Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tidmätning"" "subject:"vidmätning""
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Tidmätning som kontroll- och styrsystem : En kvalitativ studie av hemtjänstpersonals upplevelser av att arbeta utifrån IT-baserad arbetsplanering och tidmätning.Olsson, Anna-Maria January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att granska personalens erfarenheter av tidmätning och IT-baserad planering inom en enhet i hemtjänsten i en storstadskommun. Mina frågeställningar är som följer. Hur upplever personalen IT-planerad schemaläggning och tidsregistrering i sitt arbete? Hur påverkas hemtjänstens personalgrupper? Utifrån ett semistrukturerat frågeformulär har hemtjänstpersonal under intervjuer berättat om sina erfarenheter om IT-baserad arbetsplanering och tidmätning. Intervjuresultatet har jag analyserat med hjälp av Ingrid Nilsson Motevasels (2002) idealtyper, kollektivisten och den autonome samt Harry Bravermans (1977) redogörelse av Taylors principer om scientific management. Personalens upplevelse efter införandet av IT-planering och tidmätning av utförd hjälp i hemmet beskrivs ur ett personalperspektiv. Det framkommer utifrån intervjuerna ett tydligt särskiljande av planering och utförande av arbetsuppgifterna, vilket påverkar personalens möjlighet att möta de dagliga skiftande behoven hos hjälpmottagarna. Istället för att planera sin egen dag och att utifrån dagsbehovet beräkna hur mycket tid den ena eller den andra behöver, är tiderna förbestämda oavhängigt dagsbehovet. Detta sätt att planera kan ibland binda upp personalen och en del av flexibiliteten går förlorad. Hur hjälpmottagarna bor, i servicehus eller utspridda i vanliga kvarter har också betydelse för arbetets planering och tidmätning. Personalen upplever sig mer separerad från arbetsledning än tidigare. De upplever sig kontrollerade under sin arbetstid, mindre tid för gruppen, uteblivna kafferaster och ibland kortare luncher än vad som planerats in är några av resultaten enligt informanterna. Det framkommer i mina intervjuer att personalens erfarenheter inte riktigt får gehör hos ledning och planerare.
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Kalkylverktyg För SågklingorDohlmar, Gustaf, Åstrand, Emma, Johnsson, Jimmie January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this report is to survey Swedex AB’s production costs and to gather all info into a manageable calculation tool. This was made by time and motion studies, interviews of the personnel. All factors were gathered into an Excel chart.</p><p>The calculation was made according to an additional-charge-method that was considered to satisfy Swedex AB’s goal. This makes a complete-cost-estimate which is important when the selling price should cover the production costs. The blades were divided into different populations to facilitate the calculation work. The division was made with the production cost in consideration to minimize the risk of losing parameters.</p><p>The time and motion study, which is the basis of the calculation, was obtained by the group and gave insight of the saw blade production. Here it was discovered, what was said to be a bottleneck was not the case.</p><p>Swedex AB has a great amount of products in labour, this in opposite to the “just in time”-philosophy, but Swedex AB see’s this as a resource. This is seen as a utilization increaser, to keep up the production rate.</p><p>Swedex AB has a lot of old machines, but these have to be part of the calculation while they in a near future will be reinvested with new machines. An adjustment has been done to consider purchase price, second hand price and service/repair costs.</p>
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Kalkylverktyg För SågklingorDohlmar, Gustaf, Åstrand, Emma, Johnsson, Jimmie January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this report is to survey Swedex AB’s production costs and to gather all info into a manageable calculation tool. This was made by time and motion studies, interviews of the personnel. All factors were gathered into an Excel chart. The calculation was made according to an additional-charge-method that was considered to satisfy Swedex AB’s goal. This makes a complete-cost-estimate which is important when the selling price should cover the production costs. The blades were divided into different populations to facilitate the calculation work. The division was made with the production cost in consideration to minimize the risk of losing parameters. The time and motion study, which is the basis of the calculation, was obtained by the group and gave insight of the saw blade production. Here it was discovered, what was said to be a bottleneck was not the case. Swedex AB has a great amount of products in labour, this in opposite to the “just in time”-philosophy, but Swedex AB see’s this as a resource. This is seen as a utilization increaser, to keep up the production rate. Swedex AB has a lot of old machines, but these have to be part of the calculation while they in a near future will be reinvested with new machines. An adjustment has been done to consider purchase price, second hand price and service/repair costs.
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Urmakarens undergång : En kulturhistorisk undersökning om urmakeriets utveckling och motgångar under 1900-talet / The fall of the watchmaker : A culture-historical survey of the watchmaking development and adversities in the 20th centuryByström, Christoffer January 2018 (has links)
The following study examines watchmakers and the watchmaking school in Sweden, how these changed during the 20th century. This is done through Geert Hofstede´s theory about levels of analyzes, his different steps to reach culture history. The source material of the study is based on public investigations, scientific articles, newspaper articles, literature and interviews. The purpose of this study is to reach and understand what and why changes occur in the world of watchmaking, and if the watchmaker managed to survive these changes during the 20th century. Results from the study confirm that very little has changed in the watchmaking school, they still use the same methods as they did 300 years ago. The watchmakers in Sweden showed that they had the durability and flexibility to survive several changes, even if the world was in motion during most of the 20th century.
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Validering av två olika utvärderingsmetoder av QT-mätning under arbeteBahaddin, Hena January 2018 (has links)
EKG registrerar hjärtats elektriska aktivitet genom att registrera spänningsskillnaden mellan olika specifika punkter på kroppsytan. QT-tiden mäts från början av QRS-komplexet till T-vågens slut. QT-tiden visar hur länge den elektriska impulsen som ger en hjärtmuskelkontraktion i hjärtats kamrar varar. En förlängd QT-tid kan uppstå vid bland annat mutationer i gener som kodar för hjärtats jonkanaler. Normalt ska QT-durationen förkortas med högre hjärtfrekvens men vid långt QT-syndrom förkortas inte QT-duration som normalt med ökande hjärtfrekvens. Förlängd QT-tid medför ökad risk för plötslig död. Symptomen vid lång QT-tid är yrsel, hjärtklappning och svimning. Syftet med studien var att validera en ny utvärderingsmetod mot en befintlig metod av QT-mätning under arbete. Den befintliga metoden genomfördes med papper, penna och linjal, medan den nya metoden genomfördes digitalt på en mjukvara, EC-view. Totalt samlades 37 patientdata med misstänkt förlängd QT-mätning in. Ytterligare 10 patientdata från rutin arbets-EKG med andra kliniska frågeställning insamlades med informerat samtycke från patienter. Resultatet erhållen av Pearsons rangkorrelation visar att korrelationen mellan metoderna är 0,90, vilket tyder på en stark korrelation. Bland-Altman analys visar ett p-värde på <0,001 som tyder på att det inte finns någon statistiskt signifikant skillnad i medelvärde mellan QT-mätningarna med digital metod respektive manuell metod på gruppnivå. Några mätningar har avvikit på patientnivå under arbete eller under återhämtningen. Slutsatsen är att metoderna korrelerar på gruppnivå. / ECG registers the heart's electrical activity by registering the voltage difference between specific different points on the body’s surface. The QT-interval measures from the start of QRS-complex to the end of the T-waves. The QT-interval corresponds to the electrical impulse that causes myocardial contraction in the heart’s chambers. An extended QT-time may develop due to mutations in genes that codes for ion channels in the heart. Normally the QT-duration is decreased with a higher heart-rate but in long QT-syndrome the QT-interval does not decrease with the increase in heart rate. Long QT-syndrome increases the risk for sudden death. The symptoms in long QT-syndrome includes dizziness, palpitation and fainting. The aim of the study was to validate a new evaluation method against an existing method of QT-measurements during exercise. The existing method was performed with paper, pencil and ruler, whilst the newer method was performed digitally on a software, EC-view. In total 37 patient data with suspected long QT-syndrome were collected. An additional 10 patient data sets from routine clinical exercise stress tests with other clinical hypothesis were gathered with a written consent obtained the patients. The results obtained by Pearson’s rang correlation shows that the correlation between the methods are 0,90, indicating a strong correlation. Bland-Altman analysis shows a P-value on less than 0,001 which means that there was no statistically significant difference in the average between QT-measurements with digital method respective manual method at group level. Some of the measurements have deviated at the patient level during exercise stress test or after the stress test. The conclusion is that the methods correlate on a group level.
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