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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modeling of LIBS Spectra Obtained in Martian Atmospheric Conditions

Hansen, Peder Bagge 20 December 2022 (has links)
Wegen der zunehmenden Menge an LIBS-Daten von der Marsoberfläche sowie deren speziellen Herausforderungen bei der Analyse untersucht diese Arbeit, wie die Modellierung und Simulation von solchen LIBS-Spektren genutzt werden kann. Das Ziel ist es, Einblicke in die Eigenschaften von LIBS-Plasmen auf dem Mars zu erhalten und Modelle zu entwickeln, die bei der Analyse von realen Missionsdaten helfen können. Die Modellierung basiert sich auf einem stationären Plasma im lokalen thermischen Gleichgewicht (LTE). Das Plasma wird dabei in eine Reihe homogener Zonen unterteilt und Spektren werden mit dem Strahlungstransfer entlang einer eindimensionalen Sichtlinie durch diese Plasmazonen simuliert. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass auf LTE basierende Modelle gut auf LIBS-Spektren angewendet werden können, die unter Marsbedingungen gemessen wurden. Für zeitaufgelöste Daten kann die Anpassung eines Zwei-Zonen-Modells verwendet werden, um Einblicke in das Plasma zu erhalten und um die Elementkonzentrationen mit einer höheren Genauigkeit zu bestimmen, als es mit der Saha-Boltzmann-Methode möglich wäre. Allerdings sollten Nicht-Gleichgewichtseffekte in den frühesten und spätesten Phasen der Plasmalebensdauer berücksichtigt werden. Für zeitlich integrierte Spektren, wie sie bei aktuellen Marsmissionen gemessen werden, sind Anpassungen durch ein Zwei-Zonen-Modell aufgrund von zu langen Rechenzeiten nicht durchführbar. Stattdessen kann durch die Methode der spektralen Entmischung eine Überlagerung von Spektren unterschiedlicher Temperaturen und Dichten verwendet werden. Diese Methode ermöglicht keine direkten quantitativen Bestimmungen der Elementkonzentrationen, ist aber ein hervorragendes Werkzeug, um einen Überblick über die große Menge an Informationen zu erhalten, die in den Spektren enthalten sind. / Motivated by existing challenges in analysing LIBS spectra and the increasing quantity of Martian LIBS data, this thesis investigates the modelling and simulation of LIBS spectra for the application to LIBS data in Martian atmospheric conditions. This is done with the aim of providing insights into the characteristics of Martian LIBS plasmas as well as developing tools to assist the analysis of real mission data. The modelling of LIBS spectra is based on a stationary plasma in local thermal equilibrium (LTE). The plasma is then divided into a series of homogeneous zones and spectra are simulated using radiative transfer along a one-dimensional line-of-sight through the plasma zones. The results of this thesis show that spectral modelling based on LTE can be well applied to LIBS data in Martian atmospheric conditions. For time-resolved data, fits of a two-zone plasma model can be used to obtain insights into the plasma as well as improved concentration estimates compared to the Saha-Boltzmann plot method. However, attention to non-equilibrium effects should be given at the earliest and latest stages of the plasma lifetime. For time-integrated spectra, i.e. real mission data, fits of the two-zone model are not feasible due to too long computation times. Instead, a superposition of spectra of different temperatures and densities, i.e. the spectral unmixing method, can be used. Although not directly allowing for quantitative concentration estimates, the method is a great tool to overview the large amount of information contained in the spectra.

Modélisations et simulations numériques d'écoulements d'air dans des milieux micro poreux / Modeling and numerical simulation of air flows in porous micro-porous media

Vu, Thanh Long 12 December 2011 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de simuler numériquement des écoulements de gaz dans des matrices poreuses dont les pores sont de taille micrométrique. On étudie l'influence des phénomènes de glissement hydrodynamique qui apparaissent lorsque la dimension caractéristique de micro- conduites est caractérisée par des nombres de Knudsen compris entre Kn = 0,01 et Kn = 0,1.Le mémoire de thèse est composé de cinq chapitres suivis d'une conclusion dans laquelle nous présentons quelques perspectives pour une suite de ce travail. Le chapitre I constitue le travail préliminaire de thèse qui s'est ensuite orienté vers des approches complémentaires. Le principe des méthodes d'homogénéisation périodique est d'abord exposé. Suit une présentation de deux méthodes de résolution dans l'espace de Fourier : l'approche en déformation et l'approche en contrainte. L'extension de ces méthodes à la résolution d'écoulements régis par l'équation de Stokes est ensuite décrite. Des applications aux cas d'écoulements à travers des réseaux de cylindres, avec condition d'adhérence ou avec condition de glissement, sont ensuite discutées. Deux techniques de modélisation des phénomènes de transport dans des milieux poreux saturés par un fluide monoconstituant sont présentées dans le second chapitre. La première est basée sur la méthode des développements asymptotiques, appelée aussi méthode d'homogénéisation. On explique que le processus consiste en trois étapes : description locale, localisation et description macroscopique. La seconde technique s'appuie sur la méthode de calcul de moyennes à l'échelle d'un VER. Le point de départ de cette méthode est basé sur des théorèmes donnant les expressions des moyennes de tous les opérateurs intervenant dans une équation de transport. Après une brève présentation du logiciel commercialisé que nous avons utilisé, nous exposons les études de convergence spatiale que nous avons effectuées et nous comparons nos solutions avec des résultats de la littérature dans le chapitre III. Diverses géométries sont considérées (allant de géométries planes à des empilements 3D de cubes ou de sphères).L'effet du glissement sur la perméabilité de milieux microporeux est abordé dans le chapitre IV. Le formalisme résultant de l'homogénéisation de structures périodiques est utilisé pour simuler numériquement des écoulements isothermes de gaz dans divers empilements de complexités croissantes. Les perméabilités sont déterminées en calculant les moyennes spatiales des champs de vitesses, solutions des équations de Stokes. Les valeurs obtenues en imposant des conditions d'adhérence sont comparées à celles obtenues avec des conditions de glissement du premier ordre. Dans le chapitre V, nous présentons des solutions pour des écoulements anisothermes et étudions l'effet du glissement sur la conductivité effective de milieux microporeux 2D et 3D. Dans ce chapitre, nous résolvons les équations de Navier-Stokes et de l'énergie en imposant des conditions de symétries dans une ou deux directions. A partir des solutions locales, sont calculées les moyennes intrinsèques des champs de vitesse et de température. Nous considérons des cas pour lesquels la condition d'équilibre thermique local peut être considérée comme satisfaite et d'autres correspondant à un non-équilibre thermique (NTLE). On détermine les conductivités de dispersion en fonction du nombre du Péclet et on montre l'influence du glissement sur les composantes longitudinales et transverses pour différentes porosités et longueur de glissement. Dans les cas NLTE, le coefficient macroscopique de transfert fluide-solide est aussi calculé / This thesis aims at numerically simulating gas flows in porous matrices with micro-sized pores. We study the influence of hydrodynamic slip phenomena that appear when the characteristic dimension of micro pores is characterized by Knudsen numbers between Kn = 0.01 and Kn = 0.1.The thesis consists of five chapters followed by a conclusion in which we present some perspectives for further studies. Chapter I is the preliminary work of thesis that turned into complementary approaches. The principle of periodic homogenization methods is first exposed. We present then two methods in the Fourier space: the stress approach and the strain approach. The extension of these methods for solving flows governed by the Stokes equation is described in what follows. Applications to flows through networks of cylinders, subjected to no slip or slip condition, are then discussed. Two techniques for modeling transport phenomena in porous media saturated by a mono-component fluid are presented in the second chapter. The first is based on the method of asymptotic expansions, also known as homogenization method, based on the concept of separation of scales. It is explained that the process consists of three steps: local description, localization and macroscopic description. The second technique is based on the method of averaging at the level of a representative elementary volume (REV). The starting point of this method is based on the equations of Continuum Mechanics and theorems giving the averaged expressions of all operators involved in a transport equation. We show that it extends easily to gas flows in micro porous media. After a short presentation of the commercial software used, we present the spatial convergence studies carried out and we compare our solutions with the results of the literature in Chapter III. Various geometries are considered (plane to 3D geometries made of cubes or spheres), but these comparisons are limited to isothermal flows. The effect of slip on the permeability in micro porous media is discussed in Chapter IV. The resulting formalism of the periodic homogenization structures is used for numerical simulation of isothermal gas in various geometries of increasing complexity. The permeabilities are determined by calculating the spatial averages of velocity fields, solutions of the Stokes equations. The values obtained by imposing no slip conditions are compared with first order slip conditions. We discuss the relative increase in permeability due to slip according to the geometry of the pores. In Chapter V, we present the solutions for anisothermal flows and we study the effect of slip on the effective conductivity in 2D and 3D microporous media. In this chapter, we solve the Navier-Stokes and energy equations by imposing symmetry conditions in one or two directions. The intrinsic mean velocity and temperature fields are calculated from these local solutions. We consider cases where the local thermal equilibrium condition can be considered as satisfied and other corresponding to a non-local thermal equilibrium (NLTE). We determine the dispersion conductivity based on the Péclet number and show the influence of velocity slip on longitudinal and transverse components for various porosities and slip lengths. In NLTE cases, the macroscopic fluid-to-solid heat transfer coefficient is also calculated

Parois et ondes de surface : dissipation, effet Doppler et interactions non linéaires / Solid boundaries and surface waves : dissipation, Doppler effect and nonlinear interactions

Michel, Guillaume 06 September 2017 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions comment la présence de parois affecte les ondes de surface. La dissipation associée au mouillage, objet central des premiers chapitres, est abordée expérimentalement. Nous mesurons son évolution avec la taille du ménisque et montrons qu’en mouillage total des non-linéarités apparaissent dès que l’oscillation du ménisque atteint l’épaisseur des couches limites. Dans un deuxième temps, nous quantifions les échanges d’énergie ayant lieu lors de laréflexion d’une onde de surface sur une paroi oscillante, appelés effet Doppler généralisé. Après une mise en évidence expérimentale, une approche théorique les évalue et illustre comment leurs effets cumulatifs peuvent mener à des spectres en compétition avec ceux de la turbulence d’ondes. Finalement, nous traitons les interactions entre paquets d’ondes. En géométrie confinée, nous montrons que des résonances à trois ondes gravitaires sont autorisées. Dépassant la problématique des parois, nous caractérisons les interactions entre ondes gravitaires en milieu infini, puis décrivons les grandes échelles de la turbulence d’ondes capillaire. / In this thesis, we study the impact of solid boudaries on surface waves. We first consider the dissipation caused by dynamical wetting. We experimentally show how the damping of surface waves evolves with the size of the meniscus and demonstrate that in perfect wetting it leads to a nonlinear behavior as soon as the meniscus oscillation amplitude compares to the thickness of the boundary layer. Secondly, we investigate energy exchanges through scales occuring when a surface wave reflects on an oscillating wall, the so-called generalized Doppler effect. We evidence the creation of Doppler-shifted waves, compute their amplitudes and illustrate how the continuous bouncing of surface waves on wavemakers may lead to self-similar spectra competing with the ones of wave turbulence. Finally, we focus on nonlinear interaction between surface waves. We prove that gravity waves can undergo triad resonances in confined geometry. Going beyond the consequencies of solid boundaries, we perform experiments on four-wave interactions in the gravity regime and describe large scales in capillary wave turbulence.

Study of the Far Infrared Emission of Nearby Spiral Galaxies

Drouhet, Willie 07 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
In my PHD work I explored the links between the physical properties of interstellar dust and other components of nearby spiral galaxies especially their stellar content. I worked on 46 disk galaxies from KINGFISH with IRAC/MIPS/PACS/SPIRE maps (3.6 - 500 microns). A bias is usually introduced in estimating disk orientations by using only a single surface brightness isophote. Thus I devised different surface brightness levels separated by constant steps in surface brightness and extracted isophotes at these levels in all FIR maps as well as in all IRAC 4.5 microns maps. To further assess the coherence of the shapes of isophotes across galactic disks, I built a quantitative indicator of the difference in shape between two ellipses with same center and same semi-major axis.I defined an acceptable level of difference between isophote shapes, by comparing disk orientations found in litterature. Using this level, I found regions inside the galactic disks where the isophotal shapes are similar. From these, I extracted one disk orientation per wavelength band. I found in the vast majority of the disk galaxy maps, be it dominated by stellar or dust emission, that a large fraction of the isophotes I extracted are coherent with the idea of an underlying disk. Comparing, for each galaxy, disk orientations extracted at all wavelengths, I found evidence in 20 galaxies out of 46, that on radial ranges as large as 1/3 of the visible disk (as measured by R25), the shapes of isophotes are morphologically similar. Thus for these 20 galaxies I devised consistent disk orientations both for the stellar and dust content. These 20 galaxies are less luminous, less emitting in the IR w.r.t. the optical, less barred, and characterized by later stage types than average. I also found that the disk orientations devised by my photometric method yield results more similar to H-alpha kinematic orientations than other photometric studies based on a single isophote level.Using the orientations I found and H-alpha dynamics disk orientations, I averaged azimuthally surface brightnesses to produce radial spectral energy distributions (SED) profiles. Once fitted with a cosmic dust emission model, they resulted in radial profiles of dust and stellar content properties. I found the dust intercepted power to be proportionnal to the product of the total dust mass and the average ISRF shining on dust. This former quantity is better correlated with the bolometric stellar luminosity than any of the dust mass or the dust heating ISRF separately. Thus the old stellar populations may be an important heating source for dust. The power intercepted by dust is also very well correlated with the total infrared power. The dust intercepts a larger quantity of power coming from stars in more actively star forming galaxies.Dust exhibit radial mass surface density profiles less well described by Sersic functions than stellar ones. When both profiles are well fitted by Sersic functions, stellar density profiles have smaller half mass radii than the isophotal optical radius (R25) separately in later type galaxies, but also in more quiescent galaxies. Sersic index and half mass radius distributions have larger widths for dust than for stellar surface density profiles.I also found that the ratio of dust over stellar surface density is an important factor to explain the variations with galactic morphological type of the ratio of dust intercepted power over the power emitted by old stellar populations. This later link could be intertwined with spiral structure strength in stage types later than 2.

Estudo da produção de calor metabólico em caprinos manejados no semi-árido nordestino / Metabolic heat production in goats managed in semiarid region

Domingos, Hérica Girlane Tertulino 21 May 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-15T20:31:12Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HericaGTD_DISSERT.pdf: 597617 bytes, checksum: 59784d911ca59573a589df402958dde5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-05-21 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / This study aimed to assess the daily variation of metabolic heat production in goats based on oxygen consumption and carbon dioxide production in association with meteorological variables and physiological responses. 10 SPRD goats were used, four with predominantly white fur and six with predominantly black. The observations were made with the protected and exposed animals to direct sunlight, in a period of 12 days during the months of August and September, 2010 in Mossoró-RN. The metabolic heat production (M, Wm-2), the latent heat flow from the respiratory system (ER, Wm-2) and from the cutaneous surface (ESC Wm-2) were determined simultaneously through a face mask and a ventilated capsule, respectively. We also measured the rectal temperature, surface temperature and respiratory rate and measured the environmental variables, air temperature, black globe temperature, wind speed, air humidity, partial vapor pressure and solar radiation. Analysis of variance was based on least-squares method and comparison of means was done by Tukey's test at 5% level of significance. The results showed that the semi-arid goats maintained stable to metabolic heat production during the day, however, when exposed to direct sunlight, significantly increased the latent heat loss in the cutaneous surface and reduced metabolic heat production approximately 24% in an attempt to maintain constant internal temperature / Este estudo objetivou avaliar a variação diária da produção de calor metabólico em caprinos baseada no consumo de oxigênio e produção de dióxido de carbono em associação com variáveis meteorológicas e respostas fisiológicas. Foram utilizados 10 caprinos SPRD, sendo quatro com pelame predominantemente branco e seis com pelame predominantemente preto. As observações foram feitas com os animais protegidos e expostos à radiação solar direta, em um período de 12 dias, durante os meses de agosto e setembro de 2012, em Mossoró-RN. A produção de calor metabólico (M, Wm-2), o fluxo de calor latente a partir do sistema respiratório (ER, Wm-2 ) e a partir da superfície cutânea (ESC, Wm-2) foram determinados, ao mesmo tempo, por meio de uma máscara facial e uma cápsula ventilada, respectivamente. Foram também aferidas a temperatura retal, temperatura de superfície e a freqüência respiratória e medidas as variáveis ambientais, temperatura do ar, temperatura do globo negro, e velocidade do vento, pressão parcial de vapor, e radiação solar. A análise de variância foi baseada no método dos quadrados mínimos e a comparação de médias foi feita pelo teste de Tukey com nível de 5% de significância. Os resultados mostraram que as cabras do semi-árido brasileiro mantiveram estável a produção de calor metabólico ao longo do dia, no entanto, quando expostas a radiação solar direta, aumentaram consideravelmente a perda de calor latente na superfície cutânea e reduziram a produção de calor metabólico em aproximadamente 24%, numa tentativa de manter a temperatura interna constante

Conceitos e t?cnicas da mec?nica estat?stica e termodin?mica aplicados ao estudo dos grafos aleat?rios

Vieira, Tiago de Medeiros 24 February 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:14:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TiagoMV_DISSERT.pdf: 2054032 bytes, checksum: 01cc6c903e54670f8c4b846fab645cd0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-02-24 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / This dissertation briefly presents the random graphs and the main quantities calculated from them. At the same time, basic thermodynamics quantities such as energy and temperature are associated with some of their characteristics. Approaches commonly used in Statistical Mechanics are employed and rules that describe a time evolution for the graphs are proposed in order to study their ergodicity and a possible thermal equilibrium between them / Esta disserta??o apresenta brevemente os grafos aleat?rios e as principais quantidades calculadas a partir deles. Ao mesmo tempo, grandezas b?sicas da Termodin?mica como energia e temperatura s?o associadas a algumas de suas caracter?sticas. Abordagens comumente utilizadas na Mec?nica Estat?stica s?o empregadas e regras que descrevem uma evolu??o temporal para os grafos s?o propostas com o objetivo de estudar sua ergodicidade e um poss?vel equil?brio t?rmico entre eles

Study of the Far Infrared Emission of Nearby Spiral Galaxies / Etude de l'émission dans l'infrarouge lointain des galaxies spirales proches

Drouhet, Willie 07 November 2013 (has links)
Durant ma thèse j'ai exploré les liens morphologiques et physiques entre les phases poussière et stellaire des galaxies spirales proches.J'ai travaillé sur 46 galaxies de l'échantillon KINGFISH à l'aide des données IRAC/MIPS/PACS/SPIRE (de 3.6 à 500 microns).Un biais usuel dans la mesure de l'orientation des galaxies spirales est dû à l'utilisation d'une seule isophote. Pour supprimer ce biais j'ai extrait de nombreuses isophotes des cartes galactiques, j'ai créé un critère pour quantifier la similitude des forme des isophotes. J'ai extrait des zones dans chaque carte où les formes des isophotes se ressemblent. Dans de nombreuses cartes les formes des isophotes sont cohérentes avec l'idée d'un disque sous-jacent et ce malgré des variations de formes des isophotes qui peuvent ponctuellement être notable. De là j'ai obtenu pour chaque galaxie une orientation du disque par carte. En comparant les formes obtenues pour chaque galaxie dans différentes cartes j'ai selectionné 20 galaxies sur 46 dans lesquelles l'accord en terme d'orientation du disque entre les différentes cartes était acceptable. Dans ces galaxies les zones associées au disque galactique ont une taille typique allant jusqu'à 1/3 du rayon galactique visible (R25) que ce soit pour la phase poussière aussi bien que pour la phase stellaire. Ces 20 galaxies sont moins lumineuses dans le visible, moins lumineuses dans l'IR, moins barrées, et de type plus tardifs que la moyenne. Pour ces 20 galaxies, les orientations obtenues par ma méthode sont plus proches des orientations obtenues à partir d'études cinématiques H-alpha que de celles obtenues par une autre étude photometrique utilisant une seule isophote (RC3).A partir des orientations obtenues par ma méthode et par l'étude cinématique H-alpha j'ai moyenné azimuthalement les brillances de surface pour obtenir des profiles radiaux de distribution spectrales d'énergie. Après avoir ajusté dessus un modèle d'émission de la poussière cosmique (Galliano 2011), j'ai trouvé que la densité surfacique d'énergie interceptée par la poussière était proportionnelle au produit de la masse totale de poussière sur la ligne de visée par le champ de radiation interstellaire moyen ressenti par la poussière sur la ligne de visée. Cette densité d'énergie interceptée par la poussière est mieux corrélé à la luminosité bolométrique stellaire totale que la densité surfacique en masse de poussière ou le champ de radiation ressenti par la poussière. Il est donc probable que les étoiles agées à tout le moins soit une importante source de chauffage pour la poussière cosmique. L'énergie interceptée par la poussière est aussi très bien corrélée avec l'énergie totale émise dans l'infrarouge. J'ai également trouvé que la poussière semble intercepter une plus large quantité d'énergie provenant des étoiles dans les galaxies plus actives à former des étoiles.Les profiles radiaux en masse de poussière sont moins bien décrits que les profils en masse stellaire par des profiles de Sersic. Par ailleurs pour les ajustements acceptables par des fonctions de Sersic, les distributions statistiques des indices de Sersic et des rayons de demi masse totale ont des largeurs statistiques plus grandes pour la poussière que pour les étoiles.J'ai également trouvé que le rapport densité surfacique maximum de poussière sur densité surfacique maximum d'étoile est un facteur important à considérer pour expliquer la variation avec le type morphologique du rapport densité surfacique d'énergie interceptée par la poussière sur densité surfacique d'énergie émise par les étoiles. Cette variation pourrait être liée à une variation entre les galaxies de la force de la structure spirale. / In my PHD work I explored the links between the physical properties of interstellar dust and other components of nearby spiral galaxies especially their stellar content. I worked on 46 disk galaxies from KINGFISH with IRAC/MIPS/PACS/SPIRE maps (3.6 - 500 microns). A bias is usually introduced in estimating disk orientations by using only a single surface brightness isophote. Thus I devised different surface brightness levels separated by constant steps in surface brightness and extracted isophotes at these levels in all FIR maps as well as in all IRAC 4.5 microns maps. To further assess the coherence of the shapes of isophotes across galactic disks, I built a quantitative indicator of the difference in shape between two ellipses with same center and same semi-major axis.I defined an acceptable level of difference between isophote shapes, by comparing disk orientations found in litterature. Using this level, I found regions inside the galactic disks where the isophotal shapes are similar. From these, I extracted one disk orientation per wavelength band. I found in the vast majority of the disk galaxy maps, be it dominated by stellar or dust emission, that a large fraction of the isophotes I extracted are coherent with the idea of an underlying disk. Comparing, for each galaxy, disk orientations extracted at all wavelengths, I found evidence in 20 galaxies out of 46, that on radial ranges as large as 1/3 of the visible disk (as measured by R25), the shapes of isophotes are morphologically similar. Thus for these 20 galaxies I devised consistent disk orientations both for the stellar and dust content. These 20 galaxies are less luminous, less emitting in the IR w.r.t. the optical, less barred, and characterized by later stage types than average. I also found that the disk orientations devised by my photometric method yield results more similar to H-alpha kinematic orientations than other photometric studies based on a single isophote level.Using the orientations I found and H-alpha dynamics disk orientations, I averaged azimuthally surface brightnesses to produce radial spectral energy distributions (SED) profiles. Once fitted with a cosmic dust emission model, they resulted in radial profiles of dust and stellar content properties. I found the dust intercepted power to be proportionnal to the product of the total dust mass and the average ISRF shining on dust. This former quantity is better correlated with the bolometric stellar luminosity than any of the dust mass or the dust heating ISRF separately. Thus the old stellar populations may be an important heating source for dust. The power intercepted by dust is also very well correlated with the total infrared power. The dust intercepts a larger quantity of power coming from stars in more actively star forming galaxies.Dust exhibit radial mass surface density profiles less well described by Sersic functions than stellar ones. When both profiles are well fitted by Sersic functions, stellar density profiles have smaller half mass radii than the isophotal optical radius (R25) separately in later type galaxies, but also in more quiescent galaxies. Sersic index and half mass radius distributions have larger widths for dust than for stellar surface density profiles.I also found that the ratio of dust over stellar surface density is an important factor to explain the variations with galactic morphological type of the ratio of dust intercepted power over the power emitted by old stellar populations. This later link could be intertwined with spiral structure strength in stage types later than 2.

Nanoscale Brownian Dynamics of Semiflexible Biopolymers

Mühle, Steffen 16 July 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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