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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplikace fuzzy logiky při hodnocení dodavatelů firmy / The Application of Fuzzy Logic for Rating of Suppliers for the Firm

Vicenová, Ivana January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of fuzzy model for decision among suppliers of the metallurgical material for the firm VÚEZ, a.s. Levice. It describes methods and processes of a model creating. The goal is to make a decision-making system that helps a firm to make decisions among suppliers more effective that will be usable in real world and is based on firm’s requests.

Age-ing Future Curious toolbox : Meta-design toolkit for activating elderly group and a sustainable ageing future

Shao, Xinyue January 2018 (has links)
In the beginning of the 20th century, there were 87 million elderly people aged 65 and older. However, by the years 2030 and 2050, elderly people in China will rapidly growth to 243–252 million and 352–398 million, respectively. (Zeng, Y., 2010) The population aging transition will take place in China with this staggering rapidity, compared to European societies. Predictably, as for this aging pressure, Chinese society still needs more time to react to it. Ageing is not only a challenge for the society but also a big challenge for design. Along with the increasing numbers of the elderly, they cannot be ignored by design any more. The discussion here aspires to move the design mindset beyond accessibility or in other words ‘Design for disability’, and introduce ‘Design for capability’ as a process of social innovation. In the paper, the design research will focus on meta-design, as well as participatory design and social innovation as auxiliary research, for designing a ‘seed’ as a change agent. The ‘seed’, as a meta-design solution, can be described as ‘a shared design endeavor aimed at sustaining emergence, evolution and adaptation’ (Giaccardi, E., 2005). It offers a framework for both designers and users to change original mindsets in the practice. (Giaccardi, E., 2005) Furthermore, the following question will be carried through the whole research: how to reposition ourselves as designers on the intersection of meta-design, design for social innovation and participatory design? What is the design approach to generate tools that can encourage inactive elderly citizens as ‘passive receivers’ to transform as ‘active participants’? How can the tools studied here contribute in a synergic relationship within stakeholders as a mean to make elderly citizens’ urban living more sustainable in terms of participating, learning and expressing actively?

The post-stroke discharge planning toolkit: helping caregivers of stroke survivors navigate the transition from inpatient setting to home

Ness-Cohn, Avital 29 September 2019 (has links)
Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability in the United States and often leaves individuals with physical and cognitive deficits. Stroke survivors are discharging to the home environment in increasing numbers rather than entering a long-term care facility. Family caregivers are needed to provide assistance for engagement in ADL, IADL, communication, and mobility tasks due to the residual deficits resulting from the stroke. Research indicates that caregivers are not adequately prepared in the inpatient setting to assume their new role and are therefore at risk for negative health outcomes and caregiver burnout. This doctoral project intends to address the need in the inpatient setting for proper and adequate caregiver education and training prior to a patient’s discharge home. The Post-Stroke Discharge Planning Toolkit and the caregiver perceived readiness questionnaire will address this need. Specifically, the toolkit will target education on stroke risk factors and complications; eating including swallowing, nutrition, hydration, PEG tube education; bowel and bladder care; positioning; caregiver self-care; supportive problem solving; facilitating of functional transfers, mobility, handling, and lifting; facilitating activities of daily living; communication; psychological aspects of caregiving; and referral services. The questionnaire will help identify gaps in knowledge faced by caregivers and serve as a planning tool and outcomes tool for intervention and evaluation. Ideally, through the use of the Post-Stroke Discharge Planning Toolkit, difficulty with discharge planning and negative health outcome risks associated with assuming the caregiver role can be mitigated or stopped prior to onset. The Post Stroke Discharge Planning Toolkit will be available in print and online.

Vergleich von Niederschlags-Abfluss-Modellen aus der MARRMoT Toolbox für das Einzugsgebiet des Wairau River, Neuseeland

Peesel, Alina 27 March 2020 (has links)
Im Einzugsgebiet des Wairau River auf der Südinsel Neuseelands sind in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten klimatische Veränderungen beobachtet worden. Beeinflusst durch eine Abnahme der jährlichen Niederschläge sinken auch die Gebietsabflüsse. Der Wairau Aquifer, der für die Bewässerung Neuseelands größtem Weinanbaugebiet genutzt wird, ist maßgeblich von dem Abflussverhalten des Wairau River abhängig und verzeichnet einen Rückgang der Grundwasserstände. Die Simulation der hydrologischen Prozesse im Einzugsgebiet ist daher notwendig, um das Verständnis für die Zusammenhänge zu erhöhen. Um die Prozesse abzubilden, wurde in dieser Masterarbeit die Modular Assessment of Rainfall–Runoff Models Toolbox (MARRMoT) verwendet. Ziel der Anwendung von MARRMoT war, ein Modell oder ein Modellensemble zu finden, das für die Simulation der Niederschlags-Abfluss-Beziehungen im Einzugsgebiet Wairau River geeignet ist. Zu diesem Zweck wurden in einem ersten Szenario 42 Modelle aus MARRMoT auf das Einzugsgebiet Wairau River mit dem Gütekriterium Kling-Gupta-Effizienz (KGE) kalibriert. In weiteren Szenarien wurden die Kalibrierungen mit dem KGE mit invers transformierten Durchflüssen (KGEi) sowie mit einer Mischform der beiden Kriterien (KGEm) realisiert. Die Bewertung der Modellperformance erfolgte anhand ausgewählter Gütekriterien. Durch die Auswertung konnten drei MARRMoT-Modelle ermittelt werden, die in allen drei Kalibrierszenarien eine hohe Performance gezeigt haben und für die weitere Anwendung im Einzugsgebiet Wairau River geeignet sind. Ein Teilziel dieser Arbeit war zudem die Korrektur von simulierten Niederschlagsdaten aus dem unbeobachteten Quellgebiet des Wairau River, die in vorherigen Arbeiten als fehlerhaft identifiziert wurden (Ludwig 2018). Dafür wurde eine höhenabhängige Korrekturvorschrift ermittelt. Die anschließende Simulation des Gebiets hat jedoch gezeigt, dass die Korrektur ohne eine bessere Datengrundlage nicht erfolgreich ist.:1. Einführung 2. Beschreibung des Untersuchungsgebiets 2.1 Klima 2.2 Einzugsgebietsgrenzen 2.3 Geologie 2.4 Boden 2.5 Landnutzung 2.6 Aquifer 3. Datengrundlage 3.1 Meteorologische Daten 3.2 Hydrologische Daten 4. Analyse und Korrektur von Niederschlagsdaten 4.1 Problematik im Teileinzugsgebiet Dip Flat 4.2 Aufbereitung der Daten 4.3 Erstellung einer Korrekturvorschrift 5. Anwendung der MARRMo Toolbox 5.1 Grundlagen von MARRMoT 5.2 Betrachtung ausgewählter MARRMoT-Modelle 5.3 Gütekriterien 5.4 Kalibrierung und Evaluierung 5.4.1 Grundlagen 5.4.2 Automatische Kalibrierung mit MARRMoT 5.4.3 Kalibrierszenarien 6. Analyse und Diskussion der Ergebnisse 6.1 Niederschlagskorrektur und Datengrundlage 6.1.1 Erstellung der Korrekturvorschrift 6.1.2 Unsicherheiten der Niederschlagskorrektur 6.1.3 Analyse der Datengrundlage für das Gesamteinzugsgebiet 6.1.4 Zusammenfassung 6.2 Anwendung der MARRMo Toolbox 6.2.1 Ergebnisse der Kalibrierszenarien 6.2.2 Detaillierte Auswertung ausgewählter Modelle 6.2.3 Unsicherheiten zwischen und innerhalb der MARRMoT Modelle 6.2.4 Zusammenfassung 6.3 Zusammenführung der Ergebnisse 7. Fazit und Ausblick 8. Literaturverzeichnis / In the catchment area of the Wairau River on the South Island of New Zealand, climatic changes were observed in the past decades. Influenced by a decrease in precipitation, the runoff is reduced. The Wairau Aquifer, which is used for irrigation of New Zealand's largest wine-growing region, is significantly dependent on the runoff of the Wairau River and recorded a decline in groundwater levels. The simulation of the hydrological processes in the catchment area is therefore necessary. For that reason in this Master’s thesis the Modular Assessment of Rainfall Runoff Model Toolbox (MARRMoT) was used in order to find a model or model ensemble suitable for the simulation of precipitation-runoff relationships in the Wairau River catchment. In a first scenario, 42 models from MARRMoT were calibrated for the Wairau River catchment using the efficiency criteria Kling-Gupta-Efficiency (KGE). In further scenarios, calibrations using the KGE with inverse transformed flows (KGEi) as well as a mixed form of the two criteria (KGEm) were realized. The evaluation of the model performance was based on selected performance criteria. The evaluation led to three MARRMoT models, which demonstrated high performance in all three calibration scenarios and are suitable for further use in the Wairau River catchment. A secondary objective of this work was the correction of simulated precipitation data from the unobserved headwaters of the catchment, which were identified as faulty in previous work (Ludwig 2018). For this purpose, a height-dependent correction rule was determined. Subsequent simulation of the area, however, has shown that the correction was unsuccessful and needs a more solid data foundation.:1. Einführung 2. Beschreibung des Untersuchungsgebiets 2.1 Klima 2.2 Einzugsgebietsgrenzen 2.3 Geologie 2.4 Boden 2.5 Landnutzung 2.6 Aquifer 3. Datengrundlage 3.1 Meteorologische Daten 3.2 Hydrologische Daten 4. Analyse und Korrektur von Niederschlagsdaten 4.1 Problematik im Teileinzugsgebiet Dip Flat 4.2 Aufbereitung der Daten 4.3 Erstellung einer Korrekturvorschrift 5. Anwendung der MARRMo Toolbox 5.1 Grundlagen von MARRMoT 5.2 Betrachtung ausgewählter MARRMoT-Modelle 5.3 Gütekriterien 5.4 Kalibrierung und Evaluierung 5.4.1 Grundlagen 5.4.2 Automatische Kalibrierung mit MARRMoT 5.4.3 Kalibrierszenarien 6. Analyse und Diskussion der Ergebnisse 6.1 Niederschlagskorrektur und Datengrundlage 6.1.1 Erstellung der Korrekturvorschrift 6.1.2 Unsicherheiten der Niederschlagskorrektur 6.1.3 Analyse der Datengrundlage für das Gesamteinzugsgebiet 6.1.4 Zusammenfassung 6.2 Anwendung der MARRMo Toolbox 6.2.1 Ergebnisse der Kalibrierszenarien 6.2.2 Detaillierte Auswertung ausgewählter Modelle 6.2.3 Unsicherheiten zwischen und innerhalb der MARRMoT Modelle 6.2.4 Zusammenfassung 6.3 Zusammenführung der Ergebnisse 7. Fazit und Ausblick 8. Literaturverzeichnis

Řízení laboratorního modelu nestabilního balancujícího vozidla / Control of laboratory model of unstable balancing vehicle

Horák, Petr January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is a part of HUMMER project. The project deals with three student’s development of two-wheeled unstable vehicle Segway type and its diminished laboratory model. This thesis deals with reviviscence of laboratory model, design of its control and realization of its actuating (a more detailed breakdown of tasks in the project is shown below). At the beginning of the work is presented reviewed study. The first part of study deals with similar models in the world, their construction and way of control. In the next part of reviewed study follows description of a real model and derivation of model basic equations, in the last part of search is given principle of operation of some used sensors. The next step was the selection and design of required electronics. In this capture are described all designed electronic modules and used sensors. There are also given parameters of used batteries and motors. The next task was the estimation of system parameters. The estimation was made by sections, in the capture is in detail described way of measuring data and structuring of estimation model. The penultimate step was design of PID and LQR controller using I/O card MF 624 and their comparing. Following thing was choice of better regulator and its implementation to the microprocessor. The last step was the realization of actuating driving of model by joystick and supreme PC.

Regulace nestabilních soustav DP / Control of non-stable Systems

Heczko, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with control of unstable processes with two unstable complex poles using algebraic control with emphasis in value of the controller output. Thesis consists of theoretical introduction, including initial conditions with analysis of basic approaches to the control design with one or two degrees of freedom regulators by solving polynomial equations. Constrained control is studied more detailed. Optimization problem of „lowest fuel consumption“ is used for design of controller and is used for both degrees of freedom regulators with additional condition of zero variance control. Thesis includes some examples of control design by described method. Small library of MatLab functions were developed also to make the design more easier. Conclusions are made at the end and achieved goals are reviewed.

Kamerakalibrering i MATLAB : Komplement till studier av kompression av sulor i kolfiberskor / Camera Calibration in MATLAB : Complement to Studies of Compression in Carbon Fiber Shoe Soles

Hagberg, Lina, Hed, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med aktuellt arbete var att kalibrera en kamera i MATLAB, med hjälp av tillägget Computer Vision Toolbox, samt utforma ett skript som kan konvertera pixelkoordinater i MATLAB till rumskoordinater. Resultatet av arbetet agerar som ett komplement till en studie på Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan, där kompression av skosulor undersöks med hjälp av kamera och MATLAB-skript. Flertalet tester utfördes för att säkerställa kalibreringens tillförlitlighet samt kompatibiliteten mellan de två MATLAB-skripten. Kalibreringen anses tillförlitlig, och kompatibiliteten mellan skripten anses god. Vidare utfördes en mindre kompressionsstudie på löpband. Resultaten från denna studie är ej tillförlitliga, eftersom väldigt stora fel behövde tillåtas för att möjliggöra skriptets så kallade pixelspårning. Detta anses vara på grund av ljussättningen vid testerna, samt att kamerans videoupptagning ej hade hög nog bildupptagning per sekund till att följa skornas höga hastighet på löpbandet. Vidare studier av kompression rekommenderas att utföras på stilla underlag, där foten är huvudsakligen stilla i bildens synfält under markkontakt. / The purpose of this work was to calibrate a camera in MATLAB using the Computer Vision Toolbox add-on and to design a script to convert pixel coordinates in MATLAB into spatial coordinates in the room. The result of this work serves as a complement to a study conducted at Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan in Stockholm, where they are investigating the compression of shoe soles with a camera and a MATLAB-script. Several tests were conducted to ensure the reliability of the calibration along with the compatibility of the two MATLAB scripts. The calibration is considered reliable, and the compatibility of the two scripts is considered satisfactory. Furthermore, a smaller compression study was performed on a treadmill. The results from this study are considered unreliable, as large errors were allowed in the so-called pixel tracking of the MATLAB script. This is considered to be due to bad lighting, and because the video recording did not have a high enough frames-per-second to follow the high velocity of the shoes on the treadmill. Further compression studies are recommended to be performed on stable, non-moving surfaces, where the foot is principally still in the camera’s field of view during ground contact.

Time-travel and Empathy: an Analysis of how Anachronous Narrative Structures Affect Character/Reader Empathy

Austin, Sophie January 2019 (has links)
This study focuses on the relationship between the author’s narrative craft and the potential for the reader’s empathetic response. Specifically, it discusses how an anachronous narrative structure provides the author with different ways to promote empathy. The discussion of empathy is key in the discussion of narrative craft: great characters are those a reader can empathise with. But the discussion of empathy runs deeper than this, with many scholars turning to the wider effects literature can have on a reader’s moral compass (Nussbaum 1997) and even their real-world behaviour (Keen 2007). This study sets aside the question of how to produce empathy and turns instead to the author’s craft. I have assessed the author’s capability of promoting empathy by building a framework of tools for the author (dubbed The Empathy Toolbox) from several studies conducted by narratology theorists. I have then analysed this in relation to my own work and that of Audrey Niffenegger and Kurt Vonnegut with a particular focus on characterisation and how this is affected by anachrony. This study is of value to all writers of creative fiction, as anachronous timelines can be employed across a breadth of genres using plot devices like flashbacks, flash-forwards and dream sequences. Furthermore, it provides authors with tools to aid their craft and help their work resonate with any reader, not just those that might have a similar background to their protagonist.

Six Sigma Perspectives : In Academic World and Business Environment

Alimohamadi, Bardia, Khorshidi, Nasrin January 2009 (has links)
In beginning of 1980s, a majority of business sectors were suffering from high operating costs and inefficiencies which were a big loss to these sectors. These inefficiencies and lack of effectiveness were consequently producing high levels of customer dissatisfactions as well. Six Sigma culture has been predominantly inspired and affected by Japanese business culture with a focus on total customer satisfaction. This had turned out to be an alert to Motorola that was not famous for its arrogant attitude toward their customers. Motorola has been a pioneer in developing and applying Six Sigma within their operations and processes. Six Sigma has been initially introduced as a response to Motorola’s problems in the mid-1980s. [15]The reason for crediting the Japanese business culture at that time was mainly the Japanese growing sales power in global competitive market. With gained efficiency through proper engagement of all employees and simpler designs, Japanese could become more efficient with higher levels of quality. [15]Six Sigma initiators learned enough from Japanese competitors and their own learning to create their vision and framework. [15]However Six Sigma has been officially launched in Motorola for the first time in 1987. Six Sigma has shown to be a successful management strategy since first time introduction and implementation. [15]Six key components or main lines of work required for successful upgrading from a non-Six Sigma company to a company with Six Sigma culture are as it comes in the following lines: Six Sigma cultural renovation, reward and credit system, training, unified measurement system, facilitators, communication and senior executive commitment. [15]Six Sigma is a wide covering issue that covers different aspects and sectors of a company. Six Sigma is considered as a project based strategy. [31]Framework for a Six Sigma organization is very important for them to start the journey in order to become a Six Sigma organization. In the establishment process of Six Sigma although it is necessary to use appropriate tools and techniques, it is also required to benefit from a comprehensive training system provided for everyone in the organization. [31]Hence, by proper application of quality management tools and statistical methods, Six Sigma is to remove source of errors and reduce variability in process outputs to a certain level. Variability can either be in business or production processes.However, nowadays, companies are using different Six Sigma training systems to better establish this strategy within their business. The implementation process is enabled with appropriate and relevant tool box with proper frame work and measurement techniques.2The issue is that the definition and application of Six Sigma in different sectors and companies may differ. This is a source of a controversy in this field area. Also the academic perspective towards Six Sigma may differ from the business perspective.In order to investigate these claims, we will try to collect definitions, methods and techniques by literature review and being used by different abovementioned parties to make a comparison between these perspectives.

Modellering av uppdragsberäkningar i JAS 39 Gripen

Lager, Mattias January 2009 (has links)
<p>I JAS 39 Gripen finns funktioner, kallade uppdragsberäkningar, som informerarpiloten om hur mycket bränsle och tid som förväntas gå åt för att slutföra detaktuella flyguppdraget. Uppdragsberäkningsdelen är stor och komplex och genomatt göra en modell av uppdragsberäkningarna kan man enklare simulera och verifieradem innan införandet av en ändring. I detta examensarbete har en modellav koden implementerats i MATLAB/Simulink.</p><p>Under arbetet har en bränsleberäkningskärna och en accelerationsberäkningsfunktionmodellerats. I samband med modelleringen har modelleringsmetoder utvecklatsför vanligt förekommande dataobjekt och funktionaliteter i koden, såsom variabler,loopar och if-satser. En stor del av arbetet har handlat om validering av modellen mot originalkoden. Valideringen är något som skulle behövas automatiserasför att effektivisera modelleringsarbetet.</p><p>Förbättringar av de befintliga uppdragsberäkningarna har föreslagits och undersökts.Till exempel har statiska och dynamiska modeller av ett modellfel skapatsmed hjälp av multipel linjär regression och systemidentifieringsteori. Då dessa modelleranvändes minskade skillnaden mellan modellernas skattade bränsleflöde ochdet verkliga bränsleflödet. En del av förbättringarna som presenteras är enkla attimplementera i befintlig kod medan andra kräver betydligt mer anpassning. Dagensuppdragsberäkningar har visat sig komplicerade att modellera i Simulink. Islutet av rapporten presenteras ett konceptförslag, baserat på ett reglerteknisktangreppsätt, på hur uppdragsberäkningarna skulle kunna omarbetas för att passaSimulink bättre.</p>

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