Spelling suggestions: "subject:"thick"" "subject:"chick""
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Výzkum nových elektrokeramických struktur pro nové aplikace senzorů / An investigation of novel electroceramic structures for new sensor applicationsNan, Bo Unknown Date (has links)
Piezoelektrické keramické materiály jsou široce používány v mnoha aplikacích a průmyslových odvětvích, nicméně tradiční materiály obvykle obsahují olovo, které je toxické vůči životnímu prostředí. Většina zemí proto zavedla zákony a omezení, které postupně minimalizují spotřebu olova a podporují výzkum v oblasti bezolovnatých kompozic, které by nahradily olověné protějšky. Bezolovnatá piezoelektrická keramika se tak stala žhavým tématem v posledních letech. Nicméně výzkumy na praktické využití bezolovnatých piezoelektrických materiálů jsou jen zřídka publikovány. V této diplomové práci byl vybrán jeden z nadějných kandidátů na piezoelektrickou bezolovnatou keramiku (Ba0.85Ca0.15)(Zr0.1Ti0.9)O3 za účelem zkoumání metody snížení jeho vysoké teploty slinování pomocí dotování uhličitanem lithným, kde syntéza prášku byla připravená pomocí techniky sol-gel. Výsledky byly srovnány s konvenčním práškem syntetizovaným v pevné fázi. Vzorky vyrobené ze sol-gel prášku dopovaného 0.5% hmotn. uhličitanem lithným a slinované při 1300 °C po dobu 2 hodin vykazovaly d33 = 447 ± 9 pC N–1, teplotu Curie 98.7 °C a velikost zrn 7.0 ± 0.3 m. Další důležitou otázkou pro aplikace bezolovnatého piezoelektrického keramického materiálu je jeho výroba v různých konfiguracích. Použitím techniky odlévání pásky a aditivních výrobních postupů byla piezoelektrická keramika zpracována do tří různých konfigurací (2-2, 3-3 a 1-3), aby se překlenula mezera mezi materiálovými vědami a materiálovým inženýrstvím. Pro dolévání pásky byly použity suspenze na bázi oleje a vody. Pro přípravu neslinutých keramických fólií bez trhlin, byly pro odlévání na bázi oleje vyvinuty uhlíkové suspenze s obsahem pevných látek 25% hmotn. a BCZT suspenze s obsahem pevných látek 65% hmotn. Problém práškové hydrolýzy ve vodných suspenzích byl vyřešen povrchovou úpravou prášku Al(H2PO4)3, což umožnilo, aby byly tlusté vrstvy bez trhlin odlety v jednom kroku. Tlusté vrstvy slinované při 1500 °C vykazovaly relativní dielektrickou konstantu 1207, dielektrickou ztrátu 0.018 při 1 kHz, remanentní polarizaci 7.54 µC/cm2 a koercitivní síla intenzity pole (Ec) 0.23 kV/mm při 3 kV/mm. Pro tvarování BCZT v konfiguraci 3-3 a 1-3 byla použita přímá metoda tisknutí inkoustu. Pro správnou úpravu tiskového procesu byla použita inkoustová náplň s viskoelastickým chováním obsahující 41.6% obj. pevných látek BCZT a se zpracovatelskými přísadami (HPMC ~ 2.4% a PEI ~ 0.03%). Vzorky v konfiguraci 3-3, slinované při 1500 °C, vykazovaly nejvyšší dielektrické a piezoelektrické vlastnosti, kde Curieho teplota = 86 °C, tan = 0.021, remanentní polarizace = 4.56 µC/cm2 a d33 = 100 ± 4 pC/N. Vzorky v konfiguraci 1-3 slinované při 1500 °C, které byly smíchány s epoxidem, vykazovaly dielektrickou konstantu 144 a dielektrickou ztrátu 0.035 při 1 kHz. Tato práce popisuje tvarování bezolovnaté piezoelektrické keramiky s vynikajícími vlastnostmi v pokročilých strukturách jako krok k návrhu pro moderní senzorické a energy harvesting aplikace.
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Untersuchung der gassensitiven Eigenschaften von SnO2/NASICON-KompositenHetznecker, Alexander 24 February 2005 (has links)
In this work the influence of solid electrolyte additives on the gas sensing properties of tin oxide layers was investigated systematically for the first time. NASICON (NAtrium, Super Ionic CONductor, Na(1+x)Zr2SixP(3-x)O12; 0 <= x <= 3) was used as a model for solid electrolyte additives. The structure of that material is ideally suitable for studies of the correlation between material parameters and the gas sensitivity of the layers. In the NASICON structure the content of mobile Na+-ions can be varied by a factor of four resulting in a simultaneous change of the ionic conductivity sigma(Na+) by approximately three orders of magnitude without considerable structural alterations. Powders of SnO2 and NASICON (x = 0; 2.2; 3) were prepared separately by means of sol-gel routes and mixed in a volume ratio of 80/20. Pastes were prepared from these powders with different compositions and screen printed on alumina substrates with a fourfold structure of thin film gold electrode combs. Four different compositions were characterised simultaneously at elevated temperatures in various gas atmospheres. The conductivity of the layers, when measured in air, decreases considerably with increasing Na+-content in the NASICON additive. This is correlated with enhanced activation energy of the electronic conductivity. The sensitivity of the layers to polar organic molecules like R-OH (alcohols), R-HO (aldehydes) and ROOH (carboxylic acids) is highly enhanced by the NASICON additive. This is observed especially on the admixtures with NASICON of high Na+-content (x = 2.2 and x = 3). On the other hand, the sensitivity to substances with mid-standing functional groups like 2-propanol or propanone can not be enhanced by NASICON additives. Furthermore the sensitivity of these composite layers to CO, H2, NH3, methane, propane, propene and toluene (all exposed as admixtures with air) is lower than the sensitivity of pure SnO2-layers. These observations are well correlated with the results of gas consumption measurements on SnO2/NASICON powders by means of FTIR spectroscopy. In spite of the lack of surface analytical data, a model of surface chemical gas reactions based on a triple phase boundary (SnO2/NASICON/gas atmosphere) was developed, which explains the experimental observations qualitatively. It is assumed that the decrease of the electronic conductivity as observed in the presence of NASICON additives with increasing Na+-content is due to an enhanced electron depletion layer. This is formed in the SnO2 grains by Na+/e- interactions across the SnO2/NASICON-interface. The enormous enhancement of the sensitivity to polar organic molecules may be due to specific nucleophilic interactions with the Na+-ions and coupled Na+/e--interactions at the triple phase reaction sites.
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Localisation et quantification du récepteur du facteur de libération de l’hormone de croissance dans le rein de rat et humainNami, Tracy 09 1900 (has links)
Le récepteur du facteur de libération de l’hormone de croissance (GHRHR) est un récepteur de la famille des récepteurs couplés aux protéines G. Il est fortement exprimé dans les cellules somatotropes de l’hypophyse antérieure de plusieurs mammifères. Ce récepteur exerce un rôle primordial dans la stimulation de la synthèse et de la sécrétion de l’hormone de croissance ainsi que dans la prolifération des somatotropes. Au niveau extrahypophysaire, les niveaux les plus élevés d’ARNm du GHRHR se retrouvent dans le rein. Toutefois, aucune analyse immunohistochimique n’existe encore sur la localisation précise et la quantification sur les niveaux de GHRHR dans les différents segments du rein de rat et sa dynamique d’expression en situation normale et pathologique telle que l’ischémie. De plus, dans le rein humain normal, aucune information n’est présentement disponible.
Le premier article de ce mémoire a pour objectif d’identifier, par immunofluorescence directe, la localisation du GHRHR à travers le système tubulaire rénal, chez le rat jeune en bonne santé. Nos résultats mettent en évidence que dans le rein de rat sain, le GHRHR est exprimé dans les cellules du tubule proximal contourné et droit, de l’anse de Henlé ascendante épaisse corticale et médullaire et de l’anse de Henlé ascendante mince. Le cortex et la bande externe de la médulla externe seraient les deux régions où l’expression est la plus élevée. À la suite d’une insulte rénale comme l’ischémie-reperfusion (IR) chaude, nos résultats démontrent que l’expression du GHRHR est régulée à la baisse dans ces mêmes régions. De plus, une augmentation de certains marqueurs de détérioration cellulaire est présente comme l’enzyme initiatrice, la caspase-9 clivée et effectrice (caspase-3 clivée), des fragments d’ADN et la surexpression d’indication d’injure tissulaire comme la protéine Kidney Injury Molecule 1 (KIM-1). L’ensemble de ces résultats ouvre plusieurs pistes d’études concernant l’importance du GHRHR en rénoprotection.
Le deuxième article de ce mémoire a pour objectif d’identifier, par immunofluorescence directe, la localisation du GHRHR à travers le système tubulaire rénal humain. Nos résultats suggèrent que dans le rein humain sain, le GHRHR est davantage exprimé dans le cortex, plus précisément, au niveau du tubule proximal droit et contourné et l’anse de Henlé corticale ascendante épaisse. L’expression du GHRHR est aussi notable au niveau de la région médullaire, pour être plus spécifique, au niveau de l’anse de Henlé médullaire ascendante épaisse et de la médulla. Ainsi, comme chez le rat, l’expression du GHRHR rénal est régio-spécifique.
Finalement, le troisième article de ce mémoire est une revue de la littérature ayant pour but d’établir un lien entre les mécanismes connus du stress oxydant dans un contexte d’IR rénale et son impact spécifique dans la médulla. Cet article met en évidence que les différents segments du rein réagissent différemment à une agression oxydante et que la médulla est la région la plus vulnérable. De plus, cette revue de la littérature souligne que les différents types de mécanismes connus du stress oxydant dans un contexte d’IR rénale, tel que la production de dérivés réactifs de l’oxygène, ciblent principalement deux structures du néphron : le tubule proximal et l’anse de Henlé ascendante épaisse médullaire. Les principales répercussions de ces mécanismes observables sont l’inflammation, l’apoptose cellulaire et la diminution des fonctions rénales. Ces mécanismes peuvent aussi être utilisés comme un outil de diagnostic ou de détermination de la santé de l’organe. / The growth hormone-releasing factor receptor (GHRHR) is a receptor of the family of G- protein-coupled receptors. It is highly expressed in the somatotropic cells of the anterior pituitary of several mammals. This receptor plays an essential role in the stimulation of the synthesis and secretion of growth hormone as well as in the proliferation of somatotrophs. At the extra- pituitary level, the highest levels of GHRHR mRNA are found in the kidney. However, no immunohistochemical analysis yet exists on precise localization and quantification of GHRHR levels in the different segments of the rat kidney and its expression dynamics in normal and pathological situations such as ischemia. Additionally, in the normal human kidney, no information is currently available.
The first article of this thesis aims to identify, by direct immunofluorescence, the localization of the GHRHR through the renal tubular system, in young healthy rats. Our results show that in the healthy rat kidney, GHRHR is expressed in the cells of the convoluted and right proximal tubule, of the cortical and medullary thick ascending loop of Henle and of the thin ascending loop of Henle. The cortex and the outer band of the outer medulla would be the two regions where the expression is the highest. Following a renal insult such as warm ischemia-reperfusion (RI), our results demonstrate that GHRHR expression is down-regulated in these same regions. In addition, an increase in certain markers of cellular damage is present including initiating enzymes, cleaved and effector caspase-9 (cleaved caspase-3), DNA fragments and overexpression indicative of tissue injury such as protein Kidney Injury Molecule 1 (KIM-1). All these results open up several avenues of study concerning the importance of GHRHR in renoprotection.
The second article of this thesis aims to identify, by direct immunofluorescence, the localization of the GHRHR through the human renal tubular system. Our results suggest that in the healthy human kidney, the GHRHR is more expressed in the cortex, more precisely at the level of the right, convoluted proximal tubule and the thick ascending cortical loop of Henle. The expression of GHRHR is also appreciable at the level of the medullary region, more precisely at the level of the thick ascending medullary loop of Henle, and the medulla. Thus, as in rats, the expression of renal GHRHR is region specific.
Finally, the third article of this thesis is a review of the literature aimed at establishing a link between the known mechanisms of oxidative stress in the context of renal IR and its specific impact in the medulla. This article highlights that the different segments of the kidney react differently to an oxidative attack and that the medulla is the most vulnerable region. In addition, this review of the literature underlines that the different types of known mechanisms of oxidative stress in a context of renal IR, such as the production of reactive oxygen species, mainly target two structures of the nephron: the proximal tubule and the thick ascending loop of Henle. The main repercussions of these observable mechanisms are inflammation, cellular apoptosis and reduced renal function. These mechanisms can also be used as a diagnostic tool or to determine the health of the organ.
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Количественное определение натриевой соли 2-этилтио-6-нитро-1,2,4-триазоло-[5,1-c]-1,2,4-триазин-7-она дигидрата методом вольтамперометрии : магистерская диссертация / Quantification of 2-ethylthio-6-nitro-1,2,4-triazolo-[5,1-c]-1,2,4-triazin-7-one sodium salt dihydrate by the method of voltammetryСелянина, Т. В., Selyanina, T. V. January 2020 (has links)
Объектом исследования являлось вещество натриевая соль 2-этилтио-6-нитро-1,2,4-триазоло-[5,1-c]-1,2,4-триазин-7-она, дигидрат (УПИ-802). Цель работы: количественное определение лекарственного вещества натриевой соли 2-этилтио-6-нитро-1,2,4-триазоло-[5,1-c]-1,2,4-триазин-7-она дигидрата методом вольтамперометрии. В случае УПИ-802 наиболее полезным для количественного определения является сигнал электровосстановления нитрогруппы. Исследованы процессы восстановления нитрогруппы исследуемого вещества в водных и апротонных растворах с применением вольтамперометрии в условиях физического удаления растворенного кислорода и без удаления кислорода. Установлено, что скорость восстановления УПИ-802 контролируется диффузией, процесс восстановления нитрогруппы является необратимым и проходит в две стадии в буферном растворе Бриттона-Робинсона. Первая волна восстановления, которая лежит в области потенциалов -0,31 – (-0,8) В, соответствует присоединению 4 электронов. Обнаружено, что электровосстановление нитрогруппы протекает с предшествующим протонированием. Выбран оптимальный режим регистрации аналитического сигнала исследуемого вещества УПИ-802 на стеклоуглеродном электроде в условиях химического способа удаления растворенного кислорода – квадратно-волновой с амплитудой импульса 0,05 В, частотой импульса 35 Гц. Показана возможность применения толстопленочных углеродсодержащих электродов для определения исследуемого вещества методом квадратно-волновой вольтамперометрии. Выполнена оценка показателей качества методики анализа, таких как линейность, повторяемость (сходимость) и внутрилабораторная прецизионность. / The object of the study was the substance 2-ethylthio-6-nitro-1,2,4-triazolo-[5,1-c]-1,2,4-triazin-7-one sodium salt dihydrate (UPI-802). Objective: quantification of 2-ethylthio-6-nitro-1,2,4-triazolo-[5,1-c]-1,2,4-triazin-7-one sodium salt dihydrate by the method of voltammetry. For UPI-802, the signal of electroreduction of a nitro group is the most useful for quantitative determination. The processes of the nitro group reduction of the test substance in aqueous and aprotic solutions was studied using voltammetry in conditions of physical removal of dissolved oxygen and without oxygen removal. It was established that the rate of reduction of UPI-802 is controlled by diffusion, the processes of reduction of the nitro group is irreversible and proceeds in two stages in a Britton-Robinson buffer solution. The first recovery wave, lying in the potential region of -0,31 - (-0,8) V, corresponds to the addition of 4 electrons. It was found that the electroreduction of the nitro group proceeds with previous protonation. The optimal mode for recording the analytical signal of the UPI-802 on the glassy carbon electrode was selected in conditions of chemical method for removing dissolved oxygen – square-wave with a pulse amplitude of 0,05 V and a pulse frequency of 35 Hz. The possibility of using thick-film carbon-containing electrodes to determine the test substance by the method of square-wave voltammetry was shown. The quality indicators of the analysis technique, such as linearity, repeatability (convergence) and intralaboratory precision, were evaluated.
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Situated Accounts from Within a Stigmatized Area : An Ethnographic Study on Local Views and Experiences Relating to Urban Developments in Molenbeek, Brussels / Situerade beskrivningar från ett stigmatiserat område : En etnografisk studie av lokala upplevelser och perspektiv på stadsutveckling i Molenbeek, Brysselvan der Saag, Emma January 2023 (has links)
This study tried to counter the stigmatized narratives in Molenbeek and nuance the stigma bybringing to the forefront the experiences and views of the local inhabitants through storytellingand an ethnographic approach. I have interviewed both inhabitants of Molenbeek and a plannerfrom the municipality of Molenbeek to understand both the discourse of the inhabitants andthat of the planners at the municipal level about current urban development projects in andaround Molenbeek. With the empirical tale, I was able to present both discourses as if theywere discussing together to see where they differ or agree. I used the theory of territorial stigmaof Wacquant et al. (2014) to analyze to what extent the situation in Molenbeek can be explainedwith the theory of territorial stigma. I found that territorial stigma seems to fit the currentsituation of Molenbeek and its stigmatized inhabitants to a certain extent but underestimatesthe feeling of community between inhabitants. This study has shown that the urban and socialsituation in Molenbeek is much more complex than the stigma and stereotypes narrated. Futureresearch should look into the discourse of developers and their relation to territorial stigma.Finally, I hope this study will inspire urban planners to engage in storytelling and to be criticalof their own story realm. By listening to other stories and including them in their planningprocess they will be able to create more inclusive and richer spaces, which should be the goalof every urban development project.
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Lösungs- und Ausscheidungsprozesse in silberhaltigen Glasschmelzen bei der thermischen Kontaktierung von multikristallinem SiliciumKörner, Stefan 27 November 2018 (has links)
Silber-Glas-Dispersionen werden in der Herstellung von Solarzellen zur Ausbildung des Vorderseitenkontaktes großtechnisch seit vielen Jahren eingesetzt. Nichtsdestotrotz ist der Kontaktbildungsmechanismus bis jetzt nicht vollständig verstanden. In dieser Arbeit wurden Lösungs-, Transport- und Ausscheidungsprozesse von silberhaltigen Glasschmelzen in Silber-Glas-Dispersionen während der thermischen Kontaktierung von multikristallinem Silicium untersucht. Hierfür wurden systematisch Änderungen in der Zusammensetzung der Silber-Glas-Dispersionen sowie der hierfür verwendeten Gläser durch geführt, um Einzeleffekte zu separieren. Die Gläser wurden mit Silber zu Modelldispersionen verarbeitet und auf Siliciumwafer zu Herstellung von Solarzellen mittels Siebdruck abgeschieden und eingebrannt. Sowohl die Einzelkomponenten als auch die hergestellten Dispersionen wurden hinsichtlich ihrer thermisch aktivierten, linearen Schwindung untersucht. Die hergestellten Solarzellen wurden elektrisch sowie mittels FESEM in ihrer Mikrostruktur charakterisiert. Es konnten Zusammenhänge zwischen diesen Untersuchungen hinsichtlich der Silberlösung im Glas unter Oxidation, dem Silbertransport im Glas mittels Diffusion oder Konvektion sowie der Silberausscheidung unter Reduktion an der Waferoberfläche hergestellt und Einzeleffekte für den Silbertransport während des Einbrandes von Solarzellen identifiziert werden.
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漲跌停板限制下之股票報酬機率分配葉宜欣, Yeh, Yi-Shian Unknown Date (has links)
股票市場的報酬率相對於金融市埸是非常重要的,因為其背後的真實機率分配對各種資產定價及選擇權的評價模型都有決定性的影響。本文考慮台灣股票市埸具有漲跌停板的限制來驗證實證中股票報酬機率分配的「厚尾」的現象,希望透過我們的研究能對財務理論在國內金融市埸的應用有更進一步的了解。我們選定了常態分配、對數常態分配及一般化第二種貝它分配 (GB2)來當作是台灣股票報酬率的真實機率分配,以動差法比較再以概似比檢定法(LR test)選出一表現最好的機率分配。由選取的25支國內股票中發現一般化第二種貝它分配 (GB2)可以解釋偏態和峰態對報酬率的影響並且也是概似比檢定法所選出的最適報酬率分配,由此可知一般化第二種貝它分配 (GB2)較為適合作為台灣股票報酬的真實機率分配。
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Wachstumsanalyse amorpher dicker Schichten und Schichtsysteme / Growth analysis of thick amorphous films and multilayersStreng, Christoph 18 May 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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Wachstumsanalyse amorpher dicker Schichten und Schichtsysteme / Growth analysis of thick amorphous films and multilayersStreng, Christoph 18 May 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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A Physically Based Pipeline for Real-Time Simulation and Rendering of Realistic Fire and Smoke / En fysiskt baserad rörledning för realtidssimulering och rendering av realistisk eld och rökHe, Yiyang January 2018 (has links)
With the rapidly growing computational power of modern computers, physically based rendering has found its way into real world applications. Real-time simulations and renderings of fire and smoke had become one major research interest in modern video game industry, and will continue being one important research direction in computer graphics. To visually recreate realistic dynamic fire and smoke is a complicated problem. Furthermore, to solve the problem requires knowledge from various areas, ranged from computer graphics and image processing to computational physics and chemistry. Even though most of the areas are well-studied separately, when combined, new challenges will emerge. This thesis focuses on three aspects of the problem, dynamic, real-time and realism, to propose a solution in form of a GPGPU pipeline, along with its implementation. Three main areas with application in the problem are discussed in detail: fluid simulation, volumetric radiance estimation and volumetric rendering. The weights are laid upon the first two areas. The results are evaluated around the three aspects, with graphical demonstrations and performance measurements. Uniform grids are used with Finite Difference (FD) discretization scheme to simplify the computation. FD schemes are easy to implement in parallel, especially with ComputeShader, which is well supported in Unity engine. The whole implementation can easily be integrated into any real-world applications in Unity or other game engines that support DirectX 11 or higher.
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