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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Towards malaria combination therapy: Characterization of hybrid molecules for HIV/malaria combination therapy and of thiostrepton as a proteasome-targeting antibiotic with a dual mode of action / Die Entwicklung von Malaria-Kombinationstherapien: Die Charakterisierung von Hybridmolekülen für eine HIV/Malaria-Kombinationstherapie und von Thiostrepton als ein gegen das Proteasom-gerichtetes Antibiotikum mit dualem Wirkmodus

Aminake, Makoah Nigel January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Malaria and HIV are among the most important global health problems of our time and together are responsible for approximately 3 million deaths annually. These two diseases overlap in many regions of the world including sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and South America, leading to a higher risk of co-infection. In this study, we generated and characterized hybrid molecules to target P. falciparum and HIV simultaneously for a potential HIV/malaria combination therapy. Hybrid molecules were synthesized by covalent fusion between azidothymidine (AZT) and dihydroartemisinin (DHA), tetraoxane or chloroquine (CQ); and a small library was generated and tested for antiviral and antimalarial activity. Our data suggest that dihyate is the most potent molecule in vitro, with antiplasmodial activity comparable to that of DHA (IC50 = 26 nM, SI > 3000), a moderate activity against HIV (IC50 = 2.9 µM; SI > 35) and safe to HeLa cells at concentrations used in the assay (CC50 > 100 µM). Pharmacokinetic studies further revealed that dihyate is metabolically unstable and is cleaved following an O-dealkylation once in contact with cytochrome P450 enzymes. The later further explains the uneffectiveness of dihyate against the CQ-sensitive P. berghei N strain in mice when administered by oral route at 20 mg/kg. Here, we report on a first approach to develop antimalarial/anti-HIV hybrid molecules and future optimization efforts will aim at producing second generation hybrid molecules to improve activity against HIV as well as compound bioavailability. With the emergence of resistant parasites against all the counterpart drugs of artemisinin derivatives used in artemisinin based combination therapies (ACTs), the introduction of antibiotics in the treatment of malaria has renewed interest on the identification of antibiotics with potent antimalarial properties. In this study we also investigated the antiplasmodial potential of thiostrepton and derivatives, synthesized using combinations of tail truncation, oxidation, and addition of lipophilic thiols to the terminal dehydroamino acid. We showed that derivatives SS231 and SS234 exhibit a better antiplasmodial activity (IC50 = 1 µM SI > 59 and SI > 77 respectively) than thiostrepton (IC50 = 8.95 µM, SI = 1.7). The antiplasmodial activity of these derivatives was observed at concentrations which are not hemolytic and non-toxic to human cell lines. Thiostrepton and derivatives appeared to exhibit transmission blocking properties when administered at their IC50 or IC90 concentrations and our data also showed that they attenuate proteasome activity of Plasmodium, which resulted in an accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins after incubation with their IC80 concentrations. Our results indicate that the parasite’s proteasome could be an attractive target for therapeutic intervention. In this regard, thiostrepton derivatives are promising candidates by dually acting on two independent targets, the proteasome and the apicoplast, with the capacity to eliminate both intraerythrocytic asexual and transmission stages of the parasite. To further support our findings, we evaluated the activity of a new class of antimalarial and proteasome inhibitors namely peptidyl sulfonyl fluorides on gametocyte maturation and analogues AJ34 and AJ38 were able to completely suppress gametocytogenesis at IC50 concentrations (0.23 µM and 0.17 µM respectively) suggesting a strong transmission blocking potential. The proteasome, a major proteolytic complex, responsible for the degradation and re-cycling of non-functional proteins has been studied only indirectly in P. falciparum. In addition, an apparent proteasome-like protein with similarity to bacterial ClpQ/hslV threonine-peptidases was predicted in the parasite. Antibodies were generated against the proteasome subunits alpha type 5 (α5-SU), beta type 5 (β5-SU) and pfhslV in mice and we showed that the proteasome is expressed in both sexual and asexual blood stages of P. falciparum, where they localize in the nucleus and in the cytoplasm. However, expression of PfhslV was only observed in trophozoites and shizonts. The trafficking of the studied proteasome subunits was further investigated by generating parasites expressing GFP tagged proteins. The expression of α5-SU-GFP in transgenic parasite appeared to localize abundantly in the cytoplasm of all blood stages, and no additional information was obtained from this parasite line. In conclusion, our data highlight two new tools towards combination therapy. Hybrid molecules represent promising tools for the cure of co-infected individuals, while very potent antibiotics with a wide scope of activities could be useful in ACTs by eliminating resistant parasites and limiting transmission of both, resistances and disease. / Malaria und HIV gehören zu den wichtigsten weltweiten Gesundheitsproblemen unserer Zeit und verursachen jährlich zusammen fast drei Millionen Todesfälle. Das Verbreitungsgebiet beider Krankheit überschneidet sich in vielen Weltregionen wie Afrika südlich der Sahara, Südostasien und Südamerika, was zu einem erhöhten Risiko für Koinfektionen führt. Während der vorliegenden Arbeit stellten wir Hybridmoleküle her und charakterisierten diese in Bezug auf ihre gleichzeitige Wirksamkeit gegen P. falciparum und HIV mit dem Ziel einer möglichen Kombinationstherapie gegen beide Krankheiten. Diese Hybridmoleküle wurden durch kovalente Verbindung von Azidothymidin (AZT) mit Dihydroartemisinin (DHA), Tetraoxan und Chloroquin (CQ) hergestellt. Die dabei hergestellte kleine Molekülsammlung wurde auf antivirale Wirkung und Wirkung gegen Malaria getestet. In vitro ist, gemäß unserer Daten, Dihyate das wirksamste Molekül, mit einer dem DHA vergleichbaren Wirksamkeit gegen Plasmodium (IC50 = 26 nM, SI > 3000), einer mittelmäßigen Wirksamkeit gegen HIV (IC50 = 2.9 µM; SI > 35) und keiner Wirkung auf HeLa-Zellen bei den im Versuch verwendeten Konzentrationen (CC50 > 100 µM). Weiterhin ergaben pharmakokinetische Studien, dass Dihyate metabolisch instabil ist und nach einer O-Dealkylierung gespalten wird, sobald es in Kontakt mit Cytochrom P450 Enzymen kommt. Dies erklärt auch die Unwirksamkeit von Dihyate gegen dem CQ-sensitiven P. berghei N Stamm im Mausversuch bei oraler Gabe von 20mg/kg. Wir berichten hier von einem ersten Ansatz Hybridmoleküle gegen Malaria/ HIV zu entwickeln. Zukünftige Verbesserungen werden darauf abzielen Hybridmoleküle der zweiten Generation herzustellen um sowohl die Wirksamkeit gegen HIV als auch die Bioverfügbarkeit zu verbessern. Auf Grund der Entwicklung von Resistenzen gegenüber sämtliche Substanzen, die zusammen mit Artemisinin in Kombinationstherapien genutzt werden, hat die Verwendung von Antibiotika bei der Behandlung der Malaria das Interesse daran neu geweckt, Antibiotika mit starker Wirksamkeit gegenüber Plasmodium aufzuspüren. Während der vorliegenden Studie untersuchten wir die Wirksamkeit von Thiostrepton und seinen Derivaten gegenüber Plasmodium. Diese Derivate wurden durch Kombinationen von Verkürzung der Seitenkette, Oxidation und der Anbringung von lipophilen Thiolen an die endständige Dehydroaminosäure hergestellt. Wir konnten zeigen, dass die Derivate SS231 und SS234 (IC50 = 1 µM SI > 59 und SI > 77) eine bessere Wirksamkeit gegen Plasmodium besitzen als Thiostrepton (IC50 = 8.95 µM, SI = 1.7). Diese Wirksamkeit konnte bei Konzentrationen beobachtet werden, die nicht hämolytisch sind und ungiftig gegenüber menschlichen Zelllinien. Thiostrepton und seine Derivate zeigten transmissionsblockierende Eigenschaften, wenn sie in Konzentrationen, die ihren IC50- oder IC90-Werten entsprachen, eingesetzt wurden. Unsere Daten zeigen auch, dass diese Substanzen die Aktivität des Proteasoms von Plasmodium abschwächen, was zu einer Anreicherung von ubiquitinierten Proteinen führte, wenn die Parasiten mit den Substanzen in IC80-Konzentrationen inkubiert wurden. Unsere Ergebnisse sprechen dafür, dass das Proteasom ein attraktives Ziel für therapeutische Maßnahmen sein kann. In diesem Zusammenhang sind die Derivate des Thiostreptons vielversprechende Kandidaten, da sie gleichzeitig an zwei unabhängigen Zielstrukturen angreifen, dem Proteasom und dem Apicoplasten und die Fähigkeit besitzen, sowohl die asexuellen Blutstadien als auch diejenigen Blutstadien, die für die Weitergabe des Parasiten verantwortlich sind, zu beseitigen. Um unsere Ergebnisse weiter zu untermauern, untersuchten wir die Wirkung von Peptidyl-Sulfonyl-Fluoriden, einer neuen Klasse von Substanzen mit Wirksamkeit gegen Malaria und hemmender Wirkung gegenüber dem Proteasom auf die Reifung von Gametozyten. Die Substanzen AJ34 und AJ38 unterdrückten die Bildung von Gametozyten vollständig, wenn sie in Konzentrationen, die ihren IC50-Werten (0.23 µM und 0.17 µM) entsprachen, eingesetzt wurden. Dies spricht für ein starkes transmissionsblockierendes Potential dieser Substanzen. Das Proteasom, ein bedeutender proteinabbauender Komplex, der für den Abbau und die Wiedergewinnung nicht funktioneller Proteine verantwortlich ist, wurde bisher nur indirekt in P. falciparum untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde die Existenz eines, dem Proteasom-ähnlichen, Proteins mit Ähnlichkeiten zu bakteriellen ClpQ/hslV Threonin-Peptidasen in Plasmodium vermutet. Gegen die Untereinheiten alpha 5 (α5-SU), beta 5 (β5-SU) und gegen pfhslV wurden in Mäusen Antikörper generiert. Mit diesen konnten wir zeigen, dass das Proteasom sowohl in den asexuellen als auch in den sexuellen Blutstadien von P. falciparum exprimiert wird und im Zellkern und im Zytoplasma lokalisiert sind. Die Expression von PfhslV konnte jedoch nur in Trophozoiten und Schizonten beobachtet werden. Der Transport der Proteasomuntereinheiten wurde weiterhin durch die Herstellung von transgenen Parasiten, die GFP-markierte Proteine bilden, untersucht. Die Expression von α5-SU-GFP in transgenen Parasiten schien im Zytoplasma aller Blutstadien lokalisiert zu sein, wobei durch diese Parasiten keine zusätzlichen Informationen gewonnen werden konnten. Zusammengefasst sprechen unsere Daten für zwei neue Werkzeuge für Kombinationstherapien. Hybridmoleküle sind vielversprechende Werkzeuge zur Heilung von gleichzeitig mit Malaria und HIV infizierten Patienten. Sehr wirksame Antibiotika mit einem breiten Wirkungsspektrum könnten in Artemisinin-Kombinationstherapien nützlich werden, wenn es darum geht, resistente Parasiten zu beseitigen und die Übertragung sowohl der Resistenz als auch der Krankheit zu verringern.

Heterologous expression of thiostrepton A and biosynthetic engineering of thiostrepton analogs

Zhang, Feifei 07 January 2016 (has links)
Thiopeptides are posttranslationally-processed macrocyclic peptide metabolites, characterized by extensive backbone and side chain modifications that include a six-membered nitrogenous ring, thioazol(in)e/oxazol(in)e rings, and dehydrated amino acid residues. Thiostrepton A, produced by Streptomyces laurentii ATCC 31255, is one of the more structurally complex thiopeptides, containing a second macrocycle bearing a quinaldic acid. Thiostrepton A and other thiopeptides are of great interest due to their potent activities against emerging antibiotic-resistant Gram-positive pathogens, in addition to their antimalarial and anticancer properties. The ribosomal origins for thiopeptides have been established, however, few details are known concerning the posttranslational modification steps. Alteration to the primary amino acid sequence of the precursor peptide provides an avenue to probe the substrate specificity of the thiostrepton A posttranslational machinery. The information gathered from current studies can also be used to refine thiostrepton’s structure-activity relationship, providing insight into the key features of its scaffold that impart specificity toward each biological target. A fosmid-dependent biosynthetic engineering platform for thiostrepton A was developed and a series of thiostrepton analogs were successfully produced adapting this method. The seventh residue of thiostrepton A is predicted to be critical for the metabolite’s antibacterial activity. Our results were consistent this hypothesis and demonstrated that substitution of Thr7 in the thiostrepton A precursor peptide disrupts both biological activity and successful biosynthesis of the analogs. The thiostrepton biosynthetic machinery’s tolerances toward structural variation at the second and fourth positions of the TsrA core peptide were probed by the saturation mutagenesis of Ala2 and Ala4, respectively. Eight thiostrepton Ala2 variants were isolated with two analogs truncated at the N-terminus by one amino acid, bearing a shortened quinaldic acid-containing macrocycle. Our results suggested that the identity of the core peptide second residue influences the biosynthesis of a thiostrepton analog, however, not essential for the antibacterial and proteasome inhibitory activities of the full-length variants. Additionally, the quinaldic acid loop size affects thiostrepton’s antibacterial potency, but is not critical for the proteasome inhibitory activity. Sixteen thiostrepton analogs were isolated from Ala4 mutagenesis studies. We demonstrated that the identity of the amino acid residue at the fourth position in the thiostrepton scaffold is not critical to inhibit either the ribosome or the proteasome in vitro.

Investigations of the Natural Product Antibiotic Thiostrepton from Streptomyces azureus and Associated Mechanisms of Resistance

Myers, Cullen Lucan January 2013 (has links)
The persistence and propagation of bacterial antibiotic resistance presents significant challenges to the treatment of drug resistant bacteria with current antimicrobial chemotherapies, while a dearth in replacements for these drugs persists. The thiopeptide family of antibiotics may represent a potential source for new drugs and thiostrepton, the prototypical member of this antibiotic class, is the primary subject under study in this thesis. Using a facile semi-synthetic approach novel, regioselectively-modified thiostrepton derivatives with improved aqueous solubility were prepared. In vivo assessments found these derivatives to retain significant antibacterial ability which was determined by cell free assays to be due to the inhibition of protein synthesis. Moreover, structure-function studies for these derivatives highlighted structural elements of the thiostrepton molecule that are important for antibacterial activity. Organisms that produce thiostrepton become insensitive to the antibiotic by producing a resistance enzyme that transfers a methyl group from the co-factor S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) to an adenosine residue at the thiostrepton binding site on 23S rRNA, thus preventing binding of the antibiotic. Extensive site-directed mutagenesis was performed on this enzyme to generate point mutations at key active site residues. Ensuing biochemical assays and co-factor binding studies on these variants identified amino acid residues in the active site that are essential to the formation of the AdoMet binding pocket and provided direct evidence for the involvement of an active site arginine in the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme. Certain bacteria that produce neither thiostrepton nor the resistance methyltransferase express the thiostrepton binding proteins TIP-AL and TIP-AS, that irreversibly bind to the antibiotic, thereby conferring resistance by sequestration. Here, it was found that the point mutation of the previously identified reactive amino acid in TIP-AS did not affect covalent binding to the antibiotic, which was immediately suggestive of a specific, high affinity non-covalent interaction. This was confirmed in binding studies using chemically synthesized thiostrepton derivatives. These studies further revealed structural features from thiostrepton important in this non-covalent interaction. Together, these results indicate that thiostrepton binding by TIP-AS begins with a specific non-covalent interaction, which is necessary to properly orient the thiostrepton molecule for covalent binding to the protein. Finally, the synthesis of a novel AdoMet analogue is reported. The methyl group of AdoMet was successfully replaced with a trifluoromethyl ketone moiety, however, the hydrated form (germinal diol) of this compound was found to predominate in solution. Nevertheless, the transfer of this trifluoroketone/ trifluoropropane diol group was demonstrated with the thiopurine methyltransferase.

Investigations of the Natural Product Antibiotic Thiostrepton from Streptomyces azureus and Associated Mechanisms of Resistance

Myers, Cullen Lucan January 2013 (has links)
The persistence and propagation of bacterial antibiotic resistance presents significant challenges to the treatment of drug resistant bacteria with current antimicrobial chemotherapies, while a dearth in replacements for these drugs persists. The thiopeptide family of antibiotics may represent a potential source for new drugs and thiostrepton, the prototypical member of this antibiotic class, is the primary subject under study in this thesis. Using a facile semi-synthetic approach novel, regioselectively-modified thiostrepton derivatives with improved aqueous solubility were prepared. In vivo assessments found these derivatives to retain significant antibacterial ability which was determined by cell free assays to be due to the inhibition of protein synthesis. Moreover, structure-function studies for these derivatives highlighted structural elements of the thiostrepton molecule that are important for antibacterial activity. Organisms that produce thiostrepton become insensitive to the antibiotic by producing a resistance enzyme that transfers a methyl group from the co-factor S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) to an adenosine residue at the thiostrepton binding site on 23S rRNA, thus preventing binding of the antibiotic. Extensive site-directed mutagenesis was performed on this enzyme to generate point mutations at key active site residues. Ensuing biochemical assays and co-factor binding studies on these variants identified amino acid residues in the active site that are essential to the formation of the AdoMet binding pocket and provided direct evidence for the involvement of an active site arginine in the catalytic mechanism of the enzyme. Certain bacteria that produce neither thiostrepton nor the resistance methyltransferase express the thiostrepton binding proteins TIP-AL and TIP-AS, that irreversibly bind to the antibiotic, thereby conferring resistance by sequestration. Here, it was found that the point mutation of the previously identified reactive amino acid in TIP-AS did not affect covalent binding to the antibiotic, which was immediately suggestive of a specific, high affinity non-covalent interaction. This was confirmed in binding studies using chemically synthesized thiostrepton derivatives. These studies further revealed structural features from thiostrepton important in this non-covalent interaction. Together, these results indicate that thiostrepton binding by TIP-AS begins with a specific non-covalent interaction, which is necessary to properly orient the thiostrepton molecule for covalent binding to the protein. Finally, the synthesis of a novel AdoMet analogue is reported. The methyl group of AdoMet was successfully replaced with a trifluoromethyl ketone moiety, however, the hydrated form (germinal diol) of this compound was found to predominate in solution. Nevertheless, the transfer of this trifluoroketone/ trifluoropropane diol group was demonstrated with the thiopurine methyltransferase.

Mitochondrial structure and function as a therapeutic target in malignant mesothelioma

Cunniff, Brian 01 January 2014 (has links)
Malignant mesothelioma (MM) is a rare tumor associated with occupational exposure to asbestos with no effective treatment regime. Evaluation of mitochondrial function in human MM cell lines revealed a common tumor phenotype: in comparison to immortalized or primary human mesothelial cells, MM tumor cells displayed a more oxidized mitochondrial environment, increased expression of mitochondrial antioxidant enzymes, and altered mitochondrial metabolism. Earlier work by our laboratory indicated that increases in mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (mROS) in MM cell lines supports expression of FOXM1, an oncogenic transcription factor that contributes to increased cell proliferation and chemoresistance. These studies sought to investigate targeting of mitochondrial structure and function as a therapeutic avenue in MM. MM cells have reduced mitochondrial reserve capacity, a redox vulnerability exploitable by pro-oxidant therapeutics. Targeting of the mitochondrial peroxidase peroxiredoxin 3 (PRX3) with the anti-cancer compound thiostrepton (TS) induces irreversible modifications to PRX3 protein, increased mROS, and selective MM cell death. Mass spectrometry showed TS targets conserved cysteine residues in PRX3. In vitro and in MM cells, TS failed to modify human PRX3 harboring mutations to Cys108, Cys127 or Cys229. Pre-incubation of MM cells with dimedone blocked cysteine adduction of PRX3 by TS, suggesting adduction requires an active PRX3 catalytic cycle. Studies with immortalized and primary human mesothelial cells showed adduction of PRX3 by TS occurred at a much lower rate in normal cells than MM cells, and this difference correlated with markedly decreased cytotoxicity. Moreover, MM cells transduced with shRNA to PRX3 grew more slowly and were less sensitive to TS than their wild type counterparts, indicating PRX3 is a major target of TS in MM cells. Studies with a xenoplant mouse model of MM showed TS alone or in combination with the TRX2 inhibitor gentian violet significantly reduced tumor volume. Tumor cell mitochondria have an increased mitochondrial membrane potential, therefore numerous drugs have been developed that selectively accumulatte into energized mitochondria to enhance drug efficacy and specificity. Here two mitochondrial-targeted nitroxides, Mito-carboxy-proxyl (MCP) and Mito-TEMPOL (MT), were investigated for their anti-cancer effects. Treatment of MM cells with MCP or MT led to rapid disruption of the mitochondrial reticulum, increased oxidant levels, and reduced FOXM1 and PRX3 protein expression. Immunostaining revealed a pool of cytoplasmic FOXM1 associated with PRX3 in mitochondria, suggesting PRX3 participates in regulating FOXM1 expression. Combination of MCP or MT with TS led to synergistic effects on MM cell viability. Upregulation of mitochondrial antioxidant enzymes is an adaptive response that ameliorates mitochondrial oxidative stress and supports tumor cell survival. Studies here indicate that enhanced dependency on the PRX3 catalytic cycle in tumor cells promotes inactivation of PRX3 by TS, providing a therapeutic window dependent on a mitochondrial phenotype common to many human tumor types. Therefore TS, alone or in combination with other agents, may prove useful in the management of intractable tumors such as MM.

Investigations into Streptomyces azureus Thiostrepton-resistance rRNA Methyltransferase and its Cognate Antibiotic

Hang, Pei Chun January 2008 (has links)
Thiostrepton (TS: TS; C72H85N19O18S5) is a thiazoline antibiotic that is effective against Gram-positive bacteria and the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Tight binding of TS to the bacterial L11-23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) complex of the large 50S ribosomal unit inhibits protein biosynthesis. The TS producing organism, Streptomyces azureus, biosynthesizes thiostrepton-resistance methyltransferase (TSR), an enzyme that uses S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) as a methyl donor, to modify the TS target site. Methylation of A1067 (Escherichia coli ribosome numbering) by TSR circumvents TS binding. The S. azureus tsr gene was overexpressed in E. coli and the protein purified for biochemical characterization. Although the recombinant protein was produced in a soluble form, its tendency to aggregate made handling a challenge during the initial stages of establishing a purification protocol. Different purification conditions were screened to generate an isolation protocol that yields milligram quantities of protein with little aggregation and sufficient purity for crystallographic studies. Enzymological characterization of TSR was carried out using an assay to monitor AdoMet-dependent ([methyl-3H]-AdoMet) methylation of the rRNA substrate by liquid scintillation counting. During the optimization of assay, it was found that, although this method is frequently employed, it is very time and labour intensive. A scintillation proximity assay was investigated to evaluate whether it could be a method for collecting kinetic data, and was found that further optimization is required. Comparative sequence analysis of TSR has shown it to be a member of the novel Class IV SpoUT family of AdoMet-dependent MTases. Members of this class possess a non-canonical AdoMet binding site containing a deep trefoil knot. Selected SpoUT family proteins were used as templates to develop a TSR homology model for monomeric and dimeric forms. Validation of the homology models was performed with structural validation servers and the model was then used as the basis of ongoing mutagenesis experiments. The X-ray crystal structure of TSR bound with AdoMet (2.45 Å) was elucidated by our collaborators, Drs. Mark Dunstan and Graeme Conn (University of Manchester). This structure confirms TSR MTase’s membership in the SpoUT MTase family with a deep trefoil knot in the catalytic domain. The AdoMet bound in the crystal structure is in an extended conformation not previously observed in SpoUT MTases. RNA docking simulations revealed some features that may be relevant to binding and recognition of TSR to the L11 binding domain of the RNA substrate. Two structure-activity studies were conducted to investigate the TS-rRNA interaction and TS solubility. Computational analyses of TS conformations, molecular orbitals and dynamics provided insight into the possible modes of TS binding to rRNA. Single-site modification of TS was attempted, targeting the dehydroalanine and dehydrobutyrine residues of the antibiotic. These moieties were modified using the polar thiol, 2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid (2-MESNA). Similar modifications had been previously used to improve solubility and bioavailability of antibiotics. The resulting analogue was structurally characterized (NMR and mass spectrometry) and showed antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus.

Investigations into Streptomyces azureus Thiostrepton-resistance rRNA Methyltransferase and its Cognate Antibiotic

Hang, Pei Chun January 2008 (has links)
Thiostrepton (TS: TS; C72H85N19O18S5) is a thiazoline antibiotic that is effective against Gram-positive bacteria and the malarial parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. Tight binding of TS to the bacterial L11-23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) complex of the large 50S ribosomal unit inhibits protein biosynthesis. The TS producing organism, Streptomyces azureus, biosynthesizes thiostrepton-resistance methyltransferase (TSR), an enzyme that uses S-adenosyl-L-methionine (AdoMet) as a methyl donor, to modify the TS target site. Methylation of A1067 (Escherichia coli ribosome numbering) by TSR circumvents TS binding. The S. azureus tsr gene was overexpressed in E. coli and the protein purified for biochemical characterization. Although the recombinant protein was produced in a soluble form, its tendency to aggregate made handling a challenge during the initial stages of establishing a purification protocol. Different purification conditions were screened to generate an isolation protocol that yields milligram quantities of protein with little aggregation and sufficient purity for crystallographic studies. Enzymological characterization of TSR was carried out using an assay to monitor AdoMet-dependent ([methyl-3H]-AdoMet) methylation of the rRNA substrate by liquid scintillation counting. During the optimization of assay, it was found that, although this method is frequently employed, it is very time and labour intensive. A scintillation proximity assay was investigated to evaluate whether it could be a method for collecting kinetic data, and was found that further optimization is required. Comparative sequence analysis of TSR has shown it to be a member of the novel Class IV SpoUT family of AdoMet-dependent MTases. Members of this class possess a non-canonical AdoMet binding site containing a deep trefoil knot. Selected SpoUT family proteins were used as templates to develop a TSR homology model for monomeric and dimeric forms. Validation of the homology models was performed with structural validation servers and the model was then used as the basis of ongoing mutagenesis experiments. The X-ray crystal structure of TSR bound with AdoMet (2.45 Å) was elucidated by our collaborators, Drs. Mark Dunstan and Graeme Conn (University of Manchester). This structure confirms TSR MTase’s membership in the SpoUT MTase family with a deep trefoil knot in the catalytic domain. The AdoMet bound in the crystal structure is in an extended conformation not previously observed in SpoUT MTases. RNA docking simulations revealed some features that may be relevant to binding and recognition of TSR to the L11 binding domain of the RNA substrate. Two structure-activity studies were conducted to investigate the TS-rRNA interaction and TS solubility. Computational analyses of TS conformations, molecular orbitals and dynamics provided insight into the possible modes of TS binding to rRNA. Single-site modification of TS was attempted, targeting the dehydroalanine and dehydrobutyrine residues of the antibiotic. These moieties were modified using the polar thiol, 2-mercaptoethanesulfonic acid (2-MESNA). Similar modifications had been previously used to improve solubility and bioavailability of antibiotics. The resulting analogue was structurally characterized (NMR and mass spectrometry) and showed antimicrobial activity against Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus.

Étude de nouvelles méthodologies d'arylation directe en séries azole et pyridine : Application à la synthèse de coeurs de thiopeptides antibiotiques de la série d

Lassalas, Pierrik 11 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Face à l'apparition grandissante de souches bactériennes multi-résistantes à l'arsenal d'antibiotiques actuels, les thiopeptides antibiotiques, bien que connus depuis plus de 60 ans, suscitent actuellement un fort regain d'intérêt. En effet, cette classe de molécules présente une forte activité antibiotique contre des souches bactériennes résistantes et multirésistantes, et met en œuvre deux modes d'inhibition originaux de la synthèse protéique encore inexploités en thérapie antibiotique humaine. Leur développement pharmacologique est en particulier freiné par la difficulté de préparation de ces molécules très complexes. L'élaboration d'une stratégie innovante de synthèse de la partie la plus complexe de ces molécules, le cœur hétérocyclique est étudiée dans ce travail. Cette approche repose sur l'étude et la valorisation de nouvelles méthodologies de fonctionnalisation directe des liaisons C-H et C-X de mono- et bis-thiazoles avec une large gamme d'hétéroaromatiques. Sa viabilité est démontrée par la préparation du cœur hétérocyclique commun aux amythiamicines.

Étude de nouvelles méthodologies d’arylation directe en séries azole et pyridine : Application à la synthèse de coeurs de thiopeptides antibiotiques de la série d / Development of new C-H and C-X direct arylation methodologies in thiazole and pyridine series : application to the synthesis of the heterocyclic core of thiopeptides antibiotics in the d series

Lassalas, Pierrik 11 December 2012 (has links)
Face à l’apparition grandissante de souches bactériennes multi-résistantes à l’arsenal d’antibiotiques actuels, les thiopeptides antibiotiques, bien que connus depuis plus de 60 ans, suscitent actuellement un fort regain d’intérêt. En effet, cette classe de molécules présente une forte activité antibiotique contre des souches bactériennes résistantes et multirésistantes, et met en œuvre deux modes d’inhibition originaux de la synthèse protéique encore inexploités en thérapie antibiotique humaine. Leur développement pharmacologique est en particulier freiné par la difficulté de préparation de ces molécules très complexes. L'élaboration d'une stratégie innovante de synthèse de la partie la plus complexe de ces molécules, le cœur hétérocyclique est étudiée dans ce travail. Cette approche repose sur l'étude et la valorisation de nouvelles méthodologies de fonctionnalisation directe des liaisons C-H et C-X de mono- et bis-thiazoles avec une large gamme d’hétéroaromatiques. Sa viabilité est démontrée par la préparation du cœur hétérocyclique commun aux amythiamicines. / Due to the emergence of multiresistant bacterial strains to standard antibacterial treatments, thiopeptides antibiotics are actually highly considered, though they are known for 60 years. They show an excellent antibiotic activity against multiresistant bacterial strains, and implement two originals inhibition mechanisms of protein synthesis, still unemployed in human therapy. However, the difficulty to prepare these complex macromolecules limits their pharmacological development. The development of a new strategy to synthetize the most complicated part of these macromolecules, their heterocyclic core, is studied here in. This approach is based on the study and the exploitation of novel direct C-H and C-X transition-metal-catalyzed couplings of mono- and bithiazoles units with a broad panel of heteroaromatics. Its viability is here demonstrated trough the multi-step synthesis of the common heterocyclic core of amythiamicins.

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