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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Asperger disorder and the Tomatis method : a case-study / Lindi Nel

Nel, Lindi January 2005 (has links)
This study aimed to determine what the effect of participation in a Tomatis Programme (TP) would be on the psychological well-being and communication ability of a 14 year old, white adolescent boy with Asperger Disorder (AD). A mixed method design in the form of a single casestudy was used. Qualitative data were obtained via semi-s!mctured interviews, spontaneous sketches and observation. Quantitative data were gathered by means of projective drawings and the Profile of Mood States (POMS). Seven main categories with twenty-one sub-categories emerged eom the qualitative data, and were supported by the quantitative data. Results indicated improvement in Interpersonal Communication and all six domains of psychological well-being as defined by RyfT (1995) with most significant areas being: Environmental Mastery, Personal Growth, Autonomy and Positive Relations. The Tomatis Method (TM) proved to be a successful form of treatment to enhance psychological well-being and interpersonal communication skills in an AD patient More effective communication and better family relationships can be achieved and therefore youth with AD can be empowered to adjust their behaviour accordingly. The TM prepared the participant for a next phase in therapy where he specifically can focus on more effective social skills with peers. Further research involving more participants and a control group is needed. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

Asperger disorder and the Tomatis method : a case-study / Lindi Nel

Nel, Lindi January 2005 (has links)
This study aimed to determine what the effect of participation in a Tomatis Programme (TP) would be on the psychological well-being and communication ability of a 14 year old, white adolescent boy with Asperger Disorder (AD). A mixed method design in the form of a single casestudy was used. Qualitative data were obtained via semi-s!mctured interviews, spontaneous sketches and observation. Quantitative data were gathered by means of projective drawings and the Profile of Mood States (POMS). Seven main categories with twenty-one sub-categories emerged eom the qualitative data, and were supported by the quantitative data. Results indicated improvement in Interpersonal Communication and all six domains of psychological well-being as defined by RyfT (1995) with most significant areas being: Environmental Mastery, Personal Growth, Autonomy and Positive Relations. The Tomatis Method (TM) proved to be a successful form of treatment to enhance psychological well-being and interpersonal communication skills in an AD patient More effective communication and better family relationships can be achieved and therefore youth with AD can be empowered to adjust their behaviour accordingly. The TM prepared the participant for a next phase in therapy where he specifically can focus on more effective social skills with peers. Further research involving more participants and a control group is needed. / Thesis (M.A. (Clinical Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2005.

Educational interpreters and the Tomatis method : a mixed methods study at the North–West University / Ina–Marí Du Toit

Du Toit, Ina-Marí January 2010 (has links)
On the Potchefstroom Campus of the North–West University, where the predominant language of instruction is Afrikaans, non–Afrikaans speaking students are accommodated due to the use of interpreting services. Educational interpreting implies in–class simultaneous interpreting of Afrikaans lectures into English by trained under– and postgraduate students. The aim of this research was to determine the impact of the Tomatis Method, a method of sound stimulation, on educational interpreters and explore their experience of the Tomatis programme. The research set out to answer the following questions: (i) Will attendance of a Tomatis programme impact educational interpreters by: improving interpreting performance; enhancing attention, concentration and personality functioning; reducing negative mood states; and enhancing the positive mood state vigour? (ii) What will participants report about their experience during and after the Tomatis programme? To study the TM’s effects on participants, quantitative and qualitative data were combined using a mixed methods triangulation design. After obtaining informed consent, participants were randomly assigned to an experimental (n = 9) and control group (n = 9). Participants comprised of nine male and nine female, under– and postgraduate students between the ages of 19 and 36. The experimental group attended 60 half–hour sessions, during which they listened to gradually filtered music, followed by a two–month break for integration of the sound stimuli and, finally, another 60 half–hour sessions of audio–vocal training. A panel of interpreting experts and a speech therapist evaluated both groups’ interpreting performance (IPE) pre– and post–program. Both groups also completed assessments on personality (NEO PI–R) and concentration and memory (WAIS III) pre– and post programme, while the experimental participants additionally completed the Profile of Mood States (POMS) pre–, in– and postprogramme. Three focus group discussions during the course of the Tomatis programme enabled participants to verbalize their experiences of the programme and how it impacted their interpreting process. Despite a bias in favour of the control group during the interpreting performance postassessment, findings suggested that interpreters benefited from the Tomatis programme in several areas of interpreting and in regards to personal experiences. Regarding interpreting performance, a significant improvement concerning Interpreting Technique occurred in favour of the experimental group. This advance can be explained by participants’ qualitative responses regarding improved interpreting efficiency, speech production and listening skills. Experimental participants’ decreased Fatigue–Inertia; increased Extraversion, Activity and Vigour; and experiences of enhanced relaxation possibly contributed to improved interpreting performance. Moreover, the experimental group’s positive feedback about the enriching effect of the Tomatis programme on their personal lives strengthened the value of the TM for individual growth and psychological well–being. The control group showed some enhancement in aspects of interpreting and sub–domains of personality, but only managed to outperform the experimental group on one subscale, namely Feelings, a facet of the domain Openness of the NEO–PI(R). Thus, it appears that the Tomatis programme had a significantly positive impact on interpreters’ performance and that their experience of the interpreting process was enhanced during and after the programme. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Educational interpreters and the Tomatis method : a mixed methods study at the North–West University / Ina–Marí Du Toit

Du Toit, Ina-Marí January 2010 (has links)
On the Potchefstroom Campus of the North–West University, where the predominant language of instruction is Afrikaans, non–Afrikaans speaking students are accommodated due to the use of interpreting services. Educational interpreting implies in–class simultaneous interpreting of Afrikaans lectures into English by trained under– and postgraduate students. The aim of this research was to determine the impact of the Tomatis Method, a method of sound stimulation, on educational interpreters and explore their experience of the Tomatis programme. The research set out to answer the following questions: (i) Will attendance of a Tomatis programme impact educational interpreters by: improving interpreting performance; enhancing attention, concentration and personality functioning; reducing negative mood states; and enhancing the positive mood state vigour? (ii) What will participants report about their experience during and after the Tomatis programme? To study the TM’s effects on participants, quantitative and qualitative data were combined using a mixed methods triangulation design. After obtaining informed consent, participants were randomly assigned to an experimental (n = 9) and control group (n = 9). Participants comprised of nine male and nine female, under– and postgraduate students between the ages of 19 and 36. The experimental group attended 60 half–hour sessions, during which they listened to gradually filtered music, followed by a two–month break for integration of the sound stimuli and, finally, another 60 half–hour sessions of audio–vocal training. A panel of interpreting experts and a speech therapist evaluated both groups’ interpreting performance (IPE) pre– and post–program. Both groups also completed assessments on personality (NEO PI–R) and concentration and memory (WAIS III) pre– and post programme, while the experimental participants additionally completed the Profile of Mood States (POMS) pre–, in– and postprogramme. Three focus group discussions during the course of the Tomatis programme enabled participants to verbalize their experiences of the programme and how it impacted their interpreting process. Despite a bias in favour of the control group during the interpreting performance postassessment, findings suggested that interpreters benefited from the Tomatis programme in several areas of interpreting and in regards to personal experiences. Regarding interpreting performance, a significant improvement concerning Interpreting Technique occurred in favour of the experimental group. This advance can be explained by participants’ qualitative responses regarding improved interpreting efficiency, speech production and listening skills. Experimental participants’ decreased Fatigue–Inertia; increased Extraversion, Activity and Vigour; and experiences of enhanced relaxation possibly contributed to improved interpreting performance. Moreover, the experimental group’s positive feedback about the enriching effect of the Tomatis programme on their personal lives strengthened the value of the TM for individual growth and psychological well–being. The control group showed some enhancement in aspects of interpreting and sub–domains of personality, but only managed to outperform the experimental group on one subscale, namely Feelings, a facet of the domain Openness of the NEO–PI(R). Thus, it appears that the Tomatis programme had a significantly positive impact on interpreters’ performance and that their experience of the interpreting process was enhanced during and after the programme. / Thesis (M.A. (Research Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.

Hälsoklanger : sökandet efter ljudens och musikens goda inverkan på människan

Gärtner, Vera January 2017 (has links)
Ljudens och musikens påverkan på människan har alltid intresserat mig i egenskap av violinbyggarmästare men också som cellopedagog. Forskningen inom detta område är starkt begränsad och rör till största delen terapeutiska metoder och då främst musikterapi. Dock använder sig musikterapeuter inte av utifrån kommande frekvenser i sitt arbete och de alternativa terapeuterna har inte vetenskapliga belägg för frekvensernas verkan. Syftet med studien har varit att utföra en grundforskning om hälsoklanger som kan inspirera till vidare forskning om hur utifrån tillförda ljud och musik påverkar människan samt exemplifiera hur några musikterapeuter och tomatiskonsulter i Sverige och Tyskland erbjuder musik och ljud som behandlings- eller träningsform. Studien genomfördes genom en kombination av kvantitativa och kvalitativa metoder: med en enkätundersökning, intervjuer samt personlig kommunikation med musikterapeuter och alternativa terapeuter, en stressforskare och två tomatiskonsulter. Resultaten tyder på att ljud och musik både kan ha stimulerande och lugnande inverkan på människan, men att en tillförlitlig vetenskaplig värderingsmetod saknas för dem som erbjuder behandlingar. En fortsatt forskning blir att vidare undersöka hur utifrån tillförda ljud och musik påverkar människan. Förutsättningen för att kunna mäta detta är att de valda ljud- eller musikavsnitten inte förekommer enbart punktuellt utan under en längre sammanhängande tidsperiod samt att tillgång finns till därför passande medicinsk mätutrustning och en undersökningsgrupp vars storlek utgår från ett antagande om hur stora effekter man kan förvänta sig på en viss definierad utfallsvariabel (2.7 Musikens påverkan på kropp och själ). Studien kan i bästa fall även ge inspiration till fortsatt forskning kring förbättring av negativa bullriga ljudmiljöer. / The effects of sound and music have always been of great interest to me, both as a Luthier, as a Cellist and Strings teacher. Research in this area is very limited and mainly confined to methods of therapy, in particular Music Therapy. Music Therapists, however, do not employ the use of different sound frequencies in their therapy and the effects of frequencies in other forms of alternative therapy have not yet been scientifically researched or validated. The object of this study has been to research how external sounds and music affect people, and to examine the means by which this is used in therapeutic contexts, such as in Music Therapy and Tomatis training. This research was conducted using quantitative and qualitative methods, through surveys, interviews and personal communication with Music Therapists, Alternative Therapists, Stress Researchers and two Tomatis Consultants. The research suggests that sound and music can have a stimulating as well as a soothing influence on people, but that a thorough scientifically based investigation into how external sounds and music affect people is needed for professionals in this field of work. Continued research in this area would involve using chosen external sounds or excerpts of music that are not only short impulses but of a longer duration, access to relevant medical equipment to measure the effects of these sounds and an appropriately sized group of research subjects to correlate with the expected effects of a defined research variable. (2.7 Musikens påverkan på kropp och själ) It is hoped that this study will provide a foundation for further research into the effects of frequencies, sound and music, also with a view to finding means to improve negative, disturbing sound environments.

The effect of the Tomatis method on the psychological well-being and piano performance of student pianists / A.C. Vercueil

Vercueil, Anna Catharina January 2010 (has links)
The literature on psychological well-being indicates that high levels of psychological well-being encourage a psychological loop that reinforces itself, lifting an individual on an 'upward spiral' of continued psychological flourishing, which may contribute to positive human functioning. In addition, the literature suggests that effective intervention can raise the levels of psychological well-being. There are features inherent in the training of student pianists that can contribute to their psychological vulnerability, especially with regard to self-concept and anxiety. Therefore, they can benefit from an intervention that may raise their level of psychological well-being, thus contributing to their resilience in coping with the challenges presented by their training as well as their piano performance. Clinical observations as well as research indicate that the Tomatis Method can enhance psychological well-being and improve academic functioning. Furthermore, Tomatis' theories and observations suggest that this programme can also enhance music performance, especially with regard to self-listening skills. However, although Tomatis indicates that he observed the same results with instrumentalists as with singers, his writings mostly refer to singers. Except for a single case study by Madaule in 1976, there seems to be no other scientific evidence that the Tomatis Method has benefited student pianists. Therefore, the purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the effect of the Tomatis Method on student pianists' psychological well-being and piano performance. The empirical study consisted of a two-group pre-post assessment mixed-method design, involving thirteen 2nd year to postgraduate student pianists from the School of Music and Conservatory, of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus). These students were randomly assigned to an experimental group (n = 7) which was exposed to the Tomatis Listening Programme, and a non-intervention control group (n = 6). Quantitative data were obtained by means of a battery of tests, which included self-report inventories regarding psychological well-being and music performance anxiety, as well as scales regarding piano performance. The levels of the participants' psychological well-being were measured with the Scales of Psychological Well-Being (Ryff, 1989), the Affectometer 2 (Kammann & Flett, 1983), and the Profile of Mood States (Mc Nair et al., 1992). Participants' levels of music performance anxiety were measured with the Music Performance Anxiety Inventory for Adolescents (Osborne & Kenny, 2005), and the Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory (Kenny et al., 2004). The quality of the students' piano performances was assessed by means of a general impression expressed as a percentage, Mills' constructs (1987) for the assessment of music performance, and Piano Performance Rating Scale (PPRS) which was developed for this study. Qualitative data were acquired by means of interviews, group discussions, projective drawings, written reports, personal observations and the Tomatis Listening Test Results indicated improvement regarding some aspects related to student pianists' psychological well-being and piano performance. Further research with regard to these aspects is required. / Thesis (M.Mus.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

The effect of the Tomatis method on the psychological well-being and piano performance of student pianists / A.C. Vercueil

Vercueil, Anna Catharina January 2010 (has links)
The literature on psychological well-being indicates that high levels of psychological well-being encourage a psychological loop that reinforces itself, lifting an individual on an 'upward spiral' of continued psychological flourishing, which may contribute to positive human functioning. In addition, the literature suggests that effective intervention can raise the levels of psychological well-being. There are features inherent in the training of student pianists that can contribute to their psychological vulnerability, especially with regard to self-concept and anxiety. Therefore, they can benefit from an intervention that may raise their level of psychological well-being, thus contributing to their resilience in coping with the challenges presented by their training as well as their piano performance. Clinical observations as well as research indicate that the Tomatis Method can enhance psychological well-being and improve academic functioning. Furthermore, Tomatis' theories and observations suggest that this programme can also enhance music performance, especially with regard to self-listening skills. However, although Tomatis indicates that he observed the same results with instrumentalists as with singers, his writings mostly refer to singers. Except for a single case study by Madaule in 1976, there seems to be no other scientific evidence that the Tomatis Method has benefited student pianists. Therefore, the purpose of this exploratory study was to investigate the effect of the Tomatis Method on student pianists' psychological well-being and piano performance. The empirical study consisted of a two-group pre-post assessment mixed-method design, involving thirteen 2nd year to postgraduate student pianists from the School of Music and Conservatory, of the North-West University (Potchefstroom Campus). These students were randomly assigned to an experimental group (n = 7) which was exposed to the Tomatis Listening Programme, and a non-intervention control group (n = 6). Quantitative data were obtained by means of a battery of tests, which included self-report inventories regarding psychological well-being and music performance anxiety, as well as scales regarding piano performance. The levels of the participants' psychological well-being were measured with the Scales of Psychological Well-Being (Ryff, 1989), the Affectometer 2 (Kammann & Flett, 1983), and the Profile of Mood States (Mc Nair et al., 1992). Participants' levels of music performance anxiety were measured with the Music Performance Anxiety Inventory for Adolescents (Osborne & Kenny, 2005), and the Kenny Music Performance Anxiety Inventory (Kenny et al., 2004). The quality of the students' piano performances was assessed by means of a general impression expressed as a percentage, Mills' constructs (1987) for the assessment of music performance, and Piano Performance Rating Scale (PPRS) which was developed for this study. Qualitative data were acquired by means of interviews, group discussions, projective drawings, written reports, personal observations and the Tomatis Listening Test Results indicated improvement regarding some aspects related to student pianists' psychological well-being and piano performance. Further research with regard to these aspects is required. / Thesis (M.Mus.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.

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