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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação dos fatores preditivos dos resultados da litotripsia extracorpórea por ondas de choque em cálculos renais de cálice inferior / Predictive factors evaluation of extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy outcomes in lower pole kidney stones

Fábio César Miranda Torricelli 16 December 2014 (has links)
Introdução: A eficácia da litotripsia extracorpórea por ondas de choque (LECO) no tratamento de cálculos em cálice inferior do rim ainda é motivo de controvérsia. Variáveis que possam impactar nos resultados da LECO ainda não estão bem estabelecidos. Objetivo: Avaliar quais variáveis impactam na fragmentação e eliminação de cálculos em cálice inferior do rim após LECO. Material e Métodos: Avaliamos prospectivamente pacientes submetidos à LECO para tratamento de cálculos de cálice inferior de 5 a 20 mm. O índice de massa corpórea (IMC) e a circunferência abdominal foram medidos em cada caso. Um único radiologista, cego aos resultados da LECO, mensurou o tamanho, área e densidade dos cálculos, assim com a distância pele-cálculo, o comprimento, largura e altura infundibular, e o ângulo pielo-calicinal baseado na tomografia computadorizada (TC) realizada antes do procedimento. As taxas de fragmentação, sucesso (cálculos residuais <= 4 mm em pacientes assintomáticos) e eliminação completa foram avaliadas após uma única sessão de LECO, em uma segunda TC, realizada 12 semanas após o procedimento. Análises uni e multivariada foram realizadas. O nível de significância foi estabelecido em p<0,05. Resultados: Cem pacientes foram incluídos no estudo. A idade e IMC médios foram de 47,1 ± 12,5 anos e 28,0 ± 4,7 Kg/m2. O tamanho médio dos cálculos foi de 9,1 ± 3,0 mm. As taxas globais de fragmentação, sucesso e eliminação completa foram de 76%, 54% e 37%, respectivamente. Após a regressão logística múltipla, o IMC (p=0,004) e a densidade (p=0,005) do cálculo impactaram significativamente na fragmentação. O tamanho (p=0,039) e a densidade (p=0,012) do cálculo impactaram significativamente na taxa de sucesso, enquanto o tamanho do cálculo (p=0,029), sua densidade (p=0,046) e o comprimento infundibular (p=0,015) impactaram significativamente na taxa de eliminação completa. As maiores taxas de fragmentação, sucesso e eliminação completa foram encontradas em pacientes com IMC <= 30 Kg/m2, cálculo <=10 mm e <= 900 UH, e comprimento infundibular <= 25 mm. A coexistência das variáveis significantes de mau prognóstico proporcionou uma taxa de eliminação completa <20%. As taxas de doentes livres de cálculos foram menores em pacientes com medidas anatômicas desfavoráveis em relação àqueles com medidas favoráveis, embora a diferença tenha sido significante apenas para o comprimento infundibular (14% vs. 43%, p=0,02). Conclusão: Pacientes com IMC > 30 kg/m2 apresentam uma menor taxa de fragmentação dos cálculos. Tamanho (> 10 mm) e densidade (>900 UH) do cálculo, assim com o comprimento infundibular (>25 mm) influenciam negativamente nos resultados da LECO / Introduction: The efficiency of shock wave lithotripsy (SWL) for treatment of lower pole stone is still controversial. Variables that could impact on SWL outcomes are not well established. Objective: To evaluate which variables impact fragmentation and clearance of lower pole calculi after SWL. Material and Methods: We prospectively evaluated patients undergoing SWL for solitary lower pole kidney stones ranging from 5-20mm. Patient\'s body mass index (BMI) and abdominal waist circumference were recorded. One radiologist, blinded to SWL outcomes, measured stone size, area and density, stone-skin distance, infundibular length, width and height, and infundibulopelvic angle based on baseline noncontrast computed tomography (NCCT). Fragmentation, success (residual fragments <= 4mm in asymptomatic patients) and stone-free rates were evaluated after one single SWL by NCCT 12 weeks post-operatively. Univariate and multivariate analysis were performed. Significance level was set at p < 0.05. Results: One hundred patients were enrolled in this study. Mean age and BMI were 47.1 ± 12.5 years and 28.0 ± 4.7 Kg/m2. Mean stone size was 9.1 ± 3.0 mm. Overall fragmentation, success, and stone-free rates were 76%, 54%, and 37%, respectively. After multiple logistic regression, BMI (p=0.004) and stone density (p=0.005) impacted significantly on fragmentation. Stone size (p=0.039) and stone density (p=0.012) impacted significantly on success rate, whereas stone size (p=0.029), stone density (p=0.046), and infundibular length (p=0.015) impacted significantly on stone-free rate. The higher fragmentation, success and stone-free rates were found for patients with BMI <= 30 Kg/m2, stone <=10 mm and <=900 HU, and infundibular length <= 25 mm. The coexistence of unfavorable variables led to a stone-free rate <20%. Stone-free rates were lower for patients with unfavorable anatomic features compared to those with favorable measurements, although the difference was only significant for infundibular length (14% vs. 43%, p=0.02). Conclusion: Patients with BMI >30 Kg/m2 have a lower stone fragmentation rate. Stone size ( > 10 mm) and stone density (>900 UH), as well as infundibular length ( > 25 mm) impact negatively on SWL outcomes

Relação dos pontos-chave cirúrgicos no crânio com áreas eloquëntes detectadas por ressonância magnética funcional / Relation of surgical key-points in skull with eloquent areas detected by functional magnetic resonance

Liana Guerra Sanches da Rocha 12 April 2010 (has links)
Os exames de neuroimagem são essenciais na rotina pré-cirúrgica de pacientes com lesão encefálica. A ressonância magnética (RM) e a tomografia computadorizada (TC) são métodos consagrados que fornecem valiosas informações anatômicas das lesões e áreas adjacentes. A ressonância magnética funcional (RMf) é um método mais recente que pode dar suporte a neurocirurgia demonstrando as áreas que apresentam resposta hemodinâmica durante a realização de determinadas tarefas. Por outro lado, o neurocirurgião deve associar estas novas técnicas aos conhecimentos da anatomia empregados no ato cirúrgico. Ribas (2005) estabeleceu um sistema de pontos-chave aplicados à anatomia microcirúrgica, que representam relações entre a superfície do crânio e a superfície do cérebro e demonstra erros menores que 2 cm entre estes pontos e os sulcos e giros cerebrais num estudo em cadáveres. Entretanto, a metodologia não permitiu avaliar a relação com areas cerebrais que mostram atividade hemodinâmica durante a realização de tarefas somatossentivas e motoras. O objetivo desta dissertação foi de avaliar métodos de fusão de imagens geradas por TC, RM e RMf com intuito de verificar as relações craniométricas com os sulcos e giros, e a relação destes pontos com os aspectos funcionais das áreas motora e somatosensitiva. MÉTODOS: Foram realizados exames de RM e RMf com paradigmas motor e somatosensitivo em aparelho de três Tesla (3T) em dez sujeitos que realizaram TC de crânio prévia, (dois com lesão cerebral e oito sem alterações cerebrais visíveis a TC). Escolhemos quatro dos dez pontos-chave estudados por Ribas para avaliação neste trabalho: a intersecção entre os sulcos frontal inferior e pré-central; a intersecção entre os sulcos frontal superior e o précentral; o ponto rolândico superior; e a intersecção entre os sulcos intraparietal e o sulco pós-central devido às suas relações com areas classicamente relacionadas à função motora e somatossensitiva. Os dados de TC, RM e RMf foram analisados por diferentes programas e os resultados comparados. O processo final teve intuito de co-registrar espacialmente as três técnicas e permitir medidas de distâncias em imagens nas três dimensões (3D). RESULTADOS: determinamos um fluxograma de processos computacionais que permitiram mensurar a congruência espacial entre as técnicas de TC, RM, RMF. Não foi encontrada ferramenta computacional que, isoladamente, permitisse todo o conjunto de funcionalidades necessárias para atingir o objetivo. A implementação do processo de fusão das três modalidades mostrou-se viável com a utilização quatro softwares de acesso gratuito (Osirix, Register, Mricro e FSL). Em quatro voluntários foram determinadas as distâncias espaciais entre os pontos-chave na superfície cerebral e na superfície do crânio, a média das quais foi de 2,5cm (±0,6cm) - levando-se em que esta medida inclui as dimensões da tábua ossea e espaços liquóricos, este valor se encontra dentro do que foi demonstrado por Ribas. Porém, a média das distâncias entre pontos na superfície do crânio e pontos de maior resposta na RMf, e entre estes e pontos-chave da superfície do cérebro foi maior, respectivamente de 5,0cm (±1,7cm) e 3,6cm (±2,1cm). Estes achados mostram variabilidade funcional inter-individual, aparentemente maior que a anatômica. Os dados destes estudo mostram que a técnica é viável, e ampliação da casuística pode permitir a análise estatística, necessária para utilização deste método na prática clínica. / Neuroimaging studies have a pivotal role in pre-surgical assessment of patients with brain lesions. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computerized Tomography (CT) are established techniques providing anatomic information of the lesion and surrounding areas. Functional MRI (fMRI) is a recent method applied to probe brain function via hemodynamic response of brain regions involved in certain tasks, and thus provide useful information to the neurosurgeon. On the other hand, these new techniques have to be added to the knowledge necessary to the neurosurgery act. Ribas (2005) have established a system based on key-points aimed to guide microsurgical interventions. The system consists of anatomical relationships between points in the surfaces of the skull and the cerebrum and is reported to have errors below 2 cm of the intended cerebral sulci and giri in a post-mortem study. Nevertheless, this method does not allow for studying the relationship of the cerebral regions showing hemodynamic response to somatosensory and motor tasks. Our aim was to evaluate image fusion techniques applicable to CT, MRI and fMRI in order to verify the craniometrical relations between skull surface, cerebral surface and areas with maximal hemodynamic response to somatosensory and motor tasks. METHODS: We performed MRI and fMRI studies in ten subjects who had a CT scan performed for other reasons (8 healthy volunteers and 2 patients with localized brain lesions) using somatosensory and motor paradigms in a 3T MRI system. We have selected four out of the ten key points determined by Ribas to perform this analysis: the intersection between the inferior frontal and pre-central sulci; the intersection between the superior frontal and precentral sulci; the superior rolandic point; and the intersection between the intraparietal and post-central sulci. This choice was based on the classical localization of brain regions associated with somatossensory and motor functions. CT, MRI and fMRI data were analysed using different software packages, and the results were compared. The final goal of the process was to spatially co-register the three techniques and distance measurements in three dimensions (3D). RESULTS: we have established a pipeline using different computational processes to measure the spatial anatomic congruency between the key points shown in CT, MRI and fMRI images. We did not find a single software package enabling all the functionalities necessary to accomplish our goals. The implementation of the three imaging modalities fusion process was feasible using four public domain softwares (Osirix, Register, Mricro e FSL). We have determined the distances between the key points in four subjects (e patient). The average distance between the skull surface and brain surface points was 2.5cm (±0.6cm) and taking into account the calvarium thickness and cerebro-spinal fluid dimensions, this value is within what was observed in Ribass study. The average distance between the key points in the skull surface and the fMRI maximum response point, and the average between the brain surface and the fMRI maximum response point was larger, respectively 5.0cm (±1, 7cm) and 3.6cm (±2,1cm). These findings show that the intersubject functional variability is apparently larger then the inter-subject anatomical variability. Our results show that image fusion between CT, MRI and fMRI is possible. We believe that an increased number of subjects and appropriate statistical analysis will help to guide the possible application of this method in clinical routine.

Estudo comparativo do posicionamento acetabular e sua relação com osteoartrite primária do quadril / Comparative study of acetabular positioning and its relationship with primary osteoarthritis of the hip

Adriano Melo Correia 16 January 2008 (has links)
O presente estudo destinou-se a realizar uma análise comparativa entre a osteoartrite de quadris e o posicionamento acetabular através de exames radiográficos e de tomografia computadorizada. Foram incluídos 13 pacientes portadores e oito não-portadores de osteoartrite primária do quadril, recrutados no Ambulatório do Instituto de Ortopedia e Traumatologia do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Os exames foram submetidos à medição das seguintes variáveis: ângulos acetabulares, ângulo centro-borda, sinal do entrecruzamento, largura e profundidade do acetábulo no RX; anteversão e ângulos setoriais acetabulares nos tomogramas. Não se verificou diferença estatisticamente significatova na anteversão acetabular entre ambos os grupos, ao passo que o ângulo acetabular setorial posterior mostrou média inferior no grupo afetado / The present study intends to develop a comparative analysis between primary hip osteoarthritis and acetabular positioning through x-ray exams and computed tomographic scans. 13 affected and 8 non-affected patients by degenerative hip disease with no underline causes are recruited within the ambulatory care service of the Institute of Orthopedics and Traumatology of the Hospital of Clinics, São Paulo University Medical School. Their radiographic exams are studied for extracting some parameters named as: acetabular angles, center edge angle, crossover sign, acetabular width and acetabular depth. Tomographic films give information to measure acetabular ante version and acetabular setorial angles. Statistically, there is no significant relationship concerning acetabular ante version within the two groups, although, the posterior acetabular setorial angle shows a lower median value in the osteoarthritic group

Tomografia computadorizada de múltiplos detectores no estadiamento pré-operatório do adenocarcinoma gástrico / Multidetector computed tomography in the pre operative staging of gastric adenocarcinoma

Barros, Ricardo Hoelz de Oliveira, 1978- 08 December 2014 (has links)
Orientadores: Nelson Marcio Gomes Caserta, Nelson Adami Andreollo / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências Médicas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T00:57:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Barros_RicardoHoelzdeOliveira_M.pdf: 3905509 bytes, checksum: 23dca8471ab6fab1bb855e172bbb54ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: Objetivo: Avaliar a tomografia computadorizada com múltiplas fileiras de detectores no estadiamento pré-operatório da profundidade de invasão tumoral, acometimento linfonodal e metastático, de acordo com a classificação TNM, em pacientes com adenocarcinoma gástrico. Métodos: 50 pacientes com câncer gástrico foram submetido a estadiamento pré-operatório com tomografia computadorizada de 64 canais de detectores. Dois radiologistas analisaram independentemente as imagens e classificaram os achados. A sensibilidade, especificidade, acurácia e acurácia global para cada avaliador foram calculadas. A concordância inter-observador também foi avaliada. Resultados: A acurácia na classificação das categorias T variou entre 74% e 96% para o observador 1 e entre 80% e 92% para o observador 2. A acurácia global foi de 70% para ambos os observadores. O kappa ponderado foi de 0,75, consistente com uma concordância inter-observador substancial. A acurácia na classificação do acometimento linfonodal (categoria N) variou entre 55% e 79% para o observador 1 e entre 73% e 82% para o observador 2. A avaliação do acometimento metastático evidenciou acurácia global foi de 89,6 % para ambos os observadores. Conclusão: A tomografia computadorizada com 64 canais de detectores evidenciou acurácia clinicamente relevante no estadiamento pré-operatório do adenocarcinoma gástrico / Abstract: Aims: To evaluate the diagnostic performance of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) with regard to preoperative staging of tumor invasion depth and the presence of lymph node and metastatic involvement according to the TNM classification, in patients with gastric carcinoma. Methodology: Fifty patients with biopsy-confirmed gastric cancer were subjected to pre-surgical staging by 64 channel MDCT. Two radiologists independently analyzed the images and classified the findings. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and overall accuracy were calculated for each reviewer. The inter-reviewer agreement was also evaluated. Results: When classifying the T categories, accuracy varied from 74 to 96% for reviewer 1 and from 80 to 92% for reviewer 2. The overall accuracy was 70% for both reviewers. There was substantial inter-reviewer agreement (kappa = 0.75). The accuracy of the lymph node involvement (category N) classification varied from 55¿79% for reviewer 1 and 73¿82% for reviewer 2. The evaluation of metastatic involvement showed an overall accuracy of 89.6% for both reviewers. Conclusion: The 64 channel MDCT showed clinically relevant accuracy in the preoperative staging of gastric carcinoma / Mestrado / Fisiopatologia Cirúrgica / Mestre em Ciências

Investigating the effects of stress on the microstructure of nuclear grade graphite

Taylor, Joshua Edward Logan January 2016 (has links)
Graphite is used as a moderating material and as a structural component in a number of current generation nuclear reactors. During reactor operation stresses develop in the graphite components, causing them to deform. If significant numbers of graphite components were to fail in this manner, the material’s effectiveness as a neutron moderator will be reduced, and the reactor’s safe operation may be compromised. It is therefore important to understand how the microstructure of graphite affects the material’s response to these stresses. Despite much research into the effects of stress on nuclear grade graphite, there remain gaps in our understanding of this process, and there are a number of frequently observed limitations in the current research. Many existing studies either focus on the bulk material, ignoring the important changes at the microlevel; or focus on residual stresses due to the lack of available in-situ data. An experimental programme was designed to study stress-induced changes to the microstructures of Gilsocarbon and Pile Grade A graphite used in UK nuclear reactors. Particular focus was paid to the deformation of the pore structure, since graphite is highly porous and the porosity has a significant effect on the strength and structural integrity of the graphite components. A compression rig was used to simulate the build-up of operational stresses, during which confocal laser microscopy and X-ray tomography were performed to quantify changes to the pore structure at the microlevel; while X-ray diffraction was performed to study deformation of the crystal lattice and quantify the build-up of lattice strains. Pore properties of interest included pore area, surface area, volume, eccentricity, orientation, angularity and separation. Crystal lattice properties of interest included layer spacing, unit cell and crystallite size parameters, lattice strains and Bacon Anisotropy Factor. The experimental and analytical techniques were designed to significantly enhance our current understanding of how graphite responds to stress, with each observation made using a novel technique or improving the effectiveness of existing techniques. These studies have enabled significant novel observations and discussions of the stress-induced deformation behaviour of nuclear grade graphite to be made.

Preliminary investigations on high energy electron beam tomography

Bärtling, Yves, Hoppe, Dietrich, Hampel, Uwe January 2010 (has links)
In computed tomography (CT) cross-sectional images of the attenuation distribution within a slice are created by scanning radiographic projections of an object with a rotating X-ray source detector compound and subsequent reconstruction of the images from these projection data on a computer. CT can be made very fast by employing a scanned electron beam instead of a mechanically moving X-ray source. Now this principle was extended towards high-energy electron beam tomography with an electrostatic accelerator. Therefore a dedicated experimental campaign was planned and carried out at the Budker Insitute of Nuclear Physics (BINP), Novosibirsk. There we investigated the capabilities of BINP’s accelerators as an electron beam generating and scanning unit of a potential high-energy electron beam tomography device. The setup based on a 1 MeV ELV-6 (BINP) electron accelerator and a single detector. Besides tomographic measurements with different phantoms, further experiments were carried out concerning the focal spot size and repeat accuracy of the electron beam as well as the detector’s response time and signal to noise ratio.

High-Resolution 3D Ptychography

Stephan, Sandra 15 April 2013 (has links)
Coherent imaging is a promising method in the field of x-ray microscopy allowing for the nondestructive determination of the interior structure of radiation-hard samples with a spatial resolution that is only limited by the fluence on the sample and the scattering strength of the sample. Ultimately, the achievable spatial resolution is limited by the wavelength of the incoming x-ray radiation. Combining coherent imaging with scanning microscopy to a method called ptychography enables one to also probe extended objects. In this method, a sample is scanned through a defined coherent x-ray beam and at each scan point a diffraction pattern is recorded with a diffraction camera located in the far field of the sample. Neighboring illuminated areas must have a certain overlap to guarantee the collection of sufficient information about the object for a subsequent successful and unique computational reconstruction of the object. Modern ptychographic reconstruction algorithms are even able to reconstruct the complex-valued transmission function of the sample and the complex illumination wave field at the same time. Once the 2D transmission function of a sample is known, it is an obvious step forward to combine ptychography with tomographic techniques yielding the 3D internal structure of an object with unprecedented spatial resolution. Here, projections at varying angular positions of the sample are generated via ptychographic scans and are subsequently used for the tomographic reconstruction. In this thesis the development of 3D ptychography is described. It includes the description of the required experimental environment, the numerical implementation of ptychographic phase retrieval and tomographic reconstruction routines, and a detailed analysis of the performance of 3D ptychography using an example of an experiment carried out at beamline P06 of PETRA III at DESY in Hamburg. In that experiment the investigated object was a Mo/UO2 thin film, which is a simplified model for spent nuclear fuel from nuclear power plant reactors. Such models find application in systematic scientific investigations related to the safe disposal of nuclear waste. We determined the three-dimensional interior structure of this sample with an unprecedented spatial resolution of at least 18 nm. The measurement of the fluorescence signal at each scan point of the ptychograms delivers the two- and three-dimensional elemental distribution of the sample with a spatial resolution of 80 nm. Using the fluorescence data, we assigned the chemical element to the area of the corresponding phase shift in the ptychographic reconstruction of the object phase and to the corresponding refractive index decrement in the tomographic reconstruction. The successful demonstration of the feasibility of the 3D ptychography motivates further applications, for instance, in the field of medicine, of material science, and of basic physical research. / Kohärente Bildgebung ist eine vielversprechende Methode der Röntgenmikroskopie. Sie ermöglicht die zerstörungsfreie Bestimmung der inneren Struktur von strahlenharten Untersuchungsobjekten mit einer räumlichen Auflösung, die im Prinzip nur von der integralen Anzahl der Photonen auf der Probe sowie deren Streukraft abhängt. Letztendlich stellt die Wellenlänge der verwendeten Röntgenstrahlung eine Grenze für die erreichbare räumliche Auflösung dar. Die Kombination der kohärenten Bildgebung mit der Rastermikroskopie zur sogenannten Ptychographie eröffnet die Möglichkeit, auch ausgedehnte Objekte mit hoher Auflösung zu untersuchen. Dabei wird die Probe mit einem räumlich begrenzten, kohärenten Röntgenstrahl abgerastert und an jedem Rasterpunkt ein Beugungsbild von einer im Fernfeld platzierten Beugungskamera registriert. Die Beleuchtungen benachbarter Rasterpunkte müssen dabei zu einem bestimmten Prozentsatz überlappen, um genügend Informationen für eine anschließende computergestützte und eindeutige Rekonstruktion des Objektes sicherzustellen. Moderne Rekonstruktionsalgorithmen ermöglichen sogar die gleichzeitige Rekonstruktion der Transmissionsfunktion des Objektes und der Beleuchtungsfunktion des eintreffenden Röntgenstrahls. Die Verknüpfung der Ptychographie mit der Tomographie zur 3D-Ptychographie ist der nahe liegende Schritt, um nun auch die dreidimensionale innere Struktur von Objekten mit hoher räumlicher Auflösung zu bestimmen. Die Projektionen an den verschiedenen Winkelpositionen der Probe werden dabei mittels ptychographischer Abrasterung der Probe erzeugt und anschließend der tomographischen Rekonstruktion zugrunde gelegt. In dieser Arbeit wird die Entwicklung der 3D-Ptychographie beschrieben. Das beinhaltet die Beschreibung der experimentellen Umgebung, der numerischen Implementierung des ptychographischen und des tomographischen Rekonstruktionsalgorithmus als auch eine detaillierte Darstellung der Durchführung der 3D-Ptychographie am Beispiel eines Experiments, welches unter Verwendung des modernen Nanoprobe-Aufbaus des Strahlrohres P06 am PETRA III Synchrotronring des DESY in Hamburg durchgeführt wurde. Als Untersuchungsobjekt diente dabei ein dünner Mo/UO2-Film, der ein vereinfachtes Modell für die in Reaktoren von Atomkraftwerken verbrauchten Brennstäbe darstellt und deshalb im Bereich des Umweltschutzes Anwendung findet. Die dreidimensionale Struktur der Probe wurde mit einer - für diese Methode bisher einmaligen - räumlichen Auflösung von 18 nm bestimmt. Die Messung des von der Probe kommenden Fluoreszenz-Signals an jedem Rasterpunkt der Ptychogramme ermöglichte zusätzlich die Bestimmung der zwei- und dreidimensionalen Elementverteilung innerhalb der Probe mit einer räumlichen Auflösung von 80 nm. Anhand der Fluoreszenzdaten konnte sowohl den Bereichen verschiedener Phasenschübe in den ptychographischen Rekonstruktionen der Objektphase als auch den verschiedenen Werten des Dekrementes des Brechungsindex in der tomographischen Rekonstruktion, das entsprechende chemische Element zugeordnet werden. Die erfolgreiche Demonstration der Durchführbarkeit der 3D-Ptychographie motiviert weitere zukünftige Anwendungen, z. B. auf dem Gebiet der Medizin, der Materialforschung und der physikalischen Grundlagenforschung.

Necrose da gordura epipericárdica: análise clínica e radiológica de uma entidade pouco conhecida / Epipericardial fat necrosis: clinical and radiological analysis of?an unknown entity

Giassi, Karina de Souza 08 November 2016 (has links)
Introdução: a necrose da gordura epipericárdica é uma entidade caracterizada por dor torácica súbita de forte intensidade e ventilatório-dependente em indivíduos previamente hígidos, com menos de 50 casos descritos na literatura. O achado característico na tomografia computadorizada de tórax é de uma lesão arredondada com atenuação de gordura e graus variáveis de densificação dos planos adiposos adjacentes localizada na gordura epipericárdica. O tratamento é sintomático com analgésicos e as alterações radiológicas tendem a regredir em poucas semanas. O aumento do número de casos, nos últimos anos, sugere que a entidade possa ser subdiagnosticada. O objetivo do estudo foi estimar a frequência da necrose numa população e comparar dados clínicos e laboratoriais com um grupo controle. Material e Métodos: 7463 tomografias computadorizadas de tórax realizadas no pronto atendimento de um hospital quaternário, de julho de 2011 a dezembro de 2014 foram avaliadas por um radiologista na busca de imagens compatíveis com necrose da gordura epipericárdica. Vinte pacientes foram selecionados e comparados com um grupo controle pareado por idade e sexo, numa proporção de 1:5 pacientes com dor torácica atípica, que também realizaram tomografia computadorizada de tórax neste período. Os dados clínicos e laboratoriais foram comparados por meio de modelos de regressão linear e os aspectos de imagem e os relatórios das tomografias dos pacientes com a necrose foram avaliados individualmente. A frequência da NGE nos pacientes que realizaram tomografia computadorizada de tórax no pronto atendimento por dor torácica foi estimada. O estudo obteve aprovação do Comitê de Ética. Resultados: a média de idade dos pacientes com a necrose foi 42 ± 13 anos e, desses, 25% mulheres (5 pacientes). A necrose esteve presente em 2.15% dos indivíduos que realizaram tomografia de tórax por dor torácica e em 0.26% de todos os pacientes que realizaram tomografia de tórax no pronto atendimento. A lesão é mais frequente do lado esquerdo (p = 0.01, IC = 0.56-0.94) e está associada à derrame pleural ipsilateral (p=0.01, IC 0.36-0.80) e atelectasia (p=0.01, IC 0.58-0.99) (p=0.01, IC 0.36-0.80). No contexto de dor torácica não coronariana, a necrose tem maior probabilidade de ocorrer na ausência de outros sintomas (p=0.005, IC -5.83, -1.27) e com o não uso de medicamentos (p= 0.01 e IC-3.33, -0.40). A análise dos relatórios das tomografias de tórax mostrou um aumento nas taxas de diagnóstico ao longo dos anos. Conclusão: pacientes com dor torácica atípica que não fazem uso de medicamentos e não possuem outros sintomas associados na ocasião do atendimento exibem maior probabilidade de apresentar necrose da gordura epipericárdica. A incidência da necrose na população estudada foi de 2.15%. O conhecimento da entidade contribui para a melhora da taxa de diagnóstico / Introduction: Epipericardial fat necrosis is characteryzed by an acute onset of pleuritic chest pain in previously healthy patients. There are less than 50 cases described in english literature. The diagnosis is made by chest tomography and the deffinitive finding is a small ovoid fat attenuation lesion with mild to moderate surrounding strandings inside the epipericardial fat. The treatment is symptomatic, by relieving the symptoms with analgesics, and the radiological findings tend to disappear in a few weeks. There is an important raise of the diagnosis in the last years, what suggests that epipericardial fat necrosis is probably underdiagnosed. The objective of the study is to estimate the frequency of the necrosis in a group of patients and to compare clinical and laboratorial data with a control group. Material and Methods: The Ethics Committee approved this study. The 7463 chest tomography were performed in the emergency department of a quaternary hospital from July 2011 to December 2014. One radiologist read the images of all chest tomography and sought for image findings compatible with epipericardial fat necrosis. Twenty patients were diagnosed with epipericardial fat necrosis and compared with a control group paired by age and sex. The control group consisted of 100 patients with non-coronary chest pain who performed a chest tomography in the same period. The clinical and laboratorial data were compared using linear regression models. The imaging findings and the radiology reports were evaluated. The frequency of epipericardial fat necrosis in this group of patients was estimated. Results: The mean age of the necrosis group was 42 ± 13 years (25% women). Epipericardial fat necrosis was present in 2.15% of the patients who performed a chest tomography because of chest pain and in 0.26% of all patients that performed a chest tomography for any reason in the emergency department in the period. Epipericardial fat necrosis is more frequent in the left side (p = 0.01, IC = 0.56-0.94). It is associated with ipsilateral pleural effusion (p=0.01, IC 0.36-0.80) and atelectasis (p=0.01, IC 0.58-0.99). Epipericardial fat necrosis is more likely to occur in the absence of other symptoms (p=0.005, IC -5.83, -1.27) and in patients who are not in use of any medication (p= 0.01 e IC-3.33, -0.40). The radiological reports demonstrated increased rates of the diagnosis of epipericardial fat necrosis over the years. Conclusion: Patients who are in the emergency department with isolated atipical acute chest pain and are not in use of medications are more likely to have epipericardial fat necrosis. The frequency of the necrosis in this population was 2.15%. The knowledge of the entity leads to an increased rate of radiological diagnosis

O valor da ultra-sonografia na avaliação do traumatismo abdominal fechado / Value of ultrasound in the evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma

Jayanthi, Shri Krishna 13 March 2008 (has links)
O trauma é uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade em uma faixa etária que compreende adolescentes e adultos jovens, em proporção dominante do sexo masculino, com grande impacto econômico e social. Dentro do complexo do trauma, o traumatismo abdominal fechado (TAF) é um evento bastante freqüente e apresenta dificuldade na avaliação e manejo, uma vez que o exame clínico apresenta baixa sensibilidade e especificidade. A detecção de hemoperitônio é um dos métodos de avaliação indireta de possíveis lesões intra-abdominais, inicialmente pela punção abdominal diagnóstica e posteriormente pela lavagem peritoneal diagnóstica, que, apesar da eficácia, apresentam inconvenientes invasividade e impossibilidade na quantificação do hemoperitônio e no estadiamento da lesão, resultando em laparotomias não-terapêuticas. Os métodos de imagem prestam utilidade na investigação de lesões intra-abdominais, como a radiografia convencional e contrastada, ultra-sonografia (US) e a tomografia computadorizada (TC), esta última o método que apresenta melhor resolutividade, porém como desvantagens o custo, acessibilidade, o uso de radiação ionizante e meio de contraste e o deslocamento do paciente até o aparelho. A US apresenta-se como alternativa na avaliação inicial destes pacientes como método não invasivo e com potencial de dano virtualmente ausente, de baixo custo, de rápida realização e portátil. Apesar disso, este método também apresenta suas limitações, como na de lesões intra-abdominais na ausência de líquido livre. Este estudo foi realizado com a finalidade de estabelecer o desempenho da US neste contexto, permitindo racionalizar o uso da TC. Com essa finalidade foram estudados 163 pacientes atendidos pelo PS-HC/FMUSP, com a realização consecutiva de US e TC. A população estudada enquadra-se no perfil usual das vítimas de trauma, sendo 83% do sexo masculino e 56% na faixa etária entre 20 e 39 anos e em 73% dos casos eram vítimas de acidentes de trânsito. Eles foram trazidos ao serviço num tempo médio de 51 minutos, na maior parte estáveis e com nível de consciência satisfatório. A US levou em média 5 minutos para ser realizada e o intervalo médio até a realização da TC foi de155 minutos. Dos 163 pacientes 31 (19%) apresentaram US positiva e 132 (81%) apresentaram US negativa. Dos mesmos 163 pacientes 33 (20,2%) apresentaram TC positiva e 130 (79,8%) apresentaram TC negativa, resultando em sensibilidade de 73%, especificidade de 95%, acurácia de 90% em prevalência de 20%, com valor preditivo positivo de 77% e valor preditivo negativo de 93%. Corrigindo quanto à detecção de líquido livre, resulta-se em sensibilidade de 64%, especificidade de 98%, acurácia de 89% em prevalência de 27,6% e valor preditivo positivo de 93% e valor preditivo negativo de 88%. Ao se considerar a evolução dos pacientes, o desempenho da US foi semelhante ao da TC. Ao se considerar a necessidade de cirurgia a US apresentou acurácia de 87%, com valor preditivo positivo de 58% e valor preditivo negativo de 94%, próximo da TC, com 91% de acurácia, 67% de valor preditivo positivo e 97% de valor preditivo negativo. 24% dos pacientes com lesões intra-abdominais não apresentavam líquido livre, registrados pela TC. O espaço hepatorrenal e a pelve são os locais mais freqüentes do encontro de líquido, sendo 74% e 67% à US e 51% e 62% à TC, respectivamente. Entre os fatores que indicaram tendência de necessidade cirúrgica destaca-se a presença de líquido no espaço hepatorrenal (14 de 20 pacientes) e somatória dos bolsões de líquido acima de 3,0 cm. A detecção de lesões em víscera parenquimatosa foi baixa: 4 casos em 33, sendo que apenas 2 deles se confirmaram. Dentre os fatores que limitam o estudo pela US estão as lesões intraparenquimatosas que não se associam a líquido livre e hematomas retroperitoneais. A experiência do examinador não influenciou no número de casos positivos ou negativos, mas notou-se uma tendência a falso-positivos em examinadores mais experientes e falso-negativos em menos experientes. Assim, a US apresenta-se como ferramenta útil na avaliação inicial de traumatismo abdominal fechado, fornecendo subsídios para avaliação clínica, que associado aos demais dados, permite determinar a conduta. / Trauma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality in an age group including from teenagers to young adults, in a male dominat proportion, resulting in great economic and social impact. Within the complex of trauma, blunt abdominal trauma (BAT) is frequent event and presents difficulty in the evaluation and management since the clinical examination shows low sensitivity and specificity. The detection of hemoperitoneum is one of the methods of evaluation of possible indirect intra-abdominal injuries, initially using direct diagnostic abdominal paracentesis and posteriorly the diagnostic peritoneal lavage, that despite the effectiveness, have drawbacks such as invasiveness and the inability of hemoperitoneum quantification and the lesion staging, resulting in non-therapeutic laparotomies. Imaging methods provide useful information in the investigation of abdominal injuries, such as conventional and contrast radiology, ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT), which is the best effective method, but has its own drawbacks, such as cost, accessibility, use of ionizing radiation and contrast media and the displacement of the patient to the machine. US presents itself as an alternative in the initial evaluation of these patients as noninvasive method, with lack of harmfulness, low cost, fast answer and portability. Nevertheless, this method also has its limitations, as in cases of abdominal injuries without free fluid. This study was conducted in order to establish the performance of the US in this setting, allowing to rationalise the use of CT. For this purpose we studied 163 patients treated in the ER of HC/FMUSP, with the completion of consecutive US and CT. The population fits the usual profile of trauma victims, with 83% male, 56% in the age group between 20 and 39 years and in 73% of cases victims of traffic accidents. They were brought to the service in an average time of 51 minutes, mainly stable and with satisfactory level of consciousness. US took on average 5 minutes to be performed and the average interval until CT completion was 155 minutes. 31 (19%) of 163 patients showed positive US and 132 (81%) had negative US. 33 (20.2%) of the same 163 patients had positive CT and 130 (79.8%) had negative CT, resulting in a sensitivity of 73%, specificity of 95%, accuracy of 90% in 20% prevalence, with 77% of positive predictive value and 93% of negative predictive value. Correcting the detection of free fluid, results in 64% of sensitivity 98% of specificity 89% of accuracy in 28% of prevalence, with 93% of positive predictive value and 88% of negative predictive value of 88%. Considering the evolution of the patients, US performance was similar to that of CT. Considering need for surgery the US presented accuracy of 87%, positive predictive value of 58% and negative predictive value of 94%, near CT, with accuracy of 91%, predictive value of 67% and negative predictive value of 97%. 24% of patients with abdominal injuries did not have free fluid, as recorded by CT. The hepatorrenal space and pelvis were the most frequent sites fluid finding, 74% and 67% at US and 51% and 62% at CT, respectively. Among the factors that showed a tendency for surgery requirement were the presence of fluid in hepatorrenal space (14 of 20 patients) and the sum of liquid pockets over 3.0 cm. Detection of parenchymal lesions was low: 4 cases in 33, while only 2 of them confirmed. Among the factors that limit the US study are parenchymal lesions not associated with free fluid and retroperitoneal hematomas. Examiner experience did not influence the number of negative or positive cases, but there was a tendency to false positive with most experienced examiners and false negative with less experienced. Thus, US is an useful tool in the initial evaluation of blunt abdominal trauma, providing information for clinical evaluation, which associated with other data, tailors the management.

Avaliação da associação da gordura pericárdica medida pela tomografia computadorizada com o escore de cálcio coronário em pacientes renais crônicos não dialíticos / Assessment of the association of pericardial fat measured by computed tomography and the coronary artery calcium score in not on dialysis chronic renal disease patients

Harada, Paulo Henrique Nascimento 15 September 2015 (has links)
A gordura pericárdica (GP), um componente do tecido adiposo visceral, tem sido consistentemente relacionada com aterosclerose coronária na população geral. Este estudo avaliou a associação entre GP e a calcificação arterial coronária (CAC) em pacientes com doença renal crônica (DRC) não dialítica. Este é um estudo transversal post-hoc da linha de base de coorte prospectiva de 117 pacientes com DRC em seguimento ambulatorial sem doença coronária manifesta (idade, 56,8 ± 11 anos; 64% do sexo masculino; 95,1% hipertensos; 25,2% diabéticos; 15,5% com história prévia de tabagismo; e estágios 2 a 5 da DRC e ritmo de filtração glomerular estimado de 36,8 ± 18,1 ml/min). O escore de CAC, volume de GP e gordura visceral abdominal (GVA) foram medidos por tomografia computadorizada. A associação da GP, como variável contínua, com a presença de CAC foi analisada por regressão logística multivariada. CAC (escore de cálcio>0) esteve presente em 59,2% dos pacientes. Na comparação com os pacientes sem CAC, aqueles com CAC eram 10 anos mais velhos, apresentaram maior proporção de homens (78,7% versus 42,9%, p < 0.001), tiveram maior circunferência de abdominal (95,9 ± 10,7 versus 90,2 ± 13,2 centímetros, p=0,02), maior volume de GP (224,8 ± 107,6 versus 139,1 ± 85,0 cm³, p < 0,01), e maior área de GVA (109,2 ± 81,5 versus 70,2 ± 62,9 cm², p=0,01). Em análise multivariada ajustada para idade, sexo, diabetes, história de tabagismo, história de tabagismo, e hipertrofia ventricular concêntrica; GP esteve significantemente associada com a presença de CAC (OR: 1,88 95% IC: 1,03-3,43 por desvio padrão, p=0,04). GP permaneceu associada com CAC mesmo após ajuste adicional para ritmo de filtração glomerular e fósforo sérico (OR: 1,85 95% IC: 1,00 - 3,42, p=0,05). A GP está independentemente associada com CAC em pacientes com DRC não dialítica. / Pericardial fat (PF), a component of visceral adipose tissue has been consistently related to coronary atherosclerosis in the general population. This study evaluated the association between PF and coronary artery calcification (CAC) in non-dialysis dependent chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients. This is a post-hoc cross sectional analysis of the baseline of a prospective cohort of 117 outward CKD patients without manifest coronary artery disease (age, 56.9 ± 11.0 years, 64,1% males, 95.1% hypertensive, 25.2% diabetics, 15.5% ever smokers, CKD stage 2 to 5 with estimated glomerular filtration rate 36.8 ± 18.1 ml/min). CAC scores, PF volume and abdominal visceral fat (AVF) areas were measured by computed tomography. The association of PF as a continuous variable with the presence of CAC was analyzed by multivariate logistic regression. CAC (calcium score >0) was present in 59.2% patients. On the comparison with patients with no CAC, those with CAC were 10 years older on average, had a higher proportion of male gender (78.7% vs. 42.9%, p < 0.001), and had higher values of waist circumference (95.9 ± 10.7 versus 90.2 ± 13.2 cm, p=0.02), PF volumes (224.8±107.6 versus 139.1±85.0 cm³, p < 0.01) and AVF areas (109.2 ± 81.5 versus 70.2 ± 62.9 cm², p=0.01). In the multivariate analysis, adjusting for age, gender, diabetes, smoking and, left ventricular concentric hypertrophy, PF was significantly associated with the presence of CAC (OR: 1.88 95% CI: 1.03-3.43 per standard deviation, p=0.04). PF remained associated with CAC even after additional adjustments for estimated glomerular filtration rate or serum phosphorus (OR: 1.85 95% CI: 1.00-3.42, p=0.05). PF is independently associated with CAC in non-dialysis dependent CKD patients

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