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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detektion eines Lungenödems mittels transpulmonaler Thermodilutionsmessung und quantitativer Computertomographie im Schafmodell

Rau, Anna 27 November 2012 (has links)
Das extravaskuläre Lungenwasser (EVLW) bezeichnet eine Akkumulation extravaskulärer Flüssigkeit im Lungengewebe und ist charakteristisch für das akute Lungenversagen (ALI/ARDS). Die bettseitige Messung des EVLWs eröffnet dem Kliniker die Möglichkeit einer frühzeitigen Detektion und Quantifizierung eines Lungenödems. Neben gravimetrischen und bildgebenden Methoden ist das transpulmonale Thermodilutionsverfahren ein bettseitiges Verfahren zur EVLW Bestimmung. Das transpulmonale Thermodilutionsverfahren findet entweder als Doppel- oder als Einzelindikatorverfahren Anwendung. Das Einzelindikatorverfahren ist aufgrund der einfacheren und kosteneffektiveren Handhabung zu einer weitverbreiteten Methode geworden. Trotz guter Validierung an einer Vielzahl von alternativen Methoden zur EVLW Messung ist die Einzelindikatormethode nicht vollends etabliert. Daher bedarf es der Überprüfung der Zuverlässigkeit der EVLW Bestimmung durch das Einzelindikator-Thermodilutionsverfahren anhand anderer Methoden, die zur Quantifizierung von Lungenödemen eingesetzt werden können. Diese Arbeit ist Teil eines interdisziplinären Forschungsprojektes der veterinär- und humanmedizinischen Fakultäten der Universität Leipzig zur Quantifizierung eines durch Applikation des alpha2-Rezeptotagonisten Xylazin induzierten Lungenschadens im Großtiermodell der Spezies Schaf. Neben der quantitativen Computertomographie (qCT) wurde das Einzelindikator-Thermo¬dilutions¬verfahren zur Quantifizierung eines möglichen Lungenödems eingesetzt. Hierfür wurden 16 Versuchsschafe narkotisiert und maschinell beatmet. In zwei Experimenten wurde niedrig dosiertes Xylazin (0,15 mg/kg) und in einem dritten Experiment hoch dosiertes Xylazin (0,3 mg/kg) intravenös verabreicht. Alle drei Versuchsabschnitte wurden in denselben Tieren mit jeweils mindestens 8 Wochen Zeitabstand durchgeführt. Vor und wiederholt nach der Xylazinapplikation wurden mittels qCT das Gesamtlungengewicht (MLunge) und das Gesamtlungenvolumen (VLunge), sowie mittels Einzelindikatorverfahren das EVLW bestimmt. Für die Auswertung wurde auch der auf das Körpergewicht bezogene EVLW Index (EVLWI) verwendet. In allen drei Versuchsabschnitten stiegen nach Xylazinapplikation MLunge und EVLWI an, VLunge hingegen sank erheblich ab. Der EVLWI Anstieg erreichte nach Xylazingabe nicht die Schwellenwerte für das akute Lungenversagen, sondern war vereinbar mit einem gering bis mäßig ausgeprägten Lungenödem. Die CT-basierten Parameter bestätigten dies. Vielmehr konnte mit der qCT der Nachweis von Atelektasen als wesentliche Ursache der Belüftungsstörung nachgewiesen werden. Die EVLW Messung ermöglichte darüber hinaus die Differenzierung zwischen einem mäßigen und einem ausgeprägten Lungenödem. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigte weiterhin, dass das EVLW mit dem simultan mittels qCT bestimmten Parameter MLunge korrelierte. Für die vorliegende Xylazin-induzierten Lungenveränderung wies das Einzelindikator-Thermodilutionsverfahren jedoch bei der Überwachung von Veränderungen des EVLWs, d.h. im Sinne eines Verlaufsparameters, Schwächen auf. Zusammenfassend war die Detektion des erhöhten EVLWs nach Xylazinapplikation durch die Einzelindikator-Thermodilutionsmethode zum Nachweis und zur Quantifizierung und Differenzierung der Xylazin-induzierten Belüftungsstörung übereinstimmend mit den Ergebnissen der qCT gut möglich. Für die quantitative und differentialdiagnostische Beurteilung von CT Infiltraten ist das mittels Einzelindikator-Thermodilutionsverfahren bestimmte EVLW damit ein hilfreicher, bettseitig bestimmbarer Parameter.

Monitoração hemodinâmica e da oxigenação tecidual minimamente invasiva em cães / Minimally invasive monitoring Hemodynamic and tissue oxygenation in dogs

Gehrcke, Martielo Ivan 28 November 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T15:50:49Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGCA14DA001.pdf: 2982405 bytes, checksum: da66d096b04578b9f10f6c43d43ea419 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-11-28 / Devido à importância da monitoração hemodinâmica e da oxigenação tecidual na anestesiologia e em pacientes críticos, buscam-se métodos minimamente invasivos e acurados para monitoração do débito cardíaco e da oxigenação tecidual. Esta tese apresenta quatro estudos que visam a monitoração hemodinâmica e da oxigenação tecidual em cães. O primeiro, trata-se de uma revisão sobre os diferentes métodos para monitoração do débito cardíaco em cães, ressaltando a importância de se utilizar técnicas minimamente ou não invasivas, de adequada acurácia e que reflitam o estado hemodinâmico do paciente em diferentes situações. Ainda, demonstra-se como a saturação venosa central ganhou espaço na monitoração de pacientes hemodinamicamente instáveis, sendo um parâmetro de fácil aquisição e que serve como guia terapêutico nestes pacientes. Nos três artigos seguintes avaliou-se a monitoração hemodinâmica e da oxigenação tecidual por diferentes métodos em cães submetidos a diferentes situações hemodinâmicas utilizando-se nove cães pesando 19,6±1,3 kg, os quais foram anestesiados com isofluorano à 1,4 V% (Basal) e posteriormente submetidos à ventilação mecânica (VM), e à estados hipodinâmico (Hipo), com isofluorano à 3,5 V% e hiperdinâmico (Hiper) por infusão de dobutamina na dose de 5μg/kg/min. No segundo estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a acurácia na determinação do débito e índice cardíacos por meio da ecocardiografia e ecodoppler pelos métodos de Simpson modificado e os cálculos de fluxo por velocidade em tempo integral (VTI) nas valvas aórtica e pulmonar frente à termodiluição. Os resultados demonstraram baixa correlação entre os métodos e pouca acurácia com a termodiluição nas diferentes fases. O método de Simpson na fase hipodinâmica foi o único que apresentou valores aceitáveis de concordância, além de identificar as diferentes fases hemodinâmicas, o que não ocorreu com os demais métodos. Ainda, a experiência do avaliador na execução do exame parece ser determinante na confiabilidade dos resultados. No terceiro estudo, objetivou-se avaliar a utilização da calorimetria indireta na monitoração hemodinâmica e da oxigenação tecidual, através dos parâmetros de consumo de oxigênio (VO2) e produção de dióxido de carbono (VCO2), e pela determinação do índice cardíaco pelas equações de Fick utilizando-se o VO2 ou VCO2 frente à termodiluição. O uso da calorimetria indireta foi eficaz detectando as alterações no VO2 e VCO2 durante os diferentes estados hemodinâmicos. A determinação do índice cardíaco pela equação de Fick tanto com o VO2 quanto pelo VCO2 não foram acurados para substituirem a termodiluição, entretanto, com o VO2 foi possível identificar os diferentes estados hemodinâmicos, semelhante à termodiluição, podendo ser utilizado como guia na avaliação do paciente. No quarto estudo, objetivou-se a substituição dos sangues arterial e misto pelo sangue venoso central e pelo expirado final de CO2 (EtCO2) na análise da função pulmonar, oxigenação tecidual (saturação venosa de oxigênio) e equilíbrio ácido-base (EAB) em cães. O EtCO2 correlacionou-se com a pressão arterial de CO2, podendo substituir a amostra arterial na análise na função pulmonar. Os sangues venoso misto e central foram bem correlacionados indicando que o sangue venoso central pode ser utilizado com segurança na análise da oxigenação tecidual e do estado hemodinâmico. Quanto a análise do EAB os sangues venosos e o arterial correlacionaram-se adequadamente principalmente referentes aos valores de pH, bicarbonato e CO2, podendo ser utilizado o sangue venoso central na interpretação do EAB. Dentre os eletrólitos, não houve diferenças entre sódio, cloro e potássio, mas o cálcio ionizado foi 40% menor no sangue arterial. Conclui-se que a utilização de métodos minimamente invasivos para monitoração hemodinâmica e da oxigenação tecidual é possível, e embora não haja correlação e concordância com o método padrão, esses métodos permitem observar a evolução do paciente, sendo mais uma ferramenta na monitoração do paciente anestesiado ou crítico

Hemodynamic and cardiometabolic studies in patients with distributive circulatory dysfunctions : with special reference to the effects of the beta-1-adrenoreceptor agonist prenalterol

Reiz, Sebastian January 1979 (has links)
A total of 49 patients were studied, using invasive hemodynamic techniques with systemic arterial, pulmonary artery and right atrial pressure recordings together with thermodilution cardiac output determinations. Sixteen of the patients were also subjected to cardiometabolic studies, using measurement of coronary sinus blood flow by the continuous thermodilution technique and analyses of oxygen content and lactate concentration in the systemic and coronary circulation. A common denominator in the five investigations was, that a distributive cardiovascular dysequilibrium was either induced (for surgical or anaesthesiological reasons) or already present due to a pathological condition. Thoracic epidural block from T 1 to T 12 induced marked decrease in systemic blood pressure due to vasodilation and impairment of cardiac performance. Prenalterol administration effectively abolished the low blood pressure by its marked inotropic action, having no effect on systemic vascular resistance. Myocardial oxygen consumption changed in parallel with the changes in cardiac work following both thoracic epidural block and prenalterol. Coronary vascular resistance was markedly decreased by the block and was not affected by prenalterol. It is suggested, that the critically low perfusion pressure is the main cause of the coronary vasodilation and that alpha-blockade induced by the thoracic epidural block is of less importance. The combination of a thoracic epidural block from T 1 to T 12 and selective ßi-stimulation with prenalterol was an effective way to modify the cardiovascular response to infrarenal aortic cross clamping. This treatment transferred the patients to a more favourable cardiac function curve and possibly facilitated the redistribution of blood flow in association with clamping. In association with declamping of the infrarenal aorta or the common iliac arteries, volume loading to a slightly elevated left ventricular filling pressure shortly before declamping was an effective way to counteract the expected blood pressure drop. A normal left ventricular filling pressure prior to declamping did not prevent the blood pressure drop following declamping. It is suggested, that mismatching between vascular volume and blood volume is the main cause of declamping hypotension. In patients with low resistance, distributive septic shock caused by gram negative bacteremias and signs of impaired cardiac function, prenalterol effectively reversed the hypotension and improved tissue perfusion by selectively increasing cardiac output. In parallel to the increased cardiac work, an increase in myocardial metabolic demand was demonstrated. / digitalisering@umu.se

Comparison of direct Fick's principle and thermodilution for calculating cardiac output in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension.Does the assessment of cardiac index and pulmonary vascular resistance differ depending on which method is chosen? / Jämförelse mellan direkt Ficks princip och termodilution för att beräkna hjärtminutvolymen hos patienter med pulmonell arteriell hypertension. Skiljer sig bedömningen av cardiac index och den pulmonella vaskulära resistansen åt beroende på vilken metod som väljs?

Persson, Gabriella January 2023 (has links)
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is an uncommon but serious disease that causes increased pressure in the pulmonary vessels and increased pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR), which in turn leads to right heart failure. At diagnosis, mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) must be >20 mmHg, pulmonary artery wedge pressure (PAWP) ≤15 mmHg and PVR >2 Wood units (WU). Calculation of cardiac output (CO) is an important hemodynamic parameter to be measured and assessed in these patients during a right heart catheterization (RHC). Prevailing ESC guidelines recommend using direct Fick's principle (dFp), which is considered the gold standard, or thermodilution when calculating CO. The aim of this study was to compare these two methods to see if there is a significant difference in the calculation of CO in patients with PAH. The aim was also to see if calculated cardiac index (CI) and PVR differ significantly depending on which of the methods for calculating CO is used. A retrospective study was conducted in which 34 patients who underwent RHC at the University Hospital in Örebro were included. The result showed a significant difference between dFp and thermodilution (p<0,05), where dFp on average measures higher volumes compared to thermodilution. It also showed a low agreement between the two methods. A significant difference was seen between CI and PVR (p<0,05) depending on which of the methods is used. Therefore, dFp and thermodilution cannot be said to have a good agreement in this patient group. It is important to use the same method for follow-up examinations as the assessment of PVR and CI is used as a predictor of whether the disease progresses or remains stable.

Untersuchungen zum Verlauf von hämodynamischen und gasanalytischen Parametern während der isolierten hyperthermen Extremitätenperfusion mit Tumornekrosefaktor Alpha und Melphalan

Georgieff, Roland 19 April 2004 (has links)
Fragestellung: Es wird untersucht, ob die isolierte hypertherme Extremitätenperfusion (ILP) mit TNF-alpha und Melphalan eine akute systemische inflammatorische Reaktion (SIRS) auslöst. Weiterhin soll der Einfluß von zwei verschiedenen total intravenösen Narkoseverfahren sowie der Zusammenhang der unabhängig voneinander bestimmten Meßgrößen Herzindex/Sauerstoffverbrauchsindex (HI/VO2I) und Sauerstoffverbrauchsindex/Sauerstoffangebotsindex (VO2I/DO2I) beim Entstehen eines SIRS analysiert werden. Methodik: 73 Patienten, die sich einer ILP mit TNF-alpha und Melphalan in Allgemeinanästhesie unterzogen, wurden in diese klinische, retrospektive Untersuchung eingeschlossen. Ein erweitertes kardiopulmonales Monitoring, bestehend aus kontinuierlicher Thermodilution, kontinuierlicher indirekter Kalorimetrie, invasiver Blutdruckmessung sowie arterieller und gemischtvenöser Blutgasanalysen ermöglichte die Analyse von hämodynamischen, metabolischen und gasanalytischen Parametern an 8 definierten Zeitpunkten im Verlauf der ILP mit TNF-alpha und Melphalan. 21 Patienten erhielten eine Narkose mit Etomidate/Midazolam/Sufentanil/Pancuroniumbromid (N1), und bei 52 Patienten wurde die Narkose mit Propofol/Remifentanil/Cis-Atracurium (N2) durchgeführt. Ergebnisse: Während der ILP mit TNF-alpha und Melphalan kam es bei folgenden Parametern zu signifikanten Veränderungen in der systemischen Reperfusionsphase gegenüber den Ausgangswerten vor der extrakorporalen Zirkulation: Herzfrequenz, Herzindex, Temperatur, Gesamtsauerstoffaufnahme, pulmonale Sauerstoffaufnahme, Sauerstoffangebot, systemischer Gefäßwiderstand, pulmonalarterieller Mitteldruck, kardiale Füllungsdrücke, gemischtvenöser Kohlendioxid- und Sauerstoffpartialdruck, arterieller Kohlendioxid- und Sauerstoffpartialdruck, gemischtvenöse Sauerstoffsättigung, arterieller und gemischtvenöser Sauerstoffgehalt sowie arterieller pH- und Laktatwert. Bezüglich der Narkoseverfahren zeigte die Narkose N2 versus N1 signifikant geringere Herzfrequenzen und Herzindices, sowie signifikant erhöhte pulmonalarterielle Mitteldrücke, pulmonale und systemische Gefäßwiderstände. Die Korrelationen von HI/VO2I und VO2I/DO2I sind in der prä-Bypass-Phase gering, nehmen im Verlauf der ILP zu und erreichen zum Zeitpunkt der systemischen Reperfusion jeweils ihren Maximalwert. Schlußfolgerungen: Die ILP mit TNF-alpha und Melphalan kann als dynamisches in-vivo Modell für das Entstehen einer SIRS-Reaktion aufgefaßt werden. Die inflammatorische Antwort ist in ihrem Ausmaß eher gering und erreicht nach Aufhebung der extrakorporalen Zirkulation mit systemischer Reperfusion der behandelten Extremität ihr Maximum. Die Überwachung der Teilkreisläufe, ein erweitertes hämodynamisches Monitoring sowie forcierte intravenöse Volumentherapie in der Reperfusionsphase lassen dieses Behandlungsverfahren für die Patienten in Allgemeinanästhesie sicher erscheinen. Beide beschriebenen Narkoseverfahren sind für diese operative Therapie geeignet. Der Zusammenhang von HI/VO2I sowie VO2I/DO2I ist im Verlauf der ILP gering, kann sich aber mit Zunahme der inflammatorischen Reaktion verstärken. / objective: To determine whether the isolated hyperthermic limb perfusion (ILP) with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) and melphalan causes an acute systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS)? Also analysed will be the influence of two total intravenous anaesthesias and the correlation of independent measured values cardiac index/oxygen consumption index (HI/VO2I) and oxygen consumption index/oxygen delivery index (VO2I/DO2I). design: Retrospective review of hemodynamic, metabolic and blood gas values from 73 patients, undervented isolated hyperthermic limb perfusion of leg with TNF-alpha and Melphalan in general anaesthesia. methods: Cardiopulmonary monitoring consisted of continuous thermodilution, continuous calorimetry, arterial pressure and arterial as well as admixed blood-gas analyses. Values were measured on 8 time points in the course of ILP. In 21 patients anaesthesia was carried out with drug-combination of Etomidate/Midazolam/Sufentanil/Pancuroniumbromid (N1), and 52 patients were given anaesthesia with Propofol/Remifentanil/Cis-atracurium (N2). results: The following values changed significantly after limb-reperfusion compared with the baseline: heart rate, cardiac index, temperature, oxygen consumption, pulmonary oxygen consumption, oxygen delivery, systemic vascular resistance, mean pulmonary arterial pressure, precardial pressures, admixed carbon dioxide pressure, admixed oxygen pressure, arterial carbon dioxide pressure, arterial oxygen pressure, admixed oxygen saturation, arterial and admixed oxygen content as well as arterial pH- and lactat. conclusions: The isolated hyperthermic limb perfusion with TNF-alpha and melphalan may be used as a dynamic in-vivo model for the development of an SIRS. The inflammatory response is slight and reached the maximum after reperfusion of treated limb. Monitoring of the two circulations, extended cardiopulmonary monitoring and intravenous volumetherapie in the reperfusion time makes this cancer treatment in general anaesthesia safe. Both anaesthesia are suitable. The correlations of HI/VO2I as well as VO2I/DO2I are low in the beginning and rise with the increase of the inflammatory response.

Comparação entre índices dinâmicos e volumétricos de pré-carga em cães submetidos à hemorragia moderada seguida de reposição volêmica

Celeita-Rodríguez, Nathalia January 2016 (has links)
Orientador: Francisco José Teixeira Neto / Resumo: Objetivo: Avaliar os efeitos da perda moderada de sangue seguida por reposição volêmica (RV) no índice de volume sanguíneo intratorácico (ITBVI), índice do volume global diastólico final (GEDVI), variação da pressão de pulso (VPP) e variação do volume sistólico (VVS).Delineamento experimental: Estudo prospectivo aleatorizado.Animais: Sete cães da raça Pointer Inglês (20 a 31,2 kg).Métodos: A anestesia foi mantida com sevofluorano sob ventilação mecânica no modo volume controlado com bloqueio neuromuscular induzido pelo atracúrio. A concentração expirada de sevofluorano (ETsevo), foi ajustada de forma a inibir alterações na frequência cardíaca e na pressão arterial média (PAM) em resposta à estimulação nociceptiva (< 20% mudança relativa). As variáveis estudadas foram registradas no momento basal, após retirada de 14 a 16 mL/kg da volemia e após a RV com sangue autólogo. Resultados: A anestesia foi mantida com 3,1 ± 0,3% de ETsevo. Um animal discrepante (“outlier”) não foi incluído da análise estatística. A hemorragia diminuiu significativamente (P < 0,05) o índice cardíaco (IC), índice sistólico (IS) e PAM em 20-25% dos valores basais (variações percentuais nos valores médios). A RV aumentou significativamente a PAM em relação aos valores registrados após hemorragia (31% de aumento); enquanto o IC e IS elevaram-se significativamente após a RV (29-30% acima dos valores basais). Após a hemorragia, o ITBVI e GEDVI se reduziram significativamente em 15% em relação aos val... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the effects moderate blood loss followed by volume replacement (VR) on intra-thoracic blood volume index (ITBVI), global end-diastolic volume index (GEDVI), pulse pressure variation (PPV), and stroke volume variation (SVV).Study design: Prospective, randomized study.Animals: Seven English Pointer dogs (20.0–31.2 kg).Methods: Anesthesia was maintained with sevoflurane under volume-controlled ventilation and atracurium induced neuromuscular blockade. End-expired sevoflurane (ETsevo) concentrations were adjusted to inhibit heart rate and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) changes in response to nociceptive stimulation (< 20% relative change). Data recorded at baseline, after withdrawal of 14–16 mL kg-1 of blood volume and after VR with autologous blood.Results: Anesthesia was maintained with 3.1 ± 0.3 vol% of ETsevo concentrations. One outlier was excluded from the statistical analysis. Hemorrhage significantly (P < 0.05) decreased cardiac index (CI), stroke index (SI), and MAP by 20–25% from baseline (percent changes in mean values). Volume replacement significantly increased MAP in comparison to values recorded after hemorrhage (31% increase); while CI and SI were significantly increased after VR in comparison hemorrhage and to baseline (29–30% above baseline). The ITBVI and GEDVI were decreased by 15% from baseline after blood loss; while VR significantly increased ITBVI and GEDVI by 21% from values recorded after hemorrhage. Relat... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Effect of Ambient Temperature and Cardiac Stability on Two Methods of Cardiac Output Measurement

Cathelyn, Jim, Glenn, L. Lee 01 January 1999 (has links)
The dependence of cardiac output measurement precision on ambient temperature and cardiac output stability was assessed by concurrent continuous and bolus thermodilution methods in postoperative cardiac surgery patients. The degree of agreement between the two methods was depended on room temperature (0.1 L/min for each degree below 25 degrees C). The agreement was also closer in trials where cardiac output was stable (< 10% variation). The continuous thermodilution method shows sufficient agreement with the bolus method for use in critical care; however, improved precision of cardiac output thermodilution measurements can be achieved by use of correction factors for cardiac instability and for ambient temperature.

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