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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Småskalig elproduktion i Arvika

Pettersson, Niklas, Eriksson, Nils January 2006 (has links)
Arvika Fjärrvärme AB, a district heating company from Arvika, today cover 74 % of their total energy production with biofuel wich runs a 16 MW bioler giving process water at saturated liquid state. In recent years Vaporel AB has introduced a new tecnique that gives an external generation of steam after boilers. The concept is built on an adiabatic pressure drop of the saturated liquid in a so called Flashbox which makes a small part of the liquid to evaporate. The generated steam is lead into a turbine where electricity is in a conventional manner. The purpose with this rapport was to do a basic study for the specific system at Arvika where it’s possible to see the potential production of electricity that follows an installation of a flasbox. The final goal was to introduce an economic analysis of a flashox installation at given conditions. To reach our goals we have created a model in Excel where we used the given conditions at Arvika Fjärrvärme to do our calculations. The model has been tested at three different states, of process water returning to potboiler, to be able to decide the optimal operation for the system at present. The studies have resulted in a pressure of the processwater at 14,5 bar (at) and a pressuredrop to 9,5 bar (at) in the flashbox. The condenser pressure is set to 0,5 bar (at) what is equal to 81 ˚C. Energy to the district heating net is produced in the condenser and heat exchanger. The result of our calculations clearly shows that to reach the highest turbine-efficiency as possible and gain the largest profit the highest process-waterflow possible should be used. That means 70 kg/s after present conditions. At the highest boiler efficiency the turbine will produce 694 kW. At this state the water that returns to the boiler will be at temperature 148 ˚C (14, 5 bar). Totally during a year the production of electric energy could reach 2, 47 GWh/year. The energy used by the pumps will increase with 0,21 GWh over the year at that state. Included all economic factors this will generate a profit of 0, 97 million (SEK)/year. To make an installation of a flashbox system more profitable an increased generation of electricity have to be made. This could be done by an installation of new pumps to be able to run the process-water at a larger flow to increase the amount of steam made in the flashbox. / Arvika fjärrvärme producerar idag 74% av sitt värmeunderlag via en hetvattenpanna som drivs med biobränsle och har en maxeffekt på 16 MW. På senare år har företaget Vaporel AB introducerat en ny teknik på marknaden som ger en extern ångproduktion efter hetvattenpannor. Konceptet är byggt på en trycksänkning som medför att delar av det mättade vattnet förångas efter att ha letts in i en så kallad flashbox. Efter flashboxen äntrar ångan en turbin där el produceras på konventionellt vis. Syftet med denna rapport har varit att ta fram en grundläggande studie för Arvikas specifika system där det är möjligt att se den potentiella elproduktionen vid en flashboxinstallation. Det slutgiltiga målet med rapporten har varit att kunna presentera en lönsamhetsbedömning för en flashboxinstallation vid givna driftfall. För att kunna uppfylla uppsatta mål har en Excelmodell konstruerats där beräkningar utförts efter givna förutsättningar, detta utefter tre olika driftfall för att kunna fastställa den mest optimala driften för systemet i dagsläget. Studierna har lett fram till att vi har kunnat fastställa ett maximalt tryck efter pannan på 14,5 bar (at) samt en trycksänkning över flashboxen till 9,5 bar. Kondensortryck efter turbinen har satts till 0,5 bar(a) vilket ger en kondensations temperatur motsvarande 81 ˚C. Energi till att värma fjärrvärmevattnet tas via kondensorn samt en värmeväxlare. Resultatet av våra beräkningar visar tydligt att vi för att nå en så hög turbineffekt som möjligt och därmed en större lönsamhet skall ha ett så högt processvattenflöde som tillåts, enligt dagens förutsättningar 70 l/s. Vid högsta panneffekten kommer turbinen att ge 694 kW, enligt Excelmodellen, vid en returtemperatur till pannan satt till 148 ˚C. Sammanlagt under året, med Arvikas varaktighetsdiagram som grund, kommer vi att kunna producera 2,47 GWh el/år varav pumparna kommer att kräva 0,21 GWh el extra per år. Med alla ekonomiska faktorer inräknade så kommer detta att ge en vinstkalkyl på 0,97 miljoner /år. För att kunna göra dessa installationer lönsamma krävs att vi ökar elproduktionen och därmed den årliga vinsten, detta skulle kunna göras i och med installation av nya pumpar för att uppnå ett större flöde i pannkretsen. Vidare bör en studie göras för att bedöma lönsamheten gällande en ombyggnad av rökgaskondenseringen för att kunna klara en större effekt och därmed kunna använda högre returtemperaturer till biopannan. Detta skulle generera ett högre genomsnittligt flöde över året.

Energy flow survey of Ljusdals municipality

Fredlund, Thomas, Shoshtari, Salahedin January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this project is to make an energy flow survey of Ljusdal’s municipality. The reason for the energy flow survey is to discover possibilities to utilize and refine the energy resources locally, and use the information from this survey as a base for further discussions about the energy situation in Ljusdal’s municipality. As it is today the raw material is transported to other municipalities for processing and then bought back, e.g. biomass is transported to other municipalities where they make pellets which are sold back to consumers in Ljusdal’s municipality. A local upgrading of the raw material will probably create more job opportunities in the municipality and it will probably also lead to a higher profit than just selling the raw material. The target groups for this study are the local (and regional) politicians and entrepreneurs, primarily in Ljusdal but also in other similar municipalities. Mainly bioenergy is handled in this thesis. Other energy sources e.g. hydroelectricity is handled just briefly, flows and use of electricity are described briefly for different parts of the municipality and types of consumers. To perform the energy flow survey, information about now used, and possible future, energy resources was collected in order to find out the energy quantities used per year, for different users, and the energy flows. Unexploited energy sources, and energy sources that have the potential to be increased, like forest and arable land was also included. Investigations about the wind potential are also carried out. The energy use of the consumers, divided into energy carriers, is mapped. Larger companies and institutions, particularly those with energy related business are asked about their future plans. Energy suppliers are also asked where they buy and sell energy in order to make an energy flow survey. The energy needs for different types of buildings were also considered in this energy flow survey. In order to do that, information about the numbers of buildings in the municipality and also the average energy usage, for different types of buildings e.g. apartments and single family houses, are collected from different sources. The flows of bioenergy across the municipality border are also investigated in order to be able to see where it comes from and where it goes. Nearby municipalities, projects nearby Ljusdal’s municipality, that may have an impact in the field of energy in Ljusdal’s municipality are also briefly handled. The energy flows, in and out of the municipality, were put into maps from the municipality’s Geographic Information System (GIS) in order to get a good overview of the energy flow, supply and use. Based on the gathered information, project ideas are suggested, and calculations are done to determine if biogas production, from household waste and sludge, could be a better option than today’s waste management where the waste is being transported to a nearby municipality for incineration, a service that Ljusdal’s municipality also have to pay for. The results from the calculations show that the total amount of energy that could be extracted from the annual produced biogas would reach about 1.9 GWh. The biogas could e.g.be used as a fuel in the district heating plants in the municipality. By using locally produced products a decreased import of energy carriers, e.g. light fuel oil, would be expected. The conclusions that could be drawn from this study are that a lot of biomass is produced in Ljusdal’s municipality, which is mainly exported in the form as raw material. Large amounts of hydroelectricity is produced in Ljusdal’s municipality, about 60% of the electricity is being exported. Wind mappings show that there are some areas of national interest for electricity production through wind power in the municipality. A deregulated European electricity market will probably lead to an increased electricity price, this in combination with the green certificate would lead to a more profitable electricity production through wind power and areas that are not of national interest at present could probably be of national interest in the future. There are also a large potential to increase the amount of biomass from the forestry remainings. Another potential energy source is the arable land where it probably would be possible to grow e.g. hemp for an energy conversion purpose. In Ljusdal’s municipality, there are possibilities in the field of energy which no one takes advantage of at present. / Syftet med detta projektarbete är att kartlägga energiflödet inom-, samt till och från Ljusdals kommun, i första hand bioenergi men även andra energiformer som t.ex. elektricitet behandlas översiktligt. Anledningen till denna energiflödesanalys är att upptäcka möjligheter att bearbeta och förädla biomassan lokalt. I dagens läge lämnar stora mängder av råmaterial kommunen för förädling utanför kommunens gränser, detta leder till förlorade arbetstillfällen i kommunen. Ett exempel på detta är att råmaterial i form av sågspån transporteras från Ljusdals kommun till en annan kommun där sågspånen förädlas till pellets som i sin tur säljs tillbaka till konsumenter i Ljusdals kommun. En lokal förädling av biomassan skulle förmodligen kunna leda till nya arbetstillfällen inom kommunens gränser samt en högre avkastning än att bara sälja råmaterialet obearbetat. Målgruppen för denna studie är lokala och regionala politiker och entreprenörer, i första hand i Ljusdals kommun, men också i liknande glesbygdskommuner med stora arealer skog och andra former av biobränslen. För att genomföra denna energiflödesanalys samlades information, angående i nuläget använda samt framtida energikällor, in med avsikt att uppskatta de kvantiteter, och olika typer av energi som omvandlas och används årligen av olika typer av konsumenter. Denna information tillhandahölls av bl.a. statistiska central byrån – SCB, kommunens energirådgivare, energibolag, större energikrävande företag samt bostads företag. Antalet enfamiljshus och flerfamiljs hus i kommunen samt antalet boende i kommunen kartlades för att kunna beräkna, enligt schabloner, de energimängder som förbrukades årligen i bostadssektorn. Även transport- och industrisektorn undersöktes med avseende på dess energianvändning. Flödet av biomassa i kommunen samt över dess gränser analyserades med avsikt på att klargöra vilka mängder som lämnar, respektive stannar kvar inom kommunen. Även projekt i närliggande kommuner analyserades översiktligt för att se om de hade någon nämnbar inverkan på Ljusdals kommuns energiproduktion1 och energianvändning. Slutsatserna som kan dras från denna analys är i korthet att stora mängder av biomassa produceras inom Ljusdals kommuns gränser och transporteras bort i form av råmaterial, som förädlas utanför kommunens gränser. Ett sätt att eventuellt skapa fler jobbtillfällen samt se till att en större del av vinsten från biomassan stannar kvar inom kommunens gränser är att lokalt bearbeta biomassan. Inom kommunen produceras också en stor del vattenkraft där ungefär 60 % exporteras och resterande används inom kommunen, möjlighet till utökad elproduktion bör vara möjlig genom byggnation av vindkraftsparker eftersom det finns områden som är av nationellt intresse för vindkraftsproduktion. Något mer som talar för en ökad lönsamhet inom elproduktion via vindkraft är den avreglerade Europeiska elmarknaden som förmodligen kommer att leda till ökade elpriser, en annan faktor är elcertifikaten, som erhålls för varje MWh producerad med förnyelsebara källor t.ex. vindkraft eller biomassa eldat kraftvärmeverk. Biogas motsvarande ungefär 2 GWh årligen bör också kunna utvinnas ur sopor, gödsel från bondgårdar och energigrödor. Detta kräver dock investeringar i rötningsanläggningar och ytterligare utredningar angående detta föreslås göras. En markant ökad produktion av biobränsle från skogsbruket bör också vara möjlig. Den globala ökningen av invånare i kombination med en strävan efter minskad produktion av fossila bränslen resulterar i en ökad efterfrågan av förnyelsebara bränslen, denna ökade efterfrågan leder i sin tur till ett ökat pris för dessa bränslen. Dessutom har ett antal länder skrivit på Kyoto avtalet, vilket innebär i korthet att dessa länder måste minska sina koldioxidutsläpp. Dessa faktorer kan tolkas som indikationer på att det kommer att bli en ökad användning av biobränslen. Problemet med detta scenario är att, aven i ett nationellt perspektiv, mängden av tillgänglig biomassa är begränsad om den skulle utgöra baslasten för energiproduktionen. Detta faktum öppnar nya möjligheter för kommuner med en låg befolkningstäthet i kombination med stora skogsarealer. Ljusdals kommun är en glest befolkad kommun med ungefärligen 19 400 invånare, det finns 10 100 bostäder i kommunen varav 3 700 är lägenheter och resterande är enfamiljshus. Den totala arealen av kommunen uppgår till 5 640 km2, befolkningstätheten uppgår till fyra invånare per kvadrat kilometer. Arealen per capita i kommunen är väldigt hög, vilket innebär att det finns stora mängder biomassa tillgänglig då stordelen av kommunen består av skog. Syftet med denna analys är att få en bättre översikt över dagens situation inom detta område. En bättre översikt skulle kunna hjälpa politiker och entreprenörer att se nya möjligheter inom detta område, vilket skulle kunna innebära fler arbetstillfällen inom kommunen.

Combined solar and pellet heating systems for single-family houses : how to achieve decreased electricity usage, increased system efficiency and increased solar gains

Persson, Tomas January 2006 (has links)
In Sweden, there are about 0.5 million single-family houses that are heated by electricity alone, and rising electricity costs force the conversion to other heating sources such as heat pumps and wood pellet heating systems. Pellet heating systems for single-family houses are currently a strongly growing market. Future lack of wood fuels is possible even in Sweden, and combining wood pellet heating with solar heating will help to save the bio-fuel resources. The objectives of this thesis are to investigate how the electrically heated single-family houses can be converted to pellet and solar heating systems, and how the annual efficiency and solar gains can be increased in such systems. The possible reduction of CO-emissions by combining pellet heating with solar heating has also been investigated. Systems with pellet stoves (both with and without a water jacket), pellet boilers and solar heating have been simulated. Different system concepts have been compared in order to investigate the most promising solutions. Modifications in system design and control strategies have been carried out in order to increase the system efficiency and the solar gains. Possibilities for increasing the solar gains have been limited to investigation of DHW-units for hot water production and the use of hot water for heating of dishwashers and washing machines via a heat exchanger instead of electricity (heat-fed appliances). Computer models of pellet stoves, boilers, DHW-units and heat-fed appliances have been developed and the parameters for the models have been identified from measurements on real components. The conformity between the models and the measurements has been checked. The systems with wood pellet stoves have been simulated in three different multi-zone buildings, simulated in detail with heat distribution through door openings between the zones. For the other simulations, either a single-zone house model or a load file has been used. Simulations were carried out for Stockholm, Sweden, but for the simulations with heat-fed machines also for Miami, USA. The foremost result of this thesis is the increased understanding of the dynamic operation of combined pellet and solar heating systems for single-family houses. The results show that electricity savings and annual system efficiency is strongly affected by the system design and the control strategy. Large reductions in pellet consumption are possible by combining pellet boilers with solar heating (a reduction larger than the solar gains if the system is properly designed). In addition, large reductions in carbon monoxide emissions are possible. To achieve these reductions it is required that the hot water production and the connection of the radiator circuit is moved to a well insulated, solar heated buffer store so that the boiler can be turned off during the periods when the solar collectors cover the heating demand. The amount of electricity replaced using systems with pellet stoves is very dependant on the house plan, the system design, if internal doors are open or closed and the comfort requirements. Proper system design and control strategies are crucial to obtain high electricity savings and high comfort with pellet stove systems. The investigated technologies for increasing the solar gains (DHW-units and heat-fed appliances) significantly increase the solar gains, but for the heat-fed appliances the market introduction is difficult due to the limited financial savings and the need for a new heat distribution system. The applications closest to market introduction could be for communal laundries and for use in sunny climates where the dominating part of the heat can be covered by solar heating. The DHW-unit is economical but competes with the internal finned-tube heat exchanger which is the totally dominating technology for hot water preparation in solar combisystems for single-family houses. / <p>QC 20100916</p>

Optically Selective Surfaces in low concentrating PV/T systems / Optiskt selektiva ytor i lågkoncentrerande PV/T-system

Morfeldt, Johannes January 2009 (has links)
<p>One of the traditional approaches to reduce costs of solar energy is to use inexpensive reflectors to focus the light onto highly efficient solar cells. Several research projects have resulted in designs, where the excess heat is used as solar thermal energy.</p><p>Unlike a solar thermal system, which has a selective surface to reduce the radiant heat loss, a CPV/T (Concentrating PhotoVoltaic/Thermal) system uses a receiver covered with solar cells with high thermal emittance.</p><p>This project analyzes whether the heat loss from the receiver can be reduced by covering parts of the receiver surface, not already covered with solar cells, with an optically selective coating. Comparing different methods of applying such a coating and the long-term stability of low cost alternatives are also part of the objectives of this project.</p><p>To calculate the heat loss reductions of the optically selective surface coating a mathematical model was developed, which takes the thermal emittances and the solar absorptances of the different surfaces into account. Furthermore, a full-size experiment was constructed to verify the theoretical predictions.</p><p>The coating results in a heat loss reduction of approximately 20 % in such a CPV/T system and one of the companies involved in the study is already changing their design to make use of the results.</p>

Utvärdering av energibesparingspotential vid tillämpning av värmepump i diskmaskin : OBS! Sekretessbelagd tills vidare / Evaluation of energy saving potential by the applicatin of a heat pump in a dishwasher

Joensen, Mortan, Nilsson, Maja January 2009 (has links)
<p>För ett genomsnittligt småhus i Sverige idag går ca 5000 kWh till hushållsel. Av dessa 5000 kWh går 7% till att driva diskmaskiner. Effektiviseringen av diskmaskiner har framförallt strävat efter en låg vatten- och energianvändning, en kort processtid samt en effektiv rening av disken.</p><p>Det finns dock gränser för hur effektiva diskmaskinerna kan göras med traditionell teknik. Därför har producenter under de senaste åren börjat se sig om efter mindre traditionella metoder som till exempel bruket av en värmepump för att få ned energiförbrukningen.</p><p>Syftet med det här examensarbetet har varit att ta fram systemlösningar för värmepump i diskmaskin samt att utvärdera energibesparingspotentialen i denna tillämpning.</p><p>Målet har varit att ta fram och beskriva de möjliga systemlösningar som uppstår vid en idégenerering. Att välja ut två lösningar för närmare undersökning, att bestämma en lämplig kompressoreffekt samt att beräkna energibesparingen dessa lösningar ger.</p><p>En litteraturstudie har gjorts av teknik och tillämpningar inom området, som till exempel värmeväxlaranvändning i diskmaskiner samt användandet av värmepumpar i andra vitvaror. Denna litteraturstudie följdes upp av en idégenerering, som tar hänsyn till möjliga värmekällor och –sänkor. Idégenereringen gav upphov till två systemlösningar som modellerades i MATLABs Simulink för att en lämplig kompressoreffekt och storleken på energibesparingen skulle bestämmas.</p><p>De två utvalda lösningarna ifrån idégenereringen var utomhusluftlösningen, där värme hämtas från uteluften och energilagerlösningen, där värme hämtas ur ett energilager. I båda lösningarna överförs värmen till det kalla ingående vattnet.</p><p>Energiåtgången för utomhusluftlösningen var beroende av köldmediets förångningstemperatur och modellering av lösningen visade att energiåtgången var 0,25 kWh vid en förångningstemperatur på -10°C, och 0,18 kWh vid 5°C. Vid modellering av energilagerlösningen påvisades en energiåtgång på 0,23 kWh. Slutsatsen som drogs var att kompressorn vid energilagerlösningen skall leverera en effekt på 240 W till köldmediet.</p> / <p>For an average detached house in Sweden today about 5000 kWh are used for household electricity. Of these 5000 kWh 7% are used to run dishwashers. The streamlining of dishwashers has above all strived for a lower water and energy use, a short process time along with a more efficient cleaning of the dishes.</p><p>There are however limits for how efficient the dishwashers can be made with traditional technology and acceptable costs. Therefore producers have, during recent years, started looking for less traditional methods, for example the use of a heat pump to reduce the energy use.</p><p>The purpose of this examination work has been to find system solutions for an application of a heat pump in a dishwasher and to evaluate the possible energy saving for each solution.</p><p>The goal has been to find and describe possible system solutions, which came up during the idea generation. To choose some of these for a closer investigation, to decide a fitting mechanical power for the compressor and to calculate the energy saving these solutions give rise to.</p><p>The method has consisted of a literature study, an idea generation, which takes the heat sources and sinks in consideration and a modelling in MATLAB’s Simulink of the selected solutions from the idea generation, which has been used to fit a mechanical power for the compressor.</p><p>The result of the idea generation was two solutions, an outdoor air solution, which collects heat from the outdoor air and gives it to the cold water which enters the machine and a energy storage solution, which collect heat from a heat stock to give to the cold entering water. A modelling of these show an energy usage of 0,24 respectively 0,17 kWh for the outdoor air solution, with a heat source temperature at 10 °C respectively 5°C and a energy usage of 0,22 kWh for the energy storage solution for one round.</p><p>The conclusion that was drawn was that the compressor of the energy storage solution should deliver a mechanical power of 240 W to the refrigerant.</p>

Study into the Potential and Feasibility of a Standalone Solar-Wind Hybrid Electric Energy Supply System

Bekele, Getachew January 2009 (has links)
The tendency to use renewable energy resources has grown continuouslyover the past few decades, be it due to fear over warnings of globalwarming or because of the depletion and short life of fossil fuels or evenas a result of the interest which has developed among researchers doingscientific research into it. This work can be considered as joining any ofthese groups with an objective of giving electric light to the poorpopulation living in one of the poorest nations in the world.The aim of the work is to investigate supplying electric energy fromsolar-wind hybrid resources to remotely located communities detachedfrom the main grid line in Ethiopia. The communities in mind are one oftwo types; the first is the majority of the poor population residing in thecountryside; and the other is people relocated by the Government fromthe over used and dry regions to relatively productive and fertile ones inline with the long-term poverty reduction plan.The work was begun by investigating wind energy and solar energypotentials at four geographically different locations in Ethiopia bycompiling data from different sources and analyzing it using a softwaretool. The locations are Addis Ababa (09:02N, 038:42E), Mekele (13:33N,39:30E), Nazret (08:32N, 039:22E), and Debrezeit (8:44N, 39:02E).The results related to wind energy potential are given in terms of themonthly Average wind speed, the wind speed probability densityfunction (PDF), the wind speed cumulative density function (CDF), thewind speed duration curve (DC), and power density plots for all fourselected sites. According to the results obtained through the analysis, thewind energy potential, even if it is not exceptional, is irrefutably highenough to be exploited for generating electric energy.The solar energy potential, based on sunshine duration data collectedover a period of 7 - 11 years and radiation data obtained from differentsources, has been calculated using regression coefficients specific to thesites in question. Based on the sunshine duration data, the monthlyaverage daily sunshine amount for each of the places has also beencomputed and given in a form of plot. Through additional work on theresults of the calculations, the solar energy potential has been given inthe form of solar radiation plots for each of the selected sites. Asexpected, the results indicated an abundance of solar energy potential.It is based on the promising findings of these two energy resourcepotentials, wind and solar, that the feasibility study for a standalonesolar-wind hybrid energy supply system has proceeded, targeting thecommunity mentioned earlier. The hybrid system consisted of Windturbine, Photovoltaic panel, diesel generator and a bank of batteries, witha power conditioning converter included in the system.The hybrid standalone supply system is intended to provide electricity toa model community of 200 families with five to six family members ineach. The community is equipped with a primary load, a deferrable load,a community school and a health post. An electric load which includeslighting, water pumping, a radio receiver, and some clinical equipmenthas been suggested. Hybrid Optimization Model for ElectricRenewables, HOMER, software has been used for the analysis. Theaverage wind speed and average solar radiation calculated from the datafor all of the selected sites has been used to input into the software.The hybrid system design is approached in three different ways. The firstapproach is to include within the hybrid system those components whichare locally available, without giving special attention to their efficienciesand proceed with the design work. The second approach is tothoroughly search the market for the best and most efficienttechnological products and to select the best components for theanalysis. A third approach considered in an attempt of cost minimizationis to see if a self-contained type of design can be a better solution. Whatthis means is every household will have its own supply system that mayconsist of any combination of PV and wind turbine including converter,battery and charge controller.After running the simulations, lists of power supply systems have beengenerated, sorted according to their net present cost. Sensitivity variables,such as range of wind speeds, range of radiation levels and diesel pricehave been defined as inputs into the software and the optimizationprocess has been carried out repeatedly for the sensitivity variables andthe results have been refined accordingly. / QC 20100623

Utvärdering av energibesparingspotential vid tillämpning av värmepump i diskmaskin : OBS! Sekretessbelagd tills vidare / Evaluation of energy saving potential by the applicatin of a heat pump in a dishwasher

Joensen, Mortan, Nilsson, Maja January 2009 (has links)
För ett genomsnittligt småhus i Sverige idag går ca 5000 kWh till hushållsel. Av dessa 5000 kWh går 7% till att driva diskmaskiner. Effektiviseringen av diskmaskiner har framförallt strävat efter en låg vatten- och energianvändning, en kort processtid samt en effektiv rening av disken. Det finns dock gränser för hur effektiva diskmaskinerna kan göras med traditionell teknik. Därför har producenter under de senaste åren börjat se sig om efter mindre traditionella metoder som till exempel bruket av en värmepump för att få ned energiförbrukningen. Syftet med det här examensarbetet har varit att ta fram systemlösningar för värmepump i diskmaskin samt att utvärdera energibesparingspotentialen i denna tillämpning. Målet har varit att ta fram och beskriva de möjliga systemlösningar som uppstår vid en idégenerering. Att välja ut två lösningar för närmare undersökning, att bestämma en lämplig kompressoreffekt samt att beräkna energibesparingen dessa lösningar ger. En litteraturstudie har gjorts av teknik och tillämpningar inom området, som till exempel värmeväxlaranvändning i diskmaskiner samt användandet av värmepumpar i andra vitvaror. Denna litteraturstudie följdes upp av en idégenerering, som tar hänsyn till möjliga värmekällor och –sänkor. Idégenereringen gav upphov till två systemlösningar som modellerades i MATLABs Simulink för att en lämplig kompressoreffekt och storleken på energibesparingen skulle bestämmas. De två utvalda lösningarna ifrån idégenereringen var utomhusluftlösningen, där värme hämtas från uteluften och energilagerlösningen, där värme hämtas ur ett energilager. I båda lösningarna överförs värmen till det kalla ingående vattnet. Energiåtgången för utomhusluftlösningen var beroende av köldmediets förångningstemperatur och modellering av lösningen visade att energiåtgången var 0,25 kWh vid en förångningstemperatur på -10°C, och 0,18 kWh vid 5°C. Vid modellering av energilagerlösningen påvisades en energiåtgång på 0,23 kWh. Slutsatsen som drogs var att kompressorn vid energilagerlösningen skall leverera en effekt på 240 W till köldmediet. / For an average detached house in Sweden today about 5000 kWh are used for household electricity. Of these 5000 kWh 7% are used to run dishwashers. The streamlining of dishwashers has above all strived for a lower water and energy use, a short process time along with a more efficient cleaning of the dishes. There are however limits for how efficient the dishwashers can be made with traditional technology and acceptable costs. Therefore producers have, during recent years, started looking for less traditional methods, for example the use of a heat pump to reduce the energy use. The purpose of this examination work has been to find system solutions for an application of a heat pump in a dishwasher and to evaluate the possible energy saving for each solution. The goal has been to find and describe possible system solutions, which came up during the idea generation. To choose some of these for a closer investigation, to decide a fitting mechanical power for the compressor and to calculate the energy saving these solutions give rise to. The method has consisted of a literature study, an idea generation, which takes the heat sources and sinks in consideration and a modelling in MATLAB’s Simulink of the selected solutions from the idea generation, which has been used to fit a mechanical power for the compressor. The result of the idea generation was two solutions, an outdoor air solution, which collects heat from the outdoor air and gives it to the cold water which enters the machine and a energy storage solution, which collect heat from a heat stock to give to the cold entering water. A modelling of these show an energy usage of 0,24 respectively 0,17 kWh for the outdoor air solution, with a heat source temperature at 10 °C respectively 5°C and a energy usage of 0,22 kWh for the energy storage solution for one round. The conclusion that was drawn was that the compressor of the energy storage solution should deliver a mechanical power of 240 W to the refrigerant.

Membrane Stratified Solar Ponds

Schober, Benjamin January 2010 (has links)
<p>This project deals with the potential of membrane stratified solar ponds which consist of two water layers, where one is a salt solution here, and a separating translucent membrane. An experimental pond was set up to study the thermal behaviour of such collector systems. The input is mainly solar radiation, sometimes when the ambient temperatures are higher than the pond temperatures also heat from the environment is transferred into the pond.</p><p>The measured temperatures of the pond, the ambient temperature, the global radiation and wind speed were the basis data for thermal calculations which showed that the pond was working well as a solar collector and thermal storage system all in one. Heat was not extracted from the pond however, only the losses to the environment were studied.</p><p>It was found out that the pond temperatures were higher than the ambient temperature over the whole measurement period of 12 days, and insulation and pollution problems as well as future prospects and suggestions for further studies are discussed at the end of this paper.</p>

Nocturnal cooling : Study of heat transfer from a flat-plate solar collector

Johansson, Helena January 2008 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates the possibility of using an unglazed flat-plate solar collector as a cooling radiator. The solar collector will be connected to the condenser of a heat pump and used as cooler during nighttime. Daytime the solar collector will be connected to the evaporator of the heat pump and used as heat source. The two widely differing fields of application make special demands on the solar collector. The task is given by the heat pump manufacturer Thermia and the main objective is to find out whether a solar collector should be used as a cooler or not. The performance of the solar collector under varying environmental conditions is investigated using COMSOL Multiphysics 3.3. Only the cooling properties are investigated here. The performance of the solar collector as a heat exchanger is estimated using the effectiveness-NTU method, and the solar collector is found to be a good heat exchanger at low wind speeds. The heat transfer coefficients of the convection and radiation are determined for varying temperature and wind speeds. The convective heat transfer coefficient is lowered by tubes above the absorber plate and for a high convective heat transfer rate the solar collector surface should be smooth. For a high radiative heat transfer rate the surface needs to have a high emissivity. The cooling rate is higher from a warm surface than from a cold and since no temperature change of the heat carrier is necessary the solar collector should be kept at a high temperature. To increase the cooling rate alterations need to be made to the solar collector that makes its heating performance deteriorate. A solar collector that can be used for cooling is not an efficient solar collector.</p>

Thermodynamic aspects and heat transfer characteristics of HiTAC furnaces with regenerators

Rafidi, Nabil January 2005 (has links)
Oxygen-diluted Combustion (OdC) technology has evolved from the concept of Excess Enthalpy Combustion and is characterized by reactants of low oxygen concentration and high temperature. Recent advances in this technology have demonstrated significant energy savings, high and uniform thermal field, low pollution, and the possibility for downsizing the equipment for a range of furnace applications. Moreover, the technology has shown promise for wider applications in various processes and power industries. The objectives of this thesis are to analyze the thermodynamic aspects of this novel combustion technology and to quantify the enhancement in efficiency and heat transfer inside a furnace in order to explore the potentials for reduced thermodynamic irreversibility of a combustion process and reduced energy consumption in an industrial furnace. Therefore, theoretical and experimental investigations were carried out. The 2nd law of thermodynamics analyses of OdC systems have been carried out for cases in which the oxidizer is either oxygen (Flameless-oxy-fuel) or air (High Temperature Air Combustion, HiTAC). The analyses demonstrate the possibilities of reducing thermodynamic irreversibility of combustion by considering an oxygen-diluted combustion process that utilizes both gas- and/or heat-recirculation. Furthermore, the results showed that an oxygen-diluted combustion system that utilizes oxygen as an oxidizer, in place of air, results in higher 1st and 2nd law efficiencies. Mathematical models for heat regenerators were developed to be designing tools for maximized heat recovery. These models were verified by heat performance experiments carried out on various heat regenerators. Furthermore, experiments were performed in a semi-industrial test furnace. It was equipped with various regenerative burning systems to establish combustion and heat transfer conditions prevailing in an industrial furnace operating based on HiTAC. The tests were carried out at seven firing configurations, two conventional and five HiTAC configurations, for direct and indirect heating systems. Measurements of energy balance were performed on the test furnace at various configurations in order to obtain the 1st law efficiency. Moreover, local measurements of temperature, gas composition, and heat fluxes in the semi-industrial test furnace were performed to find out the main characteristics of HiTAC flame and the effects of these characteristics on the heating potential, i.e., useful heating in the furnace. In the case of HiTAC, these measurements showed uniformities of chemistry, temperature, temperature fluctuation, and heat fluxes profiles. The values of fluctuations in temperature were small. The high speed jets of the fuel and air penetrated deep into the furnace. The fuel gradually disappeared while intermediate species gradually appeared in relatively high concentrations and at broader regions inside the furnace. These findings indicate: a large reaction zone, low specific combustion intensity in the flame, low specific fuel energy release, and high heat release from this large flame. In addition to the thermodynamic limitations to the maximum temperature of the Oxygen-diluted Combustion, the low specific energy release of the fuel and the high heat release from the flame to its surroundings cause this uniform and relatively moderate temperature profile in a HiTAC flame, consequently suppressing thermal-NO formation. Heat flux and energy balance measurements showed that heating potential is significantly increased in the case of HiTAC compared to that in the conventional case, implying much more energy savings than the apparent heat recovery from the heat regenerators, and consequently much less pollutants emissions. Therefore, it is certain that this large HiTAC flame emits more thermal radiation to its surroundings than the conventional flame does, in spite of the moderate-uniform temperature profile of the flame. This intense heat flux was more uniform in all HiTAC configurations, including the indirect heating configuration, than that of the conventional-air combustion configuration. / QC 20101011

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