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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet du rapport au savoir sur le choix de formation et la poursuite d'études dans l'enseignement supérieur : spécificités des choix d'orientation en IUT GEA et à l'université section AES / Effect of the relationship to knowledge on the choice of training and the pursuit of studies in the Higher education : specificities of the choices of orientation in IUT GEA and at the university section AES

Rousset, Fabienne 08 November 2011 (has links)
Depuis une cinquantaine d’années, la dynamique d’orientation est au centre des préoccupations sociale, politique et éducative. De nombreux chercheurs ont conceptualisé les déterminants à l’œuvre dans l’élaboration des choix d’orientation : Bourdieu et Passeron (1964) adoptent un point de vue sociologique avec leur modèle de reproduction sociale, quand d’autres développent l’angle psychologique du processus d’orientation, et notamment la notion de projet (Dubet, 1973 ; Boutinet, 1990,1992, 1993 ; Dumora, 1990 ; Guichard, 2006). Nous souhaitons contribuer à l’effort de construction de connaissances en développant un modèle explicatif des choix d’orientation au moment de l’entrée dans l’enseignement supérieur et des poursuites d’études, peu développé encore en France : l’influence du rapport au savoir sur les choix des étudiants. Nous construisons notamment notre modèle théorique sur la base des recherches de l’équipe Escol (Charlot, Bautier, Rochex) sur le rapport au savoir des élèves et de Rey et al. (2005), qui travaillent en Belgique sur le rapport au savoir des étudiants.Pour circonscrire ce vaste domaine de recherche, nous faisons l’hypothèse que le choix d’orientation à l’entrée en IUT GEA ou en université section AES dépend de l’interaction de variables socio-biographiques (telles que la qualité du cursus antérieur, le sexe, ou l’origine sociale), et de variables subjectives, avec notamment un rapport au savoir spécifique. Autrement dit, l’interaction entre ces deux classes de variables permet de saisir le rapport au savoir singulier en jeu dans les processus d’orientation et de poursuite d’études. En adoptant un angle longitudinal sur 3 ans après l’inscription dans l’enseignement supérieur nous espérons mettre en évidence des spécificités de rapport au savoir explicatives des choix d’orientation et des poursuites d’études.En temps 1 notre échantillon est composé de 265 étudiants, avec 147 étudiants inscrits en première année d’IUT GEA, et 118 étudiants inscrits en première année de Licence AES à l’université. Pour respecter les objectifs comparatifs de l’étude longitudinale, nous n’avons conservé que les étudiants des temps 2 et 3 « repérables » par rapport au temps 1. Aussi, en temps 2, nous avons 81 étudiants (58 étudiants inscrits en deuxième année d’IUT G.E.A., et 23 étudiants inscrits en L2 de la section AES à l’université) et en temps 3 nous avons 25 étudiants (19 étudiants diplômés du DUT GEA l’année précédente, et 6 étudiants inscrits en L3 de la section AES à l’université).Pour recueillir les données, nous avons conçu un questionnaire en deux parties principales : l’une portant sur les raisons des choix d’orientation et l’autre sur le rapport au savoir des étudiants (Rey et al., 2005). Nos résultats révèlent que les choix d’orientation et de poursuites d’études sont effectivement influencés par les caractéristiques socio-biographiques (notamment l’origine sociale et la qualité du parcours antérieur) et psychologiques des étudiants.Par ailleurs, les choix d’orientation et de poursuites d’études sont également déterminés par des types de rapport au savoir spécifiques. / Since about fifty years, the dynamics of orientation is in the center of the social, political and educational concerns. Numerous researchers conceptualized determiners at work in the elaboration of the choices of orientation: Bourdieu and Passeron ( 1964 ) adopts a sociological point of view with their model of social reproduction, when the others develop the psychological angle of the process of orientation, in particular the notion of project (Dubet, 1973 ; Boutinet, 1990,1992, 1993 ; Dumora, 1990 ; Guichard, 2006).We wish to contribute to the effort of construction of knowledge by developing an explanatory model of the choices of orientation at the time of the entrance to the higher education and the pursuits of studies, little developed still in France: the influence of the relationship to knowledge on the choices of the students. We build in particular our theoretical model on the basis of the researches for the team Escol (Charlot, Bautier, Rochex) on the relationship to knowledge of the pupils and & al. ( 2005 ), who works in Belgium on the relationship in the knowledge of the students.To confine this vast domain of search, we make the hypothesis that the choice of orientation in the entrance to IUT (university institute of technology) G.E.A. or to university section AES depends on the interaction of socio-bibliographic variables (such as the quality of the previous programme, the sex, or the social origin), and of subjective variables, with in particular a specific relationship to knowledge. In other words, the interaction between these two classes of variables captures the unique relationship with knowledge involved in orientation process and continuing education. By adopting a longitudinal angle over 3 years after the registration in the higher education we hope to bring to light specificities of relationship to knowledge explanatory of the choices of orientation and pursuits of studies.In time 1 our sample is composed of 265 students, with 147 students enrolled in first year of IUT GEA, and 118 students enrolled in first year at university AES. Order to respect the objectives of the comparative longitudinal study, we have only maintained the students of the times 2 and 3 "locatable" in time 1. Also, in time 2, we have 81 students (58 students enrolled in second year of IUT GEA, and 23 students enrolled in L2 AES section at the University) and three times we have 25 students (19 graduate students DUT –two-years technical degree - GEA previous year, and 6 students in L3 AES section at the University).To collect the data, we conceived a questionnaire in two main parts: the one concerning the reasons of the choices of orientation and the other one the relationship to knowledge of the students (Rey & al., 2005). Our results reveal that the choices of orientation and pursuits of studies are effectively influenced by the socio-bibliographic characteristics (in particular the social origin and the quality of the previous course) and psychological characteristics of the students.Besides, the choices of orientation and pursuits of studies are also determined by specific types of relationship to knowledge.

Uma proposta de levantamento de perfis conceituais de ensinar e aprender / A proposal of conceptual profiles assessment of to learn and to teach

Souza, Esdras Viggiano de 14 November 2008 (has links)
A noção de perfil conceitual nos permite conceber que um conceito pode ser representado de diversas maneiras, as quais são chamadas de zonas do perfil conceitual. Cada conceito é utilizado a partir dos contextos estabelecidos na interação humana. Nesta direção, nos propomos realizar o levantamento dos perfis conceituais de ensinar e de aprender de licenciandos em Física, procurando estabelecer a relação entre estes perfis. Para tanto, construímos um questionário com questões que fornecessem marcas de delineamento de contextos, de forma a procurar identificar o uso das zonas de perfil conceitual em cada um desses. O Referencial Teórico foi constituído a partir ampliação da noção de perfil conceitual proposta por Mortimer (1995), nas idéias de Bernstein (1996) sobre contexto e significado, nos estudos sobre conceitos na psicologia da aprendizagem e de algumas considerações baseadas na psicologia histórico-cultural. Estabelecemos categorias, relacionadas a ensinar e a aprender, que foram utilizadas na construção e análise do questionário. Estabelecemos relações entre as respostas referentes ao questionário com ênfase na categoria Concepções de Educação para investigar a constituição dos perfis conceituais de ensinar e de aprender e a relação destas, que hipoteticamente ocorre em um perfil conceitual de ensinar-aprender. / The notion of conceptual profile allows us to conceive that a concept could be represented in several different ways, which are called zones of the conceptual profile. Each concept is used in contexts established in human interactions. Then, we propose to assess the conceptual profile of to teach and to learn of the pre-service Physics teachers, trying to relate those conceptual profiles. To achieve this target we build a questionnaire with questions that address contexts of concept´s use, trying to identify which conceptual profile zone is used in the specific situation. The theoretical referential was weaved with the amplified notion of Mortimers original proposal of conceptual profile (1995), with Bernsteins ideas about meaning and context, with studies about concept of the Psychology of learning and with some considerations based on the cultural-historic psychology. We proposed categories related with the two concepts to teach and to learn that were used to built and to analyze data. Data were related through the category of Concepts of Education to research the existence of those conceptual profiles and if there is a more complex conceptual profile of teaching-learning.

En intervjustudie om hur ASL fungerar för elever med NPF-problematik. : Verksamma klasslärare och speciallärares erfarenheter

Röde, Linnéa January 2019 (has links)
Det finns en koppling mellan NPF-problematik och Dyslexi och läs- och skrivsvårigheter, vilket gör att läs- och skrivinlärningen kan bli extra bekymmersam för elever med NPF-problematik. Detta gör att det finns en svenskämnesdidaktisk vinst i att ta reda på hur metoder som används i läs- och skrivundervisningen fungerar ur ett NPF-perspektiv. Digitala verktyg används mer och mer i undervisningen och en metod för läs- och skrivinlärningen som utgår från användningen av dator eller lärplatta är Att skriva sig till läsning, ASL. Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie var att undersöka hur verksamma klasslärare och speciallärare upplever att ASL fungerar för elever med NPF-problematik. De frågeställningar som användes för att konkretisera syftet var: Vilka möjligheter med ASL anger informanterna det finns för elever med NPF-problematik? Och Vilka svårigheter med ASL anger informanterna det finns för elever med NPF-problematik? Utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande genomfördes sex halvstrukturerade intervjuer med klasslärare/speciallärare. Resultatet av studien pekar på att ASL inte främst är en metod för att läs- och skrivundervisning, utan ett inkluderande arbetssätt som fungerar för alla elever och för svenskämnets alla delar.

Apprendre à apprendre dans un environnement incertain, et dynamique des réseaux corticaux pour la flexibilité comportementale / Learning to learn in an uncertain environment, and dynamics of cortical networks for behavioral flexibility

Faraut, Maïlys 15 December 2015 (has links)
Notre environnement est complexe et changeant, ce qui apporte de l'incertitude dans les décisions de tous les jours. La capacité de détecter et résoudre l'incertitude est cruciale pour un comportement flexible et adapté. Notre hypothèse est que l'efficacité et la flexibilité comportementale en situation d'incertitude dépendent de la façon dont l'individu a appris à apprendre. Dans une 1ère étude, trois singes ont acquis un learning set pour une tâche aux règles stochastiques et changeantes. Leur réactivité aux évènements inattendus a augmenté lors de l'apprentissage, suivant l'évolution du degré d'incertitude environnementale. Cela a permis un transfert sans coût à une tâche plus complexe partageant la même structure, suggérant que les singes ont appris à apprendre la structure statistique de l'environnement. Nous avons ensuite étudié les mécanismes cérébraux sous-jacents à ce comportement flexible. Deux animaux ont reçu un implant d'électrocorticographie, sur les aires frontales et pariétales. Nous montrons d'abord, avec les données d'un animal, que des potentiels évoqués au feedback sont sensibles à la valence et au degré de surprise du feedback, et prédisent la stratégie à venir. Ensuite, nous présentons des résultats préliminaires montrant que des oscillations dans les bandes beta et thêta sont présentes au moment du feedback et de la décision, et que leur puissance est modulée de manière différente par les facteurs de la tâche. Ces résultats contribuent à révéler la complexité du réseau frontal pour la flexibilité comportementale, et ouvrent la voie à de nouvelles expériences pour comprendre comment ces mécanismes sont façonnés au cours du processus d'apprendre à apprendre / Our environment is both complex and changing, which triggers uncertainty in every decision we make. The ability to detect and solve the resulting uncertainty is crucial for adapted and flexible behavior. Our hypothesis is that behavioral efficiency and flexibility in an uncertain environment depend on the way the agent has learnt to learn. In a first study, 3 macaque monkeys developed a learning-set for a task with stochastic and changing rules. Monkey’s reactivity to unexpected feedback increased across learning and paralleled the evolution of the degree of environmental uncertainty. This enabled them to transfer, without cost, to a more complex task with the same structure, suggesting that they learned to learn the statistical structure of the environment. We then studied the cerebral mechanisms underpinning this flexible behavior. Two animals were implanted with an electrocorticography implant over the frontal and parietal areas. We first showed, using data from one animal, that feedback related potentials were sensitive to feedback valence and unexpectedness, and predictive of the upcoming behavioral strategy. Then, we present preliminary results showing that oscillations in the beta and theta bands can be recorded at the time of feedback and at the time of decision, and that their power is modulated differently depending on the various task factors. These results contribute to reveal the complexity of the frontal cortical network enabling behavioral flexibility and open new horizons for future research to understand how these mechanisms are shaped throughout the learning to learn process

Effects of Embedded Study-Skills Instruction on High School Students' Attitudes Toward Mathematics

Banks, Alberta Diahann 01 January 2015 (has links)
The target school used embedded study skills in Algebra I classes to improve attitudes toward mathematics. The purpose of this sequential, explanatory mixed-methods study was to examine the effect of embedded study-skills instruction on students' attitudes toward mathematics. Metacognitive theory was used for this study's framework. Participants were 28 Grade 9 and 10 students who repeated Algebra I. Quantitative data from the Attitudes Toward Mathematics Inventory assessed students' pre- and post-instruction attitudes toward mathematics in 4 domains. Data were analyzed using 4 independent samples t tests for students who did and did not receive embedded instruction. Qualitative data were collected through a semi structured group interview to explore 6 students' perceptions on how the intervention affected their attitudes toward mathematics. Open and axial coding strategies were used to develop themes. Quantitative results indicated no significant differences in students' attitudes toward mathematics, while qualitative findings supported the use of the intervention to develop students' positive attitudes in mathematics. A recommendation was that educators undergo professional learning opportunities to increase awareness of the impact of embedded study skills on student learning and how to use this instruction in lessons. Positive social change may occur if educators are provided with insight in embedded study skills that could improve students' attitudes toward mathematics, which ultimately may encourage students to study higher level mathematics and to pursue mathematics-based careers.

Mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos ugdymas ir vertinimas / Learning to learn competence development and assessment

Gėgžnaitė, Ugnė 09 January 2015 (has links)
Darbo tema – mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos ugdymas ir vertinimas. Darbe nagrinėjama šiuolaikinio ugdymo proceso samprata, mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos samprata ir struktūra, apžvelgiami mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos vertinimo įrankiai. Darbo tikslas – išnagrinėti mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos ugdymą ir vertinimą pedagogų ir mokinių požiūriu. Uždaviniai: 1. Pateikti šiuolaikinio ugdymo proceso sampratą. 2. Atskleisti mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos apibrėžimą ir struktūrą. 3. Apžvelgti mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos vertinimo įrankius. 4. Ištirti mokinių ir mokytojų požiūrį į mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos ugdymą ir vertinimą. Tyrimo metodai. Teoriniai: mokslinės literatūros analizė, apibendrinimas Empiriniai: pusiau struktūruotas interviu. Tiriamieji. Tyrime dalyvavo Vilniaus X gimnazijos 7 mokytojos ir 12 mokinių 5 – 6 ir 9 – 12kl. Tiriamieji pasirinkti atsižvelgiant į jų sutikimą dalyvauti tyrime. Empiriniai tyrimo rezultatai. Remiantis tyrimo rezultatais nustatyta, kad mokėjimo mokytis kompetenciją mokytojai apibrėžia vienpusiškai kaip informacijos radimą, atrinkimą bei pritaikymą. Nors mokytojai mokėjimo mokytis kompetenciją ugdo ir vertina įvairiais metodais, praktinėmis užduotimis, tačiau iš tyrimo rezultatų matyti, kad dar neįsitvirtina mokėjimo mokytis kompetencija ir mokytojai dažnu atveju linkę dominuoti pamokoje. Mokėjimo mokytis kompetencijos prasmę informantės suvokia per mokymosi visą gyvenimą koncepciją bei asmenybės ugdymą. Mokiniai kelia... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Scientific thesis – learning to learn competence development and assessment. In this work analyze modern educational process, learning to learn competence conception and structure, gives an overview of learning to learn competence assessment tools. The aim of this work – analyze learning to learn competence development and assessment of teachers and student point of view. Tasks: 1. Submit a modern concept of the educational process. 2. Reveal learning to learn competence definition and structure. 3. Overview of learning ti learn competence assessment tools. 4. Investigate the students and teachers attitudes to learning to learn competence development and assessment. Research methods: Theoretical methods: scientific literature analysis, generalization Empirical methods: semi – structured interview. Participants. In the research participated seven teachers and twelve students 5-6 and 9 – 12 classes from Vilnius X gymnasium. Participants selected according to their agreements to participate in the research. Empirical reserch results. Research results revealed that learning to learn competence teachers as defined by one-sided information discovery, selection and adaptation. Although teachers the learning to learn competence and develop and assess of various methods, practical tasks, but research shows that it is not popular at school and teachers often dominate in the lesson. Informants understand the meaning of learning to learn competence through lifelong learning concept and... [to full text]

A motivação dos alunos para continuar seus estudos em música

Condessa, Janaína January 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida dentro da temática sobre motivação para aprender música e teve como objetivo geral investigar a interação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais que motivam os alunos para continuar seus estudos em música fora da escola. Segundo a literatura, os fatores individuais referem-se às crenças, às percepções e às características pessoais dos alunos, enquanto os fatores ambientais relacionam-se às experiências em determinado local e momento de vida, bem como com as interações estabelecidas com as pessoas desse ambiente. Como objetivos específicos, esta pesquisa verificou o papel do ambiente (pais, família, professores, pares e contexto escolar) e investigou os fatores individuais (metas e autoconceito) que possuem relação com a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. O referencial teórico adotado foi o modelo de motivação em música (HALLAM, 2002, 2005, 2006), pois contempla a interação entre os dois tipos de fatores: individuais e ambientais. O método utilizado foi o estudo de entrevistas, com alunos das séries finais do ensino fundamental que possuíam aula de música na escola desde as séries iniciais e que optaram por estudar música fora da escola após a quinta série. Apoiada na literatura da educação e da educação musical, esta pesquisa justifica-se pela possibilidade de compreender tanto os diferentes fatores envolvidos na interação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente durante a aprendizagem musical quanto a maneira pela qual esses fatores incentivam o aluno a continuar os estudos em música. Os resultados apontaram para uma forte relação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais e para a correspondência entre a motivação para aprender música dentro da escola e a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. Esses resultados poderão colaborar para o aprimoramento pedagógico dos professores de música, além de permitir reflexões e oferecer subsídios que possam melhorar a motivação dos alunos para aprender música, dentro e fora da escola. / This research is about motivation to learn music. Its general aim was to investigate the interaction between individual and environmental factors which motivate students to continue their studies in music outside school. According to literature, individual factors refer to students’ beliefs, perceptions and personal characteristics, whilst environmental factors are related to life experiences in some places and at some times, as well as the interaction with others. The specific aims to this research was to verify the role of environment (parents, family, teachers, peers and school context), as well as investigate individual factors (goals and self-concept about abilities) in students’ choice in continuing to learn music outside school. The theoretical framework adopted was the model of motivation in music (Hallam, 2002, 2005, 2006), because it considers the interactions between individual and environmental factors. The method chosen was the interview study, with middle school students who attended music classes at school since first cycle of fundamental education, and opted to study music outside school after the fifth grade. Based both on the education and the music education literature, the reason of this research is the possibility of understanding not only the different factors involved in the interaction between the individual and the environment during the musical learning, but also the way these factors motivate the student to continue studying music. The results of this research revealed a close link between individual and environmental factors. Moreover, data showed the relation between motivation to learn music inside school and motivation to continue music outside school.

A motivação dos alunos para continuar seus estudos em música

Condessa, Janaína January 2011 (has links)
Esta pesquisa foi desenvolvida dentro da temática sobre motivação para aprender música e teve como objetivo geral investigar a interação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais que motivam os alunos para continuar seus estudos em música fora da escola. Segundo a literatura, os fatores individuais referem-se às crenças, às percepções e às características pessoais dos alunos, enquanto os fatores ambientais relacionam-se às experiências em determinado local e momento de vida, bem como com as interações estabelecidas com as pessoas desse ambiente. Como objetivos específicos, esta pesquisa verificou o papel do ambiente (pais, família, professores, pares e contexto escolar) e investigou os fatores individuais (metas e autoconceito) que possuem relação com a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. O referencial teórico adotado foi o modelo de motivação em música (HALLAM, 2002, 2005, 2006), pois contempla a interação entre os dois tipos de fatores: individuais e ambientais. O método utilizado foi o estudo de entrevistas, com alunos das séries finais do ensino fundamental que possuíam aula de música na escola desde as séries iniciais e que optaram por estudar música fora da escola após a quinta série. Apoiada na literatura da educação e da educação musical, esta pesquisa justifica-se pela possibilidade de compreender tanto os diferentes fatores envolvidos na interação entre o indivíduo e o ambiente durante a aprendizagem musical quanto a maneira pela qual esses fatores incentivam o aluno a continuar os estudos em música. Os resultados apontaram para uma forte relação entre os fatores individuais e ambientais e para a correspondência entre a motivação para aprender música dentro da escola e a motivação para continuar os estudos em música fora da escola. Esses resultados poderão colaborar para o aprimoramento pedagógico dos professores de música, além de permitir reflexões e oferecer subsídios que possam melhorar a motivação dos alunos para aprender música, dentro e fora da escola. / This research is about motivation to learn music. Its general aim was to investigate the interaction between individual and environmental factors which motivate students to continue their studies in music outside school. According to literature, individual factors refer to students’ beliefs, perceptions and personal characteristics, whilst environmental factors are related to life experiences in some places and at some times, as well as the interaction with others. The specific aims to this research was to verify the role of environment (parents, family, teachers, peers and school context), as well as investigate individual factors (goals and self-concept about abilities) in students’ choice in continuing to learn music outside school. The theoretical framework adopted was the model of motivation in music (Hallam, 2002, 2005, 2006), because it considers the interactions between individual and environmental factors. The method chosen was the interview study, with middle school students who attended music classes at school since first cycle of fundamental education, and opted to study music outside school after the fifth grade. Based both on the education and the music education literature, the reason of this research is the possibility of understanding not only the different factors involved in the interaction between the individual and the environment during the musical learning, but also the way these factors motivate the student to continue studying music. The results of this research revealed a close link between individual and environmental factors. Moreover, data showed the relation between motivation to learn music inside school and motivation to continue music outside school.

Funções executivas: habilidades matemáticas em crianças com Transtorno do Espectro Autista (TEA)

Cardoso, Diana Maria Pereira 10 June 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Diana Cardoso (dianacardosota@gmail.com) on 2017-09-11T03:32:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE CARDOSO, DIANA MARIA PEREIRA.pdf: 1452082 bytes, checksum: c314bbc6ef48ca4d6fc62cb3a8762141 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Uillis de Assis Santos (uillis.assis@ufba.br) on 2017-09-12T18:41:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE CARDOSO, DIANA MARIA PEREIRA.pdf: 1452082 bytes, checksum: c314bbc6ef48ca4d6fc62cb3a8762141 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-12T18:41:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TESE CARDOSO, DIANA MARIA PEREIRA.pdf: 1452082 bytes, checksum: c314bbc6ef48ca4d6fc62cb3a8762141 (MD5) / A presente tese teve como objetivo verificar e analisar as habilidades básicas da matemática do 1º ciclo de aprendizagem do ensino fundamental I presentes na amostra de crianças com transtorno do espectro autista (TEA) e os comportamentos que sugerem relação com as funções executivas, observados por meio de atividades de matemática utilizadas no atendimento educacional especializado realizado no Centro de Atendimento Educacional Especializado Pestalozzi da Bahia (CAEEPB). Como opção metodológica foi adotada a pesquisa-ação, sob uma abordagem qualitativa. Fizeram parte desta pesquisa quatro crianças com diagnóstico de TEA, com idade entre 8 e 10 anos, sendo três do sexo masculino e uma do feminino. Atendendo ao propósito deste estudo, para a coleta de dados foram elaboradas quatro atividades matemáticas denominadas: “Cabides numerados”, “Piões coloridos”, “Cartões de contagem”, “Potes coloridos: aprendendo a classificar e a contar”. De acordo com os dados encontrados foi possível conhecer quais habilidades básicas da matemática as crianças pesquisadas dominam e perceber, a partir de atividades pedagógicas de matemática, os comportamentos e atitudes que sugerem relação com as funções executivas como: flexibilidade cognitiva, controle inibitório, memória de trabalho e atenção seletiva presentes nas quatro crianças que apresentam diagnóstico de TEA. Embora não se possa afirmar que os achados sejam decorrentes de prejuízo da função executiva, este estudo possibilitou saber o quanto é importante e necessário que o professor conheça mais sobre as funções executivas para melhor compreender os comportamentos repetitivos e perseverativos presentes nas crianças com TEA e, assim, saber quando e como intervir no contexto escolar. / ABSTRACT The aim of this thesis was to verify and analyze the basic mathematical skills of the first cycle of elementary education I present in the sample of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and the behaviors that suggest relation with the executive functions, observed through mathematics activities used in the specialized educational service performed at the Centro de Atendimento Educacional Especializado Pestalozzi da Bahia (CAEEPB). As a methodological option the research-action was adopted under a qualitative approach. This study included four children diagnosed with ASD, aged between 8 and 10 years, three of them male and one female. According to the purpose of this study, four mathematical activities were elaborated: "Numbered hangers", "Colored doodles", "Counting cards", "Colored pots: learning to classify and to count". According to the data found, it was possible to know which basic mathematical skills the children studied dominate and to perceive, from mathematics pedagogical activities, the behaviors and attitudes that suggest relation with the executive functions as: cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control, work memory and selective attention in the four children with a ASD diagnosis. Although it is not possible to say that the findings are due to impairment of the executive function, this study made it possible to know how important and necessary it is for the teacher to know more about the executive functions to a better understanding of the repetitive and persevering behaviors present in children with ASD, thus, knowing when and how to intervene in the school context.

Aprendizagem musical colaborativa mediada pelas tecnologias digitais : motivação dos alunos e estratégias de aprendizagem / Music collaborative learning mediated by digital technologies : students motivation and learning strategies

Cernev, Francine Kemmer January 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho se propôs a investigar a aprendizagem musical colaborativa e a motivação dos alunos para aprender utilizando as tecnologias digitais no contexto da educação básica. O referencial teórico foi construído a partir das discussões sobre a aprendizagem colaborativa e sobre a motivação dos alunos. O olhar investigativo da aprendizagem musical colaborativa, utilizando tecnologias digitais livres, buscou compreender como essas práticas musicais ocorrem em sala de aula e como seu uso pode contribuir para o ensino de música na escola. Ao trabalhar na perspectiva de um estudo que contempla a motivação, foi utilizada a abordagem psicológica amparada na Teoria da Autodeterminação (TAD) com ênfase na satisfação das necessidades psicológicas básicas destes alunos. A metodologia de pesquisa adotada foi a pesquisa ação, delineada a partir da concepção da pesquisa ação integral e sistêmica proposta por André Morin (2004). As aulas foram planejadas visando o envolvimento entre os alunos, professoras, as possibilidades físicas dos recursos tecnológicos oferecidos pela escola e pelas interações oferecidas pelo ciberespaço. A coleta de dados utilizou diferentes técnicas: 1) entrevistas semiestruturadas com a professora; 2) entrevistas de grupos focais com os alunos; 3) questionários online; 4) observações participantes com registros audiovisuais; e 5) registros das produções e documentos escritos. Os dados foram sistematizados e organizados utilizando o aplicativo Nvivo. Os resultados apontaram as diferentes estratégias que os alunos adotaram em sala de aula, as relações estabelecidas entre os alunos e as tecnologias digitais bem como a motivação dos estudantes para as aulas de música neste contexto, que puderam suprir as necessidades psicológicas básicas dos estudantes, apesar de nem todos apresentarem motivação autônoma para aprender música na escola. Esta pesquisa pretende contribuir para a área de educação musical ao demonstrar possibilidades pedagógicas ao inserir as tecnologias nas aulas de música, não apenas como uma aplicabilidade tecnológica, mas em uma nova forma de se pensar o ensino de música no ambiente curricular e contribuir para a motivação na aprendizagem musical. / This study aimed to investigate the music collaborative learning and the motivation to learn using digital technologies in the context of basic education. The theoretical framework was built from the discussions on collaborative learning and the motivation of students. The investigative look of music collaborative learning using free digital technologies, sought to understand how these musical practices occur in the classroom and how its use can contribute to music education in school. By working from the perspective of a study that includes motivation, supported psychological approach to Self-Determination Theory (STD) with in emphasis of psychological basic needs of these students. The methodology used was action research, outlined from the design of systemic integral action-research proposed by André Morin (2004). Classes were planned in order engagement between students, teachers, the physical possibilities of technological resources offered by the school and by interactions offered by cyberspace. The data collection involved: 1) semi-structured interviews with the teacher; 2) focused groups with students; 3) online questionnaires; 4) participant observations with audiovisual records; and 5) records of production and written documents. Nvivo was used to support data analysis. The results showed the different strategies that students adopt in the classroom, the relations between the students and the digital technologies and the motivation of students for music class in this context that could supply the psychological needs of students, although not all present autonomous motivation to learn music in school. This research intends to contribute with the music education to demonstrate pedagogical possibilities to use the technology in music lessons, not only as a technological applicability, but in a new way of thinking about music education in curriculum and environment contribute to motivation in musical learning.

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