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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Morrison, Chevaun Danielle 08 February 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Cell engineering of human bone monolayers and the effect of growth factors and microcontact printed ECM proteins on wound healing : the role of ECM proteins, TGFβ-1, 2 and 3 and HCl/BSA in cellular adhesion, wound healing and imaging of the cell surface interface with the widefield surface plasmon microscope

Sefat, Farshid January 2013 (has links)
Bone repair is modulated by different stimuli. There is evidence that the Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGF-β) super-family of cytokines have significant effects on bone structure by regulating the replication and differentiation of chondrocytes, osteoblasts and osteoclasts. There is also significant evidence that interactions with extracellular matrix molecules also influence cell behaviour. This study aimed at determining the role of the TGF-βs, Collagen type I, Fibronectin and Laminin in bone cell behaviour. To do this MG63 bone cells were used to examine cell adhesion and alignment to different micro-contact printed ECM protein patterns of different widths. The study also aimed at examining how TGF-β1, 2 and 3 and their solvent and carrier (HCl and BSA, respectively) effected cell surface interactions, cell morphology, cell proliferation and integrin expression. Finally, this study also aimed at examining how the TGF-βs and their solvent and carrier influenced wound closure in an in vitro wound closure model and how TGF-βs influence ECM secretion and integrin expression. 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100μm wide repeat gratings of Collagen type I, Fibronectin and Laminin patterns were stamp patterned onto glass slides and plated with MG63 cells at 50,000 cells per coverslip. Cells on the fibronectin pattern attached and elongated soon after seeding, but did not adhere readily to collagen and laminin and appeared more rounded until 18hrs after seeding. Cells aligned significantly well on the 50μm and 100μm wide fibronectin patterned coverslips with mean angles of alignment ~7.87° ± 3.06SD and 6.45° ± 5.08SD, respectively, compared to those with smaller width (p<0.001). In comparison, cells aligned less readily to the other two ECM proteins, showing optimal alignments of 9.66° ± 4.18SD and 14.36° ± 1.57SD to the 50μm wide collagen and laminin patterns, respectively. Differences in cell length mirrored those of alignment, with cells acquiring the greatest length when showing the greatest degree of alignment. The results indicate that MG63 cells responded significantly better to 50 and 100μm wide fibronectin patterns compared to those with smaller width (p<0.001) indicating that the cells may attach mostly via fibronectin specific integrins. Cell surface attachment was examined via a trypsinisation assay in which the time taken to trypsinise cells from the surface provided a means of assessing the strength of attachment. The results indicated that treatment with the solvent (HCl), TGF-β1, 2 and 3 all decreased cell attachment, but this effect was significantly greater in the case of HCl and TGF-β3 (p<0.001). However, there were significant differences in trypsinisation rates between HCl and TGF-β3 (p<0.001). The wound healing response to the TGF-βs and their solvent/carrier was also investigated in 300μm ± 10-30μm SD wide model wounds induced in fully confluent monolayers of MG63 bone cells. The results indicated that TGF-β3 and HCl significantly enhance wound closure when compared against negative controls, TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 treatment (p<0.001). It was also found that TGF-β1 and TGF-β2 treatment significantly improved wound closure rate in comparison to the controls (p<0.001). Experiments were performed to determine if the HCl effects on wound closure were dose dependent. Cells were incubated with 20μM, 40μM, 80μM and 160μM concentrations of HCl prior to wounding and wound closure rates were recorded. Wound closure was dependent on HCl dose with the 80μM and 160μM concentrations inducing increases in wound closure rates that were both significantly greater than those induced by 20μM, 40μM and control treatments (p<0.001). However, there were significant differences in wound closure between the 80μM and 160μM treatment groups after 30hrs of treatment (p<0.001). The effect of different TGF-β isomers and their combinations on proliferation rate and cell length of human bone cells were also assessed. The results suggest that cell morphology changes were observed significantly more in cells treated with TGF-β(2+3) and TGF-β(1+3) (p<0.001). Any cell treated with TGF-β1, TGF-β(1+2) and TGF-β(1+2+3) showed significantly less elongation compared to the control and other TGF-β isomers. In terms of proliferation rate, TGF-β3 and TGF-β(2+3) increased cell numbers more than TGF-β1, TGF-β2 and other combinations. TGF-β1 and its combinations did not show significant proliferation and attachment compared to the control due to perhaps its inhibitory effect in contact with human bone cells. Immunostaining indicated that treatment with TGF-β3 significantly promoted the secretion of collagen type I and anti-human fibronectin in addition to integrin (α3 and β1) expression. Statistically TGF-β3 and their combinations showed significant differences in number of cells stained for collagen type I, anti-human fibronectin, α3 and β1 integrin. Any cell treated with TGF-β1 or any combination with TGF-β1 showed significantly lower cell number stained with the same proteins and integrins (p<0.001). Imaging with WSPR allowed observation of the focal contacts without the need for immunostaining. WSPR images revealed guided cells with high contrast band like structures at the border of cells distal to the edge of guidance cue to which they aligned and with less concentrically formed band like features across the cell body. It is believed that the high contrast features are associated with the formation of focal contacts on the edge of the cells distal to the edge of fibronectin patterns, which suggests that cell guidance is aided by a decrease in cell attachment along a guidance feature. The WSPR experiments also indicated that TGF-βs influenced the distribution of focal contacts. In the case of TGF-β1 treated cells the bright high contrast regions were intense but only arranged around the periphery of the cell. In TGF-β2 and TGF-β3 cells the bright contrast regions were weaker but again mostly localised around the periphery. These findings supported the earlier trypsinisation results.

BMP Ligand-Rezeptor-Komplexe: Molekulare Erkennung am Beispiel der Spezifischen Interaktion zwischen GDF-5 und BMPR-IB / BMP ligand receptor complexes: Molecular recognition exemplified by the specific interaction between GDF-5 and BMPR-IB

Kotzsch, Alexander January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Knochenwachstumsfaktoren (Bone Morphogenetic Proteins, BMPs) sind ubiquitäre, sekretierte Proteine mit vielfältigen biologischen Funktionen. Die Vielfalt an zellulären Prozessen, die durch BMPs reguliert werden, von der Knochenentwicklung und Organhomöostase bis hin zur Neurogenese, erstaunt – und wirft angesichts von teils redundanten, teils spezifischen Funktionen der BMPs Fragen zu den Mechanismen ihrer Signalübermittlung auf. Die Signaltransduktion von BMPs erfolgt wie bei den strukturell verwandten TGF-&#946;s und Activinen durch die ligandeninduzierte Oligomerisierung von transmembranen Serin/Threonin-Kinaserezeptoren, von denen zwei Typen – Typ I und Typ II – existieren. Einer Vielzahl von mehr als 18 BMP-Liganden stehen nach derzeitigem Erkenntnisstand nur vier Typ I und drei Typ II Rezeptorsubtypen für die Bildung von heteromeren Rezeptorkomplexen zur Verfügung. Ein BMP-Ligand kann hochspezifisch nur einen bestimmten Rezeptorsubtyp oder in einer promisken Art und Weise mehrere Rezeptorsubtypen binden. Trotz dieser Bindungspromiskuität üben BMPs ihre biologische Funktion überwiegend hochspezifisch aus, d.h. abhängig vom Liganden werden spezifische zelluläre Prozesse reguliert. Somit stellt sich die Frage, wie die Bildung von heteromeren Ligand-Rezeptor-Komplexen und die Aktivierung definierter intrazellulärer Signalkaskaden zusammenhängen und wie letztlich ein bestimmtes BMP-Signal durch einen „Flaschenhals“, repräsentiert durch die begrenzte Anzahl an Rezeptorsubtypen, in das Zellinnere übermittelt wird. Die Interaktionen zwischen BMP-2 / GDF-5 und den Typ I Rezeptoren BMPR-IA / BMPR-IB sind ein Paradebeispiel für Bindungspromiskuität und -spezifität. Während BMP-2 beide Rezeptoren BMPR-IA und BMPR-IB mit gleicher Bindungsaffinität bindet („promiske Interaktion“), zeigt GDF-5 eine 15-20fach höhere Bindungsaffinität zu BMPR-IB („spezifische“ Interaktion). Dieser Unterschied ist scheinbar gering, aber physiologisch überaus relevant. Um Einblick in die Mechanismen der molekularen Erkennung zwischen den Bindungspartnern zu gewinnen, wurden binäre und ternäre Komplexe aus den Liganden BMP-2 oder GDF-5, den extrazellulären Domänen der Typ I Rezeptoren BMPR-IA oder BMPR-IB sowie der extrazellulären Domäne des Typ II Rezeptors ActR-IIB untersucht. Die hier vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die strukturelle und funktionelle Analyse dieser Ligand-Rezeptor-Komplexe. Um den Einfluss struktureller Flexibilität auf die BMP Typ I Rezeptor Erkennung näher zu analysieren, wurde zudem die Struktur von BMPRIA in freiem Zustand mittels NMR-Spektroskopie aufgeklärt. Aus Mutagenesedaten und der Kristallstruktur des GDF-5•BMPR-IB-Komplexes lassen sich im Vergleich zu bekannten Kristallstrukturen Merkmale ableiten, mit denen die Ligand-Rezeptor-Bindung und -Erkennung charakterisiert werden kann: (1) Die Hauptbindungsdeterminanten in Komplexen von BMPR-IA und BMPR-IB mit ihren Liganden sind unterschiedlich. Während in Komplexen mit BMPR-IB ein hydrophobes Motiv die Bindungsaffinität bestimmt, trägt in Komplexen mit BMPR-IA eine polare Interaktion signifikant zur Bindungsenergie bei. Ein Vergleich der Strukturen von freien und gebundenen Liganden und Typ I Rezeptoren zeigt, dass interessanterweise diese Hauptbindemotive erst bei der Ligand-Rezeptor-Interaktion entstehen, sodass ein „induced fit“ vorliegt und die Moleküle entsprechend „aufeinander falten“. (2) Die Bindungsspezifität wird durch periphere Schleifen in den Typ I Rezeptoren bestimmt. Wie Untersuchungen von Punktmutationen in BMPR-IA zeigen, die einer krebsartigen Darmerkrankung (Juvenile Polyposis) zugrunde liegen, führt erst die „richtige“ Kombination aus Flexibilität in den Schleifen und Rigidität des Rezeptorgrundgerüsts zu signalaktiven Typ I Rezeptoren mit einer potentiell den Liganden komplementären Oberfläche. Die mangelnde sterische Komplementarität von Ligand- und Rezeptoroberflächen führt zu der niedrigeren Bindungsaffinität von GDF-5 zu BMPR-IA im Vergleich zu BMPR-IB. Interessanterweise zeigen die hier vorgestellten, hochaufgelösten Strukturdaten, dass die Orientierungen/Positionen der Typ I Rezeptoren BMPR-IA und BMPR-IB in den Bindeepitopen der Liganden BMP-2 und GDF-5 variieren. Unter der Voraussetzung, dass die extrazelluläre Domäne, das Transmembransegment und die intrazelluläre Domäne der Typ I Rezeptoren ein starres Element bilden, sollte sich die unterschiedliche Orientierung der extrazellulären Domänen der Typ I Rezeptoren in der Anordnung der Kinasedomänen widerspiegeln und sich auf die Signaltransduktion auswirken. Möglicherweise ist eine bestimmte Anordnung der Kinasedomänen der Typ I und Typ II Rezeptoren für eine effiziente Phosphorylierung bzw. Signaltransduktion erforderlich. Der Vergleich mehrerer Ligand-Typ I Rezeptor-Komplexe zeigt, dass die unterschiedliche Orientierung dieser Rezeptoren möglicherweise vom Liganden abhängt. Angesichts der Bindungspromiskuität unter BMP-Liganden und -Rezeptoren könnten so spezifische Signale übermittelt und spezifische biologische Funktionen reguliert werden. Die in dieser Arbeit vorgestellten Erkenntnisse tragen wesentlich zur strukturellen Charakterisierung der Ligand-Rezeptor-Erkennung in der BMP-Familie bei. Die Frage, warum trotz strukturell hoch homologer Liganden und Rezeptoren und weitgehend konservierten Bindeepitopen eine teils promiske und teils spezifische Interaktion möglich ist, kann nun für die Liganden BMP-2 und GDF-5 sowie den beiden Typ I Rezeptoren BMPR-IA und BMPR-IB beantwortet werden. / Bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are ubiquitous, secreted cytokines involved in a manifold of biological functions. The diversity of cellular processes regulated by BMPs, from bone development to tissue homeostasis and neuronal processes, is amazing – and raises questions about the mechanisms of signal transduction in the light of redundant functions on the one hand, and specific functions on the other hand. Similar to structurally related activins and TGF-&#946;s, the signal transduction of BMPs is accomplished by ligand-induced oligomerization of transmembrane BMP type I and type II serine/threonine receptor kinases. According to current knowledge, only four type I and three type II receptor subtypes are available for BMP signal transduction, facing a multitude of more than 18 BMP ligands. Binding of BMP ligands to their receptors can be highly specific meaning that only one specific receptor of either subtype is used for signaling. In contrast, many BMP ligands can recruit more than one receptor subtype, which results in binding promiscuity. However, even though receptor subtypes are bound in a promiscuous manner, only certain biological functions are triggered. Dependent on the BMP ligand, specific cellular processes are activated and regulated. This discrepancy between unspecific binding and specific signaling events and the biological response raises the question how the formation of heteromeric ligand-receptor complexes is linked to the activation of defined intracellular signaling cascades, and finally, how a certain BMP signal is transduced into the interior of the cell through a „bottleneck“ represented by the limited number of receptor subtypes. The interaction between BMP-2 / GDF-5 and the BMP type I receptors BMPR-IA / BMPR-IB is a prime example for binding promiscuity and binding specificity. BMP-2 binds BMPR-IA and BMPRIB with almost equal binding affinity („promiscuous interaction“) while GDF-5 exhibits a 15-20fold higher binding affinity to BMPR-IB („specific interaction“). Although this difference is seemingly small, it is however of considerable relevance for the physiological role of these ligands. To gain insight into the mechanisms of molecular recognition between the binding partners, binary and ternary ligand-receptor complexes consisting of BMP-2 or GDF-5, the extracellular domains of the type I receptors BMPR-IA or BMPR-IB, and the extracellular domain of the type II receptor ActRIIB were investigated. The thesis presented here describes the structural and functional analysis of these ligand-receptor complexes. To analyse the effect of structural flexibility on BMP type I receptor recognition in more detail, the structure of free BMPR-IA was determined using NMR spectroscopy. Based on data from a limited mutagenesis and the crystal structure of the GDF-5•BMPR-IB complex several characteristics concerning ligand-receptor binding and recognition can be deduced: (1) The main binding determinants in complexes of BMPR-IA and BMPR-IB with their ligands BMP-2 and GDF-5 differ. A hydrophobic binding motif determines binding affinity in complexes of BMPR-IB, whereas a polar interaction significantly contributes to binding energy in complexes of BMPR-IA. These main binding motifs are only formed during complex formation as demonstrated by a comparison between structures of free and bound ligands as well as type I receptors. Both ligand and receptor fold „onto each other“ which suggests an induced fit mechanism. (2) Binding specificity is encoded on loops at the periphery of the binding epitope of the type I receptors. Only the „appropriate“ combination between structural flexibility in the receptor loops and structural rigidity of the receptor backbone results in signal active type I receptors, as shown by analysis of single polymorphisms in BMPR-IA causing juvenile polyposis syndrome, a cancerous disease of the intestine. A lack of steric surface complementarity between GDF-5 and BMPR-IA, that cannot be overcome by structural flexibility, leads to the lower binding affinity in comparison to BMPR-IB. Interestingly, the high resolution structure of the GDF-5•BMPR-IB complex shows that the orientations/positions of BMPR-IA in the binding epitope of BMP-2 and of BMPR-IB in the binding epitope of GDF-5 vary. Assuming that the extracellular domain, the transmembrane segment, and the intracellular domain of the type I receptors form a rigid element, the different orientations of the extracellular domains should also reflect the assembly of the kinase domains and therefore, affect signal transduction. One can assume that a defined arrangement of the kinase domains of type I and type II receptors is required to allow for efficient phosphorylation and signal transduction, respectively. The comparison of several BMP ligand-type I receptor complexes suggests that the different orientations of these receptors are likely dependent on the ligand. Considering the binding promiscuity among BMP ligands and receptors such a mechanism would represent a possible way for the transmission of specific signals and regulation of specific biological functions. The insights into molecular structure and function of BMP ligands and receptors presented in this thesis contribute significantly to a more detailed understanding of their binding properties. The question why the interaction of BMP ligands and receptors is promiscuous on the one hand and specific on the other hand in spite of structurally highly homologous molecules can now be answered for BMP-2 and GDF-5 as well as BMPR-IA and BMPR-IB.

Análise do efeito do ácido valpróico no modelo experimental de fibrose peritoneal em ratos / Analysis of the effect of valproic acid in the experimental model of peritoneal fibrosis in rats

Costalonga, Elerson Carlos 02 October 2017 (has links)
Pacientes submetidos por longos períodos à diálise peritoneal (DP) podem evoluir com fibrose e redução da capacidade de ultrafiltração da membrana peritoneal (MP). Essas alterações da MP são desencadeadas pela exposição prolongada às soluções de diálise peritoneal, peritonites de repetição e irritantes químicos que induzem inflamação, neoangiogênese e fibrose da MP. A ativação da via Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-beta)/Smad é um fundamental mecanismo mediador da fibrogênese peritoneal. Sendo assim, drogas que inibam a via TGF-beta/Smad são de especial interesse no tratamento da FP. O ácido valpróico (VPA) é um inibidor das histona desacetilases (iHDAC), enzimas que regulam a conformação da cromatina e a expressão gênica, com atividade anti-inflamatória e antifibrótica. O presente estudo tem como objetivo principal avaliar o efeito do VPA em um modelo experimental de fibrose peritoneal em ratos. Vinte e quatro ratos Wistar machos (peso inicial de 280 - 320g) foram dividos em 3 grupos experimentais: CONTROLE (n=8), animais normais que receberam injeções de salina intraperitoneal (IP); FP (n=8), animais que recereberam injeções IP de gluconato de clorexidina (GC) diariamente por 15 dias para indução de fibrose peritoneal; FP+VPA (n=8), animais com FP e tratados com VPA. O ácido valpróico (300mg/kg) foi administrado por gavage diariamente por 15 dias, simultaneamente à indução de fibrose peritoneal. Ao fim dos experimentos, amostras do tecido peritoneal foram coletadas para realização de histologia, imunho-histoquímica (IH), imunofluorescência (IF) e biologia molecular. A análise da MP dos animais do grupo FP revelou um espessamento significativo da camada submesotelial devido ao acúmulo de matriz extracelular e infiltrado inflamatório. O tratamento com VPA foi capaz de prevenir significativamente o espessamento da MP, mantendo a espessura do peritôneo do grupo FP+VPA similar a do grupo CONTROLE. Com relação à função peritoneal, a administração de VPA evitou a queda da ultrafiltração e aumento do transporte peritoneal de glicose induzidos pelo GC. Além disso, o VPA impediu o aumento da expressão de miofibroblastos e de fatores associados à fibrose (TGF-beta, FSP-1 e fibronectina) induzidos pelo GC. Interessantemente, o VPA reduziu de maneira significativa a expressão da Smad3, mediador intracelular crítico da sinalização TGF-beta/Smad, em relação ao grupo FP. Por outro lado, os animais tratados com VPA apresentaram um aumento da expressão peritoneal de fatores antifibróticos como a BMP-7 e Smad7, proteínas que contrarregulam as ações do TGF-beta. Além de atenuar a fibrose peritoneal, o VPA apresentou efeitos anti-inflamatório e antiangiogênico, demonstrado pela menor expressão de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, fatores quimiotáticos para macrófagos (MCP-1) e VEGF no grupo FP+VPA quando comparado ao grupo FP. Em resumo, o VPA foi capaz de bloquear o espessamento por fibrose da MP e preservar a sua função, além de proteger o peritônio contra a neoangiogênese e inflamação. Além disso, o VPA induziu um aumento da expressão de fatores antifibróticos na MP. Os resultados apresentados neste trabalho chamam a atenção para mecanismos envolvidos nas modificações da MP induzidas pela DP ainda pouco explorados e que podem constiuir potenciais alvos na prevenção do desenvolvimento da fibrose peritoneal associada à DP / Long term peritoneal dialysis (PF) can induce peritoneal fibrosis and loss of ultrafiltration capacity of peritoneal membrane (PM). These peritoneal changes are due to prolonged exposure to peritoneal dialysis solutions, chemical irritants and acute peritonitis episodes that induce inflammation, neoangiogenesis and PM fibrosis. The Transforming Growth Factor (TGF-?) is the main mediator involved in the development of peritoneal fibrosis. Thus, drugs that inhibit the TGF-?/Smad pathway or inflammation are of particular interest in the treatment of PF. Valproic acid (VPA) is an histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor. HDACs are enzymes that regulate chromatin conformation and gene expression. Recent studies have described HDACi as promising drugs in the treatment of inflammatory and fibrotic diseases. The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of VPA in an experimental model of peritoneal fibrosis in rats. Twenty four Wistar rats (initial weight of 280-320g) were divided into three experimental groups: CONTROL (n = 8), normal animals that received only saline ip; FP (n = 8), peritoneal fibrosis was induced by daily Gluconate Clorhexedine (GC) intraperitoneal (IP) injections for 15 days; FP+VPA (n = 8), animals with peritoneal fibrosis and treated with VPA. Daily valproic acid (300mg/kg) doses were administered by gavage simultaneously with the induction of peritoneal fibrosis in the FP+VPA group. At the end of experiments, the animals were submitted to euthanasia and samples of peritoneal tissue were collected for histology, immunocytochemistry, immunofluorescence, and molecular biology. Also, a functional peritoneal test was performed. The FP group showed a significant thickening of PM due to the accumulation of extracellular matrix and inflammatory cellular infiltration. VPA treatment was able to significantly prevent PM thickening, maintaining the peritoneal thickness of the VPA group similar to that of the CONTROL group. The VPA administration also preserved peritoneal function in the FP+VPA group, avoiding the reduction of ultrafiltration and increasing of peritoneal glucose transport induced by GC. According to the histological changes mentioned above, the VPA hampered the upregulation of the pro-fibrotic genes (TGF-beta, FSP-1, and fibronectin) and increase in the myofibroblasts expression induced by GC injections. Interestingly, the peritoneal expression of phosphorylated Smad3 detected by immunohistochemistry and Smad3 mRNA was significantly higher in the FP group. However, this effect was attenuated by VPA treatment. On the other hand, VPA was able to induce an increase in the expression of the antifibrotic factors, such as BMP-7 and Smad7, in the peritoneal membrane. Besides its antifibrotic activity, VPA also showed anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenic effects. Animals of the FP+VPA group showed a significant reduction of the PM expression of pro-inflmmatory cytokines, macrophage chemoattractants and, VEGF expression when compared with FP group. In conclusion, we have shown that VPA inhibits the progression of peritoneal fibrosis in a CG-induced peritoneal fibrosis model in rats. VPA inhibited different and important mechanisms involved in peritoneal membrane modifications induced by PD, as activation of TGF-beta/Smad pathway, inflammation, and angiogenesis. Notably, VPA induced the expression of antifibrotic factors. Our results are very interesting and shed lights on a new perspective for the treatment of peritoneal fibrosis. However, this is an exploratory study and future studies are needed before to translate this experimental finding into clinical application

Importância da protease ADAMTS-1 na invasão local e sistêmica de células do fibrossarcoma. / Importance of ADAMTS-1 protease in local and systemic invasion of fibrosarcoma.

Guerra, Heydi Noriega 12 December 2017 (has links)
A matriz extracelular serve como depósito para fatores biologicamente ativos, como fatores de crescimento e proteases, os quais influenciam no comportamento das células tumorais. A ADAMTS-1 (uma desintegrina e metaloproteinase com motivos trombospondina) é um membro da família de metaloproteases ADAMTSs. Neste trabalho, avaliamos o papel da ADAMTS-1 na regulação das atividades estimuladas pelo HGF ou TGF-&#946;1, sobre as células de fibrossarcoma (HT1080). A superexpressão de ADAMTS-1 afetou a proliferação e a velocidade de migração das células HT1080 estimuladas por HGF, mas não por TGF-&#946;1. Demonstramos que a superexpressão da ADAMTS-1 diminuiu a fosforilação do receptor c-Met e das vias downstream ERK1/2 e FAK. Adicionalmente, na presença do HGF, a superexpressão de ADAMTS-1 perturbou a formação de fibrossarcosferas in vitro e microtumores in vivo. Esses microtumores e células individuais apresentaram características morfológicas de lesões menos invasivas. Nossos dados sugerem que a ADAMTS-1 regula as atividades estimuladas pelo HGF no fibrossarcoma. / The extracellular matrix serves as a reservoir for biologically active factors, such as growth factors and proteases that influence the tumor cell behavior. ADAMTS-1 (a disintegrin and metalloproteinase with thrombospondin motifs) is a member of the ADAMTS family of metalloproteases. Here, we addressed the role played by ADAMTS-1 regulating HGF and TGF-&#946;1 activities in fibrosarcoma cell line (HT1080). ADAMTS-1 overexpression affected the proliferation and migration velocity of HT1080 cells, after stimulation with HGF. However, ADAMTS-1 overexpression failed to affect TGF-&#946;1 activity. We showed that ADAMTS-1 overexpression decreased the phosphorylation of c-Met receptor and downstream signaling pathways ERK1/2 and FAK. Additionally, in presence of HGF, ADAMTS-1 overexpression disrupted the formation of fibrosarcospheres in vitro and microtumors in vivo. These microtumors and individual cells presented characteristics of low invasive tumor cells (rounded morphology). Our results suggest that ADAMTS-1 is involved in regulating HGF-related functions on fibrosarcoma cells.

Desenvolvimento das glândulas salivares menores: relação morfológica paralela entre a expressão das isoformas de TGF- e marcadores citoesqueletais da maturação glandular / Developing human minor salivary glands: morphological parallel relation between the expression of TGF-beta isoforms and cytoskeletal markers of glandular maturation

Uyekita, Sabrina Hitomi 24 March 2010 (has links)
A morfogênese das glândulas salivares envolve eventos complexos e coordenados, dependentes da interação epitélio-mesênquima e do microambiente. Fatores de crescimento coordenam vários desses processos biológicos e o fator transformador de crescimento-beta (TGF-) mostra-se relevante. Utilizando imunoistoquímica e imunofluorescência, a distribuição do TGF-1, 2 e 3 foi mapeada e sua expressão comparada com a expressão de marcadores de maturação em glândulas salivares humanas obtidas de fetos que tinham entre 4ª e 24ª semanas de vida intra-uterina. O TGF-1 foi detectado durante a fase pseudoglandular no mesênquima. Nas outras etapas da diferenciação glandular esse fator foi expresso no citoplasma das células acinares até a glândula salivar adulta. O TGF-2 foi detectado desde o estágio de botão inicial da glândula salivar. Sua expressão foi observada nas células ductais e sua presença aumentada ao longo da diferenciação glandular. O TGF-3 foi visto durante a fase pseudoglandular das glândulas salivares, inicialmente fraco nas células ductais e foi o único detectado em células mioepiteliais. A troca de subunidades de TGF- durante a maturação das glândulas salivares sugere mudanças estimuladas durante os complexos estágios de desenvolvimento dessas glândulas. O presente estudo reafirma essa evidência, e mostra que as subunidades do TGF- são fatores importantes durante a diferenciação de glândulas salivares. / Morphogenesis of salivary glands involves complex coordinated events. Synchronization between cell proliferation, polarization and differentiation, which are dependent on epithelialmesenchymal interactions and on the microenvironment, is a requirement. Growth factors mediate many of these orchestrated biological processes and transforming growth factor-beta (TGF- ) appears to be relevant. Using immunohistochemistry and immunofluorescence, we have mapped the distribution of TGF- 1, 2 and 3 and compared it with the expression of maturation markers in human salivary glands obtained from fetuses ranging from weeks 4 to 24 of gestation. TGF- 1 first appeared during pseudoglandular stage in the surrounding mesenchyme and, in the more differentiated stages, was expressed in the cytoplasm of acinar cells throughout the adult gland. The TGF- 2 was detected since the bud initial stage of the salivary gland. Its expression was observed in ductal cells and increased along gland differentiation. The TGF- 3 was detected from the pseudoglandular stage of the salivary gland, being weakly expressed on ductal cells, and it was the only factor detected on myoepithelial cells. The data suggest that TGF- have a role to play in salivary gland development and differentiation.

Role of TGF-β/Smad signaling in pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis. / 轉化生長因子TGF-β/Smad信號通路在肺臟炎症及纖維化中的作用 / Role of TGF-beta/Smad signaling in pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Zhuan hua sheng zhang yin zi TGF-β/Smad xin hao tong lu zai fei zang yan zheng ji xian wei hua zhong de zuo yong

January 2013 (has links)
Tang, Yongjiang. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 159-202). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese.

Biomarcadores de prognóstico no câncer de pulmão: caracterização do perfil de expressão gênica das hialuronidades, imunoreatividade das hialuronidases e sintases do ácido hialurônico e interação dessas proteínas com a transição epitélio-mesenquimal / Prognostic biomarkers in lung vancer: characterization of gene expression profile of hialuronidades, immunoreactivity of hyaluronidases and hyaluronan synthases and the interaction of these proteins with the epithelial-mesenchymal transition

Sá, Vanessa Karen de 02 August 2012 (has links)
Em virtude dos pobres resultados obtidos no tratamento do Câncer de Pulmão, seja em estágios iniciais ou na doença avançada localmente, há a necessidade de se desenvolver marcadores moleculares e imunohistoquímicos que possam prever o comportamento tumoral. Ácido Hialurônico (HA) é um componente da matriz extracelular, responsável pela hidratação e manutenção do equilíbrio osmótico tecidual. Concentrações de HA estão elevadas em vários tipos de cânceres, incluindo pulmão. Hialuronidases (HAases), são uma família de enzimas relacionadas com a propagação de infecções bacterianas, toxinas de venenos e progressão tumoral. A quebra do HA em pequenos fragmentos (3-25 dissacarídeos) promovidos pela ação das HAases tipo Hyal1, Hyal2 e Hyal3, está relacionada à promoção do câncer através da indução da angiogênese e estímulo a proliferação através de ativação da via tirosina quinase. Algumas isoformas de HAases, descritas como produto de splicing alternativo, possuem atividade enzimática diversificada. A heterogeneidade de expressão das HAases foi identificada em alguns tipos de câncer e pode ser correlacionada com o comportamento diferenciado dos tumores. Em uma primeira instância, o perfil de expressão das HYAL foi avaliado em tecidos pulmonares tumorais e normais de 69 tumores ressecados de pacientes com adenocarcinomas (ADC) e carcinomas de células escamosas (CCE) oriundos do Hospital das Clinicas e Hospital do Câncer AC. Camargo. A expressão da HYAL1- selvagem (wt) e variantes 1 a 5, HYAL2-wt, HYAL3-wt e variantes 1 a 3 foi identificada por PCR e seqüenciamento direto. Diferentes proporções de HYAL3-wt e variantes foram expressas em tecidos pulmonares tumorais e controles. HYAL1-wt esteve associada com prognóstico desfavorável e HYAL3-v1 com prognóstico favorável. Diante dos resultados obtidos dos tumores de pacientes do Hospital das Clínicas e Hospital AC. Camargo, prosseguimos a investigação para estudar a imunoexpressão das Hyal 1 e 3 e HAS 1, 2 e 3 nos CCE e ADC. Observamos que a intensidade de expressão de Hyal 3 foi maior pelas células tumorais quando comparada aos controles, porém esta diferença foi marginalmente significante. Já o resultado da análise da freqüência de imunoexpressão das Hyal 1 e 3, e HAS1, 2 e 3 demonstrou expressão na maioria dos espécimes tumorais e controles. A associação entre as variáveis foi testada e evidenciou imunoexpressão concomitante de HYAL e HAS nos tumores. O modelo matemático de sobrevida , controlado para sexo, idade e estadiamento mostrou risco de morte associado com adenocarcinoma sólido e imunoreatividade para HAS2 e HAS3. Para validar os resultados obtidos, sobretudo com a imunoexpressão das Hyal e HAS nos CCE e ADC, estudamos a população de pacientes do Hospital Universitário de Coimbra. Documentamos pela primeira vez uma via pela qual a hiperexpressão de HAS3 e Hyal 3 respectivamente por células epiteliais neoplásicas e mesenquimais, podem favorecer a invasão nos ADC e CCE. Surpreendentemente, demonstramos que a imunoexpressão de HAS1 e 3 pelas células epiteliais neoplásicas confere mais agressividade aos ADC acinares e papilares, mas uma expressão negativa de HAS1 pelas células mesenquimais confere um papel protetor a MEC auxiliando-a a evitar a invasão pelas células tumorais em ambos os tipos subtipos histológicos. A interação entre a expressão das hialuronidades e sintases do àcido hialurônico foi avaliada em relação à expressão de proteínas da transição epitélio-mesênquimal nos tumores de pacientes do Hospital Universitário de Coimbra. Hyal, HAS, E-caderina e TGF- modularam uma via invasiva tumorinduzida nos ADC e CCE de pulmão, e estiveram associados a um espectro diferente de agressividade, uma vez que houve uma relação inversa entre a expressão de biomarcadores epiteliais e mesenquimais. Enquanto a hiperexpressão de HAS1 e HAS3 provê uma agressividade aos CCE e ADC, uma hiperexpressão de TGF- e E-caderina, confere um efeito protetor à MEC ao evitar a invasão por células tumorais em ambos os tipos histológicos. Comparamos os níveis de imunoexpressão das Hyal1 e 3 e HAS 1, 2 e 3 nos tumores ressecados no Hospital das Clínicas e Hospital AC. Camargo com os níveis obtidos em tumores do Hospital Universitário de Coimbra. Verificamos que a imunoexpressão das HAS 1, 2, 3 e Hyal1 foi significativamente maior nos tumores de pacientes do Hospital Universitário de Coimbra, enquanto que a imunoexpressão de Hyal 3 foi significativamente maior nos tumores de pacientes brasileiros. Por todas essas razões, nossos resultados sugerem que estratégias direcionadas à modulação dos níveis de HYAL1-wt e HYAL3-v1, da hiper imuno expressão de HAS3 e Hyal 3 respectivamente por células epiteliais neoplásicas e mesenquimais, da alta síntese de HAS3 e Hyal 1, ou a resposta local baixa de TGF- e E-caderina, poderão ter grande impacto no câncer de pulmão / Given the poor results obtained in the treatment of Lung Cancer, in early stages or locally advanced disease, there is a need to develop molecular markers and immunohistochemical studies that can predict tumor behavior. Hyaluronic Acid (HA) is a component of extracellular matrix is responsible for hydration and maintenance of tissue osmotic equilibrium. Concentrations of HA are elevated in several types of cancers, including lung. Hyaluronidases (HAases) are a family of enzymes involved in the spread of bacterial toxins, poisons and tumor progression. The breakdown of HA into small fragments (3-25 disaccharides) promoted by the action of type HAases Hyal1, Hyal 2 and Hyal 3 is related to the promotion of cancer by inducing angiogenesis and stimulate proliferation through activation of the tyrosine kinase. Some isoforms HAases, described as the product of alternative splicing, have diverse enzymatic activity. The heterogeneity of expression of HAases was identified in some cancers and can be correlated with the different behavior of tumors. In a first instance, the expression profile of Hyal spliced forms was evaluated in tumor and normal lung tissue of 69 tumors resected from patients with adenocarcinomas(ADC) and squamous cell carcinomas (SqCC) from the Hospital das Clínicas and Hospital AC. Camargo. Gene expression of HYAL1 wild-type (wt) and variants 1 to 5 HYAL2-wt, and HYAL3-wt and variants 1 to 3 was identified by PCR and direct sequencing. Different proportions of HYAL3-wt and variants were expressed in tumor and normal lung tissue. HYAL1-wt was associated with unfavorable prognosis and HYAL3-v1 with favorable prognosis. Given the genetic abnormalities found in tumors of patients from Hospital das Clinicas and Hospital AC. Camargo, we continued our research to study the expression of Hyal 1.3 and HAS 1, 2, 3 in squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas. We observed that the intensity of expression of Hyal 3 was higher in tumor cells compared to controls, but this difference was marginally significant. Since the result of frequency analysis of immunoreactivity of Hyal 1 and 3, and HAS1, 2 e 3 showed expression in the majority of tumor samples and controls. The association between variables was tested and showed concomitant immunoexpression of the HAS and HYAL in tumors. The mathematical model of survival, adjusted for sex, age and staging showed risk of death associated with adenocarcinoma and solid and HAS3 HAS2 immunoreactivity.To validate the results, especially with the immunostaining of Hyal and HAS in squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas of the lung, the patient population studied at the University Hospital of Coimbra. Documented for the first time a route by which the overexpression of HAS3 and Hyal 3 respectively by neoplastic epithelial and mesenchymal cells may favor the invasion in ADC and SqCC, respectively. Surprisingly, we demonstrated that hyper HAS1 and 3 immunoreactivity by neoplastic epithelial cells confers more aggressiveness to the ADC acinar and papillary, but a negative expression of HAS1 by mesenchymal cells confers a protective role ECM-helping to prevent the invasion by tumor cells in both types histological subtypes.The interaction between the expression of hialuronidades and hyaluronic acid synthases was evaluated for protein expression of epithelial-mesenchymal transition in tumor patients at the University Hospital of Coimbra. Hyaluronidase, hyaluronan synthase, Ecadherin, and TGF- modulated via an invasive tumor-induced in the ADC and SqCC lung, and were associated with a different spectrum of aggressiveness, since there was an inverse relationship between the expression of epithelial biomarkers and mesenchymal cells. While overexpression of HAS1 and HAS3 provides an aggressiveness to SqCC and ADC, an overexpression of TGF- and E-cadherin confers a protective effect by preventing the ECM invasion by tumor cells in both histological types. We compared the levels of immunostaining Hyal 1, 3 and HAS1, 2 and 3 in tumors resected at the Hospital AC. Camargo, and the levels obtained in tumors of the Hospital Universitário de Coimbra. We found that the immunostaining of HAS 1, 2, 3 and Hyal1 was significantly higher in tumors from patients of Coimbra, while Hyal 3 immunoreactivity was significantly. higher in tumors of patients in Brazil. For all these reasons, our results suggest that strategies directed at modulating the levels of HYAL1-wt and HYAL3-v1, the immunohistochemical expression of HAS3 and Hyal 3 respectively by neoplastic epithelial and mesenchymal cells, the synthesis of HAS3 and Hyal1 or the local response of low TGF- and E-cadherin, may have great impact on lung cancer

Fibrose muscular em camundongo mdx = efeitos do exercício físico e de agente anti-fibrótico / Prevention of muscle fibrosis and myonecrosis in mdx mice by suramin, a TGF-beta1 blocker : Prevention of muscle fibrosis and myonecrosis in mdx mice by suramin, a TGF-beta1 blocker

Taniguti, Ana Paula Tiemi 11 September 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Maria Julia Marques / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-11T21:17:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Taniguti_AnaPaulaTiemi_D.pdf: 2092152 bytes, checksum: 12213bebdeb4e5920c800ccf1d164d9a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011 / Resumo: O camundongo mdx é o animal mais utilizado como modelo da distrofia muscular de Duchenne (DMD), diferindo dos humanos doentes por apresentar ciclos de regeneração muscular e reduzida fibrose. Este trabalho tem como objetivos: 1. desenvolver protocolo experimental para promover fibrose muscular através de exercício de corrida em esteira e 2. verificar se a suramina inibe a fibrose induzida experimentalmente. A suramina tem efeito anti-fibrótico, sendo um potencial agente farmacológico para tratamento da DMD visando sucesso de terapias celulares. Foram utilizados camundongos mdx (n=42) e C57BL/10 (n=11) com seis meses de idade. Os camundongos mdx foram divididos em quatro grupos experimentais: grupo sedentário e tratado com salina (n=11), grupo sedentário e tratado com suramina (n=11), grupo exercitado e tratado com salina (n=10) e grupo exercitado e tratado com suramina (n=10). Os animais foram submetidos à corrida em esteira diariamente e o tratamento com suramina (60mg/kg) foi realizado em dias alternados, via intra-peritoneal. Após sete semanas, os animais foram sacrificados e o músculo tibial anterior, bíceps braquial, diafragma e coração coletados e congelados para análise histológica e protéica por western blot. O plasma sanguíneo foi submetido à análise de creatina-quinase. A força de tração dos membros anteriores foi medida no início e no final do protocolo experimental utilizando-se Grip Strength Meter e o músculo diafragma submetido ao estudo in vitro para verificar a força de contração. Verificamos que o protocolo de corrida em esteira foi adequado para induzir a fibrose e inibir a regeneração nos músculos da pata dos camundongos mdx. O aumento da área de fibrose foi acompanhado pelo aumento dos níveis de TGF-?1, aumento de creatina-quinase e diminuição da força de tração. O tratamento com suramina diminuiu a fibrose nos músculos exercitados e acelerou o processo de regeneração. Adicionalmente, observamos que a suramina reduziu o número de fibras marcadas com azul de Evans, diminuiu os níveis da CK e impediu a perda da força de tração bem como a força de contração do músculo diafragma. Concluímos que o protocolo de corrida em esteira foi eficaz na indução de fibrose nos músculos tibial anterior e bíceps braquial. O efeito anti-fibrótico da suramina torna-a droga potencialmente útil para a terapia farmacológica da DMD / Abstract: The mdx mouse is commonly used as a model to study Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) however shows cycles of muscle regeneration and reduced fibrosis. The purposes of this study were (1) to induce muscle fibrosis through eccentric running exercise in mdx mice and (2) to verify the effects of suramin on muscle fibrosis. Six-month-old mdx (n=42) and control (C57BL/10, n=11) mice were used. Mdx mice were divided in four groups: sedentary and saline-treated (n=11); sedentary and suramintreated (n=11); exercised and saline-treated (n=10) and exercised and suramin-treated (n=10). The mdx mice belonging to the exercised groups were placed on treadmill to run daily, for seven weeks. Suramin was injected at a dose of 60mg/kg i.p. on alternate days. At the end of the experimental protocol, the mice were sacrificed and the tibialis anterior, biceps brachii, diaphragm and heart muscles were dissected, frozen in liquid nitrogen and used to histological and western blot analysis. Blood was obtained to determine creatine-kinase (CK) levels. The forelimb force was measured by an adapted Grip Strength Meter. Force of contraction of diaphragm in vitro was verified. Our results showed that the experimental protocol was adequate to induce muscle fibrosis in mdx mice. The occurrence of fibrosis was accompanied by elevated levels of TGF- ?1 and serum CK and decreased forelimb force. Suramin reduced muscle fibrosis, decreased the number of muscle fibers stained with Evans blue, reduced serum CK levels and prevented the loss of muscle force in exercised mdx and diaphragm strips in vitro. We concluded that the downhill running protocol was effective for inducing fibrosis in tibialis anterior and biceps brachii muscles of mdx mice. Suramin seems to be a potential useful therapeutic alternative for DMD treatment / Doutorado / Anatomia / Doutor em Biologia Celular e Estrutural

The Role of MMPs, Smad3 and Heat Shock Proteins in TGF-β-Induced Anterior Subcapsular Cataract Development

Banh, Alice January 2007 (has links)
Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) has been implicated in anterior subcapsular cataract (ASC) development. In the first section of this thesis, an in-vitro rat lens model was used to determine the role of matrix metalloproteinases during TGF-β-induced ASC. In the second part, an in-vivo TGF-β transgenic and Smad3 knockout model was used to examine the role of Smad3 signaling pathway in TGF-β-induced ASC development. Lastly, an in-vitro rat lens epithelial explant culture model was used to investigate the potential role of heat shock proteins (Hsps) in TGF-β-induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT). Optical, morphological and molecular changes were analyzed in theses studies. Results from cultured rat lenses show a significant increase of back vertex distance variability (decrease of sharpness and focus) during ASC development. Inhibition of MMPs eliminated the TGF-β-induced plaque formation. Similarly, the overexpression of TGF-β1 in transgenic mouse lenses leads to ASC formation and a decrease in lens optical quality in comparison to wild-type lenses, while TGF-β1/Smad3-/- (null) lenses show diminished TGF-β-induced effects. The plaques formed in the TGF-β1/Smad3-/- lenses are substantially smaller than in the TGF-β1/Smad3+/+ lenses. The morphological and molecular changes of TGF-β2/FGF-2 treated rat lens epithelial explants are similar to those found in the TGF-β2 treated rat lenses and transgenic TGF-β1 mouse lenses. Heat shock treatment prior to TGF-β treatment significantly reduced the effects of EMT in rat LECs. In conclusion, MMP inhibition prevented TGF-β-induced ASC formation whereas heat shock treatment and the absence of Smad3 protein expression only reduced the severity of TGF-β-induced effects.

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