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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estudo do comportamento químico de desreguladores endócrinos utilizando o efeito SERS e processos fotoquímicos / Study of chemical behavior of endocrine disruptors by SERS effect and photochemical processes

Cordeiro, Denise de Sales 27 April 2012 (has links)
Uma questão ambiental preocupante é a contaminação do meio ambiente por substâncias que interagem com os sistemas endócrinos de seres humanos e animais. Tais substâncias são denominadas desreguladores endócrinos e, como outros poluentes ambientais, apresentam uma variedade de fontes e grande potencial agressor à saúde humana. Neste trabalho, buscamos a aplicação de técnicas de espectroscopia vibracional e técnicas eletroquímicas ao estudo de desreguladores endócrinos, em termos de sua detecção, caracterização, estudo de sua reatividade, desenvolvimento de métodos para sua degradação fotoquímica, estudo dos mecanismos envolvidos e características dos produtos de degradação. O enfoque é voltado ao uso de técnicas espectroscópicas, com especial destaque para o desenvolvimento de metodologias de espectroscopia vibracional intensificadas, associadas ou não a sistemas eletroquímicos. Dentre os compostos considerados desreguladores endócrinos, o nosso trabalho é dedicado ao estudo fotoquímico e espectroeletroquímico das seguintes substâncias: o difenilalcano bisfenol A (BPA), os herbicidas triazínicos ametrina e atrazina, e os compostos organoclorados ácido 2,4-diclorofenoxiacético (2,4-D) e 2,4-diclorofenol (2,4-DCF). O estudo de processos de fotólise e degradação fotocatalítica mediada por TiO2 foram realizados para o BPA e para a ametrina. Tais processos mostram-se importantes para a remoção destes compostos do meio ambiente. Os estudos fotocatalíticos foram estendidos ainda para o uso de compósitos TiO2-Pr como catalisadores. Foi observado que a dopagem do TiO2 pelo íon terra rara praseodímio resulta em alterações nas propriedades físico-químicas do material semicondutor, sendo um método valioso para o aumento da atividade fotocatalítica do TiO2. Conclui-se ainda pela necessidade do controle da porcentagem de modificação química para a otimização do processo fotocatalítico, sendo a proporção de 1% praseodímio considerada ótima. O estudo de processos de fotólise e degradação fotocatalítica do BPA mediado por TiO2 mostra diferenças significativas entre o processo de degradação e mineralização, relacionadas à formação de intermediários orgânicos recalcitrantes. Para a ametrina observa-se que a fotólise e a fotocatálise envolvem mecanismos de degradação distintos. Estudos espectroeletroquímicos dos desreguladores endócrinos (DEC) foram conduzidos através de espectroscopia Raman intensificada (efeito SERS) visando a compreensão da natureza da interação química entre os adsorbatos e superfícies metálicas nanoestruturadas, bem como a caracterização vibracional dos produtos de processos faradáicos desses compostos sobre eletrodos. Produtos de reações químicas de oxidação e redução dos DEC foram identificados através de modificações espectrais em função de potenciais eletroquímicos anódicos e catódicos. / An environmental issue of concern is contamination of the environment by substances which interact with the endocrine systems of humans and animals. Such substances are called endocrine disruptors (ED) and, like other environmental pollutants, may produce adverse effects in human health. In this work, we explore the application of vibrational spectroscopy and electrochemical techniques in the study of ED, in terms of their detection, characterization, study of their reactivity, development of methods for their photochemical degradation, study of the involved mechanisms and characteristic of degradation products. The approach employs the use of advanced spectroscopic techniques, with special attention for the development of methodology of surface-enhanced vibrational spectroscopy, associated or not with electrochemical systems. Among the compounds thought to cause endocrine disruption, the present study is dedicated to the photochemical and electrochemical study of the following substances: the plasticizer bisphenol A (BPA), the triazinic pesticides ametrine and atrazine, and the organochlorine compounds 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 2,4-dichlorophenol. The study of photolytic and TiO2-mediated photocatalytic degradation was carried out for BPA and ametrine. Such processes are important for the removal of such substances from the environment. The photocatalytic studies were extended to include the use of TiO2-Pr composite as catalysts. The doping of TiO2 by the rare earth ion praseodymium results in changes in the physicochemical properties of semiconducting material, being a valuable method for enhancing the photocatalytic activity of TiO2. Our results showed the need of percentage control of the chemical modification for the optimization of the photocatalytic process, with the 1% praseodymium/titanium ration the optimal composition. The study of photolysis and TiO2-mediated photocatalytic degradation processes of BPA shows significant differences between the degradation and mineralization, suggesting the production of recalcitrant organic compounds. For ametrine, photolysis and photocatalytic degradation processes were found to occur via different mechanisms. Spectroelectrochemical studies of endocrine disruptors (ED) were carried out through surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS effect) aiming at the understanding of the nature of the chemical interaction between these molecules and nanostructured metallic surfaces, and at the vibrational characterization of the products formed by faradaic charge transfer processes. Products of oxidation and reduction chemical reactions were identified through spectral changes observed in the SERS spectra as a function of cathodic and anodic potentials.

Estudo da atividade fotocatalítica de filmes de TiO2 dopados com enxofre / Study of photocatalytic activity of sulfur-doped TiO2 films

Bento, Rodrigo Teixeira 02 October 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como objetivos o estudo das propriedades nanoestruturais, características morfológicas e avaliação do comportamento fotocatalítico de filmes de dióxido de titânio dopados com enxofre. Os filmes de TiO2 foram crescidos sobre borossilicato, por meio da técnica de MOCVD, na temperatura de 400 °C. O processo de dopagem com enxofre deu-se a partir do tratamento termoquímico de sulfetação, realizado sob atmosfera de H2 / 2%v. H2S, nas temperaturas de 50 °C, 100 °C e 150 °C, o que resultou em teores de S de 8 at.%, 3 at.% e 0,2 at.%, respectivamente. A degradação do corante alaranjado de metila foi utilizada para avaliar a atividade fotocatalítica dos filmes sob radiação ultravioleta e visível. Todos os filmes exibiram a formação da fase anatase, compostos por grãos bem definidos, e estrutura colunar densificada. Foi observada a formação de grupos SO42- na superfície dos filmes dopados, indicando a substituição dos íons Ti4+ pelo cátion S6+, e a formação da ligação Ti-O-S nos filmes. Os testes de degradação indicaram que os filmes de S-TiO2 apresentam atividade fotocatalítica tanto sob radiação UV, quanto em luz visível. O filme de 8 at.% S-TiO2, dopado a 50 °C, exibiu o melhor comportamento fotocatalítico, com 72,1 % de degradação do corante sob luz visível. Os resultados sugerem que a dopagem com S, além de formar uma morfologia favorável ao processo de fotocatálise, promoveu um deslocamento da absorção do TiO2 para a região do espectro visível, o que consequentemente permite a sua aplicação prática sob luz solar ou lâmpadas de luz visível. / The present work aims the study of the nanostructural properties, morphological characteristics and photocatalytic behavior evaluation of sulfur-doped titanium dioxide films. TiO2 films were grown on borosilicate by MOCVD at 400 °C. Sulfur doping process was carried out by the thermochemical treatment under H2 / 2%v. H2S atmosphere at 50 °C, 100 °C and 150 °C, which resulted in S contents of 8 at%, 3 at% and 0.2 at%, respectively. Methyl orange dye degradation was used to evaluate the photocatalytic activity of the films under UV-Vis radiation. All films exhibited the formation of the anatase phase, composed to well-defined grains, and dense columnar structure. SO42- groups were observed on the surface of all S-doped films, indicating the substitution of the Ti4+ ions by the S6+ cation, and the formation of Ti-O-S bond in the films. Degradation tests indicated that the S:TiO2 films present photocatalytic activity both under UV radiation and visible light. 8 at.% S:TiO2 film, doped at 50 °C, presented a higher photocatalytic performance, with 72.1 % of dye degradation under visible light. The results suggest that the sulfur doping, besides forming a morphology favorable to the photocatalysis process, caused a shift of the TiO2 films absorption to the visible spectrum region, which allows their practical application under sunlight or visible light bulbs.

Impact du colorant alimentaire E171 et de nanoparticules de dioxyde de titane sur des modèles cellulaires, in vitro, d'épithélium intestinal / E171 food additive and titanium dioxide nanoparticle impact on in vitro intestinal cell models

Dorier, Marie 16 November 2016 (has links)
Les particules de dioxyde de titane (TiO2) sont utilisées dans de nombreux secteurs industriels du fait de leurs propriétés physiques et chimiques intéressantes. Depuis une dizaine d’années, elles sont également utilisées sous forme nanoparticulaire car la taille nanométrique leur apporte de nouvelles propriétés, recherchées dans certaines applications industrielles. Elles sont par exemple utilisées comme colorant blanc dans le secteur de la cosmétologie, de la pharmacologie et dans les industries agroalimentaires. Dans ces dernières, l’utilisation de ces particules est autorisée car le TiO2 est un composé insoluble et relativement inerte. Le colorant alimentaire E171, autorisé depuis 1966, est ainsi constitué de particules de TiO2, initialement sous forme micrométrique, mais il s’avère que selon les procédés de fabrication, entre 10 et 43 % (selon les études) de ces particules présentent un diamètre inférieur à 100 nm, i.e. sont sous forme nanométrique. Ce n’est pas un nanomatériau du point de vue de la définition européenne, il n’est donc pas soumis à l’obligation d’étiquetage dans les produits alimentaires. Le E171 est présent dans de nombreux aliments sans que son impact sur la santé humaine, après ingestion, n’ait été clairement documenté. De plus en plus d’études s’intéressent à la toxicité des nanoparticules (NPs) après leur ingestion, mais peu d’entre elles ont été menées avec le E171 à proprement parler. Les études in vivo et in vitro publiées à ce jour démontrent que les NPs de TiO2 sont peu toxiques. Leur absorption intestinale et leur translocation vers le système sanguin puis des organes secondaires est faible. Les principaux effets décrits sont une augmentation des espèces réactives de l’oxygène associées à un stress oxydant, l’induction de marqueurs de l’inflammation, et plus récemment l’induction du stress du réticulum endoplasmique. Des effets sont également rapportés sur différents paramètres de la barrière intestinale, i.e. le microbiote, le mucus, les transporteurs membranaires, les jonctions cellulaires et l’immunité intestinale. Chez certaines personnes, cette barrière est compromise, elles sont donc potentiellement plus sensibles aux micros et nanos-particules contenues dans l’alimentation. Leur épithélium intestinal est enflammé, et à long terme, ces personnes peuvent développer des maladies inflammatoires chroniques de l’intestin et dans les cas les plus graves, des cancers.L’objectif de cette thèse est d’étudier la toxicité du colorant alimentaire E171 et d’approfondir les connaissances relatives à l’impact des NPs de TiO2 sur le système gastro-intestinal. Pour cela, nous avons travaillé avec différents modèles cellulaires d’épithélia intestinaux humain, un modèle d’épithélium jointif composé d’entérocytes Caco-2, un modèle d’épithélium sécrétant une couche de mucus, composé de cellules Caco-2 et HT29-MTX et enfin un modèle d’épithélium bordant les plaques de Peyer, composé des cellules Caco-2(C1) et RajiB. Ces modèles cellulaires ont été exposés de façon aigüe (6 h, 24 h et 48 h) ou chronique (21 jours), au colorant E171 ainsi qu’à deux NPs de TiO2 : A12, qui a la même structure cristalline que le E171 et P25, une NP très documentée dans la littérature. Nos résultats montrent que le E171 et les NPs de TiO2 sont modérément toxiques, ils n’engendrent pas de mortalité cellulaire ni de dommages à L’ADN. Néanmoins, ils provoquent une accumulation d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène intracellulaires et modulent certains marqueurs impliqués dans le stress oxydant, le stress du réticulum endoplasmique et l’inflammation. Ils impactent également la sécrétion et la composition de la couche de mucus, l’expression des transporteurs ABC, qui sont des paramètres impliqués dans la fonction de barrière de l’épithélium intestinal, le rendant possiblement plus vulnérable aux agressions extérieures. / Micro-sized titanium dioxide (TiO2) particles are used for years by industrials for their attractive physical and chemical properties. The use of TiO2 nanoparticles (NPs) is also constantly increasing, because the nanometric size gives new interesting properties to particles which industrials are looking for. In some daily-life products including paints, plastics, paper, medicines and food, micro-sized TiO2 particles are used as a pigment for their opacifying and whitening capacities. The use of TiO2 as a food additive, i.e. E171 in the EU, has been authorized in most countries since the 60ies, without any established acceptable daily intake, because of their low toxicity and intestinal absorption. However, it was recently shown that E171 can contain up to 43% of particles with diameter ranging from 1 to 100 nm, i.e. NPs. Still, E171 is not a nanomaterial as described in the European recommendation of definition because it contains less than 50% of NPs (in number). Food grade TiO2 is present in a wide range of food products while little is known about its toxicological impact to human health. The toxicity of ingested TiO2, either nano- or micro-sized, is increasingly documented, still E171 itself is rarely used in these studies.According to in vivo and in vitro studies, TiO2 particles were proven relatively safe for intestinal cells, no cytotoxicity neither genotoxicity were reported. Nevertheless, particles were often reported to increase reactive oxygen species (ROS) cell content, to impair autophagic processes and modulate gene expression and the content of proteins involved in oxidative stress, endoplasmic reticulum stress and inflammatory response regulation. Interestingly, their reported impact on intestinal cells suggests alteration of almost all the components of the intestinal barrier function, i.e. microbiota, mucus, cell junctions and transporters. This intestinal barrier function is altered in patients suffering from intestinal bowel diseases, these persons are thus possibly more sensitive to mineral particulate in food.The present study aimed at improving knowledge on the toxicity of food-grade TiO2. To this purpose, the impact of E171 was evaluated on in vitro cell models representative of the human intestinal epithelium, i.e. a model of differentiated Caco-2 enterocytes, a model of mucus-secreting epithelium obtained by coculture of Caco-2 and HT29-MTX mucus-secreting cells and a model of the follicle-associated epithelium, which lines Peyer patches, obtained by coculture of Caco-2(C1) and RajiB cells. These cell models were either acutely exposed for 6 h, 24 h and 48 h or chronically exposed for 21 days to E171. In parallel, they were exposed to two model TiO2-NPs, A12 which has the same crystalline structure as E171 and P25, a well-documented TiO2-NPs. Our results show that E171 and TiO2-NPs induced no overt cell mortality but significant oxidative stress, and that they oxidatively damage DNA. They modulate the expression of genes involved in oxidative stress and endoplasmic reticulum stress regulation. They also modulate the expression of genes, as well as the content of proteins from mucus, ABC transporters and inflammatory markers, which are the main players of the intestinal barrier function and presumably increase epithelium sensitivity to xenobiotics. These data suggest that they may be implicated in the development or aggravation of inflammatory bowel diseases.

Atividade fotocatalítica de filmes nanoestruturados de dióxido de titânio incorporados com nanopartículas de metais nobres / Noble metals nanoparticles on titanium dioxide nanostructured films and the influence of their photocatalytic activity

Liana Key Okada Nakamura 30 October 2012 (has links)
Atualmente, a nanociência e nanotecnologia são consideradas como um campo emergente onde, continuamente, as barreiras entre as disciplinas são rompidas. Seu principal foco de estudo consiste em buscar o controle estrutural ao nível molecular, arranjando os átomos de modo a se conseguir um entendimento e controle das propriedades fundamentais da matéria. Neste estudo foram propostas modificações moleculares e, consequentemente, na morfologia, propriedades ópticas e cristalinas em filmes finos de TiO2 com o objetivo de aumentar sua eficiência fotônica. Os filmes finos de TiO2 foram preparados pelo processo sol-gel avaliando a influência de diferentes ácidos e agente direcionador para a obtenção dos arranjos nanoestruturados. A seguir, os filmes que apresentaram maior eficiência fotônica foram incorporados com nanopartículas metálicas (Au, Ag, Pd e Pt) com objetivo de minimizar os processos de recombinação eletrônica do par lacuna/elétron. Das diversas rotas estudadas, os filmes finos de TiO2 preparados com ácido acético obtiveram maior eficiência fotônica devido à pouca aglomeração dos grãos de titânia, o que pode ter favorecido uma maior exposição dos sítios fotocatalíticos. A presença do agente direcionador na formulação teve pouco efeito na eficiência fotônica, possivelmente devido à maior aglomeração dos grãos nos filmes finos de TiO2. Com a adição de nanopartículas metálicas, os filmes finos de TiO2 com nanopartículas de platina e ouro apresentaram maior eficiência fotônica. A presença de hexamina nos filmes finos de TiO2 com nanopartículas metálicas teve pouca influência na eficiência fotônica, exceto com nanopartículas de platina e ouro. A melhora da eficiência fotônica, nestes casos, pode ser atribuída a uma possível diminuição da velocidade de recombinação do par lacuna/elétron. Dessa forma, com o presente trabalho pôde-se comprovar a grande influência das condições de preparação do TiO2 nas propriedades ópticas, morfológicas e na eficiência fotônica. Futuramente, com o maior entendimento do mecanismo desta influência poder-se-ão delinear de forma mais precisas a morfologia e eficiência fotônica destes filmes finos de TiO2, conforme a aplicação a qual serão destinados. / Currently, nanoscience and nanotechnology are considered an emerging field and continuously breaking the barrier among various disciplines. The main focus of study involves controlling structures at molecular level, arranging the atoms in order to achieve an understanding and controlling the fundamental properties of matter. In this study, molecular changes on the basis of morphology, optical and crystalline properties of TiO2 thin films in order to increase their photon efficiency were proposed. The TiO2 thin films were prepared by solgel process evaluating the influence of different acids and templates to obtain the nanostructured arrangements. Then, metal nanoparticles like Au, Ag, Pd and Pt were incorporated on TiO2 thin films. This incorporation might minimize the electron-hole recombination, so it could improve the photon efficiency. From the several routes studied, the TiO2 thin films prepared with acetic acid showed the best performance by the reason of low agglomeration of TiO2 grains, which favors the exposure of the photoactive sites. The presence of template in the formulation had a slightly effect on photon efficiency, possible due to the higher agglomeration of the grains on the TiO2 thin films. The addition of Pt and Au nanoparticles on TiO2 thin films showed superior photon efficiency. The TiO2 thin films with hexamine and metallic nanoparticles did not show the improvement on photon efficiency except for Pt and Au nanoparticles. On these situations, the improvement on photon efficiency is might be due to a possible decrease at the electron-hole recombinations velocity. Thus, the present work demonstrates the great influence of preparation conditions on the optical, morphological properties and the photon efficiency. In the future, with greater understanding of the mechanism of this influence, the properties of TiO2 thin films will be able tailoring depending on the application.

Métodos de proteção contra a corrosão de ligas metálicas / Methods of corrosion protection for metal alloys

Josias Falararo Pagotto 18 October 2013 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram estudadas soldas TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) nos aços inoxidáveis 304 e 316, e no aço carbono 1020. As alterações das microestruturas foram investigadas por microscopias óptica (MO) e eletrônica de varredura (MEV), enquanto que a corrosão destas regiões foi estudada por análises de polarização potenciodinâmica. Um sistema miniaturizado de análise corrosão, denominado sensor pontual de corrosão (SPC), foi utilizado com o objetivo de analisar a estreita região dos cordões de solda, estudando assim a influência da corrente de solda na corrosão desta região nos aços inoxidáveis 304 e 316. Os resultados mostraram que a alteração da estrutura cristalina na solda tornou esta região menos susceptível à corrosão que o material base, e o aumento da corrente de solda intensificou ainda mais este efeito, pela formação de estruturas mais compactas. No caso do aço carbono 1020 (mais susceptível à corrosão), o estudo da corrosão de sua solda foi feito utilizando técnicas eletroquímicas globais (potencial de circuito aberto, PCA, e espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica, EIE) e técnicas de corrosão localizadas (espectroscopia de impedância eletroquímica localizada, EIEL, e técnica do eletrodo vibratório de varredura, TEVV). Para proteção contra a corrosão do aço inoxidável e suas soldas, foi utilizado um revestimento de polianilina (PAni) na forma de base esmeraldina; análises de polarização potenciodinâmica mostraram a eficiência deste revestimento protetor. Para o aço carbono 1020, devido à sua maior facilidade de oxidação, foi sintetizado um revestimento protetor a base de PAni e nanotubos de TiO2 (PAni/n-TiO2). As variáveis estudadas na síntese do polímero foram: temperatura de síntese, meio reacional, grau de dopagem do polímero (condutor ou isolante) e número de camadas. Os polímeros e compósitos foram caracterizados por espectroscopias nas regiões do ultravioleta-visível (UV-vis) e infravermelho (IV), MEV e espectroscopia de energia dispersiva de raios-X (EDX). Os aços recobertos com os filmes foram analisados por MO e MEV, EDX, e por ensaios eletroquímicos de polarização potenciodinâmica, PCA e resistência de polarização, além de ensaio de corrosão acelerada em câmara de névoa salina. As melhores condições encontradas foi para o revestimento de PAni/n-TiO2 desdopado (base esmeraldina) sintetizado a 25°C em meio de H2SO4, e com 3 camadas; o n-TiO2 apresentou um efeito de aumento da aderência do filme ao substrato metálico. / In this work TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) welds have been studied in the 304 and 316 stainless steels, and in the 1020 carbon steel. The changes in the microstructure were investigated by optical microscope (OM) and scanning electronic microscope (SEM), and the corrosion behavior in these zones were studied by potentiodynamic polarization analysis. A miniaturized corrosion analysis device, named corrosion punctual sensor, has been used to analyze the close weld bead, researching for the influence of the weld current in the corrosion process in this zone of the 304 and 316 stainless steels. The results showed that the change in the crystalline structure of the weld zone became this region less susceptible to corrosion process than their base material, and the increase in the weld current intensified this effect, by the formation of more compact structures. In the case of the 1020 carbon steel (more susceptible to corrosion processes), the corrosion in its weld zone was researched by global (like open potential circuit, OCP, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, EIS) and localized (like localized electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, LEIS, and scanning vibrating electrode technique, SVET) electrochemical techniques. For protecting stainless steels and their weld zones against corrosion processes, a polyaniline (PAni) coating in the emeraldine base form was used; potentiodynamic polarization analysis showed the efficiency of this protective coating. For the 1020 carbon steel, due to its mayor oxidation susceptibly, a protective coating of PAni and TiO2 nanotubes (PAni/n-TiO2) was synthesized. The variables researched were: synthesis temperature, reaction medium, degree of doping of the polymer (conductor or insulator) and number of layers. The polymers and composites were characterized by ultraviolet visible (UV-vis) and infrared spectroscopies, SEM and Energy Dispersive X-Ray Spectroscopy (EDX). The coated steels were analyzed by OM, MEV and EDX spectroscopies, and by potentiodynamic polarization, OCP and polarization resistance electrochemical measurements, besides accelerate corrosion tests in a salt spray chamber. The best conditions found for the dedoped PAni/n-TiO2 coatings (emeraldine base) were: temperature of synthesis of 25°C, H2SO4 as reaction medium, and with 3 layers; n-TiO2 has presented an effect of increasing the adherence of the coating with the steel.

Tratamento fotocatalítico (TiO2/UV) de águas ácidas de lavagem de biodiesel / Photocatalytic treatment (TiO2/UV) of biodiesel washing acid waters

Alcyr da Cunha Barcelar Junior 15 June 2012 (has links)
As projeções mostram que o Brasil poderá consumir aproximadamente 50 bilhões de litros de biodiesel num futuro próximo. Frente a este cenário, surge a preocupação com tratamento de tamanha quantidade de efluente que pode ser gerado na produção do biodiesel. Os Processos Oxidativos Avançados (POAs) têm sido estudados como uma alternativa promissora para o tratamento de uma série de efluentes. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo tratar águas ácidas de lavagem geradas na produção de biodiesel com a fotocatálise heterogênea (TiO2/UV). Para tanto, elaborou-se um planejamento experimental, com a finalidade de se determinar os efeitos das variáveis independentes pH, temperatura e teor de TiO2. Em seguida, ajustou-se um modelo linear aos dados obtidos (R2 = 0,985). A condição ótima de tratamento foi: pH = 3,3; 20°C; e 0,1 g TiO2 L-1. Foram observadas a remoção de DQO, DBO e COD, a redução do espectro de absorção no ultravioleta, a biodegradabilidade e ecotoxicidade. Tanto o processo fotocatalítico quanto a fotólise foram eficazes na degradação dos compostos presentes no efluente. Alcançou-se aproximadamente 80, 78 e 61% de remoção de DQO, DBO e COD, respectivamente, após 240 min de irradiação. O efluente fotocatalisado apresentou uma melhora marginal na biodegradabilidade. A fotólise não é indicada para o tratamento desse efluente por ter gerado ecotoxicidade a sementes de Lactuca sativa. / Projections show that Brazil may consume approximately 50 billion liters of biodiesel in the near future. In face of this scenario, the treatment of the huge amount of wastewaters that can be generated in the production of biodiesel is a worry. Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) have been studied as a promising alternative for treating several wastewaters. The present work is aimed at treating biodiesel washing acid waters with heterogeneous photocatalysis (TiO2/UV). For that purpose, an experimental design was performed to assess the effects of the independent variables pH, temperature, and TiO2 content. Next, a linear model was fit to the obtained data (R2 = 0,985). The optimum treatment condition was: pH = 3,3; 20°C, and 0.1 g TiO2 L-1. The removal of COD, BOD, and DOC, the reduction of the ultraviolet absorption spectrum, biodegradability and ecotoxicity. Both photocatalysis and photolysis were effective in degrading the compounds present in the wastewater. Removals of approximately 80, 78, and 61% of COD, BOD, and DOC, respectively, were achieved after 240 min of irradiation. The photocatalyzed wastewater showed a marginal improvement in biodegradability. Photolysis is not indicated for treating this wastewater as ecotoxicity towards seeds of Lactuca sativa was generated.

Mesoporous titania beads for use in dye-sensitized solar cells

Mallows, John January 2017 (has links)
A range of titanium dioxide (titania) samples provided by Huntsman Pigments and Additives were investigated for their suitability for use in various optoelectronic devices, specifically dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs). Five of the titania samples are 1-20 micrometre size spherical 3D porous beads made up of titania nanoparticles and a further six samples are porous titania nanoparticle clusters of no specific shape, all of which possess high surface areas from 85 to 276 m2g-1. The samples were compared to commercially available nanocrystalline TiO2 powders and paste. All of the samples were initially assessed for suitability in DSSC devices by investigating various properties such as crystal phase, particle size, band gap, morphology and N719 dye adsorption, both as a powder sample and as a sintered film, employing techniques such as powder x-ray diffraction, UV/Vis spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Different methods of formulating the samples into pastes for application to a substrate were attempted and electrochemical properties of a selection of films were also compared. The more promising titania samples were formulated into dye-sensitized solar cells and cell efficiencies calculated. DSSC devices were also fabricated with low temperature (125oC) sintering of the titania layer to assess the suitability of the samples for use in devices with flexible substrates. Initial devices incorporating the Huntsman TiO2 samples provided low efficiencies (< 0.1%). The samples were then modified with pre-sintering treatment prior to paste formulation to optimize crystallinity, particle size, porosity and surface area. The modified titania bead samples showed great promise in low temperature sintered devices, providing device efficiencies of 2.8%, more than double that of those incorporating the standard P25 TiO2 (1.3%). After sample modification a superior solar cell performance (3.2%) was also observed in 510oC sintered devices when compared to the standard P25 TiO2 devices (2.9%), with higher photocurrent and open circuit voltage than devices fabricated from commercially optimized TiO2 paste. Devices were also fabricated using pre-sensitized titania in an attempt to reduce device manufacturing time. The modified samples again showed good performance, providing working devices with efficiencies comparable to the equivalent pre-sensitized P25 devices.

Fotokatalitička aktivnost dopovanog titan(IV)-oksida u razgradnji nekih pesticida / Photocatalytic activity of doped titanium(IV)-oxide in degradation processes of some pesticides

Šojić Daniela 08 July 2009 (has links)
<p>Kao &scaron;to je poznato, RS-2-(4-hlor-o-toliloksi)propionska kiselina (MCPP),&nbsp;(4-hlor-2-metilfenoksi)sirćetna kiselina (MCPA) i 3,6-dihlorpiridin-2-karboksilna kiselina &nbsp;(klopiralid) su herbicidi sa veoma &scaron;irokim spektrom dejstva, a pored toga su rastvorljivi u&nbsp;vodi, te&scaron;ko biorazgradljivi i prema literaturnim podacima su, nažalost, veoma često prisutni&nbsp;herbicidi u pijaćoj vodi. Proces heterogene fotokatalize uz primenu TiO<sub>2</sub>i UV zračenja se&nbsp;pokazao kao veoma pogodan način za njihovo uklanjanje iz vode. Međutim, zbog velikog&nbsp;energetskog procepa od 3,2 eV (anataze-oblik), odnosno, 3,0 eV (rutil-oblik), veoma mali&nbsp;udeo bliskih UV zraka iz sunčeve svetlosti (oko 3&minus;4%) biva iskori&scaron;ćen u toku&nbsp;fotokatalitičkog procesa, &scaron;to ukazuje na to da je TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>praktično neaktivan u prisustvu&nbsp;sunčeve svetlosti. Na osnovu literaturnih podataka je zapaženo da postoji mogućnost&nbsp;fotorazgradnje pojedinih supstrata u prisustvu TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>primenom vidljive svetlosti. Na&nbsp;primeru MCPP je ispitana aktivnost TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 kao fotokatalizatora u prisustvu&nbsp;vidljive svetlosti. Na osnovu refleksionih spektara je utvrđeno da MCPP adsorbovan na&nbsp;TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 apsorbuje vidljivi deo spektra (&lambda; &ge;400 nm). Nastali prelazni kompleks&nbsp;je potvrđen FTIR merenjima. Efikasnost TiO2Degussa P25 primenom vidljive svetlosti je&nbsp;upoređena sa sunčevim i UV zračenjem, kao i direktnom fotolizom u prisustvu pomenutih&nbsp;izvora zračenja. Brzina fotokatalitičke razgradnje MCPP primenom vidljive svetlosti iznosi&nbsp;0,86 &mu;mol dm<sup>&minus;3</sup>min<sup>&minus;1</sup>, &scaron;to je oko 4 puta brže u poređenju sa direktnom fotolizom. Nadalje&nbsp;je ustanovljena optimalna masena koncentracija katalizatora od oko 8 mg cm<sup>&minus;3</sup>, koja je&nbsp;znatno vi&scaron;a u poređenju sa primenom UV zračenja. Razlog je najverovatnije različit&nbsp;mehanizam fotorazgradnje koji se odvija primenom vidljivog i UV zračenja. Naime,&nbsp;prisustvo 2-metil-2-propanola (poznatog hvatača&nbsp;<sup>&bull;</sup>OH-radikala) praktično ne utiče na&nbsp;brzinu fotokatalitičke razgradnje MCPP p rimenom vidljive svetlosti, &scaron;to ukazuje da se&nbsp;mehanizam razgradnje MCPP primenom &nbsp;vidljive svetlosti ne odvija posredstvom&nbsp;<sup>&bull;</sup>OH-radikala, za razliku od onog uz primenu UV zračenja.</p><p>S obzirom da se katalizator TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 uz primenu vidljive svetlosti nije&nbsp;<br />pokazao kao naročito efikasan kada je u pitanju razgradnja sva tri herbicida i imajući u&nbsp;vidu da se u poslednje vreme iz razloga praktične primene sve vi&scaron;e pribegava procesu dopovanja TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>različitim tipovima metala (alkalnih, zemnoalkalnih, prelaznih i dr.) i nemetala (halogenida, halkogenida i dr.), u okviru ove doktorske disertacije je ispitana aktivnost N-TiO<sub>2 </sub>(sintetisanih mokrim i suvim putem) i TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(rutil) dopovanog sa različitim količinama Fe<sup>3+</sup>-jona (0,13&minus;1,48 at.%) pri razgradnji herbicida MCPP i MCPA primenom vidljive svetlosti. Pored toga je ispitana efikasnost TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(anataze) takođe dopovanog sa različitim količinama Fe<sup>3+</sup>-jona (0,71&minus;1,80 at.%) na primeru MCPP.&nbsp;</p><p>Poredeći N-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(sintetisan mokrim putem) i N-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(sintetisani suvim putem), primećeno&nbsp;je da je u drugom slučaju efikasnost katalizatora veća oko 2 puta. Isto tako je zapažena u&nbsp;slučaju MCPP ne&scaron;to veća fotokatalitička aktivnost N-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(sintetisani suvim putem) u&nbsp;poređenju sa TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(anataze). Kada je u pitanju MCPA aktivnost sva tri katalizatora je&nbsp;veoma slična. Pored toga je zapažena veća efikasnost N-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(sintetisan mokrim putem) u&nbsp;poređenju sa TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 (oko 1,5 puta) i oko 5 puta u odnosu na direktnu fotolizu,&nbsp;dok su N-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(sintetisani suvim putem) oko 3 puta efikasniji u poređenju sa TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 i oko 10 puta u &nbsp;poređenju sa direktnom fotolizom. Brzina solarne razgradnje&nbsp;je preko 100 puta manja nego primenom vidljivog i UV zračenja, &scaron;to je posledica različitih&nbsp;intenziteta pomenutih izvora ozračivanja i različitih uslova pri kojima je vr&scaron;ena razgradnja. &nbsp;Ustanovljena je optimalna masena koncentracija N-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(sintetisan mokrim putem) od&nbsp;4 mg cm<sup>&minus;3</sup>.</p><p>Prilikom razgradnje MCPP i MCPA je nađeno da je brzina veća kada se kao&nbsp;katalizator &nbsp;koristi TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(rutil) u poređenju sa Fe-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>i da sa povećanjem količine Fe<sup>3+</sup>-jona fotokatalitička aktivnost uglavnom opada. Kada je kao fotokatalizator kori&scaron;ćen TiO<sub>2 &nbsp;</sub><br />(anataze) dopovan različitim količinama Fe<sup>3+</sup>-jona (od 0,71 do 1,80 at.%), razgradnja&nbsp;<br />MCPP je u svim slučajevima znatno sporija u odnosu na TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(anataze).</p><p>S obzirom da su prema literaturnim podacima kinetika i mehanizam fotokatalitičke&nbsp;<br />razgradnje klopiralida nepoznati, ispitana je njegova stabilnost pri različitim&nbsp;eksperimentalnim uslovima. Tokom ispitivanja uticaja pH kako u prisustvu, tako i u&nbsp;odsustvu dnevne svetlosti u intervalu pH od 1,0&minus;9,0, nađeno je da ni u jednom slučaju ne&nbsp;dolazi do razgradnje supstrata u periodu od sedam meseci koliko je proces praćen. Takođe&nbsp;je ispitana kinetika fotokatalitičke razgradnje klopiralida primenom UV i vidljivog&nbsp;zračenja u prisustvu TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25, kao i direktna fotoliza primenom oba izvora&nbsp;zračenja. Nađeno je da je brzina fotokatalitičke razgradnje primenom UV zračenja veća&nbsp;oko 5 puta u odnosu na direktnu fotolizu. Za praćenje toka fotokatalitičke razgradnje&nbsp;klopiralida je izabrana pH-vrednost od 3,2. Nadalje je zapaženo da se u ispitivanom opsegu početnih koncentracija supstrata (0,5&ndash;3,0 mmol dm<sup>&minus;3</sup>) kinetika fotokatalitičke razgradnje klopiralida može opisati pseudo-prvim redom. Pri ispitivanju uticaja masene koncentracije katalizatora (0,5&ndash;8 mg cm<sup>&minus;3</sup>) na brzinu razgradnje klopiralida, ustanovljena je optimalna masena koncentracija primenjenog fotokatalizatora od oko 4 mg cm<sup>&minus;3</sup>. Izračunata ukupna &nbsp;prividna energija aktivacije iznosi 7,74 kJ mol<sup>&minus;1</sup>. Pored toga, prisustvo kiseonika ubrzava reakciju 2 puta, dok dodatak elektron-akceptora kao &scaron;to su (NH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>8</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>i KBrO<sub>3&nbsp;</sub>pokazuje značajan i različit efekat na kinetiku fotokatalitičke razgradnje klopiralida. Pri ispitivanju uticaja etanola, kao hvatača slobodnih radikala, nađeno je da se heterogena fotokataliza odvija uglavnom preko <sup>&bull;</sup>OH-radikala.</p><p>Na osnovu LC&ndash;MS/MS (ESI+) merenja ustanovljeno je prisustvo nekoliko&nbsp;intermedijera: 3,6-dihlor-piridin-2-ol, 3,6-dihlor hidroksipiridin-2-karboksilna kiselina i&nbsp;3,3&#39;,6,6&#39;-tetrahlor-2,4&#39;-bipiridin-2&#39;-karboksilna kiselina. Na osnovu identifikovanih&nbsp;intermedijera, kao i kinetičkih rezultata, predložen je mogućput mehanizma fotokatalitičke&nbsp;razgradnje klopiralida.</p><p>Prilikom ispitivanja uticaja strukture molekula na brzinu razgradnje, konstatovano&nbsp;<br />je da u slučaju klopiralida praktično ne dolazi do fotokatalitičke razgradnje u prisustvu&nbsp;TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(anataze) i N-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(sintetisani suvim putem) uz primenu vidljive svetlosti, kao i u&nbsp;slučaju TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25. Pored toga, primenom TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(rutil) i Fe-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>kao&nbsp;fotokatalizatora, sa povećanjem količine Fe<sup>3+</sup>-jona od 0,13 do 1,27 at.% raste brzina&nbsp;razgradnje klopiralida, ukazujući da strukturne osobine supstrata utiču na brzinu njihove&nbsp;razgradnje.</p> / <p>It is well known that RS-2-(4-chloro-o-tolyloxy)propionic acid (MCPP), (4-chloro-2- methyl-phenoxy)acetic acid (MCPA) and 3,6-dichloropyridine-2-carboxylic &nbsp;acid&nbsp;(clopyralid) are herbicides of wide activity spectrum. They are soluble in water, hardly&nbsp;biodegradable and, unfortunately, often present in drinking water.</p><p>Heterogeneous photocatalysis by application of TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>and UV radiation proved to&nbsp;be very suitable for their removal from water. However, due toits large energy gap, i.e.&nbsp;3.2 &nbsp;eV (anatase-form) and 3.0 eV (rutile-form), a very small fraction of sunlight in the near&nbsp;UV range (about 3&ndash;4%) is used during photocatalytic process, which is an indication of&nbsp;TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>inactivity in the presence of this light source. Some literature data report on the&nbsp;possibility of photodegradation of certain substrates by visible light in the presence of&nbsp;TiO<sub>2</sub>. MCPP served as substrate for testing TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 &nbsp;photocatalytic activity in the&nbsp;presence of visible light. On the basis of reflection spectra it was established that MCPP&nbsp;adsorbed on TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 was absorbing visible spectrum radiation (&lambda; &ge;400 nm).&nbsp;The existence of thus formed &nbsp;charge-transfer complex was confirmed with FTIR analysis.&nbsp;The efficiency of &nbsp;TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 with application of visible light was compared to&nbsp;sunlight and UV radiation, as well to directphotolysis in the presence of these light&nbsp;sources. The rate of MCPP photocatalytic degradation by means of visible light is&nbsp;0.86 &mu;mol dm<sup>&minus;3&nbsp;</sup>min<sup>&minus;1</sup>, which is about 4 times faster than direct photolysis. In addition, the&nbsp;optimal &nbsp;catalyst concentration of about 8 mg cm<sup>&minus;3</sup>, much higher than using UV radiation,&nbsp;<br />was established. The reason is, probably, a different mechanism of &nbsp;hotodegradation &nbsp;in the&nbsp;presence of visible and UV irradiation. Namely, the presence of 2-methyl-2-propanol&nbsp;(well-known&nbsp;<sup>&bull;</sup>OH radical scavenger) has practicallyno effect on the rate of &nbsp;MCPP&nbsp;photocatalytic degradation using visible light, which points that this degradation&nbsp;mechanism does not involve&nbsp;<sup>&bull;</sup>OH radicals, in contrast to that established &nbsp;for UV radiation.</p><p>Since the catalyst TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 with application of visible light was not very&nbsp;<br />efficient in degradation of all three herbicidesand in view that nowadays is very &nbsp;popular&nbsp;doping process of TiO<sub>2</sub> with different types of metals (alkali, alkaline-earth, transition, etc.)&nbsp;and non-metals (halogen, chalcogen, etc.), in the scope of this Ph.D. &nbsp;thesis activities of N-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(synthesized by wet and dry procedure) and TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(rutile) doped with various amounts&nbsp;of Fe<sup>3+&nbsp;</sup>(0.13&ndash;1.48 at.%) in degradation processes of &nbsp;herbicides MCPP and MCPA using&nbsp;visible light were studied. In addition, the efficiency of TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(anatase) doped with various&nbsp;amounts of Fe<sup>3+&nbsp;</sup>(0.71&ndash;1.80 at.%) was also tested for MCPP degradation. When comparing&nbsp;N-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(synthesized by wet procedure) and N-TiO<sub>2</sub> (dry procedure), it was observed that&nbsp;in the latter case the catalyst efficiency was about two times higher. In this case for MCPP&nbsp;was also observed somewhat higher photocatalytic activity of N-TiO<sub>2</sub> (synthesized by dry&nbsp;procedure) in comparison with TiO<sub>2</sub>. When activities of all three catalysts towards MCPA&nbsp;are compared, the results are very alike. In addition, higher efficiency of N-TiO<sub>2 &nbsp;</sub>(wet&nbsp;procedure) comparing to TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 (about 1.5 times) and about 5 times in&nbsp;comparison to direct photolysis were recorded, while N-TiO<sub>2</sub> (dry procedure) was about 3&nbsp;times more efficient than TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 and about 10 times in comparison with direct&nbsp;photolysis. The rate of solar degradation is about 100 times lower than by application of&nbsp;UV and visible radiation, as a consequence of various intensities of the mentioned light&nbsp;sources and different conditions of photodegradation. An optimal concentration of N-TiO<sub>2</sub>&nbsp;(wet procedure) of 4 mg cm<sup>&minus;3</sup><br />&nbsp;was established.</p><p>During degradation of MCPP and MCPA it was observed that the rate is higher if&nbsp;TiO<sub>2 </sub>(rutile) was applied comparing to Fe-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>and with increasing amount of Fe<sup>3+&nbsp;</sup>photocatalytic activity mostly decreases. When TiO<sub>2</sub> (anatase) doped with various amounts&nbsp;of Fe<sup>3+&nbsp;</sup>(0.71 to 1.80 at.%) was applied for MCPP degradation, the process was much&nbsp;slower than with undoped catalyst.</p><p>Since we have not found relevant literature data on kinetics and mechanism of&nbsp;photocatalytic degradation of clopyralid, its stability in different experimental conditions&nbsp;was tested. In investigating of influences of pH (1.0&ndash;9.0) both in presence and in absence&nbsp;of daylight, in no cases decomposition was observed during seven months experiments.&nbsp;Also, the kinetics of photocatalytic degradation of clopyralid using UV and visible&nbsp;irradiation in the presence of TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25 and in direct photolysis by application of&nbsp;both irradiation sources was studied. It was found that the &nbsp;rate of photocatalytic&nbsp;decomposition using UV radiation was 5 times higher comparing to direct photolysis. For&nbsp;clopyralid photocatalytic monitoring a pH value of &nbsp;3.2 was chosen. In addition, in the investigated concentration range (0.5&ndash;3.0 mmol &nbsp;dm<sup>&minus;3</sup>) the photocatalytic degradation kinetics of clopyralid in the first stage of the reaction follows approximately a pseudo-first kinetic order. In investigation of influence of catalyst concentration (0.5&ndash;8 mg cm<sup>&minus;3</sup>) on the rate of clopyralid degradation the highest reaction rate was observed at 4 mg cm<sup>&minus;3&nbsp;</sup>of catalyst concentration The apparent activation energy of the reaction being 7.74 kJ mol<sup>&minus;1</sup>. The absence of molecular oxygen resulted in a significant decrease (about 2 times) in the rate of clopyralid photodegradation. The effect of the presence of (NH<sub>4</sub>)<sub>2</sub>S<sub>2</sub>O<sub>8</sub>, H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>and KBrO<sub>3</sub>, acting as electron acceptors along with molecular oxygen affects clopyralid photocatalytic degradation considerably and indifferent ways. By studying the effect of ethanol as a hydroxyl radical scavenger it was shown that the heterogeneous catalysis takes place mainly via <sup>&bull;</sup>OH radicals.</p><p>LC&minus;MS/MS (ESI+) monitoring of the process showed that several pyridine-containing intermediates are formed: 3,6-dichloropyridin-2-ol, 3,6-dichloro&nbsp;hydroxypyridine-2-carboxylic acid and 3,3&#39;,6,6&#39;-tetrachloro-2,4&#39;-bipyridine-2-carboxylic&nbsp;acid. Based on the identified intermediates and overall kinetic results, a probable&nbsp;photocatalytic degradation mechanism was proposed.&nbsp;</p><p>Finally, in the case of clopyralid it was established that practically no degradation&nbsp;<br />occurs in the presence of TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(anatase) and N-TiO<sub>2</sub> (dry procedure) with visible light &nbsp;and&nbsp;also with TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>Degussa P25. Besides of that, by using TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>(rutile) and Fe-TiO<sub>2&nbsp;</sub>as&nbsp;photocatalysts it was noted that increasing the concentration of Fe<sup>3+&nbsp;</sup>from 0.13 to 1.27 at.%&nbsp;comes to increasing photodegradation rate of clopyralid. Results indicate that differences&nbsp;in molecular structure of chosen compound, influence obtained photocatalytic activity to a&nbsp;great extent.</p>

Dendritic surface modification of photocatalytic nanoparticles for tumour therapy / Modification dendritique de surface des nanoparticules photocatalytiques pour le traitement des tumeurs

Koch, Susanne Julia 12 October 2017 (has links)
L'apparition d’un développement cancérigène est souvent caractéristique des tumeurs de la région de la tête et du cou. En raison des altérations prémalignes et malignes fréquentes, il n'est souvent pas possible de supprimer complètement la tumeur par chirurgie.Il en résulte un risque élevé de récidive tumorale. Par conséquent, cette recherche de doctorat vise à développer des nanoparticules photocatalytiques (NPs) qui seront utilisées localement en complément de la thérapie tumorale traditionnelle. Ces NPs, une fois absorbées par les cellules tumorales induiront la mort des cellules photocatalytiques par activation de lumière UV. Des NPs de TiO2 ayant des propriétés photocatalytiques et une taille moyenne inférieure à 20 nm étaient donc synthétisées. La biocompatibilité des NPs, leur absorption dans les cellules et un ciblage tumoral efficace devraient être garantis par une modification de surface des particules avec des molécules organiques dendritiques permettant un contrôle précis de la charge de surface des particules ainsi que la possibilité de couplage avec des anticorps. Un autre objectif était la combinaison de propriétés thérapeutiques et diagnostiques dans le système de NPs par exemple réalisé par incorporation d'agent luminescent. Cette recherche était menée à l'Université de Bordeaux (synthèse des molécules organiques pour la fonctionnalisation des particules) en coopération avec l'Institut Fraunhofer de recherche en silicate ISC à Würzburg, Allemagne (synthèse des nanoparticules). / The occurrence of field cancerization is characteristic for tumours of the head and neck region. Due to these widespread premalignant and malignant alterations, it is frequently not possible to entirely remove the tumour by surgery. This results in a high risk of tumour recurrence. Therefore, this PhD research aimed to develop photocatalytic nanoparticles (NPs) as completion of the traditional tumour therapy. These NPs are supposed to be incorporated by tumour cells and to induce photocatalytic cell death by UV light activation. TiO2 with convincing photocatalytic properties and an average size smaller than 20 nm should therefore be synthesized. NP biocompatibility, their uptake into cells and an efficient tumour targeting should be guaranteed by surface modification of the particles with dendritic organic molecules that allow a precise control of the surface charge of the particles as well as antibody coupling.A further objective was the combination of therapeutic and diagnostic properties within the NPsystem realized for example via introduction of a luminescent dye. This research was carried out at the University of Bordeaux (synthesis of organic molecules for particle functionalization) in cooperation with the Fraunhofer Institute for Silicate Research ISC in Würzburg, Germany (nanoparticle synthesis).

Preparação e caracterização de fotocatalisadores baseados na modificação de TiO2 e em compostos de Ag para aplicação na degradação do fenol / Preparation and characterization of TiO2-modified and Ag-based photocatalysts for phenol degradation

Pilonetto, Andressa 27 October 2016 (has links)
Neste trabalho é reportado o estudo de degradação do fenol via processo de fotocatálise heterogênea pelo uso de radiação eletromagnética visível em duas classes de fotocatalisadores: os baseados no TiO2 e os baseados na Ag. Os materiais baseados no TiO2 foram modificados com Ag2O e Ag3PO4 e foram preparados por meio do tratamento hidrotérmico de TiO2 comercial em meio altamente alcalino. Já os materiais baseados na Ag foram obtidos via reações de precipitação química, tendo sido preparados os seguintes compostos: Ag2O, Ag2CO3, Ag3PO4 e Ag2CrO4. A caracterização dos fotocatalisadores obtidos foi feita por meio das técnicas de microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), difração de raios &#8722;X, DRX, fisissorção de N2, espectroscopias no ultravioleta &#8722; visível por refletância difusa, UV-Vis e no infravermelho, IV. Os resultados mostraram a obtenção de estruturas com morfologia associada a fios de TiO2 anatase modificados superficialmente com partículas esféricas de Ag2O e Ag3PO4, com elevado grau de cristalinidade e pureza de fase. O estudo fotocatalítico revelou que os materiais modificados com Ag2O e Ag3PO4 apresentaram melhor desempenho na fotodegradação do fenol em comparação com TiO2 puro, com eficiência de 60% de degradação em 5 horas de irradiação de fótons na região do visível. Em relação aos fotocatalisadores a base de Ag, foram obtidas partículas com boa distribuição de tamanho e morfologias associadas a cristais octaédricos de Ag2O, bastões de Ag2CO3, poliedros de Ag3PO4, bem como partículas multifacetas de Ag2CrO4. Os resultados indicaram que estes fotocatalisadores apresentaram elevada eficiência na fotodecomposição do fenol. Dentre eles, o Ag2O e o Ag3PO4 foram mais efetivos na remoção do poluente, com eficiência de 90% em apenas 2 horas de tratamento. Adicionalmente, avaliou-se a formação de radicais hidroxila durante a reação de oxidação, por meio da técnica da fotoluminescência utilizando a cumarina (COU) como uma molécula sonda. Como resultado foi observado que, com exceção do TiO2 puro,não houve formação da 7-hidroxicumarina (7HC) como produto fluorescente da reação da cumarina com os radicais &#8226;OH. Além disso, estes fotocatalisadores foram avaliados em relação à estabilidade e desempenho catalítico no reuso. A análise dos resultados obtidos por DRX e MEV dos fotocatalisadores após o uso em estudo fotocatalítico de degradação mostrou que houve a formação de prata metálica na estrutura dos mesmos. No entanto, os fotocatalisadores Ag2O e Ag2CO3 revelaram um aumento na atividade fotocatalítica após o reciclo catalítico, sugerindo que a modificação da estrutura contribuiu positivamente na eficiência da degradação do fenol. / In this, work it is reported the study of phenol degradation by heterogeneous photocatalysis process using TiO2-based and Ag-based photocatalysts materials, irradiated by visible light. TiO2-based catalysts were modified with Ag2O and Ag3PO4 and prepared by the alkaline hydrothermal treatment of commercial TiO2, while the Ag-based materials were obtained by chemical precipitation. It was prepared the following compounds: Ag2O, Ag2CO3</sub, Ag3PO4 and Ag2CrO4. Photocatalysts characterization was made by microscopy electron scanning (SEM), x ray diffraction (XRD), physisorption N2 method, UV-Vis diffuse reflectance spectroscopy and infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR). Anatase TiO2 materials showed wire-like morphology superficially modified with spherical particles of Ag2O or Ag3PO4, with high crystallinity and phase purity. The photocatalytic study found that the materials modified by Ag2O and Ag3PO4 showed better performance in phenol photodegradation than pure TiO2, with a degradation of 60% after 5 hours of irradiation by visible light. On the other hand, Ag-based catalysts exhibited particles with morphology associated to: Ag2O octahedrons crystals, Ag2CO3</sub rods, Ag3PO4 polyhedrons, and Ag2CrO4 multifaceted particles. Ag-based photocatalysts showed high efficiency in the phenol photocatalytic degradation by visible light. Among them, Ag2O and Ag3PO4 were the most effective, with 90% of pollutant degradation after only 2 hours of treatment. Moreover, the hydroxyl radicals production/role during the oxidative process was investigated by the photoluminescence technique (PL) using coumarin (COU) as a probe molecule. It was found that there was no formation of 7-hydroxycoumarin (7HC) as fluorescent product of the reaction of COU with radicals &#8226;OH, except using pure TiO2. Furthermore, the stability and catalytic performance during the reuse of these photocatalysts were evaluated. XRD and SEM analysis after catalyst use in the phenol photodegradation showed that metallic silver formation at their structures surface. Ag2O and Ag2CO3 photocatalysts showed an increase in photocatalytic activity after therecycle, suggesting that the structure modifications could contribute positively for phenol photodegradation efficiency.

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