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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mapeamento das zonas do perfil conceitual de calor por meio de um jogo educativo para alunos da EJA

Leite, Maria Aparecida da Silva 06 July 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-08-22T12:07:59Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Maria Aparecida da Silva Leite - 2018.pdf: 18317192 bytes, checksum: 6230173e62f4e2b0e6a825c4660f30ec (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2018-08-22T12:58:20Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Maria Aparecida da Silva Leite - 2018.pdf: 18317192 bytes, checksum: 6230173e62f4e2b0e6a825c4660f30ec (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-22T12:58:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Maria Aparecida da Silva Leite - 2018.pdf: 18317192 bytes, checksum: 6230173e62f4e2b0e6a825c4660f30ec (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-07-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / The present work has the emergence of Conceptual Heat Profile’s zones proposed by Amaral and Mortimier (2001) as an objective, utilizing an educational game in EJA High School level classes. The investigation was carried out from the qualitative method and previous research using a case study. The previous research showed that most of the students prefer card or board games, and for that reason the game developed contemplated both characteristics. The game was called thermochemical trail. The ludic activity favored the students’ discoursive interaction and the initial concept teachings in thermochemistry. As results we observed that in the initial phases of the game which involves the definition of heat and cold the students responded from the realistic zone. In the intermediate phases that involved the concept of endothermic and exothermic processes and heat measurement units, the students used answers from the animist, substantialist and empirical zones. In the final phases of the game the students answered the situational-problems utilizing the rationalistic zone, which showed that from the game it was possible to amplify the conceptual profile zones. It was also observed the occurrence of two zones in the same answer, which we called hybrid discourses. After the game application the students were asked to discuss about the concepts worked in the activity, moment in which was possible to verify the students’ consciousness awareness about the existence of their own conceptual profile for the heat concept, and it was also possible to observe the relation among evaluation, conceptual profile and the didactic game. In summary, with the game it was possible to make the mapping of conceptual profile, and with the game, create an environment favorable to the students’ free expression. / O presente trabalho tem como propósito a emergência das zonas do Perfil Conceitual de calor propostas por Amaral e Mortimer (2001) utilizando um jogo educativo em turmas de EJA do ensino médio. A investigação se deu a partir do método de pesquisa qualitativa a partir de pesquisa prévia e estudo de caso. A pesquisa prévia mostrou que maioria dos estudantes têm preferência por jogos de cartas e/ou tabuleiro, e por esta razão o jogo desenvolvido contemplou essas duas características. O jogo foi denominado Trilha Termoquímica. A atividade lúdica primou pelas interações discursivas dos estudantes e o ensino de conceitos iniciais de termoquímica. Como resultados observamos que nas fases inicias do jogo que envolve a definição de calor e frio os estudantes responderam a partir da zona realista. Nas fases intermediárias que envolveu o conceito de processos endotérmicos e exotérmicos e unidades de medidas de calor, os estudantes utilizaram respostas a partir das zonas animista, substancialista e empírica. Nas fases finais do jogo os estudantes responderam a situações-problema utilizando a zona racionalista, o que mostrou que a partir do jogo foi possível ampliar as zonas do perfil conceitual. Foi observado também a ocorrência de duas zonas em uma mesma resposta, para isso denominamos como discursos híbridos. Após a aplicação do jogo os estudantes foram postos a discutirem sobre conceitos trabalhados na atividade, momento em que foi possível assinalar a tomada consciência dos estudantes sobre a existência do seu próprio perfil conceitual para o conceito de calor e foi possível também observar relações entre a avaliação, o perfil conceitual e o jogo didático. Em suma com o jogo foi possível fazer o mapeamento das zonas do perfil conceitual e criar, com o jogo um ambiente propício a livre expressão dos estudantes.

Comportamento da temperatura do fluido infetado no reservatorio em operações de aciclificação de matriz

Medeiros Junior, Flavio 10 December 1996 (has links)
Orientador: Osvair Vidal Trevisan / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Mecanica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-07-21T20:38:31Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MedeirosJunior_Flavio_M.pdf: 5849713 bytes, checksum: d198866e74ce5c49813b449117b5005b (MD5) Previous issue date: 1996 / Resumo: As operações de Acidificação de Matriz são usadas com freqüência para remoção do dano à formação causado por partículas sólidas de minerais que obstruem parcialmente o espaço poroso nas proximidades do poço. A cinética da reação química entre o ácido e os minerais da rocha é bastante sensível à temperatura na qual a reação se desenvolve. A temperatura do ácido na zona injetora depende dos fenômenos de transferência de calor que ocorrem no interior da coluna de injeção e no reservatório submetido à injeção do ácido. Normalmente utiliza-se pequenos volumes de ácidos bombeados com vazões médias e altas tendo como conseqüência pequenos períodos de injeção. O modelo proposto para o cálculo da temperatura na coluna considera os termos de acumulação de calor no interior da coluna e no anular, além da hipótese de poço com raio finito, importantes para soluções de curto tempo. No reservatório são consideradas as perdas para a formação vizinha e analisada a influência do calor gerado pela reação química no comportamento da temperatura do ácido. As hipóteses de condução de calor desprezível na direção do fluxo de fluido, equilíbrio térmico instantâneo, gradiente geotérmico linear e condução de calor unidimensional na formação também são utilizadas. A solução para temperatura do ácido na zona. injetora é apresentada no espaço de Laplace considerando o acoplamento da solução para temperatura na coluna à solução para a temperatura no reservatório através do teorema da convolução. A inversão numérica das funções no espaço de Laplace é feita com o algoritmo de Stehfest. Os resultados obtidos indicam que a temperatura do ácido na zona injetara é bastante sensível à vazão do ácido injetado e aos volumes deslocados a frente do tratamento, podendo atingir valores significativamente inferiores à temperatura do reservatório no decorrer da operação / Abstract: Matrix Acidization is frequently used to remove formation damage from pore plugging caused by deposition of small mineral particles. The kinetics of the chemical reactions between acid and minerais is very sensitive to fluid temperature. The temperature of the acid at the injection zone depth depends on the heat transfer that occurs as the acid travels through the injection column and on the heat exchange with the reservoir rock and fluids. The volume of injected acid is usually small and the injection time is short, compared to other thermal injection operations. Two heat transfer models are proposed: one to calculate the temperature profile along the injection column and other to calculate the temperature distribution within the reservoir. The model proposed here for the heat transfer along the column incorporates heat accumulation (in the fluid and at the annulus) to the heat exchange between the wellbore and the semi-infinite surroundings. For the heat transfer in the reservoir, the modei accounts for the conductive losses to the neighboring formation, the heat generation from the chemical reactions and heat transported by the injected fluid. The eventual temperature distribution for the acid in the reservoir is obtained after coupling of the solution for the column problem and the solution for the reservoir problem. Both problems were solved by Laplace transforms and the final solution is obtained using the convolution theorem. Stehfest's algorithm is used to invert the solution to real domain. Results for typical operational parameters show that the acid temperature is very sensitive to the injection flow rate and to the fluid volumes injected during the pre-treatment. The acid temperature can be significantly lower than the reservoir temperature along the operation / Mestrado / Mestre em Engenharia de Petróleo

A utilização da química computacional em processos químicos relacionados à ionização por electrospray / The use of computational chemistry in the studies of chemical processes involved in electrospray ionization

Ricardo Vessecchi Lourenço 09 June 2009 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, o desenvolvimento das técnicas de ionização à pressão atmosférica impulsionou a espectrometria de massas, na caracterização e elucidação estrutural de compostos de grande massa molecular. O surgimento dessas técnicas foi o responsável pela amplitude nas aplicações e estudos de espectrometria de massas, sendo a ionização por electrospray a mais versátil dentre essas fontes de ionização. O caráter eletrolítico da fonte de ionização por electrospray permite-se obter íons provenientes de três processos químicos: i) ácido-base; ii) redox e iii) complexação. A extensão com que cada um desses processos ocorrerá dependerá de fatores relacionados à operação da fonte de ionização e grandezas termoquímicas do analito. O notável progresso em técnicas experimentais, processamento de dados e integração entre as mais diversas áreas de aplicação da química, tem estimulado e beneficiado a aplicação da química teórica em estudos de reações em fase gasosa. A aplicação da química computacional fornece uma compreensão quantitativa das variações estruturais e energéticas dos possíveis íons formados durante a ionização da amostra, permitindo também a compreensão das possíveis vias de dissociação. É neste sentido, que o sinergismo entre a aplicação de conceitos derivados da química quântica pode auxiliar nas análises de espectrometria de massas. O objetivo desta tese foi o de se aplicar os modelos fundamentados na mecânica quântica para obtenção de grandezas termoquímicas relacionadas aos fenômenos que ocorrem durante as análises de espectrometria de massas por electrospray. Inicialmente, a comparação entre métodos ab initio, modelos compostos e aqueles embasados na teoria do funcional de densidade foram empregados nos cálculos das grandezas termoquímicas para a -butirolactona e 2-pirrolidinona, com a finalidade de se obter parâmetros termoquímicos de alta qualidade. Os modelos compostos G2, G2(MP2), CBS-Q, CBS-QB3 e os métodos B3LYP, B3P86, B98, PW91PW91 e MP2 foram testados. Os valores obtidos para a entalpia de formação, afinidade protônica e basicidade em fase gasosa para essas duas moléculas foram comparados aos dados experimentais disponíveis na literatura. Os melhores resultados para os valores de entalpia de formação foram obtidos ao se empregar o modelo B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p). A afinidade protônica e basicidade em fase gasosa foram mais bem descritas por B3LYP e G2(MP2). Posteriormente, foram estudadas a 1,4-benzoquinona, 1,4-naftoquinona, bem como seus derivados (2-acetilamina-1,4-naftoquinona; 2-propionilamina-1,4-naftoquinona; 2-butirilamina-1,4-naftoquinona, 2-benzoilamina-1,4-naftoquinona, 2-succinilamina-1,4-naftoquinona e lapachol). A escolha do modelo teórico empregado foi realizada por se comparar as geometrias, afinidade protônica, basicidade em fase gasosa, energia de ionização e afinidade eletrônica obtidos para a 1,4-benzoquinona com aqueles disponíveis na literatura. O modelo B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) foi o mais exato com relação as grandezas termoquímicas supracitadas, assim, este modelo foi empregado no cálculo dessas mesmas grandezas para a 1,4-naftoquinona e seus derivados. A influência do substituinte na estrutura eletrônica dessas moléculas protonadas, desprotonadas, oxidadas, reduzidas e cationizadas foi estudada utilizando-se análises energéticas, geométricas, eletrônicas e topológicas. O desenvolvimento desses estudos compreendeu as análises das grandezas termoquímicas e análises da densidade eletrônica pelos métodos NBO (Natural Bond Orbital), NSA (Natural Steric Analysis), NRT (Natural Resonance Theory) e AIM (Atoms in molecules). A ionização por electrospray e a dissociação induzida por colisão foram realizadas para os derivados da 1,4-naftoquinona, sendo analisados suas moléculas protonadas, desprotonadas, reduzidas, oxidadas e cationizadas com Na+. As vias mecanísticas de dissociação foram embasadas nas análises da superfície de energia obtidas pelo cálculo das energias de Gibbs e entalpias. / In recent decades, the development of atmospheric ionization techniques improved mass spectrometry, principally for characterization and structural elucidation of high-molecular weight compounds. The development of spray ionization was responsible for the spread of applications and studies of mass spectrometry, where the electrospray ionization is the most versatile among the ionization sources. The electrolytic character of electrospray source allows obtaining ions by three different chemical processes: i) acid-base; ii) redox and, iii) metal complexation. These processes will occur through several factors which can be related to the ionization source and thermochemical parameters of analyte. The notable progress of experimental analyses, computational data and the integration between several areas of chemical application have stimulated the use of theoretical chemistry at gas-phase studies. Computational chemistry can furnish a quantitative understanding of the structure and energy of possible ions during the ionization process. For this reason, the synergism between the concepts from quantum chemistry and gas-phase chemistry can help mass spectrometry analysis. The main purpose of this thesis was the application of several quantum mechanical models to obtain thermochemical parameters which can be related to mass spectrometry phenomena. Firstly, the comparison between ab initio, composite model and DFT methods were employed to obtain the thermochemical parameters to -butyrolactone e 2-pyrrolidinona, in order to obtain high performance of thermochemical parameters. The composite G2, G2(MP2), CBS-Q and, the B3LYP, B3P86, B98, PW91PW91 and MP2 methods were tested. The calculated values were compared to experimental values reported in the literature. The best results for enthalpies of formation were obtained when B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) model was employed. The proton affinity and gas-phase basicity were better described by using of B3LYP and G2(MP2). Secondly, the studies with quinones were performed, where the 1,4-benzoquinone, 1,4-naphthoquinone and its derivatives (2-acylamino-1,4-naphthoquinone; 2-propyonilamino-1,4-naphthoquinone; 2-butyrilamino-1,4-naphthoquinone; 2-benzoylamino-1,4-naphthoquinone; 2-succynilamino-1,4-naphtoquinone and, lapachol) were studied. A search for a theoretical model was made to compare the geometries, proton affinity, gas-phase basicity, ionization energy and electron affinity to 1,4-benzoquinone with those reported in the literature. The most accurate results were obtained by using of B3LYP/6-31+G(d,p). Thus, this model was applied in all studies with 1,4-naphthoquinone derivatives. The influence of substituent groups on electronic structure of protonated, deprotonated, reduced, oxidized and cationized molecules were studied by energetic, geometrics, electronics and topological analyses. The development of these studies and the determination of the thermochemical parameters and wave function analysis was achieved by means of Natural Bond Orbitals, Natural Steric Analysis, Natural Resonance Theory and Atoms in Molecules The electrospray ionization and gas-phase collision-induced dissociation were made for the 1,4-naphtoquinone derivatives by analyzing their protonated, deprotonated species, the radicalar and sodiated ones. The main fragmentation pathways were elucidated on the basis of the energy surface by using Gibbs energies and enthalpies.

The Use of Ammonium Carbamate as a High Specific Thermal Energy Density Material for Thermal Management of Low Grade Heat

Schmidt, Joel Edward 22 August 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Low NOx coal burner temperature profile evaluation

Smit, Dewan January 2016 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Engineering. Johannesburg 2016 / Stringent worldwide emissions legislation, the drive to lower carbon emissions, together with the ever increasing demand to preserve the environment has led to a considerable demand for cleaner and more efficient coal combustion technologies. A primary technology for the reduction of emissions of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) is the installation of low NOx coal combustion burners. Extensive research into various burner characteristics and, in particular, the aerodynamic characteristics required to improve combustion performance of low NOx coal burners has been extensively undertaken and is ongoing. In this work the aerodynamic behaviour of a full-scale, aerodynamically staged, single low-NOx coal burner was numerically investigated. The objective of the study was to develop a single low NOx burner CFD model in Ansys Fluent, to better characterize and understand the flame shape in terms of the temperature profile achieved. CFD serve as an additional tool to assist with plant optimization, design proposals and occurrence investigations. To have confidence in the single burner coal combustion CFD model, the results of the model were compared to data obtained from an existing operational low NOx burner on site during a pre-defined load condition. To further improve on the theoretical CFD combustion model, drop tube furnace (DTF) experiments have been done to calculate the single rate Arrhenius kinetic parameters (pre-exponential factor and activation energy) for coal devolatilization and char combustion of the specific South African coal used. The combustion CFD simulations showed with a lower than design air flow through the burner, a reduced amount of swirl was achieved. This reduced amount of swirl produces a jet like flame and influences the way in which the combustion species are brought together. Under these operating conditions the flame distance from the burner mouth was predicted to be 1.2 (m). A very promising result was obtained through CFD and compared well with the in-flame temperature measurement obtained through the burner centre-line of approximately 1.4 (m). In an attempt to improve the aerodynamic profile of the burner under the same operating conditions the swirl angle on the tertiary air (TA) inlet was increased. The increased swirl on the TA inlet of the burner showed an improvement on the aerodynamic profile and had a significant impact on the temperature distribution within the flame. The increased swirl resulted in an improved flame distance of approximately 0.5 (m) from the burner mouth. The effect of increased swirl on the temperature profile of the flame displayed the aerodynamic dependence of the low NOx burner on combustion performance. / MT2017

Estudo da estrutura, ligação, termoquímica e espectroscopia dos sistemas SeI e 1[H, Se, I] / Study of Structure, Chemical Bond, Thermochemical and Spectroscopy of the Systems SeI and 1[H, Se, I]

Belinassi, Antonio Ricardo 11 August 2017 (has links)
Novas espécies moleculares HSeI e HISe presentes na superfície de energia potencial (SEP) singleto 1[H, Se, I], como também a molécula diatômica monoiodeto de selênio (SeI), foram investigadas teoricamente em alto nível de teoria, CCSD(T)/CBS e SACASSCF/ MRCI, respectivamente, pela primeira vez na literatura. Todos estados eletrônicos dupletos e quartetos (Λ+S) que se correlacionam com os três primeiros canais de dissociação da molécula SeI, assim como os estados Ω associados, fornecem resultados conáveis para ajudar a entender a falta de dados experimentais de transições eletrônicas e no planejamento experimental para a determinação de parâmetros espectroscópicos. Ainda sobre este sistema, as probabilidades de transições foram calculadas para as transições X2 - X1, A1 - X1, A2 - X1, e A2 - X2, originadas pela transição proibida por spin 14Σ- X 2II, e os correspondentes tempos de vida radiativa obtidos. Os aspectos energéticos, estruturais e espectroscópicos associados aos estados estacion ários na SEP 1[H, Se, I] também foram caracterizados, assim como determinados os calores de formação dos isômeros. Os cálculos foram realizados com uma série de conjuntos de funções de base atômicas consistentes na correlação (aug-cc-pVnZ-PP, n = D, T, Q e 5) e os resultados extrapolados no limite de base completa (CBS). Contribuições de efeitos de correlação caroço-valência na função de onda e de anarmonicidade nas frequências vibracionais também foram explorados, fornecendo uma fonte de dados bastante confiáveis para estas espécies químicas ainda desconhecidas. O isômero HSeI é mais estável em relação ao HISe em 42; 04 kcal mol-1. Estes dois isômeros estão separados por uma barreira (ΔG#) de 52; 35 kcal mol-1. Correções devido aos efeitos de acoplamento spin- órbita e de relativísticos escalares também foram considerados na obtenção das energias de atomizações. Para o SeI, estimamos valores de calores de formação (ΔfH) de 36; 87 e 35; 16 kcal mol-1 a 0 K e a 298; 15 K; para o HSeI, obtivemos 18; 25 e 16; 72 kcal mol-1, respectivamente. De modo geral, esperamos que a conabilidade dos resultados presentes neste trabalho possa servir como um excelente guia para espectroscopistas na busca e caracterização dessas espécies químicas ainda desconhecidas experimentalmente. / New molecular species HSeI and HISe lying on the 1[H, Se, I] potencial energy surface (PES) as well as the diatomic molecule selenium monoiodide (SeI) were investigated theoretically for the rst time at a high level of theory, CCSD(T)/CBS and SACASSCF/MRCI, respectively. The overall picture of all doublet and quartet (Λ+S) states correlating with the three lowest dissociation channels of the SeI and the associated states provide reliable results to help understand the lack of experimental data on its transitions and to plan the investigation and determination of spectroscopic parameters. Transition probabilities were computed for the transitions X2 - X1, A1 - X1, A2 - X1, and A2 - X2, originated from the spin-forbidden 14Σ- - X 2II system, and the orresponding radiative lifetimes evaluated. The energetic, structural and spectroscopic aspects associated with the stationary points and transition state in the PES 1[H, Se, I] were also characterized, as well as the heat of formation of the isomers. Computations were carried out with the series correlation consistent basis sets (aug-cc-pVnZ-PP) and the results extrapolated to the complete basis set limit. Accounting for core-valence correlation into the wavefunction, and of anharmonic eects on the vibrational frequencies were also explored, making the results of the structural, energetic, and vibrational properties a very reliable source of data for these yet unknown species. The isomer HSeI turned out to be more stable by 42:04 kcal mol-1 than HSeI. These two isomers are separated by a barrier (ΔG#) of 52:35 kcal mol-1. Corrections arising from spin-orbit and scalar relativistic eects were also considered in the evaluation of atomization energies. For SeI, we estimate ΔfH values of 36:87 and 35:16 kcal mol-1 at 0 K and 298:15 K; for HSeI, we had 18:25 and 16:72 kcal mol-1, respectively. In general, we hope that the reliability of the results present in this work can serve as an excellent guide for spectroscopists in the search and characterization of these chemical species still unknown experimentally.

Estudo da estrutura, ligação, termoquímica e espectroscopia dos sistemas SeI e 1[H, Se, I] / Study of Structure, Chemical Bond, Thermochemical and Spectroscopy of the Systems SeI and 1[H, Se, I]

Antonio Ricardo Belinassi 11 August 2017 (has links)
Novas espécies moleculares HSeI e HISe presentes na superfície de energia potencial (SEP) singleto 1[H, Se, I], como também a molécula diatômica monoiodeto de selênio (SeI), foram investigadas teoricamente em alto nível de teoria, CCSD(T)/CBS e SACASSCF/ MRCI, respectivamente, pela primeira vez na literatura. Todos estados eletrônicos dupletos e quartetos (Λ+S) que se correlacionam com os três primeiros canais de dissociação da molécula SeI, assim como os estados Ω associados, fornecem resultados conáveis para ajudar a entender a falta de dados experimentais de transições eletrônicas e no planejamento experimental para a determinação de parâmetros espectroscópicos. Ainda sobre este sistema, as probabilidades de transições foram calculadas para as transições X2 - X1, A1 - X1, A2 - X1, e A2 - X2, originadas pela transição proibida por spin 14Σ- X 2II, e os correspondentes tempos de vida radiativa obtidos. Os aspectos energéticos, estruturais e espectroscópicos associados aos estados estacion ários na SEP 1[H, Se, I] também foram caracterizados, assim como determinados os calores de formação dos isômeros. Os cálculos foram realizados com uma série de conjuntos de funções de base atômicas consistentes na correlação (aug-cc-pVnZ-PP, n = D, T, Q e 5) e os resultados extrapolados no limite de base completa (CBS). Contribuições de efeitos de correlação caroço-valência na função de onda e de anarmonicidade nas frequências vibracionais também foram explorados, fornecendo uma fonte de dados bastante confiáveis para estas espécies químicas ainda desconhecidas. O isômero HSeI é mais estável em relação ao HISe em 42; 04 kcal mol-1. Estes dois isômeros estão separados por uma barreira (ΔG#) de 52; 35 kcal mol-1. Correções devido aos efeitos de acoplamento spin- órbita e de relativísticos escalares também foram considerados na obtenção das energias de atomizações. Para o SeI, estimamos valores de calores de formação (ΔfH) de 36; 87 e 35; 16 kcal mol-1 a 0 K e a 298; 15 K; para o HSeI, obtivemos 18; 25 e 16; 72 kcal mol-1, respectivamente. De modo geral, esperamos que a conabilidade dos resultados presentes neste trabalho possa servir como um excelente guia para espectroscopistas na busca e caracterização dessas espécies químicas ainda desconhecidas experimentalmente. / New molecular species HSeI and HISe lying on the 1[H, Se, I] potencial energy surface (PES) as well as the diatomic molecule selenium monoiodide (SeI) were investigated theoretically for the rst time at a high level of theory, CCSD(T)/CBS and SACASSCF/MRCI, respectively. The overall picture of all doublet and quartet (Λ+S) states correlating with the three lowest dissociation channels of the SeI and the associated states provide reliable results to help understand the lack of experimental data on its transitions and to plan the investigation and determination of spectroscopic parameters. Transition probabilities were computed for the transitions X2 - X1, A1 - X1, A2 - X1, and A2 - X2, originated from the spin-forbidden 14Σ- - X 2II system, and the orresponding radiative lifetimes evaluated. The energetic, structural and spectroscopic aspects associated with the stationary points and transition state in the PES 1[H, Se, I] were also characterized, as well as the heat of formation of the isomers. Computations were carried out with the series correlation consistent basis sets (aug-cc-pVnZ-PP) and the results extrapolated to the complete basis set limit. Accounting for core-valence correlation into the wavefunction, and of anharmonic eects on the vibrational frequencies were also explored, making the results of the structural, energetic, and vibrational properties a very reliable source of data for these yet unknown species. The isomer HSeI turned out to be more stable by 42:04 kcal mol-1 than HSeI. These two isomers are separated by a barrier (ΔG#) of 52:35 kcal mol-1. Corrections arising from spin-orbit and scalar relativistic eects were also considered in the evaluation of atomization energies. For SeI, we estimate ΔfH values of 36:87 and 35:16 kcal mol-1 at 0 K and 298:15 K; for HSeI, we had 18:25 and 16:72 kcal mol-1, respectively. In general, we hope that the reliability of the results present in this work can serve as an excellent guide for spectroscopists in the search and characterization of these chemical species still unknown experimentally.

Laser flash photolysis studies of halogen atom reactions of atmospheric interest

Laine, Patrick L. 24 October 2011 (has links)
The Earth's atmosphere is a large photochemical reactor consisting primarily of N2 (~78%) and O2 (~21%) with Ar and water vapor being the next most abundant constituents. All of the remaining gases in the atmosphere are referred to as 'trace gases', and they play a critical role in understanding climate change, urban air quality, ozone production and depletion, and in determining the overall 'health' of the atmosphere. These trace components are present in our atmosphere with mixing ratios, i.e., mole fractions, ranging from sub parts per trillion to several hundred parts per million. One class of trace constituents that play a critical role in atmospheric chemistry are free radicals. Free radicals are highly reactive, often initiating the oxidation of natural and anthropogenic atmospheric species, thereby often controlling the fate and lifetimes of these species. The research comprising this dissertation focuses on laboratory studies of the kinetics and mechanisms of free radical (atomic halogen) reactions that can impact the levels of important trace atmospheric species. In the studies reported herein, laser flash photolysis (LFP) was coupled with time resolved atomic resonance fluorescence (RF) spectroscopic detection of Cl or Br atoms to investigate halogen atom chemistry. The research addresses three groups of reactions: Cl atom reactions with alkyl bromides, Cl and Br-initiated oxidations of small (C2-C6) alkenes, and Cl reactions with CH3SCH3 (DMS, dimethylsulfide) and CH3SeCH3 (DMSe, dimethylselenide). The alkyl bromide reactions were experimentally unique in that we were able to deduce kinetics of the Cl atom reaction with bromoethane, n-bromopropane, and 1,2-dibromoethane by monitoring the appearance of the Br product by LFP-RF. The Br is formed via elimination that occurs essentially instantaneously following β-H abstraction by the Cl atom. All three of the bromoalkanes investigated are emitted into the atmosphere primarily from anthropogenic sources and all three have been identified by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) as very short-lived (lifetime less than 6 months) source gases with significant ozone depletion potentials (ODPs). Additionally, the bromoalkanes mentioned above have been of interest as model compounds for larger partially halogenated organics found in the atmosphere, and they have been considered as potential replacement compounds for chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) that have been banned as a result of the Montreal Protocol. Brominated very short-lived compounds are thought to contribute 20-25% of total stratospheric bromine. Thus, there is considerable interest in understanding the atmospheric chemistry of even the most short-lived organic bromine compounds. Temporal profiles of Br atoms provided important kinetic and mechanistic insight for the reactions over a wide range of temperature and pressure. Temperature-dependent rate coefficients are determined for the alkyl bromides of interest for the first time, and the potential importance of the Cl reaction as an atmospheric degradation pathway for each alkyl bromide is qualitatively assessed. The studies of halogen atom reactions with alkenes focused on formation of weakly-bound adducts where kinetics of adduct formation and dissociation as well as non-adduct forming channels were evaluated. The elementary steps in the Br initiated oxidation of the alkenes 2-methyl-1,3-butadiene (isoprene), 2,3-dimethyl-2-butene (tetramethylethylene, TME), and 1,3-butadiene have been investigated. The experimental kinetic database for these reactions is quite sparse. The kinetic results reported herein, suggests that Br reaction with the above olefins is much faster than previously thought. Analysis of the temperature dependence of the "approach to equilibrium" kinetic data in conjunction with electronic structure calculations allows for determination of enthalpy and entropy changes associated with each addition reaction. Where possible, both forward addition and reverse dissociation channels as well as H-abstraction pathways were characterized. The enthalpy change associated with the addition reaction to give the Br−isoprene and Br−1,3-butadiene adducts has been determined for the first time and the bond dissociation enthalpy obtained for the Br−TME adduct is in reasonable agreement with the only other previously reported value. It should be noted that in the case of isoprene and 1,3-butadiene, there are multiple possible adducts that could be formed. In order to help clarify which adducts are more or less likely to be formed, we rely on electronic structure calculations (see Chapter 5) to aid in our overall understanding of the adduct forming channels. Furthermore, for the Br reactions with the three alkenes above, atomic Br kinetics have been monitored directly both in the absence and in the presence of O2 which allowed, for the first time, determination of rate coefficients for the elementary steps in the overall complex mechanism including determination of the Br−olefin + O2 rate coefficient. Also included in this group of reactions is the chlorine reaction with isoprene. In addition to the well-known fact that isoprene is emitted into the atmosphere from vegetation, a potentially significant marine source of isoprene has received considerable attention. Chlorine has long been thought to exist primarily in marine environments, however, recent findings also suggest a significant Cl production rate in the middle of the continental United States. There are numerous room temperature kinetic studies for the Cl + isoprene reaction in the literature, however, there is only one temperature dependent study reported. Current recommended 298 K rate coefficients for isoprene reactions suggest the Cl reaction is ~ 4x faster than the analogous OH reaction. If indeed this is the case, the Cl reaction could play a non-neglibible role in isoprene oxidation in atmospheric locales where Cl concentrations are relatively high. In addition, the C−Cl bond strength in Cl−C5H8 is obtained from direct measurements of the forward and reversible addition rate coefficients. Our results are compared with the literature data, and the potential importance of Cl-initiated oxidation as an atmospheric sink for isoprene is assessed. The final group of reactions investigated involves reactions of Cl with DMS and DMSe. DMS and DMSe are the most prevalent sulfur and selenium compounds emitted to the atmosphere from the oceans. The oxidation of DMS has been studied extensively due to the interest in the possible role of DMS oxidation in the formation of sulfate aerosols, however, DMSe oxidation processes have hardly been studied at all. And, DMSe oxidation products are likely to be less volatile than the analogous DMS species. Selenium is an essential nutrient for many plants and animals; however, there is a fine line between enough and excess selenium which can be toxic. Most studies suggest that atmospheric deposition is an important source of Se contamination, and it is therefore critical to evaluate the source emissions and fate of Se in the atmosphere. Since the majority of atmospheric Se exists in the form of DMSe, determination of the kinetics and oxidation mechanisms of DMSe will go a long way towards understanding the global biogeochemical cycle of Se. Both reversible addition and H-abstraction pathways have been characterized, and the first experimental determination of bond strength of the gas-phase DMS−Cl and DMSe−Cl adducts have been obtained.

Gaseificação da biomassa para a produção de gás de síntese e posterior fermentação para bioetanol : modelagem e simulação do processo / Gasification of biomas for syngas production and subsequent fermentation to bioethanol : modeling and process simulation

Ardila, Yurany Camacho, 1985- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientadores: Maria Regina Wolf Maciel, Betânia Hoss Lunelli / Tese (doutorado) ¿ Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T13:48:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ardila_YuranyCamacho_D.pdf: 7705979 bytes, checksum: 19a2840a168991456944a44d857667ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: A produção de biocombustíveis a partir da biomassa apresenta-se como uma alternativa para suprir as limitadas reservas de petróleo. A biomassa, atualmente, está sendo usada para diferentes processos termoquímicos, entre os quais a gaseificação é o de maior destaque. A gaseificação produz gás de síntese que é uma mistura, principalmente, de CO, H2 e CO2. Este gás serve para produzir energia, diferentes produtos químicos e biocombustíveis, como por exemplo, o bioetanol. A partir do gás de síntese, a produção de bioetanol pode ser realizada usando catalisadores químicos ou biocatalisadores, sendo este último processo conhecido como fermentação do gás de síntese. Para o processo integrado de gaseificação da biomassa e posterior fermentação para produção de bioetanol, as informações na literatura são escassas, o que dificulta avaliar a viabilidade desta nova tecnologia, em termos de condições operacionais. O uso de modelos matemáticos e sua simulação computacional podem auxiliar neste estudo. A literatura dispõe de vários estudos envolvendo simulações computacionais aplicadas à gaseificação de diferentes biomassas. Porém, poucos abordam a caracterização real do processo e as propriedades da biomassa utilizada, considerando apenas as propriedades para o carvão mineral, o que acaba gerando divergência nos resultados. Além disso, a maioria fundamenta suas simulações em modelos simples com base na caracterização elementar-imediata, que acaba limitando o desenvolvimento de plantas virtuais, que são baseadas na análise composicional da biomassa quando focadas na produção de bioetanol como etapa final ou como integração do processo. Assim, este trabalho tem como objetivos estudar o processo completo de gaseificação e realizar um estudo preliminar da fermentação do gás de síntese, mediante simulações computacionais, para definir as melhores condições e variáveis que afetam o processo global quando o bagaço de cana-de-açúcar é utilizado como matéria-prima. As simulações foram desenvolvidas utilizando o simulador comercial Aspen Plus¿ e os resultados validados com dados experimentais da literatura e dados obtidos nos Laboratórios LDPS/LOPCA/BIOEN/FEQ/UNICAMP. Para a completa simulação do processo, várias etapas foram estudadas e divididas para melhor entendimento. Foram desenvolvidos modelos matemáticos para predizer propriedades necessárias para o desenvolvimento de processos termoquímicos. Simulações baseadas nas análises elementar-imediata e composicional da biomassa foram realizadas para definir a decomposição inicial da biomassa, demonstrando os diferentes rendimentos e produtos que são gerados e que são a base da etapa inicial da gaseificação. Simulações completas da gaseificação foram desenvolvidas para estudar a gaseificação em diferentes tipos de reatores. A influência das condições de operação na gaseificação como temperatura, razão de equivalência (ER), injeção de vapor e temperatura do pré-aquecedor do ar no desempenho do gaseificador foram avaliadas. Com as condições operacionais da gaseificação definidas foi proposta uma simulação para representar a fermentação do gás de síntese. A partir dos resultados obtidos foi constatado que a composição do gás de síntese é alterada pelo aumento do ER e pela injeção de vapor no processo, e diferentes concentrações de bioetanol são obtidas quando a pressão de entrada do gás de síntese é alterada / Abstract: The production of biofuels from biomass is presented as an alternative to save the limited oil reserves. Currently, biomass is being used for different thermochemical processes, including gasification which is the most prominent. Gasification produces synthesis gas which is a mixture mainly of CO, H2 and CO2. This gas is used to produce energy, several chemicals and biofuels, such as ethanol. The ethanol from synthesis gas may be produced using chemical catalysts or biocatalysts, this latter process is known as fermentation of syngas. The information in the literature is scarce for the integrated gasification of biomass and subsequent fermentation to produce ethanol, making it difficult to see the feasibility of this new technology, in terms of operating conditions. The use of mathematical models and their computer simulation can help this study. Typically, numerous studies involving computer simulations, applied to different biomass gasification, are found in the literature. However, few of them approach the real characterization of process and properties for used biomass, considering only the properties for coal, which ends up generating divergence in the results. Moreover, most of the simulations are grounded on simple models based on proximate-ultimate characteristics, which end up limiting the development of virtual plants, which are based on biomass compositional analysis when focused on the production of ethanol as the final step or as integration process. Thus, the aims of this work are to study the complete gasification process and to carry out a preliminary study of synthesis gas fermentation, through computer simulations, in order to define the best conditions and variables that affect this global process when sugarcane bagasse is used as raw material. The simulations were developed using Aspen Plus ¿ simulator and the results validated with experimental data from literature and data obtained in the laboratories LDPS / LOPCA / BIOEN / FEQ / UNICAMP. For the full simulation of the process, several steps were studied and divided for a better understanding. Mathematical models were developed to predict properties required for the development of thermochemical processes. Simulations based on biomass analysis as proximate-ultimate and compositional were done to define the initial decomposition of biomass, demonstrating the different yields and products that are generated and which are the basis of the initial stage of the gasification. Complete simulations of gasification were carried out to study different types of gasification reactors. The influence of operating conditions at gasification performance was investigated; variables such as temperature, equivalence ratio (ER), steam injection and preheater temperature were evaluated. With the set conditions of gasification was proposed a simulation to represent the fermentation of syngas. It was demonstrated that the synthesis gas composition is changed when increased the ER and steam injection; and different ethanol concentrations are obtained when the input pressure of the synthesis gas is changed / Doutorado / Desenvolvimento de Processos Químicos / Doutora em Engenharia Quimica

Vliv hybridizačních směsí na intenzitu fluorescence při in situ hybridizaci / Influence of a composition of hybridization mixtures on fluorescence intensity during the in-situ hybridization

Janíček, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
Fluorescenční in situ hybridizace (FISH) je široce používaná metoda pro detekci určité sekvence DNA na chromozomech. Cílem práce je porovnání tří různých chemických sloučenin (formamidu, ethylenkarbonátu a sodných kationtů) používaných ve směsích pro in situ hybridizaci. Složení těchto směsí ovlivňuje renaturaci DNA a je důležité porovnat jejich fyzikální vlastnosti. Práce je rozdělena do dvou hlavních částí. První část se zabývá otázkou termodynamických parametrů používaných pro experimenty FISH, jako je teplota tání, entalpie přechodu DNA ze dvoušroubovice na vlákno nám dává přehled o energii potřebné k tomto přechodu a interakcích mezi bázemi a každou složkou směsi. Kromě toho hodnoty entropie určují poř uvnitř směsi - systém DNA. Druhá část porovnává intenzitu fluorescenčního signálu při optimalizovaných teplotách tání sondy použité pro in situ hybridizaci. Jako sonda byla použita sub-telomerní repetice X43.1, která je umístěna na Y chromozomu rostlinného modelového organismu Silene latifolia. Směs obsahující formamid má nejlepší výkon při delším postupu hybridizace, zatímco ethylenkarbonát poskytuje vyšší intenzitu signálu, a proto je vhodnější pro rychlé FISH protokoly.

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