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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Svenska kyrkan samma kyrka? : ecklesiologi före och efter relationsförändringen mellan kyrka och stat

Rosenius, Marie January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation is an ecclesiological study, conducted in the form of a case study that examines worship praxis in six parishes in the diocese of Luleå between 1990 and 2009. The specific research problem of the dissertation is whether the organizational changes that took place in connection with the relational change between Church and State in 2000 are reflected in local worship and in church service related decisions in diocese and parishes, and how the concrete relationship between worship praxis and regulations is manifested. The research problem also includes what ecclesiological impact the organizational changes may have had in the studied parishes and what the empirical results can reveal about the ecclesiality of the Church. The dissertation addresses four research questions. In response to the first question: “Are the organizational changes of 2000 reflected in local worship and in worship related decisions in dioceses and parishes and, if so, in what way?” it is noted that organizational change is reflected indirectly in expressions of growing autonomization. In response to the second question "What is the relationship between worship praxis and regulations in the Church ordinance and The Swedish Church manual 1986?” there is a tangible difference between worship praxis and regulations throughout the studied period, i.e. even before the relational change, although the difference over time has increased. Regarding the third question "What impact could the organizational change, associated with the relational change between the Church of Sweden and the State, have had on the ecclesiologies in the worship praxis which the studied parishes represent and hold?” I have not found that the new order has affected, in any direct way, the parishes’ implicit ecclesiologies during the time span covered by the study. Rather, it seems that the Church ordinance that was established at the time of the relational change has reinforced an already existing implicit ecclesiology where the parishes are considered to be autonomous. The fourth question "How can the empirical result be interpreted theologically with regard to its implicit ecclesiology, and what does that say about the ecclesiality of the Church of Sweden?” The theological interpretation of autonomization indicates an overall "immanent ecclesiology", which can be visualized in current praxis in the diocese of Luleå. The ambition that the Church of Sweden despite organizational change in the year 2000 would be the same also indicates a similar implicit ecclesiology. This is because the Church was not thought to change its identity despite being subjected to a revision in form. The study shows that the arsenal of theories and the methodical approach have implications for how much can be clarified and that different ways of studying the Church should be combined. The present study is an example of this by the study's abductive approach and exploratory character, which have allowed both interaction between praxis-related empiricism and theory and interaction between descriptive analysis and hermeneutic interpretation. The study also shows that “ordo-related theories” may be applicable to the study of the Church as an organizational structure.

Towards quantum telecommunication and a Thorium nuclear clock

Radnaev, Alexander G. 17 August 2012 (has links)
This thesis presents the investigations of Rubidium atoms in magneto-optical traps and triply charged Thorium ions in electrodynamic traps for future advances in long-distance quantum telecommunication, next generation clocks, and fundamental tests of current physical theories. Experimental realizations of two core building blocks of a quantum repeater are described: a multiplexed quantum memory and a telecom interface for long-lived quantum memories. A color change of single-photon level light fields by several hundred nanometers in an optically thick cold gas is demonstrated, while preserving quantum entanglement with a remotely stored matter excitation. These are essential elements for long-distance quantum telecommunication, fundamental tests of quantum mechanics, and applications in secure communication and computation. The first trapping and laser cooling of Thorium-229 ions are described. Thorium-229 nuclear electric quadrupole moment is revealed by hyperfine spectroscopy of triply charged Thorium-229 ions. A system to search for the isomer nuclear transition in Thorium-229 is developed and tested with the excitation of a forbidden electronic transition at 717 nm. Direct excitation of the nuclear transition with laser light would allow for an extremely accurate clock and a sensitive test bed for variations of fundamental physical constants, including the fine structure constant.

Les sciences sociales devraient-elles être neutres? : le rôle des chercheurs(ses) face à la normativité du discours éthique et politique, de Weber à Putnam.

Daoust, Marc-Kevin 12 1900 (has links)
L'objectif de ce mémoire est de comprendre la neutralité axiologique non pas comme une exigence épistémologique, mais plutôt comme un idéal éducationnel. Max Weber propose une science basée sur la description factuelle, de laquelle on exclut la formulation de jugements de valeur. Pour l'auteur, il est préférable de séparer les jugements descriptifs des jugements évaluatifs dans le but de préserver l'autonomie intellectuelle des étudiants. Comme il serait contraire au principe d'autonomie de laisser le professeur influencer et convaincre ses étudiants, de façon partisane, d'adhérer à certaines thèses normatives, Weber propose un mécanisme pour éviter que le professeur n'influence ses étudiants de manière illégitime. Les critiques contemporaines de la neutralité axiologique, en particulier celles de Sen et Putnam, voient dans le critère de neutralité un rejet de l'entrelacement logique des faits et des valeurs. Ils critiquent la supposée subjectivité des valeurs et, ce faisant, défendent une conception enrichie de la science où les valeurs éthiques sont présentes. Weber n'a jamais défendu qu'il était impossible de mener une analyse à la fois descriptive et normative. Seulement, on doit s'interroger sur les lieux où s'exprime la normativité, et s'assurer que toutes les conditions sont présentes pour qu'une discussion normative tende réellement à l'objectivité. / The objective of this Master’s thesis is to understand axiological neutrality, not as an epistemological requirement, but rather as an educational ideal. Max Weber proposes a science based on factual description, in which making value judgements is excluded. For the author, it is preferable to distinguish between descriptive and evaluative judgements so as to preserve the intellectual autonomy of students. As it would be contrary to the principle of autonomy to allow the professor to influence and convince students, in a biased manner, as well as to adhere to certain normative themes, Weber proposes a mechanism to prevent a professor from influencing students in an inappropriate way. Contemporary criticism of axiological neutrality, specifically by Sen and Putnam, sees the criteria of neutrality as a rejection of the interlacing logic of facts and values. They criticize the so-called subjectivity of values and, by doing this, defend an enriched view of science where ethical values are present. Weber has never defended the idea that it was impossible to do an analysis that is both descriptive and normative. However, one must ask where normative aspects are expressed, and make sure that all conditions are present so that a normative discussion truly results in objectivity.

Les sciences sociales devraient-elles être neutres? : le rôle des chercheurs(ses) face à la normativité du discours éthique et politique, de Weber à Putnam

Daoust, Marc-Kevin 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Kinematics of spatial linkages and its applications to rigid origami / La cinématique des mécanismes spatiaux et ses applications à l'origami rigide

Feng, Huijuan 30 May 2018 (has links)
La thèse conduit une analyse cinématique des mécanismes spatiaux allant de mécanismes sphériques aux mécanismes spatiaux sur-contraints basés sur la méthode matricielle D-H et l’applique pour explorer le comportement rigide de pliabilité et de mouvement des modèles d’origami. Dans ce processus, la pliabilité rigide du motif origami en torsion triangulaire est d’abord examinée sur la base de la cinématique du réseau de mécanismes 4 R sphériques et de nouveaux mécanismes 6 R sur-contraints dérivés par la technique du kirigami. Ensuite, la cinématique du mécanisme de Bricard 6 R plan-symétrique est analysée et ses variations de bifurcation sont discutées. Après cela, les résultats sont appliqués pour étudier le pliage symétrique de l’origami de la waterbomb à six plis à panneau épais, qui est modélisé sous laforme d’un réseau de mécanismes de Bricard 6 R plan-symétriques. Le comportement de mouvement de sa tessellation correspondante de feuille de zéro-épaisseur est démontré par unréseau de mécanismes 6 R sphériques. Enfin, le comportement de mouvement de la forme cylindrique fermée de l’origami de la waterbomb est analysé à travers une étude paramétrique, en le modélisant comme un réseau fermé de mécanismes 6 R sphériques. Ces études aident à approfondir la compréhension de la cinématique des mécanismes spatiaux et du mouvement rigide de l’origami, et à jeter les bases des applications techniques des mécanismes spatiaux et des motifs d’origami rigides. / This dissertation conducts kinematic analysis of spatial linkages ranging from spherical linkages to overconstrained linkages based on the D-H matrix method, and applies it to explore the rigid foldability and motion behaviour of origami patterns. In this process, the rigid foldability of triangle twist origami pattern is firstly examined based on the kinematics of spherical 4 R linkage network and new overconstrained 6 R linkages are derived by kirigami technique. Then the kinematics of the plane-symmetric Bricard 6 R linkage is analyzed and its bifurcation variations are discussed. After that, the results are applied to study the symmetric folding of six-crease thick-panel waterbomb origami, which is modelled as a network of planesymmetric Bricard 6 R linkages. The motion behaviour of its corresponding tessellation of zerothickness sheet is demonstrated by a network of spherical 6 R linkages. Finally, the motion behaviour of the closed cylindrical form of waterbomb origami is investigated through a parametric study, by means of modelling it as a closed network of spherical 6 R linkages. These studies help to deepen the understanding of spatial linkage kinematics and rigid origami motion, and lay the foundation for engineering applications of spatial linkages and rigid origami patterns.

Comportement thermo-mécanique de structures de chaussées bitumineuses / Thermomechanical behaviour of bituminous pavement structures

Gaborit, Philippe 19 June 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse CIFRE a été réalisée dans le cadre d'un partenariat entre l'ENTPE Université de Lyon, AREA et EIFFAGE Travaux Publics. Les méthodes actuelles de détermination et de prévision de l'endommagement des structures de chaussées autoroutières sont peu fiables et nécessitent d'être améliorées. L'objectif de la thèse est de mettre en place une procédure d'analyse inverse donnant accès aux paramètres de comportement des matériaux de chacune des couches de chaussées à partir des mesures de déflexion. Une première étape vise à définir plus précisément les états de contraintes et de déformations existants dans les différentes couches de chaussées. Pour cela, une instrumentation de chaussée autoroutière située proche d'Aix les Bains a été réalisée. 47 capteurs de déformation et de température ont été implantés dans la structure à trois niveaux différents lors de travaux d'entretien effectués en août 2012. En parallèle, des matériaux de chaussée ont été prélevés sur autoroutes pour caractériser leur comportement en laboratoire. Des essais de module complexe ont permis de déterminer les propriétés thermo-visco-élastiques des matériaux. Ces résultats ont permis de modéliser la déformation de la chaussée et de la comparer avec les mesures. Des mesures de déflexion ont également été réalisées sur la chaussée instrumentée à l'aide d'un curviamètre. Les résultats ont pu être comparés à la modélisation. Les différences observées ont permis de proposer une analyse critique des mesures de déflexion. / This thesis was conducted into a parnership between ENTPE university of Lyon, AREA and Eiffage Travaux Publics. Current methods of determination and prediction of damage to highway pavement structures are unreliable and need to be improved. The aim of the thesis is to establish an back analysis procedure from the deflection measurements fiving access to material behavior parameters of each pavement layers. A first step is to define more precisely the states of stress and deformation existing in the different layers of pavement. For this reason, a motorway pavement instrumentation was performed near Aix les Bains in France. 47 strain sensors and temperature were implanted into the structure in three layers during maintenance works in August 2012.In parallel, pavement materials were collected on motorways to characterize their behavior. Complex modulus tests were used to determine the thermo-viscoelalstic properties of materials. These results were used to modeling the deformation of the pavement and compared with measurements. Deflection measurements were also performed on the instrumented pavement with a curviameter device. The reseults were compared to modeling. The observed differences have helped to provide a critical analysis of deflection measurements.

Different Approaches to Model Cover-Cracking of RC Structures due to Corrosion

Roshan, Arman January 2018 (has links)
This thesis presents three different approaches to model corrosion-induced crack propagation in reinforced concrete structures. The first approach is solved numerically using finite differences to model the softening behaviour of concrete in tension. The second approach idealizes the concrete cover as either a brittle elastic or an elastoplastic material so that it may be solved using a closed-form solution. Both approaches are based on a thick-walled cylinder (TWC) analogy and consider rust compressibility and rust diffusion into cracks. The third approach uses finite element modelling to validate the application of the TWC and perform a parametric study. The results obtained using each approach are compared against each other as well as against experimental results. The TWC was found to be an appropriate analogy for the geometries and reinforcement configurations considered. Analytical models were found to provide upper and lower limits to the results based on the numerical model. The experimental data found in the literature showed reasonable agreement with predictions from the numerical and elastoplastic models.

Multiscale description of the laser-plasma interaction : application to the physics of shock ignition in inertial confinement fusion / Description multi-échelle de l'interaction laser-plasma : application à la physique de l'allumage par choc en fusion par confinement inertiel

Colaitis, Arnaud 10 November 2015 (has links)
Ce manuscrit présente une nouvelle formulation de l’Interaction Laser-Plasma (ILP) à l’échelle hydrodynamique, qui couple la dynamique du plasma avec les processus d’ILP linéaires et non-linéaires. Le modèle standard du tracé de rayon (Ray-Tracing), basé sur l’Optique Géométrique, est peu adapté pour modéliser l’ILP non-linéaire car la distribution de l’intensité laser dans le plasma n’est pas directement disponible. Nous proposons un modèle alternatif spécifiquement formulé pour un code hydrodynamique Lagrangien, basé sur l’Optique Géométrique Complexe Paraxiale qui décrit la propagation de faisceaux Gaussiens. Cette méthode est ensuite adaptée à la description de faisceaux laser non Gaussiens, et permet de reproduire la statistique d’intensité, l’enveloppe et le contraste de faisceaux lissés par une Lame de Phase. Nous proposons des modèles en ligne pour décrire l’échange d’énergie entre faisceaux croisés (CBET) et la génération d’électrons rapides par l’ILP non-linéaire, en utilisant PCGO. Le modèle en ligne de CBET est validé par comparaison avec un code de propagation d’une onde électromagnétique paraxial conventionnel dans le cas d’un plasma inhomogène en vitesse. Un bon accord est trouvé après une période transitoire de l’ordre de la picoseconde, notamment en ce qui concerne la distribution spatiale de l’intensité laser et des perturbations de densité du plasma. Ce modèle appliqué à une configuration d’attaque directe de Fusion par Confinement Inertiel (FCI) montre que le CBET réduit le couplage laser-cible, réduit le facteur de convergence, et amplifie les modes basse fréquence de déformation de la capsule. Le modèle de génération d’électrons rapides par l’ILP non-linéaire modélise les propriétés des faisceaux d’électrons rapides, i.e. leur flux, énergie moyenne, dispersions angulaire et direction, à partir de l’intensité laser prédite par PCGO et à partir d’expressions simplifiées, basées sur des modèles théoriques et des lois d’échelles obtenues à l’aide de simulations cinétiques. La propagation et le dépôt d’énergie par les électrons rapides est décrite à partir d’une approximation de diffusion angulaire adaptée en deux dimensions, pour des faisceaux de profil transverse d’intensité Gaussien, de distribution d’énergie exponentielle et d’ouverture angulaire arbitraire. Ce modèle couplé rend compte de (i) la compétition pour l’énergie laser entre les différentes instabilités et avec l’absorption collisionnelle, (ii) le couplage entre l’ILP non-linéaire et la dynamique du plasma à travers les faisceaux d’électrons rapides, et(iii) la perte de couplage laser-plasma due à la diffusion Raman arrière. Les performances de ce modèle sont évaluées par comparaisons avec des expériences d’allumage par choc conduites sur les installations laser Omega et Pals. Ce modèle multi-échelle est ensuite utilisé pour interpréter plusieurs expériences. On trouve notamment que les électrons générés par l’ILP non-linéaire augmentent la vitesse du choc et la pression en aval de ce dernier, tout en réduisant sa force et la pression d’ablation. Une application à la phase fortement non-linéaire de l’allumage par choc en FCI suggère que ces électrons sont néfastes pour l’implosion de la capsule en ce qui concerne les cibles conventionnelles : ceux-ci causent une augmentation de la masse du point chaud et des pertes radiatives. Ce modèle peut être appliqué à la modélisation hydrodynamique des expériences laser-cible de physique des hautes densités d’énergie pour les régimes d’interaction pertinents pour les instabilités évoquées ci dessus. / This manuscript presents a novel formulation of the Laser-Plasma Interaction (LPI) at hydrodynamical scales, that couples the plasma dynamics with linear and nonlinear LPI processes. The standard Ray Tracing model, based on Geometrical Optics, is not well suited for that purpose because it does not readily describe the laser intensity distribution in plasma. We propose an alternative model formulated for a Lagrangian hydrodynamic code. It is based on the ray-based Paraxial Complex Geometrical Optics (PCGO) that describes Gaussian optical beamlets. A method for modeling non-Gaussian laser beams smoothed by Phase Plates is presented, that allows to create intensity variations that reproduce the beam envelope, contrast and high-intensity statistics predicted by paraxial laser propagation codes. We propose inline reduced models for the non-linear laser-plasma interaction, in the case of the Cross-Beam Energy Transfer (CBET) and the generation of Hot Electrons (HE). The inline CBET model is validated against a time-dependent conventional paraxial electromagnetic wave propagation code, in a well-defined plasma configuration with density and velocity profiles corresponding to an inhomogeneous plasma. Good agreement is found past a transient period on the picosecond time scale, notably for the spatial distribution of density perturbations and laser intensities in the interaction region. Application of the model to a direct-drive Inertial Confinement Fusion (ICF) configuration shows that CBET significantly degrades the irradiation symmetry by amplifying low frequency modes and reducing the laser-capsule coupling efficiency, ultimately leading to large modulations of the shell areal density and lower convergence ratios. The LPI/HE model predicts the HE fluxes, temperatures, angular dispersion and direction from the laser intensity of PCGO beamlets from simplified expressions based on theoretical models and scaling laws obtained in kinetic simulations. The HE beams propagation and energy deposition in plasma is described in the angular scattering approximation, adapted to two-dimensional, transversally Gaussian, multigroup HE beams of arbitrary angular distribution. This model accounts for (i) competition for the laser energy between the various instabilities and with the linear collisional absorption, (ii) coupling between nonlinear LPIs and plasma dynamics via the high energy electron beams and(iii) loss of coupling due to backscattered Raman light. Its performance is confirmed by comparison with measurements of shock timing, laser absorption, HE fluxes and temperatures in experiments conducted on Omega and Pals laser facilities. This multiscale inline LPI-HE model is used to interpret several Shock Ignition experiments. It is found that HEs from parametric instabilities significantly increase the shock pressure and velocity in the target, while decreasing its strength and the overall ablation pressure. Applications to the high-intensity regime of shock ignition ICF suggest that HEs generated by the nonlinear LPI are nefarious to the capsule implosion in conventional target designs, as they lead to a dramatic increase in the hotspot mass and losses by Bremsstrahlung radiation. This model is readily applicable to hydrodynamic description of laser-target experiments of High Energy Density Physics, in the interaction regimes involving the above-mentioned non-linear LPI processes.

Systém automatického řízení technologického zařízení / Automatic control system of technology facility

Brabec, Luboš January 2013 (has links)
This bachelor's thesis deals with problematics of technological procedures and techniques for modification of microelectrodes with nanostructures. Furthermore, it describes a device needed for automated production of nanosensors, their properties and communication with computer. These devices communicate through RS-232 and USB interfaces.

Optimalizace elektrochemického senzoru pro měření v kapce / Optimization of electrochemical sensor for detection in microvolume

Gajdoš, Libor January 2014 (has links)
This thesis describes optimization and modification of standard thick-film electrochemical sensor to be able to be used for detection in microvolumes. In the theoretical part, the thick film technology is described. The work is then focused on the wettability of surfaces followed by introduction to electrochemistry and electro-analytical methods. In the experimental part, screen-printing of various types of thick film pastes on ceramic substrates for determination of their wettability and the following modification of the sensors with thick-film paste and with Parylene vaporization can be found, as well as the basic electrochemical measurements in microvolume using the modified sensor. Finally the results are summarized in conclusion.

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