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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ubiquitination assays and protein-protein interactions of E3 ligase CHIP.

De Silva, Anthony Ruvindi Iroshana 06 July 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Corrélations compositions chimiques-structures d’oxydes mixtes (Ce / Zr) à base de Pr4+ / Pr3+ et propriétés de réductibilité / Chemical compositions - structures correlation of mixed oxides (Ce/Zr) with Pr4+/Pr3+ and reducibility properties

Abel, Jonathan 19 October 2011 (has links)
Ce travail est relatif à la synthèse et à la caractérisation d’oxydes mixtes Pr1-zCezO2-y et Pr1-xZrxO2-y. Différentes compositions chimiques associées à une valence mixte Pr4+/Pr3+ concomitant à un taux précis de lacunes d’oxygènes ont été isolées tant pour les composés à l’état oxydé que pour ces derniers réduits sous Ar/H2. A l’état réduit, différentes surstructures de la maille fluorine ont été caractérisées par diffraction des RX et de neutrons. Sur la base de mesures magnétiques, d’analyses par spectroscopie d’absorption X (XANES-EXAFS) aux seuils K du Zr et LIII du Ce/Pr et d’analyses thermogravimétriques et/ou TPR (Temperature Programmed Reduction), les évolutions des taux de Pr4+/Pr3+ dans cette série ont été déterminées. Enfin, des mesures in-situ sous atmosphère réductrice par diffraction de neutrons et EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) ont été réalisées dans l’objectif de corréler compositions chimiques- édifices structuraux et propriétés de réductibilité. / This work deals with the synthesis and the characterization of Pr1-zCezO2-y and Pr1-xZrxO2-y oxides. Various chemical compositions associated with mixed valence state Pr4+/Pr3+ concomitant to precise oxygen vacancies rate were isolated for compounds in both oxidized and reduced compounds. In the reduced state, different superstructures of the fluorine network were characterized by X-ray and neutrons diffraction. On the basis of magnetic measurements, X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XANES-EXAFS) at Zr K-edge and Pr and Ce LII/III-edges and the thermogravimetric analyses and\or TPR (Temperature Programmed Reduction), evolutions of Pr4+/Pr3+ rates in this series were estimated. Finally, in-situ measurements under reducing atmosphere by neutrons diffraction and EELS (Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy) were realized to correlate chemical compositions- structural features and reducibility properties.

Strukturna i katalitička svojstva sintetičkih, termički aktiviranih Mg-Al-Fe anjonskih glina / Structural and catalytic properties of synthetic,thermally activated Mg-Al-Fe anionic clays

Vulić Tatjana 29 December 2006 (has links)
<p>Ispitivani su dvostruki slojeviti hidroksidi, LDH i me&scaron;oviti oksidi nastali njihovom<br />razgradnjom, sa različitim sadržajem Mg-Al-Fe i pro&scaron;irenom supstitucijom aluminijuma.<br />Koprecipitacione metode male i velike prezasićenosti odabrane su za sintezu LDH op&scaron;te<br />formule [Mg1<sub>-x </sub>M(III)<sub>x </sub>(OH)<sub>2</sub>](CO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>x/2</sub> &sdot; mH<sub>2</sub>O, gde M(III) pretstavlja Al i/ili Fe, a x udeo<br />trovalentnih anjona, x = M(III) / [M(II) + M(III)], variran u intervalu 0,15 &lt; x &lt; 0,7.<br />Katalizatori na bazi me&scaron;ovitih oksida sa gvožđem pogodni za upotrebu u redoks<br />reakcijama, formirani su nakon termičke aktivacije - razlaganja LDH. Izvr&scaron;ena je<br />karakterizacija me&scaron;ovitih oksida nastalih iz LDH, kao i netretiranih LDH, ispitivanjem<br />kristalne strukture (XRD), termičke stabilnosti (TG-DTA), teksture (adsorpcija N<sub>2</sub>), redoks<br />(H<sub>2</sub> TPR) i kiselo-baznih karakteristika (NH<sub>3</sub> TPD), a utvrđena je i priroda prisutnih vrsta<br />gvožđa (Moessbauer spektroskopija). Pokazano je kako metoda pripreme i obim<br />supstitucije M(III) jona utiču na strukturne, povr&scaron;inske i redoks karakteristike LDH i<br />njihovih me&scaron;ovitih oksida u korelaciji sa katalitičkim svojstvima u odabranim test<br />reakcijama (razgradnja N<sub>2</sub>O i redukcija sa NH<sub>3</sub>). Utvrđeno je da na katalitičku aktivnost<br />dominantno utiču redoks karakteristike i priroda vrste gvožđa u me&scaron;ovitom oksidu, ali<br />takođe i strukturne karakteristike polaznog LDH, pri čemu je povr&scaron;inska struktura aktivnih<br />centara intervalentnog Fe<sup>2+</sup>-Fe<sup>3+ </sup>gvožđa ključna za redoks procese ispitivanih reakcija.<br />Kod svih me&scaron;ovitih oksida dobijenih iz LDH aktivni centri imaju relativno jednake jačine,<br />dok razlike u katalitičkom pona&scaron;anju potiču od razlika u dostupnosti aktivnih centara.<br />Najbolje performanse u katalitičkim reakcijama pokazali su uzorci sa najmanjom<br />stabilno&scaron;ću inicijalnih LDH kod kojih je količina supstituisanih M(III) jona bila blizu<br />granice za inkorporaciju u LDH matricu (x = 0,5), a naročito uzorak sintetisan metodom<br />velike prezasićenosti sa malom količinom dodatne Al(OH)<sub>3</sub> faze.</p> / <p>Layered double hydroxides (LDHs) and derived mixed oxides with different Mg-Al-Fe content and extended aluminum substitution were investigated. High and low supersaturation precipitation methods were used for the synthesis of LDHs with general formula [Mg1<sub>-x</sub> M(III)<sub>x</sub> (OH)<sub>2</sub>](CO<sub>3</sub>)<sub>x/2</sub> &sdot; mH<sub>2</sub>O where M(III) presents Al and/or Fe and x the content of trivalent ions, x = M(III) / [M(II) + M(III)], varied between 0.15 &lt; x &lt; 0.7. Iron-containing mixed oxides, suitable as catalysts for redox reactions, were formed after thermal activation - decomposition of LDH. Both, LDHs and derived mixed oxides were characterized with respect to crystalline structure (XRD), thermal stability (TG-DTA), textural (N<sub>2</sub> adsorption), redox (H<sub>2</sub> TPR) and acid-base properties (NH<sub>3</sub> TPD) as well as the nature of the iron species (Moessbauer spectroscopy). It was demonstrated how preparation method and the extent of M(III) substitution influence the structure, surface and redox properties of LDHs and derived mixed oxides in correlation to catalytic properties in chosen test reactions (N<sub>2</sub>O decomposition and reduction with NH3). The catalytic behavior is mainly determined by the redox properties and the nature of the iron species in mixed oxides, but also by the structural properties of initial LDHs. It was confirmed that surface structure of intervalent Fe<sup>2+</sup>-Fe<sup>3+</sup> iron active sites is crucial for the redox processes in chosen reactions. The strength of active sites is similar for all mixed oxides derived from LDH, but the differences in catalytic behavior arise from the differences in active sites accessibility. The best catalytic results were obtained when the stability of the initial LDH matrix was lowest e.g. when the amount of substituted M(III) was near the limit for the incorporation into LDH matrix (x = 0.5), especially for the sample synthesized with high superasaturation method containing a small amount of additional Al(OH)<sub>3</sub> phase.</p>

Directing Post-Editors’ Attention to Machine Translation Output that Needs Editing through an Enhanced User Interface: Viability and Automatic Application via a Word-level Translation Accuracy Indicator

Gilbert, Devin Robert 13 July 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Rhodium diesel-reforming catalysts for fuel cell applications

Karatzas, Xanthias January 2011 (has links)
Heavy-duty diesel truck engines are routinely idled at standstill to provide cab heating or air conditioning, and in addition to supply electricity to comfort units such as radio and TV. Idling is an inefficient and unfavorable process resulting in increased fuel consumption, increased emissions, shortened engine life, impaired driver rest and health, and elevated noise. Hydrogen-fueled, polymer-electrolyte fuel-cell auxiliary power unit (PEFC-APU) as a silent external power supply, working independently of the main engine, is proposed as viable solution for better fuel economy and abatement of idling emissions. In a diesel PEFC-APU, the hydrogen storage problem is circumvented as hydrogen can be generated onboard from diesel by using a catalytic reformer. In order to make catalytic diesel PEFC-APU systems viable for commercialization research is still needed. Two key areas are the development of reforming catalyst and reformer design, which both are the scope of this thesis. For diesel-reforming catalysts, low loadings of Rh and RhPt alloys have proven to exhibit excellent reforming and hydrogen selectivity properties. For the development of a stable reforming catalyst, more studies have to be conducted in order to find suitable promoters and support materials to optimize and sustain the long-term performance of the Rh catalyst. The next step will be full-scale tests carried out at realistic operating conditions in order to fully comprehend the overall reforming process and to validate promising Rh catalysts. This thesis can be divided into two parts; the first part addresses the development of catalysts in the form of washcoated cordierite monoliths for autothermal reforming (ATR) of diesel. A variety of catalyst compositions were developed containing Rh or RhPt as active metals, CeO2, La2O3, MgO, Y2O3 as promoters and Al2O3, CeO2-ZrO2, SiO2 and TiO2 as support materials. The catalysts were tested in a bench-scale reactor and characterized by using N2-BET, XRD, H2 chemisorption, H2-TPR, O2-TPO, XPS and TEM analyses. The second part addresses the development and testing of full-scale reformers at various realistic operating conditions using promising Rh catalysts. The thesis shows that a variety of Rh on alumina catalysts was successfully tested for ATR of diesel (Papers I-IV). Also, zone-coating, meaning adding two washcoats on specific parts of the monolith, was found to have beneficial effects on the ATR catalyst performance (Paper II). In addition, RhPt supported on CeO2-ZrO2 was found to be one of the most active and promising catalyst candidates for ATR of diesel. The superior performance may be attributed to higher reducibility of RhiOx species and greater dispersion of Rh and Pt on the support (Paper IV). Finally, two full-scale diesel reformers were successfully developed and proven capable of providing high fuel conversion and hydrogen production from commercial diesel over selected Rh catalysts (Papers II-III, V-VI). / QC 20110418

The Co-chaperones FKBP51 and PP5 Control Nuclear Receptor Phosphorylation and Adipogenesis

Stechschulte, Lance A. 21 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Activity and Selectivity in Oxidation Catalysis

Woods, Matthew P. January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

Μελέτη τροποποιημένων με βόριο καταλυτών Νi/Al2O3 για την αναμόρφωση του μεθανίου με διοξείδιο του άνθρακα / Study of boron-modified Ni/Al2O3 catalysts for the carbon dioxide reforming of methane

Φούσκας, Αγάπιος 25 January 2012 (has links)
Κατά τις τελευταίες δεκαετίες παρατηρείται συνεχής αύξηση της έντασης του φαινομένου του θερμοκηπίου γεγονός που προκαλεί σημαντικές συνέπειες στο περιβάλλον και στη ζωή μας γενικότερα. Συνεπώς, είναι απαραίτητη η μείωση της ανθρωπογενούς εκπομπής των αερίων που συμβάλλουν στην αύξηση του φαινομένου αυτού. Η εκμετάλλευση και χρήση των δύο πιο σημαντικών θερμοκηπικών αερίων, του μεθανίου και του διοξειδίου του άνθρακα, μπορεί να επιτευχθεί με την αναμόρφωση του CH4 με CO2 ή αλλιώς ξηρή αναμόρφωση του μεθανίου (Dry Reforming of Methane-DRM). Με τη διεργασία DRM τα δύο συγκεκριμένα αέρια μετατρέπονται σε αέριο σύνθεσης (synthesis gas), το οποίο χρησιμοποιείται είτε για τη σύνθεση πληθώρας οργανικών ενώσεων, είτε για την παραγωγή Η2 για ενεργειακούς σκοπούς. Η DRM παρουσιάζει σημαντικά πλεονεκτήματα: δεν απαιτείται η χρήση ύδατος, φθηνό σχετικά κόστος εγκαταστάσεων, χρησιμοποιείται σε χημικά συστήματα μεταφοράς ενέργειας, ενώ και το αέριο σύνθεσης που παράγεται έχει ακόμα κατάλληλη αναλογία για συνθέσεις Fischer–Tropsch. Παρόλα αυτά η DRM δεν έχει εκτεταμένη βιομηχανική εφαρμογή επειδή αντιμετωπίζει ένα σημαντικό μειονέκτημα: ο καταλύτης μετά από κάποιο χρόνο λειτουργίας απενεργοποιείται λόγω του άνθρακα που αποτίθεται πάνω του. Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε ο state of the art καταλύτης Ni/Al2O3, τον οποίο τροποποιήσαμε με βόριο σε διάφορους λόγους [Β/(B+Νi)] με κύριο στόχο τη μείωση των ανθρακούχων αποθέσεων. Οι τροποποιημένοι καταλύτες συντέθηκαν με τη μέθοδο του υγρού συνεμποτισμού και χαρακτηρίστηκαν φυσικοχημικά με διάφορες τεχνικές, ώστε να μελετήσουμε την επίδραση του βορίου στην υφή τους (ΒΕΤ, porosimetry, SEM, TEM), στη δομή τους (XRD, UV-Vis DRS) και στην αναγωγιμότητά τους (H2-TPR). Η καταλυτική συμπεριφορά τους για την αντίδραση της ξηρής αναμόρφωσης του μεθανίου αξιολογήθηκε σε αντιδραστήρα σταθερής κλίνης, για 24h, σε συνθήκες: 973Κ, 1 atm, τροφοδοσία 50%CH4-50%CO2. Ο άνθρακας που αποτέθηκε στους χρησιμοποιημένους καταλύτες μετρήθηκε με τη μέθοδο της θερμοπρογραμματισμένης υδρογόνωσης (TPH). Τα ανηγμένα και χρησιμοποιημένα στην DRM καταλυτικά δείγματα μελετήθηκαν επίσης με ηλεκτρονικό μικροσκόπιο σάρωσης (SEM με αναλυτή EDS) και ηλεκτρονικό μικροσκόπιο διαπερατότητας (ΤΕΜ). Βρέθηκε ότι η παρουσία του Β μειώνει σημαντικά την ποσότητα του αποτιθέμενου άνθρακα στους καταλύτες Ni/Al2O3, σε ποσοστό έως και 86%, χωρίς να επηρεάζει ιδιαίτερα τη δραστικότητα και την εκλεκτικότητα των καταλυτών. Σημαντικό ρόλο παίζει το ποσοστό του Β στον καταλύτη, με τον καταλύτη με λόγο Β/(B+Νi) = 0,5 να εμφανίζει τη βέλτιστη συμπεριφορά. Τα αποτελέσματα μας έδειξαν ότι η ιδιαίτερη θετική επίδραση του βορίου οφείλεται κυρίως στο γεγονός ότι ευνοεί τη διασπορά του μεταλλικού νικελίου. Τροποποίηση με βόριο, σε κατάλληλη περιοχή φορτίσεων, του καταλύτη Ni/Al2O3 μεγιστοποιεί το πλήθος των νανοσωματιδίων νικελίου με μέση διάσταση < 6.0 nm, τα οποία, ως γνωστόν, ελαχιστοποιούν την απόθεση άνθρακα. / The intensity of the greenhouse effect is constantly increasing in the last few decades with an adverse effect both on the environment and the humanity. In order to decrease the effect, human-caused emissions should be minimized. The two most important greenhouse gases, methane and carbon dioxide, can be used in the DRM (Dry Reforming of Methane) process. With this process the above mentioned gases are converted to synthesis gas, which is then used for the synthesis of a great number of organic compounds and synthetic fuels (through the Fisher-Tropsch syntheses) or for the production hydrogen to be used as a fuel (energy purposes). The DRM process presents a number of advantages, namely: no water is required, relatively low cost of process plants,it can be used as a Chemical Energy Transfer System and, finally, the produced synthesis gas has adequate CO/H2 ratio for Fisher-Tropsch syntheses. Although DRM is a promising process, its industrial application is hindered by a major drawback: the catalysts are rapidly deactivating due to coking. In the current study, the state of the art catalyst Ni/Al2O3 was studied and modified with boron, using different ratios of Β/(B+Νi). Our primary objective was to reduce coking. The modified catalysts were synthesized by wet co-impregnation and physicochemically characterized in their oxidic, reduced and used forms, using various techniques, in order to investigate the influence of boron on the texture (BET, Porosimetry, SEM, TEM), structure (XRD, UV-Vis DRS) and reducibility (H2-TPR) of the catalysts. The catalytic performance for the DRM process was studied under stable conditions (973Κ, 1 atm and 50%CH4-50%CO2 undiluted feed), for 24h, using a fixed bed reactor. Carbonaceous deposits on the used catalysts were determined by Temperature Programmed Hydrogenation (TPH). Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) with EDS analyser and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) were also used in the study of reduced and used catalytic samples. Modifying Ni/Al2O3 catalysts with boron results in a great decrease of the deposited coke (up to 86%), without any significantly influence on the activity and selectivity of the catalysts. A major factor influencing the catalyst is the B loading, with the ratio Β/(B+Νi)=0,5 giving the best results. Boron’s positive effect was mainly attributed to its ability to increase Ni dispersion. Modification of Ni/Al2O3 catalysts, by using the appropriate boron loading, resulted to an increase of the amount of nickel nanoparticles with an average dimension under 6.0 nm, which are known to minimize coke deposition.

Synthesis, Structure and Catalytic Properties of Pd2+, Pt2+ and Pt4+ Ion Substituted TiO2

Mukri, Bhaskar Devu January 2013 (has links) (PDF)
After introducing fundamentals of catalysis with noble metal surfaces especially Pt metal for CO oxidation and subsequent developments on nano-crystalline Pt metals supported on oxide supports, an idea of Pt ion in reducible oxide supports acting as adsorption sites is proposed in chapter 1. Idea of red-ox cycling of an ion in an oxide matrix is presented taking Cu ion in YBa2Cu3O7 as an example. Noble metal ions in reducible oxides such as CeO2 or TiO2 acting as adsorption sites and hence a red-ox catalyst was arrived at from chemical considerations. Among several reducible oxide supports, TiO2 was chosen from crystal structure and electronic structure considerations. A good redox catalyst for auto exhaust and related applications should have high oxygen storage capacity (OSC). Any new material that can work as a redox catalyst should be tested for its OSC. Therefore we designed and fabricated a temperature programmed reduction by hydrogen (H2¬TPR) system to measure OSC. This is presented in chapter 2. We have synthesized a number of oxides by solution combustion method. Structures were determined by powder XRD and Rietveld refinement methods. Fe2O3, Fe2-xPdxO3-δ, Cu1-xMnAl1+xO4, LaCoO3, LaCo1-xPdxO3-δ, CeO2, Ce1¬xPdxO2-δ, TiO2, Ti1-xPdxO2-δ and many other oxide systems were synthesized and their structures were determined. OSC of these systems were determined employing the H2/TPR system. TPR studies were carried out for several redox cycles in each case. Except Pd ion substituted CeO2 and TiO2 other oxide systems decomposed during redox cycling. Pd ion substituted TiO2 gave highest OSC and also it was stable paving way to choose this system for further study. In chapter 3, we have described lattice oxygen of TiO2 activation by the substitution of Pd ion in its lattice. Ti1-xPdxO2-x (x = 0.01 to 0.03) have been synthesized by solution combustion method crystallizing in anatase TiO2 structure. Pd is in +2 oxidation state and Ti is in +4 oxidation state in the catalyst as seen by XPS. Pd is more ionic in TiO2 lattice compared to Pd in PdO. Oxygen storage capacity defined by ‘amount of oxygen that is used reversibly to oxidize CO’ is as high as 5100 μmol/g of Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97. Oxygen is extracted by CO to CO2 in absence of feed oxygen even at room temperature. Rate of CO oxidation is 2.75 μmol.g-1.s-1 at 60 0C over Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 and C2H2 gets oxidized to CO2 and H2O at room temperature. Catalyst is not poisoned on long time operation of the reactor. Such high catalytic activity is due to activated lattice oxygen created by the substitution of Pd ion as seen from first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations with 96 atom supercells of Ti32O64, Ti31Pd1O63, Ti30Pd2O62 and Ti29Pd3O61. The compounds crystallize in anatase TiO2 structure with Pd2+ ion in nearly square planar geometry and TiO6 octahedra are distorted by the creation of weakly bound oxygens. Structural analysis of Ti31Pd1O63 which is close to 3% Pd ion substituted TiO2 shows that bond valence of oxygens associated with both Ti and Pd ions in the lattice is 1.87. A low bond valence of oxygen is characteristic of weak oxygen in the lattice compared to oxygens with bond valence 2 and above in the same lattice. Thus, the exact positions of activated oxygens have been identified in the lattice from DFT calculations. Pt has two stable valencies: +2 and +4. Ti ion in TiO2 is in +4 state. Is it possible to substitute Pt exclusively in +2 or +4 state in TiO2? Implications are that Pt in +2 will have oxide ion vacancies and Pt in +4 states will not have oxide ion vacancies. Indeed we could synthesize Pt ion substituted TiO2 with Pt in +2 and +4 states by solution combustion method. In chapter 4, we have shown the positive role of an oxide ion vacancy in the catalytic reaction. Ti0.97Pt2+0.03O1.97 and Ti0.97Pt4+0.03O2 have been synthesized by solution combustion method using alanine and glycine as the fuels respectively. Both are crystallizing in anatase TiO2 structure with 15 nm average crystallite size. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirmed Pt ions are only +2 state in Ti0.97Pt0.03O1.97 (alanine) and only in +4 state in Ti0.97Pt0.03O2 (glycine). CO oxidation rate with Ti0.97Pt2+0.03O1.97 is over 10 times higher compared to Ti0.97Pt4+0.03O2. The large shift in 100 % hydrocarbon oxidation to lower temperature was observed by Pt2+ ion substituted TiO2 from that by Pt4+ ion substituted TiO2. After reoxidation of the reduced compound by H2 as well as CO, Pt ions are stabilized in mixed valences, +2 and +4 states. The role of oxide ion vacancy in enhancing catalytic activity has been demonstrated by carrying out the CO oxidation and H2 + O2 recombination reaction in presence and in absence of O2. There is no deactivation of the catalyst by long time CO to CO2 catalytic reaction. We analyzed the activated lattice oxygens upon substitution of Pt2+ ion and Pt4+ ion in TiO2, using first-principles density functional theory (DFT) calculations with supercells Ti31Pt1O63, Ti30Pt2O62, Ti29Pt3O61 for Pt2+ ion substitution in TiO2 and Ti31Pt1O64, Ti30Pt2O62, Ti29Pt3O61 for Pt4+ ion substitution in TiO2. We find that the local structure of Pt2+ ion has a distorted square planar geometry and that of Pt4+ ion has an octahedral geometry similar to Ti4+ ion in pure TiO2. The change in coordination of Pt2+ ion gives rise to weakly bonded oxygens and these oxygens are responsible in high rates of catalytic reaction. Thus, the high catalytic activity results from synergistic roles of oxide ion vacancy and weakly bonded lattice oxygen. In chapter 5, we have shown high rates of H2 + O2 recombination reaction by Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 catalyst coated on honeycomb monolith made up of cordierite material. This catalyst was coated on γ¬Al2O3 coated monolith by solution combustion method using dip-dry-burn process. This is a modified conventional method to coat catalysts on honeycombs. Formation of Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 catalyst on monolith was confirmed by XRD. Form the XPS spectra of Pd(3d) core level in Ti1-xPdxO2-δ, Pd ion is the formed to be +2 state. Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 showed high rates of H2 + O2 recombination compared to 2 at % Pd(metal)/γ-Al2O3, Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-δ, Ce0.98Pt0.02O2-δ, Ce0.73Zr0.25Pd0.02O2-δ and Ti0.98Pd0.02O1.98. Activation energy of H2 + O2 recombination reaction over Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 is 7.8 kcal/mole. Rates of reaction over Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 are in the range of 10 – 20 μmol/g/s at 60 0C and 4174 h-1 space velocity. Rate is orders of magnitude higher compared to noble metal catalysts. From the industrial point of view, solvent-free hydrogenation of aromatic nitro compounds to amines at nearly 1 bar pressure is an important process. In chapter 6, we showed that Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 is a good –nitro to –amine conversion catalyst under solvent-free condition at 1.2 – 1.3 bar H2 pressure. Nitrobenzene, p-nitrotoluene and 2-chloro-4-nitrotoluene are taken for the catalytic reduction reaction. The amine products were analyzed by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GCMS). Further, confirmation of compounds was done by FTIR, 1H NMR and 13C NMR. In presence of alcohol as solvent, 100% conversion of aromatic nitro compounds to amines took place at higher temperature and it required more times. In n-butanol solvent, 100% conversion of nitrobenzene and p-nitrotoluene occurred within 10 h and 12 h at 105 °C respectively. We have compared solvent-free reduction of p-nitrotoluene over different catalysts at 90 °C. Catalytic activity for reduction of p¬nitrotoluene over Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 is much higher than that reaction over 3 atom % Pd on TiO2 and Pd metal. Turnover frequencies (TOF) for nitrobenzene and 2-chloro-4-nitrotoluene conversion are 217 and 20 over Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 respectively. With increase of temperature, TOF of aromatic nitro compound reduction is also increased. We have compared the solvent-free reduction of aromatic nitro compound over Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 with others in the literature. Upto 3 cycles of reduction reaction, there was no degradation of Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 catalyst and stability of catalyst structure was analyzed by XRD, XPS and TEM images. Catalyst is stable under reaction condition and the structure is retained with Pd in +2 state. Finally, we have proposed the mechanism of -nitro group reduction reaction based on the structure of Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97. Instead of handling nano-crystalline materials we proceeded with coating our catalysts on cordierite honeycombs. In chapter 7, we have shown high catalytic activity towards Heck reaction over Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-δ and Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 coated on cordierite monolith. XRD patterns of Ce0.98Pd0.02O2¬δ coated on cordierite monolith were indexed to fluorite structure. Heck reaction of aryl halide with olefins over Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-δ and Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 coated on cordierite monolith were carried out at 120 °C. The products were first analyzed by GCMS and for the confirmation of compounds, we have recorded 1H NMR and 13C NMR. Heck reaction was carried out with different solvents and different bases for choosing the good base and a solvent. Hence, we have chosen K2CO3 as base and N,N¬dimethylformamide (DMF) as solvent. We have compared the rates of Heck reactions over these two catalysts and Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 catalyst showed much higher catalytic activity than Ce0.98Pd0.02O2-δ. With increase of temperature from 65 °C to 120 °C, the catalytic activity of Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97 on Heck reaction is also increased. The catalyst was reused for next Heck reaction without significant loss of activity. A mechanism for Heck reaction of aryl halide with alkyl acrylate has been proposed based on the structure of Ti0.97Pd0.03O1.97. In chapter 8, we have provided a critical review of the work presented in the thesis. Critical issues such as noble metal ion doping in TiO2 vs noble metal ion substitution, difficulty of proving the substitution of low % noble metal ion in TiO2, need for better experimental methods to study noble metal ion in oxide matrix have been discussed. Finally, conclusions of the thesis are presented.

Exploring the use of computer simulations as a technological pedagogical reasoning tool in the teaching and learning of electromagnetism in a whole-class rural setting

Tsoka, Maxwell 03 June 2021 (has links)
This study, Exploring the Use of Computer Simulations as a Technological Pedagogical Reasoning Tool in the Teaching and Learning of Electromagnetism in a Whole-Class Rural Setting, documents a journey of a digital immigrant, physical sciences teacher in a secondary school in a rural area who sought to integrate computer simulations as reasoning tool to enhance instruction and learning. The study employed an action research methodology and used Smart’s model of technological pedagogical reasoning and action (MTPRA) as a theoretical framework to guide the processes of teaching. The study utilised multiple methods of data collection: the documentation of my planning for teaching the topics of magnetic field and electromagnetic induction, reflective journals, feedback from critical friends, video-recordings of my lessons and focus group discussions with learners. Findings from the study revealed teaching with technology is a paradigm shift, change of mindset and culture that requires teachers to consider how the affordances of technology can be harnessed to create opportunities for learners to engage in meaningful learning. These opportunities for learning are created through the matrix of interaction between the teacher, learners, content and computer simulations as informed by the teachers’ technological pedagogical reasoning (TPR) sub-process (i.e., comprehension, transformation, instruction, and evaluation). Each TPR cycle was a professional learning experience which meant that the teacher collected data that could be used to frame and reframe his practice. The process of learning was interactive and facilitated by reflecting on how the elements (content, learners, computer simulations, the teacher) interacted with the actions of comprehension, transformation, instruction, and evaluation. The study found evidence to suggest that computer simulations had an influence on what was learnt, how it was learnt and the effect of these on the learners. Thus, computer simulations can be used as a curriculum resource/material to create potential learning experiences that have cognitive, affective, and conative dimensions. The learning experiences were among others, influenced by the following factors: context, prior learning experiences and the perceptions of the learners. The cognitive dimension resulted in the learners attaining knowledge of the relation between electricity and magnetism and the application of electromagnetism. The affective dimension created in learners a sense of enjoyment, wonder(surprise) and practical relevance of the lessons while the conative dimension created interest in the subject and learning in general. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

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