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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Generation and Development of Trust in the Sharing Economy : From the seller's perspective

Fei, Shuyue January 2020 (has links)
The sharing economy (SE) is a new business model that can optimize allocation of resources by enabling people share the idling assets through the online platform without the transformation of ownership. One of the important characteristics of SE is to build up interpersonal trust, which is the foundation of SE. However, trust is also the concern in SE. To know about trust in SE, this thesis attempts to explore the generation and development process of trust by understanding the origin of trust and the evaluation of the trustworthiness of the buyer from the seller’s perspective. Based on the existing trust-related theories and the qualitative research method, the sources of initial trust and the judging approaches of trust was investigated. The study found that sellers’ trust towards buyers derives from inner disposition to trust. In addition, the assurance from SE platform and external regulation, and the familiarity of the transaction environment can also increase trust. In the development process of trust, first, information is gathered through different ways, and then sellers make judgment according to the evidence. By seeking signals of trust through the profile, the reputation system and the communication with the buyers, sellers tend to trust those who present the reliability in the interaction and those who have some similarity to them. As more and more information about the buyer gathered, trust will be weakened, strengthened, or interrupted depending on the trustworthiness perceived by the seller. Furthermore, this study conceptualized initial trust based on the interdisciplinary model and then developed a trust-building model by revising the model in e-commerce.  The results of this study make contributions to both managerial fields and academic fields by investigate trust in SE from the seller’s perspective, which has not been paid attention in previous researches. The importance for the seller to be reliable and the platforms to improve the assurance system has been highlighted in the past. This study provides the cognition of trust from a new perspective, aiming to emphasize that the efforts to increase trust in SE is not the responsibility of the sellers or the platforms. Instead, all the three parties, sellers, buyers and platforms should work together to build up trust in SE.

The Role of Service Attributes, Experiential Quality and Experiential Value in the Sharing Economy

Lu, Can 12 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Exploring underused public open spaces in the neighborhood: A network for sharing individual experiences.

Lee, Jaseon 05 October 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Airbnb and its effects on evictions: evidence from Cincinnati

McMaster, Jordan Matthew 28 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Ridehail Use by the Disadvantaged: Evidence from Austin, Texas

Edwards, Mickey 11 September 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Sharing Economy in Urban China : A study about how sharing economy companies’views on sustainability correspond to consumer motives

Olsson, Anton, Arvidsson, Johan January 2020 (has links)
China is today the global leader and innovator of sharing economy, and the Chinese government has included it in their Five Year (2016-2020) development plan. China has during the last 30 years been the most rapid economically developing country in the world, but it has also brought along some negative consequences. It has become evident that the quick development of China has taken place at the expense of the environment. It is also described that the country has an economic development model heavily based on investment, export and high consumption which is arguably not sustainable.  The sharing economy presents great potential to change how consumers use resources andgoods, and also presents an opportunity to solve sustainability challenges such as decreasingenvironmental, economic and social conditions. There are today little research on this subject, especially empirical, and more research is preferred.  The purpose of this study is to investigate and explore how the sustainability work and marketing of three selected sharing economy companies in Shanghai correspond to customers’ motives for using sharing economy services. To collect data, three interviews were conducted with three different companies that utilize the sharing economy model in Shanghai, China. These companies are major players in the industries of ride-sharing, bike-sharing and house-sharing. Additionally, an online consumer survey regarding customers’ primary motives for using sharing economy services were conducted in order to fulfill our purpose and answer our research questions.  Results from this study conclude that the primary motives for consumers to use sharingeconomy is convenience (bike-sharing and ride-sharing) and to experience something unique (house-sharing). Other important motives are time-saving, accessibility and low cost aspects. The companies, on the other hand, tend to emphasize low cost, environmental and socialaspects. That is, consumer views are often in line with the three companies' marketing andsustainability views. However, there are several cases in this study where it differ.

Upscaling collaborative food allocation : The cases of Olio, Foodsharing, and Reko in Stockholm / Uppskalning av gemensam allokering av mat : Fallen Olio, Foodsharing, och Reko i Stockholm

Gonzalez Raya, Federico January 2021 (has links)
Food has a crucial role in our lives as a way of shaping identities, societies, and because it enables possibilities of bringing people together. Access to food has complex social, ecological, and economic implications that deserve to be examined through a new approach. Natural disasters and nutrition concerns can be taken as an opportunity to reflect on alternative ways of getting accessing food, especially in urban contexts. In case of a similar outbreak or emergency of unknown repercussions, will mainstream food supply function sufficiently and be affordable? The aim of this study is to contribute with increased knowledge and understanding on alternative ways of allocating food in an urban context, to contribute with a discussion on their current spatial arrangements and possible ways of planning for them. As opposed to the mainstream ways of allocating food, alternative organizations specialized in food do not have a permanent space that makes them visible to outsiders, hence hindering access to them. The study shows that urban dwellers can have fluid roles regarding how food is allocated in urban contexts. They can be makers and producers, not only consumers. Alternative food allocation is a phenomenon that entails assorted aspects such as trust, spatiality, and safety and availability of the redistributed food.

Inte alltid lätt att dela : Home sharing i Stockholm: varför nyttjas inte denna möjlighet mer?

Lapveteläinen, Filip January 2022 (has links)
Den oroväckande situation som miljön och klimatet står inför blir allt merapåtaglig hos allmänheten. Samhällets nuvarande sätt att producera ochkonsumera är inte hållbart. Industrier och företag står för en betydande del avde utsläpp och råvaruutvinningar som sker idag. Detta innebär även att de harstor potential att göra en betydande skillnad i arbetet mot en mer hållbarframtid. Cirkulär ekonomi har förespråkats som en nödvändighet för att göradagens konsumtion och produktion mer hållbar. En viktig del av den cirkuläraekonomin är sharing economy som är tänkt maximera nyttan av underanvändatillgångar och därmed minska på efterfrågan på nyproducerade produkter. Introduktionen av sharing economy har öppnat upp möjligheter förentreprenörer och privatpersoner som tidigare inte existerat. Senaste åren haren framfart av olika sharing-plattformar bevittnats där privatpersoner kopplasihop så att användare av en plattform kan ta del av produkter och tjänster somen annan använder erbjuder på denna plattform. Ett vanligt exempel på en typav sharing-plattform är olika home sharing-plattformar där privatpersoner kanhyra ut sin bostad till främlingar och på så sätt skapa sig en extra inkomst.Denna typ av sharing-plattformar har uppskattats av resenärer ochbostadsägare världen över. Däremot så har home sharing-plattformarna stöttpå utmaningar i form av klagomål från lokalbefolkningar samt restriktioneroch i vissa fall förbud mot denna typ av verksamhet. I Sverige har inte framfarten av home sharing-plattformar varit lika påtagligsom i andra delar av Europa. Denna uppsats har identifierat två betydandefaktorer som har en negativ påverkan på sannolikheten att bostadsrättsägare iStockholm skall engagera sig i home sharing-plattformar. Dessa faktorer ärbristande tillit och bostadsrättsföreningars stadgar. Bostadsrättsägare föredraratt hyra ut sin bostad till bekanta eller en bekants bekant i hopp om att minskarisken för misskötande av bostaden och klagomål från grannar. I och med atthome sharing-plattformar går ut på att hyra ut bostaden till främlingar så upplevs detta som en bristande tillit till hyresvärden och därmed även ökaderisker. Bostadsrättsföreningars negativa inställning till korttidsuthyrningarförsämrar ytterligare sannolikheten att en bostadsrättsägare skall engagera sigi en home sharing-plattform.

Uber or Heetch: A comparative study on desirability and usability between ride-sourcing applications / Uber eller Heetch: En jämförande studie av önskvärda aspekter och användbarhet mellan samåknings applikationer

Heikinaho, Alexander, Villarin, Fredilyn January 2018 (has links)
Ride-sourcing is a digital transportation service that has seen a considerable growth in the last half decade especially in the biggest cities around the world. More and more digital platforms for ride-sourcing has emerged since its inception. This study compares the two ride-sourcing applications available in Stockholm— Uber and Heetch, using a combined method of measuring desirability and usability to analyze which factors influence a user’s choice of app. The results showed Uber to have better desirability and usability, and 14 out of the 16 participants chose Uber as their preferred ride-sourcing app. / Samåkningstjänster är en digital transporttjänst som har haft en betydande tillväxt under det senaste halvdecenniet och allt fler digitala plattformar för samåkningstjänster har tillkommit sedan dess uppkomst, särskilt i de största städerna runt om i världen. Denna studie jämför två samåkningstjänster tillgängliga i Stockholm: Uber och Heetch, med en kombinerad metod genom att undersöka önskvärda aspekter och användbarhet för analys av användarnas val av applikation. Resultatet visade att Uber hade bättre önskvärda aspekter och användbarhet, och 14 av 16 deltagande valde Uber som sin föredragna applikation

Är coliving en framtida väg för fastighetsbolag / Is coliving a profitable future path for real estate companies?

Sjölund Jurado, Lucas, Bergström, Jacob January 2019 (has links)
En gemensam nämnare för samtliga storstäder världen över är att boendekostnad som andel avdisponibelinkomst ökar drastiskt. Urbaniseringen har resulterat i en kraftigt ökad efterfrågan påbostäder, en utveckling som väntas accelerera kommande decennier. Coliving, den nya trenden inomområdet alternativa tillgångsklasser är en form av bostad som kombinerar privat utrymme medgemensamma faciliteter. Idéen bygger på att skapa en community-centrerad miljö med möjlighet tillbåde integritet och social kontakt. Samtidigt som kollektivt boende inte är något nytt fenomen lockarbostadsformen ett växande antal människor för vilka nuvarande bostadsmarknad inte erbjuder någotalternativ.Syftet med denna uppsats är att kartlägga coliving i Sverige och identifiera den huvudsakligamålgruppen samt undersöka vilka för- och nackdelar investerare ser i denna nya bostadsform.Uppsatsen baseras till stor del av tidigare studier internationellt där coliving fått större fäste. Vidarehar intervjuer genomförts med såväl svenska etablerade aktörer som kunniga inom ämnet.Efterfrågan på coliving drivs av megatrender som urbaniseringen, den åldrande befolkningen och denväxande gig-ekonomin. Ur dessa trender går det att bryta ut ett flertal koncept med tillhörandemålgrupper, varav den största är millenniegenerationen, följt av seniorer och företag. Ur ettinvesteringsperspektiv är affärsmodellen solid och erbjuder en alternativ tillgångsklass med möjlighettill både ökad avkastning och riskspridning. Dessa fastigheter har normalt en högre avkastning perkvadratmeter än en traditionell hyresfastighet. Fastigheten är inte heller lika ömtålig mot vakans ochpåverkar inte sista raden på samma sätt som en konventionell hyresbostad. I Sverige finns idag tvåetablerade företag, Tech Farm och COLIVE, men enligt vår analys väntas flera företag introduceraegna koncept inom snar framtid.Osäkerheten i det okända är alltid en risk och dagens regelverk är inte anpassat för coliving, någotsamtliga aktörer är överens om. Däremot är samtliga aktörer övertygade om att coliving kan utgöra ettalternativ till hyresrätten och bidra till en mer effektiv bostadsmarknad med ökat utnyttjande avbefintligt bestånd och ökad rörlighet i flyttkedjan. / One common denominator for all major cities around the world is that housing costs as a share ofdisposable income has increased dramatically. Urbanization has resulted in a sharp increase in demandfor housing, a trend that is expected to accelerate in the coming decades. Coliving, the new trend in thefield of alternative assets, is a form of housing that combines private space with shared facilities. Theidea is based on creating a community-centered environment with the possibility of both integrity andsocial contact. While communal housing is not a new phenomenon, this form of living is attracting agrowing number of people for whom the current housing market does not offer any alternative.The purpose of this thesis is to map coliving in Sweden and identify the main target group andexamine what advantages and disadvantages investors see in this new housing form. The essay islargely based on previous studies internationally, where coliving gained a greater foothold. Inaddition, interviews have been conducted with Swedish established actors as well as knowledgeablewithin the subject.Demand for coliving is driven by megatrends such as urbanization, the aging population and thegrowing gig-economy. From these trends, it is possible to break out several concepts with associatedtarget groups, of which the largest is the millennial generation, followed by seniors and the corporatemarket. From an investment perspective, the business model is solid and offers an alternative assetclass with the possibility of both increased returns and risk diversification. These properties normallyhave a higher return per square meter than a traditional rental property. The property is also not asfragile to vacancy and does not affect the last row in the same way as conventional rental home. InSweden there are currently two established companies, Tech Farm and COLIVE, but according to theanalysis, several companies are expected to introduce their own concepts in the near future.The uncertainty of the unknown is always a risk and today’s regulations are not adapted for coliving,something that all actors agree on. On the other hand, all actors are convinced that coliving can be analternative to the rental and contribute to a more efficient housing market with increased utilization ofthe existing stock and increased mobility in the moving chain.

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