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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sturm und Drang: A Term in Crisis

Weekley, Peyson 02 May 2022 (has links)
No description available.

An Approach to Extending Ontologies in the Nanomaterials Domain

Leshi, Olumide January 2020 (has links)
As recently as the last decade or two, data-driven science workflows have become increasingly popular and semantic technology has been relied on to help align often parallel research efforts in the different domains and foster interoperability and data sharing. However, a key challenge is the size of the data and the pace at which it is being generated, so much that manual procedures lag behind. Thus, eliciting automation of most workflows. In this study, the effort is to continue investigating ways by which some tasks performed by experts in the nanotechnology domain, specifically in ontology engineering, could benefit from automation. An approach, featuring phrase-based topic modelling and formal topical concept analysis is further motivated, together with formal implication rules, to uncover new concepts and axioms relevant to two nanotechnology-related ontologies. A corpus of 2,715 nanotechnology research articles helps showcase that the approach can scale, as seen in a number of experiments conducted. The usefulness of document text ranking as an alternative form of input to topic models is highlighted as well as the benefit of implication rules to the task of concept discovery. In all, a total of 203 new concepts are uncovered by the approach to extend the referenced ontologies

A visual analytics approach for multi-resolution and multi-model analysis of text corpora : application to investigative journalism / Une approche de visualisation analytique pour une analyse multi-résolution de corpus textuels : application au journalisme d’investigation

Médoc, Nicolas 16 October 2017 (has links)
À mesure que la production de textes numériques croît exponentiellement, un besoin grandissant d’analyser des corpus de textes se manifeste dans beaucoup de domaines d’application, tant ces corpus constituent des sources inépuisables d’information et de connaissance partagées. Ainsi proposons-nous dans cette thèse une nouvelle approche de visualisation analytique pour l’analyse de corpus textuels, mise en œuvre pour les besoins spécifiques du journalisme d’investigation. Motivées par les problèmes et les tâches identifiés avec une journaliste d’investigation professionnelle, les visualisations et les interactions ont été conçues suivant une méthodologie centrée utilisateur, impliquant l’utilisateur durant tout le processus de développement. En l’occurrence, les journalistes d’investigation formulent des hypothèses, explorent leur sujet d’investigation sous tous ses angles, à la recherche de sources multiples étayant leurs hypothèses de travail. La réalisation de ces tâches, très fastidieuse lorsque les corpus sont volumineux, requiert l’usage de logiciels de visualisation analytique se confrontant aux problématiques de recherche abordées dans cette thèse. D’abord, la difficulté de donner du sens à un corpus textuel vient de sa nature non structurée. Nous avons donc recours au modèle vectoriel et son lien étroit avec l’hypothèse distributionnelle, ainsi qu’aux algorithmes qui l’exploitent pour révéler la structure sémantique latente du corpus. Les modèles de sujets et les algorithmes de biclustering sont efficaces pour l’extraction de sujets de haut niveau. Ces derniers correspondent à des groupes de documents concernant des sujets similaires, chacun représenté par un ensemble de termes extraits des contenus textuels. Une telle structuration par sujet permet notamment de résumer un corpus et de faciliter son exploration. Nous proposons une nouvelle visualisation, une carte pondérée des sujets, qui dresse une vue d’ensemble des sujets de haut niveau. Elle permet d’une part d’interpréter rapidement les contenus grâce à de multiples nuages de mots, et d’autre part, d’apprécier les propriétés des sujets telles que leur taille relative et leur proximité sémantique. Bien que l’exploration des sujets de haut niveau aide à localiser des sujets d’intérêt ainsi que leur voisinage, l’identification de faits précis, de points de vue ou d’angles d’analyse, en lien avec un événement ou une histoire, nécessite un niveau de structuration plus fin pour représenter des variantes de sujet. Cette structure imbriquée révélée par Bimax, une méthode de biclustering basée sur des motifs avec chevauchement, capture au sein des biclusters les co-occurrences de termes partagés par des sous-ensembles de documents pouvant dévoiler des faits, des points de vue ou des angles associés à des événements ou des histoires communes. Cette thèse aborde les problèmes de visualisation de biclusters avec chevauchement en organisant les biclusters terme-document en une hiérarchie qui limite la redondance des termes et met en exergue les parties communes et distinctives des biclusters. Nous avons évalué l’utilité de notre logiciel d’abord par un scénario d’utilisation doublé d’une évaluation qualitative avec une journaliste d’investigation. En outre, les motifs de co-occurrence des variantes de sujet révélées par Bima. sont déterminés par la structure de sujet englobante fournie par une méthode d’extraction de sujet. Cependant, la communauté a peu de recul quant au choix de la méthode et son impact sur l’exploration et l’interprétation des sujets et de ses variantes. Ainsi nous avons conduit une expérience computationnelle et une expérience utilisateur contrôlée afin de comparer deux méthodes d’extraction de sujet. D’un côté Coclu. est une méthode de biclustering disjointe, et de l’autre, hirarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation (hLDA) est un modèle de sujet probabiliste dont les distributions de probabilité forment une structure de bicluster avec chevauchement. (...) / As the production of digital texts grows exponentially, a greater need to analyze text corpora arises in various domains of application, insofar as they constitute inexhaustible sources of shared information and knowledge. We therefore propose in this thesis a novel visual analytics approach for the analysis of text corpora, implemented for the real and concrete needs of investigative journalism. Motivated by the problems and tasks identified with a professional investigative journalist, visualizations and interactions are designed through a user-centered methodology involving the user during the whole development process. Specifically, investigative journalists formulate hypotheses and explore exhaustively the field under investigation in order to multiply sources showing pieces of evidence related to their working hypothesis. Carrying out such tasks in a large corpus is however a daunting endeavor and requires visual analytics software addressing several challenging research issues covered in this thesis. First, the difficulty to make sense of a large text corpus lies in its unstructured nature. We resort to the Vector Space Model (VSM) and its strong relationship with the distributional hypothesis, leveraged by multiple text mining algorithms, to discover the latent semantic structure of the corpus. Topic models and biclustering methods are recognized to be well suited to the extraction of coarse-grained topics, i.e. groups of documents concerning similar topics, each one represented by a set of terms extracted from textual contents. We provide a new Weighted Topic Map visualization that conveys a broad overview of coarse-grained topics by allowing quick interpretation of contents through multiple tag clouds while depicting the topical structure such as the relative importance of topics and their semantic similarity. Although the exploration of the coarse-grained topics helps locate topic of interest and its neighborhood, the identification of specific facts, viewpoints or angles related to events or stories requires finer level of structuration to represent topic variants. This nested structure, revealed by Bimax, a pattern-based overlapping biclustering algorithm, captures in biclusters the co-occurrences of terms shared by multiple documents and can disclose facts, viewpoints or angles related to events or stories. This thesis tackles issues related to the visualization of a large amount of overlapping biclusters by organizing term-document biclusters in a hierarchy that limits term redundancy and conveys their commonality and specificities. We evaluated the utility of our software through a usage scenario and a qualitative evaluation with an investigative journalist. In addition, the co-occurrence patterns of topic variants revealed by Bima. are determined by the enclosing topical structure supplied by the coarse-grained topic extraction method which is run beforehand. Nonetheless, little guidance is found regarding the choice of the latter method and its impact on the exploration and comprehension of topics and topic variants. Therefore we conducted both a numerical experiment and a controlled user experiment to compare two topic extraction methods, namely Coclus, a disjoint biclustering method, and hierarchical Latent Dirichlet Allocation (hLDA), an overlapping probabilistic topic model. The theoretical foundation of both methods is systematically analyzed by relating them to the distributional hypothesis. The numerical experiment provides statistical evidence of the difference between the resulting topical structure of both methods. The controlled experiment shows their impact on the comprehension of topic and topic variants, from analyst perspective. (...)

Text Mining for Social Harm and Criminal Justice Applications

Pandey, Ritika 08 1900 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Increasing rates of social harm events and plethora of text data demands the need of employing text mining techniques not only to better understand their causes but also to develop optimal prevention strategies. In this work, we study three social harm issues: crime topic models, transitions into drug addiction and homicide investigation chronologies. Topic modeling for the categorization and analysis of crime report text allows for more nuanced categories of crime compared to official UCR categorizations. This study has important implications in hotspot policing. We investigate the extent to which topic models that improve coherence lead to higher levels of crime concentration. We further explore the transitions into drug addiction using Reddit data. We proposed a prediction model to classify the users’ transition from casual drug discussion forum to recovery drug discussion forum and the likelihood of such transitions. Through this study we offer insights into modern drug culture and provide tools with potential applications in combating opioid crises. Lastly, we present a knowledge graph based framework for homicide investigation chronologies that may aid investigators in analyzing homicide case data and also allow for post hoc analysis of key features that determine whether a homicide is ultimately solved. For this purpose we perform named entity recognition to determine witnesses, detectives and suspects from chronology, use keyword expansion to identify various evidence types and finally link these entities and evidence to construct a homicide investigation knowledge graph. We compare the performance over several choice of methodologies for these sub-tasks and analyze the association between network statistics of knowledge graph and homicide solvability.

How much do you care about education? Exploring fluctuations of public interest in education issues among top national priorities in the U.S.

Nehoran, Dana 01 January 2020 (has links)
It is well known that a strong education system produces citizens who are more engaged in civil and social duties, with obvious benefits to society and the individuals. Policymakers who have the power to help improve the education system frequently rely on the news or the polls to better understand the issues involved, but these tools are often unable to answer customized questions on the public view with a large enough coverage. Monitoring the American public interest in education over the years is not new. In fact, a number of national polling agencies have tracked education as part of their larger polls asking people to name the most burning issues facing the US. While these polls provide a fair indication of the changes in importance of education in the eyes of the public, they do not identify the factors which have historically been associated with the major fluctuations of such importance. Most importantly, these traditional national polls do not track public concern about specific subtopics within education. This mixed methods study includes the creation of a software instrument with the objective of exploring the salience of education as a national priority over time and analyzing the possible factors associated with these fluctuations of interest. In addition to discovering the most prominent latent subtopics affecting education (such as academic achievement, sexual assault and freedom of speech), this study also seeks national-level issues that may have recently been associated with the largest declines. The only source of data utilized is the text of tens of thousands of published news articles. Terms extracted from the text using natural language processing serve as the basis for automated qualitative analysis. As topics emerge from the data, the frequencies of the terms are utilized to associate the articles with the most relevant ones. The analysis shows that public interest in education has declined the most during election times. It is also found that the areas that contributed the most during the largest surges of public interest in education from 2015 to 2020 were school budget, academic achievement gaps and mental health.

Fanfare and Pastoral Topics in Mozart's Così fan tutte

Vagts, Andrew 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation explores the use of topics for dramatic purposes in Mozart's Così fan tutte. The five analytical chapters are organized around a central question: how do pastoral and fanfare topics shape the plot of Così fan tutte? Chapter 2 highlights the role topics and tropes play in emplacing and nuancing emergent meaning in the Così fan tutte motto. Chapter 3 examines transformative topical tropes in "Ah guarda, sorella." Chapter 4 shows how the horn fifths and fanfare topics in "Per pietà, ben mio" frame Fiordiligi's choice: the Albanian or Guglielmo. Chapter 5 illustrates the relationship between fanfare topics and galant recitative schemas to articulate formal boundaries between accompanied recitatives and arias. The expectations of closure emplaced by the examples from Così fan tutte nuance a reading of "Hai già vinta la causa!" from Le nozze di Figaro. Chapter 6 discusses the role of recitative intrusions and their articulation of the Count's unrest in "Vedrò mentre io sospiro." Detailed analyses and close readings of the topics and tropes in this dissertation drawn from throughout Così fan tutte showcase Mozart's rich deployment of topics in varied musical and dramatic roles.

Twitter and the Affordance of Public Agenda-Setting: A Case Study of #MarchForOurLives

Chong, Mi Young 08 1900 (has links)
In the traditional agenda-setting theory, the agenda-setters were the news media and the public has a minimal role in the process of agenda-setting, which makes the public a passive receiver located at the bottom in the top-down agenda-setting dynamics. This study claims that with the development of Information communication technologies, primarily social media, the networked public may be able to set their own agendas through connective actions, outside the influence of the news media agenda. There is little empirical research focused on development and dynamics of public agenda-setting through social media platforms. Understanding the development and dynamics of public agenda-setting may be key to accounting for and overcoming conflicting findings in previous reverse agenda-setting research. This study examined the public agenda-setting dynamics through a case of gun violence prevention activism Twitter network, the #MarchForOurLives Twitter network. This study determined that the agenda setters of the #MarchForOurLives Twitter network are the key Never Again MSD student leaders and the March For Our Lives. The weekly reflected important events and issues and the identified topics were highly co-related with the themes examined in the tweets created by the agenda setters. The amplifiers comprised the vast majority of the tweets. The advocates and the supporters consisted of 0.44% and 4.43% respectively. The tweets made by the agenda setters accounted for 0.03%. The young activists and the like-minded and participatory public could continuously make changes taking advantage of technologies, and they could be the hope in the current and future society.

Parallel Algorithms for Machine Learning

Moon, Gordon Euhyun 02 October 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Evolving Our Heroes: An Analysis of Founders and "Founding Fathers" in American History Dissertations

Stawicki, John M. 26 November 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Carnal Musicology in a New Edition ofLuigi Boccherini’s Cello Concerto in D major G. 478

Johnson, Samuel Converse January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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