Spelling suggestions: "subject:"homography, 2mission."" "subject:"homography, 2emission.""
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Ultrassonografia transcraniana combinada a teste de olfação comparados à imagem molecular com TRODAT para diagnóstico da doença de Parkinson / Combined assessment by transcranial sonography and Sniffin\' Sticks test compared to brain TRODAT SPECT for Parkinson\'s disease diagnosisAlmeida, Kelson James Silva de 28 November 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O diagnóstico da doença de Parkinson (DP) pode ser um desafio, principalmente nas fases precoces da doença. O diagnóstico acurado desta condição requer mais que a avaliação clínica isolada. A Tomografia computadorizada do crânio de fóton único (SPECT) e a ultrassonografia transcraniana (USTC) podem ser úteis na diferenciação entre a DP e as síndromes parkinsonianas atípicas ou entre a DP e o tremor essencial. O presente estudo objetivou investigar a acurácia da USTC combinada com o teste de olfação Sniffin\' Sticks (SST-16) para diferenciar pacientes com DP de controles saudáveis e comparar com a acurácia do SPECT com 99mTc- TRODAT-1 (TRODAT). MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal que incluiu pacientes com DP segundo critérios do United Kingdom Parkinson\'s disease Society e um grupo controle de indivíduos saudáveis pareados para idade e gênero. Os pacientes foram examinados por um especialista em distúrbios do movimento e submetidos a SPECT encefálico com TRODAT, USTC e SST-16. Curvas Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) foram obtidas para definir os pontos de corte dos métodos avaliados para detecção de DP. RESULTADOS: Vinte indivíduos com DP (13 homens e 7 mulheres) e 9 participantes saudáveis foram admitidos no estudo. A idade mediana de início dos sintomas foi de 56,5 anos e a mediana do tempo de duração da doença foi de 5 anos. Maior área de ecogênica da substância negra (SN) foi observada no grupo com DP (p=0,013). Área ecogênica da SN de 0,22 cm2 foi definida pela curva ROC para detecção de DP, com acurácia de 79%. O ponto de corte do potencial de ligação do TRODAT no striatum foi 0,90, com acurácia de 99% para o diagnóstico de DP. Escore do SST-16 maior ou igual a 10 pontos foi o ponto de corte para detecção de DP, com acurácia de 85,8%. A combinação da USTC com teste da olfação levou à acurácia de 95% para detecção de DP. CONCLUSÃO: A combinação da USTC com SST-16 eleva a capacidade de ! detecção da DP. A acurácia da USTC combinada ao SST-16 para identificar pacientes com DP idiopática aproximou-se da acurácia do SPECT com TRODAT / INTRODUCTION: Diagnosing Parkinson\'s disease (PD) can be challenging, especially in the early stages of the disease. An accurate diagnosis requires more than clinical findings alone. Brain single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and transcranial sonography (TCS) are helpful for diagnosing PD and differentiating it from atypical parkinsonian syndromes as well as essential tremor. This study aimed to investigate the accuracy of TCS combined with the Sniffin\' sticks olfactory test (SST-16) for differentiation between idiopathic PD patients and healthy controls compared to that of 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT (TRODAT). METHODS: A cross-sectional study included PD patients diagnosed in accordance with United Kingdom PD Society Brain Bank criteria and a control group of age and sex-matched healthy subjects. All patients were examined by a movement disorder specialist and underwent brain SPECT using TRODAT, TCS examination and SST-16 test. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were used to calculate cut-off points for TCS, Striatal TRODAT binding potentials and SST-16. The area under the ROC curve determined the accuracy of the method. RESULTS: Twenty patients with PD (13 males and 7 females) and nine healthy subjects were included. Median age of PD onset was 56.5 years with median disease duration of 5 years. A larger substantia nigra (SN) echogenic area was observed in the PD group (p=0.013). SN echogenic area cut-off point of 0.22 cm2 was obtained from a ROC curve for PD diagnosis. Considering this cut-off point, TCS accuracy was estimated at 79.2% for PD diagnosis. The cut-off value of 0.90 for striatal TRODAT binding was associated with 99% accuracy for the diagnosis of PD. SST-16 values equal or greater than 10 points showed a 85.8% accuracy for PD diagnosis. Combination of both SST-16 and TCS improved the accuracy to 95% for PD diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Combined assessment of SST-16 and TCS are reliable and highly accurate for distinguishing PD patients from healthy controls. The accuracy of TCS combined with SST-16 for differentiation between idiopathic PD patients and healthy controls is similar to that of SPECT TRODAT
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Aplicação de métodos de imagem molecular no estudo dos efeitos terapêuticos da galectina-3 em glioblastoma / Application of molecular imaging methods in the study of the therapeutic effects of galectin-3 in glioblastomaRonny Mikyo Mitsuoka 05 August 2015 (has links)
O glioma de grau IV (geralmente chamado de Glioblastoma Multiforme - GBM) é o tumor mais agressivo e maligno do sistema nervoso central. A elevada mortalidade e baixa expectativa de vida proporcionado por esta doença, tem direcionado os esforços de muitos pesquisadores no desenvolvimento de novas formas de diagnóstico precoce, assim como a busca por terapias inovadoras. A galectina-3, uma proteína ligante de glicanas, é expressa diferencialmente em tecido normal vs. neoplásico e possui um papel importante na adesão, diferenciação, imunomodulação, apoptose, ciclo celular, assim como processos de transformação e progressão neoplásica. Diversos estudos têm demonstrado que a interferência nas funções exercidas pela galectina-3 pode representar uma estratégia promissora no tratamento de vários tipos de tumores, incluindo o glioblastoma. De fato, tem se verificado que a administração da forma truncada de galectina-3 em modelos experimentais murinos, possui um efeito antitumoral significativo quando administrada em conjunto com quimioterápicos. No entanto, ainda não se encontra esclarecido se a interferência com as funções da galectina-3 endógena são exercidas diretamente no microambiente tumoral ou de maneira sistêmica. Dessa forma, neste trabalho buscou-se um entendimento mais profundo e completo sobre o papel anti-tumoral de galectina-3 nativa e truncada em associação com o quimioterápico temozolamida num modelo de glioblastoma humano. Adicionalmente, as ferramentas de PET-SPECT, assim como imagem molecular ótica por fluorescência ou bioluminescênca foram utilizadas para se avaliar a biodistribuição da galectinas-3 em camundongos Balb/c nude inoculados com tumor. Inicialmente demonstrou-se que, nas células U87 de glioblastoma humano, a galectina-3 nativa e não a galectina-3 truncada apresenta efeito antitumoral in vitro quando associada com temozolamida com valores de IC50 de 0.008 mM e 1.893 mM respectivamente. Os testes in vivo foram dessa forma prosseguidos com a galectina-3 nativa. Através da técnica de imagem ótica por bioluminescência, observou-se que o tratamento simultâneo de galectina-3 com temozolamida levou a uma redução do crescimento do tumor gerado pelas células U87-Luc2 (U87 transfectadas com o gene reporter da luciferase) em camundongos Balb/c nude. Esta redução foi observada mesmo após a parada do tratamento (período de acompanhamento). Curiosamente, no tratamento com apenas galectina-3 observou-se uma redução do crescimento tumoral das células U87-luc2 cujo efeito foi anulado após a suspensão do tratamento. Através de análises por PET-SPECT avaliou-se a biodistribuição da galectina-3 marcada com 99mTc (99mTc-HYNIC/Gal-3) em camundongos Balb/c nude previamente inoculados com a linhagem U87. Demonstrou-se que esta proteína migra principalmente para os rins e, em menores quantidades para o baço, não ligando todavia no tumor. Devido à meia-vida do 99mTc-HYNIC/Gal-3 não permitir estudos prolongados, a galectina-3 conjugada com VivoTag 680XL foi utilizada para se avaliar a biodistribuição por 48h, 96h e 14 dias em camundongos Balb/c nude inoculados com a linhagem de glioblastoma U87. Além de se confirmar o padrão de distribuição acima descrito, observou-se que a galectina-3 não liga no tumor independentemente do modelo tumoral utilizado. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstram que galectina-3 possui um efeito antiproliferativo quando administrada em conjunto com temozolamida num modelo de glioblastoma humano (células U87). Surpreendentemente, foi possivel observar pela primeira vez que o efeito antiproliferativo de galectina-3 não se deve à sua atuação direta no tumor. Nossos dados sugerem que, quando administrada in vivo, a galectina-3 atua em locais distintos do microambiente tumoral como os rins e baço, afetando portanto de maneira indireta o crescimento tumoral / Grade IV glioma or glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive and malignant tumor of the central nervous system. The high mortality and low life expectancy provided by this disease have directed the efforts of many researchers to develop innovative therapeutic strategies and early diagnosis tools. Galectin-3 is a glycan-binding protein differentially expressed in normal and neoplastic tissue and has an important role in adhesion, differentiation, immune modulation, apoptosis, cell cycle, tumor transformation and neoplastic progression. Several studies have shown that interference with the functions performed by galectin-3 could represent a promising strategy in the treatment of several kinds of tumors, including glioblastoma. Indeed, it has been found that galectin-3 truncated form has a significant antitumor effect when associated with chemotherapy in murine experimental models. However, it\'s not clear yet whether the interference with galectin-3 endogenous functions is performed directly in the tumor microenvironment or systemically. Thus, this study aimed to understand the anti-tumor effect of truncated and native galectin-3 in combination with temozolomide chemotherapy in a human glioblastoma model. Additionally, PET, SPECT and bioluminescence tools were used to evaluate the biodistribution of galectin-3 in Balb / c nude mice inoculated with the U87 glioblastoma cell line. Here it was shown that in U87 cells, native galectin-3 and not the truncated form has anti-tumor effect in vitro when associated with temozolomide with IC50 values of 0.008 mM and 1.893 mM, respectively. Therefore the in vivo studies were pursued with native galectin-3. Using the optical bioluminescence technique, it was observed that the simultaneous treatment of galectin-3 with temozolomide led to a reduction of tumor growth generated by U87- Luc2 cells (U87 cells transfected with the luciferase reporter gene) in Balb / c nude. This reduction was observed even after stopping treatment (follow-up period). Interestingly, treatment of U87-Luc2 derived-tumor with only galectin-3 led to a reduction of tumor growth whose effect was abolished after discontinuation of treatment. The biodistribution of 99mTc labeled-galectin-3 (99mTc-HYNIC / Gal-3) was performed by molecular image tools (PET-SPECT scan) in mice BALB/c nude previously inoculated with the U87 line. It was shown that this protein migrates primarily to the kidneys and, in a smaller amount to the spleen, but doesn\'t bind the tumor. Because the half-life of 99m Tc-HYNIC / 3-Gal doesn\'t allow prolonged studies, galectin-3 conjugated with VivoTag 680XL was used to assess in vivo biodistribution at 48h, 96h and 14 days in Balb / c nude mice inoculated with the human glioblastoma cell line U87. Besides confirming the distribution pattern described above, it was found that galectin-3 doesn\'t bind to the tumor, regardless the tumor model. This study shows that galectin-3 has an antiproliferative effect when associated with temozolomide in the human glioblastoma model U87. Surprisingly, it was observed, that the in vivo antiproliferative effect of galectin-3 is not due to its direct binding to tumor cells. Our data suggest that when administered in vivo, galectin-3 acts in distinct locations of the tumor microenvironment such as the kidneys and spleen, thus indirectly affecting tumor growth
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On the use of ⁷⁶Br-labelled monoclonal antibodies for PET : preclinical evaluation of halogenated antibodies for diagnosis and treatment of cancer /Höglund, Johanna, January 2002 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Univ., 2002. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.
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Impacto da PET/CT no câncer de pulmão não-pequenas células: contribuição no delineamento tumoralAlmeida, Taynná Vernalha Rocha 06 August 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A definição do volume-alvo macroscópico, principalmente referente a casos de câncer de pulmão, exige o maior número de informações possíveis no que diz respeito à localização, extensão e mobilidade tumoral. A literatura demonstra um importante avanço quando utilizada imagens metabólicas como é o caso da tomografia por emissão de pósitron/tomografia computadorizada (PET/CT), porém a sua aplicação nos planejamentos radioterápicos ainda é muito discutida devido ao seu grau de complexidade. Objetivos: Avaliar o impacto da PET/CT no delineamento tumoral em casos de câncer de pulmão não-pequenas células (CPNPC) e linfonodos regionais. Materiais e Métodos: Foram selecionados retrospectivamente estudos de PET/CT de 26 casos de câncer de pulmão. Todos foram confirmados por biópsia, sendo em sua totalidade CPNPC. Todos os estudos foram realizados em um equipamento de PET/CT dedicado com parâmetros de aquisição idênticos. A interpretação das imagens e posterior delineamento foram realizados por dois médicos experientes, um radioterapeuta e um nuclear/radiologista. Os parâmetros ótimos de visualização foram pré-definidos, sendo mandatórios para os delineamentos. Os delineamentos foram realizados em duas etapas principais. A primeira relacionada ao desenho tumoral somente pela CT e a segunda, após no mínimo duas semanas de descanso visual, referindo-se ao desenho tumoral pela PET/CT. Somente o volume tumoral macroscópico (GTV) e os linfonodos regionais aumentados ou PET positivos foram delineados. Índices de conformidades (IC) foram calculados, tanto interobservadores (11 casos), quanto intra-observador (26 casos). Para a comparação entre observadores e entre delineamentos em relação ao volume, foi considerado o teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon. As comparações em relação ao IC foram feitas usando-se o teste t de Student para amostras pareadas. Em todos os testes, valores de p <0,05 indicaram significância estatística. Os dados foram analisados com o programa computacional SPSS® Statistics 17.0 (EUA). Resultados: A análise dos dados demonstrou diferença significativa entre os volumes médios delineados na CT e na PET/CT (p = 0,02), com evidente redução volumétrica no delineamnto por PET/CT. Houve diferença significativa entre os volumes CT delineados pelos dois observadores (p = 0,03) e uma tendência a apresentar diferença significativa entre volumes PET/CT (p = 0,05). A avaliação volumétrica intraobservador foi significativa (p < 0,01) apenas para o médico nuclear/radiologista, com redução de até 51% do volume CT e uma relação entre modalidades de 2,11 ± 0,22. Na análise dos IC, não houveram diferenças significativas entre as duas modalidades de imagem (p = 0,598). A análise dos IC intra-observadores demonstrou que para o radioterapeuta a PET/CT apresenta um impacto de 46% (IC médio = 0,54 ± 0,06), já para o nuclear/radiologista, o impacto foi de 65% (IC médio = 0,35 ± 0,06), representando uma diferença significativa (p = 0,03) em relação ao IC entre o médicos observadores. Para a análise linfonodal a PET/CT apresentou importante diferença na visualização de linfonodos, alterando 10 dos 26 casos, sendo 9 para a positividade apenas na fusão. Conclusão: A PET/CT apresentou significativo impacto no desenho do GTV e linfonodos regionais para casos de CPNPC. / Introduction: The definition of gross target volume, especially concerning cases of lung cancer, requires the greatest amount of information possible with regard to location, tumor size and tumor mobility. The literature demonstrates an important advancement using metabolic images such as PET/CT, however, its application in radiotherapy planning is still controversial due to its complexity. Objectives: To assess the impact of PET/CT in tumor delineation in cases of non-small cell lung cancer and regional lymph nodes as additional findings. Materials and Methods: Retrospectively studies of PET/CT of 26 lung cancer cases were selected. All were confirmed by biopsy, in its entirety NSCLC. All studies were performed on a PET/CT with dedicated acquisition identical parameters. Image interpretation and subsequent delineation were performed by two experienced physicians, one radiotherapist and the another nuclear/radiologist. The optimal parameters display were pre-defined, being mandatory for the designs. Each case received an identification of three random letters to access the medical images to be analyzed. The delineation was made in two main steps. The first reference to the drawing only in tumor CT and the second, after two weeks of visual rest, referring to the drawing on tumor PET/CT. Only the gross tumor volume (GTV) and regional lymph nodes were enlarged or PET + outlined. Conformity index (CI) were calculated both interobserver (11 cases), and intra-observer (26 cases). For comparison between observers and between designs in relation to the volume, was considered the nonparametric Wilcoxon test. Comparisons regarding the conformity index were made using the Student t test for paired samples. To assess the degree of agreement regarding positive lymph nodes were estimated with kappa coefficients of agreement. In all tests, p values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Data were analyzed with the software SPSS Statistics 17.0 (USA). Results: Data analysis showed significant difference between the average volumes delineated on CT and PET/CT (p = 0.02), with obvious volume reduction. Significant difference between the volumes delineated by CT observars medical distinct classes (p = 0.03) and a tendency to present significant difference between volumes PET / CT (p = 0.05). The intraobserver volumetric evaluation was significant (p <0.001) only for observer 2, being the nuclear medicine physician / radiologist, reducing up to 51% of the volume CT and a relationship between methods of 2.11 ± 0.22. In the analysis of CI, there were no significant differences between the two imaging modalities (p = 0.598).CI analysis showed that intra-observer to observer 1 PET / CT has an impact of 46% (average CI = 0.54 ± 0.06). The viewer 2, the impact was greater, 46% (average IC = 0.39 ± 0.03), representing a difference of opinion regarding the CI (p = 0.03) between the medical classes. To regional lymph nodes with PET/CT revealed an important difference in the visualization of lymph nodes, changing 10 of the 26 cases, 9 to positivity only in the image fusion.Conclusion: PET/CT has a significant impact on the design of the GTV and regional lymph nodes in cases of NSCLC.
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Impacto da PET/CT no câncer de pulmão não-pequenas células: contribuição no delineamento tumoralAlmeida, Taynná Vernalha Rocha 06 August 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A definição do volume-alvo macroscópico, principalmente referente a casos de câncer de pulmão, exige o maior número de informações possíveis no que diz respeito à localização, extensão e mobilidade tumoral. A literatura demonstra um importante avanço quando utilizada imagens metabólicas como é o caso da tomografia por emissão de pósitron/tomografia computadorizada (PET/CT), porém a sua aplicação nos planejamentos radioterápicos ainda é muito discutida devido ao seu grau de complexidade. Objetivos: Avaliar o impacto da PET/CT no delineamento tumoral em casos de câncer de pulmão não-pequenas células (CPNPC) e linfonodos regionais. Materiais e Métodos: Foram selecionados retrospectivamente estudos de PET/CT de 26 casos de câncer de pulmão. Todos foram confirmados por biópsia, sendo em sua totalidade CPNPC. Todos os estudos foram realizados em um equipamento de PET/CT dedicado com parâmetros de aquisição idênticos. A interpretação das imagens e posterior delineamento foram realizados por dois médicos experientes, um radioterapeuta e um nuclear/radiologista. Os parâmetros ótimos de visualização foram pré-definidos, sendo mandatórios para os delineamentos. Os delineamentos foram realizados em duas etapas principais. A primeira relacionada ao desenho tumoral somente pela CT e a segunda, após no mínimo duas semanas de descanso visual, referindo-se ao desenho tumoral pela PET/CT. Somente o volume tumoral macroscópico (GTV) e os linfonodos regionais aumentados ou PET positivos foram delineados. Índices de conformidades (IC) foram calculados, tanto interobservadores (11 casos), quanto intra-observador (26 casos). Para a comparação entre observadores e entre delineamentos em relação ao volume, foi considerado o teste não-paramétrico de Wilcoxon. As comparações em relação ao IC foram feitas usando-se o teste t de Student para amostras pareadas. Em todos os testes, valores de p <0,05 indicaram significância estatística. Os dados foram analisados com o programa computacional SPSS® Statistics 17.0 (EUA). Resultados: A análise dos dados demonstrou diferença significativa entre os volumes médios delineados na CT e na PET/CT (p = 0,02), com evidente redução volumétrica no delineamnto por PET/CT. Houve diferença significativa entre os volumes CT delineados pelos dois observadores (p = 0,03) e uma tendência a apresentar diferença significativa entre volumes PET/CT (p = 0,05). A avaliação volumétrica intraobservador foi significativa (p < 0,01) apenas para o médico nuclear/radiologista, com redução de até 51% do volume CT e uma relação entre modalidades de 2,11 ± 0,22. Na análise dos IC, não houveram diferenças significativas entre as duas modalidades de imagem (p = 0,598). A análise dos IC intra-observadores demonstrou que para o radioterapeuta a PET/CT apresenta um impacto de 46% (IC médio = 0,54 ± 0,06), já para o nuclear/radiologista, o impacto foi de 65% (IC médio = 0,35 ± 0,06), representando uma diferença significativa (p = 0,03) em relação ao IC entre o médicos observadores. Para a análise linfonodal a PET/CT apresentou importante diferença na visualização de linfonodos, alterando 10 dos 26 casos, sendo 9 para a positividade apenas na fusão. Conclusão: A PET/CT apresentou significativo impacto no desenho do GTV e linfonodos regionais para casos de CPNPC. / Introduction: The definition of gross target volume, especially concerning cases of lung cancer, requires the greatest amount of information possible with regard to location, tumor size and tumor mobility. The literature demonstrates an important advancement using metabolic images such as PET/CT, however, its application in radiotherapy planning is still controversial due to its complexity. Objectives: To assess the impact of PET/CT in tumor delineation in cases of non-small cell lung cancer and regional lymph nodes as additional findings. Materials and Methods: Retrospectively studies of PET/CT of 26 lung cancer cases were selected. All were confirmed by biopsy, in its entirety NSCLC. All studies were performed on a PET/CT with dedicated acquisition identical parameters. Image interpretation and subsequent delineation were performed by two experienced physicians, one radiotherapist and the another nuclear/radiologist. The optimal parameters display were pre-defined, being mandatory for the designs. Each case received an identification of three random letters to access the medical images to be analyzed. The delineation was made in two main steps. The first reference to the drawing only in tumor CT and the second, after two weeks of visual rest, referring to the drawing on tumor PET/CT. Only the gross tumor volume (GTV) and regional lymph nodes were enlarged or PET + outlined. Conformity index (CI) were calculated both interobserver (11 cases), and intra-observer (26 cases). For comparison between observers and between designs in relation to the volume, was considered the nonparametric Wilcoxon test. Comparisons regarding the conformity index were made using the Student t test for paired samples. To assess the degree of agreement regarding positive lymph nodes were estimated with kappa coefficients of agreement. In all tests, p values <0.05 were considered statistically significant. Data were analyzed with the software SPSS Statistics 17.0 (USA). Results: Data analysis showed significant difference between the average volumes delineated on CT and PET/CT (p = 0.02), with obvious volume reduction. Significant difference between the volumes delineated by CT observars medical distinct classes (p = 0.03) and a tendency to present significant difference between volumes PET / CT (p = 0.05). The intraobserver volumetric evaluation was significant (p <0.001) only for observer 2, being the nuclear medicine physician / radiologist, reducing up to 51% of the volume CT and a relationship between methods of 2.11 ± 0.22. In the analysis of CI, there were no significant differences between the two imaging modalities (p = 0.598).CI analysis showed that intra-observer to observer 1 PET / CT has an impact of 46% (average CI = 0.54 ± 0.06). The viewer 2, the impact was greater, 46% (average IC = 0.39 ± 0.03), representing a difference of opinion regarding the CI (p = 0.03) between the medical classes. To regional lymph nodes with PET/CT revealed an important difference in the visualization of lymph nodes, changing 10 of the 26 cases, 9 to positivity only in the image fusion.Conclusion: PET/CT has a significant impact on the design of the GTV and regional lymph nodes in cases of NSCLC.
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A transformada generalizada atenuada de Radon = inversão, analitica, aproximações, metodos iterativos e aplicações em tomografia por fluorescencia / The generalized attenuated Radon tranform : analytic inversion, approximations, iterative methods and applications on fluorescence tomographyMiqueles, Eduardo Xavier Silva 03 May 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Alvaro Rodolfo De Pierro / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Matematica, Estatistica e Computação Cientifica / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-15T04:08:38Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Miqueles_EduardoXavierSilva_D.pdf: 22019050 bytes, checksum: 05c0fc26d4ba49669bc4f5fc2a22fe5b (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: A Tomografia por Fluorescência de Raios X é uma nova técnica que combina a tomografia por transmissão de Raios X e a tomografia por emissão. Uma amostra de tecido (ou corpo) é bombardeada por Raios X de alta intensidade (gerados por um síncrotron) e, metais ou outros elementos a serem estudados, emitem fluorescência para uma faixa de energia típica de cada um. Trata-se de reconstruir a densidade desses elementos (Zinco, Cobre, Iodo,...) a partir das medições da emissão por detectores externos ao longo de retas definidas por cada detector. O modelo matemático para o problema é dado pela Transformada Atenuada Generalizada de Radon. A inversa analítica da Transformada Atenuada de Radon foi um problema matemático aberto durante muitos anos. Recentemente, Fokas e Novikov, usando ferramentas da análise complexa, conseguiram uma fórmula analítica de inversão. Neste trabalho damos um passo adicional e provamos que as idéias de Fokas podem ser estendidas para a obtenção de uma fórmula analítica da Transformada Generalizada Atenuada que aparece em tomografia por fluorescência. Deduzimos também fórmulas aproximadas e métodos iterativos, baseados na inversão da própria Transformada de Radon assim como da sua correspondente atenuada. Apresentamos uma extensa comparacão entre os diferentes métodos usando dados reais e simulados / Abstract: X-ray fluorescence computed tomography (xfct) is a synchrotron based imaging modality similar to stimulated emission tomography [37]. It aims at reconstructing the concentration distribution of a heavy metal (Copper, Zinc, Iron) or other elements like Iodine, inside a body or an object. In xfct a sample is irradiated with high intensity monochromatic synchrotron X-rays with energy greater than the K-shell binding energy of the elements of interest. This stimulates fluorescence emission, at certain characteristic energies, isotropically distributed, which are detected by a detector placed parallel to the direction of the incident beam [49]. Part of the emission is absorbed by the sample, so, correction for attenuation is essential to obtain qualitative better results. Mapping fluorescence emission density distributions has many important applications in medical imaging (malignancy analysis for example), and mineralogy (determination of rocks 3D structure) It has been recently shown by Fokas [68, 69] and Novikov [30] that the spectral analysis of a particular partial differential equation yields the inversion formula for the problem of computerized emission tomography. In this thesis we show that a similar analysis can be made for the case of xfct. Also, we derive approximate and iterative methods to find the solution of the physical problem / Doutorado / Problemas inversos / Doutor em Matemática Aplicada
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Ultrassonografia transcraniana combinada a teste de olfação comparados à imagem molecular com TRODAT para diagnóstico da doença de Parkinson / Combined assessment by transcranial sonography and Sniffin\' Sticks test compared to brain TRODAT SPECT for Parkinson\'s disease diagnosisKelson James Silva de Almeida 28 November 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O diagnóstico da doença de Parkinson (DP) pode ser um desafio, principalmente nas fases precoces da doença. O diagnóstico acurado desta condição requer mais que a avaliação clínica isolada. A Tomografia computadorizada do crânio de fóton único (SPECT) e a ultrassonografia transcraniana (USTC) podem ser úteis na diferenciação entre a DP e as síndromes parkinsonianas atípicas ou entre a DP e o tremor essencial. O presente estudo objetivou investigar a acurácia da USTC combinada com o teste de olfação Sniffin\' Sticks (SST-16) para diferenciar pacientes com DP de controles saudáveis e comparar com a acurácia do SPECT com 99mTc- TRODAT-1 (TRODAT). MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo transversal que incluiu pacientes com DP segundo critérios do United Kingdom Parkinson\'s disease Society e um grupo controle de indivíduos saudáveis pareados para idade e gênero. Os pacientes foram examinados por um especialista em distúrbios do movimento e submetidos a SPECT encefálico com TRODAT, USTC e SST-16. Curvas Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) foram obtidas para definir os pontos de corte dos métodos avaliados para detecção de DP. RESULTADOS: Vinte indivíduos com DP (13 homens e 7 mulheres) e 9 participantes saudáveis foram admitidos no estudo. A idade mediana de início dos sintomas foi de 56,5 anos e a mediana do tempo de duração da doença foi de 5 anos. Maior área de ecogênica da substância negra (SN) foi observada no grupo com DP (p=0,013). Área ecogênica da SN de 0,22 cm2 foi definida pela curva ROC para detecção de DP, com acurácia de 79%. O ponto de corte do potencial de ligação do TRODAT no striatum foi 0,90, com acurácia de 99% para o diagnóstico de DP. Escore do SST-16 maior ou igual a 10 pontos foi o ponto de corte para detecção de DP, com acurácia de 85,8%. A combinação da USTC com teste da olfação levou à acurácia de 95% para detecção de DP. CONCLUSÃO: A combinação da USTC com SST-16 eleva a capacidade de ! detecção da DP. A acurácia da USTC combinada ao SST-16 para identificar pacientes com DP idiopática aproximou-se da acurácia do SPECT com TRODAT / INTRODUCTION: Diagnosing Parkinson\'s disease (PD) can be challenging, especially in the early stages of the disease. An accurate diagnosis requires more than clinical findings alone. Brain single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) and transcranial sonography (TCS) are helpful for diagnosing PD and differentiating it from atypical parkinsonian syndromes as well as essential tremor. This study aimed to investigate the accuracy of TCS combined with the Sniffin\' sticks olfactory test (SST-16) for differentiation between idiopathic PD patients and healthy controls compared to that of 99mTc-TRODAT-1 SPECT (TRODAT). METHODS: A cross-sectional study included PD patients diagnosed in accordance with United Kingdom PD Society Brain Bank criteria and a control group of age and sex-matched healthy subjects. All patients were examined by a movement disorder specialist and underwent brain SPECT using TRODAT, TCS examination and SST-16 test. Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves were used to calculate cut-off points for TCS, Striatal TRODAT binding potentials and SST-16. The area under the ROC curve determined the accuracy of the method. RESULTS: Twenty patients with PD (13 males and 7 females) and nine healthy subjects were included. Median age of PD onset was 56.5 years with median disease duration of 5 years. A larger substantia nigra (SN) echogenic area was observed in the PD group (p=0.013). SN echogenic area cut-off point of 0.22 cm2 was obtained from a ROC curve for PD diagnosis. Considering this cut-off point, TCS accuracy was estimated at 79.2% for PD diagnosis. The cut-off value of 0.90 for striatal TRODAT binding was associated with 99% accuracy for the diagnosis of PD. SST-16 values equal or greater than 10 points showed a 85.8% accuracy for PD diagnosis. Combination of both SST-16 and TCS improved the accuracy to 95% for PD diagnosis. CONCLUSION: Combined assessment of SST-16 and TCS are reliable and highly accurate for distinguishing PD patients from healthy controls. The accuracy of TCS combined with SST-16 for differentiation between idiopathic PD patients and healthy controls is similar to that of SPECT TRODAT
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Tomographic Studies of Pulsar Radio Emission Cones and Searches for Radio Counterparts of Gamma-Ray PulsarsMaan, Yogesh January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Radio emission from pulsars is believed to originate from charged particles streaming along the open magnetic field lines, radiating within a narrow cone at each of the two magnetic poles. In each rotation of the star, the emission beam sweeping across the observer’s line of sight, is seen as a pulse of radio emission. Average pulse profiles integrated over several hundreds of individual pulses, along with polarization information, reveal the viewing geometry and various emission properties(e.g., emission in multiple cones, frequency dependence of the emission altitude, notches in the average profiles, etc.), and provide some clues about the possible emission mechanisms. The sequence of individual pulses generally exhibit richer details, e.g., pulse-nulling, variety of subpulse drifting, polarization mode-changing, micro-structure and giant pulse emission, etc., and seem to be more crucial and promising in probing the underlying physical processes. The physical understanding of many of the above properties and phenomena is still far from complete. In first two parts of this thesis, we address a few of these aspects, and probe related details by mapping the pulsar polar emission patterns, while in the last part, we present our searches for dispersed signals(periodic as well as transient) at very low frequencies. More specifically, Part-I makes use of the present understanding of drifting subpulses phenomenon to reconstruct the emission patterns in nearly complete polar cap region of the pulsar B1237+25, and addresses the origin of emission in multiple cones using these reconstructed emission maps. In Part-II, we discuss a need for new instrumentation primarily motivated by the need for tomographic studies of pulsar polar emission regions. We report the consequent design and development of a novel, self-contained multi-band receiver (MBR)system, intended for use with a single large aperture to facilitate sensitive and high time-resolution observations simultaneously in 10 discrete frequency bands sampling a wide spectral span(100–1500MHz) in a nearly log-periodic fashion. Part-III presents our deep searches designed to detect radio transient as well as periodic signals from the (so far) “radio-quiet” gamma-ray pulsars — a population of radio silent pulsars recently discovered using the Large Area Telescope on the Fermi-satellite. Brief descriptions of the issues addressed in the three parts of the thesis, along with a summary of respective results, is as follows.
1. Origin of Radio Emission in Multiple Cones
Many pulsars exhibit systematic variations in position and intensity of their subpulses, a phenomenon now well known as “subpulse drifting”. Ruderman & Sutherland(1975) suggested this regular modulation to be a manifestation of a carousel of “spark” discharges in the acceleration zone of the star, circulating around the magnetic axis because of the E×B drift. In the qualitative framework of the above carousel model, the coherent modulation in a subpulse sequence can be mapped back to the underlying pattern of sub-beams/emission-columns (see, for example, Deshpande & Rankin, 1999). However, the completeness with which the underlying configuration of sub-beams can be sampled depends on how close our line of sight approaches the magnetic axis. The bright pulsar B1237+25 has a special viewing geometry where the sightline traverses almost through the magnetic axis, thus providing an excellent opportunity to map and study the underlying patterns across the full transverse slice of its polar emission region. However, the rich variety in pulse-to-pulse fluctuations in this pulsar makes this task challenging. In Chapter 2, we present our analysis of a number of pulse-sequences from this star observed with the Arecibo telescope, wherein we search for, and use, coherent modulation in sub-sequences, to map the underlying emission patterns. The reconstructed maps provide a convenient way to study the details in multiple emission cones, and any inter-relationship between them. More specifically, we have utilized these maps to explore whether the multiple cones of this pulsar originate from a common seed pattern or not.
A summary of results
The results obtained from our study of B1237+25 are summarized below:
1 The underlying carousel of sparks for this pulsar appears to lack stability over long durations. The circulation period, deduced using smaller length sub-sequences, appears to vary over a large range(about18 to34 times the rotation period).
2. The emission patterns corresponding to the outer and the inner cones are found to be significantly correlated with each other, implying that the emission in the two cones share a common seed pattern of sparks. This main result is consistent with the same radio frequency emission in the two cones, originating from a common seed pattern of sparks at two different altitudes.
3 The emission patterns corresponding to the outer and the inner cones are found to be offset from each other, consistently across various sub-sequences, by about 10◦ in magnetic azimuth. This large offset indicates certainly a twist in the emission columns, and most likely in the magnetic field geometry, between the two different emission altitudes.
4. The core component also seems to share its origin with the conal counterparts. Presence of a compact, diffuse and further-in carousel of sub-beams is consistent with the observed modulation in the core component of this pulsar. The featureless spectrum observed for many core-single pulsars can be explained readily when the diffuse pattern approaches uniformity.
2.Tomography of the Pulsar Magnetosphere: Development of a Multi-band Receiver
Although drifting subpulses are now routinely interpreted in the qualitative framework of the carousel model, estimation of circulation time associated with the system of emission columns has been possible so far in only a handful of pulsars, and the important details determining such configurations, their evolution across the magnetosphere, and the pattern circulation are yet to be understood. Radius-to-frequency mapping in pulsars suggests that the lower frequency emission originates farther away from the surface of the star than the higher frequency emission. Hence, the sub-beam configuration mapped at a particular frequency provides a view of a single slice of the polar emission region at the corresponding emission altitude. Mapping of the underlying emission patterns simultaneously at a number of frequencies would amount to viewing a “tomograph” of the pulsar magnetosphere. Such tomographic studies would reveal not only the evolution of sub-beams across the magnetosphere but can also provide much needed clues about the generation of the sub-beam patterns, and their possible connection with the profile/polarization mode changes observed in various pulsars.
Simultaneous multi-frequency observations, which are required for many other interesting astronomical studies as well, are usually carried out by using several telescope, each observing at different frequency. Such an approach has inherent complexity in coordinating various telescopes, in addition to numerous other difficulties which limit the desired advantages of such observations. Some of these difficulties, which we faced in our attempt of carrying out simultaneous multi-frequency observations using five different telescopes, are discussed in Chapter 3. We suggest an optimum approach to carry out simultaneous multi-frequency observations, using a single large aperture. In Chapter 4, we present the design of a novel, “self-contained” multi-band receiver(MBR) system developed for this purpose. The MBR system includes a suitable feed, broadband front-end, parallel analog and digital receiver pipelines, along with appropriate monitoring, synchronization and data recording systems. When used with a large aperture, the MBR facilitates high time-resolution observations simultaneouslyin10discretefrequencybandssampling a wide spectral span(100–1500MHz) in a nearly log-periodic fashion. The raw voltage time sequences corresponding to each of the two linear polarization channels for each of the 10 spectral bands are simultaneously recorded, each sampling a bandwidth of 16 MHz at the Nyquist rate.
The dual-polarization multi-band feed, a key component of the MBR, is designed to have good responses only overthe10discretebandspre-selected as relatively RFI-free, and hence provides preliminary immunity against RFI. The MBR also offers significant tunability of the center frequencies of each of the 16-MHz sub-bands separately, within the spectral spans of respective bands. Similarity of the 10 sub-band receiver chains provides desired compatibility, in addition to an easy inter-changeability of these units, if required, and an overall modularity to the system.
The MBR was used with the 110 meter Green Bank Telescope to conduct test observations on a few bright continuum sources, and about 20 hours of observations on a number of bright pulsars. Using these observations, we have constructed a preliminary tomograph of the polar emission region of B0809+74, and studied the spectral evolution of emission altitudes and flux density ofB0329+54(Chapter5). Although the MBR system design is optimized for tomographic studies of pulsar polar emission regions, the simultaneous multi-frequency observations with such a system offer particular advantages in fast transient searches. The MBR is also suitable for several other astronomical investigations, e.g., studying the spectral evolution of average properties of pulsars and propagation effects, single-dish continuum studies and surveys/studies of recombination lines.
3. Searches for Decameter-wavelength Counterparts of Radio-quiet Gamma-ray Pulsars
Before the launch of the Fermi gamma-ray space telescope, the “radio-quiet” gamma-ray pulsar population consisted of only one pulsar ,i.e., Geminga (for example, see Bignami& Caraveo,1996; Abdo etal.,2009). High sensitivity of the Large Area Telescope(LAT) on the Fermi-satellite made it possible, for the first time, to perform blind searches for pulsars in γ-rays. Since the Fermi-operation started, the number of pulsars known to emit in γ-rays has seen an extraordinary increase — from less than 10 to 117 pulsars. About one-third of these pulsars have been discovered in blind searches of the LAT data. Despite deep radio searches, only 4 of these LAT-discovered pulsars could be detected, suggesting the rest of these to be “radio-quiet” gamma-ray pulsars.
One of the possible explanations for the apparent absence of radio emission from these pulsars is that their narrow radio beams miss the line of sight towards earth (Brazier & Johnston, 1999), and hence appear as “radio-quiet”. The radius-to-frequency mapping in radio pulsars suggests that the emission beam becomes wider at low frequencies, increasing the probability of our line of sight passing through the beam. However, all of the deep searches mentioned above were carried out at higher radio frequencies(∼1GHz and above, and some at300MHz,Ray etal.,2011;Pletsch etal.,2012),and the lower frequency domain(<≈100 MHz) has remained relatively unexplored. Given the expected widening of emission beam, follow-up searches of the radio-quiet pulsars at low radiofrequencies could also be revealing. With this view, we searched the archival data of the pulsar/transient survey at 34.5 MHz, carried out using the Gauribidanur telescope during 2002-2006,for any periodic or transient dispersed signal along the direction of many of the LAT-discovered pulsars. Motivated by an intriguing possible detection of the pulsar J1732−3131 from the above search, we carried out further extensive follow-up observations and deep searches for pulsed(periodic as well as transient) radio emission from a selected sample of radio-quiet pulsars. Chapters 6 and 7 present details of our observations, detection strategies and methodologies, and interesting results obtained in a few of the target directions. The results obtained from these searches include:
1 A possible detection of periodic radio pulses from J1732−3131 was made, using the archival data, at a dispersion measure(DM) of15.44 ±0.32 pc/cc. We also detected 10 individual bright pulses in the same observing session, although marginally above the detection threshold, at a DM consistent with that associated with the periodic signal. The apparent brightness of these single pulses, and similarity of their apparent distribution in pulse-longitude with that of giant pulses in J0218+4232, suggest that these might be giant pulses. Our DM-based distance estimate, using Cordes & Lazio electron density model(2002),matches well with earlier estimates based on gamma-ray emission efficiency.
2 In our follow-up deep searches, we could not detect any readily apparent pulsed radio signal(neither periodic nor single pulses) from J1732−3131, i.e., above a detection threshold of 8σ. However, when we time-aligned and co-added data from observing sessions at 21different epochs, and dedispersed using the DM estimated from the candidate detection, the average profile shape is found to be completely consistent with that from the candidate detection. Finding the same profile shape after 10 years of the original detection suggests that the signal is unlikely to be due to RFI or a mere manifestation of random noise.
3.In a couple of the observing sessions towards the telescope pointing direction of RA=06:34:30, DEC=10◦ , we detected a few ultra-bright pulses at two different DMs of about2pc/cc and3.3 pc/cc, respectively. However, when dedispersed at the DMs suggested by the bright single pulses, no significant signal was found at the expected periodicities of our targetpulsarsJ0633+0632 andJ0633+1746,which would be in the telescope beam centered at above coordinates. Energies of these strong pulses in the two observing sessions are comparable to typical energies of giant pulses from the Crab pulsar at decameter wavelengths.
4. No significant pulsed signal(periodic or transient), above a detection threshold of 8σ,was found towards the directions of other selected radio-quiet gamma-ray pulsars. Time-aligning and combining of observations at different epochs allowed us to carry out deep searches for signals at the expected periodicities of these pulsars. Despite the large background sky-temperature at decameter wavelengths, the minimum detectable flux density in our deep searches are comparable with those from previous searches at higher frequencies, when scaled using a spectral index of −2.0 and assuming no turn-over in the spectrum.
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Avaliação do transportador dopaminérgico em jogadores patológicos através de imagens de SPECT com TRODAT-1- 99mTc / Evaluation of dopamine transporter in pathological gamblers submitted to brain SPECT imaging using TRODAT-1-99mTcGuzzo, Renata Faro Guerra 10 December 2012 (has links)
Jogo patológico (JP) pode ser definido pela persistência e recorrência do comportamento de apostar em jogos de azar, apesar de prejuízos em diversas áreas da vida decorrentes dessa atividade. O JP é considerado um transtorno do controle de impulso e um modelo de dependência comportamental. Diferentes estudos têm comprovado o envolvimento de vias dopaminérgicas em dependências de substâncias e em jogadores patológicos. O transportador de doamina (DAT) é uma proteína présináptica de neurônios dopaminérgicos nigroestriatais, responsável pela recaptação da dopamina (DA) da fenda sináptica, e tem sido relatada alterações em sua densidade em dependentes de substâncias. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar em pacientes com jogo patológico, a densidade de DAT no estriado, através de imagens do exame de SPECT com TRODAT-1- 99mTc verificar por meio de estudo de correlação a associação entre comportamento de jogo (freqüência, tempo, dinheiro, gastos com jogo e fissura/craving) e a densidade DAT em jogadores patológicos. Foram selecionados 15 jogadores e 15 controles normais pareados para gênero, idade e escolaridade. Para inclusão ou exclusão de sujeitos foram utilizados instrumentos de verificação e principais Transtornos Psiquiátricos do Eixo 1 do DSM IV e escalas para depressão e ansiedade; para jogadores patológicos os instrumentos utilizados foram escalas para avaliação do padrão de jogo recente, para avaliação da fissura pelo jogo; para rastreamento de outras dependências comportamentais (sexo e comida). Observou-se que: 1) jogadores patológicos não apresentaram aumento de densidade DAT quando comparados a controles normais; 2) nos jogadores a densidade de DAT foi diretamente proporcional a intensidade de jogo no último mês e inversamente proporcional a auto-eficácia na abstinência do jogo. Não houve correlação significativa entre densidade de DAT e comportamentos de abuso relacionados com sexo ou comida. Desta forma, faz-se necessário estudos futuros para a avaliação da densidade de DAT no início e no fim do tratamento, a fim de verificar se a diminuição da densidade de DAT ao longo do tratamento pode ser utilizada como preditor de boa resposta e bom prognóstico em jogadores patológicos. / Pathological gambling (PG) can be defined by the persistence and recurrence of the behavior of gambling on games of chance, despite losses in many areas of life from this activity. The JP is considered a disorder of impulse control and a model of behavioral dependence. Different studies have demonstrated the involvement of dopaminergic pathways in substance dependency and pathological gamblers. The dopamine transporter (DAT) is a protein pre-synaptic dopaminergic neurons nigroestriatais responsible for the reuptake of dopamine (DA) from the synaptic cleft, and has been reported changes in the density-dependent substances. The objective of this study was to investigate in patients with pathological gambling, the density of DAT in the striatum, through examination of SPECT images with TRODAT-1 - 99mTc to verify through correlation study the association between gambling behavior (frequency, time, money spent on gambling and urge / craving) and DAT density in pathological gamblers. We selected 15 plathological gamblers and 15 controls matched for gender, age and education. For inclusion or exclusion of subjects were used verification tools and major psychiatric disorders in the DSM IV Axis 1 and scales for depression and anxiety; for pathological gamblers were the instruments used scales for assessing the standard of play recently, to evaluate the crack for the game; for tracking other behavioral addictions (sex and food). It was observed that: 1) pathological gamblers did not have increased DAT density compared with normal controls, 2) players in the density of DAT was directly proportional to the intensity of gambling in the last month and inversely proportional to self-efficacy on abstinence of gambling. There was no significant correlation between DAT density and behavior of abuse related to sex or food. Thus, it is necessary to future studies for evaluating the density of DAT at the beginning and end of treatment in order to determine whether the decrease in density during the treatment DAT can be used as predictor of good response and a good prognosis in pathological gamblers.
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Avaliação do transportador dopaminérgico em jogadores patológicos através de imagens de SPECT com TRODAT-1- 99mTc / Evaluation of dopamine transporter in pathological gamblers submitted to brain SPECT imaging using TRODAT-1-99mTcRenata Faro Guerra Guzzo 10 December 2012 (has links)
Jogo patológico (JP) pode ser definido pela persistência e recorrência do comportamento de apostar em jogos de azar, apesar de prejuízos em diversas áreas da vida decorrentes dessa atividade. O JP é considerado um transtorno do controle de impulso e um modelo de dependência comportamental. Diferentes estudos têm comprovado o envolvimento de vias dopaminérgicas em dependências de substâncias e em jogadores patológicos. O transportador de doamina (DAT) é uma proteína présináptica de neurônios dopaminérgicos nigroestriatais, responsável pela recaptação da dopamina (DA) da fenda sináptica, e tem sido relatada alterações em sua densidade em dependentes de substâncias. O objetivo deste trabalho foi investigar em pacientes com jogo patológico, a densidade de DAT no estriado, através de imagens do exame de SPECT com TRODAT-1- 99mTc verificar por meio de estudo de correlação a associação entre comportamento de jogo (freqüência, tempo, dinheiro, gastos com jogo e fissura/craving) e a densidade DAT em jogadores patológicos. Foram selecionados 15 jogadores e 15 controles normais pareados para gênero, idade e escolaridade. Para inclusão ou exclusão de sujeitos foram utilizados instrumentos de verificação e principais Transtornos Psiquiátricos do Eixo 1 do DSM IV e escalas para depressão e ansiedade; para jogadores patológicos os instrumentos utilizados foram escalas para avaliação do padrão de jogo recente, para avaliação da fissura pelo jogo; para rastreamento de outras dependências comportamentais (sexo e comida). Observou-se que: 1) jogadores patológicos não apresentaram aumento de densidade DAT quando comparados a controles normais; 2) nos jogadores a densidade de DAT foi diretamente proporcional a intensidade de jogo no último mês e inversamente proporcional a auto-eficácia na abstinência do jogo. Não houve correlação significativa entre densidade de DAT e comportamentos de abuso relacionados com sexo ou comida. Desta forma, faz-se necessário estudos futuros para a avaliação da densidade de DAT no início e no fim do tratamento, a fim de verificar se a diminuição da densidade de DAT ao longo do tratamento pode ser utilizada como preditor de boa resposta e bom prognóstico em jogadores patológicos. / Pathological gambling (PG) can be defined by the persistence and recurrence of the behavior of gambling on games of chance, despite losses in many areas of life from this activity. The JP is considered a disorder of impulse control and a model of behavioral dependence. Different studies have demonstrated the involvement of dopaminergic pathways in substance dependency and pathological gamblers. The dopamine transporter (DAT) is a protein pre-synaptic dopaminergic neurons nigroestriatais responsible for the reuptake of dopamine (DA) from the synaptic cleft, and has been reported changes in the density-dependent substances. The objective of this study was to investigate in patients with pathological gambling, the density of DAT in the striatum, through examination of SPECT images with TRODAT-1 - 99mTc to verify through correlation study the association between gambling behavior (frequency, time, money spent on gambling and urge / craving) and DAT density in pathological gamblers. We selected 15 plathological gamblers and 15 controls matched for gender, age and education. For inclusion or exclusion of subjects were used verification tools and major psychiatric disorders in the DSM IV Axis 1 and scales for depression and anxiety; for pathological gamblers were the instruments used scales for assessing the standard of play recently, to evaluate the crack for the game; for tracking other behavioral addictions (sex and food). It was observed that: 1) pathological gamblers did not have increased DAT density compared with normal controls, 2) players in the density of DAT was directly proportional to the intensity of gambling in the last month and inversely proportional to self-efficacy on abstinence of gambling. There was no significant correlation between DAT density and behavior of abuse related to sex or food. Thus, it is necessary to future studies for evaluating the density of DAT at the beginning and end of treatment in order to determine whether the decrease in density during the treatment DAT can be used as predictor of good response and a good prognosis in pathological gamblers.
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