyper, inverterade förhållanden, överdrifter och absurditeter i kontrast till stort allvar används för att skapa distans och ifrågasättande, men också med hjälp av direkta frågor som vävs in i de olika handlingarna. Den stereotypa framställningen i Som man sår bryts genom att två kvinnliga skådespelare gestaltar två manliga karaktärer. I Bonsai förekommer även alternativa maskuliniteter i kontrast till stereotypen. Överdrivna normativa eller normbrytande beteenden och egenskaper både roar och oroar publiken. Av reaktionerna framkommer att de kan mötas av skratt men också upplevas som obehagliga och skapa en del förvirring.
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Člověk a kůň (Jiný přítel) / Man and horse (Another friend)Peštová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
UNIVERZITA KARLOVA V PRAZE PEDAGOGICKÁ FAKULTA Katedra výtvarné výchovy Téma diplomové práce ČLOVĚK A KŮŇ (Jiný přítel) Jana Peštová 7. ročník Učitelství výtvarné výchovy pro ZŠ, SŠ a ZUŠ Prezenční studium Vedoucí diplomové práce: Doc. ak. mal. Jiří Kornatovský Konzultant: Doc. PhDr. Marie Fulková, Ph.D. Doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Bláha, Ph.D. Korektury: Mgr. Zuzana Hrubá Praha, červen 2012 CHARLES UNIVERSITY IN PRAGUE FACULTY OF EDUCATION Department of art education Master thesis: MAN AND HORSE (Another friend) Jana Peštová 7th year full-time studies Art education for Elementary school, Hight school and School of Arts Supervisor: Doc. ak. mal. Jiří Kornatovský Consultant: Doc. PhDr. Marie Fulková, Ph.D. Doc. PhDr. Jaroslav Bláha, Ph.D. Proofreading: : Mgr. Zuzana Hrubá Prague , June 2012 Prohlašuji, že jsem tuto diplomovou práci zpracovala samostatně a uvedla jsem veškeré použité zdroje. Práce byla prověřena systémem na kontrolu plagiátorství dostupném na www.odevzdej.cz. Praha, červen 2012 ............................................... Poděkování: Za podnětné nápady při zpracovávání práce děkuji Doc. ak. mal. Jiřímu Kornatovskému, Doc. PhDr. Marii Fulkové, Ph.D. a Doc. PhDr. Jaroslavu Bláhovi, Ph.D. Za korektury textu děkuji Mgr. Zuzaně Hrubé. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA: kůň, člověk, sebereflexe, kvalita, zkušenost, forma,...
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Kosmologická témata v současném výtvarném umění / Cosmological themes in contemporary artŠmilauer, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
Šmilauer, T. Cosmological themes in conteporary art. [Master thesis] Prague 2012. 83 pages Charles univerzity in Prague, Faculty of education, department of art education. This work examines the relationship between man and the cosmos, and deals with topics cosmos and cosmology in terms of philosophical and scientific, but also seeks connection with religion and mythology. The aim is to interpret and define the concepts of the cosmos and cosmology, and find these contents in visual culture and fine art. This thesis is also finding ways to use cosmological issues in educational practice. Keywords: cosmos, cosmology, nature, man, visual perception and imaging, microcosm, macrocosm, art
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Písmo svaté v životě a díle Hryhorije S. Skovorody / Scripture in the Works and Life of Gregory S. SkovorodaHolomková, Teťana January 2020 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the personality of Ukranian thinker Hryhorij S. Skovoroda, renowned philosopher, poet, pedagogue and composer of liturgical music. His life journey and important influences which formed his way of thinking (for exmple historical background, culture, education, travelling and crucial moments of his life). Above all, however, thinker's point of view on Holy scripture is investigated. How relationship he had with Holy scripture, how he treated it and how he wrote about it. The thesis presents contents of four Skovoroda's writings in which he deals with the Bible. Subsequently, statements directly related to Scripture or Scripture commentary are excluded from these writings. These represent the original scale of thinker's perception and interpretation of Scripture. Afrerwards, the found statements are compiled into a system that corresponds to Skovoroda's philosophy. The thesis attempts to outline the viewpoint on the Bible through the eyes of Hryhorij S. Skovoroda.
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Obraz ženy ve filosofické reflexi / The Concept of Woman: Philosophical ReflectionJanatová, Kristýna January 2020 (has links)
The topic of the diploma thesis is "The Concept of Woman: Philosophical Reflection." The purpose of this paper is to discuss the phenomenon of femininity and the position of woman not only in the world but in her own body as well. It examines the relationship between a woman and a man. Attention is focused on sameness and difference in self - concept and thinking of both genders. The primary aim is equality of rights and duties between both genders. The paper expands upon eight basic areas. The first chapter deals with woman and the mental and physical form of love. Furthermore, attention is paid to women and marriage, with attention focused on engagement, wedding ceremony and divorce. The chapter regarding women and family correlates to a high degree with the chapter about women and work, attention is focused on the traditional distribution of roles and on the distribution of work at home and outside of home. The chapter "Women and Feminism" maps the demands of that ideology. The chapter "Women for Women" points to the fact that women are not always supporting each other. The chapter "Women and Cognition" analyses the possibilities and conditions of cognition of women. The last chapter focuses on woman's relationship to her own body and evaluates the impact of today's age on the impression of...
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Mockumentärfilm: : StilelementEkberg, Sean January 2020 (has links)
Uppsatsen är gjord i form av en stilistisk analys med mål att utforska dokumentärfilmens autenticitet och mer specifikt en analys av mockumentärfilmers stilelement. Tanken är att genom att analysera vilka stilelement som används i mockumentärfilmer och analysera hur filmskaparna använder dem inom en film skapad ur fiktion, att se ut som en dokumentärfilms form av autenticitet. För analysen valde jag ut tre mockumentärfilmer: This Is Spinal Tap (1984), Man Bites Dog (1992) och Exit Through The Gift Shop (2010). Dessutom valdes ytterligare nio dokumentärfilmer ut, som används i analysens del för att kunna ge exempel från mockumentär till dokumentär. Analysen visar att filmskapare av mockumentärfilmer och dokumentärfilmer använder samma stilelement, men skillnaden ligger i hur filmskaparna använder dem. En mockumentärfilmskapare använder dokumentära stilelement med avsikt att filmen ska få samma utseende som en dokumentärfilm. Analysen visar också att en stor skillnad mellan dokumentärfilmen och mockumentärfilmen finns inom kontraktet till tittaren. Mockumentärfilmskapare knyter ett kontrakt till tittaren för att få åskådaren att förstå att filmen är fiktion. Med hjälp av detta kontrakt och samma förståelse av filmens mockumentära innehåll ger detta åskådaren det fulla spektrumet av filmens innehåll.
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Themes of Exodus and Revolution in Ellison's Invisible Man, Morrison's Beloved, and Doctorow's RagtimeTurner, Tracy Peterson 12 1900 (has links)
In my dissertation I examine the steps in and performance of revolution through the writings of three Postmodern authors, Ralph Ellison, Toni Morrison, and E. L. Doctorow, in light of the model of the biblical Exodus journey and the revolution which precipitated that movement. I suggest that the revolution which began with the Israelites' bondage in Egypt has provided the foundation for American literature. I show that Invisible Man, Beloved, and Ragtime not only employ the motif of the Exodus journey; they also perpetuate the silent revolution begun by the Israelites while held captive in Egypt. This dissertation consists of six chapters. Chapter One provides the introduction to the project. Chapter Two provides the model for this study by defining the characteristics of the Exodus journey, Moses as the leader of the Israelites, and the pattern of revolution established by Michael Walzer in Exodus and Revolution. In Chapters Three, Four, and Five, I apply the model established in Chapter Two to the individual texts. In Chapter Six, I draw three conclusions which arise from my study. My first conclusion is that the master story of the Exodus journey and the Israelites' liberation from Egypt informs all Western literaturewhether the literature reinforces the centrality of the master story to our lives or whether the literature refutes the significance of the master story. Second, the stages of revolution present in the biblical Exodus are also present in twentieth-century American literature. My third conclusion is that authors whose works deal with an exploration of the past in order to effect healing are authors who are revolutionary because their goal is to encourage revolution by motivating readers to refuse to accept the status quo and to, instead, join the revolution which demands change. They do this by asking questions which are characteristic of that which is postmodernnot so much looking for answers as demonstrating that questioning what is, is appropriate and necessary.
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Romantic Symbolism Re-examined: The Ontic FallacyWorth, Ryan Mitchell 14 June 2021 (has links)
Romantic symbolism is a poorly understood concept. It was first formulated by the Romantics in a variety of contexts. Goethe develops his theory of the symbol most notably in his scientific works. Schelling's approach to the Romantic symbol is firmly rooted in his philosophical writings. Coleridge articulates a Romantic notion of symbolism across his extensive literary criticism. The foundational influence of these related theories of Romantic symbolism can be seen in the artistic, literary, and scientific productions of Romantic minded individuals all over Europe in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century. However, the nature and scope of the Romantic symbol as originally formulated by Goethe, Schelling, and others has been obfuscated in unfortunate ways by the contemporary theoretical assumptions and narrow interpretations of recent academic scholarship. This thesis restores the original connotation of the Romantic symbol by identifying the common way in which it is misconstrued: the ontic fallacy.
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