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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The admissibility of a case before the International Criminal Court : an analysis of jurisdiction and complementarity

Denecke, Jan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The permanent International Criminal Court (ICC) will come into operation after the 60th ratification of the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court of 1998. The ICC will have jurisdiction over the most serious international crimes, namely war crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity. The focus of this thesis is the difficulties surrounding the admissibility of a case before the ICC. There are basically two legs to this analysis: jurisdiction and complementarity .. Jurisdiction of the ICC is analysed in historical and theoretical context. This comprises an overview of the international tribunals since the First World War, and more specifically their impact on the development of jurisdiction in international criminal law. Secondly, the thesis is examining the jurisdiction of the ICC in terms of the specific provisions of the Rome Statute. This analysis comprises a detailed analysis of all the provisions of the Rome Statute that have an impact on the exercise of the ICC's jurisdiction. The relationship between the ICC and national courts is a difficult relationship based on a compromise at the Rome Conference in 1998. The principle underlying this relationship is known as "complementarity". This : means that the ICC will only exercise its jurisdiction if a national court is "unwilling" or "unable" to exercise its jurisdiction. A detailed analysis of the different provisions of the Rome Statute, as well as some references to other international tribunals, serve to analyse the impact of complementarity on the eventual ambit of the ICC's jurisdiction. In conclusion, some suggestions regarding the admissibility of cases and the difficult relationship between the ICC and national courts are made. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die permanente Internasionale Strafhof (ISH) sal met sy werksaamhede begin na die 60ste ratifikasie van die Statuut van Rome van 1998. Die ISH sal jurisdiksie uitoefen oor die ernstigste internasionale misdade, tewete oorlogsmisdade, volksmoord en misdade teen die mensdom. Hierdie tesis fokus op die probleme rondom die toelaatbaarheid van 'n saak voor die ISH. Hierdie ontleding het basies twee bene: jurisdiksie en komplementariteit. Die jurisdiksie van die ISH word in historiese en teoretiese konteks ontleed. Dit behels 'n oorsig van die internasionale tribunale sedert die Eerste Wêreldoorlog, en meer spesifiek die impak wat hierdie tribunale op die ontwikkeling van jurisdiksie in die internasionale strafreg gehad het. In die tweede plek word jurisdiksie ontleed aan die hand van die spesifieke bepalings van die Statuut van Rome. Hierdie ontleding behels 'n gedetaileerde ontleding van al die bepalings van die Statuut van Rome wat 'n impak het op die uitoefening van die ISH se jurisdiksie. Die verhouding tussen die ISH en nasionale howe is 'n komplekse verhouding, gebaseer op 'n kompromie wat by die Rome Konferensie van 1998 aangegaan is. Die beginselonderliggend aan hierdie verhouding staan bekend as "komplementariteit". Dit beteken dat die ISH slegs sy jurisdiksie sal uitoefen indien 'n nasionale hof "onwillig" of "nie in staat is" om jurisdiksie uit te oefen nie. 'n Gedetaileerde ontleding van die verskillende bepalings van die Statuut van Rome, sowel as verwysings na ander internasionale tribunale, dien om die impak van komplementariteit op die omvang van die ISH se jurisdiksie, te ontleed. Ten slotte word sekere voorstelle aangaande die toelaatbaarheid van sake en die verhouding tussen die ISH en nasionale howe gemaak.

Evaluation of the international law regarding humanitarian intervention in human rights abuses not breaching international peace and security

Du Plessis, Madri 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University,2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study exammes, m stages of development, the existing law regarding humanitarian intervention, problems in respect of this law and cases of intervention. More specifically, intervention in human rights abuses not breaching international peace and security but rather posing a so-called threat to peace is examined. This information is used to consider whether more adequate provision can be made regarding circumstances of intervention to stop situations of grave human rights abuses sooner. From the law regarding humanitarian intervention, it is evident that the institution of intervention is illegal under the present UN legal system. Yet, in a time when the human rights culture has become so important that it forms part of the basis of international law, effective intervention is not being authorised by the Security Council. As a result, other actors have been intervening in cases of grave human rights abuses. These interventions need to be appropriate and well managed. Since the protection of human rights is as valid in non-democracies, as in any democratic state form, the study finds that human rights will benefit from dependence on legitimate authority. Attributing more importance to the Uniting for Peace Resolution could expand the role of the General Assembly. Humanitarian intervention also needs to be coupled with a commitment to address the causes of human rights abuses through conflict resolution and social reconstruction. The study concludes with some criteria/guidelines for the establishment of the legitimacy of intervention. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie is - binne 'n raamwerk van ontwikkelingstydperke - 'n ondersoek na die bestaande reg aangaande humanitêre ingryping, probleme tenopsigte daarvan en gevalle van ingryping. Veral ingrypings in menseregte-skendings wat nie internasionale vrede en sekuriteit skend nie, maar eerder 'n sogenaamde bedreiging vir vrede is, word ondersoek. Die inligting wat so bekom is, word gebruik om te oordeel of meer gepaste voorsiening gemaak kan word waarvolgens situasies van growwe menseregte-skendings deur ingryping gouer beëindig kan word. Die reg aangaande humanitêre ingryping toon dat ingryping onwettig is in die bestaande regsisteem van die Verenigde Nasies. In 'n tyd waarin menseregte so belangrik geword het dat dit ten grondslag lê van internasionale reg, word effektiewe ingrypings nogtans nie gemagtig deur die Veiligheidsraad nie. Gevolglik gryp ander partye in om teen situasies van growwe menseregte-skendings op te tree. Hierdie ingrypings moet daarom gepas wees en goed bestuur word. Aangesien die beskerming van menseregte net so geldig is in ander staatsvorms as in demokrasieë, bevind die studie dat menseregte sal baat daarby indien dit afhanklik is van legitieme gesag. Voorts kan die rol van die Algemene Vergadering aangaande die beskerming van menseregte uitgebrei word deur groter waarde te heg aan die "Uniting for Peace"-resolusie. Dit is verder nodig dat humanitêre ingryping gekoppel word aan 'n verbintenis om die oorsake van menseregteskendings aan te pak deur konflik-resolusie en sosiale heropbou. Ter afsluiting word riglyne neergelê om te help met die bepaling van die legitimiteit van . . mgrypmg.

The legal regulation of construction procurement in South Africa

Anthony, Allison Megan 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In order for the government to function, it needs goods and services. It may acquire these goods and services by using its own resources, or by contracting with outside bodies. The latter method is generally referred to as public or government procurement. Government procurement usually contributes a large deal to a country’s economy and is therefore of great importance. With South Africa’s political transformation in 1994, the construction industry was used as the model for public sector procurement reform. The industry regulates all infrastructure and constituted 3.8% of the country’s gross domestic product (GDP) in 2011 with the private sector as its biggest client. The legal regulation of construction procurement in South Africa is therefore significant. Section 217 of the Constitution¹ sets the standard for government procurement in South Africa. Section 217(1) provides that organs of state in the national, provincial or local sphere of government or any other institutions identified in national legislation when contracting for goods or services must do so in accordance with a system which is fair, equitable, transparent, competitive and cost-effective. Organs of state are not prevented from implementing procurement policies which provide for categories of preference in the allocation of contracts and the protection or advancement of persons, or categories of persons, disadvantaged by unfair discrimination in terms of section 217(2). Section 217(3) in turn provides that national legislation must prescribe a framework in terms of which section 217(2) must be implemented. The rules for construction procurement in South Africa are found in the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) Act² and the Regulations to the Act.³ The Construction Industry Development Board has been established by the Act and is empowered to regulate construction procurement in terms of the Act and to publish best practice guidelines for further regulation and development of construction procurement. This thesis aims to answer the question as to whether the legal regulation of construction procurement complies with section 217 of the Constitution. Chapter one sets out the research question to be answered, the hypothesis on which the thesis is based and the methodology employed. Chapter two establishes the constitutional standard for government procurement in South Africa and is the standard against which the rules discussed in subsequent chapters are tested. Following this, the procurement procedures in terms of which supplies, construction works and services are procured are described and analysed in chapter three. It appears that the Regulations to the CIDB Act exclude contracts for supplies and services in the construction industry. Therefore, the qualification criteria for construction works contracts are examined in chapter four. Thereafter, the evaluation and award of construction works, supplies and services contracts are explained and analysed in chapter five. Government procurement may further be used for objectives not directly connected to the main goal which is the procurement of goods and services at the best possible price. It may also be used for the promotion of socio-economic objectives, for example. Therefore, in the sixth chapter, the use of government procurement as a policy tool in the South African construction industry is discussed and analysed. The concluding chapter collectively refers to what was discussed in the preceding chapters including the conclusions and attempts to answer the research question as to whether the legal regulation of construction procurement in South Africa complies with section 217 of the Constitution. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die staat het goedere en dienste nodig om te funksioneer. Dit kan hierdie goedere en dienste verkry deur die staat se eie bronne te gebruik, of dit kan instansies van buite kontrakteer. Daar word oor die algemeen na laasgenoemde metode verwys as staatsverkryging. Gewoonlik lewer staatsverkryging ‘n groot bydrae tot ’n land se ekonomie en dit is dus van groot belang. Met Suid-Afrika se politieke transformasie in 1994 is die konstruksiebedryf as die model voorgehou vir die hervorming van die staatsverkrygingstelsel. Die konstruksiebedryf reguleer alle infrastruktuur in die land en het in 2011 3.8% tot Suid- Afrika se Bruto Binnelandse Produk (BBP) bygedra, met die private sektor as die grootste kliënt in die bedryf. Dit is dus noodsaaklik dat staatsverkryging in die Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksiebedryf wetlik gereguleer word. Artikel 217 van die Grondwet4 stel die standaard vir staatsverkryging in Suid-Afrika. Artikel 217(1) bepaal dat staatsorgane in die nasionale, provinsiale of plaaslike regeringsvertakkings, of enige ander instelling in nasionale wetgewing vermeld, wat vir goedere of dienste kontrakteer, sodanige goedere of dienste moet verkry ooreenkomstig ’n stelsel wat regverdig, billik, deursigtig, mededingend en koste-effektief is. Staatsorgane word verder nie verhinder of belet om staatsbeleid te implementeer wat voorsiening maak vir die bevordering van sekere mense, of kategorieë mense, wat ingevolge artikel 217(2) deur onbillike diskriminasie benadeel is nie. Artikel 217(3) bepaal dat nasionale wetgewing ’n raamwerk moet voorskryf ingevolge waarvan artikel 217(2) geïmplementeer moet word. Die Wet op die Ontwikkelingsraad vir die Konstruksiebedryf (Construction Industry Development Board Act)5 en die Regulasies tot die Wet6 omskryf die regsreëls vir staatsverkryging in die Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksiebedryf. Die Ontwikkelingsraad vir die Konstruksiebedryf het ingevolge hierdie Wet tot stand gekom en is gemagtig om staatsverkryging in die konstruksiebedryf te reguleer. Dit mag ook goeie praktykriglyne publiseer vir verdere regulering en ontwikkeling van staatsverkryging in die konstruksiebedryf. Hierdie tesis het ten doel om die vraag te beantwoord of die wetlike regulering van staatsverkryging in die konstruksiebedryf aan artikel 217 van die Grondwet voldoen. Hoofstuk een gee ‘n uiteensetting van die navorsingsvraag wat beantwoord sal word, die hipotese waarop die tesis berus en die metodologie wat aangewend word. Hoofstuk twee omskryf die grontwetlike standaard vir staatsverkryging in Suid-Afrika en word as standaard gebruik waarteen die regsreëls vir staatsverkryging in die konstruksiebedryf in die daaropvolgende hoofstukke getoets word. Vervolgens word die verkrygingsprosedures ingevolge waarvan voorraad, konstruksiewerk en dienste verkry word, in hoofstuk drie bespreek en ontleed. Dit blyk dat die Regulasies tot die Wet op die Ontwikkelingsraad vir die Konstruksiebedryf (CIDB Act) kontrakte vir die verkryging van voorraad en dienste uitsluit. Gevolglik word die tendervereistes vir konstruksiewerk in hoofstuk vier bespreek. Vervolgens word die evaluering en toekenning van konstruksiewerk, voorraad- en dienskontrakte uiteengesit en ontleed in hoofstuk vyf. Dit blyk verder dat staatsverkryging gebruik mag word vir doelwitte wat nie direk verband hou met die primêre doel, naamlik die verkryging van goedere en dienste teen die beste prys, nie. Dit mag byvoorbeeld ook gebruik word vir die bevordering van sosio-ekonomiese doelwitte. Gevolglik word staatsverkryging as ’n beleidsinstrument in die Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksiebedryf in hoofstuk ses bespreek en ontleed. Die laaste hoofstuk gee ‘n opsomming van wat bespreek is in vorige hoofstukke, maak gevolgtrekkings en probeer die navorsingsvraag beantwoord of die regsreëls wat staatsverkryging in die konstruksiebedryf reguleer, voldoen aan artikel 217 van die Grondwet.

The right of way of necessity : a constitutional analysis

Raphulu, Tshilidzi Norman 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLM)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The right of way of necessity is a special type of praedial servitude that is established over neighbouring property in favour of landlocked property – that is, property without access to a public road. The purpose of granting the landlocked property a right of access to a public road is so that it can be put to efficient use. The servitude is created by operation of law and it binds the surrounding properties as of right at the moment when the property becomes landlocked. It can, however, be enforced only against a specific neighbouring property. This servitude can only be enforced by way of a court order, against the will of the owner of the neighbouring property. This servitude, specifically the manner in which it is established, may raise significant constitutional issues as regards the property clause of the South African Constitution. Therefore, it was necessary to investigate the constitutionality of the right of way of necessity in view of section 25 of the Constitution. To this end, the study provides an overview of the law relating to the right of way of necessity and the general principles regulating this servitude in South African law. Subsequently, the justifications for the right of way of necessity and specifically for allowing the courts to enforce this servitude are analysed in terms of public policy, jurisprudential views and law and economics theory. The conclusion is reached that, in terms of these justifications, there are sufficient policy, social, and economic reasons for having the right of way of necessity and for the courts to enforce it without cooperation and against the will of the affected servient property owner. These justifications are used to examine the constitutionality of the right of way of necessity, specifically to determine whether the enforcement of this servitude by court order constitutes a section 25(1) arbitrary deprivation or even a section 25(2) expropriation of the affected owner’s property rights. The study concludes that the granting of the right of way of necessity will not amount to an expropriation and, following the FNB methodology, does not constitute arbitrary deprivation of property either. Therefore, if all the requirements are met, the granting of a right of way of necessity will be constitutionally compliant. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die saaklike serwituut wat ten gunste van grond wat van openbare verkeersweë afgesny is (blokland) oor naburige eiendom gevestig word, staan bekend as noodweg. Die rede waarom toegang tot ’n openbare pad aan blokland toegeken word, is sodat die grond effektief gebruik kan word. Hierdie serwituut word deur regswerking geskep en dit bind omringende eiendomme vanaf die oomblik dat die blokland van openbare verkeersweë afgesluit word. Dit kan egter slegs teen ’n spesifieke naburige eiendom afgedwing word. Die serwituut kan slegs deur middel van ’n hofbevel afgedwing word, teen die eienaar van die naburige eiendom se wil. Wat die eiendomsklousule van die Suid-Afrikaanse Grondwet betref, kan hierdie serwituut en veral die wyse waarop dit gevesig word belangrike grondwetlike vrae opper. In die lig van artikel 25 van die Grondwet was dit dus nodig om die grondwetlike geldigheid van noodweg te toets. Om hierdie doel te bereik, verskaf die studie’n oorsig van die regsbeginsels aangaande noodweg en die algemene beginsels van hierdie serwituut in die Suid-Afrikaanse reg. Met verwysing na openbare beleid, regsfilosofiese benaderings en Law and Economics-teorie analiseer die tesis vervolgens die regverdigingsgronde vir noodweg, spesifiek vir die feit dat die howe dit afdwing. Die gevolgtrekking is dat daar ingevolge hierdie regverdigingsgronde genoegsame beleids-, sosiale en ekonomiese redes bestaan vir die serwituut van noodweg en vir die howe se bevoegdheid om dit sonder die dienende eienaar se medewerking en teen sy wil af te dwing. Hierdie regverdigingsgronde word gebruik om die grondwetlike geldigheid van noodweg te ondersoek, spesifiek om vas te stel of die afdwinging daarvan neerkom op ’n arbitrêre ontneming vir doeleindes van artikel 25(1) of op ’n onteiening vir doeleindes van artikel 25(2) van die Grondwet. Hierdie studie kom tot die slotsom dat die toestaan van ’n noodweg nie as ’n onteiening kwalifiseer nie en dat dit, indien die FNB-metodologie nagevolg word, ook nie op ’n arbitrêre ontneming van eiendom neerkom nie. Indien al die vereistes nagekom word, sal die toestaan van ’n noodweg dus aan die Grondwet voldoen. / South African Research Chair in Property Law (SARCPL) / National Research Foundation / Department of Science and Technology

INCOTERMS as a form of standardisation in international sales law : an analysis of the interplay between mercantile custom and substantive sales law with specific reference to the passing of risk

Coetzee, Juana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD (Mercantile Law))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: International sales contracts have very specific needs that stem from the multiplicity of legal systems which apply to such contracts. In addition to harmonised law, mercantile custom is able to address many of these needs. Mercantile custom represents usages which are clear, certain and efficient and are expected to be known and applied by merchants in a particular trade or region. To this extent mercantile custom fulfils an automatic harmonisation function. However, where a custom does not enjoy uniform application across all branches of trade, the harmonisation function of mercantile custom is limited, as is the case with trade terms. Trade terms reflect mercantile customs and usages which developed over a long time in order to simplify the trade in goods that are transported from one place to the other. They regulate the delivery obligations of the seller and buyer as well as associated obligations such as the passing of risk. Trade terms negate the need for elaborate contract clauses and appear in abbreviated form in contracts of sale. Although they provide a uniform expression of mercantile custom in a particular location or trade, the understanding of trade terms tend to differ from country to country, region to region or from one branch of trade to the next. The ICC INCOTERMS is an effort to standardise trade term definitions at the hand of the most consistent mercantile customs and practices. The aim of this study is to investigate the efficiency of INCOTERMS as a form of standardisation in international sales law. For purposes of the investigation the focus is limited to the passing of risk. Although national laws usually have a default risk regime in place, merchants still prefer to regulate risk by means of trade terms. This study will investigate the legal position in the case of FOB, CIF and DDU terms. An analysis of the risk regimes of a few selected national systems will show that each has their own understanding of these trade terms. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) does not refer to trade terms, but many commentators have concluded that the CISG risk rule is consistent with INCOTERMS. The study will discuss this in more detail. To determine the efficiency of INCOTERMS as a form of standardisation in international sales law, the study examines their characteristics, legal nature as well as their limited scope of regulation. Specific emphasis is placed on the interplay between the CISG and INCOTERMS and the possibility of some form of interaction and collaboration between the two instruments. It is concluded that collaboration between INCOTERMS and the CISG adds value to the international law of sales by increasing the efficiency of an international business transaction and thereby facilitating international trade. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Internasionale koopkontrakte het spesifieke behoeftes wat voortspruit uit die veelvoudigheid van regstelsels van toepassing op so ‘n kontrak. Baie van hierdie behoeftes kan aangespreek word deur geharmoniseerde regsreëls in samehang met handelsgewoontes en –gebruike. Handelsgewoontes verteenwoordig duidelike, seker en effektiewe gebruike. Daar word dus van handelaars wat in ‘n bepaalde bedryf of streek handel dryf, verwag om van hierdie gebruike kennis te neem en hulle toe te pas. In hierdie konteks vervul handelsgebruike ‘n outomatiese harmoniseringsfunksie. Waar ‘n gebruik nie eenvormig toegepas word oor alle bedrywe heen nie, is die harmoniseringsfunksie van handelsgebruike egter beperk. Handelsterme bied ‘n tipiese voorbeeld hiervan. Handelsterme verteenwoordig bepaalde handelsgewoontes en –gebruike wat oor ‘n geruime tyd ontwikkel het ten einde handel in goedere wat van een plek na die ander vervoer word, te vergemaklik. Hulle reguleer die leweringsverpligtinge van die verkoper en koper asook ander verpligtinge wat met lewering verband hou, soos byvoorbeeld die oorgang van risiko. Handelsterme doen weg met lang en omslagtige kontraksbedinge aangesien hulle in die vorm van afkortings in die kontrak figureer. Alhoewel handelsterme ‘n uniforme uitdrukking van gebruike in ‘n bepaalde gebied of bedryf verteenwoordig, is dit egter so dat die inhoud van handelsterme van land tot land, streek tot streek of van een tipe bedryf tot die ander verskil. INCOTERMS is ‘n poging om die inhoud van handelsterme te standaardiseer aan die hand van die mees eenvormige handelsgewoontes en –gebruike. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die effektiwiteit van INCOTERMS as ‘n vorm van standaardisering in die internasionale koopreg te ondersoek. Vir doeleindes van die ondersoek word die fokus beperk tot die oorgang van risiko. Al het nasionale regstelsels gewoonlik ‘n verstek risiko-reël in plek, verkies handelaars steeds om risiko by wyse van handelsterme te reguleer. Die studie ondersoek die regsposisie in die geval van FOB-, CIF-, en DDU-terme. ‘n Analise van risiko-regulering in ‘n aantal nasionale sisteme toon dat elk hul eie betekenis heg aan die inhoud van hierdie terme. Alhoewel die Weense Koopkonvensie geensins na handelsterme verwys nie, voer verskeie kommentatore aan dat die Konvensie se risiko-bestel verenigbaar is met dié van INCOTERMS en sal hierdie aspek gevolglik in meer besonderhede in die studie aangespreek word. Ten einde die effektiwiteit van INCOTERMS te bepaal, word daar ondersoek ingestel na hulle kenmerke, regsaard en beperkte aanwendingsgebied. Spesiale klem word gelê op die wisselwerking tussen die Weense Koopkonvensie en INCOTERMS asook die moontlikheid van interaksie en samewerking tussen die twee instrumente. Die gevolgtrekking is dat interaksie tussen die Koopkonvensie en INCOTERMS waarde toevoeg tot die internasionale koopreg deur die effektiwiteit van die internasionale besigheidstransaksie te verhoog en gevolglik internasionale handel te bevorder. / Harry Crossley Fund / NRF Thuthuka Fund

Public employment and the relationship between labour and administrative law

Loots, Barbara Evelyn 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this study is the rights-based normative overlap of labour and administrative law in public employment. As the judiciary appeared to be unable to agree on a unified approach to the application of the rights to fair labour practices and just administrative action to public employment, it was clear that the complexity and multi-dimensional character of the debate required analysis of existing approaches to the regulation of the public employment relationship. The following initial research question was formulated: To what extent does (and should) the constitutionalised rights to fair labour practices (s 23) and just administrative action (s 33) simultaneously find application in the regulation of public employment relationships? In answering this question, certain realities had to be acknowledged, the most important being that the debate in question jurisprudentially revealed itself to be a jurisdictional turf-war between the Labour and High Courts, rather than proper consideration of the relevant substantive arguments and underlying normative considerations. This called for an additional dimension to be added to the research question, namely consideration of the extent to which the ss 23 and 33 rights are informed by variable and possibly different normative principles and whether these rights allow for cooperative regulation of public employment in accordance with the doctrine of interdependent fundamental rights. This became the primary focus of the study. In an attempt to simplify the debate, a deliberate decision was taken to limit the scope of the normative study to South Africa with its own historic influences, structures and constitutional considerations. The study shows that both labour and administrative law (as constitutionally informed) share concern for equity-based principles. This is evident from the flexible contextually informed perspectives of administrative law reasonableness in relation to labour law substantive fairness, as well as a shared concern for and approach to procedural fairness. Once simplified, and in the absence of any undue positive law complexity, the public employment relationship, at both a normative and theoretical level, furthermore shows no substantive status difference with private employment relationships. It is, however, accepted that there are job and sector-specific contextual differences. In the absence of substantive normative conflict between these branches of law and in the absence of a fundamental (as opposed to contextual) difference between public and private employment, there appears to be no reason to ignore the constitutional jurisprudential calls for hybridity, otherwise termed the doctrine of interdependence. The idea of normatively interdependent rights expresses the Constitution’s transformative vision (through the idea of flexible conceptual contextualism) and recognises that human rights may overlap. This also means that where such overlap exists, rights should be interpreted and applied in a mutually supportive and cooperative manner that allows for the full protection and promotion of those rights. In giving expression to the interdependent normative framework of constitutional rights, these norms (absent any substantive rights-based conflict) should then be used by the judiciary as an interpretative tool to align specific labour law and general administrative law in the regulation of public employment relationships. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie studie is die regsgebaseerde normatiewe oorvleueling van arbeids- en administratiefreg in die openbare diensverhouding. Aangesien dit blyk dat die regsbank nie kon saamstem oor ‘n eenvormige benadering tot die toepassing van die regte op billike arbeidspraktyke en regverdige administratiewe optrede op die openbare diensverhouding nie, het die kompleksiteit en multi-dimensionele karakter van die debat dit genoodsaak om bestaande benaderings tot die regulering van die openbare diensverhouding te analiseer. In die lig hiervan is die volgende aanvanklike navorsingsvraag geformuleer: Tot watter mate vind die grondwetlik neergelegde regte tot billike arbeidspraktyke (a 23) en regmatige administratiewe optrede (a 33) gelykmatig toepassing in die regulering van die openbare diensverhouding en tot watter mate hoort die regte gelykmatig toepassing te vind? In antwoord op die vraag is sekere realiteite geïdentifiseer, waarvan die belangrikste is dat die debat in die regspraak grootliks neergekom het op ‘n jurisdiksionele magstryd tussen die Arbeids- en Hooggeregshowe, eerder as werklike oorweging van die relevante substantiewe argumente en onderliggende normatiewe oorwegings. Dit het die byvoeging van ’n verdere dimensie tot die navorsingsvraag genoodsaak, naamlik oorweging van die mate waartoe die aa 23 en 33 regte deur buigsame en moontlik verskillende normatiewe beginsels beïnvloed word, en ook of hierdie regte ruimte laat vir mederegulering van die openbare diensverhouding in terme van die leerstuk van interafhanklikheid van fundamentele regte? Laasgenoemde het die primêre fokus van die studie geword. In ‘n poging om die debat te vereenvoudig, is doelbewus besluit om die strekking van die normatiewe studie te beperk tot Suid-Afrika, met eiesoortige historiese invloede, strukture en grondwetlike oorwegings. Soos die normatiewe studie ontvou het, wys die studie dat beide arbeids- en administratiefreg (soos grondwetlik beïnvloed) ‘n gemeenskaplike belang in billikheids-gebaseerde beginsels openbaar. Daar is ‘n versoenbaarheid tussen die kontekstueel beïnvloedbare en buigsame redelikheidsperspetief van die administratiefreg, soos gesien in vergelyking met substantiewe billikheid in die arbeidsreg. Voorts heg beide die arbeids- en administratiefreg ‘n gemeenskaplike waarde aan, en volg beide ‘n gemeenskaplike benadering tot, prosedurele billikheid. Terselfdertyd, en in die afwesigheid van onnodige positiefregtelike kompleksiteit, blyk daar op beide ‘n normatiewe en teoretiese vlak geen substantiewe verskil in status tussen die openbare diensverhouding en die privaat diensverhouding te wees nie. Dit word egter aanvaar dat daar wel werk- en sektor-spesifieke kontekstuele verskille bestaan. In die afwesigheid van substantiewe normatiewe konflik tussen die twee vertakkinge van die reg en in die afwesigheid van ‘n fundamentele (in vergelyking met kontekstuele) verskil tussen diensverhoudings in die openbare en privaatsektore, blyk daar geen rede te wees om die grondwetlike jurisprudensiële vereiste van hibriditeit, ook genoem die leerstuk van die interafhanklikheid van grondwetlike regte, te ignoreer nie. Die idee van normatiewe interafhanklike regte gee uitdrukking aan die Grondwet se visie van transformasie (via die idee van buigsame konsepsuele kontekstualisme) en erken dat menseregte soms oorvleuel. Dit beteken ook dat waar so ‘n oorvleueling bestaan, regte ïnterpreteer en toegepas moet word in ‘n wedersyds ondersteunende en samewerkende wyse wat voorsiening maak vir die volle beskerming en bevordering van daardie regte. Erkenning van die interafhanklike normatiewe raamwerk van grondwetlike regte hoort daartoe te lei dat die regsbank daardie norme (in die afwesigheid van regsgebaseerde konflik) as interpretasie-hulpmiddel gebruik om die spesifieke arbeidsreg met die algemene administratiefreg te versoen in die regulering van die openbare diensverhouding.

Open-source software and the rationale for copyright protection of computer programs

Karjiker, Sadulla 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (LLD)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The rationale for the legal protection of copyright works is based on the perceived need to encourage the creation of works which are considered to be socially beneficial. By awarding authors proprietary rights in their creations, copyright law allows authors the ability to earn direct financial returns from their efforts, and, thus, copyright law provides the required incentives for authors to create copyright works. Since the early days of commercial software development, copyright protection has been extended to computer programs; thus, by providing such protection it was assumed that their production should be encouraged, and that without such protection they will not be produced to the extent required by society. Comparatively recently, we have witnessed large-scale production of open-source software, which is licensed on generous terms, giving users the right to freely use, modify and redistribute such software. By adopting such licensing terms, the authors of open-source software are unable to charge licensees a fee for permission to use their software, which is the reward which copyright assumes authors seek to create such software. This development has made it necessary to re-evaluate the rationale for copyright protection of computer programs, and determine whether the continued protection of computer programs is justifiable. This study seeks to first establish a coherent theoretical justification for copyright protection, which it is submitted should be an economic justification, rather than a moral justification. The legal analysis in this work seeks to establish whether the copyright protection of computer programs is consistent with the economic justification for copyright protection. In particular, the analysis focuses on the current scope of copyright protection, and seeks to establish whether such protection is excessive, stifling creativity and innovation, and, thus, imposing too high a social cost. It is contended that copyright doctrine has generally sought to minimise these costs, and that current scope of copyright protection of computer programs leaves enough creative room for the production of new software. Despite the fact that the effect of open-source software licences is that authors are unable to earn the direct financial rewards which copyright enables authors to earn as an incentive to create such software, their authors continue to have financial incentives to create such software. Commercial firms who invest in open-source software do so because they seek to provide financially-rewarding related services in respect of software, or because it serves to promote sales in their complementary products. Similarly, the participation of individual computer programmers is largely consistent with the standard economic theories relating to labour markets and the private provision of public goods. Individuals are principally motivated by economic motives, such as career concerns. Copyright protection gives participants the choice to opt for the direct financial rewards which its proprietary protection enables, or the more indirect financial rewards of open-source software development. It is submitted within this research that rather than undermining the rationale for copyright protection of computer programs, the development of open-source software has illustrated that copyright protection allows for the emergence of alternative business models, which may be more economically advantageous to authors. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die rasionaal agter outeursregbeskerming wat deur die reg verleen word is gebasseer op 'n behoefte om die skepping van werke wat sosiaal voordelig geag word te bevorder. Outeursreg verleen aan outeurs direkte finansiële vergoeding vir hul inspanning deur die vestiging van eiendomsreg oor hul werke. Dus, outeursreg voorsien outeurs van die nodige insentiewe om sulke werke te skep. Sedert die begindae van kommersiële sagteware ontwikkeling, is outeursregbeskerming uitgebrei om aan rekenaarprogramme sulke beskerming te bied. Deur die bied van outeursregbeskerming word daar aangeneem dat die ontwikkeling van rekenaarprogramme aangemoedig word en dat sonder die genoemde beskerming programme nie geproduseer sal word tot in 'n mate benodig deur die samelewing nie. Onlangs egter, is daar 'n grootskaalse ontwikkeling van oopbronsagteware opgemerk. Hierdie sagteware word onder ruime terme gelisensieer en gee aan gebruikers die reg om die genoemde sagteware te gebruik, te wysig en vrylik te versprei. Deur sulke terme van lisensiëring aan te neem word outeurs verhoed om vanaf lisensiehouers 'n fooi te vorder vir die toestemming om die sagteware te gebruik. Outeursreg neem aan dat hierdie vergoeding die basis vorm waarom outeurs sulke sagteware ontwikkel. Hierdie ontwikkeling maak dit nodig om die rasionaal agter outeursregbeskerming van rekenaarprogramme te her-evalueer en ook om vas te stel of die volgehoue beskerming van rekenaarprogramme regverdigbaar is. Hierdie studie poog om, eerstens, 'n samehangende teoretiese regverdiging vir outeursreg te vestig. Daar word aan die hand gedoen dat hierdie beskerming 'n ekonomiese, eerder as 'n morele regverdiging as grondslag moet hê. Die regsontleding vervat in hierdie werk poog om vas te stel of die outeursregbeskerming wat aan rekenaarprogramme verleen word in lyn is met die ekonomiese regverdiging van outeursregbeskerming. Die analise fokus in besonder op die huidige bestek van outeursregbeskerming en poog om vas te stel of sodanige beskerming oormatig is, of dit kreatiwiteit en innovasie onderdruk en derhalwe te hoë sosiale koste tot gevolg het. Daar word geargumenteer dat outeursreg in die algemeen poog om sosiale koste te verlaag en dat die huidige omvang van outeursregbeskerming van rekenaarprogramme voldoende kreatiewe ruimte vir die ontwikkeling van nuwe sagteware laat. Die effek van oopbronsagteware is dat outeurs nie in staat is om direkte finansiële vergoeding te verdien, wat as insentief gesien word vir die ontwikkeling van sagteware, nie. Ten spyte hiervan is daar steeds voldoende finansiële insentiewe om sodanige sagteware te ontwikkel. Kommersiële firmas belê in oopbronsagteware om finansiëel lonende verwante dienste ten opsigte van sagteware te voorsien. Dit kan ook dien om verkope in hul onderskeie aanvullende produkte te bevorder. Eweweens is die deelname van individuele rekenaarprogrameerders oorwegend in lyn met die standaard ekonomiese teoriëe ten opsigte van die arbeidsmark en die privaat voorsiening van openbare goedere. Individue word gemotiveer deur ekonomiese motiewe, soos byvoorbeeld oorwegings wat verband hou met hul loopbane. Outeursregbeskerming bied aan deelnemers die keuse om voordeel te trek uit die direkte finansiële vergoeding wat moontlik gemaak word deur outeursregbeskerming of uit die meer indirekte finansiële vergoeding gebied deur die ontwikkeling van oopbronsagteware. In hierdie navorsing word daar geargumenteer dat die ontwikkeling van oopbronsagteware geillustreer het dat outeursregbeskerming die onstaan van alternatiewe besigheidsmodelle toelaat wat ekonomies meer voordelig is vir outeurs in plaas daarvan dat dit die rasionaal vir die outeursregbeskerming van rekenaarprogramme ondermyn.

Custody and access of children by gay and lesbian parents in post- divorce situations : a South African and comparative analysis.

Parsee, Niroshini. January 2002 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (LL.M.)-University of Natal,Durban, 2002.

Discipline and disciplinary measures used at selected secondary schools.

Narain, Anil P. January 2006 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore various aspects of discipline in secondary schools inter alia the views of educators to changes regarding the behaviour of learners today as compared to the past, the banning of corporal punishment in schools, commitment to provide support, and to elicit alternative methods of maintaining discipline. The study was an exploratory one aiming to bring the views of the educator to the fore in clinical research. It was also undertaken to spur other research into this area. The study was undertaken with educators from the town of Verulam in the north coast of Kwazulu- Natal, South Africa. All secondary schools in the area were targeted. This was a possibility sample as it was peculiar to the context and is valid because it does have resemblance to reality. The sample reflected the remnants of the old apartheid educational structures. Various types of schools were included inclusive of ex -House of Delegates, ex-Department of Education, private and religion-based schools. The sample had semblance of the general educator population. Educators in nine of the secondary schools responded to a questionnaire. The structured questionnaire had a quantitative and qualitative bias. The response rate was 58.3 percent. A statistical package was used to analyse the statistical aspects of the questionnaire. The results of the study indicate that educators believed that the incidents and severity of learner misbehaviour had increased rapidly post 1996. A significantly large number also stated that their superiors (the Department of Education-DOE) have left a void with the banning of corporal punishment by provldinq little or no alternatives to discipline learners. Many respondents believed that their authority was undermined and it affected discipline and hence the culture of teaching and learning. Serious offenders were handed to management of schools. Management in schools were viewed as supportative although there was a call for consistency in the application of the schools' Code of Conduct. Numerous methods of disciplining were suggested with the most popular being getting the parent involved and personal counselling. Sadly, the third popular measure believed to be effective was the use of corporal punishment, albeit it was used by a small percentage of respondents. There was no significant difference in views between male and female respondents. Various extraneous factors influencing poor behaviour were postulated. The learners' background, role of the parent and peer pressure, were viewed as most important. School contextual factors such as large classes and poor resources were also noted. Recommendations for better discipline and disciplinary measures were highlighted. The study called for a review of the Code of Conduct as required by the South African Schools Act 84 of 1996, with the focus being immediacy and relevance of sanctions and the more frequent use of the parent-component, of the Schools' Governing Body, in discipline. A more pro-active stance on the part of the DOE in assisting educators, in disciplinary measures, at grass-root level was recommended. The study also recommended further research into discipline and disciplinary measures at secondary schools. / Thesis (LL.M.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2006.

Access to affordable life-saving medicines : the South African response.

Joseph, Coral Jade. January 2012 (has links)
Patent protection grants the patent holder with a market monopoly, free from market competition allowing the patentee to charge any price; therefore medicines are sold at prices much higher than the marginal cost of production and distribution. The connection between international trade and intellectual property has aggravated human rights and public health concerns surrounding the inaccessibility of essential medicines. The World Trade Organisation‘s Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) Agreement is an international instrument which has greatly impacted intellectual property rights protection and access to medicine. It has globalized intellectual property law by obliging all Members to subscribe to the minimum international standards of protection for intellectual property. South Africa is an example of the issues faced whilst attempting to bring their domestic laws into compliance with the Agreement. The government had to attempt to strike a balance between creating an effective intellectual property infrastructure whilst realizing the therapeutic needs of those affected by HIV/AIDS. The South African Patents Act 57 of 1978 did not comply with the Agreement and was subsequently amended in order to bring its patent legislation in full compliance with the Agreement. Currently, South Africa grants patents for new uses or formulations of existing medicines consequently lengthening the period of patent monopoly by allowing pharmaceutical companies to obtain new patents for slight modifications to existing medicines. It is submitted that South Africa‘s patent legislation is more extensive than is necessary under international law, examples of this being disclosure standards and the process for compulsory licensing. In addition, it has not made use of provisions in its existing law to take measures to improve access to essential medicines, nor has it implemented legislative amendments consequent to the flexibilities established in the Doha Declaration. This dissertation seeks to review the steps South Africa has taken in its compliance with the TRIPS Agreement with respect to the relevant intellectual property legislation that has been enacted, including its implications for access to essential medicines. The intention behind this dissertation is to assess the efficacy of the intellectual property legislation in South Africa and its impact on access to medicines. / Thesis (LL.M.)-Univeristy of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.

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